This is what election meddling looks like

The Real Reason Apple, Facebook, Spotify & YouTube Banned Infowars

Statement from Alex Jones: The EU is already fining Google and others if they don’t start censoring speech by calling it “hate speech” and/or “fake news.”

When our government doesn’t start fining them for violations of free speech, racketeering and trust/monopolistic behavior, that encourages other governments like China and the EU have influence over the free market of ideas.

But this situation also highlights the trust set up by mutli-national combines based in China and in Europe that’s stealing all of our rights and freedoms through a concerted effort.

Over two-and-a-half years ago, Matt Drudge came to our studio and warned of this attack on the First Amendment. That’s why they want alternative and independent media shut down.

They would’ve done all of this last year had Hillary gotten into the White House. Yet, due to Trump instead getting elected, this plan has been held off for about a year-and-a-half.

Now, it seems, they don’t fear Trump for whatever reason, and now they’re making their move.

But I don’t think President Trump has been compromised, but he’s compromising himself one way or another if his administration doesn’t make this the central issue.

Free speech is the central issue; this is the heart of the matter. This is the core. This is it.

Apple, Spotify, Facebook and YouTube all banned Infowars within 12 hours of each other, illustrating how last night’s purge was a coordinated effort and has nothing to do with these platforms enforcing “hate speech” rules.

Here are the real reasons Infowars is being purged by Big Tech;

– Infowars is widely credited with having played a key role in electing Donald Trump. By banning Infowars, big tech is engaging in election meddling just three months before crucial mid-terms.

– With the Infowars ban, Apple, Facebook , Spotify & YouTube (Google) have all now ascribed themselves the power to remove people & outlets from their platforms based on their political opinions. This power will be abused time and time again to meddle in elections.

– The ban also sets the precedent that the mere charge alone of having committed “hate speech,” with no specific examples even provided, is enough to memory hole an individual or group’s digital presence.

– The ban is just part of a wider censorship purge that also use stealth censorship, shadow banning and algorithmic manipulation to hide and bury conservative content.

– Apple also chose to shut down Infowars after we repeatedly criticized them for working with and selling data to the Communist Chinese government. Just a coincidence, I’m sure…. Read More

RED PILL NATION: 2/3rds of Russians Believe World Government Exists – Poll

MFP Commentary:
Russians are among the smartest people on the planet. Much smarter than Americans on this topic it seems.


Meet the most woke white country in the world, not counting, perhaps, Croatia, and well, probably Ukraine.

About two-thirds of Russians believe in the existence of a shadowy world government, and most of them also believe it is hostile to their country, according to a recent survey.

On Wednesday state-run Russian public opinion research agency VTSIOM released the results of a poll in which 67 percent of Russian citizens said they believe there is a secret world government. Twenty-one percent said they reject the possibility that it exists, and the rest were undecided.

Just two years ago, about 45 percent said they believe in the existence of a global government, while over 30 percent rejected the idea, the researchers noted. The survey also revealed that the percentage of those who believe it exists is higher among older people (over 70 percent), but among people between 18 and 34, it was also significant – about 55 percent…. Read More

Welfare Spending Did Not Decrease Poverty, Capitalism Did

Daniel J. Mitchell

by Daniel J. Mitchell – Sunday, August 05, 2018

Some argue that the big-government welfare state is to thank for the reduction in global extreme poverty levels, but they’re just plain wrong.

Last September, I shared some very encouraging data showing how extreme poverty dramatically has declined in the developing world.

And I noted that this progress happened during a time when the “Washington Consensus” was resulting in “neoliberal” policies (meaning “classical liberal“) in those nations (confirmed by data from Economic Freedom of the World).

In other words, pro-market policies were the recipe for poverty reduction, not foreign aid or big government.

Sadly, the Washington Consensus has been supplanted. Bureaucracies such as the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development are now pushing a statist agenda based on the bizarre theory that higher taxes and more spending somehow produce prosperity.

To add insult to injury, some people now want to rewrite history and argue that free markets don’t deserve credit for the poverty reduction that already has occurred.

Esteban Ortiz-Ospina, writing for Our World in Data, wants readers to conclude that redistribution programs deserve credit.

…the share of people living in extreme poverty around the world has fallen continuously over the last two centuries. …many often say that globalization in the form of “free-market capitalism” is the main force to be thanked for such remarkable historical achievement. …this focus on “free-market capitalism” alone is misguided. …Governments around the world have dramatically increased their potential to collect revenues in order to redistribute resources through social transfers… The reach of governments has grown substantially over the last century: the share of total output that governments control is much larger today than a century ago….. Read More

Hundreds of NC teachers are flunking math exams. It may not be their fault.

