World champion kickboxer and mixed martial artist Andrew Tate joins Alex Jones live via Skype to rally patriots across the globe to stand up and resist all COVID mandates in order to preserve freedom.
As aired on Hal Turner Show Wednesday Night: Catherine Austin Fitts on COVID-19 and Great Reset; All PLANNED Destruction to force us into Global Slave System – Hal Turner
Would it surprise you to learn that the so-called “vaccine” for COVID-19 is actually the basics for an OPERATING SYSTEM to be installed in humans to effectuate Human-Machine Interface? An interface to create a digitized monetary system?
Would it surprise you to learn that the COVID-19 outbreak and ensuing shutdowns of business were all PLANNED DESTRUCTION?
Would it surprise you to learn that the “Riots” and looting over the past year ALL took place in 34 of the 37 cities with Federal Reserve Bank locations, and that the businesses which were looted and destroyed, are mostly in “Opportunity Zones” created by law to foster investment by ultra-rich people, so they can avoid Capital Gains taxes?
All these things have been revealed by former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Catherine Austin Fitts, in a video created with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., available below.
In the video, you will come to learn that there is a global effort underway to digitize the entire planet, to bring into existence a Technocracy, controlled by a small group of wealthy, powerful, people, designed to monitor absolutely everything we do, everything we read, speak, eat. That it will monitor every place we go, all the things we buy. That it will limit where we can work, where we can travel, and will replace us with Artificial Intelligence Robots. That if we behave in a manner that the ultra wealthy don’t like, their new system will be able to instantly cut us off from all our money and shut us out of all systems of society!….Read More
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FILM: Former FEMA operative Celeste Solum on what she says is in the Gates vaccine – David Icke
FILM 9 minutes: David Icke – proof the ‘pandemic’ is a long-planned script – a must watch and see David streamed live on Saturday, January 2nd, at the Awakening World Truth Summit – see
This is much of the same material in MUCH greater detail:
How the Vaccine Is Connected to Depopulation and Satan- Celeste Solum (Pt 1 of 10 ) – Dave Hodges TV (you need an inexpensive subscription)
Live Saturday News Alert! COVID-19 Martial Law Shocks The World –
Catherine Austin Fitts Explains how the Globalist Billionaires and Technocrats are Planning on Taking Over the Planet, and How We can Stop It – Medical Kidnap (read the authors commentary)
Jesus Christ The Authority to Heal – Medical Kidnap
MFP Commentary:
Many people today are so dumbed down that they do not know that medicine in the land of the free is a government enforced monopoly. Jesus would go to jail if he were here healing today.
The Globalist/Satanic Rockefeller family commissioned the “Flexner Report” and was central in creating this monopoly. Has your pastor ever told you that our medical system is a monopoly put in place by Satanists? I didn’t think so.
“Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”(James 5:14-16)

Jesus’ authority to heal and his healthcare plan should be a threat to the world’s health authorities and their medical care system. But is it?
The subject of “authority” and health is one that affects every living person on the planet today, and everyone reading this article. Here in the 21st Century, various government agencies regulate “health” and operate under laws and regulations as to just who has the authority to practice healing. This would include the World Health Organization (WHO) internationally, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States.
“Health” of course is generally defined today as “practicing medicine,” and the authority given by government to “practice medicine” is tightly controlled through government licensing. Someone not licensed, or using unapproved products for healing, face arrest and imprisonment.
A similar situation existed during the First Century. Jesus and his disciples did not follow the laws set forth by the government body of their day, and their system of healing was far superior.
As the following story recorded in the Bible’s book of Acts shows, healing people outside of the legal health authorities resulted in arrest:
They seized Peter and John, and because it was evening, they put them in jail until the next day. But many who heard the message believed, and the number of men grew to about five thousand.
The next day the rulers, elders and teachers of the law met in Jerusalem. Annas the high priest was there, and so were Caiaphas, John, Alexander and the other men of the high priest’s family. They had Peter and John brought before them and began to question them: “By what power or what name did you do this?”
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them: “Rulers and elders of the people! If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a cripple and are asked how he was healed, then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. He is “‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone.’ Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”
When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.
But since they could see the man who had been healed standing there with them, there was nothing they could say.
So they ordered them to withdraw from the Sanhedrin and then conferred together.
“What are we going to do with these men?” they asked. “Everybody living in Jerusalem knows they have done an outstanding miracle, and we cannot deny it. But to stop this thing from spreading any further among the people, we must warn these men to speak no longer to anyone in this name.”
Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus.
