It’s Christmas Day and I just opened a Christmas card sent by de-facto Satanists paid for with money extorted from me at gun point!


A Christmas card from Satanists

I can think of no greater  hypocrisy than getting a Christmas card from the   ‘useful idiots”  from the  Webster County  Missouri collectors office , that are collectors for the 1st and 10th planks of the Satanic Communist manifesto.

If you are unaware the “property tax” is the very literal  implementation of the 1st plank of a Satanic document then read these past articles on the topic.

This is  sheer unmitigated gall of people that are ushering in the Satanic evil of  citizens not being able to own their home in the  laughable “land of the free.”

They are part of a system where if you don’t pay this extortion, that is used to brain wash and communize our children via the 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto. Most are nothing more than useful idiots where all that really matters to them  are the exorbitant  benefits that come with the job. Right and wrong play no part with these minions of Lucifer.
Just like the guards at Auschwitz that gassed Jews, they claim that “it is the law” as their lame and unconvincing defense.

With their exorbitant salaries,  and benefits (compared to my pitiful  SSI and medicare)   they don’t even spend their own money to send you a Christmas card!  They inappropriately use the money that they extorted from you and I, at gun point,  to pay for these cards and the mailings!

How much  evil are  the uneducated  morons that call themselves both Christians and Americans  going to tolerate?

It doesn’t help that the churches are in on the psy-op, and  refer to these literal demons from hell as “minsters of God” whom we should obey without question…..

I think this is the year that we reap the evil that we have sown……

In closing –  I think that like the Guards at Auschwitz these people need to be criminally charged for their evil.


The time of year that the County Satanists extort you or else they murder you

This is the time of year that the de-facto Satanists extort us for the 1st and  10th planks of the communist manifesto.

It does not matter that you can not afford healthy food, or proper health care, or that a tank of gas has to last you 2 months or more,  or that you wash your clothes in the sink because your washing machine has not worked for 2 years, the mentally ill Satanists that make up the institution of the  property tax collectors  office, yearly demand blood money or they will send men with guns to your home to either make you homeless, a death sentence at  my age, or murder you on the spot if you refuse to give them your home!

I must support, what to me, is their lavish as hell salary,  and their, I can only dream about having medical and dental care.

This is the same group of Satanists that extorted me for $500 last year in order to get a fair property tax value that they refused to provide.

What is mind numbing is that I am in the so called “bible belt” and none of the apostate churches here, have a  problem with any of the planks of the Satanic Communist manifesto!

Pretty strong proof IMHO that all of our churches are run at the top by Satanists,  and that  the sheep  are too fuking stupid  and complacent  with evil, to figure out what is right in front of their snouts.

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
~Isaiah 5:20

The apostate churches are  just too  complicit with this evil for me to think that they are not literately run by Satanists.

If you would like to learn how the Fabian Socialists overthrew this country with the help of “Modern Christianity”. There is no better book than: One World Order Socialist Dictatorship – by Dr John Coleman and it is free with  the link in this sentence.

*** Enforcing a “law” should not protect criminals from prosecution.
The guards at Auschwitz claimed that they were innocent of wrong doing when they gassed Jews because “it was the Law”.
The same should be applied to those criminals that enforce the so called property tax, which is really the the 1st plank of the Satanic Communist Manifesto.
Put me on a jury and I will vote to have hanged by the neck until dead, anyone involved in this evil.
Claiming that they were just following the law doesn’t cut it any more than when  the Nazi’s tried that line during the Nuremberg trials.

The Evil of the Residential Property Tax –


The Fordland medical clinic, is the best friend that Bill Gates and Tony Fauci could hope for!



I got a post card from the Red Cross saying that they were having a blood drive at the local Fordland Clinic.  I do not donate blood any longer due to the Red Cross  ignoring ADA federal law, and demanding that people like myself  with breathing problems wear the useless face diapers when they give blood.   They also mix my  un-vaccinated blood with vaccinated blood and I do not wish to be part of that evil.

I called the Fordland Clinic today, and found out that they are still  pushing the deadly  mRNA COVID jab!! 

Perhaps they should consider adding abortions to their child killing repertoire,  because some people are intelligent enough not to fall for the COVID  death Jab.

Law enforcement makes me want to puke.  They put me through living hell last year because I did not have the $30  to renew my plates.

But  you can  murder people in this county if you have medical license. Those people do not have to go though “police hell” and terrorism.

A medical license  in Webster County MO is nothing short of a license to murder and maim children.

This same “law enforcement” that protects abortionist,s and vaccine murders are the same  thugs that will kidnap your child for the CPS sex trafficking ring, all without due process or a jury trial,

It is “law enforcement”  that  if you do not pay the 1st plank of the Communist manifesto extortion, euphemistically called the property tax,  they will come to your house and either make you homeless, or murder you if you resist the theft of your  home , all of that also without a trial by jury as the Constitution guarantees.

Something is very wrong with this picture where our “public servants”    serve mainly to enforce the laws written by and to serve the globalists that are the real rulers in this country.


The local “Fordland Clinic” is injecting children with cancer virus’s!!! — And so is your AMA medical provider.



As if the monopoly AMA  “standards of care”,  that do  nothing but cover up the symptoms of chronic disease, were not evil enough……

the Fordland Clinic, has decided to enter a new level of evil.

For a few years now the Clinic has been pushing the globalist death jab on the unsuspecting children of Webster County MO!


Even after it became  very clear that these untested, and unapproved, experimental  DNA altering abominations to God, were harming people…..
the Fordland clinic  charged on ahead, and even had a big billboard to try and get the unsuspecting to come in and get  their children jabbed!

It’s bad enough that this globalist created monopoly, has not faced justice for the genocide that it has been calling “medicine”,  for the past 109 years (since 1912) but now your tax dollars are paying for grants to make this temple of death twice it’s previous size!

Are they gearing up for the coming”forced vaccinations”?
The forced injections will come if we don’t stand up and  IMHO the Fordland Clinic will enthusiastically  participate in.

There is a reason why the doctors are recording your vaccine status and it is not good.

One would think that with all of the evidence of this non-vaccine causing death, and harm to children, that our law enforcement here in Webster County would be making arrests of these quacks!

That is until you realize that both health care, and law enforcement are just 2 arms of the New World Order.  We slept at the switch for the past 100 years while the globalists have co-opted every single institution in our society.
That also includes:  Our government, the press, our schools, our churches, and anything else that you can think of.

The bottom line is that there is an open season on murdering children by injection in Webster County MO, and the criminals are running the asylum!

God help us all!

Some facts that you will have to check out yourself:

It was not only the early polio vaccines that contained  cancer virus’s……
According to Dr. Judy Mikovits almost every single vaccine that you have received, (and at the Fordland  Clinic)  has cancer virus’s in it. (FYI there are electron microscope scanned vaccines for politicians, and the elite, that do not have cancer virus’s in them.)

When your child receives a vaccine  at the Fordland Clinic  it is out of a multi-dose vial that contains mercury as a preservative!  However the employees at the clinic will often vaccinate their children with single dose vials that contain no mercury!

Doctors at the clinic have deceived patients, and brought in  Burrell Behavioral Health  employees, to try and trick people into going on SSRI’s and other voodoo harmful medications.

Some of the dental employees, are so incompetent that they x-ray you 3 or 4 times and don’t think anything about it.  Sometimes they don’t even put protective covering over your thyroid!

The Nuremberg accords make it a crime to force medical treatment without consent on  people, yet that is exactly what they do at the Fordland Clinic!

If you do not consent to dental x-rays, they basically fire you as a patient.
Sounds like something that  Nazi Dr Josef Mengele  would do.

I could go on and on, as the medical monopoly that you have been told is there to protect you,  is  demonstrably doing the exact opposite.

I was aware that I was given the SV40 cancer virus by an AMA doctor in  the polio vaccine I was given as a child.    Today when they do cancer biopsies, the SV40 cancer virus is often  present.

What I have learned since from reading the work of Dr Judy Mitkovits.
is that ALL of the vaccines given to children at the Fordland Clinic contain cancer retro virus’s!

Vaccines are grown in animal cultures, and contain cancer causing retro visus’s in them!    Reto virus’ are unique in that they use an enzyme called  “reverse transcriptase” that allows the cancer virus to insert it’s animal cancer virus into your human DNA!  You therefore will pass these onto not only your children but your great grand children.

The “health authorities” were made aware of this 40 years ago by Dr Judy Mikovits.  These authorities, , including the WHO,  all  had meetings on what to do about it.

And what they did was NOTHING! They have continued to inject your children with cancer virus’s, that like the SV40 virus I was given, they will pass on to their great grand kids!



If you know of anything else improper going on at the Fordland Clinic, do not hesitate to contact me.  Your confidence will be respected.


COVID Vaccines Caused 300,000 Excess Deaths and Injured 6.6 Million Americans in 2022 –  Need to Know News



Most of us that attended the 12 year dumbing down camps, euphemistically known as “public schools”, were never taught anything much about the “Communist Manifesto“, much less the fact that all 10 planks have been implemented in the United states in one form or another.   We are not taught either that it was Adam Weishaupt’s   Satanic Illuminati that commissioned Marx to write the Manifesto.  It is clearly a Satanic document written by evil men.

The very first plank of this Satanic document, is that citizens will own nothing! (The same message that is coming from  globalist Klaus Schwab today) This is implemented in Webster County as the “property tax”.   The fact is that no one in the United States really owns their home, or the property that it sits upon.

It certainly is not a concept from scripture, or from the founders.  What it really is, is useful idiots, or demon possessed  people ( I don’t know which) that are doing Lucifer’s work with the 1st of 2 of Lucifer’s taxes. (the other one is the “income tax” that is the 2nd plank of Lucifer’s  manifesto)
(16th Amendment Lesson _ Dave Champion tv)

Not surprisingly, the implied threat of this extortion threat is:  “If you don’t pay this extortion, then mindless order followers in blue uniforms, will show up at your door and give you 2 choices:  To vacate  immediately what you thought that you owned, losing most of your possessions, becoming homeless, and likely dying on the street from what accompanies that.
OR if you don’t take that offer we will murder you on the spot.

This is the reality of what these property tax collectors are really about.  On top of all the evils I have so far presented,  I do not know of a single case of  anyone getting a jury trial of his peers, as required in the US Constitution. (so much for the thugs in blue upholding the Constitution – you also get no jury trial when they kidnap your child for the sex trafficking CPS)

A little background showing the anti-Christ and demonic nature of these people:

Last year the Webster County Tax collectors office did what I characterize  as a “drive by assessment”.    It was exactly what it sounds like. They admitted that they drove by, and made up  a price. (one that was at least 100% too high)
The office refused 4 times to come out and do a real assessment,  citing law after law that allowed them to do evil. I told them they sounded a lot like the guards at Auschwitz during the Nuremberg trials. And they did….

This office also told me that if I could not afford their imaginary and inflated criminally determined evaluation, that what I should do is  to sell my home and find one that cost less!  

They thought because it looked like I was poor, that they could make more money for their inflated salaries and benefits,  by financially raping me and leaving  me  no real recourse. I would bet that  that they have done this  same thing  to many others residing this county.

I was given no other choice that I could see other, than getting  a $500 professional home estimate done on a credit card, that I would never be able to pay back. So on top of extorting 20 pieces of silver (at today’s spot price) from me, they also contributed to destroying my credit rating.

Their is a  scripture that fits: “For in much wisdom is much grief, And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow” ~Ecclesiastes 1:18

This verse perfectly describes my thoughts on this matter.   This is  happening because all children are required to attend the government mind control camps, for 12 years, that BTW are the 10th plank of the Satanic Manifesto.
No one coming out of these dumbing down camps knows right from wrong.

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
~Isaiah 5:20


 The so called modern Christian church  has plenty of culpability in the matter. Our pulpits are filled with cowardly men that are afraid to speak out because the “Johnson Amendment”  threatens their tax exempt status if they speak the truth.  Beside their “love of money”, these churches are apostate,  and of a reprobate  mind.

Our Churches  will  follow the dictates of government, over  the dictates of the Lord God,  almost every time they are given the choice.


PS—.  It says a lot about them that I could not even visit the web site with my VPN on. What are they doing collecting information for our criminal Federal government, so that you can’t pay your taxes with the privacy of a VPN?

They also disarm every one that goes into the Courthouse  building, which also says a lot about them. They know what they are doing to people, and don’t want anyone armed (like the 2nd amendment guarantees)   near them because of the way that they treat people.  They also do not want anyone with recording devices in the Court House, because of the many lies and inappropriate goings on that would be exposed if citizens were allowed to exercise their God given rights in what I see as a Demonic Temple.




IN-DEPTH: Losing Your Home Over a Missed $588 Property Tax Bill—In 12 States Government Can Seize Your Home and Keep All Proceeds

This “tax” and these “people” are from the pits of hell!


EDITORIAL: Fordland clinic as I predicted is going along with the Satanic eugenics based Globalist COVID “vaccine”!

Originally published: Feb. 1,  2021

Arrival of the COVID VACCINE
Fordland Clinic January 19, 2021Healthcare

As I predicted 2 years ago the   Fordland clinic is involved in  eugenics.  It was not out  in the open in the past, but now it is clear as glass that either because of being useful idiots, lacking a moral compass, or just being purely Satanically evil that they are going along with the blatant elimination of the human race for Lord Lucifer.

When I  complained about what I considered criminal acts at the Fordland Clinic 2 years ago,  rather than  listening and  addressing the issue they as all evil and cowardly organizations  do, they “fired” me without cause or recourse .  As a result I have not been able to seek dental care in 2 years. The psychopaths that call themselves our State and Federal representatives are not in the  slightest interested because they have excellent dental care paid for by people that can’t afford dental care!   Senator Josh Hawley’s office for example has stonewalled me for over 2 years and has not even begun to address this issue or even  return my calls! ! He has excellent dental care paid for by us so  he doesn’t seem to give a flying phuk  if “We the people” (his boss) don’t have dental care!

Just like the operators  of the nursing homes that have murdered the elderly I hope to live to see the criminals at the Fordland clinic  that go along with this Stanic plan, to be  brought to justice and pay for this crime with their lives.

If you work there please do not go along!  Become a whistle blower and contact this site and your identity will  be protected and the information will get out. YOU can help save lives from this Satanic Medical monopoly!

Please do your due diligence on this site and see  the truth about this gene  altering therapy treatment that they falsely call a vaccine. ( “informed consent” my arse)

There is a reason that they are not liable in the least if this “vaccine” kills or maims you or your child. All vaccines are dangerous and this COVID Vaccine is nothing but pure evil designed to eliminate mankind.


Related Stories:

Florida Surgeon General: Covid mRNA Vaccine Caused 84% Increase in DEATH for Men Ages 18-39 by Jamie White

As the county sheriffs sit on their collective asses, and continue to let doctors and hospitals kill people!


EDITORIAL: Cox and Mercy hospital staff are going along with the Satanic COVID agenda, and the accompanying eugenics coming out of the United Nations. They are a perfect example of the infamous “Milgram Experiment”.~MFP

POWERFUL INTERVIEW! COVID Jabs are Premeditated First Degree Murder, says Dr. Zelenko – (48 minutes)

Editorial: Are Bio weapons being released in Springfield Missouri? – MFP

EDITORIAL: Is the Fordland clinic helping Lucifer kill off the human race?

Nasal COVID Swabs With Nanoparticles Cause Brain Damage! –

Whistleblower: 8 of 31 Residents Dead in German Nursing Home After They Were Forcibly Injected with Pfizer Experimental mRNA COVID Shots Against Their Will – Medical Kidnap

Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried as War Criminals – Dr. Vernon Coleman – Lew Rockwell

Lawyers Promise ‘Nurember Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam –

EDITORIAL: MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic?

Sunday Live: France Says COVID Vaccine Does Not Work, Collapsing Hoax –

Pfizer Admits Vaccine Does Not Prevent COVID –

Watch – Doctor Admits Masks Don’t Work: “All Viruses Can Get Through”
–  Adan Salazar- Infowars

The COVID-19 vaccine really isn’t a vaccine in the medical definition of a vaccine. It’s more accurately an experimental gene therapy that could prematurely kill large amounts of the population and disable exponentially more

Judy Mikovits, Ph.D:  How COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ May Destroy the Lives of Millions – Dr Mercola

Cali. X-ray Tech “Excited” to Get Shot Dies After Receiving 2nd Dose of Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine  –  Adan Salazar – Infowars

35,000 Soldiers Died from the Experimental Anthrax Vaccine – More Than Those Who Died in Combat in Afghanistan and Iraq Combined – Medical Kidnap

329 Deaths + 9,516 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show –

‘Red-list’ style roundups of vaccine refusers another draconian measure coming to America: ‘Color codes’ with ‘red flags’ for violators the latest sign we’ll all be targeted for extermination – Natural News

OC health care worker dies after receiving 2nd COVID-19 vaccine shot; official cause of death pending –

Furious backlash across the EU over vaccine rollout fiasco as rioting erupts in the Netherlands, an effigy of the PM is burnt in Denmark and major unrest in Poland – Daily Mail

The Covid-19 Vaccine; Is the Goal Immunity or Depopulation? – Unz Review

COVID: If They Haven’t Isolated the Virus, How Can They Make a Vaccine?
–  Jon Rappoport

Vatican permits use of Covid vaccines made using aborted fetal tissue
Vatican says ‘It is morally acceptable to receive COVID-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses’ –

HHS Launches $250M Propaganda Campaign to Convince People to Take the Experimental COVID Vaccines as Current Doses Sit Unused Due to American Resistance – Medical Kidnap


How the Vaccine Is Connected to Depopulation and Satan- Celeste Solum (Pt 1 of 10 ) – Dave Hodges TV
To watch this you need a membership at Dave Hodges TV, You can get a month for about $3 or $4 and is very much worth it. There are 3 parts to this interview ~MFP

The shocking reason why Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine requires storage at -70C … because it contains experimental nanotech components that have NEVER been used in vaccines before – Natural News

Situation Update, Dec. 5th – Operation Warp Speed is a CCP-engineered conspiracy to cause mass vaccine casualties across the United States military – Mike Adams

Vaccine “Passports” Could Be Mandatory For Travel, Shopping And Even The Movies, CNN Says – Zero Hedge


ORIGINAL POST  (LIES and disinformation) in case it disappears:
Note that their is NOTHING about nutrition, boosting your immune system, zinc,  vitamin C, D3, HCQ, Ivermectin, or anything that would interfere with big Pharma profits, or actually help you remain healthy.   Do not lose sight that this is a Satanically directed eugenics operation run by useful idiots like those “order followers” that run the  Fordland Clinic medical monopoly.


Getting vaccinated is one of many steps you can take to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.  Protection from COVID-19 is critically important because for some people it can cause severe illness or death.

Stopping a pandemic requires using all the tools available. Vaccines work with your immune system so your body will be ready to fight the virus if you are exposed. Other steps, like masks and social distancing, help reduce your chance of being exposed to the virus or spreading it to others. Together, COVID-19 vaccination and following CDC’s recommendations to protect yourself and others will offer the best protection from COVID-19.

Fordland Clinic has been approved to receive the COVID-19 vaccines! While we do not know when we will receive the vaccine (or which one) we are planning our process to be able to start vaccinating the community according to CDC and Missouri guidelines. Currently, two vaccines are authorized and recommended by the CDC to prevent COVID-19. The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19. To understand & learn more about these vaccines, visit

The CDC recommends that initial supplies of COVID-19 vaccine be allocated to healthcare personnel and long-term care facility residents. This is referred to as Phase 1a. Phases may overlap. Missouri is following these guidelines, and has approved vaccine release for Phase 1A, Phase 1B Tier 1 and Phase 1B Tier 2 (underlined below).

(Phase 1A) Healthcare personnel & residents of long-term care facilities

(Phase 1B, Tier 1) First responders, Emergency Services, and Public Health Infrastructure

(Phase 1B, Tier 2) High-Risk Individuals such as those with cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD, Heart Conditions, weakened immune system due to organ transplant, severe obesity (BMI>40), pregnancy, Sickle Cell Disease, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, or individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.  This includes also anyone aged 65 or older, with or without chronic disease.

Phase 1B, Tier 3:  Critical Infrastructure described as those who keep the essential functions of society running.  This includes Teachers, faculty and staff in public, private, and nonprofit pre-K-12, Faculty and staff in DHSS or DSS-licensed facility providing basic care to children, Communications/Dams/Energy sector employees, Food/Agriculture Sector, Government, Information Technology (IT) sector, Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector, Transportation Systems, Water and Wastewater Systems employees.

Phase 2:  Equity and Economic Recovery will cover those in the following industries:  Chemical, Commercial Facilities, Critical Manufacturing, Defense Industrial Base, Financial Services, Government, and Food/Agriculture who were not included in 1B. This Phase also focuses on Faculty and Staff at public, private, and/or nonprofit higher education institutions, populations at increased risk of acquiring or transmitting COVID-19, with emphasis on racial/ethnic minorities not otherwise included in 1B, and the Homeless population at increased risk of acquiring or transmitting COVID-19, if not included in 1B.

For more information on the phased roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines in Missouri, visit

For more information on COVID-19 vaccines visit the CDC website at

Our goal is for everyone to be able to easily get a COVID-19 vaccination as soon as we receive them. Please follow us here and on our Facebook page – for updates on the vaccine arrival and how and when to be able to schedule an appointment to receive your COVID-19 vaccination.


EDITORIAL: Cox and Mercy  hospital staff are going along with the Satanic COVID  agenda, and the  accompanying eugenics  coming out of the United Nations. They are a perfect example of the infamous “Milgram Experiment”.

Originally published:  December 4th 2021

Let me begin with saying that I am  (criminally IMHO) blacklisted in the Springfield MO area  by both the Cox and Mercy medical systems  from receiving a critical  hernia surgery.    This did not happen by accident, and is tied directly into the literal  takeover of our local  medical system by dark and nefarious  global forces with  evil men and woman in these 2 medical  systems that are  unfortunately willing to go along.

In the past 2  “COVID years”  the   medical system takeover has been a  beautiful  illustration of the Milgram psychological experiment:
After WW2 Americans did not believe that their fellow Americans would murder people like the Nazi guards at Auschwitz did. Well the Milgram experiment  conclusively proved  that Americans will not only murder their fellow citizens on command,  but that  2/3 of them will do so with no more coercion  than a person in authority telling them to do so!  I suspect that when coercion, such as a job comes into  play that close to 100% of Americans will go along. That has been my experience with both the Cox and the Mercy staff  here in Springfield MO.  If you have the time here is a full documentary on Dr Milgram’s experiment at Yale.  The Milgram Experiment 1962 Full Documentary


I take you on a  slight detour of a few stories in the news to give you the background and perspective of what is transpiring at Cox and Mercy.  Please take the time to read them if you are not aware of these goings on:

Global Bombshell: US Government Signs Secret Treaty With Pfizer, Granting Company Dictatorial Powers Over US Economy – (178 minutes)

Hospital CEI Commits Suicide: I can’t take part in Covid-19 Vaccination Genocide Anymore, which is carried out through vaccintion

The bottom line is that our hospitals are being run run by the UN and Pfizer, using Medicare/Medicaid payments to  club hospital administrators into going  along with the UN/globalist agenda. (Note to self: contact the hospital administrators and possibly these doctors for comment)

Inhuman Monster: Daniel Ray Cardwell, MD – 417-875-3230 – Cox Health

On Tuesday November 9th I  punctually arrived at the Ferrell-Duncan Clinic –
1001 East Primrose Street Springfield, MO.  Dr. Cardwell’s  staff was on the 5th floor.    I approached his desk without a mask.   I was asked to put on a mask.   I declined, and began to inform this desk person that I had a medical reason to be exempted from wearing a mask.   She turned into a psychotic lunatic and immediately called out for someone to call security.

At the time I was thinking that the proper response from sane rational people would have been to inform me that I had to comply or they could not service me. But then I observed that I was not dealing with sanity or rationality, but rather “order followers” following a Satanic Agenda run out of the United Nations.

I  reluctantly put the mask on and went to sit down.  I heard them send someone into the Dr Office to see “if he would still see me”.
Acting preemptively I called the Dr from the waiting area to see what was going on. They accused me of being “rude to his staff” and that under no circumferences would they see me.
This is a good example of another  observation called projection, where people that are obviously doing something wrong accuse you of doing what they are doing.   I am sure you have experienced this whether you knew the technical term for it or not.

Before I move on to the other doctor involved, let me explain to  you the reader what I was trying to explain to the receptionist when I was so rudely threatened with violence and refusal of service :
I have a  breathing disability  that OSHA says you MUST accommodate.
Requiring someone to wear a mask  is a medical procedure as it lowers blood oxygen.  Therefore if the person ordering this is not a doctor they are practicing medicine without a license.
Also  the Nuremberg   Accord and the  Geneva Convention state that any medical procedure must be voluntary and that it is a war crime to do otherwise.


Inhuman Monster: John Robert Hornick, MD –  (417) 820-3800 – Mercy Hospital

It appears that Cox blacklisted me from their entire system  for merely asking that my wishes and rights be respected and the law followed because my primary care physician  made an appointment  out of  the Cox system.

I had an apportionment with Dr John Hornic in the Mercy Hospital system for Monday December 6th.  Before that date I received a call from them canceling that appointment and that someone would reschedule.   They never called so I called them and made an appointment for the following Monday.

It was on Saturday that his office called again and  my discernment  smelled a rat.  The lady from Dr Hornic’s office seemed very concerned as to why I was seeking services outside of Cox.  I told her that I had no idea and that she should go to my primary to find out why.
She had lied to me about no knowing anything and then accused me of “being concerned” about the PCR test.
Well she brought it up (and had likely gotten that info from my “private”  HIPPA records with my primary care doctor , that are not really private at all are they?)

I reluctantly went ahead with my many concerns, that are widely  reported, among them  the fact that the PCR test is NOT a diagnostic test, it is a forensic test.  I quickly ascertained that she knew much less than nothing about this test.  She did not know how many cycles  they were going to run it, she did not know what they were using as a “seed” for the test.
I am certain that she did not know that Dr Fauci back in the 90’s used the fake PCR test to  falsely diagnose 10,000 children with HIV, kidnap them from their parents using CPS, and then use experimental HIV drugs, up to the point of killing over 200 of them and permanently maiming many others.
This fact is covered in  Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s best selling book: The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)

Much  of the information about the PCR is propaganda from the deep state in the form of “fact checkers” that are anything but.   If you look carefully  you can find truthful information.  Here Kary Mullis, the inventor  of the PCR test explains why it is NOT a diagnostic test:

Kary Mullis explains why his PCR test is not a diagnostic test – Brighteon (2 mintues)

Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose –


New Documentary on The PCR Test Deception is Banned on YouTube – Share this Film with Skeptics – Medical Kidnap (article and 40 minute video)

I also highly recommend that you take  5 minutes to watch this Greg Reeves piece on how Fauchi kidnapped from their parents   and murdered 200 young black kids, by using the PCR test inappropriately:

Fauci’s Dead Babies and Mass Graves From the Past  – Greg Reese (5 minutes)


To recap all I had done was to ask for minimal “informed consent” about  the PCR test part  of the surgery.   We are always told that “informed consent” is sacrosanct. Right?

She as being very elusive washy and elusive  when I framed a question to her, asking if I still had an appointment on Monday. She responded that no I did not because of my “concerns about the PCR  test”  So I  told her that those questions were part of “informed consent” and she again admitted to me that they would not see me because I was asking for that information.

A quick summary is that Cox has refused to see me for a critically surgery  because I asked them to follow the law. I did not demand it, I even put on their so called mask to placate them.

Mercy  has refused to see me because I dared ask for  informed consent.I did not demand it, I merely bought it up after THEY asked.

I could and should write an entire article on how useless the  the psychopaths in government that we euphemistically refer to as Congressman or Senator.
I have been  contacting  US Senator  Josh Hawley for over 3 years about  medical malfeasance in SW Missouri without any type of  thought out meaningful.
Last week I was told  by his   staff that these hospitals were private business’s and they they could not do a thing, This from the people that regulate how much water each toilet flush in those hospitals can use and the limits on the size of the incandescent light bulbs that they can use.
Not to mention that these hospitals take Federal Funds and thus are treated under many laws like government and not as a private business that did not take government  money.

Josh Hawley’s assistant is:
(314) 354-7060

Thank you for reading this to the end.
This was a very hard piece for me to write about.  This was in every respect a serial rape by the medical monopoly, and it brings up a lot of intense emotions when I relive it.   I don’t think that it is a coincidence that this is how I often feel when dealing with governmental entities ,and this story is very far from being the only incident of  government misconduct that is in my life.    Besides the medical system I have had incredibly horrific incidents with our County property tax collector and also Social Security, all within the space of the past few months.  Government seems not to be our servant, but rather   a serial rapist.  I really don’t know why we continue to tolerate it.

Help me out with comments, suggestions, and phone calls if you can. Your prayers are always most welcome.


Related Articles that show how our hospitals are murdering us for money and these 2  doctors  mentioned above  and their staff are going along with it:


Executing Covid Patients for Profit Is a Growing Enterprise In American HospitalsDave Hodges


“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others…”
~Dr. Benjamin Rush

Medical Mafia & the AMA – the Power Structure Taking US Down & Keeping US Sick w/ Dr. Glidden   – (29 minute video – highly recommended)

Most Doctors and Hospitals Have Become Paid Assassins of the State!
By Gary D. Barnett

Dr. Brian Ardis warns America approaching ONE MILLION DEATHS from remdesivir and ventilator homicide   -(53 minute video – highly recommended)

RED ALERT: Murderous hospitals, impatient with how long Remdesevir and ventilators take to kill patients, have now started cutting patients off from WATER to “dry them out”. This is madness which HASTENS MORBIDITY and DEATH (scroll down)

‘Hunting Down Of Physicians’ Underway Right Now (8 minutes)

Idaho Nurse: COVID Patients Dying from TREATMENTS, not from COVID – Hal Turner Radio Show

Tragedy: Man, 49, Dies Following 2nd Moderna Shot After Doctors Forced Him to Take Vaccine to Remain on Lung Transplant List
by Adan Salazar

LA Sheriff Nixes COVID Testing Company: DNA “Will Likely Be Shared With… China”  –


COX and Mercy  medica under UN direction  demand serf like obedience of both it’s employees and it’s “customers”……..

LA Sheriff Nixes COVID Testing Company: DNA “Will Likely Be Shared With… China”  –  – Cox and Mercy Hospital both are  either knowingly or unknowingly providing your DNA to the Communist Chinese to help then design their next bio-weapon)

Totalitarian Medicine: The US government is effectively “fining” hospitals if they use Ivermectin or anything not approved –

Fauci’s Dead Babies and Mass Graves From the Past  – Greg Reese (5 minutes)


People often miss  that when an individual stands up for  the truth  that they are not only standing up for your rights they also stand up for Jesus Christ as he is the ultimate truth.  ~MFP

EDITORIAL: Would you believe that the best firearms training in the United States is located in Lebanon Missouri?

The Freedom Center USA  in Lebanon Missouri  run by   Sam Andrews  is head and shoulders above any firearms training that I have ever received and that includes the NRA. Appleseed,  Front Sight, and the Missouri Militia.

Their instructors are literally world class many of them with  multiple tours with special forces  in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I found 4 or 5 interviews of Sam Andrews on the Doug Hagmann show that will get you  up to speed on what Sam is offering.  They can be found here.

At the Brink of Civil War in the US – Sam Andrews – 10/13/2020 is a particularity good interview.

If you have any questions  you can post them  below.

Email me at:   mfp AT

or call Sam Andrews at Freedom Center USA at:  (417) 718-2597



I very much suggest that you watch the following talk on the Militia and the Second Amendment.  ~MFP

Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment (41 minutes)


Armed Picnics and Snipers at Family Dollar: Life in a Town With a Government-Approved Militia
In Virginia, paramilitarism gets a rebrand. – MATT COHEN –



EDITORIAL: Are Bio weapons being released in Springfield Missouri?

April 28,2021

Pfizer Document Admits Vaccine Side Effects Transfer To The Unvaccinated –  The American Journal ( 5 minutes)

DISTURBING: Unvaccinated Women Claim Unusual Menstrual Cycles & Miscarriages After Being Near Recently Vaccinated Individuals  –  Kelen McBreen

Miami Private School Won’t Employ Vaccinated Teachers or Staff Due to Health Concerns Need To Know News


Are aware that we were warned  by numerous  immunology experts, (1) (2) before the roll  out of the so called “COVID vaccine”, that is in reality an experimental Gene therapy, that  those vaccinated will shed  dangerous  virus mutations  and make others sick?

The evidence that this is the case is mounting up very quickly.
A   Miami school  surely  thinks  that this is the case and is very concerned that newly vaccinated people not be around the children in their  school.

This really hit home earlier this evening when I was checking out  at  a SAMS club here in Springfield MO.   It came up that the guy at the door was freshly vaccinated. How ironic it  is  that SAMS club is pushing the Satanic/Globalist mask bull shit,  as anyone with a lick of discernment knows that these mask absolutely do not stop the transmission of virus’s  and  that masks  do the exact opposite of protecting you and  promote low blood oxygen levels and bacterial pneumonia   in  those that wear them.


In direct contrast to this  “mask virtue signaling” by  SAMS club,   they  (and the Nazi country health departments)  are allowing people  that are a real  (not imagined like the masks)  threat to  your families’ s health to work at the front door and come into contract with every customer as they leave!

What does a globalist  company care if their neglect  causes  an expectant  mother to lose her child?

Not much  I gather, from their fascist terroristic   demand that their employees wear health destroying  “masks:”   Even in cases of    employees with  medical  conditions, that Federal ADA law says are exempt from any mask requirements.    OSHA   regulations are also  are being ignored  by these globalist companies.

So   in the real world  only the little guy  like you and I have  to follow “the law”.  These big companies are exempt from all of them and in the end don’t give a tinkers damn about  anyone’s health.  They work for their globalist masters.


PS There are many inexpensive and effective protocols that one can do to both to  boost your immune system and also to  knock anything down that you may have picked up
Bring this up in the comments if you would like to know more.

Related Stories:

EDITORIAL: Fordland clinic as I predicted is going along with the Satanic eugenics based Globalist COVID vaccine! – MFP

Pfizer Document Admits Vaccine Side Effects Transfer To The Unvaccinated –  The American Journal ( 5 minutes)

Medical Expert: “Something is Being Transmitted” From ‘Vaccinated’ People to Unvaccinated People? –  RED VOICE MEDIA (27 minutes)


Situation Update, May 3rd, 2021: Vaccinated people are making HEALTHY people sick! – Mike Adams (68 minutes)

Situation Update, May 3rd, 2021: Vaccinated people are making HEALTHY people sick! – Mike Adams (68 minutes)

Project Coast proves existence of self-replicating vaccine DEPOPULATION bioweapons – Mike Adams (10 minutes)

Highly cited COVID doctor comes to stunning conclusion: Gov’t ‘scrubbing unprecedented numbers’ of injection-related deaths  –  New American (32 minutes)

Ways mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines Could Harm the Unvaccinated Explored In Depth [LIVESTREAM REPLAY] SQ;ONE OF THE BEST EXPLANATIONS THERE IS! – (66 minutes)

Silver/Gold Shop Sales Soar to $1 Million After Banning Masks, Vaccine “Shedders” – Adan Salazar

Vaccinated people are walking biological time bombs and a THREAT to society – Foreign Affairs Intelligence Council

COVID-19 Injected People Becoming a Threat to Public Health and Safety – Medical Kidnap

DISTURBING: Unvaccinated Women Claim Unusual Menstrual Cycles & Miscarriages After Being Near Recently Vaccinated Individuals  –  Kelen McBreen

Chicago Tribune: Professors Investigating COVID Vaccine Link To Abnormal Periods –  Kelen McBreen


Miami Private School Won’t Employ Vaccinated Teachers or Staff Due to Health Concerns Need To Know News

Global Awakening to Poisoned Vaccines Explodes – FULL SHOW 4/28/21 – Alex Jones  (178 minutes)

2021 Tulsa Event Day 2 Part 05 Dr. Jim Meehan at the Health & Freedom Conference 04-17-2021, “Why Mandating Masks Makes Healthy People Sick”  –  Birghteon – Mike Adams (17 minutes)

I’m Losing Patience with the Zombies –  Dr Vernon Coleman (25 minutes)

A Syringe Full of Death –  Dr Vernon Coleman – Dr Vernon Coleman (25 minutes)

Vaccine Shedding Causing Miscarriages and Blood Clots in Unvaccinated Females Greg Reese (4 minutes)

Third Wave’ Of Sickness And Death Will –   Be Dominated By Those Who Have Been Fully Vaccinated… –

COVID-19 Injected People Becoming a Threat to Public Health and Safety – Medical Kidnap

“Vaccidents” now wrecking roadways with stroked-out vaccine takers who lose brain function behind the wheel –  dcclothesline

Dr Carrie Madej exposes Anti-Human Endgame Behind Latest Vaccine Technology – Alex Jones (51 minutes)

GENOCIDE in the U.S. Continues: 3,848 DEATHS 118,902 Injuries Following COVID Injections – Children Now being Reported as Dying Also – Medical Kidnap

FACT:  The Ethylene Oxide that the COVID test nasal swab is  sterilized with is  tied to cancers. You are putting that chemical right next to the brain when you get this so called “test”.   Do not believe the “fact checkers” that do nothing but lie to us. The COVID vaccine itself is claimed to be safe by these demons.  ~MFP

They gave up their guns so the tyrants don’t t  even try to hide the tyranny.  ~MFP

Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorisation – Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defence Force] (No.2) 2021 –

** Missouri Free Press: April, 2021 Breaking news and thoughts:


April 15th, shamefully the day “Christians” quite literally pay tribute to Satan

Originally published: April 5th 2019

MFP Commentary:

You do know that a graduated income tax is a plank in  the communist manifesto?  This is not an analogy.
Christians literally are paying tribute to people in league with Satan on April 15th.   (See President Reagan’s Grace Report:
1984: Grace Commission Report under Ronald Reagan showed IRS is a fraud that collects taxes for the Banking Dynasties )


In reality  globalist bankers  get 100% of your income tax money. (not the government as you are told)  They have as their end goal to bring us socialism,  communism and finally a New World Order, (this is the globalist plan  or “Endgame“)  with a one world religion and  where Christians are put to death.  This is who the useful idiots know as “Modern Christians”  fund every year with a substantial portion of their income, usually amounting to 3 or more months  of their labor.   No wonder Satan is winning with all of this help from “Christians”.  And not a one  in  a thousand  in  protest or aware of the scam……   Do any   “Christians” remember where God tells us that gold is money in Genesis? Or they  don’t just care?

The  modern “Church” has embraced  this worship of Satan and his agenda. The acceptance and support  of  the planks of the communist manifesto, moral relativism, the support of blasphemy.  The avoidance of addressing evil….. The vast majority of “Christians” do not see the evil that they are embracing.  This deception and  gross  lack of discernment among Christians  in these end times, is alarming to say the least.  Is it any wonder that many discerning  people are deserting the churches?  Perhaps they do not want to be part of the evil world view that passes today for the “church” and “Christianity”.



It was good  to get confirmation of of my conclusions   regarding the income tax    in this interview series, of Jessie Czebotar.   She relates how  millions in “the brotherhood”  (Illuminati, deep state)  at age 30,  buy into a trust that contains half of the worlds wealth.  She also says  that our income tax supplies a good part of the income  stream for these world wide  , Illuminati members.   In Jessie’s testimony  I have confirmation that is even more convincing  than I had ever hoped for, that indeed  citizens in countries with the Income tax are directly paying for the upkeep and plans  of the Satanists that run this planet, and in the end their  plan to  murder the entire human race.


Deep Inside the Satanic Cabal, World Agenda, Leadership Structure, Rituals w/ Jessie Czebotar 1 of 3 – Sarah Westhall


EDITORIAL: Will “law enforcement” enforce HR 127 i.e. the Communist Chinese gun grab?

H.R.127: Unconstitutional overreach from authoritarian socialists bent on gun confiscation

It is said that the “best predictor of future behavior is past behavior”.
If we look at the past behavior of our dubious “law enforcement”  agencies  we see that almost all of them  have in the past enforced egregiously evil and blatantly unconstitutional   “laws” such as the 1934 Federal Firearms act and the lifted directly from Nazi German law, the  1968 Gun Control act.

They continue to this day to enforce the  tramping of your God given   right to self  defense.   They accept bribes from the Federal government to enforce their unconstitutional war on your rights to bear arms.  This  war is Satanically inspired and  comes right out of the Globalist/Satanic United nations.

They enforce both of the above in opposition to  God’s laws, and the Constitution because evil men in black dresses (the courts) have ruled that these  Satanically inspired laws are “Constitutional”.   That is all it takes for “law enforcement” to do any type of evil. If a man in a black dress  says that your rape is Constitutional then  the  low IQ ass hats in law enforcement are eager as hell to enforce the evil.  This is historical fact not conjecture.  This is a prime example of why the founders eschewed standing armies like the “police”. That is why scripture does the same when it says “those that live by the sword will die by the sword”.

If we look at present behavior we see that the Missouri Sheriffs association is head over heels in love with the Satanic gun grab and are not supporting the nullification of evil and egregious Federal gun laws.  Check this story out:

Missouri Sheriff’s Association Attacks SAPA Legislation! – Missouri Firearms

The bottom line is that WHEN not if,  the United Nations Troops appear on our streets that thanks to “Law Enforcement”  (AKA Blue ISIS) that many of you and your families will die because “law enforcement” has for going on 90 years followed the Satanic agenda  and disarmed you and your family because men in black dresses told them it was OK when it was clear to anyone with an IQ over room temperature that our rights were being trampled by tyrants. What they accepted was clearly and  self evidently unconstitutional and evil. And they are still on this track as far as I can see.

It seems like US  “law enforcement” has taken their cue from the Nazi guards at Auschwitz  that  gassed Jews because “it was the law”.  Similarly modern US law enforcement seems to hold the same view. Their is no evil that they will not participate in  as long as it is “the law”.



