President Trump,
Today, December 23, is the anniversary of the reading of Thomas Paine’s The American Crisis, Number 1, to Washington’s troops as they prepared their minds, bodies, and spirits for the critical battle of Trenton, which turned the tide of the war. General Washington had suffered defeat after defeat, and both he and his men were worn down. Many of his men were demoralized. He needed a victory, and to get one, he needed to go on the offensive. And he did. He ordered Thomas Paine’s immortal words read aloud to his men, to get their minds right, and then General Washington penned a simple note to himself: “victory or death” – which became the password for the operation to cross the Delaware and attack the Hessians. At that time, there were many on both sides predicting his inevitable defeat, declaring that he was done, that the cause was lost. Many turned against him. But Washington did not listen to the doubting Thomas’s who were urging him to give up, to try to make a deal with the enemy. Instead, he went on the offensive. He attacked. And he won.
Like Washington, you have suffered defeats, treachery, and people you trusted abandoning you, or even turning on you (modern day “Benedict Arnolds” abound). Like Washington, you have people in your ear, urging you to give up, to make a deal. Don’t do it. Follow Washington’s example and attack.
In our last open letter to you, we urged you to invoke the insurrection act, declaring an insurrection to be in existence by domestic enemies of the Constitution who are in allegiance with, and doing the biding of, Communist China and its globalist allies, intent on stealing the election and installing their puppet. We urged you to use SOCOM and other loyal military units to seize the data not just on election fraud, but also all data held by U.S. intelligence agencies and federal law enforcement that contain the dirt on all American elites who have been bribed or blackmailed by the Chinese Communist regime, or other foreign powers, or who are ideological fellow-travelers and willingly doing their bidding.
We urged you to use your absolute power to declassify ANY secret information and do a Wikileaks style data-dump of that information on the traitors, to expose them all (regardless of political party). This will show the American people who has been compromised and who is a traitor. And that will give you the credibility in the only court that really matters at this moment – the court of public opinion among the patriots, and among the military – to do what you must do, which is to walk the same path of decisive action that President Lincoln took.
We pointed out that this is a matter of duty, and is your final, last chance to save this Republic. To that, we add the following:
You are running out of time.
The Deep State strategy had been, from day one, to do to you what they did to President Reagan: Surround you with Deep State agents who will assist in containing you by giving you terrible advice and by refusing to take meaningful action in any of their posts (AG Barr is but one example) and then run the clock out on you, until you are gone (and stealing your re-election to avoid the risk of having you in for eight full years). Right now there are still “advisors” around you telling you that you cannot use the Insurrection Act or do a mass data seizure/data dump to expose the traitors, or take other decisive action to defend our Constitution. Or they are telling you that you must wait for various reasons – such as waiting until after January 6, when the joint session of Congress meets to process the electoral college votes. Do not listen to them. That’s just part of the plan to run the clock out on you. Do your duty, and do it now. Recognize you are already in a war, and you must act as a wartime president, and there is not a minute to lose.
Do it now. And don’t let the fact that it is Christmas stop you.
Remember, George Washington led his men across the frozen Delaware river on Christmas in 1776 to attack the Hessians at Trenton early the next morning. Do the same to the Deep State traitors and ChiCom puppets. Attack them now, using your most effective weapons – your irrefutable powers as Commander-in-Chief and the Insurrection Act of 1807. Give American patriots a grand Christmas present by dropping the hammer now. Attack our enemies and deal them a crushing blow while they sleep, wrapped in their arrogance.

Why you should not wait until Jan 6, 2021:
The Republicans in Congress, in both the House and Senate (with a small handful of notable exceptions) are very likely to stab you in the back, just like the GOP controlled RINO state legislatures did. The Deep State wants you to wait till January 6, 2021 so their GOP puppets (such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell) can betray you yet again, violating their oaths, and certifying electors for a fraudulent imposter. And if you then take action, they will call you a dictator, accusing you of taking action only to stay in power. Under those circumstances, more military service-members may mistakenly believe that Biden is the legitimate President-elect and more of them will unwittingly obey stand down orders from turn-coat Generals. This does NOT mean that if you wait till then, that you should not still take decisive action if that comes to pass. You should still invoke the Insurrection Act and do what must be done. But it will be better for you to do it now, rather than after the 6th.
The GOP controlled state legislatures and other Republican officials in the swing states have already stabbed you in the back and betrayed their oaths, by certifying fraudulent elections that were not conducted according to the Constitutional mandate that “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors …”
Those GOP controlled state legislatures, executive branches, and judiciaries knew that the voting was not done according to actual state law, but was instead done contrary to state law in multiple ways, making the selection of the electors unconstitutional. And they also knew there was fraud, all resulting the in the disenfranchisement of legitimate voters, who’s right to equal protection of the laws was violated. And yet they still certified the fraudulent, unconstitutional results, and so far have refused and/or failed to decertify or overturn them.
And the courts, at every level, all the way up to the Supreme Court, have also refused to do their duty to defend the Constitution, and to secure the rights of the people, and have let this fraudulent farce go on.
Why should you expect anything better from even worse swamp creatures in the U.S. House and Senate? You should expect the dividing lines to be similar to the number of Republicans in Congress who voted “no” on the latest Stimulus Bill. Only a small handful of Republican Senators had any integrity. It will be the same with the Electoral College slates. The majority of them will join in with their Democratic fellow swamp creatures – even the ones you endorsed and helped get elected or re-elected. They will protect and preserve the swamp instead of the Constitution. They are loyal to the globalist oligarchy and to the interests of Communist China, instead of loyal to the Constitution or to the American people….Read More