But Peter and John replied, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”
After further threats they let them go. They could not decide how to punish them, because all the people were praising God for what had happened. For the man who was miraculously healed was over forty years old. (Act 4:3-22)
Jesus’ Conflict with the Health Authorities
Jesus was the most revolutionary person to ever walk on earth. The claims he made in regard to himself were a direct threat to the Jewish authorities. The ruling class that had power over the people during his day was a group of highly educated religious leaders….Read More
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The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast? –
Vaccine “Passports” Could Be Mandatory For Travel, Shopping And Even The Movies, CNN Says – Zero Hedge
The Covid-19 vaccine isn’t even in the hands of most Americans yet and already CNN is prepping the masses for the idea of a “vaccine passport”, which it says could be needed to travel, and even “shop and go to the movies again”.
“In order to do those activities, you may eventually need something in addition to the vaccine: a vaccine passport application,” an article from this week proudly proclaims. “Rest assured, the nerds are on it,” CNN playfully writes, possibly hoping to distract readers from the idea of authoritarian globalization with a joke or two.
The article notes that several technology companies have begun developing apps to upload details of vaccinations – as if the tech giants didn’t have enough of your data or enough information about you. These companies could require you to show your “credentials” at “concert venues, stadiums, movie theaters, offices, or even countries.”
But don’t worry, the article notes, the Common Trust Network, “an initiative by Geneva-based nonprofit The Commons Project and the World Economic Forum” has partnered with several airlines to help with the project. Their app allows you to upload medical data that will generate a QR code for travel. Because nothing says “secure” quite like the World Economic Forum having access to your medical records.
Thomas Crampton, chief marketing and communications officer for The Commons Project, said: “You can be tested every time you cross a border. You cannot be vaccinated every time you cross a border.”
IBM, possibly bored and looking for something to involve itself in other than gaming its annual effective tax rate and buying back stock, also developed its own app called “Digital Health Pass”. It allows you to keep your credentials in a mobile wallet…..Read More
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The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast? –
Hospital Employee Fired After Intentionally Spoiling 500 Doses of COVID Vaccine- Infowars
Another Person Dies Hours After Taking COVID Vaccine
Mark and Terri Stemann and Mary Flynn O’Neal join the program to discuss Child Protective Services and how it is purposely set up to destroy America and feed an evil child trafficking network. As unbelievable as it is, continued reports across the country back up these claims and form a story that is so incredible, the only option we have is to destroy the system and heal the trauma it has caused.
You can learn more about Mark and Terry Stemann’s situation and support their fight at the following:
Part 1 – Audio only at Sarah Westall site
Evil Behind the Coup: Scripted Pattern to Steal Children & Break America (2of2)
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Christian Churches Redefine the Meaning of “Orphan” to Justify Participating in Child Trafficking – Medical Kidnap Brian Shilhavy
MSM deathly silent as PCR test legally ruled useless to test for Covid – Nexus News Feed
MSM deathly silent as PCR test legally ruled useless to test for Covid
Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what do the MSM do? They ignore it
Four German holidaymakers who were illegally quarantined in Portugal after one was judged to be positive for Covid-19 have won their case, in a verdict that condemns the widely-used PCR test as being up to 97-percent unreliable.
Earlier this month, Portuguese judges upheld a decision from a lower court that found the forced quarantine of four holidaymakers to be unlawful. The case centred on the reliability (or lack thereof) of Covid-19 PCR tests.
The verdict, delivered on November 11, followed an appeal against a writ of habeas corpus filed by four Germans against the Azores Regional Health Authority. This body had been appealing a ruling from a lower court which had found in favour of the tourists, who claimed that they were illegally confined to a hotel without their consent. The tourists were ordered to stay in the hotel over the summer after one of them tested positive for coronavirus in a PCR test – the other three were labelled close contacts and therefore made to quarantine as well.
Unreliable, with a strong chance of false positives
The deliberation of the Lisbon Appeal Court is comprehensive and fascinating. It ruled that the Azores Regional Health Authority had violated both Portuguese and international law by confining the Germans to the hotel. The judges also said that only a doctor can “diagnose” someone with a disease, and were critical of the fact that they were apparently never assessed by one.
They were also scathing about the reliability of the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test, the most commonly used check for Covid.
The conclusion of their 34-page ruling included the following: “In view of current scientific evidence, this test shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that such positivity corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.”
In the eyes of this court, then, a positive test does not correspond to a Covid case. The two most important reasons for this, said the judges, are that, “the test’s reliability depends on the number of cycles used’’ and that “the test’s reliability depends on the viral load present.’’ In other words, there are simply too many unknowns surrounding PCR testing.