Related Stories:

The 100 Year Plan To Disarm the American People – Greg Reese (4 minutes)

The 1968 Gun Control Act: 50 Years of Federal Gun Control –

Horowitz: Missouri county authorizes arrest of feds who violate Second Amendment –

Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment – MFP

New Bill Permanently Ends Your Constitutionally-Protected Rights –

H.R.127: Unconstitutional overreach from authoritarian socialists bent on gun confiscation – Dave Hodges (article)

Shocking as hell discovery at a Seymour Gun Store – MFP

Missouri Sheriff’s Association Attacks SAPA Legislation! – Missouri Firearms

EDITORIAL: MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic?

Originally published 2019
Related stories: (many more links at end of this article )
The Little-Known Sordid History of Psychiatry –  Joseph Mercola

The Minds of Men | Official Documentary by Aaron & Melissa Dykes


Sonia Cass – AKA “Nurse Ratchet” –  the person most responsible for destroying what little medical rights I had left after their implementing of Federal Mandates.

Direct Photo Link


NOTE:  a follow up article is in the works.  What has happened  with this “clinic” in response to my utilizing my free speech and the press will make your head explode. We truly live in a criminal “clown world”  where “health care” does anything and everything it can to both destroy your rights and your health.

There is also now a Fordland Clinic category if you scroll down the main news page you can access all of the articles that I have associated with the behavior of the Fordland Medical clinic.

I apologize for the poor writing, and jumping around so much in the article below. I made the mistake of writing about it while I was under a lot of stress resulting from the clinics actions.  Hopefully I will stay more focused and succinct with the following articles that I am planning to write.

Do you go to your doctor to get lied to? To be deceived?
Well as hard as it is to believe, that is the admitted and ongoing  policy at  the local  Fordland Clinic.
I  wanted to alert the public that at  the Fordland Clinic that  they  seem to be  pushing a Federal Mandate, where  patients going there for normal visits to their  doctor,  are  unknowingly and often against their wishes, evaluated by a mental heath worker!  

I had one of these people just show up unannounced,  unwelcome, and  uninvited in the patient treatment room that I was in.  (What’s next? Perhaps an IRS agent showing up? Or your ex’s attorney?)
She  used subterfuge and lies, when asked directly if she was with “mental health”.   She  used euphemisms  designed to obfuscate rather than tell the truth, and would in the end not admit to who she was or why she was there.
Blindsiding and lying to the patient is over  top federal intrusion into our health care! ( not to mention: What type of person  that would  go along with this stuff?) To make matters MUCH worse a  Fordland Clinic (nurse Sonia) admitted to this deception and defended it!  That is when I had to hang up on her.
If you are looking for Russian collusion this might be it. If this does not make sense, you should educate yourself about the abuse of psychiatry and mental health in the old soviet union.

I have a strong feeling that this is a Federal mandate, just like all of the “no-gun”, and the pro vaccination signs that are plastered all over the facility.   They even push vaccines on their phone system messages while you are on hold.  Funny how they want to vaccinate you, that is until you ask them if they will be personally responsible (indemnify you)  for any damages caused by a vaccination.  Then they expose the truth of their  absolute lack of confidence in the safety of vaccinations.  Efficacy is an entirely different discussion.

Related News:  BREAKING: Rockland County NY Becomes America’s First Vaccine Police State – Bans Unvaccinated Children from Public Places – Health Dept. Goes Door to Door

This is another story of where this medical tyranny is headed:
Shocking video shows Arizona police officers forcing their way into a home to remove an unvaccinated toddler ….

Did they send in the “nut job evaluator”, the “enforcer of PC behavior”, because I must be nuts because I don’t vaccinate or take big pharma poison?   Just like in the old USSR the very definition of insanity is going to be anyone that disagrees with the omnipotent state.

At the very least this blindsiding and lying to the patient is unethical. It should be illegal  as well IMHO.

If anyone has any ideas on how to pursue this insanity and total betrayal of medical confidence, and respect, I would like to hear from you.   So far I have been in contact with the psychopaths known as our legislators, but seeing as they are the ones that created this problem, I don’t have much confidence in them wanting  to solve it. ( True to form they have not returned my calls – Update:  They finally called and I don’t think I am going to call them back.  In my 60 plus years I have NEVER had a government agency address much less solve a problem, so I would most certainly be wasting my time.)  Update 3/29/19:  Amazingly I have had 6 calls from different people who on their voice mails claim to be from medicare.  Like Patrick Henry famously said “I smell a rat” and likley will not call them back.)

If you have any definitive  information on this apparent Federally mandated program please forward your information to MFP and it will be held in the utmost confidence.


Followup:  FWIW  after my rights were trampled to hades and back,  I started investigating with Medicare:

How to file a complaint (grievance) 1-800-633-4227(2nd number)

After wasting an hour  of my time, and not getting to the right people  (Incompetent government  as usual) I got this number: 855-408-8557. Will this be just another wild goose chase?  I suspect it will be,  Will keep you updated.

As predicted this “agency” could not and would not do a damn thing, not even file a “complaint”…. this is how government works folks, and I could write a heavy tome on my experience in that department, but this is not the time nor the place.

The current state of this country reminds me of a JFK quote:

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” ~JFK

I really think that the time is getting near when ‘we the people” will have to of necessity have to deal with the mess that the  criminal psychopathic legislature has created.  What do you think?  Let  me know in the comments below.

Note:  This article  is far from  exposing the full extent of the damage done to patients, by the mindless order followers,  at Fordland clinic.   They appear to not have seen a single  Federal mandate that they will not force upon their patients.

Not ordering a therapeutic phlebotomy because of the “standards of care”.  Regardless of the patients wishes is one example.  The answer for not being able to take care of my health in this regard was “I like my job and my license”.  Which I took as an admission that my health was not their highest priority and that they are controlled. (and the control was not for my benefit or protection)

On the dental side of this facility they force patients to undergo exposure to ionizing radiation regardless of their wishes.  Even people whose parents have died of brain cancer, like myself, that would rather minimize or eliminate such exposure all together.  Much of the time they “forget” to protect your thyroid with shielding.  I had to undergo 3. Yes 3 xrays when I recently got a crown.   The employees even put their fingers in the radiation beam on a regular basis and are told that this is safe!

One also exposes themselves to 2g wifi in this facility. ( 12 , 3, 4)(FYI I have everything running over Ethernet at home for my health)  There may even be  5g coming off of their router, I will have to check this out the next time that I go there. 2g and 5g are both non-ionizing radiations, but there is just too much evidence of very serious health effects from being exposed to it, especially the 5g.  I for one do not want to take chances.
UPDATE 4/12/19:  I ran an application called WiFi Analyzer” at the clinic yesterday and discovered that there are 3 routers in the building that are broadcasting both 2G and 5G frequencies.   Both can cause cancer but 5G is a magnitude more dangerous and it like 2G is linked to brain cancer.  No one at the clinic was even aware of the 5G in their environment.

Related articles:

WHEN ΙNSΙDΕRS are forced to ΒLΟW their WHISTLΕ. What FiveG ACTUALLY does

Cancer Cluster At California Elementary School Results In Removal Of Sprint Cell Phone Tower

Perhaps in a later article I will talk about how staff that does vaccinate,  often use only single dose vials that do not contain mercury, for themselves and their families, but will inject your children out of the multi dose vials, that do contain mercury. (This was admitted to me by people that work there, when asked.)

Related article:  Growing Focus on Reused Medicine Vials

In summary your privacy and health do not even seem to be on the radar at this clinic, just like all of the other Federally controlled medical facilities across this country.

One last quote for you:
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush

UPDATE 3/24/19

This letter from Pastor Chuck Baldwin shows us where the useful idiots in monopoly medicines “mental health” branch are going to take us. This is an eye opening letter. Please take the time to read it:
My Open Letter To Senators Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Et. Al
 Here on the MFP.
As a video on YouTube:
An Open Letter To Our Legislators, Judges And Lawmen



UPDATE  3/25/19

If you think that medical tyranny is not happening in these United States look at this bill that the criminals in Jeff City seem  to be set on passing:

“……A PDMP is a system of surveillance of law-abiding citizens, but the House still voted for it!  The PDMP (Prescription Drug Monitoring Program HB 188) that passed the House (click here for the votes) is now set for hearing in the Missouri Senate.

If the Senate committee agrees to pass it on to the full Senate, it will be just two votes away from becoming law and Missouri will have all of us under medical surveillance….”


And I am certain  that if the psychopaths in the Missouri legislature pass this draconian “spy on the citizens” bill that the Fordland clinic will enthusiastically go along.  After all the state can terrorize anyone in this monopoly that does not go along with revocation of their permission slip to earn a living. i.e. their medical license.  Land of the Free? Certainly not when it comes to your being able to get the medical care that you desire.


Executing Covid Patients for Profit Is a Growing Enterprise In American HospitalsDave Hodges

Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried as War Criminals – Dr. Vernon Coleman – Lew Rockwell

The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast? –

Pharmaceutical Industry is the Leading Cause of Death in U.S., and the Largest Criminal Group in the World – Health Impact News

The Little-Known Sordid History of Psychiatry –  Joseph Mercola

Infant Deaths Decrease 30% During COVID Lockdown, Coinciding with Sharp Drop in Vaccinations

Dementia Deaths Have Doubled in Two Decades
IMHO  it is the horrific diet of  the American people that AMA medicine ignores  in favor of big pharma’s poisons and profits., that is a major driver in this trend.  Excellent article by Dr Mercola.

Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated — Part 1

Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated — Part 2

Japan has NO vaccine mandates, yet achieves the HEALTHIEST children in the world

Japan Leads the Way: No Vaccine Mandates and No MMR Vaccine = Healthier Children

Taking No Prisoners in the Vaccine Culture War

Former Nurse at Phoenix Children’s Hospital Speaks Out Against Medical Kidnapping of Children

Vaccination: Religious Exemptions Are Under Attack in Missouri!

Severe Health Risks of 5G Have Been Covered Up

The War on Medical Freedom – Mike Adams – Natural news

Book: Murder by Injection – The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America

BOOK: ‘Healing the symptoms known as Autism”

5G Transmitters Have Been Turned ‘ON’ in Two US Cities

YouTube begins banning critics of 5G cell towers to cover up the crimes of the telecommunications industry

Pregnant Mom Traveling Through Connecticut with Husband Stops at Hospital Where They Forcibly Drug her and Perform Cesarean Surgery to Kidnap Baby

REVEALED: The long-suppressed official report on US biowarfare in North Korea – INSURGE intelligence

Related stories:
Interview: 10/2/20 Jeffrey Kaye: Proof of American Biological Warfare in Korea – The Scott Horton Show

CIA Intercepts Suggest U.S. Lied About Biological Weapon Use During Its War On Korea – Moon of Alabama

Published by INSURGE intelligence, a crowdfunded journalism platform for people and planet

Written largely by the most prestigious British scientist of his day, this official report, containing hundreds of pages of evidence about the use of US biological weapons during the Korean War, was effectively suppressed upon its original release in 1952.

Courtesy of researcher Jeffrey Kaye, INSURGE now publishes the report in text-searchable format for the first time for the general public, with an exclusive, in-depth analysis of its damning findings and implications.

The report provides compelling evidence of systematic violation of the laws of war against North Korea through the deployment of biological weapons — a critical context that is essential for anyone to understand the dynamics of current regional tensions, and what might be done about them…..

Back in the early 1950s, the U.S. conducted a furious bombing campaign during the Korean War, dropping hundreds of thousands of tons of ordnance, much of it napalm, on North Korea. The bombardment, worse than any country had received up to that point, excepting the effects of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, wiped out nearly every city in North Korea, contributing to well over a million civilian deaths. Because of the relentless bombing, the people were reduced to living in tunnels. Even the normally bellicose Gen. MacArthur claimed to find the devastation wreaked by the U.S. to be sickening.[1]

Read More

Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment

MFP Commentary:

How did Americans get so dumbed down that they no longer realize how critical the Militia is? Perhaps because they attended the 12 year dumbing down camps called “schools“, which also happen to be the 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto.
The fact is that the Militia is what could have saved us from losing our country in the first place. Mark Passio makes the best presentation as to why this is so that I have run across.

Every American needs to watch this because none of it was taught to you in the Communist run schools.


Related Stories:

Mark Passio – The True Meaning & Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment Part 2 Arms,Needs & Cowardice – 2018-06-26

OPINIONS and EDITORIALS – January – June 2024


Libertarian manifesto audio book by  Murray Rothbard:

One of the  most important books on liberty ever written.
This will change your world view!

There is aso  PDF copy of this book on the site.

There is an answer to the current criminal government over-reach.
It is a law enforcement problem, that can be solved by bringing back  the grand jury, and the Constitutional militia to the control of the citizens in all of our counties.

To learn more:

Watch the 10 minute TC movie

Tactical Civics – home page

All of the Tactical Civics Books in PDF

TC Books on Amazon

Topic: Tactical Civics Webster county Missouri zoom meeting every Saturday 6 pm CST – until further notice

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 635 549 9114
Passcode: 02DPb1

***  JOIN OUR – TELEGRAM GROUP where will will also have video meetings


**** Please check out the Missouri State Militia


The most useful explanation of modern “exoteric Christianity” that I have ever heard…..

Fake-Ass Christians – Part 1 of 2 Genuine Christianity is not what most people think it is. Human beings have been given a false form of Christianity to keep them spiritually asleep. In this paradigm-changing presentation, Mark Passio points out the hallmark beliefs and behaviors of false “Christians” and defines what it really means to be an Authentic Christian.$/download/Mark-Passio-Fake-Ass-Christians-Part-1-of-2/ca1897b202ea0304473f9cb0f37b9590f9b7dfe0

Fake-Ass Christians – Part 2 of 2 Genuine Christianity is not what most people think it is. Human beings have been given a false form of Christianity to keep them spiritually asleep. In this paradigm-changing presentation, Mark Passio points out the hallmark beliefs and behaviors of false “Christians” and defines what it really means to be an Authentic Christian.$/download/Mark-Passio-Fake-Ass-Christians-Part-2-of-2/75888dffc7e78e7e873e9c82fc0ab489450fdcf0

The Invention of the Jewish People  – August 4, 2020
by Shlomo Sand (Author)

The Invention of the Land of Israel: From Holy Land to Homeland   – April 1, 2014
by Shlomo Sand (Author),

Thirteenth Amendment
Section 1
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

**** If Americans had a brain they would immediately see that when “law enforcement”  arrests and locks a person in a cage BEFORE  they are convicted of a crime and especially if the are found innocent then the law enforcement involved need to be charged with State felony kidnapping and with  a Federal Felony under USC 18 sections 241&242 (Violation of rights under color of law)

The 13th Amendment is very clear.  You must be convicted BEFORE you are subject to  involuntary servitude!!! COPS and “law enforcement” are clearly  criminals in our society.  We were warned and told NOT to have standing armies like the police!




After 66 years of taking shite, from large companies in this country, I am about fed up!

Today, I disputed a few bank charges on my debit card. The amounts were such that if I were out of town with my family, we probably would have had to sleep in the car for a day or two waiting for the bank to return my money, and being thankful that it was not the dead of winter!

Magically, when I make a charge the money comes out instantly, but when the bank owes me somehow it takes days!

When you get right down to it, the bank is involved in theft because the money is not returned the instant that I tell them that it was fraud. They are capable of doing this and make up excuses the minute you challenge them on it. They actually got pretty nasty for me just bringing up this fact.


Check out this documentary:
The Money Masters: Rise of the Bankers…

*** This has been scrubbed from YouTube after being there for 20 years!!

Watch this!

Former FBI Chief Tried To Warn You Of An Elite Satanic Pedophile Network But You Didn’t Listen –


Moon Man’s Top Secret Presidential Document reveals the sad fact that the still unrepeatable 1969 “Moon Landing” was indeed falsified, fully detailed in the deathbed confession of a military eyewitness to this arrogant government deception.

NASA fakery and fraud EXPOSED by researcher Bart Sibrel

Book: For a New Liberty – Murray Rothbard
Audio Book

In For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto, Rothbard proposes a once-and-for-all escape from the two major political parties, the ideologies they embrace, and their central plans for using state power against people. Libertarianism is Rothbard’s radical alternative that says state power is unworkable and immoral and ought to be curbed and finally abolished.

To make his case, Rothbard deploys his entire system of thought: natural law, natural rights, Austrian economics, American history, the theory of the state, and more.

*** This should be required reading for every human being IMHO.

‘You Don’t Have to Pay Income Tax’ – Peymon Mottahedeh
Sean Miller | Infowars

It is 100% fact that most Americans are NOT required by law to pay the income tax!  Here are 2 books for you:

Income Tax – Shattering The Myths
by Dave Champion



Have you noticed that not a single one of the talking heads online  (i.e Infowars, Mike Adams, etc) have any real solutions? All they do is yell fire, every day, all day long!

This will not change a god damned thing — ever.

The people that they do wake up will be clueless and unprincipled.
They are in a way creating more of an enemy to fight!

What people need are principled solutions, and for this I ask you to please take
a look at

Their solution is to bring control of our evil government to the county level.
To have a county Militia and county control of the grand and petit juries.

Here are all of there books if you wish to do a deep dive:…


~Dr Jane Ruby


MUST SEE: The Most Important Freedom Videos (Compilation Documentary)

Censorship / revisionist-history at


*** I had a picture of the Fordland Clinic  sign on route 60 – advertising the death jab and the globalist controlled took it down…… look at the yellow high light they did not take that down.

THE SHERIFFS: All meaningful politics is local going forward….

You must be mentally ill to swallow this shite!
Our County sheriffs, for starters enforce the 1st plank of the Communist manifesto – the GD property tax!!
How about the 10th plank? “Free government schools” Our Communist sheriffs enforce this one also with the truancy laws.
I could go on, but let me point out that the remaining 8 planks have also been implemented in this country.

If you had a lick of sense, you would realize that it is the Militia and citizen control of the grand jury is what is missing in this country


This is why we were warned never to have standing armies……

Disgraceful: Shock Footage Shows USAF Senior Airman Abused by Soldiers After Refusing COVID-19 Jab
by Adan Salazar

Slow execution would not be good enough for those that raped this man.



WHEN – NOT IF – WE SURRENDER TO COMMUNIST CHINA, YOU SIGN THE DEATH WARRANT  FOR ALL OF YOUR LOVED ONES! (as they have repeatedly said that they will kill every man, woman, and child)

JESUS CHRIST and the Founders gave us the answer. Read Genesis 14 and take note of who the standing army was and who the militia was!!  In case you are not too bright Abram raised a militia and the 5 kings had a standing army. ( that Jesus later called those that live by the sword)

 This country is done because Americans are extremely stupid and cowardly, and it is close to being too late to do anything and yet we continue to do nothing!


“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope for victory, because it is better to parish than to live as slaves.”
~ Winston Churchill

I keep going back to this audio book:

The Illuminati: The Secret Society That Hijacked the World  –  Audible Audiobook – Unabridged
Jim Marrs



I was taken back to learn that Greg Reese of Infowars has moved to Russia. The reasons that he gives are the conclusions that I am coming to.
The American people are cowardly, and refuse to do what is needed to preserve liberty and to stop the evil in DC.
It really bothers me that I have to live among  the clueless and cowardly assholes that call themselves Americans.  These clueless pukes will not even form Militias to both defend themselves from the coming 5th column attacks, and to put pressure on DC to back off.
If I were younger, and had any resources whatsoever I would be headed to Russia to start a new life. The people of Russia are what Americans were 100 years ago and a hell of a lot more informed than Americans are today.
This country is evil.. not only it’s government but currently also it’s people.

A people that refuse to defend themselves, and refuse to address their evil government deserve to die out, and that is what is likely coming.

Is the “Yard Farming” about to begin in Webster County Missouri?

Earlier today  I had 2   A-10/Warthogs, at the same time, fly down  the property lines to the left and right of me! Not just that, but they flew  at approximately 100 feet in the air.

I could literally see the guys face as he rolled up as if to get a better view.

Besides the illegal altitudes, and the fact that calling the county sheriff would be an exercise in futility…. I seriously  wonder if the pilots are ours or Soviets out of Ft Lenard Wood?



Elon Musk’s Re-Tweet of G. Edward Griffin’s Interview with Yuri Bezmanov Gets over 20 Million Views – Need to Know News


Thomas Jefferson on the  Militia:

I can not urge you in strong enough terms to watch this:

Mark Passio – The True Meaning & Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment Part 2 Arms,Needs & Cowardice – 2018-06-26

“For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security.”

~Thomas Jefferson


I urge you to read Genesis 14, that is about Abram raising a militia of over 300 men, to fight the evil “standing army” of the 4 kings. He was blessed by God for “slaughtering” them.

Why then do almost all Christians not get the important message from this passage?
Perhaps because they have unlike our founders been taught to worship evil governments….


Brighteon Broadcast News, Feb 22, 2024 – WAKE UP! They FAKED history to MANIPULATE your reality and keep you blind to their real agenda – Mike Adams


Talking about fake and hidden history, the history of the Standing Army of the North committing horrendous war crimes against the civilians of the South has been completely buried in our Communist Schools.

The US military during and after the “civil war ” acted a Lot like the IDF is now behaving in Gaza.

The history of these war criminals, in Lincolns Standing Army, both during and after the war, completely substantiate the the founders warnings about standing armies!.


Historically uneducated people like Mike Adams and much of this audience, Unbelievably still support standing armies in fact both the ones in green and the ones in blue.

Even thought our standing army is being population by foreign nationals Mike does not seem to even comprehend the warning about standing armies.

Read this book Mike and see what the institution that you support so often did to the American people in the 1860s’. It is about to happen again and you still can’t see it!

“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”
~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States


The globalists hate Christian Russia.
They funded  both  Napoleon and Hitler’s invasions of Russia,  and are now behind the ongoing US invasion  of Russia.


Thomas Jefferson Still Supported Secession Forty Years After the Declaration of Independence
By Ryan McMaken –

Heads up on Infowars…..

I have found a lot of irony in the rightful bitching at Infowars about them being criminally de-platformed and censored…..while at the same time they have de-platforming me in their comments section no less than 5 times for my legal and lawful speech!!

It seems that they hire very low IQ people to do the censoring, and that any mention of enforcing the penalty for treason on our government masters, gets you banned.(I am guessing since they never tell you why your commenting account is closed) Even though this is something that Alex himself has called for many times.

I hate to do so, but because of their hypocrisy  I am done financially supporting Infowars.




Dr. Shiva exposes the ELECTION TYRANNY being used to protect the “inner circle” of establishment puppets – Mike Adams

At 4:40 Dr Shiva makes the case for getting rid of the Globalist serving standing army known as the “police”.

I suffered this cavity search horror, from the terrorists in blue, in my early 20’s.
Almost 50 years ago, and it still hunts me today

Yes even the part about stealing all of the money that you have, out of your wallet.

This is not the exception with the pedophile protecting Police/Masons at all.

If you support this standing army reader, I consider you my enemy. Because you are my enemy.


20:00 minutes in:
Shiva’s revelation that it was a deal with Israel (that ran Jeffery Epstein) that put Trump into office!

It’s looking more and more like Israel had something on Trump. Epstein Island and plenty of video perhaps.

Here is convincing evidence that Trump is a Mason on top of the above:

The Trump Chronicles – Part Five – Trump Tower & the Invocation

This ‘Picture Worth A Thousand Words’ Suggests Americans Are Being Deviously Lied To & Set Up For The Kill

Is Donald Trump a Freemason? Is Trump Tower in New York a Satanic Temple?

Breaking the Spell, The Holocaust Myth and Reality –  Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD

audio book also here

Funny how Amazon will censor a book and then have another book with the exact same title by a different author on a similar topic:
Breaking the Spell  on Amazon


The county tax Communists…. Did you know…?

I should not be surprised, to read that the property tax communist scum in this county, will tax a vehicle that you can’t even afford to drive or have plates or insurance on!
They want to tax it, if you merely own it.

These scum all belong behind bars IMHO.
Following Illegitimate law (like the gassing of Jews that was a “law” in Germany)
should be prosecuted by the people.

We could do this if we had control of our County Grand Jury as outlined by Tactical Civics.




Breaking news and thoughts – January – June , 2024


**** FWIW the only working email that I have is joe AT tittiger DOT com  — thanks!

I  will  not have Internet access for a few months so bear with me.

Libertarian manifesto audio book by  Murray Rothbard:

One of the  most important books on liberty ever written.
This will change your world view!

There is also  PDF copy of this book on the site.

There is an answer to the current criminal government over-reach.
It is a law enforcement problem, that can be solved by bringing back  the grand jury, and the Constitutional militia to the control of the citizens in  all of our counties.

To learn more:

Watch the 10 minute TC movie

Tactical Civics – home page

All of the Tactical Civics Books in PDF

TC Books on Amazon

Topic: Tactical Civics Webster county Missouri zoom meeting every Saturday 6 pm CST– until further notice

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 635 549 9114
Passcode: 02DPb1

***  JOIN OUR – TELEGRAM GROUP where will will also have video meetings

**** Please Check out the Missouri State Militia


Donald Trump is a licensed gun owner — here’s what will happen to his firearms after his felony conviction

You need to learn and memorize the reason why taking felons guns is a crime because they are guaranteed that right by the goddamn second amendment!

The real problem here is that American conservative / Patriots don’t have a f****** clue is what to the God damn US Constitution says. The Second Amendment is the highest law in the land and it says shall not be f****** infringed.

It would take a God damn Constitutional Amendment the f****** change this. Where is that God damn Constitutional Amendment that changes the Second Amendment and makes it illegal for felons don’t firearms? The answer is there is no such f****** Constitutional Amendment and Americans are about as dumb as f******  pond scum.


The most useful explanation of modern “exoteric Christianity” that I have ever heard…..

Fake-Ass Christians – Part 1 of 2 Genuine Christianity is not what most people think it is. Human beings have been given a false form of Christianity to keep them spiritually asleep. In this paradigm-changing presentation, Mark Passio points out the hallmark beliefs and behaviors of false “Christians” and defines what it really means to be an Authentic Christian.$/download/Mark-Passio-Fake-Ass-Christians-Part-1-of-2/ca1897b202ea0304473f9cb0f37b9590f9b7dfe0

Fake-Ass Christians – Part 2 of 2 Genuine Christianity is not what most people think it is. Human beings have been given a false form of Christianity to keep them spiritually asleep. In this paradigm-changing presentation, Mark Passio points out the hallmark beliefs and behaviors of false “Christians” and defines what it really means to be an Authentic Christian.$/download/Mark-Passio-Fake-Ass-Christians-Part-2-of-2/75888dffc7e78e7e873e9c82fc0ab489450fdcf0

WEF just admittied CASH will soon be Illegal, here’s how their plan works | Redacted News

Rural Areas of USA Could Soon LOSE Cellular Service Hal Turner

Russia Issues Warrant to Arrest Ukraine’s Zelensky; Declares Ukraine “Illegal Entity”

Russia’s Anti-Satellite Nuke Could Leave Lower Orbit Unusable, Test Vehicle May Already Be Deployed –

Watch this!

Former FBI Chief Tried To Warn You Of An Elite Satanic Pedophile Network But You Didn’t Listen –

Five Female Middle School Athletes Banned From Playing Sports For Protesting Trans Opponent

Why don’t they simply form their own sports league to compete in?


Wild Shootout Captured On Film! Police Battle Gunman Leaving Four Cops Dead~

From the photo this looks more like a Darwin award.  Sitting behind a car door is NOT cover, it my be concealment, but it sure as hell does not stop bullets.
I don’t know all of the details but I would suspect that the the U.S. Marshals Task Force were up to no good.   I also suspect that the world will be a better place without these order followers.


Moon Man’s Top Secret Presidential Document reveals the sad fact that the still unrepeatable 1969 “Moon Landing” was indeed falsified, fully detailed in the deathbed confession of a military eyewitness to this arrogant government deception.

NASA fakery and fraud EXPOSED by researcher Bart Sibrel

Most of true history has been hidden from us:
Britain’s Chernobyl: The Windscale Nuclear Disaster | Windscale 1957 | Spark

Russian State-Controlled TV: If NATO Troops Enter Ukraine , SARMAT, YARS, and Avangard (Nukes) Will Hit NATO Decision-Making Centers 
~Hal Turner

M1A1 Tanks PULLED From Ukraine Front Lines “Weak and Vulnerable” 
– Hal Turner

Bird Flu Frenzy: FDA, USDA, CDC Issue New Warnings On Outbreak, Latest Reports Of Spread In Pasteurized Milk And Cows, Mandates PCR Testing, Continued New Pandemic Fears

More lies about a test that does not work and a virus that probably does not exist!

‘You Don’t Have to Pay Income Tax’ – Peymon Mottahedeh
Sean Miller | Infowars

It is a fact that  by law, most Americans are not required to pay the income tax.
Here are 2 books to get you started:

Income Tax – Shattering The Myths
by Dave Champion

Listen to this!

Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals shocking use of venom peptides in cosmetics and the food supply, with NEW SOLUTIONS for foreign protein detoxification
~Health Ranger Report


Health Ranger on Bastyon:

By unleashing police brutality against the student protesters in Austin, #Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott has done irreparable damage to the reputation of the State of Texas, which was once known as a place of freedom and free expression. Now, Gov. Abbott says that those who criticize Israel’s blatant #genocide are criminals who must be arrested and thrown in jail. Not only is this stance a gross violation of the United States Constitution (the First Amendment), it’s also a violation of the State Constitution of Texas. This is Gov. Abbott’s Justin Trudeau vs. the truckers moment, when everybody paying attention realizes that they are living under a tyrannical regime that respects no rule of law, no civil rights and no freedoms when it comes to the subject of justifiably criticizing Israel for acting as a murderous regime of war criminals.

Gov. Abbott should resign from public office and apologize to the student protesters for violating their civil rights. No doubt massive lawsuits are coming against the State of Texas over all this, and they will be very costly for Texas citizens who will have to foot the settlements and legal bills.

You are missing the clear lesson here Mike!
The founders warned us about standing armies.
Jesus Christ warned about “those that live by the sword” (mercenaries)
which is IMHO synonymous with a standing army. (the police)
Also go and read Genesis 14 again Mike, and try to figure out who was the standing army and who was clearly the Militia (the people)

The only institution that is even remotely going to protect free speech Mike is the Militia and the 2 juries (grand and petit)
Please Check out:

“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”
~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States


Judge Orders Man Physically Castrated for Raping, Impregnating Teen
by Adan Salazar

Whats next? Gouging our of  you eyes  or limbs amputated?
If this was done to me, I would make it my life goal to bring this judge to room temperature!  If this is not cruel and unusual punishment, I don’t know what is!
The death penalty would work for me.



A $250 Million War Game and Its Shocking Outcome:
In minutes, Van Riper ,taking the side of Iran,emerged victorious over his superior opponent and sank all 19 ships. Had it been real life, 20,000 US sailors and marines would have died


Decisive: Upon $61 Billion in new U.S. Aid to Ukraine, Russia Declares It Must Now Also Take Sumy and Kharkiv Oblasts


Trump Sold-Out His Base to Shovel $95 Billion to Ukraine and Israel
– The Burning Platform


Tuesday LIVE: UK Government Confirms Covid Shots Have Killed MILLIONS as Secret CCP Military Bases Discovered Across US
The Alex Jones Show

Yet Americans remain so fuking stupid that they do not prepare for their own self defense as the founders told us was “necessary”.

Mark Passio – The True Meaning & Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment Part 2 Arms,Needs & Cowardice – 2018-06-26

MUST SEE: The Most Important Freedom Videos (Compilation Documentary)

First Texas, Now Iowa: State, Local Cops To Start Arresting Illegal Migrants In July

American Goes Missing in Donbas – Hal Turner

THE SHERIFFS: All meaningful politics is local going forward….

You must be mentally ill to swallow this shite!
Our County sheriffs, for starters enforce the 1st plank of the Communist manifesto – the GD property tax!!
How about the 10th plank? “Free government schools” Our Communist sheriffs enforce this one also with the truancy laws.
I could go on, but let me point out that the remaining 8 planks have also been implemented in this country.

If you had a lick of sense, you would realize that it is the Militia and citizen control of the grand jury is what is missing in this country


This is why we were warned never to have standing armies……

Disgraceful: Shock Footage Shows USAF Senior Airman Abused by Soldiers After Refusing COVID-19 Jab
by Adan Salazar

Slow execution would not be good enough for those that raped this man.


Brighteon Broadcast News, April 3, 2024 – The world must STOP ISRAEL or we all die in a nuclear holocaust


Mike Adams you have a show called Decentralize TV….

yet, most every “solution” to our criminal government that you come up with, involves DC and Centralization!

For the 100th time Mike…. getting control of our evil government is a law enforcement problem, and it is at the County level that it can be solved…..


“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.” ~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States

We lost the Militias over 100 years ago Mike… right after Mr. Lincoln’s war to enslave the States.

Now we are a nation of people incapable of defending themselves, and you Mike seem to be OK with that.


Dr.SHIA™:SHATTER THE SWARM. How The Few Control the Many. (15 minutes)

Biden Regime CANCELS Plans to Refill Strategic Petroleum Reserve Because Oil Now ‘Way Too Expensive’


WHEN – NOT IF – WE SURRENDER TO COMMUNIST CHINA, YOU SIGN THE DEATH WARRANT  FOR ALL OF YOUR LOVED ONES! (as they have repeatedly said that they will kill every man, woman, and child)

JESUS CHRIST and the Founders gave us the answer. Read Genesis 14 and take note of who the standing army was and who the militia was!!  In case you are not too bright Abram raised a militia and the 5 kings had a standing army. ( that Jesus later called those that live by the sword)

This country is done because Americans are extremely stupid and cowardly, and it is close to being too late to do anything and yet we continue to do nothing!


“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope for victory, because it is better to parish than to live as slaves.”
~ Winston Churchill

New Study Estimates US Has 13.7 Million Illegal Aliens, 37% Increase Since Biden Took Office, Larger Than 33 State’s Individual Populations –

When the fuk are you going to get off of you ass  and do something?
We were told not to support standing armies (like the police and our “military”) and that the Militia was NECESSARY if we wished to remain free!


BREAKING: CPS Hands Over Kidnapped Children to Pedophile Rings
Sean Miller | Infowars

No shite Sherlock, and most Christians still support the child trafficking CPS.
Christianity has become a mental disorder at best.


The Russian Federal Security Service Identifies US as a Suspect in Crocus Attack – Paul Craig Roberts

Top Doctor Details ‘Huge Financial Incentives’ For Hospitals To Murder Covid Patients –  THEPEOPLESVOICE

Yet “law enforcement” continues to sit on its ass.
They need to be charged with aiding and abetting a felony.

Do you support the 2nd amendment or are you a useful idiot like most Americans are?

At 2:33:30 Mike Adams says “thank God for the 2nd amendment” and then goes on to lie about how he supports it.

Anyone reading the 27 words of the 2nd amendment, that is not under mind control, immediately realizes that a ubiquitous Militia is central to the meaning of the 2nd amendment. That the 2nd amendment is meaningless and useless without the militia.

The amendment hammers in, with few words that the militia is NECESSARY if we wish to remain free. Coward or useful idiot Mike (I don’t know which) will at times skirt around the militia with euphemisms and concepts that are not even remotely equivalent.

But he will never speak the truth about the absolute necessity of the militia.

Mark Passio – The True Meaning & Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment Part 2 Arms,Needs & Cowardice – 2018-06-26,Needs-Cowardice-2018-06-26:3?src=embed

This is bad enough by itself… but the truth is that Mike opposes the 2nd amendment by supporting gun law lifted directly from Nazi German gun law to be illegally imposed upon Americans, as the 1968 gun control act is not the necessary Constitutional Amendment that is necessary to legally alter the 2nd amendment. It is merely a “law” not a Constitutional amendment and thus invalid.

Gun Control Act of 1968 was lifted, almost in its entirety, from Nazi legislation

Every time Mike supports “law enforcement” he is supporting thugs in blue to murder you if you dare exercise your God given right of self defense that is ostensibly protected by the 2nd amendment. Mike supports “Law enforcement” murdering you if you dare have the weapons necessary to defend yourself against the 5th column terror groups in the US that are awaiting their orders to strike.

Pastor Bonhoeffer correctly calls Mike out for what he is:

“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“ ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer

As far as liberty goes Mike Adams is almost always a useful idiot and is much more dangerous to us than even our enemy that harbors malice towards us…. the NWO.


Japan BANS all COVID mRNA Shots – Excess “Sudden” Deaths! – Hal Turner

And your local POS “law enforcement” still  doesn’t give a shit about these murders! Are you seeing why the founders warned us about standing armies like law enforcement?



War Correspondent Michael Yon Warns Russian Style Terror Attacks Coming to America
Sean Miller | Infowars

Americans don’t seem to comprehend that the mere owning of weapons does not make them safe. Even if every American owned 100 combat rifles, this will be a slaughter of Americans for several reasons.
One is logistics.  People that can not eat are not going to prevail in a conflict.
Another is a lack of training. Americans are not trained in the use of  combat communications, nor are they tactically trained in  critical things like “bounding” in combat.
Where do you learn these skills?
You learn them when you follow the founders and the 2nd amendment and form Militias for self defense.  Something  that cowardly Americans will not do.


Moscow Terrorists Trained in . . . . Turkeye’ – Recruited Through UKRAINE EMBASSY in Tajikstan! – Hal Turner

Deadly Moscow terror attack was clearly carried out with the help of Ukraine and the CIA – Natural News

Bet On The CIA Being The Culprit In The Moscow Mass Murders, Just Like They Were In The Las Vegas Concert Massacre, And As They Will Be In The Upcoming Black Swan Events

ENGINEERED FAMINE: Marxist Oregon Starts SHUTTING DOWN Small Farms “To Protect The People” (Video)

This is treason by definition.
Charge them,
Find them guilty.
Publicly hang them from the neck until dead.
We can’t do this because we lost control of real “law enforcement” i.e the militia and the grand jury.


Gunmen in combat fatigues open fire at Moscow concert hall, 50 dead, 50 injured reported. Hall is on fire, roof collapsing

Perhaps if Russia had not disarmed it’s citizens, this would have went down differently. This is what happens in our Blue Cities.

Debunking All the Main Arguments for Antitrust Laws
Antitrust laws are built on nothing but poor reasoning and misguided apprehensions.
~Walter Block

Tyson Foods BOYCOTTED as it sacks 1,300 staff at Iowa pork plant and offers ‘job-and-lawyer’ packages in bid to hire 42,000 asylum seekers in New York – Daily Mail

Don’t worry the police and military are next.

VIDEO: Uniformed U.S. Military Member SELF-IMMOLATES in front of Israeli Embassy – Hal Turner

This guy had to see a lot of evil that the US is part of to be drive to do this.


I can not urge you in strong enough terms to watch this:

Mark Passio – The True Meaning & Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment Part 2 Arms,Needs & Cowardice – 2018-06-26


Brighteon Broadcast News, Feb 22, 2024 – WAKE UP! They FAKED history to MANIPULATE your reality and keep you blind to their real agenda – Mike Adams


Talking about fake and hidden history, the history of the Standing Army of the North committing horrendous war crimes against the civilians of the South has been completely buried in our Communist Schools.

The US military during and after the “civil war ” acted a Lot like the IDF is now behaving in Gaza.

The history of these war criminals, in Lincolns Standing Army, both during and after the war, completely substantiate the the founders warnings about standing armies!.


Historically uneducated people like Mike Adams and much of this audience, unbelievably still support standing armies in fact both the ones in green and the ones in blue.

Even thought our standing army is being population by foreign nationals Mike does not seem to even comprehend the warning about standing armies.

“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”
~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States

Read this book Mike and see what the institution that you support so often did to the American people in the 1860s’. It is about to happen again and you still can’t see it!

“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”
~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States


Operation Warp Speed was a global military operation that seized control over entire medical and court systems – Natural News

“…Operation Warp Speed was a global military operation that seized control over entire medical and court systems..”

Anyone writing that title does not know history.

Our medical system was taken over in 1912 by the Rockefeller family’s “Flexner Report” and their taking over the AMA.

The courts became corrupt and were taken over by globalist in 1803, with the power grab by SCOTUS in Marbury V Madison. (also 2 more subsequent power grabs of judicial review and judicial supremacy over the States, ending in 1819)

Our real military, the militia, was destroyed in the 1860’s with Lincolns raising of a standing army that has not yet gone away.

All of the things in this title, happened well over 100 years ago, and dumbed down Americans are just beginning to see it.


War on Children: Pentagon Secretly Installed DEI Propaganda Into K-12 Public School Curriculum
by Ethan Huff, Natural News

Didn’t the founders tell us not to have a freaking standing army? We didn’t listen did we? They also told us that to remain free that the Militias was necessary! We didn’t listen to that advice either!

“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.” ~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States


United States VETOES Gaza Ceasefire Resolution – Again

State Department Insider Reveals How The Military Started Its Censorship Campaign Against US Citizens After Trump Victory

Why do you think that both Jesus Christ and our founders warned us about standing armies?


U.S. General Sounds Alarm on Chinese Border Crossers: ‘They Are Coming Here to Kill Us’
by Jamie White

80% of Americans test positive for chemical found in Cheerios, Quaker Oats that may cause infertility, delayed puberty: study – David Icke

Food is not only more affordable in Russia than the US, because they don’t print fake money. They don’t put poisons in the food in Russia like our leaders are consciously doing here in the US.

West will never disclose truth about its criminal biological experiments — Lavrov – The Burning Platform

Tucker Carlson says higher quality of life in Russia made him radicalized against US leaders 

“Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini called for the suspects to be chemically castrated if found guilty.”

Horror In Italy as 13-Year-Old Girl Gang-Raped by Mob of Egyptians In Front of Her Boyfriend – Infowars


The real problem is the Italian government that has disarmed the people.
Perhaps Misinster Matteo Salvini and the Italian police should be chemically castrated
because their actions resulted in this rape.


