Greenwood Village, CO – By refusing to hear a tragic case in which police officers in Greenwood Village, Colorado, destroyed a private residence while pursuing a suspected shoplifter the Supreme Court has seemingly granted police new powers for which they will not be held accountable. They can now apparently completely destroy your home and they will not have to pay for it. That’s what happened to Leo Lech’s home in 2015 after a shoplifter — accused of stealing a shirt — illegally entered his home, forcing Greenwood Village SWAT to go room by room ransacking the place with explosives.
Last year, as TFTP reported, a federal court refused to grant the homeowners any compensation. This was in spite of the fact that the family had no connection to the theft, never allowed the thief in their home, and broke no law prior to police destroying their home. After receiving this news in October, the family held out hope for their chances in the Supreme Court….Read More
I felt like August Landmesser when I was at Cox Hospital in Springfield MO and refused to go along with the face mask psyop who’s end game are Bill Gates forced vaccinations
I arrived at Cox South in Springfield MO on June 17th 2020 for a scheduled surgery. I had not slept in 24 hours due to the complete and unrelenting incompetence of the government mandated medical monopoly that we are forced to live under.
Although this surgery had been in the works for over 90 days, I was not made aware that an overnight stay was required for my particular procedure, literally until hours before I was to arrive at the hospital. So in spite of the paperwork in front of me saying that this was an outpatient procedure, my 5 previous days of finding a driver for an outpatient procedure suddenly had to thrown away and rethought. I also have 14 adolescent ducks that would now have to be kept in a hot coop for over 36 hours. Needless to say I did not sleep at all the night of the 16th with weeks of planning thrown under the bus by an always incompetent and dehumanizing medical system. Note I am not disparaging the people caught up in this machine. I met many great and interesting people during this experience, that however does not change the nature of the government created, monopoly medical system that we all found ourselves caught up in.
On the hospital door in is the obligatory “no weapons allowed” sign that more or less confirms that this facility (just like your library or the Fordland Clinic with similar signs) is on the Federal Payroll and is enforcing Federal Mandates and Edicts. What most people do not realize is that in doing so Cox is no longer a private business that can prohibit weapons on their premises. Cox is acting as an agent of the state and as such they can not lawfully violate your 2nd amendment protected rights. If our courts actually worked Cox could be prosecuted under USC 18 sections 241 & 242. Department of Justice CONSPIRACY AGAINST RIGHTS also FBI: Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 – Conspiracy Against Rights
I ran the gauntlet of useful idiots along the way, that did not understand the medical term “Contraindicated” as a response to their demand to wear an N95 mask. The young lady I first encountered was specifically put there IMHO to intimidate your average spineless American. She looked to be an ex-marine body builder. The psy-op started up in full swing and the choice of having her at the front door was not an accident. It was meant to intimidate the disarmed “customer” into compliance.
After a few other encounters with the order-following staff I positioned myself in the furthest most unoccupied corned of the lobby that I could find. I was at least 50 feet from anyone else in the facility….. However it did not take long for a very large, armed, and aggressive order follower to single me out from about 100 feet away. He quickly closed that distance and brought himself uncomfortably close to myself. Certainly closer than the arbitrary social distancing distance of 6 feet. He refused to stand any further away. At some point I demanded that he get his supervisor out there as he was low IQ and certainly not able to comprehend the medical term “Contraindicated” and that I had a medical condition that prohibits me from wearing an N95 mask. They say that an armed society is a polite society and just the exact opposite was happening because like the Israelite’s in Egypt I had been dumb enough to let myself become disarmed. If I were wearing a weapon I can guarantee you that he would have been a hell of a lot more respectful.
If this thug in blue had treated me this way outside of the HDZ ( “Hospital Disarmament Zone” ) he would have at the very least caught some pepper spray in the face if not a case of lead poisoning.
My only real weapon was my cell phone, and this thug was well trained, as he would not stop repeating the lie that recording in the hospital was a HIPPA violation. Which if it was, then all of the Cox security cameras that were trained on me at that moment are also violations of HIPPA! Regardless if someone is assaulting you, after illegally and criminally disarming you, you would be nuts not to record the incident and that is exactly what the Cox thug was trying to prevent.
What I did not catch on film was the plethora of staff – doctors in particular that did not wear a mask in the lobby – or had the mask down with their nose exposed. Or the fact that the large armed order follower also had his mask down and had pushed it up when he decided to come harass me.
It was also miraculous that up on the 9th floor where I spent the following 24 hours that no masks were required of patients! Either the flu virus can’t exist at that altitude or the Cox administration is demonstrably full of shit.