MFP Commentary:
If it’s not “their fault” then I wonder who the hell is at fault? Could it be that teaching majors are filled to the brim with the dumbest, by far, students on campus?  Could it be that they got a very poor education because they  themselves attended government schools filled with low IQ teachers?
I know of which I speak. I have taken several  education courses that are required by people in that major and I was flabbergasted each time by the apparent low IQ of the people taking the course.    Government needs to get the hell out of the way and let the free market, dictate who is going to teach.  What a conflict of interest to have the state make that choice. Not to mention that the state has implemented both the first and tenth planks of the communist manifesto to create our schools. 

Can you imagine a country of citizens, educated in the free market by teachers that are gifted, and intelligent, rather than the low IQ crowd  that helps the government indoctrinate your children with all sorts of falsehoods and lies?  The founders told us that we would only be free if we had an educated electorate.  Do you think that these government schools that are designed to dumb us down are a big part of us losing our freedoms?

Book:  The Deliberate  Dumbing down of America

Video: Charlotte Iserbyt – Deliberate Dumbing Down of the World

Video: History… Connected: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America w/ Charlotte Iserbyt

If  you doubt this dumbing down, I challenge you to take this 8th grade graduation exam from 1895 Kansas:

An 1895 8th Grade Final Exam: I Couldn’t Pass It. Could You?

and here.

According to a report, almost 2,400 North Carolina elementary school teachers have failed the math portion of their licensing exams, which puts their careers in jeopardy. News & Observer file photo

The United States Is The Largest Prison Camp In The World The Criminal Criminal Justice (sic) System

By Paul Craig Roberts
August 1, 2018

The United States has the highest incarceration rates in the world. The US not only has a far higher percentage of its population in prison than allegedly “authoritarian” governments, but also has a larger total number of citizens imprisoned than China, a country with four times the US population. The US is by far the largest prison camp in the world.

The conditions, such as solitary confinement, in which many US prisoners are kept are strictly illegal under international law, but that means nothing to “freedom and democracy America.” Solitary confinement, especially confinement inside tiny cells, is like being buried alive. Yet, “freedom and democracy America” is subjecting more than 100,000 citizens to this horror as I write. We hear so much about “America’s moral conscience,” but where is this conscience?

Other prisoners are used as a cheap workforce for US military and consumer industries. Prison labor and the privatization of prisons have created an enormous demand for prisoners. American citizens are shoveled into the profit-making prison system regardless of innocence or guilt… Read More

The World’s Biggest Prison Camp

Senator Dianne Feinstein’s Personal Driver of 20 Years Was a Chinese Spy

MFP Commentary:
Of course he was, and she likley knew it. The Democratic party is so deep in bed with the Chinese government, that dozens could be charged with treason and executed just like the Rosenbergs. But then again we have not had a “justice system” in this country for over 100 years, if we ever did…

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) reportedly had a Chinese spy infiltrate her office for some 20 years.

According to reports from Politico and The San Francisco Chronicle, the mole from the communist government served as Feinstein’s driver, an office gofer, a liaison to the Asian-American community, and even attended Chinese consulate functions on behalf of the senator.

Feinstein allegedly had no idea that the man was spy for some two decades, and only found out via the FBI five years ago. She was apparently “mortified” by the shocking news and reportedly forced the spy into resignation, but neglected to tell her staff of the revelation….. Read More

America #1 in Child Sex Trafficking and Pedophilia – CPS and Foster Care are the Pipelines

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Many Americans hold to a national pride that believes the United States is, or at least was, the greatest country in the world.

Few would argue that America is “not what it used to be” when considering the “greatness” of America today.

Current American President Donald Trump was swept into power because he ran on a campaign slogan to “Make America Great Again” (MAGA), suggesting that what was once considered “great” in America no longer is.

This pride that America is greater than most other countries of the world, that it is the land of opportunity and hope, was perhaps best articulated by the American poet Emma Lazarus who penned the following words that today are etched into a plaque attached to the Statute of Liberty standing in the harbor of New York City, which was once considered the gateway to America:

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Today, depending on how one measures “greatness,” America could still be considered greater than other countries in certain aspects, such as having the world’s largest economy, or the world’s most powerful military force.

But there is one area where America exceeds all other nations’ of the world that hopefully most Americans would not be proud to admit: America is the #1 destination for pedophilia and child sex trafficking, and this huge market exists mainly because it is funded by taxpayers through the U.S. government Child Protection Services and Foster care system.

The Problem of Child Sex Trafficking in the U.S. Is Real and Documented….. Read More


Support the Missouri Free Press (and fight Nazi cops) with your own T-shirt!