Simple inexpensive Off-Grid Communications – a  texting only solution:

If you want to set up a comms network to be able to send texts from Android device to device,  in a grid down situation these $35 lo-ra  radio boards and meshtastic software on your android allows it.

These little repeater radios can be as far as a mile or 2  apart in an urban setting.
FYI  —  AREDN (a HAM  frequency mesh network) is the big brother to the lo-ra mesh network,  and it  allows you to run just about any network app you can think of, and just not texting.

Now 25 out of 50 States Standing with Texas Against Federal Government; U.S. Primed for Actual CIVIL WAR  –  Hal Turner

Brighteon Broadcast News, Jan 25, 2024 – Texas Gov DEFIES Biden’s TREASON as pro-America states form battle lines to defend against MIGRANT INVASION – Mike Adams

Mike you and most Americans desperately need to go back to school.

I could scarcely believe my ears when I heard you describe the Constitution as a compact between the States and the Federal government. (2m40s)

It appears that you don’t think, or question and  merely the repetition of a lie is enough to convince you of it’s validity!

Mike the Federal government did not exist until AFTER the Constitution was signed!

So how the hall was the Federal government a party to the Compact?

The truth of the matter is that the Constitution is a compact between the States.  Which changes many things drastically.

This is probably the best explanation that you will ever get:

NONCOMPLIANT the movie by Kris Ann Hall




Tucker Carlson Tells the ‘Most American Story Ever’ – the Rise of ‘Catturd’

Heads up on Infowars…..

I have found a lot of irony in the rightful bitching at Infowars about them being criminally de-platformed and censored…..while at the same time they have de-platforming me in their comments section no less than 5 times for my legal and lawful speech!!

It seems that they hire very low IQ people to do the censoring, and that any mention of enforcing the penalty for treason on our government masters, gets you banned.(I am guessing since they never tell you why your commenting account is closed) Even though this is something that Alex himself has called for many times.

I hate to do so, but because of their hypocrisy  I am done financially supporting Infowars.


US Supreme Court Openly Endorses Collapse of US Border, Orders Texas to Submit to Illegal Alien Invasion!

What Americans can not get through their thick skulls –  is that SCOTUS was never given the power of judicial supremacy.  In this matter the state of Texas is the superior party.


Explosive results of research into pedophilia among US Democrats
A Russian human rights organization has published research into pedophilia in the highest circles of the US government, which I would not like to withhold from the German audience. – anti–spiegelr

BREAKING: Americans Being Infected With Live Ebola By Secret Bill Gates Project
The Alex Jones Show |

** UPDATED 3:15 PM EST — Ukraine Shells Civilian Street Market in Donetsk; 25 Killed – Hal Turner

This morning, the Ukrainian Army, funded, trained, and directed by NATO, bombed a civilian market in Donbas with nineteen (19) 155mm NATO shells. The death toll in the Ukrainian terrorist attack on Donetsk has reached 25 people.

Information about 25 deaths has been confirmed.

At least 20 more people were injured, including two children in moderate condition.

All victims are provided with the necessary medical care. Among them are the seriously wounded, many with penetrating wounds in the area of vital organs and traumatic amputation of limbs.


Military Accountability…..

Open Letter to the American People…


Existing anti-parasitic drug could offer treatment for Ebola
Study in human cells shows it counteracts Ebola’s defenses
It’s funny how God puts you at the right place at the right time.
I was put on the path to get Nitazonxinide for parasite  cleanses.
Now that they are trying to produces an Ebola pandemic in this country
I heard that this anti-parasitic has been discovered to thwart the Ebola virus.

If you want to know where to get some let me know.

You can bet that they will hide this fact just like they did with COVID and Ivermectin.


St. Louis REVOKES MASK MANDATE less than 24 hours after it was announced following pushback from hospitals and health experts
01/18/2024 // Zoey Sky

After shooting Ashli Babbitt, Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd LIED on radio claiming he was fired at first – Ethan Huff

FBI Chief Warns Satanic Pedophiles Are Working To Depopulate Earth –  The peoples voice

This is a true story reported decades ago!


Surgeon General of Florida says mRNA is an “Anti-Christ product” – Tucker Carlson interview

The reason that “Public Health” is not interested in our health Tucker – is that the County Heath departments were started by the same Satanists that took over the AMA in 1913: The Rockefeller family.

Understanding the WHO’s Plans for You – Tucker Carlson

“…Many have reflected on the fact that Big Pharma has a perverse incentive to promote ill health, as its financial bottom line depends on it. But few understand just how elaborate its efforts to that end are….”

BREAKING: More Jewish Tunnels Allegedly Found In NYC – What Was Found Inside Implicates Connection To Kids (Video) —

Another Death Notch for Drug Warriors
By Jacob G. Hornberger
The Future of Freedom Foundation


Some good thoughts on local food clubs and using PMA’s  to protect them from the Food Nazi’s.( i.e. The Rockefeller created “County health departments”)



New Hampshire is trying to ban chem-trails:

No Homestead / Off Grid channel will discuss this! But I will... -OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY

Gonzalo Lira – Dead – Hal Turner

Murdered by a criminal US regime  that refures to defend him –  as he was a US citizen.

The sooner we hang those responsible  in DC the better things will get.


The International Court of Justice is Now Seated at The Hague; Israel Genocide Charges – Hal Turner

Average bottle of water contains 240,000 pieces of cancer-causing nanoplastics – 100 times more than previously thought – Daily Mail

Should US Taxpayers Cover Ukraine’s Pensions? –

I hope that their “pensions” are not as criminal as our social security with it’s 2% ROI is.
I am struggling with, whether to feed my dog or myself.

We should be hanging US politicians for the criminal act of a 2% return on our investment in our retirement!


REPORT: British Army Supplying AK-47’s, Ammo, and Hand Grenades by Crateload to Hotels housing “Migrants” (to arm the Migrants!) – Hal Turner

When the fuk are Americans going to wake up? For one we need to immediately  form well trained and armed militias to defend ourselves…..


Must-See VIDEO: Democrat Congresswoman Confesses to Using Illegal Aliens to Rig Elections
The Alex Jones Show

40 Years in Jail for a Marijuana Offense
by Jacob G. Hornberger

We live in a society where 99.9999% of the population can not define what right is and this is the result.
Under USC 18 sections 241 and 242 the people that violated these peoples rights under “color of law” can and should be hanged from the neck until dead.
That includes many many police, judges, and legislators.

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
~Isaiah 5:20


Chabad, a Jewish Sect, Caught with Secret Tunnels under their Brooklyn HQ – Hal Turner


Young children 200 years ago knew that treaties could not violate the Constitution! Today people with PHD’s falsely believe that a treaty can do anything. That judges rulings can redefine reality.

You were dumbed down in the Communist indoctrination centers called “schools’, and you know less about our form of government than young children did in the past.


EXCLUSIVE: The Latest Draft of the WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Establish a Planetary Dictatorship Controlling Every Facet of Our Lives
The Alex Jones Show


U.S. Attorney Suggests DOJ Will Expand Prosecution of J6 Protesters Who Did Not Enter Capitol
by Chris Menahan | Information Liberation

These government people clearly are part of a treasonous plot, and need to be charged and when found guilty executed.
You can not vote yourself out of treason.


Tucker Carlson: The Mark Epstein Interview (25 minutes)

EXCLUSIVE: After Shooting Ashli Babbitt, Capitol Police Lt. Made False Radio Report: Lawsuit
Previously undisclosed radio dispatch, obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times, reveals Lt. Byrd’s actions after fatally striking Ms. Babbitt.


Biologist Warns WHO Planning to Take Control Over Nations For Next Pandemic, Confirms COVID ‘Vaccines’ Killed 17 MILLION People

I think most of the population has already taken this pill.



“It’s Disgusting What They’re Doing”: Tucker Carlson Describes Visit with Julian Assange –



OPINIONS and EDITORIALS – December 2023


There is an answer to the current criminal government over-reach.
It is a law enforcement problem, that can be solved by bringing back  the grand jury, and the Constitutional militia to the control of the citizens in all of our counties.

To learn more:

Watch the 10 minute TC movie

Tactical Civics – home page

All of the Tactical Civics Books in PDF

TC Books on Amazon

Topic: Tactical Civics Webster county Missouri zoom meeting every Saturday 6 pm CST – until further notice

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 635 549 9114
Passcode: 02DPb1

***  JOIN OUR – TELEGRAM GROUP where will will also have video meetings

 This site was hacked 11/29/23
We lost most of the functionality of the site
Thankfully we have gotten much of the functionality back.
The malware is still in the site however.
So if we disappear for a bit don’t be surprised.


A health  epiphany that  happened to me today.

For years I have been pointing out that there is a literal eugenics operation on the human race.  Today I revised that saying to:   “there is a eugenics operation on our literal physical minds.”   (I am not including the global mind control operation)
Today the globalists are using the food you eat, the water you drink, the air you breathe, and the doctor you visit, as vectors to damage your mind.  And that is an understatement, and not an overstatement.

The food is chock full of inflammatory neuruotoxins like MSG, yeast extract, aspartame, and more.

The water has fluorine compounds in it in addition to heavy metals  like lead.
Fluorine in particular calcifies your Pineal gland – the gateway to spiritual thought.   Both fluorine and lead lower your IQ, and you absorb both if you drink or shower with them in your water..

The air is full of nano sized aluminum,  from Chem-trails, that  is likely  a  major factor to the increases in Alzheimer’s.

Our doctors push vaccines,  that  contain aluminum, and have contributed to the world wide increase of autism in our children.  It probably lowers IQ even if it did not put you on the spectrum like it did me.

I have not even touched upon the fact that the globalists have used  mass mind control for centuries to control us.

Here are books on the topic since I can’t go into it here:

The Rape of the Mind – The Psychology of Thought Control – Menticide, and Brainwashing.pdf

Mass Control – Engineering Human Consciousnessl-Jim-Keith.pdf

Do you also see these things or is the  cognitive dissonance, and  the normalcy bias getting the best of you?

And if you do see it, when the hell are you going to do something to put a stop to it?

Please check out


I received  an offer today  to let AI write my articles on MFP.
Keep a close eye on AI people.
We will be hiding from the AI in a few years if we do not.

Like most technology if we are not careful,  it will be used to enslave us not too free us.



The real reason that the world going to hell in a hand basket

It came to me this morning, that my Amish neighbors don’t read books and thus they do not educate themselves.    Then  I  realized that we “English” are in the same boat.

I don’t know a single human being in person, other than myself, that recognizes the necessity to read and educate themselves and  that actually read.

It’s all too simple for people to see  yet  none will take my advice.
Until people decide to educate themselves, the world will continue to go to  hell in a hand basket.

We will be very lucky if the human race survives what they have brought us in their ignorance.



My thoughts on Mike Adams claiming that our county sheriffs want a well armed citizenry….


28 minutes plus.. Mike, you are saying that our country sheriffs want us (as if it matters what they want) to be well armed citizens.

The factual matter is that to the best of my knowledge that all 3,141 country sheriffs in this country enforce Nazi German gun law that was almost word for word translated into English and re-branded as the “1968 gun control act”.

This is where they for the 1st time in US history denied a class of citizens the right to self defense.

It was an earlier “law” — the 1934 Federal Firearms act, that proposed to change the US Constitution, the 2nd amendment in particular, and my God given rights with a mere law.

They did not even bother to pass the required Constitutional amendment to do this.

So Mike when the 5th columns are released upon us in the near future, because of my County Sheriff enforcing Nazi Gun laws, and another law pretending to be a Constitutional Amendment…. I sure as hell will not be a well armed citizen.

I will probably be dead thanks to these treasonous rights, and Constitution stomping clowns that you seem to look up to.  No way can I hope to to survive what is coming without a local militia (that the sheriffs have suppressed since you can’t even own militia type weapons) and weapons that are comparable to what the 5th columns are going to hit us with.


Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment

 The “temple of the holy spirit” my fuking ass…..
If you spend any time in the “modern Christian Church” you  don’t have to wait long to be told that our bodies “are the temple of the holy spirit”.
Like most of what you hear in these Satanic 501C3 churches, it’s hypocrisy and bull shit that no one really believes.
Every week you are asked to pray for the health  for those that choose to destroy the temple of the holy spirit, by consuming the poisons that are placed in your local supermarket by the Satanists that run the planet.
After the “prayer’ to help the unwilling to be helped, you watch a bunch of fat out of shape parishioners waddle out of the church.
Try and talk about health to any of these useful idiots, and their eyes glaze over. They are not in the least interested.

What brought me to put these thoughts down on paper, was an incident this morning when my left eye was almost totally occluded of sight for a period.

The first thing that  came to mind was my inability to purchase healthy nutritious food for my “temple of the holy spirit”, and the realization that this state of affairs is a direct result of the things that modern Christians believe in and support.  Things such as getting only 20% of the return one would expect from your Social Security contributions if you were not dealing with a Satanically run government.  Then other things like the Rockefeller created county health departments that prevent the local Amish from raising healthy food for our local food stores.  It is a deep dive, but it is enough to realize that we have a disease causing food supply, because of the dogmatic bull shit that is taught in our modern churches.  Perhaps at the top of the list is the teaching of Adolph Hitler’s interpretation of Romans 13…. that God, not the voter, somehow chooses the Satanic scum that is our government.

I have tried for going on 10 years now, to get the local Christian to solve many of the problems by forming food clubs using a PMA  (private membership association) structure.
Not a bite not a nibble by anyone in the so called Christian community.

I have long ago come to the conclusion that the greatest evil that we face today is “Modern Christianity”. Which is in fact de-facto Satanism – something you need to investigate to fully understand:

Mark Passio – De-Facto Satanism



Discounting the fact that most  weapons are illegal to own, and the “police” have disarmed us of them with threat of arrest,  and the threat of prosecution from law enforcement if we dare to  defend ourselves with the weapons that  we do  have.


Government is another word for slavery and rape

I just looked in my checkbook, and the last 10 gallon tank of gas has had to last me for 3 months….
While the government forces me to pay $45 a month to insure one vehicle.(that should insure both as I can only
drive one at a time)

In the last 3 months, I have been forced at gun point to pay $135 for insurance while I only used $23.00 worth of gasoline!

I just got back from town to witness 2 blue rapist cars, ( that cost the tax payer at least $100,000 per vehicle when you throw in
the drivers salary and insurance) were needed to pull over an old lady and extort more money from her.

When leaving town today, there was an empty blue rapist vehicle parked for the obvious purpose to intimidate and terrorize the population.

Americans are extremely stupid not to realize, that it is their duty to protect themselves, and that the real purpose of police (claimed to be run at the top by
the Church of Satan which is easy to believe considering their actions) is to control and intimidate the population by enforcing what are mostly tyrannical laws.

How very ironic, is it that we are forced at gun point to pay people to do a job that they can not and will not do, and to top it off is OUR job to do?

Both standing armies (our military and our police) are now being populated with illegal alien,s and that should tip you off at to why the globalists have
created and supported both of these illegitimate institutions.

Jesus said to buy a sword, he did not say to pay someone else to carry a sword for you!
In fact he said “those that live by the sword will die by the sword”.
He is clearly talking about the mercenaries that we call both police and our military.

Forcing people at gun point to pay for people to defend them, makes as much sense as forcing us to hire “grooms of the stools” (literately someone to wipe your ass). I think that most Americans still have enough sense to realize that it is their job to wipe their own ass’s, but they have no clue that the same thing applies to protecting themselves rather than “law enforcement”.


Just an observation about those that get their moral compass exclusively from the Bible and the 10 commandments:

As planned the globalists have controlled all of the religions because people will support much evil if they base their concepts of right and wrong solely on the bible.

An illustration of this is the is the ubiquitous acceptance of all 10 planks of the Satanic Communist Manifesto in our Churches,

Christians could not find a greater evil to support than the Communist manifesto yet that is exactly what they do!

Modern Christianity is in fact one of the great evils that the globalists have created and brought to us.


Real  Constitutional “Law Enforcement”…. is the Constitutional Militia (and the citizen controlled County  grand jury)

I am so tired of the misapplication of the term  “Law Enforcement”.
The only “Law Enforcement” mentioned in the US Constitution is the  Constitutional Militia, and the  the grand juries of the several states mentioned in article  1, section  8, paragraph 15.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that will come to your home and murder you if you have not paid the property tax and you refuse to leave.
All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that will come to your home and kidnap your children to be sex trafficked by CPS.
All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that will  steal your vehicle (which well could be your home) on the spot  if you don’t show proof of insurance.
All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that will steal your families  life savings  and call it “asset forfeiture“.
All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that  sit idly  by as the state puts rat poison in your child’s drinking water, and  the medical profession put poisons in their bodies and in their veins.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that are assisting massive Satanic child  sex trafficking at the southern border.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that helped to pull off the child murders  Ruby Ridge, Waco TX, OK city, and recently Maui Hawaii!

In reality “Law Enforcement” is the enforcement arm of the  New World Orders, war  on firearms and their war on drugs as both were put in place by the NWO for their benefit and for no other reason.

We were repeatedly warned by the founders not to have standing armies like our current military and our police.

Have you noticed that US cities and states are allowing  non-citizens to become police officers like they are already doing in Europe?  That is because  the  globalist plan from day one was to build standing armies  to enslave us!  This was the plan for both the “police” and the “US military”.

“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”
~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States

Here are some answers:



Breaking news and thoughts – December , 2023


There is an answer to the current criminal government over-reach.
It is a law enforcement problem, that can be solved by bringing back  the grand jury, and the Constitutional militia to the control of the citizens in  all of our counties.

To learn more:

Watch the 10 minute TC movie

Tactical Civics – home page

All of the Tactical Civics Books in PDF

TC Books on Amazon

Topic: Tactical Civics Webster county Missouri zoom meeting every Saturday 6 pm CST– until further notice

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 635 549 9114
Passcode: 02DPb1

***  JOIN OUR – TELEGRAM GROUP where will will also have video meetings

 This site was hacked 11/29/23
We lost most of the functionality of the site
Thankfully we have gotten much of the functionality back.
The malware is still in the site however.
So if we disappear for a bit don’t be surprised.


Everything points to Japan being under a series of withering attacks as a warning not to ‘The 1/1/24 Japanese earthquake was clearly the work of a ‘GEOWEAPON’, just like the Fukushima quake and tsunami were on 3/11/11.’  – The Burning Platform

The reality here is that the people that  your mentally ill pastor tells you were put there by God are in actuality working to bring in  the New World Order by destroying your and your families health…..

Keep on tithing to these Satanic bastards and see what it brings you.



Emergency Broadcast: New American Civil War Openly Promoted By Globalist Deep State – Americans Must Come Together & Stop It!

~The Alex Jones Show

If you wish to see how you will fare under Federal martial law you only have to look back at the history that you were not taught in the government schools.
It’s all spelled out in:

by Walter Cisco

Free as a PDF


The Alfacast crew takes you on a forensic journey into the miraculous human vehicle from biological to etheric to dispell medical mythology.

The End of Medical Mythology w/ Barre Lando & Mike Winner –   Alfa Vedic

Michigan Constitutional Sheriff Offers ‘Militia Course’ for Patriots to Defend the Homeland –

I guess it’s OK now to form militias because your boss and owner , “law enforcement” says its OK   to do so.
Americans are useless, suicidal,  sheep if it takes government permission to train to defend themselves.  FWIW the  poor level of training coming out of local law enforcement will get you  killed. Look for better training.


Have you ever thought that something is fundamentally wrong with  our concept of “government” —  when a Chinese spy stole the Whitehouse,  with their help, and we can’t seem to remove him from office?

Do you think that those old  white men in 1776 knew something when they told us that the Militia was “necessary” if we wish to remain free?

The Evil of the Residential Property Tax –

Whether on residential property of not, it is still EVIL and the 1st plank of Satanically inspired Communist Manifesto. The criminals that that enforce it should be hanged from the neck until dead IMHO.

The time of year that the County Satanists extort you or else they murder you

The time of year that the County Satanists extort you or else they murder you


76 Christian Universities Caught Promoting Abortion and Planned Parenthood

“Modern Christianity” is a joke. The ones that don’t support abortions are all on board with all 10 planks of the Satanic Communist Manifesto.


Exposed: The Hidden Agenda behind the UK Government’s very real Chemtrail Operations

The World’s First Randomized Controlled Trial On Fluoridation Is Targeting Children –  ETIENNE DE LA BOETIE2

Who is going to jail for poisoning ME for 40 years?
Who is going to be responsible for lowering MY IQ by at least 10 points?
Who is going to be charged for raising my cancer risks?
No one is who!
“Law enforcement” exists in this country to protect the globalists criminals and should in fact be disbanded. We now are witnessing “law enforcement” protecting those that carried out the COVID murders. “Law Enforcement” and the NWO are both on the same side.


Federal Land Grab: Biden’s Plan to Nab 30% of America’s Land by 2030

BREAKING VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Warns of Hostile Interdimensional/Spiritual Forces Influencing the Human “Ant Farm”

Russian “Special Flight Squadron” Lands in DC – Ukraine War to End; Russia lays out terms of surrender

Israel Smears Christian Mother And Daughter They Assassinated in Gaza Church as ‘Hamas Spotters
Chris Menahan

Brighteon Broadcast News, Dec 21, 2023 – Emergency whistleblower: RED DAWN ALERT – South American violent CRIMINALS being dispersed across U.S. cities – Mike Adams

Americans  remain too fuking stupid to form local militias for self defense, or to get a comms network up and running.  Fuk the American people they appear too stupid to survive what is  already here.


INTERVIEW Abe-usive Relationship — Lincoln Laid the Foundation for Abusive Govt – David Knight interviews Eric Peters

Lead-Contaminated Fruit Pouches Poison Dozens of Children Nationwide: FDA – Epoch times

Nothing new… ALL of our food supply is unfit for human consumption.


Here We Go! LAPD swears in police officers who are DACA recipients & entered US illegally

This is why the globalists have gotten the sheep to accept a standing army by calling it the “police”.  An institution they have always controlled.


Some very interesting discussion:
Becoming An American National & Setting Up Trusts As We War Against The Beast –  Sons of Liberty Radio

Video Report: IDF “Executed” Infants Point-Blank At School In Gaza, Witnesses Claim
by Kelen McBreen

This story is being censored by Email software.
You many not even be able to mail it to anyone.


Italian Health Minister Gave Orders To Conceal Vaccination Deaths – Now Under Investigation For Murder – Greg Reese

A real question that should be asked:
Why in hell are not all 3,140 county sheriffs under criminal investigation for aiding and abetting the murder of millions?
Why isn’t the law enforcement that allowed all of this under investigation for murder?
The answer is simple…. “law enforcement ” are thugs working for the NWO, that are always above the law.

Didn’t all of the AMA doctors in this country lie about the vaccine just like this Health minister? Why don’t we have criminal charges against US doctors that lied or did not do their due diligence?

Why isn’t “law enforcement” criminally charged for allowing this to happen?

Our world views are mostly fantasies…. doctors nor law enforcement are the good guys. Not by a long shot. They are both criminal groups that stay out of trouble as long as the are helping the globalist agenda.


Brighteon Broadcast News, Dec 12, 2023 – INSTANT POVERTY FOR ALL: Supreme Court decision could impose taxes on PAPER GAINS for all assets
– Mike Adams

What comes after the property tax you ask?

Congratulations to those that have gone along with the county “property tax” you have now brought us more evil.

All this “tax” is, is the extension of an evil that the Christian churches have already accepted in this country (i.e. the county “property tax”) from the county level to the national level and applied to more things that we own.

This is what happens when idiots get on a slippery slope. They never see where it is going to intimately lead.

It’s not a coincidence that this concept is the very first plank of the Satanic Communist Manifesto. (that our churches love  because they are “exempt”)


PS….Mike you and all the other talking heads, have missed that the Supreme Court destroyed the US Constitution, between 1803 and 1819, when 3 of their “decisions” gave them the undelegated power, of judicial supremacy.
Doesn’t anyone study history Mike?

This is what happens to stupid people that have neglected to form local militias for self defense. Coming  here to Missouri sooner rather than later…..Americans make piles of dog shit look smart. 

South American Gangs Target Dozens Of Mansions In Detroit
by Zero Hedge

I am learning why the  history of “Southern Reconstruction” was removed from public education…..


If citizens were taught about what Union troops did  in 1861 and forward…… they would fear and loath  our current “military” rather than cheer it on.

The war crimes of the Northern Standing army created by Rothschild puppet Lincoln were promoted and widespread. They were policy, and not rare incidents.
Change the names and you would think that you were reading about the Nazi SS during WW2. But no it is the Union army that you are reading about. The actions of the Union troops bear a strong resemblance to Israels  current actions in Gaza.   There is much to learn IMHO from learning this forbidden history. It is well documented from many sources including private diaries.

Doctors and  Pastors were arrested and murdered.  Many churches were taken over and used by Lincolns military….. some were sold at auction to the highest bidder.  One church that did not openly pray for Lincoln had it’s pastor arrested, put in prison, and a military pastor put in his place.

This book is a preview of what to expect from whatever standing army military is  put in charge when the Feds declare martial law after the false flag that they plan to run to substantiate  marital law.

I again urge you to learn the history that the globalists have gone to extreme lengths to prevent you from learning.




Putin Told Moon Landing Photos Are Fake – Greg Reese (13 minutes)

Just an observation about those that get their moral compass exclusively from the Bible and the 10 commandments:

As planned the globalists have controlled all of the religions because people will support much evil if they base their concepts of right and wrong solely on the bible.

An illustration of this is the is the ubiquitous acceptance of all 10 planks of the Satanic Communist Manifesto in our Churches,

Christians could not find a greater evil to support than the Communist manifesto yet that is exactly what they do!

Modern Christianity is in fact one of the great evils that the globalists have created and brought to us.


Have you noticed that physical courage. (i.e charging a machine gun nest)

is a hell of lot more prevalent, than the much more important moral courage?

The ability to stand up on moral issues, and to say no!

If American men  had  even a smidgen of moral courage we would not be in the hell that we  find ourselves in.,

“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”
~Benjamin Franklin


BOOK: War Crimes Against Southern Civilians Hardcover – April 30, 2007 by Walter Cisco (Author)

I learned of this book while reading  Lew Rockwell article today:

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

It covers a really nasty part of our history where the standing army we were warned against having,  committed atrocities on  Southern Americans  and then it was covered up like most of our real history.

I found this book in PDF and you can DL it here.

ON AMAZON: War Crimes Against Southern Civilians Hardcover – April 30, 2007  by Walter Cisco (Author) 


Walter Brian Cisco’s War Crimes Against Southern Civilians is the first book-length survey of the Union’s “hard war” against the people of the Confederacy--one that included the shelling and burning of cities, systematic destruction of entire districts, mass arrests, forced expulsions, wholesale plundering, and murder.

In a series of compelling chapters, Cisco chronicles the St. Louis massacre, where Federal authorities proceeded to impose a reign of terror and dictatorship in Missouri. He tells of the events leading to, and the suffering caused by, the Federal decree that forced twenty thousand Missouri civilians into exile. The arrests of civilians, the suppression of civil liberties, theft, and murder to “restore the union” in Tennessee are also examined.

Women and children were robbed, brutalized, and left homeless in Sherman’s infamous raid through Georgia. In South Carolina, homes, farms, churches, and whole towns disappeared in flames. Civilians received no mercy at the hands of the Union invaders.

Thoroughly researched from sources including letters, diaries, and newspaper accounts of the time, Walter Brian Cisco’s exhaustive book notably pays careful attention to the suffering of African-American victims of Federal brutality, revealing that wherever Federal troops encountered Southern blacks, whether free or slave, they were robbed, brutalized, belittled, kidnapped, threatened, tortured, and sometimes raped or killed by their blue-clad “liberators.”

Apologists for Lincoln’s hard war continue to downplay the suffering endured and the damage done, blame the victims, or call some of the above incidents “accidents” or “mistakes.” Many also cling to the Lincolnian myth that only by the most horrendous of wars could the slaves be freed, ignoring the fact that the rest of the Western world managed to bring an end to the institution without bloodshed. This book serves to set the record straight and to show that the war on Southern civilians was not justified, despite the convictions by many that such a war was necessary to save the union.

Walter Brian Cisco’s first book, States Rights Gist: A South Carolina General of the Civil War, a biography of the little-known general, was a 1992 selection of the History Book Club. He is also the author of Taking a Stand: Portraits from the Southern Secession Movement, Henry Timrod: A Biography, and Wade Hampton: Confederate Warrior, Conservative Statesman, considered the definitive biography of Hampton and the 2006 winner of the Douglas Southall Freeman History Award. He lives in Orangeburg, South Carolina.

“Of all the enormities committed by Americans in the nineteenth century–including slavery and the Indian wars–the worst was the invasion of the South, which destroyed some twenty billion dollars of private and public property and resulted in the deaths of some two million people, most of whom were civilians–both white and black.”
–David Aiken, editor of A City Laid Waste: The Capture, Sack, and Destruction of the City of Columbia

DOCUMENTARY: The groundbreaking and highly revealing documentary “THE MYSTERY OF ISRAEL – SOLVED!” reveals who the true founders of Israel are, who finance both the State of Israel as their adversaries Hamas. This film exposes something so nefarious, so evil, so mind-blowing that many will find it hard to believe. Yet it is true.  –

The MYSTERY of Israel revealed by David Sorensen in shocking interview – Mike Adams

Abraham Lincoln—War Criminal
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

This is why they force you at gun point to go to the 12 long “dumbing down camps”
It is to get the public to worship the tyrants of US history…

FWIW this is why the founders warned us NOT to even have a standing army!
Today we have 2… i.e. the police and the army.


Here is the book in PDF  mention in the above article:

Christian Family Forcibly Removed from Home at Gun Point, Handcuffed and Locked in Van After FBI Allegedly “Goaded” 15-Year-Old Son into Posting Controversial Memes and Gun Photos
By Jim Hᴏft

We don’t have a “government”  instead we have the  criminal  minions of the Satanic globalist cabal that runs this world.
You had better step up soon, and put a stop to this before it becomes unstoppable.
Take a look at if you want some answers to stopping the evil.


New Zealand ARRESTS Government Database Admin for Revealing 24% DEATH RATE for certain COVID Vaccine Batches – Hal Turner

Bombshell: New Zealand Whistleblower Reveals Over 20% Who Took Pfizer Jab Died
by Adan Salazar

The David Knight Show – 12/01/2023

And your useless county “law enforcement” still sits on its collective ass 3 years into this mass murder spree.  They really need to be part of the criminal prosecutions for at the very least criminal dereliction of duty.
The founders warned us of  having these standing armies for a reason.


The Inconvenient Law That Exposes Them For Who They Are! –  sonsoflibertyradiolive

 This site was hacked 11/29/23
We lost most of the functionality of the site
Thankfully we have gotten much of the functionality back.
The malware is still in the site however.
So if we disappear for a bit don’t be surprised.


Breaking news and thoughts –September to November, 2023


The Science and Story of Chlorine Dioxide

Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism – June 22, 2019
by Kerth Barker (free PDF – $8 on  Amazon)

If you want to read only one book to understand the Illuminati One World Government this is it. Take the time to read this book.

FREE  PDF of 2 of his books


“Drink water from your own cistern, And running water from your own well.”
~Proverbs 5:15

There is an answer to the current criminal government over-reach.
It is a law enforcement problem, that can be solved by bringing back  the grand jury, and the Constitutional militia to the control of the citizens of all of our counties.

To learn more:

Watch the 10 minute TC movie

Tactical Civics – home page

All of the Tactical Civics Books in PDF

TC Books on Amazon

Topic: Tactical Civics Webster county Missouri zoom meeting every Saturday 8 pm – until further notice

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 635 549 9114
Passcode: 02DPb1

***  JOIN OUR – TELEGRAPH GROUP where will will also have video meetings

Solutions Are Scary: Part 1 – It’s Time To Bring Back Citizen Militias – By Brandon Smith

Solutions Are Scary: Part 2 – Economic Rebellion And Black Markets


It’s Official! The Military-Industrial Complex Injections Have Killed 20 Million People: Are They Above The Law?
The Alex Jones Show

Hang The Genocidal Bastards!
Bowne Report | (6 minutes)

It’s about time.  Infowars is calling for the prosecution and execution of  Gates and Fauci as mass murderers!   It’s a little bit late IMHO, and still doesn’t include many hospital administrators including those in Springfield MO or the “law enforcement”  here in Webster Coutny that  has aided the mass murder from day one.


Pennsylvania Water Utility Attacked by Iranian Linked Cyberterrorists, More Planned

This could not have happened in a better shit hole.  Aliquippa PA.
I went to HS near here.
FWIW this smells lie a false flag. “Homeland Security”  likely behind it.


Dr David Martin: Under 21 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 50.23 and 24, it is illegal…

Just another reason to disband so called “law enforcement”

If law enforcement actually protected us why are not the many business owners that coerced their employees to take the jab (i.e Sams club and COSTCO, or your doctor) ) arrested and charged with felonies?

Law enforcement is about nothing other than, a standing army of mental midgets, that will enforce the illegitimate “laws” passed by the NWO’s legislatures.

They are all about enslaving us not protecting us. Get rid of police and bring back the Militia.

You were forced to attend a government school so that you would never learn enough about the law to use it as the tool to protect you that it was meant to be.


How the Democratic Party Faked an American Insurrection
By Robert Bridge
Strategic Culture

‘A Vast Pedophile Network’: Sen. Hawley Denounces Widespread Child Predation on Meta’s Platforms

When the hell is Josh going to tell the whole truth, and tell his constituents that through MK Ultra, and Mockingbird that the US government runs  much if not most of the  pedophilia in this country?


Common Drug Used by Pork Industry Has Human Cancer Risk
By Dr. Joseph Mercola

There is zero doubt in my mind that the men that rule the planet have been killing us off slowly for decades, with our food supply. This is just the very tip of the iceberg and it gets worse daily.

SCANDAL: Israel Screeching about “Hamas Tunnels” Under Hospitals; But it was ISRAEL which built those tunnels 40+ Years ago!

The Scam of Politics Continues
By Gary D. Barnett

How “well regulated” is your neighborhood?

Vehicle Explodes Entering USA at Niagara Falls, NY Border Crossing – Hal Turner

No vids! White Vans… People are missing, something fishy folks…. all of the homeless in San Francisco are really gone? What? –

Hmmmm just like the children on Maui,


An important broadcast to listen to and ponder:

Note that the dumb fuk Mike Adams does not support the 2nd amendment as he does not have a clue as to how important the state militias are.

Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 20, 2023 – Trump will be President in 2025 – and will transform America into a POLICE STATE after ANTIFA+JIHAD in America – Mike Adams

World Awakens To WEF Plan To Poison Food Supply

BTECH U25D DMR Amplifier – BEST DMR Handheld Amp – HAM radio 2.0

My BAOFENG Briefcase Repeater!! Here is the parts breakdown!!  – The Salty Ham

I’ve  been  thinking  of trying out the Be-tech 40 amp VHF amp.
VHF/2 meter  will cut through foliage better, and most VHF/UHF dipole antennas are tuned better to VHF than UHF.   

You can go one better with your antenna and get one tuned to  GMRS/MURS  that are a bit  higher than the VHF/UHF HAM  frequencies that most antennas a re tuned to.


Too many are ungrateful for our American freedom fighters – WND

Freedom fighters my arse!

We were warned about standing armies.
And have unwisely eschewed the militias.

FWIW undeclared wars, the use of DU, and wars of aggression (all we ever do) are either unconstitutional or war crimes.

That makes those that fight in these wars no freedom fighters but war criminals.

“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”

~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States


WHOA! New U.S. Army Recruitment Poster: “COVID Vaccine NOT REQUIRED”

Looks to me like they want to kill off all of our troops that are healthy and not vaccinated. This is precisely why we told that to remain free that the militia was “necessary”.


Jewish (Ashkenazi Jews) leadership PURPOSELY left most Jews in Germany……
This interview affirmed the story I have heard many times before.
That Hitler was going to ship ALL German Jews to Palestine, BUT Jewish leadership would only allow 1500 to go. This is a historical fact folks.
The Ashkenazi Jews (Bolsheviks) arranged the so called Holocaust. (which IMHO has been very twisted and inflated)

Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 16, 2023 – What we are all enduring now is a COSMIC TEST for your body, mind and soul – Mike Adams

HIGHLY   recommended  Baofeng UV-9 Radio $29

UV-9R PRO 8W Waterproof IP67 Two-Way Radio

This is the radio that I would have chosen if I were buying an inexpensive radio today.
1.) 8  watts
2.) USB charging for the battery can be very useful
3. IP67 water prooff.  (even my $200 Yaesu FT-70d is not fully waterproof)

I just programmed 3 of these today and  should have gotten nothing but this radio.  The programming cable is only $9 and the free CHIRP programmer worked.

I have all 22 GMRS.FRS frequencies  programmed
All 5 MURS frequencies
4 Marine band frequencies (ch 68,69,71,72)
All 7 National weather service frequencies
A few local HAM VHF repeaters


Shock Video: Good Samaritan Drags Wounded Cop to Safety During Gun Battle on Houston Freeway
by Dan Lyman

This is what happens when you disarm the population.

Why weren’t the bystanders armed and able to assist?

Maybe because the cops will arrest you of you carry concealed without permission.

If you use your brain you will see that it is “law enforcement” as useful idiots that often create these situations.


Our government is planning false flags…
Remember operation Northwoods?


COVERT INTEL: “Operation Catastrophe” 15 U.S. City “Attack” to be BLAMED ON “Hamas”

Gun Confiscation- Disarming Regular People Can Lead to Genocide

11-14-2023 •, By Milan Adams

So many things missed in this title…. 
First of all we all are  already disarmed!
What else are the unconstitutional 1934 federal firearms act, and the 1968 gun control act, if not a disarming of “we the people”?
“…disarming regular people….”
was uttered by someone that has already drank the cool-aide, and never learned that the 2nd amercement does not allow the permanent disarming of anyone for any reason.
Most “patriots’ were dumb enough to go along with this evil, and it’s accompanying slippery slope.
Predictably the feds now want to make everything a felony so that they can take everyone “guns”.. (as they have already taken our arms)



Bulk Ammo Ban Just Announced (S. 3223: AMMO Act) – Top Off While You Can


Cowardly, dumb assed Americans put up with the treason of the 1934 Federal Firearms Act.  Then cowardly, dumb assed Americans put up with the treason of the 1968 gun control act.

Now we go further down this slippery sloe and they want to take your ammo!

When the fuk are Americans going to say enough is enough, and demand that we hang from the neck until dead, anyone that commits this type of treason?

It will not stop until we do.


Federal Judge Smacks Down Biden’s ATF AR-15 Gun Ban – Gateway Pundit


They have dumbed the US population to a very low level.
How the flock does a Federal Court get any jurisdiction on the matter when the 2nd amendment clearly says “shall not be infringed”?

Doesn’t that mean that you have NO fracking jurisdiction, and that as the 10th amendment says it goes to the States and the people?

On top of all of that, SCOTUS was never given to power of Judicial review anywhere in the Constitution!

This can only happen in a country where the people drink fluoride and are uneducated in the very basics of government.


Zionist Support of Hamas
Mainstream media caught embedded with Hamas

So the mainstream press knew about the attack and did nothing. That’s is a serious crime in this country….

Shock Video: Florida Cops Run Over in ‘Deliberate Ambush’
by Dan Lyman

Doesn’t sound any worse than what “cops” do to us on a daily basis….
things like locking men in cages for 20 years for growing a plant
or coming to your house and murdering you because you don’t pay the property tax extortion and won’t give them your home.

Or to kidnap your child for the CPS sex traffickers without even a trial.

Or to steal your life savings, and call it  “asset forfeiture”.

It looks like deserved karma to me.



Jeffrey Prather warns Mike Adams that Israel-Hamas war could explode into runaway regional conflict – Mike Adams (38 minutes)

To those of you that think that Jeffery Prather’s stint as a drug warrior, denying  what people can choose to put into their bodies is honorable – you need to think again.

It is the exact same Satanic mindset that murdered my father when he had cancer.

The State would not allow him to choose what to use for his cancer, be it vitamin B17 or cannabis oils. My father was murdered by the mindset of men like Prather.

Legally my father could only commit suicide by taking the state approved and and legal Chemo and radiation.

This is what you bring to us Mr Prather when you do the Satanists dirty work when you enforce the United Nations war on drugs.


Religious Mind Control and the Impending Holy War – Greg Reese

Tucker interviews Martin Shkreli 

What is not said is that 99.999% of the big pharma drugs would not be needed with a good diet and a clean environment.
On top of that diet cures disease, bug pharma does not.


Supreme Court Appears Likely To Preserve Gun Law Disarming Domestic Abusers
by Zero Hedge

Ironic as hell because the 4 words “shall not infringe” mean that SCOTUS has zero jurisdiction over firearms.
This all belongs in the State Courts.
If this is not Federal infringement, nothing fukng is!
If it were not for the dumbing down in our schools this would not be happening!



Israel: Full Ground Assault INTO Gaza City within 48 Hours; Houthis WARN Saudis “Stop Downing our Missiles” – Hal Turner

“……Israel is a whirlwind of information that entry into Gaza City by Israeli troops will commence in earnest “within 48 hours.”  It is expected to be utterly brutal, full-scale, urban warfare.

In the days leading up to today’s information, Israeli Defense Forces have entered northern Gaza and have begun surrounding Gaza city from the north, along the west and along the coastal road at the east.  Another contingent of IDF entered south of Gaza and secured a three block wide pathway to the coastal road, from which they are beginning to move northward.

Fighting along the periphery of Gaza City has often be fierce, but word is that what’s been encountered by IDF so far “is nothing” compared to what full-scale urban warfare will bring.

The ferocious nature of urban warfare, in close quarters, is a well known nightmare for __any__ military.  The body count on both sides is expected to be mind-boggling.