Tested positive? There could be as little as a 3% chance it’s correct
This is not the first challenge to the credibility of PCR tests. Many people will be aware that their results have a lot to do with the number of amplifications that are performed, or the ‘cycle threshold.’ This number in most American and European labs is 35–40 cycles, but experts have claimed that even 35 cycles is far too many, and that a more reasonable protocol would call for 25–30 cycles. (Each cycle exponentially increases the amount of viral DNA in the sample).
Earlier this year, data from three US states – New York, Nevada and Massachusetts – showed that when the amount of the virus found in a person was taken into account, up to 90 percent of people who tested positive could actually have been negative, as they may have been carrying only tiny amounts of the virus.
The Portuguese judges cited a study conducted by “some of the leading European and world specialists,” which was published by Oxford Academic at the end of September. It showed that if someone tested positive for Covid at a cycle threshold of 35 or higher, the chances of that person actually being infected is less than three percent, and that “the probability of… receiving a false positive is 97% or higher.”….Read More
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The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast? –
QR Code Inventor Hacks Georgia Voting Machines During State Senate Hearing, Proves They Connect To Internet & “Communicate Two Ways” – Info Wars
During a Wednesday hearing with the Georgia Senate, QR code inventor Jovan H Pulitzer revealed a team was able to hack into a voting machine currently in use at a polling location.
“At this very moment, at a polling location in the county, not only do we now have access through the devices, to the poll pad, the system, but we are in,” Pulizer declared…Read More
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BREAKING! DOMINION MACHINES HACKED LIVE IN GEORGIA RUNOFF | Voter Fraud Senate Hearing 12/30/2020 – Mike Adams
President Trump to Provide Specific Evidence of Voter Fraud on January 6th – Watch Live – War Room
BREAKING: President Trump Will Officially Speak At DC MAGA March On January 6th – Alex Jones Show
2020: The Year the Tree of Liberty Was Torched – John Whitehead – Rutherford Institute
“The people are unaware. They’re not educated to realize that they have power. The system is so geared that everyone believes the government will fix everything. We are the government.”—John Lennon
No doubt about it: 2020—a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year for freedom—was the culmination of a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad decade for freedom.
Government corruption, tyranny, and abuse coupled with a Big Brother-knows-best mindset and the COVID-19 pandemic propelled us at warp speed towards a full-blown police state in which nationwide lockdowns, egregious surveillance, roadside strip searches, police shootings of unarmed citizens, censorship, retaliatory arrests, the criminalization of lawful activities, warmongering, indefinite detentions, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, police brutality, profit-driven prisons, and pay-to-play politicians were accepted as the norm.
Here’s just a small sampling of the laundry list of abuses—cruel, brutal, immoral, unconstitutional and unacceptable—that have been heaped upon us by the government over the past two decades and in the past year, in particular.
The government failed to protect our lives, liberty and happiness. The predators of the police state wreaked havoc on our freedoms, our communities, and our lives. The government didn’t listen to the citizenry, refused to abide by the Constitution, and treated the citizenry as a source of funding and little else. Police officers shot unarmed citizens and their household pets. Government agents—including local police—were armed to the teeth and encouraged to act like soldiers on a battlefield. Bloated government agencies were allowed to fleece taxpayers. Government technicians spied on our emails and phone calls. And government contractors made a killing by waging endless wars abroad.
The American President became more imperial. Although the Constitution invests the President with very specific, limited powers, in recent years, American presidents (Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.) claimed the power to completely and almost unilaterally alter the landscape of this country for good or for ill. The powers that have been amassed by each successive president through the negligence of Congress and the courts—powers which add up to a toolbox of terror for an imperial ruler—empower whoever occupies the Oval Office to act as a dictator, above the law and beyond any real accountability. The presidency itself has become an imperial one with permanent powers.
Militarized police became a power unto themselves, 911 calls turned deadly, and traffic stops took a turn for the worse. Lacking in transparency and accountability, protected by the courts and legislators, and rife with misconduct, America’s police forces continued to be a menace to the citizenry and the rule of law. Despite concerns about the government’s steady transformation of local police into a standing military army, local police agencies acquired even more weaponry, training and equipment suited for the battlefield. Police officers were also given free range to pull anyone over for a variety of reasons and subject them to forced cavity searches, forced colonoscopies, forced blood draws, forced breath-alcohol tests, forced DNA extractions, forced eye scans, forced inclusion in biometric databases.