Anyhow I ended up with 2 large armed security personnel and a floor nurse in my face for close to 15 minutes. The nurse called me a racist because I told the large low IQ security person to go back to the 3rd world country that he obviously had come from. Her flippant comment really pissed me off as if I were not already pissed off. The low IQ public thinks that you can call someone a racist for any fuking illogical reason and that will shut them up. Well I did not work with me. Then this nurse tried to violate my HIPPA privacy wanting to know what the medical condition was that prevented me from wearing a mask. I also refused to give these dangerous authoritarian people my name, after which they spent about 10 minutes at the admissions desk, trying to get my name which is again a very clear violation of my HIPPA privacy protections. I suspect that my privacy was violated by the 2 ladies at the desk, they were not very convincing liars when I confronted them about this.
Fast forward a few hours, after the surgery. It’s getting late and even after 24 hours of not being able to sleep I am restless, very much due to the reception from 2 terrorists in the lobby earlier. I wait 2 hours for a “sleeping pill”. It’s a fuking 3 mg Melatonin! Again this surgery has been scheduled for over 3 months, I have insomnia, and when I desperately need to sleep, I get my leg pissed upon by the medical establishment and told that it’s raining.
I got zero informed consent until AFTER I was discharged. When I was checking out the staff printed me up the information that I should have had before the surgery! One of the critical things was the antibiotic that they had already given me 2 doses of…. I find out AFTER being given the antibiotic that possible side effects include permanent nerve damage, death, and ruptured tendons.
Getting ready to be sedated….I really needed this after the 2 terrorists in blue costumes accosted me in the lobby
Being a bit concerned, I left a message with the surgeons nurse that I was going to stop taking said medication because I thought I may have experienced two of the more minor side effects of numbness and weakness in my arm and shoulder. That was 2 days ago and I have not heard back yet!
I also went in person to the drug store to pick up my prescription (24 hours after my last dose) to see if I could get any intelligent advice from the Pharmacist. Basically I wanted to know the statistical significance of the warnings that I had read. Was permanent never damage a one on ten thing or was it a one in a billion thing? The warnings had zero statistics associated with them and were extremely insulting to anyone with half a brain. Well I guess actual facts and statistics were too complicated for this pharmacists little brain and all I could get out of her was that she would take it if she were me….
The takeaway I want you to get out of this story are several.
We are under a medical dictatorship and we have not had a free market in medicine since the 1920’s.
That the medical dictatorship is going to use this mask hysteria to bring in mandatory Bill Gates vaccines that will also be the mark of the beast.
I want to thank most of the staff at Cox, they have a difficult job to say the lest. They are IMHO caught up in an evil system over which they have little control and most of them no knowledge. They were never educated that the current medical monopoly was put into place when the Rockefeller family commissioned the Flexner Reportfor Congress back in the early 20th century. I should not have to add that the Rockefeller’s are New World Order Globalists and as such Lucefarian with a Satanic agenda. Those are the roots of our current medical monopoly. Now you know why the chronic care side of the house so closely resembles thinly veiled eugenics….because that is what it is. From my recent experience at Cox the acute care side of the house that used to be the best in the world is trying to catch up with the chronic care side of the house. We desperately need the free market to return to medicine. We were warned over 250 years ago:
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush – 1776
FWIW there is a 12 minute long video that I have not put up, due in large part to it being over 1.5 GB in size.
MFP Commentary:
Throughout my life I have witnessed an increasing militarization, and law breaking by what most people refer to as “law enforcement”. Those that have actually read the US Constitution, know that “police” are members of the executive branch. That they are referred to as “administrators” of the law. Nowhere in the entire US Constitution is “law enforcement” mentioned. That is because “law enforcement” in this county is not delegated to government! (Ponder why you have been taught the exact opposite of reality) Who is law enforcement then? You are!
Usually in the form of either a grand or petit jury. Think about it, the law is NOT enforced until YOU as a juror vote either guilty or not guilty. There is another form of law enforcement that you are part of, but you have let die out. That is the milita’s of the several states. The lack of widespread knowledge of the 2 juries and the milita are primary reasons that we have lost most of our rights in this country as these institutions are the true law enforcement in this county.
FWIW “police” are better described as Blue ISIS. This is reality. Break out of your programming before it is too late. ~MFP
This audio book was released by Constitutional attorney John Whitehead 5 years ago. Yet it contains the most poignant thoughts on our current dystopian dilemma in which men in blue costumes are currently trashing the highest law of the land, the US Constitution and our most basic rights.