Meanwhile, Houthis in the country of Yemen have been firing ballistic missiles and launching drones from Yemen towards Israel, but most of those have been intercepted by either US naval assets in the Red Sea, or by Saudi Arabia itself.

Today, the Houthis formally “warned” Saudi Arabia that if they continue to intercept missiles destined for Israel, the Houthis will begin targeting “all Saudi oil production facilities.”

On its face, it appears to most observers that the Houthis are telling the Saudis, “either you support your fellow Muslims, or you support Israel.  You can’t do both.”

This is apparently a very unexpected development both in the Arab world and at the Pentagon.   It is not yet know how this will be addressed….”


Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 6, 2023 – The Luciferian plot to destroy Christianity, Islam and Judaism in a global nuclear apocalypse – Mike Adams


Mike Adams I congratulate you on either your new understanding of the Satanic Secret Societies that have run the world for thousands of years, or your decision that the barely educated  group called “Conservative” had finally grown up enough to hear the truth.

Either way please keep it up.

To those somewhat uneducated on the Illuminati let me point you to you these phenominal books on the topic. Start with:

Cannibalism-blood-drinking-high-adept-satanism-by-kerth-barker.pd(it is also on Amzon for $8)

I also have a correction for you on the “pledge of allegiance”.

The words that we should have an issue with Mike are “nation invisible”.

For one Mike the US is not a Nation. Texas, Missouri, and France, are Nations.

The US is a confederation of Sovereign Nations!

AND the USA is most certainly IS divisible.

Keep up the good work.

I would be happier with you if you had not de-platformed me on brighten-social for no reason, and no recourse. I promise you will be hearing more about that…..



State secretly retaining blood from newbornsState secretly retaining blood from newborns
‘Can currently use the DNA for any reason, without informed consent from parents’
By WND Staff

Massive Oil and Gas Reserves Discovered Under Gaza – Israel Grants Development Licenses –

False Flag Red Alert! US Government Ops Preparing To Carry Out Acts Of Terrorism Upon America As The COVID Psyop And Unleashing The Bioweapons Was All A HUGE Part Of World War 3


Israel vs Palestine – What They Don’t Want You to Know – AwakenWithJP

Evangelical Christians Turn Their Backs on Christians in Palestine Who are Being Murdered and Attacked by Jews as They Give Unconditional Support to Israel –

Congressman Introduces Bill to EXPEL Palestinians from US based on National Origin – Hal Turner

It looks more and more  that in addition to their other many faults that most of our congressmen rode the short bus to school and then went to work in congress.

I don’t think one could find a better example of a “Bill of Attainder”.

None of the stupid sons of a bitches in Congress seems  have ever read the Constitution.   Missouri moron Josh Hawley  tried to introduce a “Bill of Attainder” just a few month back as you recall.


BULLETIN — Russia at United Nations:”Israel has no right to self defense as an “Occupying Power” – Hal Turner

Russia is spot on.
The current inhabitants of  “Israel” are not even Semites!
They are not the descendants of Abram, which is their illegitimate argument for stealing others homes and property!
The Zionist  own argument itself  is bull shit.


Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 1, 2023 – Israel becomes a full-fledged TERRORIST STATE with admitted bombing of crowded refugee camp – Mike Adams

FBI Director Wray Grilled By Congress, Reveals Iranian Sleeper Cell Assassins In US ‘Have Made Attempts’ To Kill Americans & Could Attack
by Kelen McBreen

The tip of the iceberg – and some predictive programming for what they have brought to us, real terror attacks and  and  false flags.


The Disturbing Truth About Oral Contraceptives
By Dr. Joseph Mercola (article and 80 minute video)

Presently many Israeli citizens think of the Rothschild family as heroes who helped to bring about the creation of modern Israel.
But when you understand Pike’s plan, you then understand the real intentions of the Rothschilds. They are the Judas Goat, sent by the Illuminati, to lead the Israeli people to slaughter in WWIII.”

Page 38: Deconstructing the Illuminati: What The Illuminati Really Is & How To Defeat It  – May 1, 2017
by Kerth Barker

Unbelievable Facts About “Hurricane” Otis & Destruction of Acapulco | Jeff Berwick Interview

Israel is now a full-scale dictatorship
In the weeks since October 7, there has been no room for dissent in Israeli society. Detention centers are filling up fast with people who show even the slightest opposition. Here are some scenes from the Israeli Dictatorship.

In Plane Sight: Drug agents searching passengers for cash at airport gates
Agents search the carry-on bags of Hartsfield Jackson passengers without getting warrants and seize money without making arrests –

This war on drugs was imitated, and put into action by the globalists that run this country. Like their “Opium wars” in China it allows the global elites to get rich, steal our rights, and to gain control over our police and our government.

The “drug agents” scum, all work for the NWO and should in a perfect world all be charged and when convicted, hanged from the neck until dead. Then we could work our way up the food chain, and do the same to the government officials that pushed it, along with the globalists themselves.

FWIW this exact same type of illegal search has been done by Greyhound bus lines for decades! No one seems to want to report on that fact.



Real “Law Enforcement”…. 

I am so tired of the misapplication of the term  “Law Enforcement”.
The only “Law Enforcement” mentioned in the US Constitution is the  Constitutional Militias  (and also the grand juries) of the several states mentioned in article  1, section  8, paragraph 15.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that will come to your home and murder you if you have not paid the property tax and you refuse to leave.
All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that will come to your home and kidnap your children to be sex trafficked by CPS.
All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that will  steal your vehicle (which well could be your home) on the spot  if you don’t show proof of insurance.
All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that will steal your families  life savings  and call it “asset forfeiture“.
All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that  sit idly  by as the state puts rat poison in your child’s drinking water, and  the medical profession put poisons in their bodies and in their veins.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that are assisting massive Satanic child  sex trafficking at the southern border.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that helped to pull off the child murders  Ruby Ridge, Waco TX, OK city, and recently Maui Hawaii!

In reality “Law Enforcement” is the enforcement arm of the  New World Orders, war  on firearms and their war on drugs as both were put in place by the NWO for their benefit and for no other reason.

We were repeatedly warned by the founders not to have standing armies like our current military and our police.

Have you noticed that US cities and states are allowing  non-citizens to become police officers like they are already doing in Europe?  That is because  the  globalist plan from day one was to build standing armies  to enslave us!  This was the plan for both the “police” and the “US military”.

“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”
~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States

Here are some answers:


FLASH TRAFFIC ADDED – TURKISH NAVY DEPLOYING 100 SHIPS AGAINST ISRAEL –~FIFTY (50) U.S. Military Transport Planes in 24 Hours to Middle East

IMHO all of the men in the US illegal  standing army are clearly  treasonous for following illegal orders.

This is a war crime. it is a  war of aggression and of genocide and anyone with a soul should refuse to participate.

A good out come of all of this might  be for our entire Navy to be sunk by the hyper-sonic missiles that Russia, China, and Iran all have.
They can also take down the F-35 with these missiles.
Then the US will either stop their colonization and enslavement  of the world  or we will end up with a lot of nukes being launched at CONUS.

I’m really — I have my potassium iodide at least.
I have my neighborhood Militia at the ready.


There Is No Legitimate Role for Any Government or Rule
By Gary D. Barnett

“…..Religion has always been a control mechanism used to subdue the crowd, so it is no surprise that the worship of the State by its subjects is reverent in nature. The State and the church throughout time have acted as one; both seeking compliant and devoted followers. This was the plot all along, as history will certainly support. This is why the ruling class through its controlled government, has always been the people’s church, and the government agents have always sought to be seen as gods by the collective hordes of votaries. All power seekers have to destroy the idea of individualism, self-sufficiency, critical thinking, and independent sovereignty, in order to be seen as superior to the members of the dependent herd. This tenet is mandatory for rule of one over another to exist, and it has been accomplished throughout time……”


Song: Barry McGuire – Eve of Destruction 1965 – 2015 – YouTube

Eve of Destruction Lyrics
[Verse 1]
The Eastern world, it is explodin’
Violence flarin’, bullets loadin’
You’re old enough to kill, but not for votin’
You don’t believe in war, but what’s that gun you’re totin’?
And even the Jordan River has bodies floatin’

But you tell me over and over and over again, my friend
Ah, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction

[Verse 2]
Don’t you understand what I’m tryin’ to say?
And can’t you feel the fears I’m feelin’ today?
If the button is pushed, there’s no runnin’ away
There’ll be no one to save with the world in a grave
Take a look around you, boy, it’s bound to scare you, boy

And you tell me over and over and over again, my friend
Ah, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction

[Verse 3]
Yeah, my blood’s so mad, feels like coagulatin’
I’m sittin’ here just contemplatin’
I can’t twist the truth, it knows no regulation
Handful of senators don’t pass legislation
And marches alone can’t bring integration
When human respect is disintegratin’
This whole crazy world is just too frustratin’
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The Fightin’ Side of Me
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And you tell me over and over and over again, my friend
Ah, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction

[Verse 4]
Think of all the hate there is in Red China
Then take a look around to Selma, Alabama
Ah, you may leave here, for four days in space
But when you return, it’s the same old place
The poundin’ of the drums, the pride and disgrace
You can bury your dead, but don’t leave a trace
Hate your next-door neighbor, but don’t forget to say grace

Biden Calls For Gun Control After Maine Shooting: ‘Who the Hell’ Needs a High-Capacity ‘Assault Weapon’?

Who needs to be armed to the teeth impostor Joe?
We the American people need to be armed to the teeth when we have
a criminal government whos members have repeatedly threatened to use nukes and F16’s on civilian US citizens,
and then have the gall to call us terrorists!
You project that you are planning to do to us what you are doing to the people of Gaza this very hour!
Then you want to disarm us?
Many Americans are stupid enough to fall for your verbal diarrhea pedo-man but I am not among them.

These traitors need to be charged with treason and hanged.


Huge UFO Mothership Has Entered Our Solar System, Say Astronomers –


Screenshot: Maine Shooter Committed Suicide by Shooting Himself in the Head Twice According to Daily Mail US – The Article Is Now Removed  – Red State Nation

Looks like another false flag to me. More to follow I am sure.


US Food Insecurity Crisis Erupts: 17 Million Households Starving, Highest In 11 Years


Perhaps Americans as the globalists call  us are truly “useless eaters”.
Too fuking stupid to deserve to live.

I have for 10 years tried to get a local food co-op established, and we are in the perfect place to do so, as I am surrounded by Amish Farms. Not a single taker or the slightest interest shown by anyone. Including “Christian” men that are in the food business..

I have for 10 years offered to till up ground for my neighbors to establish gardens…. not a single taker or the slightest interest shown.

I have for 10 years warned my neighbors to store food because bad times are coming…. again not the slightest interest shown.

Perhaps starving to death is what Americans deserve. Should there not be consequences for your bad decisions?

As far as I can discern people that call themselves “Christians”  are the enemy.
They not only refuse to take action to stop this evil government they refuse to prepare for what they have caused by their inaction and will in a heart beat kill me when they get hungry.

“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Gaza: “Open Slaughterhouse” – “One gigantic Satanic Sacrifice” –  Hal Turner


UPDATED 10:31 PM EDT — Biden Sends “War Powers” Notification to Congress over Gaza Situation – Hal Turner

This is what happens when people sit on their asses and refuse to stop their Satanic and criminal government.   Thanks for the apathy, complacency, and cowardliness  America!

The Committees “stand down psy-op” has worked flawlessly.

Notice how Biden demonizes the word “militia” multiple times.


Secret Plan For World Socialist Dictatorship EXPOSED – Jay Dyer (45 minutes)

An incredibility informative talk by Jay Dyer.

Jay Dyer  explains how the  globalist Communists changed tactics and decide to infiltrate Christianity rather than eliminate it.  (if you are  impatient listen in at 27 minutes)


Former Gov. Jesse Ventura and his crew on Conspiracy Theory The ‘Police State’episode proves once and for all that the feds have trained to take on American citizens, planned for riots and disasters and made preparations to maintain order at any cost.

Jesse Ventura POLICE STATE FEMA CAMPS part 3 of 3 CENSORED FROM TV (15  minute clip)


The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children by Way of Vaccines – Need to know News

We have millions in “law enforcement” and we have 3,140 county sheriffs — yet none of them have investigated, much less filed charges over these mass murders!

One must come to the conclusion that they are either supremely incompetent, and need to be disbanded, OR that they are the faithful employees of the New World Order.(taking Federal money)

Either way the founders warned us about standing armies such as our current “law enforcement”,

“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”

~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States


Think about this one… I recently (10/26/23) heard Alex Jones claim that 40% of the Congress is on SSRiI’s!

Prozac Pollution Making Shrimp Reckless
Antidepressant’s key ingredient is flushed into coastal waters, study says.

Could SSRI’s also be making our criminal legislature reckless?



Biden Admin Calls For ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban In Wake Of Mass Shooting, VP Harris Suggests Australia-Style Confiscation
by Kelen McBreen

What part of “shall not infringe” does the SOB not understand?

Do you think that Americans have enough brains to finally reinstate the Constitutional State militias for the protection of themselves and their families from an obviously tyrannical and out of control government?
I’m not holding my breath…..

Movie: Mr Jones  
Free to watch on Amazon.  I thought it  very worth my time.

The press was in on and covered up Stalin’s Holodomor of  tens of millions of Ukrainian Christians.The same press hidden  genocide is happening in Gaza 90 years later — and IMHO the same group of people planned  both events..~MFP

Jewish Settlers from Dier Istia Tell West Bank Palestinians – Get Out Now Because We’re Coming to Kill you

Yup get out while the roads are blocked and being bombed.
This is the worse genocide in a long time.


Major Jeffrey Prather and Mike Adams offer bombshell analysis of Middle East escalation to WORLD WAR – Mike Adams


Mike Adams why do you “honor the service” of men like Jeffery Prather that are proud rather than repentant of having trampled the Constitution?

He is proud of being a ” drug warrior” which is not in the Constitution, and is was based on a drug schedule handed to us by the United Nations!!!!

He fought the drug war FOR the globalists and you thank him for his service!

WTF Mike? WTF?

He may be a good analysist, but he sure as hell is not respectful at all of the Constitution and he sure as hell does not need to be thanked for trampling it!!


Yes Mike and Jeffery Americans have been “stripped of their weapons” and ability to defend ourselves.

You talk about the national guard not having ammo. Are the both of you too thick to see that this is why we were warned about standing armies like the National Guard?

Are you freaking oblivious to the fact that our criminal “law enforcement” has violated the second amendment by their enforcing the illegitimate 1968 gun control act? (which is not the required Constitutional amendment needed to change the 2nd amendment)

I and my entire neighbor hood, are disarmed by so called criminals posing as “law enforcement” that would come and arrest us if we dared to follow the 2nd amendment to protect our families and children, and had the weapons that the terrorists will use against us.

You both seem to be on drugs or mentally incapacitated for missing the obvious here.


MOVIE: Mr. Jones 1933. An ambitious young journalist, Gareth Jones, travels to Moscow to uncover the truth behind Stalin’s Soviet propaganda that pushes their “utopia” to the Western world. When he gets a tip that could expose an international conspiracy, Jones’ life and the lives of his informants are at stake. Based on a true story that would later inspire George…

Brought up when Mike Adams talks about the parallels between the Stalins Holomodor in Ukraine and what is going on in Gaza.

He missed pointing out that it was Bolshevik Jews that are involved in both cases.



Report: Israel Planning to ‘Flood Hamas Tunnels With Nerve Gas Under U.S. Navy Supervision’
Chris Menahan

“Israel is planning to turn Hamas’ underground tunnels into a gas chamber using internationally banned nerve gas and chemical weapons, according to a report from the Middle East Eye….”

In case you have not figured this out yet this is a purposeful psy-op designed to inflame the Arabic world and to start WW3.

A great comment on this talk:
BEST CELLULAR ON THE PLANET IS IN GAZA,,,, every citizen has a smart phone with unlimited data filming war porn…..Question everything… Godspeed

My response:
You really hit the nail on the head.
Israel could shut down the cell phones but do not.
Because they want to inflame the Arab world into WW3 with what is being shown


19,000 ATMs Have Shut Down Across US as the Govt Prepares to Roll Out CBDC Digital Currency – Need to Know News

US Foster Care: Psych Drugs Are a $23 Billion Per Year Industry and Children Are Raped and Abused – Need to Know News

And this racket is fully supported in Americas modern Christian churches.
These kidnapped children are where infertile Christians get their children from.


Why TERRORIST attacks are coming to America, Canada and Western Europe – Mike Adams

The terrorist attacks are going to be very successful because US “law enforcement” has criminally disarmed the American people. If we try to procure the same weapons that the terrorists will be using against us, “law enforcement” will come and arrest us.

Not only that, we have no training. When we try to train for the self defense of our families, as small local militias, “law enforcement” will infiltrate and call us terrorists!

Then you have patriot mouth pieces like Mike Adams, that have never read, nor believe in the the 2nd amendment, and will not call for an immediate reinstatement of the State Militias.

Mike Adams even goes further and supports the actions of evil as hell, globalist serving, “US law enforcement” that are aiding in the genocide of the American people..


Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says

This is after  the Israeli government disarmed  many kibbutz’s a week ago.


The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children
Forty thousand dollars per every hundred babies injected with deadly poisons
~Greg Reese

We have “law enforcement” in 3,140 US counties that are sitting on their asses and allowing this genocide of our children unopposed.

It is crystal clear that “law enforcement” just like the modern Christian church works for the goals of the New World Order Globalists.


Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism Paperback – June 22, 2019


Heard about this book from Dr Lee Merritt.
Heavy shit, but I for one want the truth about how the world works…..


Yes, Weapons Of War Belong In The Hands Of The People!

Yes, Weapons Of War Belong In The Hands Of The People!

*** Tim Brown is one of the few that will speak the truth as to how important it is to restore the State Militias.



US soldiers are FAT, while Hamas fighters are FIT and LEAN – Mike Adams

The more important point Mike is that “law enforcement” has disarmed the American citizen (it was planned this way by their globalist masters) while Hamas will not be disarmed.

Hamas will have RPG’s to shoot at my house or my car. they will have full auto weapons and perhaps most importantly they will have training.

The Average American will have none of these thanks to “law enforcement”!

Not even the training, because every time we form militias as demanded by the Constitution, “law enforcement” infiltrates, calls us terrorists for wishing to defend our families, and send us to prison.


Youtube joins the censoring bandwagon.
No way to tell what the hell they censored or to get it reversed.
Fuk all of these globalist directed companies!

Missouri Law Banning Police From Enforcing Federal Gun Laws Put On Pause By SCOTUS

Do you realize what  dangerous horse shit this is?
This is the Federal government trampling the 10th amendment, and  it declaring that it can define the limits of it’s own fuking  powers!

The States that created the Federal government. have no say  about the Constitutionality of Federal laws written under  the  document that they wrote,  according to SCOTUS that was given no power of Judicial review, much less judicial review of the State courts!!

This only stands because the population is so freaking dumbed down.


Orthodox Jews Rally Saying “Israel is not a Jewish state, it is a Zionist state”

New Hampshire Bill Could Trigger Secession If National Debt Reaches $40 Trillion –


Grace’s Dad Tells Heartbreaking Story of His Daughter’s Murder at Hospital

This  is a very heartbreaking story and  was very clearly a case of medical homicide, yet “law enforcement”  does nothing.  “Law Enforcement” in many respects have been accomplices in this open genocide.


‘It Took My Breath Away’ —Top Doctor Exposes Study Showing 50% of Young Men Who Got Myocarditis from Jab had PERMANENT Heart Damage
by Adan Salazar

OpSec Fail: White House Apologizes after Identities of US Special Ops Forces in Israel Revealed on Instagram
by Adan Salazar

When this is all over — there will be a lot of US troops that should be charged with treason and or  war crimes for their actions in Ukraine and in the Gaza eugenics operation.

We are witnessing prime example of why we were warned NOT to have standing armies.

“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”
~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States


LIVE UPDATES IN PROGRESS 2:28 PM EDT -Israeli Defense Minister to Troops: “The Order will soon be given”

Shite is likely to get intense soon.
Hope you are ready  for when that happens – what a great distraction for the US politicians from Hawaii, the COVID genocide, and the dollar crashing.

97 US Senators voted for backing Israel with no opposing votes!

It looks like Josh Hawely supports war criminals. IMHO the entire US senate should face a war crime tribunal for backing the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza.
They just bombed a hospital that was a refuge for children and that was not enough blood for the blood lust of the Globalists that are running Israel.

If you wanted to start a global nuclear war this is exactly what you would do to start one!


We need to find the Israeli Pilot and his commanders and hold a Nuremberg II trial for them!!

Then if convicted to publicly hang them from the neck until dead and to give all of their assets to the victims.


And  the criminals in  “law enforcement” do nothing……
Most of “law enforcement” needs to be arrested themselves.
Most of Law Enforcement” it seems are incapable of reading written text.~MFP

Some astounding observations and conclusions from Hal Turner tonight….

He is saying that he does not think it was a US supplied J-dam that hit the hospital in Gaza….
I have an open mind and will see where this leads…..
I will be surprised if Israel was not the culprit.
In a way it does not matter to me, as the Israel government has already admittedly killed an estimated 20,000 Palestinian civilians with  their air raids.


FEDS Issue Emergency Alert After Largest Cyber Attack Ever Hits Internet’s Backbone And Could Explode With Catastrophic Consequences By Taking Down America’s Critical Infrastructure
– Why Cyber Warfare Is An Existential Threat Most Americans Are Unprepared For
~All News Pipeline

Putin Gives U.S. “Tap on the Shoulder” over Middle East Aircraft Carriers – Hal Turner

Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 18, 2023 – Horrific BOMBING of HOSPITAL in Gaza sets entire Arab world against Israel – Mike Adams

With Non-Stop World-Wide Chaos, It Won’t Be Long Before America Is Taken Over And Destroyed By Foreign Military Forces Already Here And We’ll Be Living A Real Life ‘Red Dawn’ = AllNewsPipeline

8:13 AM EDT — Israeli War Cabinet Approves “Broad Assault” of Gaza – Hal Turner

COVER UP: Israel DELETES Video They Claimed Showed Islamic Jihad Rocket Hit Hospital; Sound Analysis Suggests Israel Used Powerful JDAM Missile
Chris Menahan

Israel Is Just A Nonstop Bombing Campaign With A Flag

OCT 16, 2023

Al-Ahli Gaza Baptist Hospital Bombed – 500+ DEAD! – Hal Turner

BOOK: Police State: How America’s Cops Get Away with Murder Hardcover – September 8, 2015
by Gerry Spence

FYI Gerry Spence is the man that defended  Randy Weaver of Ruby Ridge infamy.


REPORT: Shock Video Shows NYPD Taking Groceries to Provide for Illegals

You morons that have supported the standing army of thugs in Blue rather than Constitutional Militias have not seen anything yet.
Waite until they come for your guns and your food and take your family to death camps.
Defund these criminals while you still can.


Danger Is Lurking Around The Corner: While All Eyes Are Focused On The Middle East, Sleeper Cells Are Right In Our Own Back Yard Prepared To Kills Americans –

Yet most Americans can’t even spell the word “Militia” much less belong to one. Americans deserve a Darwin Award.  They think that the thugs in blue are going to protect them.


Solutions Are Scary: Part 1 – It’s Time To Bring Back Citizen Militias – By Brandon Smith

Gates Foundation Insider Admits Depopulation Drugs Are Pumped Into Fast Food Meals –


The US food supply has been flooded with depopulation drugs with the intention of quietly and deceitfully sterilizing the majority of the human race, according to a Gates Foundation insider who has admitted that Bill Gates’ mRNA vaccines, mosquitoes and food production are part of a multi-pronged eugenics attack on the human race.

Our patriot mouth pieces are morons….that have yet to call for a reinstatement of the Constitutional militia!
It is hard to wrap your mind around how dangerously freaking out to lunch the entire patriot leadership is. Stupidity on this level is hard to fathom.
Do they work for the CCP along with Biden? Sure looks like it.


An exploration of the Terrain Theory of health and wellness that works in symbiosis with nature and is free of flawed and corrupt medical paradigms. (2h 6m)

Andrew Kaufman,  MarkMcDonald, Peggy Hall,Samantha Bailey, Sally Fallon, Alphonse Faggiolo, Barre Lando, Tom Cowan, Jason Lindgren, Marcelina Cravat

Hamas Terror Attack Survivor Says IDF “Undoubtedly” Shot & Killed Israeli Citizens, Burned Down Kibbutz Home
by Kelen McBreen


Note the pervasive lie, that not supporting Israel is somehow a prejudice against those that speak either Arabic, Hebrew, or Aramaic (semetic languages)

General Daniel Hokanson doesn’t seem to even understand what the word semite means.


Our schools are poisoning the children –

Animal Contraceptive And Antibiotics Detected In Top 10 Popular Fast Foods: Report


An Israeli Soldier’s Story – Eran Efrati (40 minutes)

Watch this to the end.
We were warned about standing armies like the “police”.
We have been taught nothing but revisionist history about the Arabs and the Jews.  A very good talk if you have not ever watched it yet.


The Last Battle (65 minutes)

I was misled and this 10 pqrt documentary  is about the globalist Zionist money racket…. at least in the beginning. 10 parts and looks to be well done. Now they are talking about Palestine.
I think they end up going into the many lies of WW2 and Hitler.

Israel orders Palestinians to EVACUATE, then BOMBS THEM when they attempt to flee – Mike Adams

Yes this is the Mossad  way.
They actually do this type of thing on a regular basis.

Defamation – the movie

2009 documentary film by award-winning Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir. It examines antisemitism and, in particular, the way perceptions of antisemitism affect Israeli and U.S. politics. A major focus of the film is the Anti-Defamation League.
The film examines whether anti-Semitic has become an all purpose label for anyone who criticizes Israel and the idea that some Jews’ preoccupation with the past—i.e., the Holocaust—is preventing progress today.[1] Shamir decided to make Defamation after a critic of an earlier film accused him of antisemitism.

There is Absolutely NO HOPE AT ALL to fix this . . . .

This fuking moron Hal Turner doesn’t know his history.
He doesn’t know that to this day Jews and Muslims live peacefully side by side in Syria and Iran and used to do so in Jerusalem UNTIL the Zionist moved in.
Most Americans are just as fuking stupid when it comes to knowing anything at about about the world around them.


Israel Fostered the Rise of Hamas, Even After It Turned to Terror
Deliberately undermining the peace process by eliminating acceptable counterparties
By Brian McGlinchey


2A WORKS! Gun Owners of America says Horrific Situation in Israel Shows Why Americans Were Afforded the Right to “Weapons of War” – for SELF-DEFENSE
by Ethan Huff |

What a blatant lie Ethan Huff!
Me having what the terrorists will be using would land me in jail.

I do not have full auto. I don’t have a suppressor, I don’t have various explosive devices!

If I had what the terrorists have US “law enforcement” would come and put me in jail!

Americans are prevented having the “weapons of war” guaranteed under the 2nd amendment by our  criminal US Law Enforcement!


Soros Asked America To Open Its Door To Hamas, Then Funded Open Borders & Hamas-Supporting Black Lives Matter
The Alex Jones Show

Senator Rand Paul Exposes How The US Has Been Funding Terror Groups For Years
The Alex Jones Show


Respected Israeli historian  Ilan Pappe just wrote this article:

My Israeli Friends: This is Why I Support Palestinians – ILAN PAPPE –

Here are  his books on Amazon


Five Cops Shot Near Minneapolis on Eve of ‘Day of Jihad’
by Dan Lyman

Don’t lose sight that it was US “law enforcement” that has disarmed the population using illegitimate gun laws like the “1968 gun control act”, to the point that the terror cells are much better armed than you and I are.

When lots of us die in a terror attack we should place the blame squarely on the shoulders of US “law enforcement”, that has criminally disarmed us.


The REAL Reason Hamas Attacked Israel: Glenn Beck, Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin REACT | Glenn TV | Ep 310 – Glenn Beck


You show who and what you work for Glenn, and it certainly is NOT the truth!  You are a very dangerous disinfo agent Glenn Beck!
You are part of  Operation Mockingbird Glenn!

It’s clear to me  from this video that the globalists own Glenn Beck,
He is a Judas goat for the CIA and Mossad, meant to lead the masses over a cliff.
This deception  is what real Satanic evil looks like.


Wonder why all the US politicians are jumping on the Israel bandwagon? 
Maybe because they are forced to sign loyalty oaths to Israel!!!


Want a Contract with A&M? Be Ready to Sign a Pro-Israel Loyalty Oath

A Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Refused to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath, Now Mandatory in Many States — so She Lost Her Job

U.S. politicians “pledge allegiance” to Israel say Muslims

Congress’ Test of Allegiance: US or Israel?

U.S.A lawmakers forced to pledge of allegiance to Israel

Ilhan Omar says her refusal to ‘pledge allegiance’ to Israel does not make her antisemitic


Hundreds of stores from Walgreens to Macy’s are silently deploying facial recognition technology to spy on shoppers (and it’s legal in most states) – Daily Mail

And many of you idiots on Facebook did the AI training by identifying people!!


This Israeli Kibbutz had a neighborhood militia, and it saved ALL of their lives…… Americans are not this bright and IMHO will deserve to die when they are attacked. It’s called a Darwin award.

NO HESITATION: How a Young Israeli Woman Saved Her Community
Daisy Luther

Christian Father & Sons Sentenced To More Than 35 Years For Good Deeds (Video) –

Mark Grenon and his three sons got a combined sentence of more than 35 years for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and giving away Chlorine Dioxide that was used to eliminate bad bacteria and parasites in the body, and people’s bodies were beginning to heal as a result. Not only were they denied a trial by jury, but they have been railroaded with two of the young men receiving 91 more months than their father and brother for allegedly “contempt of court.” Mark joins me in this episode from the federal prison in Miami to inform listeners about what went on and how they can help….

Israeli Defense Minister: “We have abolished all the rules of war. Our soldiers will not be held responsible for anything. There will be no military courts” – Hal Turner

If you have  payed attention, Israel has been a terrorist country since it’s inception.
That is the main reason that they were attacked on Saturday.



Israel Funded Hamas Beginning in the 1970s and Is Supported by Netanyahu

Sen. Josh Hawley: “Any Funding for Ukraine Should be Redirected to Israel Immediately” – Infowars

I have always thought that Hawley was a dumb SOB. ( He actually wanted to write bills of attainder for a particular company a few months back)  How the hell do you recall a senator now that the Missouri legislature can no longer do so?
I find it hard to put my disgust for this uninformed man into words.

Doesn’t this fuking moron realize that the US Constitution does not authorize such “help” with my money?



Israel Shows Why Americans Have Right To “Weapons of War” For Self-Defense


TYLER DURDEN have you gone delusional?
I am an American and I sure don’t have access to the “weapons of war” that I would need to defend myself against a terror cell attack here in Missouri.  My county sheriff would put me in jail if I had the weapons that the terrorist will have.
I am prohibited from having a full auto rifle.
I am prohibited from having a suppressor.
I am prohibited from having  various explosive devices!
AlI I have is a semi auto rifle and I will die if I go up against terrorist with weapons that “law enforcement” prohibits ME from having!
The biggest death wish visited  upon me by “US Law Enforcement” is probably their demonetization of the militia. (in addition to their having  disarmed  the militia)  We have no training and no militia because “law enforcement” will infiltrate and call us terrorists!

This lack of training caused by our criminal “law enforcement” is  perhaps even more deadly than the fact that they have also disarmed us.

To repeat Tyler you are delusional if you think that Americans have access to the tools of war and the training to use them effectively in self defense.  We have a criminal gang called “law enforcement” that prevents such from happening.  When lots of Americans die in a terror attack it will not be the Israeli government that caused it, it will be US Law Enforcement that caused it.


I just began listening to this myself…..

David Icke: What’s REALLY Happening in Israel (42 minutes)


Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 9, 2023 – ISRAEL AT WAR: Gaza destruction will spark Palestinian REVOLTS worldwide – Mike Adams

Mike you said the government of Israel is so evil that it won’t let the people defend themselves.

I agree fully and this applies to US cities and even the rural area where I live Mike.

The evil order follower here called the county sheriff does not think that I have a God given right to have fully automatic weapons, suppressors, and various explosive devices — even though the 2nd amendment is clear on this matter, and they are essential if I wish to survive a group attacking me.

The single greatest treat to my life Mike, is my county sheriff, a terrorist in reality, because of his criminal enforcement of illegitimate US gun law.

To be clear, in the matter of my safety, my county sheriff is as much or more of a threat to my life than the terror cells in this country.

I guess my county sheriff is “demonic and evil” also Mike.

His actions towards me are the same as those of the Israeli government towards their people.


Why Has Fauci Not Been Held To Account For Mass Graves Of Thousands Of Children Killed By His Illegal Experiments In NYC?

……..Recently, The People’s Voice brought up the subject again of one of the videos above converning the mass graves of children found in New York City. These children, like the Beagles above, were subjected to deadly experiments. Indeed, Fauci is the embodiment of Nazi Josef Mengele.

The corpses of thousands of children killed by Dr. Anthony Fauci in illegal medical experiments have been uncovered in Hawthorne, New York, strengthening the case to have the former NIH director charged with crimes against humanity and crimes against children……

“US weather warning: America to plunge into two week arctic freeze” – Geoengineering watch – Dane Wigington


Israel  has disarmed their own citizens to even a larger degree than the US has.
The citizens are now paying the price for the evils of the Israeli government.
For the past 20 years we have watched Israel steal Palestinian land.
For the past 20 years we have watched Israel i snipers murder children in the Gaza strip.
I would not put it past the government of Israel to have set this up as a false flag so that they could finish their genocide of the Palestinian people.

Israel was part of murdering 3,000 civilians in the US on 911 and have never been held accountable. They have never been held accountable for their attempted sinking of the US Liberty.

You are going to get a LOT of spin in the coming days. Even from the so called Patriot press.  Good luck in sorting it all out.

One thing you should learn from this, is that WHEN not if the foreign  5th columns in the US are activated, that it will look much worse than the scenes that you are watching in Israel!  Having firearms is almost useless without a trained militia to put them to use.   And we have no trained militias in the US!


Israel Under Attack! 800+ Missiles Fired from GAZA; HAMAS Enters Israel by land and by Air! IDF Declares “State of War”

Those of you not mind controlled by the Israel spin already  know that Israel like the US has created many of it’s terrorists enemies. Like the US created ISIS.
Israel, also like the US  is also a very very poor neighbor. FWIW (it attacked the USS Liebrty and was involved in the 911 attack on the US)

Perhaps this Rothschild created country is on it’s last legs.
For those that feel sorry for Israel….remember they are in the process of killing every man, woman and child in Ukraine so that they can go back home to Khazaria  where most of the “Jews” in Israel originally came from.

This is what happens to civilians when they allow their governments to run out of control, and what is going to soon happen here in the US with all of the 5th columns that we have allowed into the country.




Mark Passio – De-Facto Satanism (1h 47m)

If you have not watched this, you most likely have no clue as to what Satanism looks like or is. .  That is the way that the dark occultists planned it. With most of the world in the dark without eyes to see or ears to hear.


Who Are ‘They’?
According to ancient history, religion, mythology, and occult tradition, they are not human.


Shock Video: Illegal Alien Caught at Border Sexually Assaulting Child
by Adan Salazar

Not shocking at all.
And perhaps she was not “saved” at all.
She was turned over to Homeland Security and as far as I know they are also involved in this  trafficking operation.



Finally! USDA Moves to Stop Organic Food Fraud
The U.S. Department of Agriculture finally finished a long-awaited rule that will help clean up fraud in the organic food sector.
~ Children’s  Health Defense

“….The level of deception has reached epidemic proportions: A USDA study found that 40% of all organic food sold in the U.S. tested positive for prohibited pesticides…”

IMHO you are a fool if you think that “government” is going to clean this mess up. Remember that they are the ones that created it.

Police Find Pound Of Crystal Meth At NYC Illegal Alien Hotel
by Kelen McBreen

It really should not matter.
“Drugs” should be available in the drug store like they were in the early 20th century.
The globalist set up this “war on drugs” to benefit themselves and it has made them rich and corrupted our police and our government.
Just like the globalists did to China in the “Opium War”.
There is nothing new under the sun.

NWO Sets Its Sights On The Water Supply

Don’t you think that having a well is going to save you.
They will put a meter on your well and charge you until you can’t afford to pay any longer.  And if that does not work the electric stops to your well pump because you can’t afford the electric, because of the social credit score hit your CBDC account took.

Continue  to sit on your ass  and this is your future.


Ukraine Will Be the Khazarian Zionist New Homeland. Text Marrs with Jeff Rense 5-31-2018      (5 years ago in 2018)

Khazarian Zionist Ukraine War Crime – Secret Agenda. Jeff Rense and Mitchell Henderson

(4of6) The CULT’s long planned depopulation agenda (Jeff Rense interviews Gurudas March 1997)  (26 years ago)

CHILDREN BEING TAKEN: Horrific video reveals U.S. government is actively facilitating a HUGE child trafficking ring across America SQ;WHERE WERE THE MAUI CHILDREN TAKEN TO? OR WORSE TRAFFICKED TO?

If you do your homework you learn that it is “law enforcement” that protects this government racket. The FBI is purported to have been created for the sole purpose of protecting government pedophiles. Ted Gunderson decades ago, revealed that the FBI is run by Satanists.


In a Blow to Due Process, Supreme Court Gives Police the Green Light to Misidentify, Arrest and Jail Innocent Americans – John Whitehead


The sad  part is that Americans are too dumbed down to realize that the Constitution did not give SCOTUS judicial review over the State Courts or that  the mis-application of the 14th amendment to the States is part of how the criminals in DC have done this.

14th Amendment Lesson | Dave Champion tv



Popular Artificial Sweetener Linked to Autism –

If you drink diet soda, you’re probably being exposed to this common artificial sweetener linked to chronic disease and autism. Researchers found even one diet soda a day during pregnancy tripled the risk of autism in male offspring……

Supreme Court Rejects Final Effort To Obtain Justice In Aborted Baby Body Parts Case – Leaves Those Who Exposed Planned Parenthood’s Crimes Owing More Than $18 Million

SCOTUS has no constitutional authority to hear this case.  Their claim to judicial review was a power grab that  they made in 3 cases between 1803 and 1819.  But Americans are too stupid to route out the facts for themselves.
There are answers:


If Americans had only half the backbones of Nigerians, we would have solved most of our problems here  in the US.


READ THIS: Mass Airborne mRNA Bioweapon ‘Administration’ for the Proletariat: An Atrocity!
By Gary D. Barnett

“In 1965, prisoners in Philadelphia were used as guinea pigs and subjected to dioxin, the horrible cancer-causing chemical toxin used in Agent Orange. This was done to verify the resulting cancer infection among these captive prisoners. Actually, Holmesburg Prison in Pennsylvania, nick-named the “Terrordome, experimented on prisoners for decades until it closed in 1995. Horror exemplified.”

Many in “Law enforcement”  and medicine conducted experiments on prisoners and murdered them. There is no statute of limitations on murder and these people need to receive  the death penalty.


It’s Been 6 Years & We Still Don’t Have Any Answers About The Las Vegas Massacre


Again “Law enforcement ” is aiding and abetting child trafficking….


Grandma Sexually Abused by Police Over Window Tint, in Ominous Secret ‘Torture Warehouse’ — Lawsuit

This is eriely,  similar to an experience I had with the Seymour MO police department over an expired license plate lat year.


Americans Slowly Start To Figure Out The Myth Of “Authority” –

free PDF copy of Larkin’s Book.

This Is Not Freedom, America: The Profit Incentives Driving the American Police State
By John & Nisha Whitehead

Just like the hospitals that got paid  extra to murder COVID patients


LOOTING THE WORLD – Max Igan – The Crowhouse

Nobel Peace Prize For Shot That Killed Over A Hundred Thousand American Children
The perpetrators of this mass murder remain free, pushing for round two, and awarding themselves the Nobel Peace Prize. – Greg Reese

And the criminal thugs called “law enforcement” sit on their asses and watch.
“Defund” my ass  — they need to be prosecuted. for dereliction of duty at the very least.

This is being repeated at the border with border patrol ignoring the drugging of children which is killing many of them!! These cops too need to be prosecuted.

What would happen to you if you watched children die and did nothing?


WARNING: U.S. food supply will soon be contaminated with mRNA vaccine-tainted MEAT – beware the source of your beef, pork and seafood – Natural  News

They have been poisoning our food for 70 years or more….

The Untold Story of Ruby Ridge with Survivor Sara Weaver  (2h 29m)

It started with the government murdering children at Ruby Ridge, then Waco TX, then the daycare at OK city.   The  US population and the church remained asleep,  and Maui Hawaii just happened with at least 1,000 children murdered  It’s going to get a lot worse you cowards that have allowed this.
Get this government under control folks before it;s too late.


Ruby Ridge: The Age of State Terrorism Begins
by Will Grigg | Jul 3, 2019

‘This is A Spiritual Battle’: Tucker Carlson Goes Scorched-Earth Against ‘Anti-Human’ New World Order

None of this information is useful at all, if you don’t get off of your ass and do something…..

…’ve had LESS shots in your entire life than a 6 month old baby on today’s CDC schedule. And they willfully can’t figure out why autism has risen by 500% in the last 20 years.

Our current medical monopoly was put in place by the Satanic Rockefeller family in 1912.  They also control your county health departments and they were put there for one reason… that reason being eugenics.


9/11 HOAX: Not only was there no plane…..
…but it was a cruise missile launched
by the U.S. Navy that hit the Pentagon
on September 11, 2001.

Don’t know about you but I knew this 15 years ago.


John Kerry’s Daughter Urges Govt’s To ‘Mentally Prepare’ Public for Culling of BILLIONS of People –


Technocracy: ‘Sustainable’ Is The New Code Word For Genocide –

OPERATION TROJAN HORSE: The Most Destructive and Naked Act of Treason in U.S History…

…Perpetrated by an Extremely
Deceitful POTUS Imposter, his
Plotting Administration of Turncoats
and a Betraying Congress of Traitors


America’s Deadliest Wildfire in 100 Years: 56 Dead in Paradise, California

No thousands died in Paradise…..