The courts failed to uphold justice. With every ruling handed down, it becomes more apparent that we live in an age of hollow justice, with government courts more concerned with protecting government agents than upholding the rights of “we the people.” This is true at all levels of the judiciary, but especially so in the highest court of the land, the U.S. Supreme Court, which is seemingly more concerned with establishing order and protecting government agents than with upholding the rights enshrined in the Constitution. A review of critical court rulings over the past two decades, including some ominous ones by the U.S. Supreme Court, reveals a startling and steady trend towards pro-police state rulings by an institution concerned more with establishing order and protecting the ruling class and government agents than with upholding the rights enshrined in the Constitution…Read More
Trump Proves He’s Been Part of the Swamp All Along – Do NOT Go to D.C. on Jan. 6th! – Medical Kidnap
While I think that this article is credible, I think that going to DC is worth the risk. a few million armed men might influence the DC psychopaths to do the right thing. If not they may have to deal with 2-4 million armed men.
We are NOT going to defeat these Satanist without risk. We should worry more about what will happen if we do not go to DC!
Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
When I saw that Trump caved in and signed the $2.3 TRILLION bill robbing Americans at the expense of Wall Street Billionaires, I was preparing to write an article stating that his true motives have once and for all been revealed with this theft of America as well as the criminals he has chosen to pardon.
But Matt Agorist of the FreeThoughtProject beat me to it (see below.)
The only thing I will add here, is that if you still think Trump is going to save the Republic and you are planning on heading to Washington D.C. on January 6th to show your support of him, you could very well be putting your own life at risk and be taking a suicide trip.
Washington D.C. is a cesspool of corruption and Satanic activity, and it could be pure suicidal for American patriots and militia groups to all be there at one time, giving the enemy the opportunity to take out as many of you at one time as they can.
Why would you risk that? For Trump??
President Trump is still the President of the United States and the Commander in Chief of the nation’s armed forces. If he wants to start arresting criminals for treason, he doesn’t need my help or your help, at least not in Washington D.C., one of the most corrupt places on the planet.
If Americans want to take their country back and drain the swamp, you better start planning on doing it now, without Trump’s help. There is no telling what his handlers are going to tell him to do in the days ahead, and even if he himself does not have nefarious plans in store for citizens and militia groups who may go to Washington D.C. on January 6th, there probably are many others who do.
Don’t risk it!!
Stay home and start planning now to take control of your local and State government criminals, where you will be fighting on your own territory where you can have better control of the situation.
It is going to take massive defections from true and honorable Americans who are still left in the military and law enforcement if there is any hope at this point for saving America.
Pray to God, and trust God, not Trump.
By Signing the COVID ‘Relief’ Bill, Trump Proves He’s Been Part of the Swamp All Along
Matt Agorist
Earlier this month, a rare occurrence took place in which lame duck president Donald Trump addressed the country and said a bunch of words in a row that I actually agreed with.
“Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists and special interests, while sending the bare minimum to the American people who needed it,” Trump said. “It really is a disgrace.”
Trump promised a veto of the Covid relief package which included language to criminalize online streaming and meme sharing.
Seriously. The punitive provisions crammed into the enormous bill, warned Evan Greer of the digital rights group Fight for the Future,
“threaten ordinary Internet users with up to $30,000 in fines for engaging in everyday activity such as downloading an image and re-uploading it… [or] sharing memes.”
As a lame duck, Trump had absolutely nothing to lose by taking a stand against the wasteful spending in the bill and the kick in the teeth that is a $600 payment to Americans….Read More
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1776 Flag Flying Over White House! REVOLUTION SIGNAL – Hal Turner
President Trump to Provide Specific Evidence of Voter Fraud on January 6th – Watch Live
The Medical Kidnap Radio Show
Broadcast from Phoenix, Arizona
KFNX Independent Talk Radio 1100
Some Americans are Getting Fed Up and Resisting – But Where are the Rest of You?! – Medical Kidnap

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
People across America are beginning to say “enough is enough” and are taking a stand to resist medical tyranny while the rest of the nation just willingly complies and watches the rapid destruction of lives, jobs, and personal liberties.
Look at each of these stories and picture how different each one of these stories would be, if others had joined them.
It does NOT have to be a majority of the population. I have stated for months that if 5% of the population starts resisting, it will get the ball rolling and others will join.
If 10% of the population resists, we have a full blown revolution on our hands, and that is what it is going to take to end medical tyranny.
So if you see a lone, brave soul take a stand for life and liberty, take off your mask and join them!!
Police Raid Stockton California Hair Salon
By Brock Simmons
The Gateway Pundit
Bravely putting their lives on the line to protect the public from hair stylists serving customers, police in Stockton, CA, raided Pomp Salon just before Christmas and ordered the place to close, as it been operating in defiance of Governor Newsom’s shutdown orders.
“About five armed state police officers burst into our salon shouting drop everything you’re doing. Stop, you’re being shut down,” salon co-owner Vicki Kirk told ABC 10 news……Read More
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How the Vaccine Is Connected to Depopulation and Satan- Celeste Solum (Pt 1 of 3 ) – Dave Hodges TV