MFP Commentary:

Is it not the ultimate hypocrisy to say that we are a free country, yet  we  accept to being lorded over by what the founders I am sure  would see as a standing occupying army in blue uniforms?   To those that know any real history, we the people, the militia. literally  guarded our own freedoms in  this country, and we should consider getting back to that sane, efficient,  just, and lawful system.

Why isn’t it the creed of ALL Americans, to dislike men in blue uniforms that are sworn to violate your rights, because they are sworn “order followers”?They swear to  follow the illegal orders of the deep state that are often referred to as “law” What a joke. Disdain for  these Satanically controlled soldiers in blue should be a most admired  American trait,  (and I am not sure that it isn’t)  and would be the sure end result of a people  knowing history and capable of logical thought and reason.

After WW2 we hung many Nazi order followers. I see no reason why these contemporary US  order followers should be given any quarter.    We do have laws that could be used against millions of these thugs, but the law never seems to apply to the powers that be. Check out the law I refer to:
Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 – Conspiracy Against Rights

Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 – Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

Continue reading “Support the Missouri Free Press (and fight Nazi cops) with your own T-shirt!”

Bill Gates’ Slaughter Of Innocents Linked To Tainted Vaccines In China

By Yoichi  Shimatsu
Exclusive To Rense

In a predominantly one-child per couple society, Chinese parents and grandparents have been alarmed and distressed since mid-July by a malpracticde scandal involving falsification of data on rabies vaccines, following a string of alarming online reports of toxic vaccines. The culprit is privately owned Changsheng Life Sciences based in Changchun in Northeast China, owned by a mysterious female tycoon. Just last summer, the same producer was raided by local police and fined 3.4 million yuan ($500,000) for tainted DPT vaccine (diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus) dosed to children in Shantung Province.

The public outcry over a WeChat post that disclosed the defective vaccine scandal (and then was quickly removed) interrupted President Xi Jinping’s visit to Rwanda’s genocide memorial, prompting him to make a hot call to Beijing with a promise action to address the homegrown killing fields. His gesture led to local police arresting 15 Changsheng executives and managers, including the board chairwoman Junfang Gao (net worth $1 billion). Then came the official claim that no affected children were exposed to the rabies vaccine before its recall.

The revelation of the Changsheng vaccine scandal was a scoop by the online media, originating with an online WeChat post. Insrtead of allaying public fears with a transparent investigation and regular press conferences, Beijing’s predictable evasion tactic was to bring down the Great Firewall of official censorship banning press coverage and silencing the online media.

One reason for the cover-up is Changsheng’s distribution of questionable low-cost vaccines for WHO and UNICEF inoculation campaigsn in Africa, the host continent for the presidential tour to be capped with a China-Africa forum in Beijing this September. The other source of official discomfort is the role of two U.S. foundations in the growth of China’s vaccine industry: the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the latter being widely accused of deploying vaccines as a biological weapon to sterilize girls throughout the developing regions for the purpose of race-based population reduction….. Read More



MFP Commentary:
This is so widespread in our jails, prisons, and mental facilities. 
Despite Jesus’s Christ’s admonition:
Matthew 25:40
“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

I find  modern Christians reprehensible for supporting the evil that goes on in our prisons…. this is far from  all of the reprehensible things that I see in modern christianity,  it’s just one of the more prevalent and disgusting  modern “Christian beliefs”.

Not only do “Christians” dehumanize the human beings that our Stanically controlled government locks in cages, they  dehumanize whole nations of people when the war mongers start their  propaganda….    Unfortunately “Christians” are some of the most uneducated useful idiots on the planet.

Links to 2 previous stories on US prisons:

Government Sponsored Race-Based Plantations of Slavery-Trump and Kardashian Oppose

Next Story Stop Supporting Prison Slavery By Avoiding These 7 Companies



For companies like JPay, the business model is simple: Whatever it costs to send a message, prisoners and their families will find a way to pay it.

LAST JULY, AS she has for the past 10 years, Dianne Jones spent 45 minutes on a city bus heading to the local WalMart. There, under fluorescent lights, she scanned rows of brightly colored birthday cards to pick out the perfect greeting for her son—let’s call him Tim—who is imprisoned more than 100 miles from his mother’s home just outside New Orleans. The card she settled on was dark brown with trees and a birthday message that read, “For the best son in the world.”

Tim was in his 10th year of a 30-year prison sentence for an armed robbery he committed at age 17; he would not be able to see, let alone sit under or touch, a tree for the next 20 years. (Citing safety concerns, Jones asked that her son’s name not be used.) After Jones, her daughter, and her three grandchildren signed the card, she mailed it off, happy that Tim would know that his family was thinking of him…. Read More