Russia to Hold First Nationwide “Nuclear Attack Exercise” – all 11 Time Zones – Oct 3 – Hal Turner Radio

It would not surprise me in the least,  if the Biden Administration, and our Military are working with Russia/China in order to have the US defeated, and to surrender to Russia.

I have heard for years that the surrender treaty to Russia was written up years ago.Not unlike many parts  the COVID  plan-demic  being cooked up years  ago.


US Occupation Forces Impose Curfew Over Eastern Syria Amid Unrest

Shame on the criminal service men that are participating in this illegal/unconstitutional/undeclared war that because it is a war of aggression is also a war crime.
This is why we were warned not to have standing armies.
The US troops involved should be prosecuted along with those that ordered them there.


Former police detective reveals 50% of SIDS cases happened within 48 hours post vaccine – steve kirsch (16 mintes)

Close but no cigar. It only took law enforcement  100 years to do the leg work and then they dropped the ball by not prosecuting anyone.


We are going to run out of rope to hang people,  before this is all over…
Our “law enforcement” our “medical professionals” and most slimy politicians should be criminally charged over the Plan-demic. This goes down to the county level health departments IMHO.

Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 27, 2023An engineered BANK BAIL-IN RESET will wipe out America’s middle class and spark WIDESPREAD CIVIL CHAOS – Mike Adams (2h 29m)

“….An engineered BANK BAIL-IN RESET will wipe out America’s middle class and spark WIDESPREAD CIVIL CHAOS…….”

And they will deserve every single bit of what comes to pass.
They have had decades if not 100 years to fix the problems that they refuse to see or act upon.

For instance we have patriot talking heads like Mike Adams that are either too stupid or too cowardly to call for a reinstatement of the State Militias!

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The founders told us that the militia was NECESSARY, if we wish to remain free, yet men like Mike Adams can’t figure it out. Neither can the idiots that call themselves Americans.


US Suddenly Deploys Thousands Paratroopers to Ukraine Border Amid Rising Tensions (8 minutes)

War has not been declared and you men are treasonous and part of an unconstitutional standing army per article one section 8


Retired India Diplomat: “Trudeau’ s Plane Had COCAINE on it When Landed for G-20 Summit” and “Tudeau was so high (overdosed) he couldn’t attend several G-20 Functions” – Hal Turner

Oregon Sheriffs Association Says FBI Position Makes It Impossible To Legally Buy Guns

USC tile 18 sections 241 & 241 — violation of rights under color of law.
This law should be applied to the terrorists in the FBI, and also to the county sheriffs if they help enforce this tyranny.


The US Military Is Laying the Groundwork to Reinstitute the Draft
by Zachary Yost | Mises Institute

Slavery is coming back, and  amazingly even the black folks are not upset.
This is against the 13th amendment, and is also an illegal/undeclared/unconstitutional  war.
If you are a healthy male  the powers that be want to murder you in the Ukraine  meat grinder.

Watch this and have your mind blown. They knew it did this 20 years ago. Whoever wrote the script for this episode of X-Files has to be a time traveler or a senior deep state operative who revealed their entire plan just for giggles. (4 minutes)

US government stopped me from interviewing Putin – Tucker Carlson
The former Fox News host has questioned why ‘you’re not allowed to hear’ the Russian president’s voice – RT

If you didn’t already know it we have an out of control criminal government. That is going to get a nuclear war if they have any say about it.

101st and 82nd Airborne Division soldiers deploying to Eastern Europe:
On Wednesday the Army announced that about 3,400 soldiers with the 101st Airborne Division’s 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team will head to Eastern Europe this fall

These men are treasonous if they go.
War has not even been declared.
They are also part of an illegal standing army.

*** Our best trained troops are meant to be sent to Ukraine to die  in a meat grinder so that we are less able to defend ourselves here.


‘Medical Murder’ Becoming America’s #1 Cause of Death (Video)

Sadly all 3,141 county sheriffs in this country are accessories to murder.
Don’t ever forget that there is no statue of limitations for murder.
“Law Enforcement” needs to pay for this crime and  feel  the heat of real law enforcement.

Want to stop this killing? Check out:


NY Man Arrested With $1.6 Million In Fentanyl Fails To Show For Court After Being Granted Non-Cash Bail

When the hell are we going to stop making up fake crimes?
If drugs were sold in drug stores like they were in 1910…. we would not be having  this fake crisis.
People would have choices, other than what the CIA brings in or “allows”

VP Kamala Harris Becomes Biden’s ‘Gun Czar’ As War On Second Amendment Goes In Overdrive

On April 19th 1775 it was a pastor and his congregation on Lexington Green that confronted their own government over the confiscation of  powder and guns….

In the year 2023 the churches tell us that the evil gun grabbing bastards are “of God” and put there by God and that we need to do as they say.

Not a damn one of the 300,000  apostate churches  in this country has a militia and they seem dedicated to helping the New World Order create a one world government to  kill us all off….

5G Activated Zombie Apocalypse
Military attorney says lipid nanoparticles contain pathogens that can be released by pulsed 5G signal – Greg Reese (5 minutes)

You want to watch this!

Climate Change | Tucker Carlson Exposes the TRUE Climate Change Agenda (20 minutes)


Affirm Their Gender or LOSE Your Child! – AwakenWithJP

The Christian churches must love this as they are silent as they are about any and all evils.

This Long Plotted World Takeover Scheme Is More Advanced Than Any Normal Human Can Fathom
By Gary D. Barnett

Push Back Against Doctors who Medically Kidnap Children Increases Nationwide –

Our county sheriffs and our “churches” have done nothing except go along with this evil.


Consequences of ‘Defund the Police’: Big city police departments bleeding staff, unable to recruit –

“Defunding” the order following thugs is a great idea but it takes real morons not to realize that we need the state militias back to fill that gap.

“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”
~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States


EXCLUSIVE: Katy Faust exposes how Ukraine’s surrogacy industry has led to global child trafficking –

“In response to the bombshell report that a boarding school in Ukraine has been used for an organ harvesting network, Kay Faust joined Jack Posobiec to expose the malevolent surrogacy network that supports child trafficking. Faust is founder and director of children’s rights organization Them Before Us…”

Could urine make our daily life better? | FULL DOCUMENTARY (51 minutes)

Warning From Pastors: The Whole World Is Running Towards A Cliff… Don’t Be Silent –

“Modern Christians” must be the dumbest people to ever have walked the earth.  The modern apostate church has done very little other than helping to lead us over a  proverbial cliff!   (constantly helping the New World Order)

Becoming 501c3 corporations rather than a church, and then bastardizing Romans 13 to that of Adolph Hitler, telling us the pedophiles and psychopaths in government were put there by God and that we had to do as they commanded.  (government is God)

They to this day remain silent about the evil, afraid to speak out and lose their tax exempt status.


“Police” are the NWO’s standing army, that the founders warned us about dumb asses!
Defund the order following thugs and bring back the Constitutional Militia.
tacticalcivics dot com

“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”

~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States

COVID Vaccine Crime Evidence Provided to Tennessee Governor and Attorney General

Wondering what in Hades that the people of Missouri are doing? (and their “apostate churches”)

As far as I can see, all 114 county sheriffs in Missouri should be relieved of duty for failure to do what they are sworn to do. i.e. to protect us!

Furthermore I think that a good case could be made for criminal charges against all 114 of them as either accomplices  to murder, or negligent homicide.

This has gone on for long enough. (3 years) How many more people will die in Missouri because our country sheriffs, all of them, are criminals that are unfit for office!

Why Everything You Learned About Viruses is WRONG –  by  Sayer Ji at

Anything that the “Pentagram” can do to make sure that we are unarmed when the Red Dawn Invasion begins.
Are you beginning to see why we were warned about standing armies?

“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”

~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States

Check out “tacticalcivics dot com”


Judicial Watch Uncovers Key Documents and Photos on Chinese Covid Labs in California
By Cristina Laila

H’mmm ….Chinese bio-weapon labs on our soil. The Chinese  controlling many of the genetic testing labs, and of late 3 Chinese satellites over Maui at the exact time that fires started…… nothing going on here. Go back to sleep.


Why are People so Obedient? – Compliance and Tyranny – (12 minutes)

Hopefully you are very familiar with the Stanley Milgram  psychological experiment….
Add the Solomon Asch psychological experiment (explained in this short video) and you begin to understand how the dark occultists are controlling the population.


Sheriffs and The People Say No to Tyrannical Governor’s Attack On 2nd Amendment
By Bradlee Dean

What absolute BS and hypocrisy when these 3.141  un-constitutional county sheriffs are enforcing the  unconstitutional   1934 Federal Firearms act!  Are we playing make believe? These sheriffs are just as bad or worse than the governor of New Mexico!

This is what happens when thugs dressed in blue disarm an entire population…..

Police are terrorists that disarm you so that this is guaranteed to happen.

Shock Video: Elderly Man Executed in Front of Wife on NYC Sidewalk by ‘Ninja’ on Bicycle
by Dan Lyman

You’re Not Even Safe in You’re Own Garage Anymore! You need to be ready to SHOOT people like this . . . – Hal Turner

This illustrates,  how vapid and mentally ill the notion that “the police will protect you” actually is.  All of the thugs in blue need to be given their walking papers until they invent time machines and Star Trek transporters so that they can actually do what they claim they can do.

Until that day I suggest that you protect yourself.


5 Americans Freed From Iran Prison As US Hands Over $6BN In Controversial Deal


If you think that the government gives a shite about these 5, you have your head up your arse.

This is about nothing more than funding Iran for some unknown reason.
It would make sense if you are helping the globalists to bring in the NWO as Iran will be used as part of the tool to bring down the imperialistic  US. (which might not be a bad thing in itself)

The US is a mad dog country,  and either the US people have to shoot it or another government will.


Why are People so Obedient? – Compliance and Tyranny – 12 minutes
Academy of Ideas

EMERGENCY BROADCAST: US Government Sprayed American Cities With Deadly Chemicals & Radioactive Particles, Killing Millions – Watch LIVE
The Alex Jones Show

5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene oxide injected into the body
09/14/2023 // Mike Adams

Michigan Plans to Start Taxing Cars Based on Distances Driven, Threatening the Right to DriveMichigan Plans to Start Taxing Cars Based on Distances Driven, Threatening the Right to Drive
Story by Lauren Folkas

Someone is not fuking paying attention:”….Threatening the Right to Drive….”Isn’t the drivers license, the plates, the mandatory insurance,  the ownership tax, a threat to this non-existent right?
Are American morons or what?


James O’Keefe Exposes Massive Corruption In Maui Wildfire Aftermath (19 minutes)

The History of the CAFO – Joel Salatin (23 minutes)

Tucker Carlson: “You have no idea what is coming…” PREPARE NOW! (24 minutes)

Aren’t you talking about the wrong things Tucker?
How about the fact that wars of aggression are war crimes?
Or that according to article one section 8 our military is a criminal standing army….

$5.3 Billion Spent on Direct Energy Weapons in 2022 – Is The New Age of “Climatic Warfare” Here?

CIA Agent Confesses on Deathbed: ‘Billions Will Die in 2024’  – (12 minutes)

He makes the claim that “enhanced fluoride” is being put into the water of every city on earth….chem-trails, COVID, and the Phoenix Lights…..worth a listen!

Does this back up Dr Brian Ardis’s thesis that venom pre-cursors are  being put into the water supply?

COMMUNISM: Chicago mayor wants to launch government-run grocery stores to serve a CITY OF THIEVES – Mike Adams

Mike I know you have never read the US Constitution, but now it seems that you have never read the Communist manifesto either.

HINT MIKE: all 10 planks have been implemented for over 100 years in this country.

ANOTHER HINT MIKE: the cause of all of this is the fact that the bastards in blue have disarmed all of the slaves on the Chicago plantation.


Boxloads of New COVID-19″ Death Darts Arrive at US Military Bases Marked “2023-2024” – Hal Turner

I think it likely that the next release of a bio weapon will be very bloody, and very deadly.
The ass holes that call themselves both Americans and Christians have no backbones and no principles and they will fold like a house of cards if a real threat comes against them….

Japanese Panic Buy Gold As Yen Implodes, Inflation Soars – Zero Hedge

Americans are too fuking stupid it seems….
And silver is almost a freebie at the current price.

What is Hydrofluosilicic Acid? – 5 minutes

More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms – Green Med Info

CDC Admits ~120,000 Children “DIED SUDDENLY” after COVID-19 “Vaccine” Roll-outHal Turner

These children were in large part murdered by your county sheriff….
that just sat and watched along with the rest of the Satanic “law enforcement” gang.


DHS Awards $20 Million To Program That Flags Americans As Potential “Extremists” For Their Online Speech
by Cindy Harper | Reclaim the Net

DHS is the most dangerous terrorist group in the entire US government.
It need to be defunded and people prosecuted as terrorist.
Go ahead and flag me you  evil  bastards.
You can kill my body but not my soul.

NM Governor Goes Full Authoritarian In Gun-Grabbing Statements That Should Shock & Horrify All Americans
The Alex Jones Show

As we overlook the fact that local police are gun grabbers that enforce the unconstitutional 1968 gun control act.

CCP Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires
Mounting evidence suggest that Maui fires were caused by Directed Energy Weapons

This should blow your mind. During 911 the US government worked with Israel and now for Maui the US government is working with the Communist Chinese.


‘Utter madness!’ Bill passes requiring parents to ‘affirm’ kids’ gender ‘transitions’
Failure could mean losing custody to the state – WND

America’s Deadliest Wildfire in 100 Years: 56 Dead in Paradise, California –

They lie. Thousands died and a DEW (directed energy weapon)  was used.

The Government Slaughter in Lahaina: Maui Revisited!
By Gary D. Barnett

What The Media Won’t Tell You About the Maui Fires (Parts 1, 2 & 3)


Submitted by Dave Hodges

This is why we were repeatedly warned not to have standing army Dave!


Are you low IQ Dave? Article one section 8 of the US Constitution makes the “military” that you support a criminal standing army. Go read it Dave!

Article one section 8 paragraph 15 says that the Constitutional militia is our law enforcement.
The 2nd amendment says that to remain free that we MUST maintain the Constitutional  militia (our military)

WHEN not if millions die Dave it will be because idiots like you supported an unconstitutional standing army, and eschewed and bad mouthed the “Constitutional Militia”.

You are a traitor Dave Hodges . You are treasonous. I hope you get what you deserve.


Freudian Slip? Biden Says Cabinet Will Work to ‘Increase Number & Intensity Of Extreme Weather Events’

BREAKING: New Mexico Sheriff Vows NOT to Enforce Governor’s Gun Ban

Al 3.141 of our county sheriffs are criminal POS.
Because they do enforce the unconstitutional and criminal 1968 gun control act.


Antioxidants Prevent and Can Reverse Cancer
75 Years of Evidence Ignored by Our “Pharmaphilic” Media
by Andrew W. Saul, Editor


Vice Chair of Democrat Group Who Called to Defund Police Thanks Cops for Coming to Aid After She’s Beaten, Carjacked In Front Of Kids

IF she had been armed she would not have been beaten – nor would she have had to call the useless cops that didn’t “protect” her!

BUT she lived in a  Libtard city where the police have disarmed the population.
The cops should be defunded because they did not “protect” her and they don’t “protect” you either.

IF not for the cops enforcing illegitimate laws.  this lady could have been armed and protected herself.



The united states is the largest trafficker of children in the world.
Children that are illegally kidnapped and brought across the US Mexico border are then sold off to wealthy Americans… used as sex slaves and worse… if you can imagine anything worse…

As our 501c3 so called christian churches, aide the evil with their silence….
It’s hard to figure out which is the greater evil. The church (run by the Satanists) or the Satanists themselves….


Out of Eleven U.S. Aircraft Carrier Groups – TEN are presently at Home Ports – Hal Turner

“The United States has left itself virtually defenseless as far a Naval power; with ten out of its eleven Aircraft Carrier Groups presently in home ports, and only ONE at sea . . . ”

Hal Turner gets this very wrong…… If  our carriers were  out to sea when hostilities break out, every single one of them will be sunk by Russian and Chinese hyper-sonic missiles. There is no question over that fact.

Dr. Shiva UNLEASHES on the whole charade – Mike Adams (71 minutes)

You will love his characterizations of Kennedy and Trump and the entire field of candidates. Not to mention Tucker Carlson.

CIA Agent Confesses We Created Adrenochrome Farms Where MILLIONS of Kids Are Sold to VIPS

Cathy O’Brien  talks about this in her book.
Trance Formation of America – by Cathy O’Brien & Mark Philips.pdf

FWIW we have a fusion center up in the Kansas City area….

Targeted Individuals – Greg Reese (5 minutes)

After 9/11 and the birth of Homeland Security, fusion centers were set up to monitor U.S. citizens. And the U.S. Department of Justice legalized non-consensual experiments on the public.

These Fusion centers employ civilians to target individuals and harass them, intimidate them, vandalize their property, and interfere with their day-to-day life. This is known as Gang Stalking. Former high-ranking FBI agent, Ted Gunderson, reported in 2011 that he and thousands of others were being targeted. FBI agent Mike German confirmed this as well. Several federal agents have reported that they were targeting individual Americans including people who were simply Pro-Life. And that they were pressured to put more people on their targeting lists to legitimize more federal funding.

These Homeland Security Fusion centers are able to put any American citizen on the terrorist watch list without any reason or due process.

In 2012 NSA whistleblower, William Binney, reported that the Feds are conducting comprehensive surveillance on nearly every US citizen and targeting whomever they please.

In 2014 Glen Greenwald exposed the methods used to target individuals such as hacking into people’s social media accounts, posing as that person, and contacting their friends and co-workers.

Targeted Justice dot com is currently working on suing the federal government for targeting individual US citizens with different high-tech weapons including Directed Energy Weapons. The Havanna syndrome, when diplomats in Cuba were attacked with Directed Energy Weapons, was not an isolated event. There are thousands of individuals who claim to be under this same sort of attack. And they have the scars to prove it.

As far back as 1976, the technology to remotely alter brain waves has existed. Including Voice to Skull technology that allows the government to directly transmit voices into people’s brains.

As bad as all this is, it is likely to get much worse. In 2017 Dr James Giordano gave a lecture on the latest government technologies to target individuals. Such as neuroweapons to control brain function and modify memories. Nano particulates that can give an individual a stroke. He explains how they can make people sick with an undetectable illness to make them go crazy. And he says they can already control insects and use them to deliver bioweapons.

The formation of the W.H.O. was an outgrowth of the 1913 Eugenics Office, says David Martin, PhD  (2 minutes)

As were our county heath departments!

The Next Crisis Is Anyone’s Guess, But the Government Is Ready to Lockdown the Nation
By John & Nisha Whitehead

I think that releasing something very deadly is now in the cards, because of the perceived resistance of the public.

Let’s see how the government psychopaths and the public remain principled when people are bleeding out of their eyes and dropping dead.

There will be other false flags for sure, perhaps including the assassination of Biden or Trump….


Microwaving Baby Food Containers Releases BILLIONS of Harmful Plastic Particles –

People that microwave food just are not too bright…..


Evil bastards in the Federal government are paying small town police departments to lie to the people in order to get their DNA.
I  know because I had one of the blue garbed scum in Seymour lie to me in order to trick me into giving a DNA sample.


John Whitehead makes his case for America as a rising ‘Fourth Reich’: FBI ‘Gestapo tactics’ bear hallmarks of that 1930s totalitarian regime – John Whitehead the Rutherford Institute


We want no Gestapo or Secret Police. FBI is tending in that direction.”—Harry Truman

By John Whitehead,

With every passing day, the United States government borrows yet another leaf from Nazi Germany’s playbook: Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies. Surveillance. Censorship. Intimidation. Harassment. Torture. Brutality. Widespread corruption. Entrapment. Indoctrination. Indefinite detention.

These are not tactics used by constitutional republics, where the rule of law and the rights of the citizenry reign supreme. Rather, they are the hallmarks of authoritarian regimes, where secret police control the populace through intimidation, fear and official lawlessness on the part of government agents.

That authoritarian danger is now posed by the FBI, whose love affair with totalitarianism began long ago. Indeed, according to the New York Times, the U.S. government so admired the Nazi regime that following the second World War, it secretly and aggressively recruited at least a thousand Nazis, including some of Hitler’s highest henchmen as part of Operation Paperclip. American taxpayers have been paying to keep these ex-Nazis on the U.S. government’s payroll ever since……..

OPINIONS and EDITORIALS – September to November 2023


The Science and Story of Chlorine Dioxide

Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism – June 22, 2019
by Kerth Barker (free PDF – $8 on  Amazon)

If you want to read only one book to understand the Illuminati One World Government this is it. Take the time to read this book.

FREE  PDF of 2 of his books


“Drink water from your own cistern, And running water from your own well.”
~Proverbs 5:15

There is an answer to the current criminal government over-reach.
It is a law enforcement problem, that can be solved by bringing back  the grand jury, and the Constitutional militia to the control of the citizens of all of our counties.

To learn more:

Watch the 10 minute TC movie

Tactical Civics – home page

All of the Tactical Civics Books in PDF

TC Books on Amazon

Topic: Tactical Civics Webster county Missouri zoom meeting every Saturday 8 pm – until further notice

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 635 549 9114
Passcode: 02DPb1

***  JOIN OUR – TELEGRAPH GROUP where will will also have video meetings

Solutions Are Scary: Part 1 – It’s Time To Bring Back Citizen Militias – By Brandon Smith


An important  recent post:

Amii53 mins ago
Oh yes! I’m familiar with Mark Passio’s Work! And I do not like government at all! I have not yet watched his seminar about “Natural Law” yet but I need to! I agree with you! Oh I’m definitely an anarchist! I hate government! What can we actually do? To stop this BS with their 1 world government and new world order?? I don’t know where to start??


At this time Amil I think the waking sheep desperately need guidance.
They need decades of education to have real discernment.
Many if not most people, will perhaps not outright reject natural law, but they will reject that Natural Law ( using the feminine  principle of what a right and wrong action are) leads them to seeing that government is immoral and should not exist, so I propose to put a political solution in front of them, because most can accept political solutions.

After 50 years of looking I think that
has the best political solutions, and that is where we should steer the awaking masses.

I have started a Webster County MO ZOOM group for tactical civics — as there are only 3 people registered with them so far in this county so meeting in person is not worth the effort  yet.

I try and educate them about the tactical civics excellent solutions, while also steering them into liberty and natural law. Which after learning the Tactical Civics material they are more prone to accept.

The US Constitution after all is based on Natural Law.
So learning the Constitution with T.C. gets people in the frame of mind to accept Natural Law and it’s inevitable conclusions about government.

Good to hear back from you.
If you are not doing anything on an Saturday at 8pm CST…. drop by and say hello.
Would love to chat with you then.

Topic: Tactical Civics Webster county Missouri zoom meeting every Saturday 8 pm – until further notice

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 635 549 9114
Passcode: 02DPb1

Hey  folks…FYI

Every Sunday Night  their is a  “NET”   on the  Fordland VHF Ham  repeater at 7 pm you can listen in on at: 145.49000 Mhz.

If it has not hit you  yet — when SHTF, the cell phones go down, the Internet goes down, etc etc….

For at least 24 hours  this  HAM repeater will stay up and you will be getting first hand news from local  on the ground people.
Such as info about a 5th column, Jihad underway in your county! Perhaps shooting your cattle.
Or to ask for medical advice, but only  if you have a cheap $25 transceiver and get it programmed.
If you have a $25 Baofeng radio or even a short wave receiver, you can listen in 24/7 and find out what is going on.  (having a Short Wave receiver BTW  is something you should put high  on your list of necessities. My receiver is  the Tusan PL-600 with SSB. I was not expensive – around $100 as I recall.
In an “emergency” you can transmit off of the Fordland MO  repeater repeater without a HAM license! (it covers a 35 mile radius as I recall)  If able to  perhaps you should consider getting your HAM license so you can learn how now before a SHTF incident.But no matter what — have at least one of these $25 Baofeng UV-82  Radios!!.
Get the radio  to my house and I can program it for you.Or if you spend $40  and buy this “kit”  you get a free $25 programming cable, with a LOT of valuable extras.

Then I can send you the programming file and you can  then do it  yourself.

Many many many other uses for these radios!
FWIW….. you can not defend your neighborhood effectively, unless you have dependable communications that you control! 

I am still testing — but with less than optimal circumstances I am getting one mile with my $25 radio.

I think with some tinkering I can get a few miles.   Which is more than enough to defend your immediate area.

Messages could be passed along another 5 miles, to the next person, and so on if you needed to do so.
All without a repeater.

Anyhow hope you see you  at this coming Saturday Zoom meeting at 8pm


Real “Law Enforcement”…. is the Constitutional Militia (and the citizens grand jury)

I am so tired of the misapplication of the term  “Law Enforcement”.
The only “Law Enforcement” mentioned in the US Constitution is the  Constitutional Militia, and the  the grand juries of the several states mentioned in article  1, section  8, paragraph 15.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that will come to your home and murder you if you have not paid the property tax and you refuse to leave.
All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that will come to your home and kidnap your children to be sex trafficked by CPS.
All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that will  steal your vehicle (which well could be your home) on the spot  if you don’t show proof of insurance.
All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that will steal your families  life savings  and call it “asset forfeiture“.
All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that  sit idly  by as the state puts rat poison in your child’s drinking water, and  the medical profession put poisons in their bodies and in their veins.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that are assisting massive Satanic child  sex trafficking at the southern border.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that helped to pull off the child murders  Ruby Ridge, Waco TX, OK city, and recently Maui Hawaii!

In reality “Law Enforcement” is the enforcement arm of the  New World Orders, war  on firearms and their war on drugs as both were put in place by the NWO for their benefit and for no other reason.

We were repeatedly warned by the founders not to have standing armies like our current military and our police.

Have you noticed that US cities and states are allowing  non-citizens to become police officers like they are already doing in Europe?  That is because  the  globalist plan from day one was to build standing armies  to enslave us!  This was the plan for both the “police” and the “US military”.

“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”
~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States

Here are some answers:




Fabien Soicalists long ago took over State education: “The Brave New Family in Missouri”

We are VERY late in heading off  the conversion of the American people to a socialist mentality. 
The end goal being exactly that of Communism, and to bring in a New World Order.
I graduated high school  in 1976, and the job was very well along it’s way 50 years ago!
Today you average “Christian” is still paying the  property tax (brought to us by Fabian socialists)  in order to brain wash the youth to the mind set necessary to bring in the One World Government.
You are soon going to see the result’s of your decades of apathy and complacency, ignorance, and cowardly behavior.~MFPpage 92 of

by John Coleman


Taking her cue from Aldous Huxley, Laura Rogers wrote a work she called,

“The Brave New Family in Missouri” in which she stated that it has taken only
four years for PAT to be accepted by the Missouri’s State Legislature and that the
PAT concept has spread to Europe and is being implemented in 40 States in
America. Is this reality? Does it compare with what we have exposed in this chapter about educational “reforms?” The Socialists intend to “reform” education to such an extent that it will produce the very climate foretold by Huxley’s “Brave New World.” And they are doing it now, before our very eyes!
Under PAT, a so-called “educator” will attach himself or herself to a family

— in the literal sense, and begin the process of changing attitudes of both parents and child or children to conform with Socialist ideals. How this is being done was  explained by Rogers in her article, “The Brave New Family in Missouri:”


Step 1. The “parent-educator” will visit schools and homes “bond” herself to
the family, under the guise of furthering the child’s education.
88 One World Order: Socialist Dictatorship
Step 2. The child or children is given a computer identification number
which will be permanent.
Step 3. The “change agent” will work toward changing the relationship
between child and parents through a “mentoring program” such as happens in the Socialist Oxford University.
Step 4. “Parent educators” are required to report anything they deem “hostile
behavior” or abuse by calling a “hotline” especially set up for this purpose.
Step 5. Judges will decided “hotline cases” and if the child or children are
deemed at risk, the child or children may be removed from parental custody.

Step 6. If the mental health services recommendations of the “parent educator” are refused by the parents, such as what medication to be prescribed, the state can remove the child or children from parental custody. The child or children can be placed in a residential treatment center and the parents ordered by the courts to undergo “psychological counseling” for as long as the “parent teacher” deems necessary.

What the PAT program does, is set itself up as judge and jury in deciding who
are fit and unfit parents! For this PAT uses what Rogers calls, “risk factor definitions” which have become the standard yardstick for measuring the fitness or unfitness of parents to raise children, and bear in mind, this criteria is being used at present in 40 States:
“Inability of parent to cope (which is not defined) with inappropriate child
behavior (e.g., severe biting, destructive behavior, apathy)”.
“Low-functioning parents.” These are considered as potentially abusive parents.
In this category the parent-teacher has a large number of options. Virtually
any parent could come under the category of “low functioning.”
“Undue stress that adversely affects family functions.” This gives a virtually
unlimited number of options to the parent teacher to cite as “abusive” danger
signs, including low income.
“Other… This can include a wide variety of conditions such as allergies,
heavy cigarette smoking in the house (does R.J. Reynolds know about this?), a
family history of hearing loss…”
From the foregoing it is clear that Socialism in education has come of age in
America. What Madame Kollontay, Engels, Bebel and Huxley found most
desirous has now come to pass. Education is the way in which Socialism can be defeated, as so many of our statesmen in the 1800s made clear, but in the wrong
hands, it is a mighty weapon which Socialism will wield without mercy to bring
about their longed-for New World Order slave state. None of this would have
been possible, but for the treason and treachery of the Supreme Court and especially the venomous attitude of Justices Douglas and Black, who should go down in history as two of the most vile traitors in the history of this Nation…….


US Food Insecurity Crisis Erupts: 17 Million Households Starving, Highest In 11 Years


Perhaps Americans as the globalists call  us are truly “useless eaters”.
Too fuking stupid to deserve to live.

I have for 10 years tried to get a local food co-op established, and we are in the perfect place to do so, as I am surrounded by Amish Farms. Not a single taker or the slightest interest shown by anyone. Including “Christian” men that are in the food business..

I have for 10 years offered to till up ground for my neighbors to establish gardens…. not a single taker or the slightest interest shown.

I have for 10 years warned my neighbors to store food because bad times are coming…. again not the slightest interest shown.

Perhaps starving to death is what Americans deserve. Should there not be consequences for your bad decisions?

As far as I can discern people that call themselves “Christians”  are the enemy.
They not only refuse to take action to stop this evil government they refuse to prepare for what they have caused by their inaction and will in a heart beat kill me when they get hungry.

“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer


I almost did not  buy this book, because I have read quite deeply into the topic of what Satanism is really doing in the world today.
I was plenty surprised only 50 pages in that this is going to be one of the best books on the topic. Really glad that I am reading it at this critical time to understand the enemy as well as possible

It explains exactly what is happening to many of  the illegal children coming into this country.  You should read it just for that intel.
Less than $8 delivered.


Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism


Don’t buy off the shelf 223 for your rifle if you value your life.

I know you don’t want to hear it but  military rounds of 5.56/.223 don’t expand (they are illegal in war) and don’t have a lot of stopping power compared to something engineered  to  expand and is designed for hunting game animals.

If you want ammo that will save your life you need to have someone reload the proper bullets for you or investigate something like Hornaday Black ammo in .223.

Hornady Black Ammo Review: The Jack of All Trades

Search results for ‘hornady black 223

I have created thousands of 223 hunting rounds. It is not rocket science. Learn to reload or find someone that can.


A main purpose of modern Christianity is to keep your level of Consciousness as low as possible…..

Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment 
by David R. Hawkins M.D. Ph.d

Most of the population of the United States has not even reached consciousness: level 200, that David Hawkins calls “courage”.
Until you reach this level you are not able to discern truth from fiction.
Until you reach this level you are not able to discern good from evil.

Now take a look at the levels below courage…. shame, guilt,  apathy,  grief, fear, desire, anger, and pride.

It is not coincidence that it is the goal of modern Christianity to make sure that the flock never reaches the level of courage and is never able to discern fact from fiction.

Mark Passio does a great job on this topic in his talk:  Psy-Ops


You are on your own in the US of A….. (united states of asshats)

While many of the worlds governments have distributed potassium iodide to their citizens , the ass-hat morons called Americans do not even know what potassium iodide is or what it is used for.

My local freaking criminal government has not only neglected the distribution of   potassium iodide to the citizens of Webster Country MO,  they don’t even have a radiation meter program so that I will know for sure when to start taking the potassium iodide that I bought for myself!

For God’s sake we don’t even have  nuclear fallout shelters for the population and Americans are oblivious to it all.  


Infowars is far worse at censoring than Facebook is. They ban you with no proven reason and then leave you with no way to appeal the banning!


Israeli war crimes:

We are still extraditing Nazi war criminals as there is no statue of limitations on war crimes….

Continuing along those lines I propose that we extradite the Israeli pilots and their commanders that were in involved in the bombing of the USS Liberty.

Likewise all of the Israeli pilots that have dropped bombs on Gaza and much of the Israeli government should be charged and extradited and hanged from the neck until dead if found guilty.

Dare I mention that this applies to much of the US government also?
For their COVID crimes if nothing else.



10/17/23 Note of thanks  to “Law Enforcement”

I would like thank the thugs in blue and the rest of the LE gang,  that have extorted me for 65 years to protect me.   Yet NEVER once having done so.

Today I discovered that I got robbed of one mile of fence wire and a wire jenny!

As in every other case of crimes committed against me either the police” were the perpetrators or they failed to apprehend the perpetrators.

I can’t replace the wire because if I don’t pay the property  tax extortion next month, the same “law enforcement”  that is batting 0% in protecting my rights, would come, and either put me on the street (a slow death) or murder me on the spot for refusing to leave.

Another shout out to the thugs in blue for criminally  enforcing the New World Orders,  “War on drugs”. Yes the globalists create this illegitimate war on your God given rights…. do some due diligence for God’s sake!

If it were not for “law enforcement’s”  war on drugs, 90% of the thefts like this would not be happening, as the tweakers  could go to the drug store and cheaply get their fix.  Next time you get robbed by tweakers looking for drug money, be sure to thank the thugs in blue that caused it all with their “war on drugs”.

The real hard thing to wrap mind  around is that people want to keep  supporting this insanity of a standing army euphemistically called “law enforcement”.


FWIW if they wanted to solve this they could  easily find the perps with a geofence warrant!   But last time I had a crime like this the cops did not even think of a geo-fence warrant- the fuking pukes actually tried to get me to give them a DNA sample!!! ( surely for their Federal paymasters that they seem to work for)


Mark Passio – Anarchy & The Occult – Part III – The ONLY Solution To Slavery (1h 47m)

A very good talk by mark Passio. If you are not familiar with his work you should be.


Why Has Fauci Not Been Held To Account For Mass Graves Of Thousands Of Children Killed By His Illegal Experiments In NYC?

……..Recently, The People’s Voice brought up the subject again of one of the videos above converning the mass graves of children found in New York City. These children, like the Beagles above, were subjected to deadly experiments. Indeed, Fauci is the embodiment of Nazi Josef Mengele.

The corpses of thousands of children killed by Dr. Anthony Fauci in illegal medical experiments have been uncovered in Hawthorne, New York, strengthening the case to have the former NIH director charged with crimes against humanity and crimes against children……


1p36 deletion syndrome

Ostensably 1p36 deletion syndrome is the most common result of the COVID jab.   Is this related to the “zombie apocalypse” that we hear our government talking about?



The Three government created groups  that are going to be used  to exterminate you and your family:

Most are aware that millions upon millions of foreign military aged men have crossed our border.  They will be a weapon for the globalists when the time comes. There are weapon caches already in place for many of them.   Others will just rape and burn things. Fire is a very  effective weapon.

20 years ago in the UK they began to hire CPS workers that  were not British Citizens, you can imagine where that went.  In Germany for decades, they have taken children (with the help of the police) and purposely  put them  into the homes of pedophiles.  When those children grow up they become child rapists and the problem grows larger and larger. (Sort of what we have done with our prisons here in the US)

Recently CA passed a law that non-citizens can become police. 3rd world men that have no understanding of  the bill of rights and that will do as they are told.
Will  soon populate what we call our police departments.

The government is also in the process of allowing non-citizens into our depleted military on the promise of citizenship.  (after purging the military of any decent men) Again a gang of men that will do as they are told……

Yet with all of this going on right in front of our  faces, 99.9% of Americans on the right,  can not see or accept what is going on.  They still can not see why we were repeatability warned not to have standing armies like the police and our current military.  They still do not see why the 2nd amendment says that the militia is NECESSARY if we wish to remain free.

Incredibly most Americans are still too fuking stupid to understand that if they don’t soon start training  with their neighbors for self defense, that their wives, daughters, and even sons, will become fuk  and rape toys for these invaders. And that is the good news….it gets worse…..

It’s hard for me  to wrap my  mind around  this  level of stupidity,  it really is.
But you can not argue  with these facts.

“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer

So what are YOU going to do? (nothing most likely)
Since it can take many years to develop a proficient militia and the dollar is about to collapse, I suggest that you get off of your ass and start on this task 5 years ago. Because if you start today you may not have time to get ready.
(read that again because it is the gods truth)

Here is one place to begin your journey and  educate yourself:

*** I should have added a 4th group.
If your neighborhood has not prepared  for mutual  self defense – I am going to predict that most of them will not even be able to feed themselves.
Give it a week  of SHTF,  and  your neighbors will be a more immediate threat to you, than the 3 aforementioned groups.
No matter how nice that neighbor is today.
He will be ready to kill  you, after a  very short time without food.



Did you realize that laboratory rat food contains 28 minerals, and that baby formula only 11?…..check out chapter 24-26

Chapter 25 – Page 201 of Urotherapy-the-most-powerful-holistic-therapy:

In 1936 the United State Senate, on the Second Session of the 74th
Congress wrote Document 264 to explain that it was impossible for
any man to eat the amount food required to obtain the nutrients
needed for sustenance.

Document 264 explained that American soils
were depleted of minerals therefore any grain, fruits or vegetables
grown in the soil would not contain enough minerals either. It also
explained that any person eating these products would develop
mineral deficiency diseases that would cost the government and
American citizens a great deal of money.

According to the document,
the only way to prevent all these mineral deficiency diseases was
taking a mineral supplement. That created a lot of controversy back
then and started a whole new industry of food supplements and
health food stores. The only problem with the industry is that the
mineral supplements available then and now are mostly metallic
minerals which cannot be absorbed by the body. Therefore when
doctors claim that taking mineral supplements is wasted money that
only produces expensive urine, it is partly true. It is partly true also,
that taking vitamins, enzymes and amino acids supplements only
gives you expensive urine because, without minerals, most of these
nutrients cannot be assimilated either. Since 1936 the conditions
have gotten much worst because after world war two America has
been feeding the world and in 45 years of industrialized farming the
soils are 85% depleted of minerals as revealed during the 1992
Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Because of this chronic
deficiency of minerals in our food, the health care budget in 1996 is
around 1.4 trillion dollars. This is almost double the defense budget.

But don’t despair, they would want us to think this situation is
hopeless, but there is plenty we can do to fight this condition and
protect our health. Reading about this situation is this book puts you
in the right path, therefore read on and don’t despair there is light at
the end of this chapter.

This is a great urotherapy book and it is attached:
(written by a Licensed NYC master plumber)


Real “Law Enforcement”…. is the Constitutional Militia (and the citizens grand jury)

I am so tired of the misapplication of the term  “Law Enforcement”.
The only “Law Enforcement” mentioned in the US Constitution is the  Constitutional Militias of the several states mentioned in article  1, section  8, paragraph 15.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that will come to your home and murder you if you have not paid the property tax and you refuse to leave.
All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that will come to your home and kidnap your children to be sex trafficked by CPS.
All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that will  steal your vehicle (which well could be your home) on the spot  if you don’t show proof of insurance.
All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that will steal your families  life savings  and call it “asset forfeiture“.
All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that  sit idly  by as the state puts rat poison in your child’s drinking water, and  the medical profession put poisons in their bodies and in their veins.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that are assisting massive Satanic child  sex trafficking at the southern border.

What people call “Law Enforcement” are  criminal thugs that helped to pull off the child murders  Ruby Ridge, Waco TX, OK city, and recently Maui Hawaii!

In reality “Law Enforcement” is the enforcement arm of the  New World Orders, war  on firearms and their war on drugs as both were put in place by the NWO for their benefit and for no other reason.

We were repeatedly warned by the founders not to have standing armies like our current military and our police.

Have you noticed that US cities and states are allowing  non-citizens to become police officers like they are already doing in Europe?  That is because  the  globalist plan from day one was to build standing armies  to enslave us!  This was the plan for both the “police” and the “US military”.

“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”
~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States

Here are some answers:



No one will ship a firearm to you house because of the criminal clowns that people  refer to as “law enforcement.”

These thugs enforce the illegitimate 1934 Federal Firearms act ( a mere law) as if it were a Constitutional Amendment that could actually alter the 2nd amendment.

It’s what happens when you exist on Federal bribe money like “law enforcement” does.

Ironically “Law enforcement” is the exact opposite of “Rule of Law”

“Law enforcement’s” real job is trample your God given rights (the 2nd amendment.)

Which they gladly do.

They don’t allow firearms to be shipped to your house, a right that the 2nd amendment is supposed to protect.

“Law enforcement” is definitely anti second amendment, and are useful idiots that are enforcing the NWO anti-gun agenda.


White House Knew COVID Vaccines Were Killing People Over Two Years Ago
CDC emails prove the highest levels of our government know they are murdering us.
GREG REESE (4 minutes)

And “law enforcement” did not see this?
All 3,141 of our county sheriffs should be arrested with charges ranging from dereliction of duty, to accomplices to murder, as should many in the medical profession. (this includes my daughter BTW)

“Law enforcement” not only needs to be defunded, most of them need to be arrested for not acting.
“Law enforcement” looks to be knowingly aiding the NWO’s eugenics operation of killing us all off.
If it were on a jury trail of these Law enforcement criminals I would without a doubt vote guilty.