Any “law” that violates the Constitution is immediately null and void. But most Americans have been so dumbed down that they don’t even know the basics. IF you want to understand what the “police” and your government are doing to your rights. You really should consider listening to this. Today.
Battlefield America: The War on the American People
In Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the follow-up to his award-winning book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead paints a terrifying portrait of a nation at war with itself and which is on the verge of undermining the basic freedoms guaranteed to the citizenry in the Constitution. Indeed, police have been transformed into extensions of the military, towns and cities have become battlefields, and the American people have been turned into enemy combatants, to be spied on, tracked, scanned, frisked, searched, subjected to all manner of intrusions, intimidated, invaded, raided, manhandled, censored, silenced, shot at, locked up, and denied due process.
Yet this police state did not come about overnight. As Whitehead notes, this shift into totalitarianism cannot be traced back to a single individual or event. Rather, the evolution has been so subtle that most American citizens were hardly even aware of it taking place. Yet little by little, police authority expanded, one weapon after another was added to the police arsenal, and one exception after another was made to the standards that have historically restrained police authority. Add to this mix the merger of Internet megacorporations with government intelligence agencies, and you have the making of an electronic concentration camp that not only sees the citizenry as databits but will attempt to control every aspect of their lives. And if someone dares to step out of line, they will most likely find an armed SWAT team at their door.
I assume that you all have heard of the illegitimate FDA “regulations” that are the main reason that we have a shortage of respirators for this crisis, and they are in effect murdering people for control and a political agenda.
Yesterday I was informed that 2 local Amish had died of pneumonia. I have had lung issues since young and decided on the spot to go purchase a battery powered nebulizer capable of nebulizing colloidal silver.
I went to Seymour Drug in Seymour MO and asked for a nebulizer. I was told that I needed a “prescription.” I thought that they misunderstood so explained exactly what I was looking for. They repeated that I needed a prescription! I then rhetorically asked them if somehow I was mistakenly in North Korea? I also added that it seemed to be the case that drug stores were in the business of killing people. I guess the government thinks I was going to shove it up my ass and kill myself with it. Really I think that it is thinly veiled eugenics like much of what the government is doing.
I was trying to act like a responsible adult and take steps that would protect the lives of myself and my immediate neighbors. Instead I was criminally refused my right to purchase this item. (there is not even a “law”! This is all illegitimate “regulation” by an unconstitutional agency: the FDA.) instead of me spending my own money to buy this product as I wanted to do….. I headed over to CoxHealth Center in Seymour. There I was told that they would not write such a permission slip without a medical history of respiratory issues. I eschew doctors so there is no such record. So I have scheduled an appointment for tomorrow morning. All paid for my medicare. i.e. the tax payer.
If you work for a living I want to thank you for paying for this unnecessary doctors visit. If they will not write the prescription tomorrow be prepared to pay even more as I will likley avail myself to an emergency room or doctor shop for another doctor that will write the permission slip. Then when that is accomplished you will also pay for an overpriced (all prescription items are overpriced) prescription nebulizer from Seymour Drugs.
**UPDATE 2 thoughts:
I was told by the pharmacist that this “law” has been in place for over 20 years. Well I hate to inform her of the fact that I bought a nebulizer 7 years ago from Seymour Drug and it didn’t require a prescription. My guess is that this FDA regulation (not law) was never enforced until recently. That way they can kill as many as possible, and create panic.
My other though is that I just learned that a friends sister in PA is in a coma and on a respirator and might not make it. What might have happened, IMHO what likley would have happened, if she had access to a $50 nebulizer and some silver or appropriate essential oil is that she would be at home recovered by now? Not the real possibly of facing her last days on this earth.
Business’s that go along with this tyranny like Seymour Drugs has done, will most likley have culpability in the deaths of local residents, unfortunately they will never be prosecuted although I think that USC title 18 sections 241 & 242 may be applicable. I see a strong parallel between this incident and the guards at Auschwitz prison camp that thought they were doing nothing wrong by gassing Jews because that was the law. It didn’t hold up an Nuremberg and they hung. The bottom line is that if I were put on a jury I would vote to convict Seymour Drugs of any number of real crimes for following this tyranny disguised as law.
Here are links to other stories about how callus government is about your life:
Let me make you aware of another area where your government is trying to kill you perhaps it should be a separate article….. We are entering into an era where we will most undoubtedly have war on this continent for the 1st time since the War of 1812:
That being said, in violation of the second amendment your government has legitimately made it a crime for millions of Americans to even own guns. Ever hear of the 1968 gun control act?
