Poison your Mitochondria with Pharmaceuticals

MFP Commentary: 
As you may well know at the Fordland Clinic, pharmaceuticals  are the answer to every possible condition that you may have. Despite the FACT that none of them cure anything, have very serious side effects, and that  you must take them forever!  Ask about a way to actually cure your condition, and not just  cover up the symptoms with drugs, and they look like deer in the headlights as they say “I don’t know”. 
Read this story for more on the Fordland Clinic:
MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic?

Published on March 24, 2015

Poison your Mitochondria with Pharmaceuticals

We poison our mitochondria with drugs we buy over the counter or get by prescription as a matter of routine. Our doctors, medical organizations and governmental organizations believe they are doing us a favor poisoning people with dangerous drugs and complain bitterly when we self-administer safe ones like medical marijuana and sodium bicarbonate. Most medical studies are ridiculously wrong and seriously misleading. It is a fact that all studies are biased and flawed in their own unique ways and have led to the creation of a form of medicine that just does not work at all to cure people of their diseases.

My 77 year old mother is in Florida. In April she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and had one breast removed in addition to a few lymph nodes. She finished Chemo and was about to finally start radiation 2 days ago and was told she now has bone cancer. The doctor who is treating her said he used your book on his father and it worked miracles. Now my 81 year old father is obsessed with your book Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment. My father has asked me to get him your book, and I’m happy to do so.

In Medical Express we read of their surprise that tetracycline-based antibiotics have an unexpected effect on the development of many organisms. Unexpected? It is no secret that most drugs are mitochondrial poisons. The Medical Express essay points out that not only are doctors poisoning us but that these antibiotics are widely administrated to livestock and that there are serious issues of soil pollution by these antibiotics. In 2011, 5.6 million kg of tetracycline was administered to US livestock. A study showed that nearly half of the 210 kg of antibiotics produced in China in 2007 were tetracyclines for veterinary use….Read More