I ask you to form local neighborhood Militias for self defense and to check out:



‘Medical Murder’ Becoming America’s #1 Cause of Death (Video)

Sadly all 3,141 county sheriffs in this country are accessories to murder.
Don’t ever forget that there is no statue of limitations for murder.
“Law Enforcement” needs to pay for this crime and  feel  the heat of real law enforcement.

Want to stop this killing? Check out:



The Last Witness: 94-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor US – PeterSantenello

Some Holocaust questions…..
Why is the murder and torture of tens of millions of Christians by the Roman Catholic Church never mentioned?
Why is the murder and torture of tens of millions of Christians by the Soviet regime never mentioned?
Both of these involved MORE people, and were more brutal in every respect.

Lastly why is is a crime to question the States version of the Holocaust, even if to say that more people died in it? That will land you in jail in most of Europe.
Questioning the murder of Christians not a crime.
I think they are hiding the truth about the Holocaust.
If I said this in Europe there would be criminal charges against me.

Another question: The Japanese did things just as evil to the Chinese as Hitler did to the “Jews” but again no mention… I think there is an agenda here.


COVID Vaccine Crime Evidence Provided to Tennessee Governor and Attorney General

Wondering what in Hades that the people of Missouri are doing? (and their “apostate churches”)

As far as I can see, all 114 county sheriffs in Missouri should be relieved of duty for failure to do what they are sworn to do. i.e. to protect us!

Furthermore I think that a good case could be made for criminal charges against all 114 of them as either accomplishes to murder, or negligent homicide.

This has gone on for long enough. (3 years) How many more people will die in Missouri because our country sheriffs, all of them, are criminals that are unfit for office!


Trump Calls Heartbeat Law Protecting Babies From Abortions a “Terrible Mistake” –

Trump is spot on for a change!
A mere law can not give the Feds  a power not  given to them in the Constitution. it takes a Constitutional amendment to do this.
This would be a repeat of Roe V Wade where most accepted the lie that the Feds had the authority to legislate in this area and even worse  that the courts could legislate at all.

The answer in both of the above cases, is that these  are powers reserved to the  State and the people, that can not be taken  without a Constitutional amendment.

Doing so IMHO would be a huge mistake.  The Feds already have WAY too much power.


Why are People so Obedient? – Compliance and Tyranny – 12 minutes
Academy of Ideas

The modern christian  interpretation of Romans 13 has helped the New World Order more than just about anything else in history.
Adolph Hitler’s version of Romans 13, that is espoused by almost all of the modern churches, has INSURED that the leaders of the world are murdering psychopaths and pedophiles.
Great job “Christians” I have to hand you a well deserved  Darwin Award.
The sexually abused  and murdered children thank you also.


American Christian Patriots have to be mentally ill for their support of “Law Encirclement” 

If someone complains about you as a parent it will be “law enforcement”  that with no due process or jury trial will come and kidnap your child and put them in the custody of a child sex trafficking ring called CPS (child protective services)

If you fail to pay the Satanic extortion called the property tax or the 1st plank of the communist manifesto…. it will be “law enforcement”  again without the due process of  a jury trial,  that will come and murder you if you refuse to leave your own home,  or murder you in the long run if they make you homeless.

“Law enforcement” is the group that looks the other way when the state puts rat poison in your child’s drinking water,  mutilates them  with transsexual surgery,  or  they are injected with an experimental bio-weapon.

Yet every Satanically Controlled Church  in this country also looks the other way.  As long as attendance is up and the collection plate full —  the demons called pastors are content.


22-Year-Old Shot Himself After Regime indicted Him for Walking Inside Open Doors of US Capitol – Need to Know News

LOTS of Federal necks need to be stretched over Jan 6th…..

and Maui…. and Ruby Ridge and Waco and OK city and 9/11 and COVID…….

Be encouraged that there is no statue of limitations for murder.

 I did a search:  “Is penis size  reduced because of  xenoestrogens?”

And every single result was a misdirection to make you think that this is genetic.

The fact is that penis size is about half  of what was normal in your grandfathers day.

And that the real cause is xenoestrogens  in the environment.  The same xenoestrogens that give you man boobs also cause male children in the fetus not to develop normally.
Google and your government certainly don’t want you to know the truth.~MFP

BOOK: Nostradamus and the Planets of Apocalypse: New Evidence for the Global Disasters Coming in 2040 and 2046 AD Paperback – November 1, 2012
by Jason M. Breshears

This is amazing information. Jason Breshears ties together Nostradamus, Mother Shipton and the book of revaluations……   the 6th and 7th seals.
After reading this I am convinced that he gets it right.

BOOK AMAZON :  “GOVENRNEMT” – THE BIGGEST SCAM IN HISTORY – EXPOSED (How Inter-generational Organized Crime Runs the “Government”, Media and Academia

Understanding Our Slavery – How Organized Crime Runs the Government and Media with Easy Solutions for Real Freedom! has been REBRANDED AND EXPANDED: New Title: “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History Exposed. “Government” exposes the hidden control system and pseudo-religion of Statism used by organized crime interests centered around banking and central banking to manage the population. Using historical photographs, memes, and infographics the book is designed to accelerate and deepen the understanding of the 65% of the population who are visual learners. The book catalogs 20+ techniques used by the Nazis, Soviet Union, East Germany and the United States to take free, sentient children and indoctrinate them into a worldview that produces obedient “tax-payers” and classic “shave-headed cult members” willing to kill foreigners on command or enforce on their fellow tax slaves. The PDF version with links to additional research and evidence is available for free at

Solutions Are Scary: Part 1 – It’s Time To Bring Back Citizen Militias – By Brandon Smith

I have been yelling this from the rooftops for 20 years.
Also the need for informed jurors.
Red Beckman told us as much 50 years ago.
NOW there is an organization with a very well thought out plan to bring back both the militia and the grand juries at a county level.
Please check them out:


Here are all of their books in PDF for free:

Here is a 6 part series entitled “who killed the militia:

Mark Passio also has 2 excellent podcasts on the militia:

Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment



Breaking news and thoughts –May to August, 2023


“Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners.”
~ Edward Abbey

Welcome to Missouri Liberty Radio

“Your Voice of Truth and Freedom”

You need to read this book about how dangerous EMF’s are.

and this one also:
The Contagion Myth
Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease
by Thomas S. Cowan, MD, Sally Fallon Morell

I think I am going to take a break folks.
Too many stupid people to deal with.
No free speech anywhere….

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
~John 14:6

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
~1 John 3:18


“I have never voted in my life… I have always known and understood that the idiots are in a majority so it’s certain they will win.”

~ Louis-Ferdinand Celine

“Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”
~Galatians 4:16


Doug Casey on the World’s First Anarcho-Capitalist President
by Doug Casey –

US Government Raids Amish Farm & Seizes His Property: “Shocking Display Of Overreach” (Video)

Why is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns?
The weaponization and militarization of the federal government continues unabated as Congress and the states sit back and do nothing

Explosive New Study Finds Face Masks May Increase Stillbirths and Cognitive Decline in Kids – Need to Know News

 It looks like the children in Maui were “Yard Farmed” by the US Air Force…. 

VIDEO- Stew Peters Was Right: Directed Energy Weapon Used Against Maui

Keep  in mind, those of you that worship, this unconstitutional standing army:
This is exactly why the founders warned us about standing armies like the one that just murdered over 1,000 children in Hawaii with aircraft based directed energy weapons.


It’s a lot worse than this, the modern christian church supports all 10 planks of the Satanic Communist manifesto. The globalists have installed Satanists at the top of all of the cultural religions.

Republicans In Nine Florida Counties Adopt Resolution Calling For Ban Of COVID Vaccines
by Zero Hedge

When are the county sheriffs of all 3,141 counties, going  to  be arrested for allowing this genocide, that they could have easily stopped?
When are we going to reclaim our grand juries so that charges could be pressed?


While Maui Fires Burn, Sierra Club Battles to Stop Water From Being Used for Firefighting – Sons of Liberty

I don’t know if you realize it or not,  but the Sierra Club is a communist run POS organization, filled with “useful  idiots” that have no clue as to what they are part of.
A lot like the situation with NRA members.


Dr. Lee Merritt: The Hidden Hand Behind Our Politicians Needs To Be Brought To Justice Too!  –  Sons of Liberty

A great interview

Some incredible information!
Did you know that AZT (the HIV/AIDS drug) and Remdesivir (the COVID hospital protocol) that killed thousands and were run by Fauchi…..
BOTH are made with animal venoms?
And the according to Ardis that spike proteins and thus COVID are also animal venoms!!
You could easily listen to this twice.

Dr. Bryan Ardis: Fauci & The CIA Were Using Snake Venom To Poison People Long Before COVID (Video)

WHO GAVE THE ORDER? Dozens of Survivors CONFIRM Police Used Barricade to Stop Hawaiians Fleeing Inferno – Watch LIVE

The Alex Jones Show

The lesson learned should be that the belief in “authority” can kill you.
So called “Order followers” are one of the most evil things on the planet!

Do some research and Google the “Milgram experiment
None of us should believe that others have authority over us.
This is what was meant with the words “all men are created equal”.

Want answers:

by Will Grigg | Jul 3, 2019

We didn’t go after the murdering Federal Bastards in 1992, so they are back in 2023, this  murdering over 1,000 Hawaiian children.

This gives new meaning to Pastor Martin Neimeillers poem.

This organization has the way to stop the Federal Monster.
Check them out.

Doctors Received Cash Rewards for Every Patient They Got Vaccinated
Hunter Fielding –


American doctors were paid financial rewards for every patient they convinced to get vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots, leaked documents have revealed.

Doctors were offered cash bonuses from Big Pharma-linked health insurance companies, with the payouts increasing on an incremental scale as the number of vaccinated patients grows.

Those who successfully convinced large numbers of their patients to take the injections we pulling in thousands of dollars a day in cash bonuses.

Due to the scaling nature of the bonuses, doctors were incentivized to peddle as many jabs as possible and to keep the momentum going in exchange for cash.

A leaked document from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) Medicaid shows how the health provider created a “COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive program” to reward doctors for pushing Covid jabs on their patients.

Does this against their Hippocratic Oath?……..More


Food Industry Insider Exposes Food Chain Supply Breakdown Ahead of Collapse – Alex Jones (22 minutes)

CONFIRMED: Government Covering Up Truth of Maui Hellstorm, Landgrab Announced by Governor – Alex Jones (12 minutes)

Federal Scientist Blows the Whistle: Covid Vaccine Purposely Contaminated with SV40 Cancer Virus, MUST WATCH!
– Alex Jones (59 minutes)

BREAKING: Biden Set to Announce Climate Lockdowns, Rationing of Energy & Food
by Ben Warren

Governments & Universities Secretly Studied COVID Vaccine Before Rollout: Shots Killed 100% of Mice, Monkeys
The Alex Jones Show

BOOK: Time_to_Start_Over_America_3Sept2022.pdf

“…Founding Fathers were against career military and ‘law enforcement’, and why sheriffs don’t help restore the constitutional Militia….”

“….As in ancient Rome and Great Britain: career armies, police, and sheriffs’ forces have displaced Militia. Our Founding Fathers were stridently against this…..”



copper, iron, calcium…..

The Toxic Nutrient Triad
A little: good. Just a little more: bad
~orthomolecular news

Pope Francis Says Disabled People Should Be Euthanized To ‘Fight Climate Change’  – THEPEOPLESVOICE  (9 minutes)

Modern Religion is nothing other than evil  posing as good.
All of the other cultural religions are just as evil  if you just bother to look.


I will never forget that it was “law enforcement”, that aided and abetted in the ongoing hospital murders of our friends and families ….and that the “Churches” are just as silent. and culpable.
They seem to be on the same evil team.


Murderous Hospital Protocols with Scott Schara and Karen Mueller – The Truth Expedition


Today’s show consists of two interviews. First, Mark talks with attorney Karen Mueller about the recent decision handed down by the WI supreme court on a case she was presenting. Karen is the lead attorney for the Amos Center for Justice.

Next, Mark has a conversation with Scott Schara. Scott is the father of Grace Schara, who was, in my opinion, murdered by hospital protocols. Grace’s care was full of negligence and misconduct, which I believe led to her death. There is much more to this tragic story! Grace did not need to die! Scott is suing the hospital and several doctors in a ‘first of its kind’, landmark lawsuit. You can follow the case and sign up to participate in coming ‘calls to action’ at

You can find out more about the story at

Veteran of Iraq war, Carlos PIccata address’s tyrannical city council and tells them what we the people are going to do to them if they don’t stop their tyranny – Missouri Free Press  (3 minutes)

Brighteon Broadcast News, July 21, 2023 – The COLLAPSE of the dollar-based international monetary system is now IRREVERSIBLE – Mike Adams  (1h 47m)

WHOA! Mass-Media Begins Telling Public “Ukraine is Losing; Territorial Concessions to Russia” and “The West Can Do No More!” –  Hal Turner

Share far and wide

Part 3 is  very much worth watching.


Watch and DL for free that latest in a series of 3.
The other 2 are also for free.


The first PLANDEMIC, a 26-minute documentary, has been seen by over one billion people worldwide, setting a historic record. This documentary exposes hidden agendas, questions mainstream narratives, and sparks a global conversation.

The premiere of PLANDEMIC 2: Indoctornation set streaming records with 2 million viewers attending the global livestream. Journey deeper into the web of deception as Plandemic 2 uncovers the untold stories and exposes the powerful forces manipulating our world.


Witness the culmination of truth-seeking as PLANDEMIC 3: The Great Awakening unravels the layers of corruption and unveils a path towards a brighter future. Prepare to be inspired, awakened, and empowered to take a stand for liberty.


13 Nations agree to engineer global FAMINE by destroying agriculture, saying that producing food is BAD for the planet – Mike Adams

Banking Insider Warns CBDCs Will Be Implanted Chips
Greg Reese |

Brighteon Broadcast News, July 18, 2023 – RED ALERT as 13 nations agree to ENGINEER global FAMINE for planetary depopulation – Mike Adams

Warning To Californians: ‘Shocking New Income Redistribution Scheme’ Coming Ripped By Steve Forbes –

Forbes Breaking News

This is NOT shocking to those paying attention. All of America has already adopted the 10 planks of the Communist manifesto, and the 4 pillars of the Church of Satan.

If that is news to you, you had better start paying the hell attention.

Jim Caviezel: Hollywood Elite Trying To Kill Me for Exposing CIA Child Sex Trade – (13 minutes)

All of this evil  is helped along by the useful idiots in the modern Church.

They do this by becoming 501c3’s and refusing to discuss what is going on in the world.

Then they twist Romans 13 to mean that God put the evil pedophiles into power and that we need to heed them and not question them.


BOOK: The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio –  Forrest Maready  (284 pages)

A fascinating account of the world’s most famous disease—polio—told as you have never heard it before. Epidemics of paralysis began to rage in the early 1900s, seemingly out of nowhere. Doctors, parents, and health officials were at a loss to explain why this formerly unheard of disease began paralyzing so many children—usually starting in their legs, sometimes moving up through their abdomen and arms. For an unfortunate few, it could paralyze the muscles that allowed them to breathe.Why did this disease start to become such a horrible problem during the late 1800s? Why did it affect children more often than adults? Why was it originally called teething paralysis by mothers and their doctors? Why were animals so often paralyzed during the early epidemics when it was later discovered most animals could not become infected? The Moth in the Iron Lung is a fascinating biography of this horrible paralytic disease, where it came from, and why it disappeared in the 1950s. If you’ve never explored the polio story beyond the tales of crippled children and iron lungs, this book will be sure to surprise.

A New Medical Paradigm with Andrew Kaufman MD Tom Cowan MD and Kevin Corbett PhD ( listen in at 45 minutes)

(SPOILER — lead, arsenic, and DDT were the major cause of polio)

Global Elite Vow To BAN Anti-Pedophile Movie ‘Sound of Freedom’ – THEPEOPLESVOICE (12 minutes)

You don’t need to see the movie as it does not bring out the full extent of the problem nor does it get into child murder and the eating of children. These are some of the best books on the topic:

Sexual slavery & mind control; by Intel agencies:


Dr. Peter McCullough Explains Why Autism Exploded from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 36 ( 5 minutes)

Terrain Based Medicine | Dr. Andrew Kaufman on the 2nd Brighteon Autism Conference (20 minutes)

A Beginner’s Guide to Germ Theory | Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Jerm Warfare (1h 12m)

Perhaps the elephant in the room is the likelihood that like many of our misconceptions of reality, were socially engineered into us, by the dark occultists that run the world.

Places like the Tavistock Institute likely designed this false virus paradigm, they then socially engineered it into your consciousness.


Dr. Andrew Kaufman – Do Viruses Really Exist & Can They Be Transmitted? – mariazeee (1h 9m)


 Transcending the Plandemic Narrative
by Dr. Andrew Kaufman (1h 12m)


Homicides Soar 96% In Washington State After Passage Of Gun Restrictions

Shouldn’t the people that facilitated these murders, like the State Legislature and the Police, that  disarmed  the population, all be arrested as accessories to murder?

Democrat Candidate for Elected Office CAUGHT Soliciting 14 year old Boy for sex, on Internet –  Hal Turner

I can remember that during the time that I lived in PA, that the “age of consent”  over a number of years,went from 18 to 14, which it has historically been worldwide..

The bottom line is that the psychopaths in government think that  rights come from them, and that they can change them at will as if they were God himself.

With no knowledge of History and Natural Law they can make any damn age that pleases them.

FWIW the age of consent was set by “law makers” (government) in the South to 7 years of age.  With no references to history and Natural Law there is nothing keeping them from making the age of consent 90 years old or even one day old,

This is called “moral relativism” , it is the 2nd plank in the Church of Satan and our legislators are firm believers in “moral relativism”.


The $100 Billion Ingredient Making Your Food Toxic
Joseph Mercola – Epoch Times

(omega 6’s – in nuts and in grain fed pork and poultry)

When The Justice System Won’t Bring Justice, Others Will (Video)

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

Zapata County Deputies Snap Off Man’s Leg During An Unlawful Arrest (Video)

Both Jesus and the founders warned as about standing armies.
Americans are still to freaking stupid to see it yet.
Perhaps when they come to take you to the camps it will register.


Andrew Tate Tucker Carlson THE INTERVIEW  – Tucker on Twitter (2h 27m)

Child Slavery and the Sound of Freedom Ten billion a year industry in the US alone – Greg Reese (6 minutes)

Our “churches”  work for the pedophiles by telling us that God puts our leaders into their positions!

You can not get much more complicit,  and supportive of pedophilia than this advice from our churches.


WTF: California Assembly Committee Blocks Bill to Make Child Trafficking a ‘Serious Felony’
by Jamie White

This is what your modern Christian Church has brought us with their bastardized version of Romans 13,.

The exact same interpretation  that Adolph Hitler brought to Nazi Germany.


WTD ep.88 ‘Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor’ –  WakeTheDead (2h 25m)

Carrie Olaje is our guest on Wake the Dead for the first time to discuss her experiences as a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse. With a focus on the experience of remembering & healing the trauma, this conversation reveals the horror of child trafficking, pedophilia, murder, torture & cannibalism. Carrie’s father was a member of the U.S. military & a total psychopath. He gave Carrie to the cult when she was 3 years old. She was used by her owner for satanic ritual & sex trafficking to his military friends. Carrie was used to blackmail many young psychopaths eager to join the satanic order. This cult also made snuff films & child pornography. Carrie is sharing her story with us to reveal the truth behind child pornography, the military & the dark occult New World Order system. The most unimaginable horrors are still happening everyday to other young children. Awareness is the first step in confronting this problem we face. Please take the time to listen to this important episode. Carrie & Sean are planning to continue this conversation in the future, so look out for part 2.

Cop Fabricated Story About Being ‘Carjacked by Two Black Men’ — After He Accidentally Shot Himself

Brighteon Broadcast News, July 11, 2023 – Corporate media DEFENDS child sex trafficking by attacking blockbuster “Sound of Freedom” movie (59 minutes)

I hope you are aware that this movie held back a LOT.
The fact is that there are millions of  new children thrown into this meat grinder each year.

They do not stop with sexual abuse, many are killed for snuff films and for Satanic Ritual sacrifice,
Many are eaten.
This was left out because your Average American could not handle the truth.


WEF Orders Govt’s To Prepare for BILLIONS of ‘Social Credit Prisoners (8 minutes)

‘The World Economic Forum has been quietly granted backdoor access to billions of cellphones as part of a plot to compile ‘blacklists’ of users who hold ‘politically incorrect’ views ‘

The Left’s New Sugar Daddy Alex Soros Had 20 Meetings at Joe Biden’s White House (So Far)
by Breitbart


You totally miss the point Dave that EO’s are illegitimate. What Congress should do is to clearly spell it out that the president can not write law, much less write laws that violate the Constitution as is the norm!

Your false world view is a large part of the problem.


Narrative Collapse: Tucker Carlson Says Capitol Police Chief Admitted ‘Jan6 Crowd Was Filled With Feds’
by Zero Hedge

Operation Mockingbird: How The CIA Took Over The US Media

Rancher Refuses to Inject ‘Gene Therapy’ mRNA Jabs In His Cattle as Push Continues to Mandate Them –  TheLibertyDaily (2 minutes)

Migrant Riots in France, Spreading: Switzerland & Germany now – Hal Turner

It amazes me that none of our  Patriot Mouthpieces has noticed that the two  standing armies (the police and the military)  are controlled by the very people that the militia is supposed to protect us from!!

This entire threat is because of a rogue government that is letting the migrants into the country, and their 2 standing armies are employed by this rogue government and will do nothing. (as planned)

Americans are still dumb enough to support the troops and the thugs in blue, who essentially work for the enemy!! (rogue government)

We were warned about standing armies by the founders, and also told by them that to remain free that we needed the Militia.

How dumb are the American people and our Patriot Mouthpieces?


Rothbard: The Free-Market and Antigovernment Roots of the American Revolution
By Murray N. Rothbard

“…..Thus, the well-known theme of “separation of Church and State” was but one of many interrelated motifs that could be summed up as “separation of the economy from the State,” “separation of speech and press from the State,” “separation of land from the State,” “separation of war and military affairs from the State,” indeed, the separation of the State from virtually everything……”

Notice “separation of war and military affairs from the State,” means that we were meant to have no standing armies  like the police or “military’.
A standing army is not protection from tyrants – it is capitulation to them.

That a militia of the people was to provide our protection against tyranny. 


The Cult Of Ultimate Evil – Order-Followers & The Destruction Of The Sacred Feminine

Circle the Wagons: The Government Is On the Warpath
By John & Nisha Whitehead

Church of England Collapsing: “Our Father” is called “Problematic” due to Patriarchy – Hal Turner

Do you need any further proof of the fact that the  secret societies run the religions?

Religion being just one of a legion of institutions that they control.
Like our government, our money, our schools, our media, our law enforcement…. you get the idea.



Brighteon Broadcast News, July 7, 2023 – Government now admits to GEOENGINEERING kill scheme to DARKEN the skies – Mike Adams (1h 56m)

A Brief History of Shape-Shifting Reptilians – Greg Reese (5 minutes)

Masked Teens Violently Mugging Moms with Children in Crime-Infested San Francisco – Need to Know News

Personally I hold the “order followers” (the police) most responsible,
Every time a woman is robbed a SF cop should go to jail!

Why you ask?
Because they are the ones that have disarmed the citizenry.
Laws alone did not do this, it took the order followers to do this,

Mark Passio – Presentation – Cult Of Ultimate Evil


Evidence of Covid ‘Vaccine’ Crimes Submitted to Florida Grand Jury Investigation
By Dr. Joseph Sansone
“Banned Immediately and Criminal Investigations Should Begin”

It boggles  my mind that it has taken 3 years to get  the criminals in law enforcement, to  investigate the use of a bio weapon against us by our doctors and hospitals.  I say fire them and then prosecute them they are no better than Gates or Fauci.


French Cops Can Now Secretly Activate Phone Cameras, Microphones, GPS To Spy On Citizens
by Zero Hedge

News flash!  Your phone was designed  from day one to be a spy device for the standing army we call the police.


In Less than 48 Hours, 2 Cops in the Same Department Arrested for Sex Crimes – The Victims Are Numerous

American Churches Are Eerily Silent When The Country Needs Them Most
by Brandon Smith |

Our Churches have been “silent” for at least the past 100 years.
They seem to do the bidding of the globalists.
Whatever will benefit the bringing in of the NWO the churches
are right there to comply.
They became 501c3’s for a reason….


Explosions Rock Courthouse in Kiev, Ukraine – Military Conscription Cases Bombed – Hal Turner

Anything to stop slavery.  We should have  considered this during our Vietnam war.
Perhaps we should also consider this over the 1st plank of the communist manifesto…. the property tax.



This is how it will go down and we have no Militia’s  to protect us

Your local standing army (the police) are likely the ones to take you there.
Read up on the Milgram experiment.
The founders told us not to have standing armies for very good reason.


Why Can’t We Talk About the Evidence That Vaccines Cause Autism?
Let’s take the highest quality studies on both sides and critically examine them and see which hypothesis is more likely to fit all the high quality data. Why won’t the other side engage in a dialog?
By Steve Kirsch

I think it is about time that we start arresting doctors that vaccinate without giving  full consent,  and that includes  stats about all cause morbidity, autism. auto immune diseases and a lot more,

Even with informed consent a doctor should be financially responsible for any vaccine damage.   If the drug companies believe in their products, they could indemnify the doctors.




I have had incidents in Springfield MO that make me believe  that big reason for the “memberships” is to collecting  data on what you are buying and  providing that information to the Federal government.

Yesterday the checkout girl at Sams demanded to see my ID. (to make sure that they were recording the data for the right person.)

When I objected she said the she was only doing her job, to which I responded  that is exactly what the guards at Auschwitz said when put on trial at Nuremberg.  (no evil  can happen until you have order followers).


HazMat Incident at the White House. UPDATED: COCAINE! – Hal Turner

Government Agents Routinely Entering Private Land Without Warrants
Emboldened by dangerous Supreme Court decision, agents even planting cameras on private property –  BRIAN MCGLINCHEY

Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) are the most egregious offenders.
Almost by definition these people ought to be hanged.

20 years ago my secluded 10 acre property in Industry PA, was twice criminally invaded by the “heroes” in blue. On the second occasion they broke into my home and stole property.

I was so traumatized by these events that I abandoned my home and became homeless for many years. There is no justice when the criminals are your own government.

We were supposed to have a militia to protect us from such standing armies.



Biden Regime Outlines Geoengineering Research Program To Fight ‘Global Warming’
by RT

The truth is that they have been spraying for 50 years or more.
According to the work of Dane Wigington  these chem-trails are soon going to do the exact opposite of what the lying Satanic government tells us.

The science says that when that soon  happens, that the Earth will rise to the temperature of Venus.  Hot enough to melt lead!

This is what the psychopaths in DC have in store for those that they can not starve to death or kill with the next bio-weapon that they release.


Tragic: Actress Dies By Assisted Suicide Following Devastating COVID Booster Injuries
by Jamie White

The genocide continues,  as  all 3,000+ of our county Sheriffs are collecting fat paychecks and benefits, doing nothing, while justice demands that they all be charged with accomplices to murder.


Donations For Policeman Who Killed Teen in Nanterre Six Times Greater Than For Victim’s Mother
by Sputnik

We have standing armies, lording over us,  and government seems to be  god.
They are supported even when they murder.

Washington-Backed “Independent” Ukranian “Kill List” Includes Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carlson, Eva Bartlett, Roger Waters, Steven Seagal & More – Sons of Liberty

Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness – Greg Reese (5 minutes)

We should have followed the ideals in the Declaration.
We have come close to doing the exact opposite.
We are a nation of dumb asses that can not even define what a right is.


The Declaration of Independence states that every person possesses three inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Two hundred and forty-seven years have passed, and we have mostly forgotten what those words mean.

Today it seems that most of us think that the pursuit of happiness means the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain and distress. This confusion can best be explained by the dumbing down of America which we covered in our last video, and the gross lack of spiritual enlightenment in today’s society. In modern society the childish Atheist will often ask; if there is a GOD, why do bad things happen to good people? As if the Earth is supposed to be a Utopia where humans are born to experience nothing but pleasure. Like all Utopian ideations, this is a fantasy for the weak-minded who seek to avoid the pain of life. Bad things happen to everyone so that we can overcome them, learn, and grow.

The Earth is nothing at all like a Utopia. It is a wild place where one must kill in order to live. It does not matter if one is carnivore, vegetarian, or vegan. And it does not matter if you pay someone else to kill for you. Life can only be sustained by life. And perhaps this is why civilization was created, but more often than not, they have served the tyrants at the top, while enslaving the people to run whatever system has been put into place. But in 1776, our founding fathers drafted something very unique. Perhaps the most revolutionary form of spiritual self-government ever penned to paper.

They understood what the pursuit of happiness meant. To Thomas Jefferson, it meant the pursuit of a meaningful life. And it was preceded on the list by life and liberty because individual freedom is needed in order to choose your own path in life. If God has a purpose for each and every one of us, then we have the right to live our life freely so that we can pursue our own life’s work.

The American Revolution created a form of government that serves to protect and defend the individual’s right to pursue their very own path so long as they respected the rights of others. It established a form of government whose sole purpose was to protect these unalienable rights that each individual human deserves. But this is obviously not the case anymore. The government today is serving the interests of what we could refer to as the New World Order. A worldwide police state to manage a belligerent population of undisciplined slaves.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are ethical goals. And the problem today is that the American people are no longer an ethical people. Most of us are chasing pleasure in whatever form we can find it in. Whether it be drugs, alcohol, food, sex, or just something to buy that will make us feel good for a fleeting moment.

While the New World Order definitely had a hand in all this, it is ultimately our own fault. They wanted to turn humanity into an ignorant slave class, so they laid out the bait in the form of social welfare, easy money, and easy access to all sorts of vice. And while some took the bait, those that didn’t aren’t really doing anything to help our fallen brothers and sisters. Those of us working towards a meaningful life, are mostly out for themselves and see the rest as part of the problem. And this has likely been a human struggle throughout all of history.

It has often been said that this life is a spiritual battle. And it most certainly is. The majority of the so-called Left, are not the enemy. They are our neighbors who through trauma or ignorance have come to believe the lies of the mainstream media propaganda machine. And they have been weaponized against American patriots by the New World Order. They are the fallen ones.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

If we expect a corrupt government to fix itself while we fight our fallen neighbors, then do we really deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

Tucker Carlson Tackles Rachel Levine (5 minutes)

Michigan House Passes Bill To Make Calling Person “Wrong Pronouns” A Felony!
by Kelen McBreen

OK I will start things off with addressing every one of the genetically male psychopaths in the Michigan legislature with the pronouns: “him/her/monkey-balls.”

That should suffice for misgendering. (if this is read in MI then I have broken their “Law”. Right?)

I challenge any of those miscreants to issue a Felony warrant in the State of Michigan for misgendering these mentally ill, low life scum.



It’s getting very hard to stomach what I term “modern Christianity”
Our churches appear to be Illuminati led and the facts that I can find support that observation.
The same applies to our “police” departments.

Seattle-area police go all hands on deck to find car that left skid marks on Pride crosswalk –

We were  warned about standing armies, and this Seattle standing army is being used to selectivity enforce laws  that  accomplish  their communist  political agendas.

If the American people did not have shit for brains, they would defund every “police” department from coast to coast.



Serial Arsonist Police Chief Gets Life for Burning Down Homes and Buildings of People He Didn’t Like

What is the problem here?
Don’t we give police special super powers that we their bosses don’t  have?
Not to mention that my Church says that God  chooses the men in government.

I mean it’s not like cops actually ever follow the law….. (they take steroids and beat their wives for starters) lets get real here.


Cop Who Avoided Jail After Killing 6-Month-Old Baby, Arrested Again… For Biting a Toddler

Perhaps  he was not of high rank in the local Satanic Coven so they decided not to cover his ass, like they do for most of their controlled cops.

My Church says that God  chooses the people in government, so perhaps we should just let this man go free.



You need to listen to Dr Jane Ruby’s report on RFK….
She uses his own words to hang him self.
This guy should not even be a dog catcher.
He is more anti gun than even Trump….
Again the video clips of RFK make her case.

FULL SHOW-RFK Candidacy, Second Amendment, Climate Change & Trojan Horses


I for one would like to know where the hell they got the Constitutional authority to make this decision.  The vast majority of things that SCOTUS sticks it;s nose into it has zero Constitutional authority to do so.
Perhaps it’s the misapplication of the 14th amendment that they have used for this latest power grab.


Cop Reinstated with Back Pay After Assaulting Masseuse When She Denied His ‘Happy Ending’ Demand

The founders warned us about these “standing armies”.
Why the hell did we not listen?

Fifty-Five Years Ago, We Were Warned

It was an extraordinary yet now forgotten event: on July 15, 1967, NBC gave New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison nearly half an hour to rebut an earlier NBC show that had criticized how Garrison had conducted an investigation of people he thought were involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The segment was extraordinary because today we are accustomed to the major news outlets only allowing one point of view to be heard. It was doubly extraordinary because Garrison took the opportunity to explain to the American people that they were being lied to by the political and media elites, in words that are even truer today than they were when he spoke them.

Garrison’s central point was that the findings of the Warren Commission that investigated the circumstances of the Kennedy assassination were false, a claim that he neatly established by showing that the Commission’s reconstruction of the path of a bullet that supposedly hit JFK and then passed into the body of Texas Governor John Connally was physically impossible. Garrison contended that Lee Harvey Oswald was not and could not have been the lone assassin of Kennedy, and that he was, in fact, a CIA operative. The hit on Kennedy, according to Garrison, was a CIA operation emanating from the agency’s dislike of the Kennedy administration’s moves toward a thaw in the Cold War with the Soviet Union……

WATCH: Cops Force K9 to Maul Innocent Sleeping Man, Then Pretend it Never Happened

When I worked in Pittsburgh PA in the 90’s, it was common for the criminals that were the city police. to  have their dogs bite people just walking down the street.   We should end this evil institution called police and go back to a single county sheriff.


A State of Martial Law: America Is a Military Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy
By John & Nisha Whitehead
June 27, 2023

The 2 Party System and the Dumbing Down of America – Greg Reese (6 minutes)

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free… it expects what never was and never will be – Thomas Jefferson

After seven years of violent revolution, our American founders were well aware that political factions were most often used to divide and conquer the people. And they knew that the Republic they created would only last as long as the people could remain educated.

In 1816 Thomas Jefferson wrote; “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”

By the end of the Civil War, the two-party system became the norm, the Globalist system we face today was born, and the deliberate dumbing down of the American citizen began with our great-great-grandparents.

In the late eighteen hundreds, the Skinner Pavlovian method was brought into American schools by Johns Hopkins. These psychological methods allowed teachers the ability to program students’ behavior in the same way that Pavlov did with dogs.

In 1934, the Carnegie International Endowment for Peace published the Report On The Commission On Social Studies. Which explicitly stated the goal of eventually taking away people’s land, and noted that most people would obviously oppose this. The solution was to begin using the school system to re-condition the minds of children.

In 1976, the bicentennial year of the Declaration of Independence, 124 Congressmen signed the “Declaration of Interdependence.” which stated that: “Two centuries ago our forefathers brought forth a new nation; now we must join with others to bring forth a New World Order.”

And it pledged to give children special attention in distributing a common education to suit their goals.

By the nineteen nineties, this globalist dumbing down system was perfected. And America began exporting it worldwide in what is known as Outcome-based education.

Starting in 2010, Common Core began in the United States. It outlined what students were expected to know at each grade level, and enforced ways to assess those standards.

Charlotte Iserbyt, author of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, has traced most of this agenda stemming from The Order of Skull and Bones at Yale, through both Republicans and Democrats. Two wings of the same globalist bird which understood that dumbed-down people have a base desire for a simple Dualistic choice.

In 1953, the Rockefeller Foundation funded the Robbers Cave Experiment, wherein, eleven-year-old boys who thought they were signing up for summer camp were organized into two separate tribes and were manipulated into fighting each other. Which was easily accomplished by having a single resource that the two groups competed for.

The Henri Tajfel experiments of the nineteen seventies showed that by simply dividing people into two groups, they would naturally identify with their own group and discriminate against the other.

The basic ego mind is constantly making preferences. No matter how dumb you are, you have an opinion about everything. And if you can keep the population dumb enough, and give them two parties to choose from, they will innately identify with one, and despise the other.

This allows the globalist system the cover they need to implement unpopular policies, such as a Central Bank Digital Currency, while ‘We the People’ ignorantly fight each other.

United we stand. Divided we fall. And we’ve been falling for it for generations.

The American people have been so thoroughly dumbed down that we think freedom is the ability to choose between two parties working for the same control system. And we have been made so weak that we are afraid to even discuss the option of violence. Which is most often the only remedy for tyranny.

But if we were an enlightened people, we could simply unite together as one and just say no to the tyrants.

The answer to 1984, is 1776

Florida Family Indicted for Selling Toxic Bleach as Fake “Miracle” Cure for Covid-19 and Other Serious Diseases, and for Violating Court Orders –

Miami, Florida — A federal grand jury in Miami has returned an indictment charging a Florida man — Mark Grenon, 62 — and his three sons — Jonathan Grenon, 34, Jordan Grenon, 26, and Joseph Grenon, 32 — with fraudulently marketing and selling “Miracle Mineral Solution,” a toxic industrial bleach, as a cure for COVID-19, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, autism, malaria, hepatitis, Parkinson’s, herpes, HIV/AIDS, and other serious medical conditions, and with defying federal court orders.

“…If convicted, the Grenons face up to life imprisonment. ..”

This is what the  Satanically run Federal terrorists do to people that are exercising their God given rights.     I take this “Miracle Cure” just about every day and I thank God that I found it.




WEF Declares Humans Must Eat Feces and Drink Urine To Fight Climate Change –   The Prisoner on Brighteon

American “patriots” are very dumbed down group to say the least.
99.99% of this mindless group believes that treaties can supersede the US
Constitution, because some authority figure told them so.

The acceptance of this outright lie is the ONLY way that the WEF can force their bullshite on the American people.

There are many other outright lies about the Constitution that Patriot-tards accept, but lets leave it at the hugely consequential treaty lie for the time being.



Video: Trump Vows To “Sign A Law Prohibiting Child Sexual Mutilation In All 50 States”
by Steve Watson

The Moronic Conservatives in this country have zero respect for the rule of law, and the US Constitution.

I find the behavior of  “Mason Trump” disgusting and revolting.

The States never ceded any authority in the realm of medicine to the Federal government.

This is Federal over reach in the exact same manner that they used to make abortion a Federal matter when it is clearly a State matter.



Is a Titanic conspiracy theory tied to the sinking of the billionaire submersible? –

The Ezra Pound play……
In the 1950’s, world renowned Ezra Pound was held in a psychiatric hospital in DC for 13 years.
His real crime might have been opposing the Federal Reserve.

When I head that there was “a” billionaire on the sub my mind went right back to the
reason that the Titanic’s sister ship was sunk.

It Is Time to Put to Bed the Lies and Misconceptions Associated With the Term “Anarchy”
By Gary D. Barnett

“Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners.”

~ Edward Abbe

No sugar coating here:
This Man Thinks You Should Drink Your Own Piss Every Day –

Khazar Nazi’s vs Soviet Russia: A Battle Since 600 CE
By Helena Glass

“A chilling account by a whistleblower reveals the monstrosities that were being committed in Ukraine labs before the Russian divesture. Body parts from live children were packaged and sent to Europe buried in grain shipments.”

5.29.23 The Tipping Point on Rev Radio, STUDIO B w/ Dr. Ed Group on Urotherapy (2h 19m)

An amazing talk. I highly recommend it.

Part 1/2: The Urotherapy Q&A Event | Global Healing Institute

It Is Time to Put to Bed the Lies and Misconceptions Associated With the Term “Anarchy”
By Gary D. Barnett

Actor Jim Caviezel Implicates US Agencies in Child Sex Trafficking – Need to Know News

Don’t leave out CPS in all 3,000 US counties and the “law enforcement” that aides and protects them.

Isn’t tomorrow (June 22nd) a favorite Satanic sacrifice day?
85,000 kids and “law enforcement” has done nothing.

I think that law enforcement is owned by the Satanists.
That is what they claim at least.


How to Prevent Deaths from Sepsis
by Max Langen and Dr. med. Petra Wiechel

“…Annually, sepsis affects almost 50 million people and contributes to or causes more than 11 million deaths….”

The Hospital murders started a long time before the COVID  Remdesivir murders.


Bryan Ardis | “They Are Using Remdesivir The Same Way They Used Gas Chambers To Kill People In Germany” – Byran Ardis (2  minutes)

And “law enforcement” because they take federal bribe money, sit on their fat arses and watch (help) the genocide.


Steve Quayle warns Mike Adams: Weather weapons will make ENGINEERED FAMINE far more deadly – Mike Adams (60 minutes)

Steve also talks about the news blackout on troops being deployed in over 20 states. VERY WORTH HEARING IMHO

Tucker Carlson 6/22/23 Ep. 6 FULL END SHOW | BREAKING FOX NEWS June 22, 2023  (32 minutes)

Big Pharma Whistleblower Suspended By Twitter For Exposing US Military’s Involvement In COVID Jabs
by Kelen McBreen

“…..Former pharmaceutical executive Sasha Latypova talked with The Epoch Times this week for an epic discussion about her research into the dangerous Covid jabs and how the U.S. military was involved in the creation and distribution of the shots….”

Didn’t the founders warn us about standing armies?
What a dumb people we are.

Chinese Surveillance State: Facial Recognition And Social Credit Score Required at Gas Stations

I would not be surprised at all of every pump in the State of Missouri  is not already fully capable of of operating this way. (this is what government “regulation” is really all about)

Video: Washington Students Marched To Principal’s Office And Lectured For Wearing ‘There Are Only Two Genders’ Shirts
by Steve Watson

You would think that “Christians”  would be embarrassed  about  these evil  implementations  of the Satanic 10th plank of the communist manifesto, and demand that they be eliminated!