To properly defend oneself by being able to fire proper suppression fire you need a fully automatic weapon. If you don’t know that is a $50 part that you could add on to your AR15. Instead you must get government permission and likley pay around $12,000 for your full auto AR15.
Another item of war that would save possibly millions of American lives, is access to other tools of war such as explosives. Things such as dynamite, artillery, and hand grenades. FWIW these items are covered in the second amendment. When I was younger we used to get dynamite from the local hardware store. Students also used to bring their rifles to school and either leave them in their vehicle or put them in a locker if they walked. Amazinging without a big brother government we didn’t blow each other up or shoot each other.
If I could easily get dynamite now (it’s a Constitutionally protected right after all) Also I would not have had to spend the last 2 months digging out a stump in my greenhouse)
FWIW if you had traveled to Switzerland in the 1970’s you would have seen a population that had access to all of the weapons of war. In fact they were required to have fully automatic weapons hidden in their homes. Today sadly even the Swiss military has succumbed to the incrementalism of the globalists and today this is not as much the case.
When the UN troops, the Chinese and Russians come to your town please remember that your government has made it a crime for you to possess the things that you need to effectively protect the lives of your children and wives. For the uninitiated IUDs are avery affordable and effect way to defend oneself. They could save countless lives in this country. In fact over 90% of US casualties in the middle east have been from IUD’s. Such an effective way to defend yourself has been denied to you and yours – by a criminal government that urinates on the Constitution, the highest law of the land. The same goes for the lack of fully automatic weapons among the general population (the milita).
With say a full auto MP5 this old man would have a hell of lot better chance of defending myself against a large group of people that did not prepare for this and were going to kill me to take what I may have, , or a UN unit that wants to take my food or put me in a camp. The odds get even better if 4 of my neighbors have full auto MP 5’s.
Now this same criminal government that treats us as if we were niggers on their plantation, that wants to reinstitute slavery which they will euphemistically call the draft. Women will also be drafted at some point as we don’t have enough healthy men to fight this war.
Check your cognative dissonance and research every claim that I have made here. With these facts on the table I will not fight in the standing army for the government that treats me as a slave.
It’s a hard choice, but I choose not to choose either of 2 evil governments. (the present US government and China) Instead I urge you to eschew the draft. Something you should be planning right now. I also urge you ASAP to form local militias and prepper groups. Do not depend on anyone other than yourself to protect what you hold dear. If you do you will likley regret it.
Sunday 2/16/20 I was at a COSTCO near Saint Louis. I had to drive the 400 miles round trip because the Communists that run Springfield have denied COSTCO the right to build on their own land in this area. I have heard this has changed and I wonder how much it cost COSTCO to pay off the communist city council here to ignore the first plank of the communist manifesto in COSTCO’s case?
I had estimated with my POS smart phone calculator that the bill should be little over $500. The first total was $739.44!! I knew I was not that far off and after much back and forth I convinced that cashier that each case of sardines had 6 packs in them and not 12! Even after showing him – he wanted to ring them up as 12 to case! ( He must have attended a government school). The bill he then presented was for $579.44! (picture below) Still a lot bit higher than I thought correct so I thought it a good idea to ring it up again and if no mistakes were made it should ring up at $579.44 again. Correct?
$579.44 at COSTCO
Instead of ringing it all up again immediately, they shuffled me and the cart aside to wait on a manager to do it again at another register.
This time the total came out to be $642.73! A $63 difference! More than a few items.
COSTCO $642.73
Something is very very wrong when 2 totals on the same cart shows a $63 discrepancy. Worse yet the manager would not let me ring it up myself the 3rd time because you should get the same total twice. Instead they checked each item against the tape, which in theory should be right but not having hours to try and tease out what errors might be introduced I went ahead and paid $63 more than what the first total was.
He bottom line is that they got 3 different totals for my cart and no 2 of them were the same. They refused to ring the cart up again until they got the same total for a second time. I feel like the victim of an armed robbery after doing business there. FWIW I had a very substandard experience the last time I went to this COSTCO also….as poorly as modern business’s are run it’s hard to keep up with the incompetence.
I am currently looking for a good tape calculator for the smartphone. I can not tell you the number of times that I have found mistakes on a receipt, most often in the stores favor. FWIW SAMS club has an application that lets you ring out your purchases that could be used in this manner.
If you have any stories like this, let us know by posting in the comment section below.