Most support this clearly Satanically inspired institution of the government educating our children.

Most don’t have working brains is  my only explanation.  The “schools” and the churches have reduced them to babbling idiots for the most part.


United Nations Creating A Digital ID Linked To Bank Accounts

Don’t lose track of the fact that local small town banks also  counterfeit money and that is why prices of every thing that you buy are going up.

They are also going along with every evil globalist dictate  to invade your privacy.

You were dumbed down in the 10th plank schools for a reason.


Serial Rapist Cop Gets Off with a Wrist Slap as Taxpayers Forced to Pay His Victims –

Cops have a lot in common with Hunter Biden.
They can break the law and  they get off one way or another.

For instance the second amendment guarantees your right to own a fully automatic weapon. (for the purpose of protecting yourself from rogue government) You will go to jail for exercising this God given right.
However  despite the Declaration saying that all men are crated equal, cops are exempt from this law and you are not.

Do you see how dangerous this is?  You are prevented from owning the arms that were a guarantee of you ability to protect yourself from criminal government.  So they criminalize your ownership, and then make it OK for your potential enemy to own.

All of this is happening because the churches and the schools have made the citizens are dumb as rocks in their understanding of Liberty.

The Bible talks about the criminal paying restitution to the victim.
Our system steals from you (commits a crime) to pay restitution.


When a police officer is killed, it’s not an agency that loses an officer, it’s an entire nation.– Chris Cosgriff, ODMP Founder

I disagree, when one of these agents of the globalists is killed, it makes us all  more free.

600,000 Americans Per Year Are Dying From COVID Shots Says Top Insurance Analyst
Former Bernstein senior analyst Josh Stirling draws a shocking conclusion from UK government health data –

What should really blow your mind is that we have over 3,000 useless County Sheriff’s that can’t see that something very sinister is a foot.

They can see your plates are expired but they fail to see national genocide.

Do you think that the Federal bribe money and toys have anything to do with this?

Gavin Newsom’s Gun Grabbing Constitutional Addition Would Repeal the Second Amendment – Need to Know News

Hey Demon from hell Gavin….
You can not “repeal” God given rights.
You can not “repeal” God’s Natural Laws.

Unfortunately Americans, and their cockroaches in government do not understand this in the least.

This fact is illustrated in the story of Eve trying to internalize good and evil.

But then again your Illuminati controlled Churchs never taught you what that was really all about.


Great Falls, Montana: 20 Heavily Armed IRS and ATF Agents Raided a Gun Store – Need to Know News

Looks to me like this criminal gang of thugs violated the 2nd amendment.

Where was  the local sheriff and the local DA?

Arrest those ATF agents  and let the jury decide on their fate.

Where are the criminal indictments against these thugs?

OH YEA….”Law Enforcement” feeds on the Federal Bribe money and that is all that matters to the thugs in local “law enforcement”

Isn’t this why we had Militias?
For when government turned into criminals.

See what the men in Athens TN did when their sheriff went rogue.
You won’t be taught this in the Communist schools.

HISTORY: The Battle of Athens, Tennessee


First Tangible Sign that NATO “Exercise” May Go to LIVE WAR with Russia in 4 Days – Hal Turner

Congress Tells Treasury Secretary to “Prepare for China to DUMP U.S. Treasuries” – Hal Turner

In an absolutely stunning exchange on Capitol Hill, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, appearing before a Congressional Committee, was told by Congress to Prepare for China to DUMP $859 Billion in U.S. Treasury Debt Notes — “overnight.”

It’s Not Just the FBI: The IRS goes into ‘Beast Mode’
By Clarice Feldman  –

New Docs Reveal DHS Plot to Assign Social Credit-Like Scores to Americans – Sons of Liberty

These Satanic  Nazi bastards are probably operating in your county.
With the permission of your country sheriff!
I have seen their vehicles in my county…..


Dave Hodges  how clueless can you be?
Where were you when the 1968 gun control act was passed?
You seem to support this abomination.

SCOTUS has zero authority to hear anything concerning the second amercement Dave.

The second amendment made it clear that anything dealing with the Militia was not to be in the purview of the Federal government, and was to be left in  the hands of the States and the people. So how can SCOTUS claim any jurisdiction at all?

Your continued ignorance is a clear and present Danger Dave.
To find the real enemy we need only to look in the mirror.

Most of all Dave where in hell is the MT State Militia?
Where the hell are the county Sheriffs?


The SPIKE PROTEIN is making the masses cognitively RETARDED via neurological damage – Mike Adams (21 minutes)

Alex Jones Was Right! Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Makes Stunning Revelation That Will Rock The Media

“…Mark Dice breaks down how Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s candidacy for the Democratic presidential nominee represents a major threat to the establishment because he’s willing to dismantle media lies and narratives, in particular the hormone-disrupting chemicals in the water supply and how they’re linked to the transgender movement — a topic that has been discussed at length by Alex Jones for years….”

FBI Groomed Developmentally Challenged 16-Year-Old To Become A Terrorist, Then Arrested Him
by Zero Hedge

I looks like FBI  whistle blower Ted Gunderson was right when he claimed  that the FBI and the CIA were run by pedophiles and Satanists.


Hundreds Of Canadian Doctors Dead: Genocide Confirmed After 4th Booster Mandated For Medical Field – Stew Peters TV (11 minutes)

These are the docs telling their patients to take the jab.
Perhaps this is poetic justice.


Here’s How You Can Actually Fight Tyrants Trying To Take Your Guns W/Dave Jose –  sonsoflibertyradiolive

The making of the Unabomber: How Ted Kaczynski was radicalized as a 16-year-old prodigy math student at Harvard when he was used as a human guinea pig for the CIA’s sinister Project MK-Ultra – Daily Mail

I have to ask why in God’s name the people that tortured Ted Kaczynski, using trauma based mind control were not held accountable?   In fact they are running these mind control operations to this very day.

In many respects Ted Kaczynski, was the victim here and the criminal the US government  as usual goes unpunished.



“…..Citizens in **MANY** areas of the U.S.A. are startled that tanks, troops, assault aircraft are BEING DEPLOYED on the streets throughout the U.S.A. today, Saturday, June 17. Video below shows tanks on the highways of Idaho, Osprey Helicopters dropping Marines in California residential neighborhoods, and trainloads of military armor moving in Montreal, Quebec, CANADA.

We begin in Larksper, California where United States Marine Corps OSPREY aircraft are dropping troops into residential neighborhoods:…..”


I doubt if he is countering the many 5th columns meant to spring forth soon. Perhaps these US troops will deploy under the UN flag and come for your guns.

I hope YOUR local militia is well regulated.



Is Donald Trump a Freemason? Is Trump Tower in New York a Satanic Temple?

America Needs To be Recaptured Under The Banner Of Liberty – Greg Reese (7 minutes)

I can’t believe my ears!!!  An ex member of the  US special forces standing army, finally comes out and calls the standing army what the hell it really is!

This guy comes as close as I have heard for calling for a restoration  of the State Militias.

Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment


BREAKING: WEF Claims to be God, Calls for Banning of the Bible – Alex Jones (22 minutes)

Thank the Illuminati controlled 501c3 Christian churches for this.

They have been pushing Adolph Hitlers version of Romans 13 for as long as I can remember.

There are consequences for ignoring evil, and your church has led the way on that front.

Remember that if the government bans the bible that God put them there and you must do what they tell you to do.(per Hitlers version of Romans 13)


Whistleblower Claims Advanced Technology In Antarctica Can Cause Earthquakes – Greg Reese

Australia Approves Mandatory (Bill Gates) mRNA Vaccines for ALL Agriculture – Hal Turner

You can bet your ass this is coming here (pigs are already mRNA injected in the US)
Our pastors have told the farmers in their congregations to sit on their asses and do nothing. (Romans 13)
That God put these Satanists in charge and we had better do what they tell us to do.I am ashamed of this county and it’s people. It stands for little other than aiding evil.


Putin: There Will No Longer BE a “Ukraine” – NATO Direct Intervention Will Not Change Outcome – Hal Turner

Former NATO Chief Admits “We Decided Back in 2008, Ukraine WILL Become Member of NATO” – Hal Turner

UPDATED 4:15 PM EDT — US FedGov and NATO HQ Claims Under “Cyber-Attack” – Pro-Ukraine Group Promises to Blow-Up Kerch Strait Bridge within 36 Hours – Hal Turner

Tucker Carlson Said that Trump Is Being Prosecuted because He Opposes War – Infowars (13 minutes)

Traitor to the Constitution: The U.S. Government Is the Real Criminal
By John & Nisha Whitehead

Well it only took 200 years to notice!
The Federal government has been trashing the US Constitution  with very serious violations since the Washington administrations approval of a National Bank followed by a huge SCOTUS power grab beginning in 1803 to 1819.

If the American people,  and our politicians were not so completely  dumbed down in the mandatory  indoctrination camps, we might still have a few God given rights in this country!

Read this book if you would like to relieve your planned ignorance:
Saving the Constitution –   Richard Proctor PhD


Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong
By Ron Unz and Mike Whitney

While  Ron Unz’s  story has  truth to it, he leaves out the Satanic and Occult aspects of the 3rd Reich, just like the sanitized version you were taught in the  indoctrination camp you were forced to attend for 12 years.

The truth is that Hitler worked with the German Illuminati to learn their trauma based mind control methods.   Dr. Josef Mengele’s  torture of children was all about continuing to learn more about mind control, and this mind  control knowledge, was eventually brought to the US through operation Paperclip and the Illuminati created CIA.


State TV: United States is in Moscow’s Nuclear Crosshairs – Hal Turner

Don’t be fooled. Russian war technology is light years ahead of the US.
This will not go well for us.
Americans only chance to avoid this fate is for us to remove this illegitimate government.
If we do not the Russians are going to do it for us.
Do any of you yet see how important the State  Militias are?


Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment

Biden Regime Offers Path to Citizenship to Foreigners Enlisting in U.S. Military Amid Recruiting Crisis
by Chris Menahan | Information Liberation

So soon we will have a Standing Army that consists of brainwashed foreigners.  Let’s add to this, the fact the we have no militia at all.

Americans are too stupid for me to even wrap my mind around.
Connect the dots folks. It’s all there for you to discern if your brain even remotely works.


The 1986 film Labyrinth which is about the world of a Monarch Mind controlled slave from their perspective.

Oddly (not) it is not available for viewing on Amazon in the US.

I could use a VPN and give it a try I guess.

This is a foretaste of the control that the CBDC and social credit scores will give the psychopaths we call government…..


WARNING WEST COAST ⚠️ Supply Chain HAS STOPPED‼️ | Prep Now SHTF  – Riverside Homestead Life (11 minutes)


The Jennifer Guskin Story: Child Sex Trafficking with the Rich & Powerful (Video 51  minutes)


Listen to this to the end. She implicates Trump at being at parties that she was prostituted off at, when she was a child.

Our so called “churches” have sold their souls and become 501c3 corporations and refuse to speak out  because of their cowardliness, and love of money.

Sex slave Cathy O’Brien, in her book,   says that Reagan was deep NWO and was into bestiality.


“Everything that is hidden will be found out, and every secret will be known.
Whatever I say to you in the dark, YOU must tell in the light….”
~Luke, 12:2-3

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
~1 John 3:18

300 People who Rule us all by Wealth & Stealth  – 45 minutes

In the book  CONSPIRATORS.HIERARCHY – THE STORY OF THE.COMMITTEE OF.300 PDF–  John Coleman   explains the globalist control of our country better than any other tome that I have  ever come across.

If you don’t want to read the book at least  listen to the 45 minute talk by Coleman above.  It may just blow your mind.


Alex Jones Full Show 6/9/23 UFO – Guest Dark  Journalist (3 hours)

Alex Jones finally breaks his  20 year silence on UFO’s, and explains why.
This is the most riveting and informative AJ show that I have heard in the last 5 years.
Start to listen in at 1h 39m and kick back and listen to Dark Journalist and Alex unload  boat loads of mind blowing info.


Tucker Carlson DEFIES Fox News’ Threats, Posts Ep 2 Of Twitter Show: Cling To Your Taboos

Tucker Carlson on Chinese in Caribbean 

Man Convicted Of Nonviolent Crime Cannot Be Stripped Of Gun Rights: Appeals Court
by Zero Hedge

None of these judges, nor the American people for that matter, know their history.
They don’t understand the Constitution, and that “shall not be infringed” means what the words say.
Or that the very definition of a right means something that man did not create and that certainly man can not take away.

Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment


AIDS was a Lie Also – 1994 Video – Rehearsal for Covid-19 – Need to Know News (1h 10m)

Judy Mitkovits also exposes this lie in her book:
Plague_of_Corruption – Dr Judy Mikovitz.pdf


Hackers Crash ENTIRE Russia Banking System – Get CASH Out Now Before Reprisal Attacks Today – Hal Turner

President Trump HAS Been federally Indicted – Hal Turner

As far as I am concerned  Trump is likely in on this charade, that is designed to set off division, and hopefully some sort of civil war, or false flag event to  lead to martial law and gun confiscation.

Trump is the guy that thought he was God and with his signature took away your right to own a bump stock on your rifle.   He never cared about any of my God given rights and I could care less how many of his are violated.  Because regardless of what is done to him my rights will be continued to be violated.

It’s not like if he got into office that he would follow the Constitution and protect my rights. He never did that during his first term and he never will.

I really think that Trump in the end, is a globalist meant to play the public like a fine violin.

I find the   book Trance Formation of America – by Cathy O’Brien & Mark Philips.pdf very credible, and the amount of governmental knowledge of the New World Order described in that book in mind numbing.
Even Reagan was definitely  One World Government globalist according the the accounts of Cathy O’Brien.


The Great Covid Death Coverup
By Dr. Joseph Mercola

What  Dr. Mercola  misses is that we have 3,000 criminals called County Sheriffs that are ignoring the largest mass murder in our history and they have not even been charged, 3 years into the murders!!!


The Blue Dawn Gun Confiscation Invasion Will Come Before the Red Dawn Invasion of AMERICA – Dave Hodges

Americans are morons
This is just another reason to quickly disband the Church of Satan (they claim) controlled standing army army known as the “police”. They exist to carry out the orders ultimately of the globalist committee of 300 by enforcing the illegitimate laws the globalist puppets called Congress passes for them.

We need to call for a full restoration of our real Military a Militia of the people.

If you are not doing this you will have blood on your hands.


US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dane Wigington: Is Climate Engineering Real? (59 minutes)

Another 52 Shot, 10 Murdered In Chicago This Weekend

I scares me that Americans are so stupid that they don’t see that this is happening because people have been disarmed.

I scares me even more when they don’t realize that the only reason that the people are disarmed is because of criminal order following police.


More Jeffrey Epstein Contacts Revealed, Including Bankers, Billionaires, Celebrities, Etc –  Need to Know News

This illustrates what we have known though CIA operation Monarch, is that ALL key politicians, Federal and State are compromised through sexual blackmail.

This was done to key scientists to get them to go along with both the COVID and global warming  narrative.

The celebrities that are pushing the COVID vaccine are also compromised.

This is done world wide through a slew of positions and occupations.


If you are not aware of where the children come from for these blackmail ops, look no further than CIA “Finders” (finding children) operation. They kidnap children and run them through project Monarch that is in large part run on US Air Force bases. (keep on supporting standing armies morons)

Read both of these books for the details:

Mind Controlled Sex Slaves & the C.I.A. – Tracy R. Twyman.pdf….51mwnwGdVMDbz8OhiHGz

The Franklin Coverup _ John DeCamp….OSi4ILkeY0AlC8WwRkQ1

UPDATED: Horrifying VIDEO 2000+ Dead Ukrainian Soldiers in Overnight War Fighting –   Hal Turner

Christian churches in this country are supporting  Ukraine’s  war of aggression against Christian Russia.

Perhaps these mentally ill cowards, posing as pastors should go over there and fight, if they support Ukraine so much.


WHERE ARE THEY? Chilling mystery as nearly 30 kids go missing from city in two weeks and cops say they’ve never seen anything like it – The Sun

If you do your homework you will find that many police departments are run by pedophiles and protect the pedophile rings.  The same goes for the FBI and the CIA.

Read The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska if you want to get an introduction to this reality.


WATCH: Innocent Veteran Homeowner Calls 911 to Report Burglary, Cops Show Up and Execute Him –


The State of NJ created this situation in the first place by disarming the citizenry…..

If you or I did this we would certainly face criminal charges. But these tugs are always above suffering the consequences for their crimes. Even  in the rare case when charged and convicted they get off easy in cop jails and are let out early.

The founders warned us about standing armies, and we need to rid ourselves of this standing army, that both temporally and spatially  can not protect us.
“Protecting us” is based on a lie, that moronic Americans seem to accept without question.


Electrosensitivity: ‘I didn’t believe people had it, then it happened to me’ – BBC

A great book on the topic that you should read:
The Invisible Rainbow- Arthur Firstenberg – PDF

A company with  EMF remediation products:
EMF  solutions


Contagion Myth & Unconventional Ways To Treat Viruses (90 minutes)

Excellent interview of Dr Tom Cowan
Do read his new book:  The Contagion Myth

Amzon will not carry this book.


USS Gerald R. Ford Transferred to NATO Command – Hal Turner

Have not these troops and commanders committed treason?
Any sane thinking person would have to agree.
When are the trials and hangings going to happen?

How is this any different   than a Untied Nations command?


As ‘Government’ Wages A Losing War Upon God And All That Is Good, We’ve Gotten A ‘Communist Church’ With Brainwashed Pulpiteers As America’s Fall Into Despotism Nears Completion – All News Pipeline


Brighteon Broadcast News, June 2, 2023 – COVID jab has injured or killed 600 MILLION people (so far) and Trump takes credit for fast-tracking it – Mike Adams (1h 19m)

MIT Researcher Explains How Chlorine Dioxide/ MMS Destroys the Toxicity of Glyphosate Poison – Need to Know News

Do the deep dive on chlorine dioxide.
Here are a few books that taught me a lot  about this miraculous substance.
For what it’s worth Dr. Stephanie Seneff is the real deal. When I comes to glyphosate she is the world’s leading expert IMHO.


“Law and Order” Conservatives
-Larken Rose (24 minutes)

A critical look at Bill Gates plan the plan to vaccinate the world 

Article includes the excellent James Corbitt documentary “Who is Bill Gates?”

11-Year-Old Boy Calls 911 For Help Protecting His Mom, Cops Show Up & Put A Bullet In His Chest   MATT AGORIST

And the best case is that you the tax payer pay a lot of damages or this criminal’s  criminal actions.

I say to defund them before they come and disarm us and take us to camps.

I just recently realized why there was a special “grant” (stolen money) to build a medical facility for the Amish…..

They don’t have medical insurance and want to pay cash.
The COX hospital network doctor I go to would go to jail for taking cash or even providing free care according to Dr. Lee Merritt!

So to solve the problem that they created they steal from people to find a “grant”.

Thank the Satanic psychopaths that think that they are God called the Federal legislature.

Medicine should be free market. Any other system is fundamentally evil and in violation of Natural Law.

A Memorial Day Message From a Former US Marine
written by lucas gage

“….It’s Memorial Day and Americans are out barbequing, having a few beers, and spending time with their loved ones; they are celebrating to honor the fallen warriors who have died to protect our nation, our freedoms, and our way of life.

But I have a serious question that may make you uncomfortable: Did they really die protecting those things?

If you believe that every war we have ever started, engaged in, or supported was just, then your answer will be a resounding “Yes!” But I think more and more American are beginning to realize they have been lied to about many of these wars, especially all the wars the came out of the so-called “War on Terror.” Many of those Americans being war veterans just like myself.

America is 246 years old, yet has been at war for over 96 percent of its existence. Certainly, some of these wars must have been just, but most of them, especially after 1913, have been nothing but special-interest wars that benefited the Military Industrial Complex at the expense of Americans. We were warned about this entity by people who worked for it: once by General Smedley Butler, who wrote a short book (a mere 12 pages) called War is a Racket; and another time by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, in his farewell address. I highly recommend every American read both to get the truth directly from those who were on the inside.

By the way, did you know despite all the fighting our nation has been/is involved in, it has only formally declared war five times? The last time the United States formally declared was in 1942 against the Axis Powers, yet it has been engaged in “military led operations,” “police actions,” and “humanitarian interventions” for over eight decades since then. Just like our government changed the “Department of War” to the “Department of Defense” in 1949, it uses these sanitized terms to avoid calling what these things really are: wars. And as I stated in the last paragraph, most of these wars do not benefit the American people at all; in fact, they cost them everything….”
continues here


I have a few criticisms  of this article although I agree with a lot that is in it.

The author seems to think that it is the governments job to educate our children.

For a US marine he sure does not know the Constitution.

He somehow thinks, he gets a pass for going into a war where congress did not declare war. Is he going to claim ignorance on that part of the Constitution also?

Finally he does not see that he was part of a standing army. Something that both the founders warned us about  and the Constitution prohibits.

He strikes out 3 times on not knowing or following the Constitution , which BTW is much better than most so called Patriots.


I think I am going to take a break folks.
Too many stupid people to deal with.
No free speech anywhere….

Had Steve Quayle cancel my Q-files  subscription because I dared tell him that  his sponsor had ripped me off.  I wanted him to know the kind of people that he recommended. How audacious and evil of me!

Then  Steve’s’ friend,  Mr Free Speech Hal Turner, did the same thing after I dared relate that story to readers on his site. I am now kicked off of Hal’s site.
Neither  of these guys has a thing over Facebook or Twitter.
Same deal of no free speech allowed.
This is the exact  post on Hals site that was too much truth about Steve:



Don’t know if you know how volatile Steve Quayle is.
I wrote him with smoking gun proof that the sat phone store had ripped me off.

His response? His Christian response?

Was to cancel my Q-files membership!!

Try to do good and spread the truth and Steve Quayle plants a knife squarely in your back.

It’s really really sad that is is the character of our so called “patriot leaders”.

FWIW he offered to refund the money that the SPS owes me and I of course refused his offer.
He is a very poor judge of character and assumed that my motivation was some sort of shake down.

I make my case.
Our “Patriot mouth pieces” like Steve , Hal, Greg, and Infowars are really  no fuking different than the fascist, censoring,  psychopaths at Facebook or Twitter.

Why even bother when the guys that are on “our side” are enemies of truth and free speech?


The Church in America is Just as Complicit to that of the Germans in the 1930’s –  Sons Of Liberty (4 minutes)

Mexican, While Being Arrested for Catalytic Converter Theft, Tells Cops “The Russians and Chinese are coming for you soon” – Hal Turner Radio

Red Dawn is not a theory….



Don’t know if you know how volatile Steve Quayle is.
I wrote him with smoking gun proof that the sat phone store had ripped me off. of $1500

His response? His Christian response?

Was to cancel my Q-files membership!!

Try to do good and spread the truth and Steve Quayle plants a knife squarely in your back.

It’s really really sad that is is the character of our so called “patriot leaders”.

FWIW he offered to refund the money that the SPS owes me and I of course refused his offer.
He is a very poor judge of character and assumed that my motivation was some sort of shake down.

His actions just illustrate his poor character.



Remember How The Militia Warned About The Need For Their Existence For A Time Like This & People Thought They Were Terrorists? (Video) –

1/4/2023 Merritt Medical Hour: Dr. Lee Merritt ft. Tim Brown

Sports Illustrated 2023 Swimsuit Issue to Feature Transgender Biological Man on Cover
by Adan Salazar

Attorney Thomas Renz unloads horrifying audio recording evidence of nurses ordered to MURDER COVID PATIENTS for hospital profits – Mike Adams (46 minutes)

And our county sheriffs continue to sit on their asses and watch medical murders
I can not think of any reason to continue to fund criminal law enforcement.

In fact I think they all need to be prosecuted  as accessories to murder.

Keep the battle of Athens TN in mind Patriots.


UPDATED 6:34 PM EDT — Happening Now: Kalibr Cruise Missile Launches from Black Sea – PATRIOT MISSILES ***JAMMED*** FAILING! – Hal Turner Radio

Submitted by Dave Hodges (5 minutes)  (listen in at 3 minutes)

Disarm the IRS, De-Militarize the Bureaucracy, and Dismantle the Standing Army
By John & Nisha Whitehead

I have to wonder if I have influenced Johns definition of a standing army, for the better.

I have written him many times trying  to  expand what he see’s as a standing army.


Sunday Live: Migrants On Terror Watch List Arrested At Collapsed Border As Media Denies Crisis
The Alex Jones Show

The fact of the matter is that if you include 5th columns (like the CCP) we have well over 500,000 terrorists in this country.  Wake the hell up folks!


CBS News Promotes Bill Gates-Backed Scheme Spraying Aerosols In Earth’s Atmosphere To Block Sun
by Kelen McBreen

Amerikans are so stupid as not to know that they have been spraying the entire planet for over 50 years.

Why the hell do you think that Alzheimer’s is so prevalent?
Spraying nano aluminum is a big reason as to why.


Homeless vets are being booted from NY hotels to make room for migrants: advocates
By Bernadette Hogan and Kate Sheehy

Killing of veterans has always been the agenda of the US government.

They are the dangerous ones that can fight back.

Look at the agent  orange in Vietnam, and the depleted uranium used  on them in Iraq.

What gets me is these dumb asses for the most part, have not caught on.

If they really wanted to defend the country they would be forming local Militias like the founders told us to do.



DHS Is Looking For Help Building A Biometric Database Tool On Amazon’s Cloud
by Ken Macon | Reclaim the Net

IMHO this American version of the East German Stasi has had this info for a decade or more.

This is just some kind of predictive programming or other nefarious plan.


After-School Satan Clubs Are Hot, Hot, Hot!
by Zero Hedge

“Modern Christians” are a really stupid bunch.   They rejected free market schools that we had up until the 1860’s, for the 10th plank of the Communist manifesto schools. that we now have.

Then they  are surprised when  these Communist schools turn out students that are communists/socialists/Satanists.   They are all the same thing, created by the same people.

Americans are beyond stupid IMHO.



Ventilators Killed Nearly ALL COVID Patients — Study
by Jamie White

Breaking! Russian Strike On Ukrainian Ammo Depot Destroys Depleted Uranium Tank Shells, Massive Explosion Disperses Radioactive Particles into Atmosphere
by Jamie White


Plastic Is Everywhere Now, Including Your Brain
By Dr. Joseph Mercola

The end of FREE SPEECH on Twitter…
Yes, Elon Musk is another WEF puppet…

Dr Robert Malone: When Governments deploy psy-ops on their citizens, ‘sovereignty becomes obsolete’ – GB news (11 minutes)

Confronting and Dismantling the Federal Killing Machine
By Jacob G. Hornberger

Since When Do Politicians Believe That Americans Should Have Personal Freedom?
By Laurence M. Vance

Hedge Fund Manager Says Gov’t May Restrict Bank Withdrawals – Tells public to *****Panic***** – Hal Turner Radio

Bill Gates Owns Synthetic Fruit Coating — What’s in It?
By Dr. Joseph Mercola

And it may even be on your government approved “organic food”!
The ONLY solution is local food clubs where you can be sure of what you are putting into your body!

FWIW they are even going to put mRNA technology into “organic food” !
It’s been in the pork supply for years.


“Were You Expecting Us?” – ATF Agents Go ‘Door to Door’ to Confiscate FRT-15 Triggers
by Zero Hedge

Our 3,000 County Sheriffs are the criminals  here:
Do these morons even know what their job is?
The Declaration says that it is to “secure our rights”.

For the past 3 years county sheriffs have done nothing to address the largest mass murders that his country has ever witnessed with the globalist eugenics program disguised as a “vaccine”.  Helping mass murders, seems to be what county sheriffs think that their  job is.

Now our county sheriffs are allowing the unconstitutional ATF into their counties to violate the 2nd  amendment,  and your  sacred God given right to self defense!  Doesn’t the 2nd clearly say “shall not be infringed”?

This is dereliction of duty at the very least.
It is aiding and abetting murder at worst.
The states need laws where the citizens can convene a grand jury and press charges on these criminals in blue uniforms and have them arrested.

There is also the federal law (USC 18 sections 241 and  242) “Violation of rights under color of law”, that allows penalties up to and including execution if they cause a death.


Fluoride Poison On Tap 2015 full documentary, Paul Wittenberger – (1h 38m)

If your church does not have fluoride in it’s water for the children’s teeth… get with the times. You can prevent cavities and cause brain damage to the little bastards at the same time.

Isn’t that what “Modern Christianity” is all about?



They are infecting MEAT and VEGGIES! HB1169 FAILS – OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY (13 minutes)


HB1169 FAILS——We are lorded over by globalist puppets in our legislature here in Missouri. (not a new thing at all)

*** We should be considering some of the remedies listed in the Declaration of Independence!


Ivermectin and Colon Cancer –  The Cancer Box (7 minutes)

Ivermectin/Colon Cancer Story: CEA went from 1498 to 4.7 (31 minutes)

Kari Lake Torches Fox News: ‘Globalist Network Run by Globalists Who Want to Destroy Constitution, Second Amendment’
by Adan Salazar

“…We have a Constitution,” she told Morgan…..”

The hell if we do Kari Lake.
She needs to explain the 1968 gun control act if we have a Constitution.

It’s a shame that Kari Lake is the best we can do.

She obviously does not understand the US Constitution.


Trump To Appeal After Jury Finds Liable For ‘Sexual Abuse’
by Zero Hedge

Perhaps Trump will feel  some of the pain of your average American that can’t afford attorneys,  that are screwed over by the legal system their entire lives.



Do you know anyone with cancer?
If so this site started by G Edward Griffin is a good place to point them:

The Cancer Cure Foundation 

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Returns, Slams Corrupt Gatekeepers in Media, Announces New Twitter Show
by Ben Warren

EXCLUSIVE: Mexican Drug Cartels To Launch Terror Attacks Inside U.S., Warns Federal Intel – Alex Jones (50 minutes)

Just one of the MANY 5th columns that will soon be activated.


Jury Finds Proud Boys ‘Guilty’ of Seditious Conspiracy. Will Donald Trump Be Next? – Need to Know News

Can we actually address the causative factors here?

We have implemented the 10th plank of the communist manifesto and all of these “jurors” were forced at gun point to attend a 12 year long government indoctrination camp we call “public schools”.

It is not in the best interest of the State to have the serfs on their plantation to know anything about the rights and duties of a juror and this is the predictable result.

Most of the incredibly dumbed down public keeps on supporting these government indoctrination camps, merely wishing to reform them!


Oklahoma Bans More than a Dozen Woke Banks from Doing Business with the State – Need to Know News

If these “law makers” had any brains at all, they would form a State bank like ND has!

I see banker pressure on these weak men, because they are not addressing the real problem here.

Allowing private business’s to counterfeit money for profit is the only issue here.


PURE EVIL: Leading US Medical Institutions Are Deliberately Confusing Toddlers And Converting Them Into Transgenders –

If we would have followed  “the rule of law” and not have allowed the globalist Rockefeller family, to create  our  unconstitutional  and criminal medical cartel (the AMA)…..
we would not have had the COVID jab genocide and we would not be having these child mutilations!

Conservatives are among the dumbest people on the planet, they constantly fail to see causative factors and spin their wheels usually  accomplishing nothing of value.


Police given go-ahead to use force against those who have surrenderedPolice given go-ahead to use force against those who have surrendered’Protect and serve’ now has become ‘comply or die’
By WND Staff

Americans are morons….
The founders warned us about standing armies, yet we have created this disgusting standing army in blue despite the founders warnings.

They were intended from the beginning as a means for the globalists to enforce (“I was just following orders”) illegitimate laws that they author.

Americans fail to see that there is zero difference between the guards at Auschwitz “following orders” and you local cops doing the same. 

Cops have been used for decades to violate out rights, but with a population that can not even define what a right is, they mostly have Stockholm syndrome and support their oppressors.

The founders also told us that to remain free and to prevent the rise of standing armies that we needed the Militia.  We didn’t listen to that advice either.

Consequently we may soon see this group of order following thugs in blue, come to your home and take you and you family to plague isolation camps. (death camps) or in many  cases to come and disarm you of your firearms so that the globalist pedophiles will have no effective resistance to their plans to rape your wife and children.

That is what “police” are really for.


We’re Watching the Rule of Law Get Flushed Down the Toilet
Kurt Schlichter

Most of the people making this observation are mentally ill.

The fact of the matter, is that we  have not had “rule of law” in this country for most of our history.  It’s just that the American people are so stupid that they can not determine right from wrong. (legal from illegal)

Take the “1968 gun control act”.  We all know, or should know, that a mere law can not change the Constitution!   Yet we have allowed this law to basically nullify the entire 2nd amendment!

For at least  50 years we have not followed the 2nd amendment!  When are these idiots going to realize, that the rule of law of the 2nd amendment, was flushed down the toilet decades ago?

We can go back even further.  Author Richard Proctor in his book “Saving the Constitution“,   points out that by the 1830’s, we had flushed 10 of the most important Constitutional principles (rule of law) down the toilet!

Go look in the Constitution   and see what our representation should be in the house of representatives!  It was over 200 years ago that we flushed that very important “rule of law” down the toilet.

The bottom line is that I have not seen a single Patriot talk head, not a single politician, that even knows what the law is, and they sure as hell are not supporting the “rule of law”.  The general public unfortunately is just as dumbed down.

Education is the key, but you first have to recognize that you don’t know much at all , before you can begin that process


We Must Defend Self-Defense
Kurt Schlichter

This guy Kurt is so poorly informed that he does not see that we have no right to self defense. That we have  ever shrinking “permissions”  handed down from an omnipotent government.

There is nothing much left to defend Kurt.

I find it hard to see how one can be so clueless….. but then again this is the state of consciousness of 99.99999(% of so called “Christians” and “Patriots”.

Houston, we have a real problem here.


Michael Yon Live From The Darién Gap:
Chinese Communists Plan to Take Over the United States

The Alex Jones Show (48 minutes)

Michael Yon joins The Alex Jones Show from the Darién Gap to expose the weaponized migration being exploited by the Communist Chinese in order to take over the United States.


Submitted by Dave Hodges

“…surrender is the only option in order to avoid complete annihilation….”

You are right Dave, but only because of our anti-2nd amendment patriot mouthpieces like yourself.

People that think that owning an AR15 is the same as the meaning of “arms” in the second amendment.

People that think that you can have protection just by owning firearms, and not arms.

People that don’t grasp that the 2nd amendment has no teeth at all, without training in arms with your neighbors (the militia)

Thanks a lot Dave.
We could have had 10 or more years of restoring the militia.
Now we have run out of time and money to do so.


In 55 days EVERYTHING changes for the U.S. Dollar | Redacted with Clayton Morris (14 minutes)


Emergency Terrorism Alert! Texas Mass Shooting/Truck Attack Beginning of Mexican Cartel Terror Campaign — Alex Jones – Sunday LIVE

All sorts of 5th columns are in this country.

Where is your militia you dumb asses that pretend to be Americans?

What is your plan to protect your family you mindless,  illiterate  morons?


WARNING! Graphic Aftermath of Texas Shooting Highlights Hard Truth About Gun-Free Zones

High Levels Of Toxic Metals Found In Widely Consumed Drinks: Study – Zero Hedge

“….A new study has found that some commonly consumed beverages such as fruit juice and artificial soda contain levels of toxic metals including arsenic, cadmium, and lead that exceed federal drinking water standards….”

Atty. Tom Renz: “The COVID-19 Murder for Money Scheme in the Hospitals… Have Been Carried Out by Fake Doctors and Nurses”
By Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit

Extraterrestrial Base Inside the Bucegi Mountains
Tales from out there


OPINIONS and EDITORIALS – May to August 2023

I think I am going to take a break folks.
Too many stupid people to deal with.
No free speech anywhere….

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

~Thomas Jefferson



It looks like the children in Maui were “Yard Farmed” by the US Air Force…. 

VIDEO- Stew Peters Was Right: Directed Energy Weapon Used Against Maui

Keep  in mind, those of you that worship, this unconstitutional standing army:
This is exactly why the founders warned us about standing armies like the one that just murdered over 1,000 children in Hawaii with aircraft based directed energy weapons.


The Church in America is Just as Complicit to that of the Germans in the 1930’s –  The Sons Of Liberty Media (4 minutes)


I will tell you exactly why,, it is because we have lost control of the peoples grand juries, a tradition going back 1,100 years!

A group called Tactical Civics has a well thought out plan to re-establish the grand jury under the control of the people in all 3,141 US Counties!

Unless you wish to be a keyboard warrior for the rest of your life and do nothing to change the status quo…. you should check out Tactical Civics because they have come up with answers:

Here is all of their printed material so that you can do your due diligence:

What do Ruby Ridge, Waco TX, OK city bombing, and now Maui have in common?  (I should add Roe v Wade)

All 4 are examples of the Satanic US Federal government murdering children and the American people not doing a damn thing about it!

Any thinking person clearly see’s that the problem lies in our lack of control over the grand jury.

This group has the answer to restoring the grand jury to the peoples control so that these child murder’s can be prosecuted.

“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

~Matthew 18:6

What is the Grand Jury and why the  American  people must reclaim it.

Both the Grand and Petit Juries go back over 1,000 years in our English Common Law tradition.   One thousand years ago, the people of Great Britain began to assert their rights, and put limits on their government. Perhaps for the first time in human history.

At the time of the American Revolution the right to bear arms, and the people’s  control of the juries amounted to a powerful defense  from  bad government!  A grand jury can stop the implementation of tyrannical government laws, by refusing to indight a person.  If a  person is indited then a petit jury of 12 must  judge them guilty of  a  bad law. So we are getting 2 layers of protection.

In cases of government corruption, where the government will not go after itself, the Grand Jury comes to the rescue, and can investigate, and indight anyone from judges, to sheriffs, to mayors, to congressmen.

This is powerful stuff, and we have for the most part  lost much control over both the Grand and Petite juries but much more so the Grand Juries.

The other very powerful institution that the people have let die are the Constitutional State Militias.

The  murder of both of these people’s  Institutions have been ongoing by agents of the New World Order for over 100 years.

This out of print book, The People’s Panel: Grand Jury in the United States, 1634-1941 –  Richard D. Younger – 276 pages  (FREE PDF VERSION)  tells a lot of this interesting history.

All Americans should be excited that there is an organization that has very well thought out plan to bring back  both the peoples Grand Juries and  the peoples State Militias at the county level.!  Not only that but to do so with as little as a mere 1/2 of  1% of the population.  That in my county of 40,000 people, is just 200 dedicated  individuals!

“It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men”
~ Samuel Adams

The name of this organization is Tactical Civics.
All of their books are available here for free.

The American people  did not act after Ruby Ridge where one child was murdered by our government.
The American people did not  act after the government murder of dozens of  children at Waco.
Are we finally  going to act after  the  government murder of over 1,000 Hawaiian children? 

Do the right thing and act now damn it.
Check out:



Did you realize that every product that is put into America’s water, including “fluoride”  is provided  a single company? 
And that this company is not a US company.!
All water chemicals in the US care provided by the German Company of  Carus.

There is a lot more, but before I close you might want to know that the company does not have to disclose ANY of the ingredients of any of their products.

If you  are curious as to where this is going you need to listen to this latest Dr Brian Ardus interview:

Dr. Bryan Ardis: Fauci & The CIA Were Using Snake Venom To Poison People Long Before COVID (Video)


The  Blacks Law legal definition of “reset” is:

” The receiving or harboring an outlawed person”.

Does this give you a perspective of what the globalists  really mean with their Babylonian word magic use of “great reset”?


Hawaii’s “Bayonet Constitution”
By Thomas DiLorenzo

This is the reason why  Tactical CIvics endorses legislation giving Hawaii back to the Hawaiian’s.
They also plan on bringing the citizen grand jury and the citizen militia on the county level.


Director of Black Voices for Trump is held in jail WITHOUT bond – Hal Turner

This is all because the people do not have control of their grand juries.
To learn how to take back your county grand jury check out Tactical Civics.


BOOK: Time_to_Start_Over_America_3Sept2022.pdf

“…Founding Fathers were against career military and ‘law enforcement’, and why sheriffs don’t help restore the constitutional Militia….”

“….As in ancient Rome and Great Britain: career armies, police, and sheriffs’ forces have displaced Militia. Our Founding Fathers were stridently against this…..”


It is beyond scary at how obvious the public is to mind control


Have ever wondered why it is so hard to “wake people up”? 
The  reason is that for 6,000 years a very large secret group has controlled the population mainly by controlling their perceptions of reality.

The sheer  breadth of mass mind control (not including trauma based mind control which is directed at individuals) is staggering.

False flags are a form of mind control
Divide and conquer is a form of mind control.
The fluoride in the water is definitely  a form of mind control as is nutritionally deficient food in general.

Purposeful obfuscation and complicating of things unnecessarily are forms of mind control.

Words themselves are powerful forms of mind control. neuro linguistic  programming (NLP) is used  for mind control all of the time.

Our public schools are all about  instilling mind control in our children and getting them  to unquestionably do what the “authorizes” tell you to do.

The constant fear that out government tries to put us in is nothing but mind control as fearful people are controllable people.

Watch the evening news and notice the blue colors. They are mind control that puts you in a left brain mode where you are more susceptible to suggestion.

By  demonizing and  teaching you the incorrect meanings of words you are discouraged from investigating certain topics.   The words militia, occult,  democracy, and even the word mind control  itself are NLP words that lead you away from discovering truth.

Repetition is a form or mind control. (that we can use to our advantage)

This has been all planned and orchestrated by the most powerful people on the planet. It is very real and if affects you and your family.

The only defense against mind control is to learn about it so that you can recognize it.

This is one of my favorite introductory  books on the topic:



Moses Epic is a Fairytale: Part I of The Great Deceit – “The Dark Scriptures” Playlist by Jason Breshears

Modern Christians are clearly not a people that can think or reason.


Modern Christians are a people that worship the government  that is  putting rat poison in their kids water, and they just go along!! They do however think that selling beer on Sunday is some great great evil.

Take a leap, and educate yourself before it’s too late to do so.

We have not only be totally fooled when it comes to “medicine”, we have been taken for a ride when it comes to what we call religion.  All of what we call Christianity comes from an institution that hunted down and murdered hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children….. and most just blindly accept what this evil cabal tells them is the truth.


The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold Paperback – September 1, 1999

Cult of the Crucified God: Dark Scriptures of Rome –  Archaix  (2h 23m)

I found Jason Breshears through Max Igan
Some very interesting trains of thought on the mass deception
that we call “history”.
Does Jason Breshears get it right?
You be the judge.


Has Christianity Been Hijacked? w/ Jason Breshears of Archaix

Girl, 16, Fighting For Life But Being Denied Life-Saving Double Lung Transplant Because Hasn’t Had 4 COVID Shots – Infowars

This is the clear Eugenics that every Christian Church in America is silent about. They don’t want to risk their tax exempt status and speak out against evil.

Eugenics also happens to be the  4th if ideological pillar of the Church of Satan.

It is no coincidence that our churches are supporting this plank of the Church of Satan because they also practice and support the other 3 planks.


Report: Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove –

Infamous, Secretive All-Male Bohemian Grove Retreat Now Underway In Sonoma County –



This week, the US political structure is meeting in the forests of California to exercise their sexual perversions, rape and  sacrifice children, and worship  Moloch.

All of America’s Christian churches are silent.  They are of course 501c3’s and don’t dare get involved in addressing evil (politics)  because they  might lose their tax exempt status.

Then they cover their bases by interpreting Romans 13 to mean that God put these Satanists into power, and that  we  are bound to do whatever they instruct us to do.

Many people in the Church  are beginning to see how corrupt and evil government actually is, but they will probably never see how evil and corrupt and run by Satanists that their Church has become.

The bottom line is that your church is not going to address evils like this. They are part of the cover-up and support system for this evil.

Veteran of Iraq war, Carlos Piccata address’s tyrannical city council and tells them what we the people are going to do to them if they don’t stop their tyranny – Missouri Free Press  (3 minutes)

Our medical system is Statically run and evil and  to do nothing about it  is to do evil………(Christians support eugenics)

The very expensive old folks home in CA,  had my mother  on a concrete floor , so that when she fell her hip broke.  Especially when they have her on SSRI’s and  fluoridated drinking water both of which make your bones brittle!!

Of course the food they feed her insures poor health also.

She has laid in bed for a  month in the hospital. They have not so much as given her so much as a 500 mg vitamin C tablet to help her heal! They feed her disgusting food, but make sure that she gets her SSRI and her fluoridated water each day!  The longer she stays the more money the hospital makes.  This is eugenics plain and simple. (which is how Christians actually practice Satanism by supporting this kind of thing)

Of course none of this bothers the so called “Christians” at all.
It’s Jesus’s job to fix all of the evil that they  allow and ignore, any brain washed “Christian” knows that.

It’s the job of the good  “Christian” to sit on his or her ass and do nothing while waiting on Jesus to save the day.

None of them have enough discernment to  see the NWO psy-op that they are following.

Do Antidepressants Make Bones Brittle?


To do nothing is to do evil….

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”  
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer – Christian Pastor executed by the Nazi’s


the Process of Water Fasting: What Happens and Why (32 minutes)

A big takeaway for me is that weakness during a fast according to Loren is toxins and that if you exercise, rather than rest during a fast (as I often have done) that you will not detox nearly as much. So rest and deal with the toxins if you want maximum benefits.

I had been told that weakness comes from your body not being “fat adapted” and able to efficiently convert fat to energy.

Perhaps it’s a combination of the 2.

I am going to favor getting as much rest as possible the next time I fast which should be in the next few weeks.

LOTS more good info in this short talk.


Mark Passio – Difference between Satanism and Luciferanism  ( 1h 28m)

You need to be able to identify your enemy, before you can fight it.
Very informative and eye opening  for most  people.


worth the free membership to watch:


Koch’s Postulates: Have They Been Proven for Viruses? (Dr Andrew Kaufman) 


Koch’s Postulates: Have They Been Proven for Viruses -or- The Rooster in the River of Rats

In this slide-show presentation, Dr. Andy discusses just what Koch’s Postulates are and investigates the success, or lack thereof, in regard to viruses.

If you run a business (or even if you don’t) you need to hear this about PMA’s. (private membership associations)


I have a ton of thoughts, the first being the similarity of this and the private food club I wanted to get started here in Webster Country MO. (with the help of people associated with  the Weston A Price society)

It seems that no one in this area in the 5 years that I have been pushing this idea wish to be free or to exercise their God given rights.

It is wrong that you have to do anything to exercise  your God given rights, but that is the evil system that we have allowed.


Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund

Fasting 40 DAYS ON WATER saved my life! Water fasting documentary
~ Loren Lockman (1h 18m)

Water fasting, the most ancient healing biological mechanism, is a very powerful protective mechanism, evolved of hundreds of millions of years of evolution. Intermittent fasting as become popular lately, because of the scientific benefits, and even water fasting, the most “radical” approach to healing has got a lot of scientific attention lately. Water fasting, a natural hygiene properly conducted fast can provide many health benefits, that even the best diet and healing system cant. Every wounded animal in nature, stop eating, and drink nothing but water until his body completely heals from the damage. Have you ever practiced a water fasting or a intermittent fast? Do you eat all the day long or you take long breaks from food? Loren lockman, tanglewood fasting supervisor and Dr. Corassa, shows in this fasting documentary how with proper fasting and raw food nutrition, you can take your health to the next level.

Fasting 40 DAYS ON WATER saved my life! Water fasting documentary

How does a well regulated militia  save people from hospital deaths? 

You probably have not thought about it, but if we followed the 2nd amendment, and had a well regulated militia, that would also mean that around one in seven men in you area 
would be “medics” and  trained in suturing and pushing IV’s to gun shot victims.But they would also be able to use that skill to push IV vitamin C during pandemics, and the Satanic government would powerless  to stop them from doing this.

With a well regulated militia, we could have by using IV vitamin C, saved a million or more Americans from being murdered  by hospital protocols and the jab.

It’s a shame Americans remain as dumb as the “education system” has made them.



Antoine Béchamp   and his terrain theory was correct.
Your doctor was not educated he was indoctrinated.

Terrain (the  movie) 
2022 · 2 hr 6 min
An exploration of the Terrain Theory of health and wellness that works in symbiosis with nature and is free of flawed and corrupt medical paradigms.

Starring:  Andrew Kaufman, Mark McDonald, Peggy Hall, Samantha Bailey, Sally Fallon, Alphonse Faggiolo, Barre Lando, Tom Cowan, Jason Lindgren, Marcelina Cravat

Watch free here

Watch on Amazon for $2

Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.
~ Henry David Thoreau


MUST LISTEN:  Could YOU have PARASITES? Parasite Treatments with Dr. Ed Group 
– Dr. Wendy Myers (1h 4m)

Listen to Ed Group describe how he was raided and death threatened by the US government for successful cancer treatments. (this is  not an unusual  tale)


The Demonology of King James I

This book on demonology was King James 1st book.
His second of course being the Bible.
James was a Dark Occultist.
They didn’t  teach you this in Sunday school for a reason.

Are you beginning to see how many lies we have been told?

The Demonology of King James I – 1597

WTD ep.67 Richard Balducci ‘the ritual murder of Paul McCartney’ (24 minutes in)

A Theory About Cancer and Parasites –  Alternative Cancer Research (34 minutes)

9 Warning Signs of Parasites –  DrEricBergDC (9 minutes)

Government Agents Routinely Entering Private Land Without Warrants

Emboldened by dangerous Supreme Court decision, agents even planting cameras on private property –  BRIAN MCGLINCHEY

Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) are the most egregious offenders.
Almost by definition these people ought to be hanged.

20 years ago my secluded 10 acre property in Industry PA, was twice criminally invaded by the “heroes” in blue. On the second occasion they broke into my home and stole property.

I was so traumatized by these events that I abandoned my home and became homeless for many years. There is no justice when the criminals are your own government.


Migrant Riots in France, Spreading: Switzerland & Germany now – Hal Turner

It amazes me that none of our  Patriot Mouthpieces has noticed that the two  standing armies (the police and the military)  are controlled by the very people that the militia is supposed to protect us from!!

This entire threat is because of a rogue government that is letting the migrants into the country, and their 2 standing armies are employed by this rogue government and will do nothing. (as planned)

Americans are still dumb enough to support the troops and the thugs in blue, who essentially work for the enemy!! (rogue government)

We were warned about standing armies by the founders, and also told by them that to remain free that we needed the Militia.

How dumb are the American people and our Patriot Mouthpieces?



Alex Jones had some interesting information today ( 7/3/23 ) on what may soon be a globalist move.  He says that “our military” (a standing army) has already used helicopters set up to spray fentanyl on cities, and that one helicopter can spray  and kill the people in a city of 20,000.

“Our military” decided that they could not trust pilots to carry out a mission like this.  So what they did was to switch to  drones with some of the worlds most deadly nerve gas on board.
These nerve  gas equipped  drones are already  in place,  loaded with nerve gas, and ready to go in an instant.   They do plan on “Yard Farming” the American people.

You were warned many times about the consequences of having standing armies.


Since you were not taught the history of your county health  department
I guess I have to do it.

The  Satanic 10th plank abominations that educated you  predictably left out all of the facts…..

County health departments were modeled after health departments in the UK.   It was the globalist/Satanist Rockefeller family that made it happen.
These “Health Departments”  came out of the Eugenics record office in Cold  Springs Harbor, and from the beginning were  about nothing other than eugenics.

There was a time say up until the late 1980s’ that a child in this country in Appalachia if their CPA was only a C was sterilized under the direction of the County Health department.

If you were not in a coma for the past 3 years you witnessed the country health departments wage a different type of eugenics,   but still eugenics, by shutting down small business’  all across the Nation.

Christians and their churches  remained silent then and have remained silent to this day.   They are taught that government is God and that God must have put these eugenicists into their positions.   No matter how you slice it the  “fruits” of modern Christianity are  evil incarnate.


The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics

If I were a secret  Society that ran the planet:

I would first set up  governments filled top to bottom with my men.
Then I would infiltrate the religions, and  have them teach that  the men that work for me in their governments were put there were put there by God, and that they should jump when my men command them to jump.

Then I would infiltrate the schools and have them teach your children the political  ideology that we created called “socialism”.
When these children graduate they become Church members, and leaders that accept and support the “socialism’  that we created.   Little do they know that socialism is just Satanism lite so we have in effect turned all of the religions to our religion of Satanism.

After the schools we continue  the process, and take over the media.
People accept what the media tells them without much thought because they are participating in “group think” and will not think on their own.

The reality is that we are way past even this amount of infiltration of  “our institutions” that control you.

Fractional reserve banks do nothing other than impoverish the people, But they are not educated, and  trust that their government  was put there by God as we told them.  So fractional reserve  banks that steal from them  must be put there by God also.

Hell we even have them putting rat poison in their children’s water, and they do not question  it because their God the government told them it was for their benefit!

In their medical system  we have had complete control of their  medical schools for over a century, and they teach the lies and limited knowledge that we choose to be taught.

We control the dental schools also, and we conveniently prohibit  the teaching of the 2,000 man years of dental research of  ADA employee  Weston A Price.

By doing so we have the AMA doctors , by their not seeing the dental connection to   disease,  , causing most of the the cancer and  heart attacks in the people that they treat,. We have killed tens of millions in this manner and none of these useful idiots  can see what is happening.

We also have a few backup methods to have the medical profession kill for us: For example they  inject “vaccines” full of cancer retrovirus’s  because they were grown in  animal tissue.  They know nothing because we control the medical school curriculum.

Most of all,  we have to thank our Satanic temples that are really 501c3 corporations under the complete control of our  governments.
Without our Satanic Temples masquerading as churches,  we would not have been as successful in  indoctrinating them  with the 4 pillars of the church of Satan.
1.) Total Ego
2.) Moral relativism
3.)  Acceptance of social Darwinism
4.)  Acceptance of Genocide

We have been very successful.
Who would have thought that we could turn Modern Christians into Satanists without any of them comprehending what was done to them?

One of  “Satan’s Chosen Ones”

Mark Passio – De-Facto Satanism (2022)

AMA Doctors are all involved in eugenics and are too stupid to see it.

I just returned from a “doctors” appointment.
It’s hard to deal with such evil.  Everything about the medical  system is designed to destroy your health, and to eventually kill you
I have been fighting high blood pressure for a few years now and all they will do is to try and push big pharma drugs  on me or tell me that I have to become a zombie like they are and not to stress out about things.

It doesn’t matter how much evidence I provide that the problem is likely dental infections as I have 6 or so root canals, 6 or so cavitations.  I likely also have CAP infections and infected tonsils.   They are not allowed or  trained to order 3D broad beam imaging of my mouth, the ONLY diagnostic  tool that can pin point the problem.

Their course of action 100% guarantees that their patients have heart attacks and get cancer whom they can kill of and make lots of money for big pharma.

Our doctors are taught  nothing of the work of Weston A Price or those like Hal Huggens and Thomas Levy that have followed in his footsteps.

I have watched the medical system for decades murder friends and family.
It looks like they now are going to slowly murder me by denying me any care that would be useful.

The people at the top if this  system know exactly what they are doing. Every means to escape from this death sentence has been blocked in one way or another.  The doctors are at best useful idiots.

ALL of the local Christian churches can not be concerned with real evil. and the murder of God’s children., but they will get upset as hell when someone dares to sell beer on Sunday….


High-Dose Vitamin C Therapy for Major Diseases: A Historical Perspective – Andrew Saul, PhD (53 minutes)

Andrew Saul is a favorite of mine.
he turned me onto vitamin E (alpha- tocopherol )
and the Shute Brothers. I am reading Wifred Shutes book and it
lays out clearly how AMA medicine has been murdering people for 70 plus years. Much longer than the COVID medical murders.
Not surprising when you recognize that Satanists(Rockefeller’s) started the AMA monopoly in 1912.


Is Trump a Mason? You decide

The Trump Chronicles “ Part Five

Trump Tower & the Invocation

By Nathan Leal

Part One “the Trump Chronicles – An Analysis of the Coming Presidency

Part Two “the Trump Chronicles – The Mark Taylor – Trump Prophecy is a Delusion

Part Three “the Trump Chronicles – Did the Illuminati Foreshadow Trump
at Super Bowl 48?

Part Four – The Trump Chronicles “Donald Trump“ Rise of the Despot Lion


What criminally disarmed people say:

This is what criminally disarmed people say

“Schools must equip children
to have sexual partners”
– say the UN and WHO


But hey, “God put the “authorities” there, so just do what they tell you to do!”….. (per Romans 13)

2 books that you must read about Satanic Ritual Abuse in the United States:


The Franklin Cover-Up – John DeCamp.pdf…

Trance Formation of America – by Cathy O’Brien & Mark Phillips…

There are 4 parties at the top of this pyramid:

1.) The CIA (and other countries intel services)
2.) The millions of Illuminati Families that do this to their own children.
3.) The Modern Christian Church with it’s Satanic interpretation of Romans 13 (that God put your government leaders there and you must obey them)
4.) Nationwide protection by the military and police for the high level pedophiles. (are you seeing why we were told not to have standing armies?)…



Like Pogo said  “We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us ”  – i.e. Hal Turner?
For some reason Patriots can not see what dumb ass’s many of our Patriot mouth pieces are. Mainly  because most Patriots are poorly educated in Liberty and are dumb asses themselves.

A prime example of this is one Mr Hal Turner.   While well informed and well spoken when he stays in his wheel house, he OFTEN strays outside of that wheelhouse and says dangerously stupid things.

One of the most outrageous  things I have heard him say was when he rambled on and on for days about how much “respect” that he had for the recently deceased Queen of England.

Where to start with such fuking stupidity?
Do some research Hal. I have.
The Monarch of England is as close to the head of the snake, of the demonic evil that runs this planet that you can get.

I even have a book for you to read Hal:


When they passed laws in England that the Royal Family can not be investigated for pedophilia, that should have been your first clue Hal.


Drs. Wilfrid & Evan Shute Cured Thousands with Vitamin E
And it all began over 70 years ago
by Andrew W. Saul, Editor

Read    The Vitamin E Story PDF by Dr. Evan Shute  for free on SCRIBD it’s $60 on Amazon


Many books touch upon how the Illuminati have captured and control our Religious institutions.  If you have done any reading or more importantly if  you have eyes and ears and  any discernment you have figured this out through observation,
My next read along these lines will be:
Be Wise as Serpents-765 page version – Fritz Springmeier.pdf

BE Wise as Serpents is the history of the systematic destruction of
Christianity and the building of a 1-world-religion. As you read this
research based on a. confidential interviews with participants within in the
conspiracy, b. interviews of unwitting participants within the conspiracy,
c. and historical documentation you will discover that there is great
evidence for a history we have not been told, and a great struggle before
mankind as the one-world-power/religion comes into focus.”

I’ve seen that something evil was running the so called Christian churches since I was a child.  I still do not understand why the vast majority are still deaf blind and dumb in this matter.  Hosea 4:6 comes to mind.

Read it if you dare.  Here is the shorter 310 page version that I located.

FWIW I will be sharing my thoughts when I soon begin to read this book.



It was about a year ago, while I was shopping at Bylers Building Supply   that I was told about an Amish Illuminati connection  in a discussion by another customer.  I blew it off as most likely just uninformed opinion but filed it away for future reference.

Today while reading a book by Fritz Springmeier who was Amish at one time and lived in quite a few communities in Kansas and Missouri,

I won’t go into to detail here other than to say  the he is credible and  knowledgeable  on the topic, and added quite a bit to my knowledge.

The book is: The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave – Fritz Springmeier.pdf    I think it is around page 130 (just search for the word “Amish”) and it is all laid out.

With what I know of the Illuminati, and CIA Monarch the information that he provides is very credible.


by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler

Reality check……. are you aware of how evil your government really is?

Largely IMHO because of the modern churches bastardization of Romans 13.

Don’t let the cognitive distance get into your way. This is your government whether you believe it or not.

A few pages from Fritz Springmeier’s book
The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave – Fritz Springmyer.pdf


The primary or initial torture for many children in western U.S. was done at China Lake, California
which officially has gone under the designations of: Naval Ordinance Test Station ( NOTS), Naval
Weapons Center (NWC), Ridgecrest (the town nearby), and Inyo-kern (the area). the address of Nimitz
Hospital is the code “232 Naval Air Weapons Station”. The base was set up to test “new weapons”.
Evidently, the Navy decided that mind controlled people were an important weapon to test. Most of the
“new weapons” created at China Lake were for the most part human robots turned out in large
The Monarch Mind Control was carried out in large airplane hangers on the base which have been able to
house thousands of tiny cages just large enough for human babies. Lots of 1,000 babies was a small
batch. According to people who worked in the hangers helping program, many batches were 2,000 or
3,000 babies. Many survivors remember the thousands of cages housing little children from ceiling to
floor. The cages were hot wired (electrified on the ceiling, bottom and sides) so that the children who are
locked inside can receive horrific electric shocks to their bodies to groom their minds to split into
multiple personalities. These cages are called Woodpecker Grids. The victim sees a flash of light when
high D.C. voltage is applied. Later, this flash of light is used with hypnotic induction to make the person
think they are going into another dimension when they are blasted with high voltage. In the Peter Pan
programming, the Programmers tell the slaves that this is “riding the light.” One of the popular traumas
after the small child has endured the Woodpecker Grid cages for days is to rape it. The rape is
intentionally brutal so that it will be as traumatic as possible. Many of the technical people on the base are
civilians. This is in part because part of the research involves mind-control, and Illuminati civilian mindcontrol
experts have come and gone from the base. The California Institute of Technology at Pasadena
is intimately connected to China Lake’s research (and by the way to the Illuminati). Also much of the
work at the facility is for the intelligence agencies and not the military. Intelligence assets are often
civilians. One of the things developed in the California Universities and then implemented at China Lake
was color programming, which will be covered later in this book. Red and green were discovered to be
the most visible colors for programming. Various colored flashing lights were used in programming at
NOTS. Survivors of the programming all remember flashing lights. The use of flashing lights has been
introduced into American culture by the CIA. If a person goes into bars and places where bands play, you
will notice multi-colored lights flashing. The flashing lights create disassociation, especially in people
who are programmed.
A list of major programming centers is given in the Appendix, along with each site’s programming
specialties. In this chapter, an example of just one of the bases used for early programming is given, the
large and very secret China Lake facility in California near Death Valley. The children are brought into
the China Lake NWC (aka NOTS) base by trains, planes and cars. A number of the small airfields which
fly these children into China Lake have been identified. One, which is no longer in use for moving
children, was a private air strip at Sheridan, OR which was beside a large lumber mill. The lumber mill
had an agreement to secretly house the children who had their mouths taped. Neighbors in the area were
bought off, and warned that if they talked they would be in trouble for broaching national security. The
area has lots of mills joined by train tracks, which were used to shuttle the children around. Tied into this
network was a Catholic monastery which lies between Sheridan and McMinnville, close to the rail
The Union Train Station in Portland, OR has underground tunnels where children were temporarily
warehoused in cages before continuing on their journey. The Jesuits were active in this part of the child
procurement. Catholic adoption agencies (which are many), nuns who get pregnant, third world parents,
and parents who will sell their children were all sources of children for programming. When one thinks
about how many corrupt people there are and how many towns and cities are on the West Coast, how
many children are produced by Satanic breeders, illegal aliens, and other parents who’d rather have the
money than the children, the reader begins to realize how procuring batches of 1,000 or 2,000 children
was no problem for the Illuminati working through intelligence agencies such as the CIA, NIS, DIA, FBI,
and FEMA. The Finders, a joint CIA/FBI group procured children for the Network for years. Some of the
children needed for programming are to be used for sacrifices to traumatize those being programmed.
(The names of some of the people who work at procuring children for programming/sacrifice have been
released in Fritz Springmeier’s monthly newsletter.)
The secret FEMA airstrip at Santa Rosa has planes landing and leaving all night. …

Link to the book

A few page excerpt from Cathy O’Briens book exposing CIA operation Monarch and that Marilyn Monroe was the first “presidential models  that they produced. 

Take the time to read the 2 pages excerpted here…..

Senator Byrd’s comments are indicative of a huge number of psychopaths that are running the worlds  governments.


page 120


Byrd monitored all of my programming “progress,” and often tortured me
with his whip and pocketknife. He picked up where my mother left off, to
destroy any self-esteem I might have inadvertently developed. He said, “There
is no place for you to turn because if you could think to talk no one would ever
believe I would have anything to do with the likes of you.” He often threatened
me that I was considered “disposable” because, after all, “The first Presidential
Model, Marilyn Monroe, was killed right in front of the public eye and no one
knew what happened.”
Byrd’s threats and cruelty were unnecessary as I could no longer think to
seek help anyway, but he loved to hear himself talk and would often drone on
and on and on in his infamous long-winded recitations, while I was
photographically recording every word he said. He detailed the inner
operational structure of the world domination effort, including psychological
warfare strategies, and explained how he had and would utilize his “expert”
knowledge of the Constitution to manipulate it and the so-called U.S. Justice
System, and more. His loose lips provided me yet another means of surviving
and staying a step ahead of “the game” once Kelly and I were rescued from our
mind-con trolled existence.
Senator Byrd revealed his “justifications” for criminal activity to me as well.
He used me as a sounding board even though he knew 1 was incapable of input or response. He rehearsed in keeping with his motto “The only way we can fail, is to fail to think of an excuse.”
Byrd “justified” mind-control atrocities as a means of thrusting mankind into
accelerated evolution, according to the Neo-Nazi principles to which he
adhered. He “justified” manipulating mankind’s religion to bring about the
prophesied biblical “world peace” through the “only means available”—total
mind control in the New World Order “After all,” he proclaimed, “even the
Pope and Mormon Prophet know this is the only way to peace and they
cooperate fully with The Project.”
Byrd also “justified” my victimization by saying, “You lost your mind
anyway, and at least you have destiny and purpose now that it’s mine.” Our
country’s involvement in drug distribution, pornography, and white slavery was
justified” as a means of “gaining control of all illegal activities world wide” to
fund Black Budget covert activity that would “bring about world peace through
world dominance and total control”. He adhered to the belief that “95% of the
(world’s) people WANT to be led by the 5%”, and claimed this can be proven
because “the 95% DO NOT WANT TO KNOW what really goes on in government”.
Byrd believed that in order for this world to survive, mankind must
take a “giant step in evolution through creating a superior race”. To create this
“superior race,” Byrd believed in the Nazi and KKK principles of “annihilation
of underprivileged races and cultures” through genocide, to alter genetics and
breed “the more gifted-the blondes of this world”.
As Byrd’s captive audience (literally), I absorbed information that the other
so-called masterminds behind the New World Order would never have revealed for security reasons. But Byrd regarded me as “his” object, a game-piece that he could strategically move through life as though he were playing a chess game. He perceived me as totally under his control with no possibility of my ever being rescued, surviving, and recovering my mind and memory. Byrd
likely would have talked to a post, and I filled the role as his silent sounding
My CIA Operative mind-control handler, Alex Houston was often scheduled
to perform at the Swiss Villa Amphitheatre in Lampe, Missouri, which is yet
another installation where 1 was programmed. Swiss Villa was a cover for a
CIA Near Death Trauma Center of which there are several across the country.
It is a remote, high security resort, enclosed with military barbed wire fences,
that swings its guarded gate open to the local public for country music concerts.
The small Amphitheatre covers the covert activities occurring inside, which
includes U.S. Government CIA cocaine and heroin distribution operations and
mind-control projects.
Swiss Villa, like the Mount Shasta, California compound, was also used as a
training and operations camp for the Shadow Government’s paramilitary
projects referred to by Senator Tnouye (D. HI). I learned that this not-so-secret military buildup, sanctioned by corrupt members of our government, consisted
of special forces trained robotic soldiers, numerous black unmarked helicopters, and the highest technological advancements in TOP SECRET weaponry and “Star Wars” electro magnetic mind-control equipment. These paramilitary compounds were intended for global policing of the New World Order through the Multi-Jurisdictional Police Force.
“A Most Dangerous Game” was often played at Swiss Villa and involved
CIA agents, politicians, and others who would attend the resort just for the sport of hunting humans. Kelly and I both were hunted at Swiss Villa. The tortures
and rape after being caught were extensive and sufficiently traumatized our
minds for ensuing programming, as well as for creating memory
compartmentalization for the high level operations we witnessed behind the
villa’s patrolled fences. It was at Swiss Villa that I was taught “THE Most
Dangerous Game” was one where a slave tried to escape and reveal what he or
she had learned. If the hunters could not catch and stop the slave, then the
black helicopters patrolling the area would. And if all else failed, the “Eye in
the Sky” would locate him or her, and a torturous death was supposedly
According to my abusers, my deprograminer and primary advocate Mark
Phillips and I have embarked on “THE Most Dangerous Game” through efforts
such as releasing this book and turning a spotlight on the Shadow Government
to reveal its members’ identities and their crimes against humanity, Mark
Phillips and I are determined to beat them at their own “game” by arming the
“95%” with the truth that perpetrators “don’t want them to know!”
1Dick Thomburgh is listed in Houston’s CIA memo book which is now in my (and others’)
2Please note that, while still Sheriff of Youngstown, Ohio, Traficant wis investigated and
subsequently indicted for federal racketeering, drug distribution, and Mafia connections.
However, he was acquitted through careful CIA jury manipulation and he went on to become the
U.S. Representative he is to this date.
3Once gaining “eyes to see and ears to hear,” this “you can run, but you can’t hide” theme
is so widely used it is visible from Hallmark greeting cards to Interstate overpasses to the lock-in

song by the rock group, Police’s “I’ll Be Watching You”.

Online link:
6.06 MB file on MEGA



2 free books if you wish to scratch the surface of the Satanism and pedophilia that top government officials are participating in. (because of Church ignorance, apathy and complacency.

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
~1 John 3:18

Our Satanic leaders are compromised in the end, to help the globalists bring in the One World Government.

Yet your Church is likely teaching you to be “obedient” to this very Satanic government with their Satanic version of Romans 13.

Many people have documented these facts, men such as Ted Gunderson.

Congressman’s John Decamps book the Franklin cover up is excellent.

Cathy O’Brien’s  book

Trance Formation of America – by Cathy O’Brien & Mark Phillips

If you haven’t read this material you really should not be allowed to vote because you don’t have a foggy clue as to what is going on in this country.


2 important food tips for the day:

According to Mike Adams consuming vitamin C any time that you consume nitrate containing meat products like bacon or deli-meats, that the vitamin C will stop the formation of the cancer causing chemicals in the stomach.

According to Dr. Stephanie Seneff, the use of chlorine dioxide (MMS) will destroy the glyphosates (roundup herbicide) in your food and in your body.

I use both daily and perhaps you should also.


Most so called “Patriots say they they support the 2nd Amendment 

When the demonstrable truth is that they do not.

They seem to support both the 1934 Federal Firearms Act, and the 1968 Gun Control Act, both of which violate the 2nd amendment, because they are mere laws, and not Constitutional Amendments, which are needed to modify the 2nd Amendment

Incredibly they also support the tyrants in blue that enforce these illegitimate laws.

Isn’t this a bit like supporting the guards at Auschwitz because they were “following the law”? 

For the most part they also do not support the central essential part of the 2nd amendment… the Militia.

Get with the program guys you are either under mind control or evil. Take your pick.

Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment



A lot of sites are using algorithms to determine if something is spam even before it is moderated (approved or not approved ) by the owners of the web site.

That in itself provides a serendipitous a way to censor. You just call things that you don’t like spam, and manually mark it as such and you censor it without calling it censoring.

No debate, no facts Of course they NEVER email you you make you aware that your post has been marked spam so that you can prove the fact or even debate with them.

I highly suspect that the guy that says again again and again “come to Brighton where you will not be censored” is in fact censoring!!

I can’t yet prove it but it sure as hell looks like if you criticize a sponsor of the show that Mike Adams plugs…. (the sat phone store) many of your counter posts to inform listeners as to your experience with that company many of those posts just don’t show up!

They can’t even be honest about their evil because they think that arbitrarily calling a post spam somehow makes censoring not censoring moral and legitimate.

They are as sleazy as Facebook or Twitter IMHO

I don’t know how this guy looks in the mirror with his mountain of lies.

The so called Patriot community often makes me want to puke!!


Let’s see if this post stays up at Brighteon

Mike Adams has said about 1000 times to come to Brighton and you will not be censored…
Well as far as I can tell Mike Adams is a liar.

Post your truthful experience on how his show sponsor has ripped you off and the post just disappears with no notification at all.

Pretty disgusting when you have to call legitimate posts “spam” in order to protect a sleazy sponsor.

Even more disgusting when you tell people to come here because you do not censor.

It is on this page:

And pretty sad that you have to document your post because Patriot sites are lying to our faces about censorship.


A Memorial Day Message From a Former US Marine
written by lucas gage

“….It’s Memorial Day and Americans are out barbequing, having a few beers, and spending time with their loved ones; they are celebrating to honor the fallen warriors who have died to protect our nation, our freedoms, and our way of life.

But I have a serious question that may make you uncomfortable: Did they really die protecting those things?

If you believe that every war we have ever started, engaged in, or supported was just, then your answer will be a resounding “Yes!” But I think more and more American are beginning to realize they have been lied to about many of these wars, especially all the wars the came out of the so-called “War on Terror.” Many of those Americans being war veterans just like myself.

America is 246 years old, yet has been at war for over 96 percent of its existence. Certainly, some of these wars must have been just, but most of them, especially after 1913, have been nothing but special-interest wars that benefited the Military Industrial Complex at the expense of Americans. We were warned about this entity by people who worked for it: once by General Smedley Butler, who wrote a short book (a mere 12 pages) called War is a Racket; and another time by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, in his farewell address. I highly recommend every American read both to get the truth directly from those who were on the inside.

By the way, did you know despite all the fighting our nation has been/is involved in, it has only formally declared war five times? The last time the United States formally declared was in 1942 against the Axis Powers, yet it has been engaged in “military led operations,” “police actions,” and “humanitarian interventions” for over eight decades since then. Just like our government changed the “Department of War” to the “Department of Defense” in 1949, it uses these sanitized terms to avoid calling what these things really are: wars. And as I stated in the last paragraph, most of these wars do not benefit the American people at all; in fact, they cost them everything….”
continues here


I have a few criticisms  of this article although I agree with a lot that is in it.

The author seems to think that it is the governments job to educate our children.

For a US marine he sure does not know the Constitution.

He somehow thinks, he gets a pass for going into a war where congress did not declare war. Is he going to claim ignorance on that part of the Constitution also?

Finally he does not see that he was part of a standing army. Something that both the founders warned us about  and the Constitution prohibits.

He strikes out 3 times on not knowing or following the Constitution , which BTW is much better than most so called Patriots.



What an epiphany after more than 50 years to figure some things out….
I was reading Mind Controlled Sex Slaves & the C.I.A. – Tracy R. Twyman

If you have read into  CIA  MK-Ultra/ Monarch you learn that Disney Terms are often used with the MONARCH programming.  Then couple this with strong provable ties to US Air Force bases where this mind control has been going on.

I am not sure what it all means, but when I was in 3rd or 4th grade I attended an Air Force School on Lodges Air Force Base situated on the Island of Terceira  in the Portuguese Azores.

It was some type of physical education class, and I was standing by a large round trampoline.  One of the “teachers” demanded to know if I was Donald Duck or Micky Mouse?  I thought it so bizarre and of significance that it had been in my mind for the past 55 years.

That is not the end of the tale.  My parents went on a short vacation to Spain for a week, and had a teacher from the school babysit me and my 2 brothers for a week.  She spent every evening with us listening to a  Mary Poppins album… another Walt Disney  product!

Anyhow my readings have connected the dots finally.
I really do think that this Air Force school  that I attended for 2 years was involved in the  CIA Monarch program.

There were other strange things about this school that I may go into at a later date. Something  nefarious was afoot at that place.

Reading an interview with FBI whistle blower Ted Gunderson just  jogged my memory. He was talking about how children disappeared at Disneyland on on regular basis.  Also that all of the project Monarch survivors that he had encountered had undergone some other their training  at Disneyland…..

I was 18  and had missed my ride back to the hotel when the Disneyland cops kidnapped me and put me in a large holding area full of teenagers.
If I had not refused to shut up and demand that I put in touch with my grandfathers good friend, US Senator Strom Thurmond that I was not going to shut up.  I always had bad feelings about Disney, and that night and they now seem to be confirmed.

We were warned about having  standing armies were we not?


Why are our Patriot mouthpieces complaining about being censored, while they at the same time censor on their own platforms?

I find this trend alarming, and dangerous.

Of all places Infowars has a  horrible track record of censoring in their comment section.  They have even gone as far as to block my account!   Just like Facebook or Twitter, I have never been able to even determine  exactly what was censored and why, much less to be able to get the ban or censorship lifted!

Then there are people like Steve Quayle.   I recently wrote him to remind him that a company that he sponsors had ripped me off for a large sum and that I had rock solid proof of what they had done.   A normal human  response would be to look into it.   Not with Steve  Quayle….. he rolls out Steve’s version of Chinese Social Credit Scores if someone says anything that he does not like.
Steve immediately  cancelled my Q-files subscription, and I am sure he looked to see if I subscribed to his private updates and he would have cancelled that also if I have subscribe to it.  I have often heard him wish that he could ban the people that he disagrees with from  even viewing his web site!  I have a suggestion for Steve Quayle and that is to move to communist China!

Steve’s actions prompted me to post a summary of it on Hal Turners site where I thought that free speech was allowed. This is the exact post:


Don’t know if you know how volatile Steve Quayle is.
I wrote him with smoking gun proof that the sat phone store had ripped me off.

His response? His Christian response?

Was to cancel my Q-files membership!!

Try to do good and spread the truth and Steve Quayle plants a knife squarely in your back.

It’s really really sad that is is the character of our so called “patriot leaders”.

FWIW he offered to refund the money that the SPS owes me and I of course refused his offer.
He is a very poor judge of character and assumed that my motivation was some sort of shake down.

I found out quickly that Hal Turner does not value or allow free speech on his site because he immediately  deleted the post  and cancelled my subscription to his site!

Let me not leave out Greg Hunter that banned my account on his site because I told his listeners that his show sponsor (the Satellite phone store) had ripped me off.

For starters I will never buy anything that these talking heads pitch, because when the company will not make things right, they ban you from alerting  other viewers so that they are not also ripped off!! Think about that one a bit.
I make my case.
Our “Patriot mouth pieces” like Steve, Hal, Infowars and Greg are really  no fuking different than the fascist, censoring,  psychopaths at Facebook or Twitter!

Why even bother when the guys that are on “our side” are enemies of truth and free speech?  Being against truth is being against God almighty and that is where I see many of our Patriot mouthpieces.

Before I close let me give a shout out to Sarah Westall, Mike Adams at Brighteon, and Rumble, for not being censors of the truth.



I think I am going to take a break folks.
Too many stupid people to deal with.
No free speech anywhere….

Had Steve Quayle cancel my Q-files  subscription because I dared tell him that  his sponsor had ripped me off.  I wanted him to know the kind of people that he recommended. How audacious and evil of me!

Then  Steve’s’ friend,  Mr Free Speech Hal Turner, did the same thing after I dared relate that story to readers on his site. I am now kicked off of Hal’s site.
Neither  of these guys has a thing over Facebook or Twitter.
Same deal of no free speech allowed.
This is the exact  post on Hals site that was too much truth about Steve:


Don’t know if you know how volatile Steve Quayle is.
I wrote him with smoking gun proof that the sat phone store had ripped me off.

His response? His Christian response?

Was to cancel my Q-files membership!!

Try to do good and spread the truth and Steve Quayle plants a knife squarely in your back.

It’s really really sad that is is the character of our so called “patriot leaders”.

FWIW he offered to refund the money that the SPS owes me and I of course refused his offer.
He is a very poor judge of character and assumed that my motivation was some sort of shake down.
I make my case.
Our “Patriot mouth pieces” like Steve and Hal are no fuking different than the fascist, censoring,  psychopaths at Facebook or Twitter.

Why even bother when the guys that are on “our side” are enemies of truth and free speech?


Jefferson Thought 125 Federal Employees was Too Many  – David Knight (13 minutes)


There are literally thousands of great books on the Internet in PDF form for free.

No one is making copyright claims on them as they continue to be there on places like SCRIBD.

So why I ask you, doesn’t you local public library offer these electronic books?

I submit that globalist forces have their boot on the neck of you local  library.

Are libraries controlled  with the goal of keeping the public dumbed down?

PDF books are a librarians wet dream and their is some reason that they are not doing this.

Talk to your local library and see what you can find out.

Check out some of the free  books HERE.

HERE is another excellent  collection



I got a post card from the Red Cross saying that they were having a blood drive at the local Fordland Clinic.  I do not donate blood any longer due to the Red Cross  ignoring ADA federal law, and demanding that people like myself  with breathing problems wear the useless face diapers when they give blood.   They also mix my  un-vaccinated blood with vaccinated blood and I do not wish to be part of that evil.

I called the Fordland Clinic today, and found out that they are still  pushing the deadly  mRNA COVID jab!! 

Perhaps they should consider adding abortions to their child killing repertoire,  because some people are intelligent enough not to fall for the COVID  death Jab.

Law enforcement makes me want to puke.  They put me through living hell last year because I did not have the $30  to renew my plates.

But  you can  murder people in this county if you have medical license. Those people do not have to go though “police hell” and terrorism.

A medical license  in Webster County MO is nothing short of a license to murder and maim children.

This same “law enforcement” that protects abortionists and vaccine murders are the same  thugs that will kidnap your child for the CPS sex trafficking ring, all without due process or a jury trial.

It is “law enforcement”  that  if you do not pay the 1st plank of the Communist manifesto extortion, euphemistically called the property tax,  they will come to your house and either make you homeless, or murder you if you resist the theft of your  home , all of that also without a trial by jury as the Constitution guarantees.

Something is very wrong with this picture where our “public servants”    serve mainly to enforce the laws written by and to serve the globalists that are the real rulers in this country.



“Were You Expecting Us?” – ATF Agents Go ‘Door to Door’ to Confiscate FRT-15 Triggers
by Zero Hedge

Our 3,000 County Sheriffs are the criminals  here:
Do these morons even know what their job is?
The Declaration says that it is to “secure our rights”.

For the past 3 years county sheriffs have done nothing to address the largest mass murders that his country has ever witnessed with the globalist eugenics program disguised as a “vaccine”.  Helping mass murders, seems to be what county sheriffs think that their  job is.

Now our county sheriffs are allowing the unconstitutional ATF into their counties to violate the 2nd  amendment,  and your  sacred God given right to self defense!  Doesn’t the 2nd clearly say “shall not be infringed”?

This is dereliction of duty at the very least.
It is aiding and abetting murder at worst.
The states need laws where the citizens can convene a grand jury and press charges on these criminals in blue uniforms and have them arrested.

There is also the federal law (USC 18 sections 241 and  242) “Violation of rights under color of law”, that allows penalties up to and including execution if they cause a death.


The stupidity of focusing on BIBLE PROPHESY

Which color of horse is riding this week guys?

Is it the 334th rendition of the red horse or is it the black horse?

This obsession with “prophecy” does little other than create a deterministic world view and amounts to a stand down psy-op.

I think that it is encouraged if not initiated by globalist actors.

Your time would be much better spent dealing with things that you can clearly see…..

Perhaps like the fact that many of you are going to die because you are too dense to see that not having a militia is going to win a lot of you Darwin awards.

But as you and your children, die because of your stupidity, at least you will be able to recite which color of horse recently rode.