MFP Commentary: Places like the Fordland Medical Clinic tell all sorts of lies. One of the bigger ones, is that your confidential medical information (including psychological records) is private. There are HIPPA laws…blah, bah, blah…. People that are paying attention know that this is another blatant government lie. Google is currently openly stating that they have over 100 million private medical records that the Fordland medical monopoly tells you are private, as do the psychopaths in our legislatures.
I am confident that if there is ever a federal mandate to send your medical records directly to Google that the Fordland clinic will do do without hesitation. Why do I think this?
My interactions with and the resulting despicable behavior of this woman:
Sonia Cass – AKA “Nurse Ratchet” – the person most responsible for destroying what little medical rights I had left after their implementing of Federal Mandates.
MFP Commentary: As you may well know at the Fordland Clinic, pharmaceuticals are the answer to every possible condition that you may have. Despite the FACT that none of them cure anything, have very serious side effects, and that you must take them forever! Ask about a way to actually cure your condition, and not just cover up the symptoms with drugs, and they look like deer in the headlights as they say “I don’t know”. Read this story for more on the Fordland Clinic: MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic? ~MFP
We poison our mitochondria with drugs we buy over the counter or get by prescription as a matter of routine. Our doctors, medical organizations and governmental organizations believe they are doing us a favor poisoning people with dangerous drugs and complain bitterly when we self-administer safe ones like medical marijuana and sodium bicarbonate. Most medical studies are ridiculously wrong and seriously misleading. It is a fact that all studies are biased and flawed in their own unique ways and have led to the creation of a form of medicine that just does not work at all to cure people of their diseases.
My 77 year old mother is in Florida. In April she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and had one breast removed in addition to a few lymph nodes. She finished Chemo and was about to finally start radiation 2 days ago and was told she now has bone cancer. The doctor who is treating her said he used your book on his father and it worked miracles. Now my 81 year old father is obsessed with your book Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment. My father has asked me to get him your book, and I’m happy to do so.
In Medical Express we read of their surprise that tetracycline-based antibiotics have an unexpected effect on the development of many organisms. Unexpected? It is no secret that most drugs are mitochondrial poisons. The Medical Express essay points out that not only are doctors poisoning us but that these antibiotics are widely administrated to livestock and that there are serious issues of soil pollution by these antibiotics. In 2011, 5.6 million kg of tetracycline was administered to US livestock. A study showed that nearly half of the 210 kg of antibiotics produced in China in 2007 were tetracyclines for veterinary use….Read More
(Natural News) A bombshell new video published by Project Veritas reveals ABC News anchor Amy Robach admitting on a hot mic that her network deliberately covered up the mass child rape crimes of Jeffrey Epstein in order to protect Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew.
The video, which YouTube has not yet banned (but probably will soon), shows Robach saying the following:…..Read More
MFP Commentary: It was during a recent phone conversation that I had to hang up on nurse Sonia Cass at the Fordland Medical Clinic, because she was as ignorant as it gets about vaccines, and was defending them as being completely harmless and that they NEVER harmed anyone. She was also defending a Federal mandate of doing a surreptitious psychological evaluation of every patient. I was deceived by by doctor there and subjected to such an evaluation after being deceived and without any meaningful informed consent.
For disagreeing with her and criticizing her God the AMA standards of care and Federal Mandates , she banned me an elderly person from receiving any care at the clinic including the sliding scale dental care. So basically on a fixed income I am in a position where I can not now afford dental care at all. In the long run this is a death sentence, and years taken off of the life for an elderly person. Here is the beginning of that saga:
(Natural News) The producers of Vaxxed2 — the new vaccine truth documentary highlighted at — joined me at the InfoWars studios for an exclusive interview about the launch of this powerful film that’s set to blow the lid on the epidemic of vaccine injuries that are killing and maiming children across America (and around the world).
The full interview, shown below via, is a powerful must-see discussion about vaccines and the “war zone” of mass death they’re unleashing across America.
Children are being hospitalized, maimed and killed because of dangerous ingredients that are deliberately formulated into vaccines. And no one is allowed to talk about it.
The vaccine industry preys on children, deceives the public, aggressively hypes every outbreak (even the ones caused by vaccines) and pressures the tech giants to censor any truth about the dangers of vaccine ingredients. This is an industry dominated by a twisted combination of pure evil and mad science.
Vaxxed2 theater locations are being kept secret until 24 hours before launch
Vaxxed2 opens in theaters nationwide on November 6th. The theater locations have to be kept secret until 24 hours before the films play, due to extreme threats of violence and terrorism against the Vaxxed2 film producers. Sign up to be alerted to theater locations at
In mid-December, the full film will be available as a paid video on
Watch the shocking, full interview here and share everywhere: