And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles and to the rulers and to the rest of the people, “Be not ye afraid of them; remember the Lord, who is great and fearsome, and fight for your brethren, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your houses.” ~Nehemiah 4:14
This useful idiot of a sheriff, like most all of our county sheriffs, is totally ignorant that it was the Globalist United Nations that gave all of the industrialized nations a schedule of prohibited “drugs” back in the 1980’s.
The globalists wanted to recreate the Opium Wars in China that made them so very rich and gave them so much power.
This useful idiot of a sheriff, does not seem to believe that human beings have the God given right to choose what they ingest. That is why he is OK, I assume, with the children’s minds in his county to be forcibly damaged without any consent, in violation of the Nuremberg Treaty, with so called “fluoride” in the drinking water.
Following that logic he should also be OK with forced COVID shots, and even help in forcibly administering them, because he does not seem to believe that men made in the image of God have the free will, God given right, to choose what they put into their bodies. ~MFP
6/30/22 What we euphemistically call Courts are a Satanic abomination and a lie
“Case law is not anything other than Lucifer’s imposition of evolution on God’s Natural Laws, that we live under via the Constitution. “
Courts and judges are supposed to only be a framework for the 4th branch of government to function. That 4th branch being the Jury, whose job is to decide the guilt or innocence of the charged party, and also to judge the law.
When the law is tyrannical or misapplied they have the duty to find the defendant not guilty.
The Judge is there only to make sure that the rules are followed, or to answer any legal and procedural questions that the jury may have. The purpose of a judge is NOT to make decisions that we call “case law” that in effect act as if the legislature wrote a new law.
Every court proceeding should have a jury, and we should have the option of a jury trail for every matter where the government wants to do something to us. (But we don’t) That includes the government taking your home for an unpaid bank loan. That includes when the government wants to take your home because you did not pay it’s extortion demands, that we euphemistically call the property tax. When it is in reality the 1st plank of the Satanic Communist Manifesto. That also includes when the state wants to kidnap your child using CPS and the County Sheriff to accomplish this crime. This also includes when the IRS without trial, seizes your home and bank account and you have no resources left to take them to court!
The US Constitution guarantees us a system of Common Law. Which if you don’t know, is based solely upon God’s Natural Law. Our system is totally incompatible with what we call “case law”. Yet we accept it.
In the mandatory 12 year indoctrination camps (the 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto) you never learned where this abomination called case law came from:
In John A. Stormer’s book: Betrayed by the Bench: How Judge-made Law Has Transformed America’s Constitution, Courts and Culture you learn the truth.
It was in the 1860’s that a globalist Illuminati dean of the Harvard Law school by the name of Christopher Columbus Langdell came up with the idea of “case law”. He said that law like people should evolve. Case law is not anything other than Lucifer’s imposition of evolution on God’s Natural Laws that we live under via the Constitution. If you don’t know, God’s laws do not evolve.
Today the modern church supports case law. (That is how Roe V Wade allowed the murder of unborn children for 50 years) The modern church supports much of Satan’s agenda. This is what happens when you dumb a people down. They don’t know right from wrong:
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
In summary all that a court proceeding should produce is either a verdict of guilty or non guilty. Anything else has Lucifer’s hand on it. ~MFP
The elephant in the room is that with the Modern Church’s, Satanic interpretation of Romans 13, (basically that government is God) the total lack of understanding the Constitution, the principles that this country was founded upon, and God’s Natural Law, has resulted in the Modern Church not only not knowing right from wrong, but the Churches active support of evil!
For instance, all 10 planks of the Satanic Communist manifesto are at the very least not opposed in the Modern Church, and most often actively supported.
“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” ~Revelation 3:15-16
Try to get a Church to get upset that our children’s minds are being destroyed by the fluoride in the water and you just get a deer in the headlights blank stare. They don’t freaking care! The churches are full of non thinking dumbed down zombies.
Jesus told us that we shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Yet you can not find dumber people that do not have a thirst for the truth, than in the Modern Christian Church!
When you do not oppose evil, the evil grows, and eventually comes to bite you in the ass.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” ~ Edmund Burke
The reason that evil is winning the war with the Church is that the Church has refused to either see evil or address it for the past 100 years. The Church is reaping what it has sown, and in many respects richly deserves the persecution that it is predictably experiencing.
Why is no one calling out the fraud of fractional reserve banking Eric? The “money” loaned by these fractional reserve banks was counterfeited, and IMHO their customers likely don’t owe the bank anything.
Why when the Constitution guarantees a jury trial are these homeowners not getting a jury trial where jurors like me could tell the banks to go pound salt! That they are NOT going to steal all of our homes and farms with the same fraudulent scam they used in the great depression.
It seems that in the past 90 years that Americans have not learned a damn thing and that they enjoy being slaves on the banker plantation! —–
If we don’t challenge the legitimacy of these fake “loans” and the totally rigged game they are playing, most of the people in this country are going to lose their homes and or farms (and go to camps eventually).
This would not only protect us from the bankers but the 1st plank of the Communist manifest: The County property tax collectors that IMHO are on board with the NWO, and will soon be trying to add a carbon tax to the already existent extortion racket that they run.
Juries can not only nullify criminal bankers, and property tax collectors, they can with properly educated citizens, nullify any tyrannical law passed by the Federal, State, or local legislators.
That with only 8.3% of the population on board. A lot less than the 50%+ needed for the ineffective and rigged “vote”,
We MUST demand a jury trial as guaranteed in the 6th and 7th amendments for ANY action the government wants to take toward us.
6/26/22 – Maybe the most important read of your lifetime.
Every problem we now face, such as runaway inflation, 50 years of butchering babies, the food shortage, and more are a direct result of not understanding the US Constitution.
Why does no one in the this country understand the US Constitution?
One hundred and fifty years ago, eighth graders graduating high school understood the Constitution. As did most of the adults in this country. Today your country sheriff, your Pastor, the teachers in the school, the local State and Federal Politicians, the President and the Justices on the Supreme Court , ALL do not even remotely understand the highest law of the land, the Constitution.
What happened is that we implemented all 10 planks of the Satanic Communist Manifesto in this Country, in particular the 10th plank: “Free education for all children in public schools.” That was in large part how the entire population has been brainwashed and dumbed down. God tells us in 2 Thessalonians 2:11:
“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:”
And boy how that has happened, on so many fronts including the lack of understanding of the Constitution in this country.. In believing this lie your Sheriff, Pastor, and Politicians are serving Satan. There is no other way to put it. And yes your Pastor is actively serving Satan in his ignorance. We can not ignore the fact that ignorant pastors were a major contributor to the murder of 50 million unborn children in this country through abortion!
Simply put the Constitution is a legally binding contract between sovereign countries known as the 50 states. The 50 states are the “parties to the contract”. With this contract they created the Federal Government, and explicitly delegated a very few of their sovereign powers. In contract law the Federal government is known as the “product of the Contract” . Note that the word “delegate”, means that a superior party is temporarily and conditionally granting an inferior party certain powers.
Now in the case when the inferior party to the contract breaks the contract, and steals powers it was never given, as in the case of the Roe V Wade decision, the States are negligent in taking the matter at hand to the Courts of the thief to decide! The Federal Government is not the final arbiter. The States and the people are. The 9th and 10th amendments confirm my assertion as does contract law.
What the States should have done with Roe v Wade is to ignore the illegitimate claims of the Federal Government. They could also have passed laws “nullifying” it’s enforcement within their State exactly like Missouri has done with the “2nd amendment preservation act” and it’s nullification of the Federal marijuana laws. There are literally tens of thousands of so called Federal laws that need to be ignored and or nullified.
To enforce it’s sovereignty, the sovereign States had State Militia’s. The founders warned us that militias were “necessary” if we wished to remain free.
They also warned us about standing armies, like the standing army that is universally supported by “Modern Christians”. We have ignored both of these jewels of wisdom. The founders were casting pearls before swine it seems.
The population is also dumbed down on the purpose and power of the jury. The jury has the power not only to judge guilt or innocence but also the legitimacy of any law, and they have a duty to nullify bad/tyrannical laws. For various reasons beyond the scope of this article we do not have a functioning jury system any more than we have a functioning Constitution.
Should you actually wish to get a more complete understanding of what I have stated, there is no better source than this talk by Constitutional Attorney Kris Ann Hall.
Mike you are a bright guy most of the time, but you really blew my mind with your ignorance of what a “right” is. You don’t seem to know American history or our founding documents nor the word of God when you went along with “felons” not having a right to self defense. Do you know that the right to self defense was never taken from Felons in our entire history until 1968? It was not until the 1968 Gun Control act lifted directly from Nazi German law, that this became the case.
The “opinions” of sexually confused men in black dress’s can not change history nor what a right is. An Inalienable right ( a right given by God) Mike by definition can not be removed by anyone. To think so is blasphemous. That is what the 2nd amendment clearly says. What part of “shall not be infringed” does not register in your gray matter?
I don’t understand the mind control that you are under, but you sound like a tyrant and an ignoramus when you state that you believe that rights are not rights and that in direct violation of the second amendment that they can be removed. That was not the case when the country was founded and for almost 200 years following that. Mike did Jesus Christ tell us to go buy a sword? Or did he tell only the non-felons to buy a sword?
Sometimes I think you may have a fluoride addiction Mike. Your brain clearly is not functioning in a rational manner.
On it’s face, Americans are incredibility stupid to accept this! First of all it says that our rights come from the courts, and the government rather than the living God. The Declaration says that we have ALL rights and that they come from God not the Supreme Court.
Secondly he second Amendment clearly states that the Federal Government shall not write ANY laws infringing upon our right to self defense. If that is the case a Supreme court decision that we can’t carry guns would be illegitimate. As would be their opinion that we can carry guns.
ALL of the Federal courts rulings supporting various gun law restrictions, like the 1934 Federal Firearms Act and the 1968 Gun Control Act are self evidently illegitimate. Their rulings themselves violate the 2nd amendment and smack of treason. Anyone for hanging those judges that violate our rights with their treasonous and illegitimate “opinions”?
If that is not clear enough for the morons in this country the 9th and 10th amendments say that the rights not delegated by the Sovereign States to the Federal Government are reserved for the States and the People! That means that the Federal government has zero say in this matter because they were never delegated this power from the States.
Only a Nation of Morons would go along with this law breaking and illogic. A nation of morons is what we have become. ~MFP
6/23/22 While I like the end result here. This ruling is totally without any Constitutional authority to do so:
When the States delegated some very limited authority to the Federal Government, with the US Constitution, they did not give ANY authority away concerning the right of self defense!
The second amendment is, a prohibition on the Federal government from passing laws that infringe on our right to self defense. Nothing more. (and they don’t even follow that)
The Constitution did not make the SCOTUS a God over the States. The supreme courts ruling is as illegitimate over the sovereign country of NY as it would be if the SCOTUS ruled that France’s gun laws were null and void!
The 12 year dumbing down camps have created a nation of morons, that do not understand our system of government at all.
6/22/22 The Globalist told us that they were going to put things into the air the water and the food to control us:
The Globalists have been caught again in their eugenics operations. They are spraying nano-aluminum into the atmosphere that is drastically increasing Alzheimer’s. They are putting halides such as chlorine, fluoride, and bromine into our water and food. They have taken iodine out of bread flower. Aluminum is added as a flow agent in your table salt.
What is about to come out is that bisphenol A was chosen for your food containers and packaging over many safe plastics that that do no dissolve into the water. Bisphenol A was purposely chosen both because it dissolves in water and that it disrupts hormones, feminizing men , and super feminizing women.
Wonder why most men are girly men and don’t stand up against evil?
It’s not just the fluoride, it’s also the plastics used in the food supply, and the Satanic version of Romans 13 that your church is preaching, that have killed the Amerikan male. ~MFP
I have an offline cell phone that has no cell service. There is a Voltage Sim card in the phone that is not active. (I could never get cell reception with them anyhow) Wi-Fi is turned off. Yet when I go into the Bivy app for my satellite texting device, I can do voice dictation using Google like I do when I send text messages from my active cell phone!
I do not believe that you can fit a voice recognition app on a cell phone, they are way too large. So it is not local. Something very very strange is going on here. Google somehow seems to have access to phones that are not connected to anything!!!
The next thing I am going to do is to take out the SIM card (I don’t have reception here with this card when I tried to get it to work) and to turn off the Bluetooth to my Bivy. Neither are capable of doing this but I will check regardless.
This is unbelievable! ~MFP
THE ANSWER Dave, is to DEMAND jury trials that are guaranteed by the 6th and 7th amendments in the US Constitution, and our our State Constitutions! That or the banks are going to steal most of the farms and homes in this country, just like they did in the 1930’s when they purposely collapsed the economy during the Great Depression.
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” ~Thomas Jefferson
Juries can nullify this evil if we educate the moronic sheep to recognize that we the people created government and that it answers to us!
“…That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…” ~Declaration of Independence
Either we use the juries to peacefully deal with this or we will be faced with fighting to the death to protect our homes against a Satanic government. Make your choice.
And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles and to the rulers and to the rest of the people, “Be not ye afraid of them; remember the Lord, who is great and fearsome, and fight for your brethren, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your houses.” ~Nehemiah 4:14
6/19/22 “Diverse weights and diverse measures, They are both alike, an abomination to the LORD.” ~Proverbs 20:10
God hates our fiat money system, yet I have never met a “modern Christian” that does. By their actions, Christians seem to be at war with God. They weekly throw this abomination into the collection plate without any thought:
God told us that Gold was good: Seymour Pastor Doug Tjaden,
wrote a book on this very topic:
Fool’s Gold How the Traditions of Men Have Replaced Honest Money
6/16/22 The MO Attorney Generals Office is nothing but a criminal organization that aids Criminals in violating our rights
This is the insulting cookie cutter response you get from the AG’s office each and every time the law is broken and your rights are violated:
RE: Complaint No. CC-2022-06-0038XXX – XX Phone Store Dear xxxxx Thank you for providing information about the above-referenced company. Although our office is prohibited by law from acting as your private attorney, we will attempt to assist you by contacting the company and requesting an explanation of the matter you reported. Missouri law does not permit us to represent you in a private dispute, nor does it allow our office to sue solely to recover your losses or damages. Thus, if your complaint can be mediated, our goal is to resolve the complaint through correspondence………
If the MO AG’s office does not go after crime, then what the hell are they good for? We need to abolish useless tax feeders like this that we support at a MUCH higher standard of living than we have. Do you think that any of these government psychopaths will have to rely on the 2% return of Social Security, and have to get by on $1000 a month in retirement like we their bosses do? They sure do not earn their stolen from us salaries!
To make this even more egregious, and insulting, it is the government that has forced us at gun point into 12 year indoctrination camps where unlike 150 years ago when schools were private, and not an implementation of the 10th plank of the Communist manifesto, that they purposely do not teach the citizens anything about the law! This is done on purpose so that we are totally reliant on their overpriced government monopoly of legal representation.
What these psychopaths in Jeff City have done is to take the God given free-market right to practice law and to hire those that we wish for this purpose, and turned it into a government controlled monopoly. With this monopoly they have caused (by making it a monopoly) to be so high priced that most can not afford it!!
The bottom line is that most Americans have zero access to any due process or justice, and the Satanic Psychopaths in government have convinced the dumber than a box of rocks population, that this unconstitutional Criminal legal “licensing:” is done to protect us! Nothing could be further from the truth!
How does not educating you on a topic, and then artificially pricing a God given right beyond your economic access protect you? Do you see how they (like Satan) keep repeating lies, and the dumb population swallows it, hook line and sinker? ~MFP
Newspapers like this are clearly owned, and controlled by the globalists. You can read it for years, and not see a single story about anything of importance. The only known use for papers like this is in the outhouse.
If you subscribe to rags like this you are part of the problem.
6/14/22 It looks as if sleepy Joe is doing with hazmat what he has done with baby formula
I ordered some primers from MidwayUSA 7 days ago. They still have not shipped. The story is that UPS does not have enough drivers to pick up the primers, and is asking for almost an entire month to pick up these hazmat orders!
This stinks to high heaven, and idolatry. The god of modern Christians, the government, seems to have decreed and orchestrated the halting of reloading materials, just like they have done with the rest of the supply chain.
I do not believe this is a coincidence, but a malevolent action to deny Americans the ability to defend themselves. Which might be soon needed if they dare to run their gun confiscation fantasy.
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” ~Thomas Jefferson
6/13/22 Americans have forgotten that the Jury is as important as the 2nd amendment
It should shock you that you have never been told that the jury is the 4th branch of government, and perhaps the most powerful tool we have to thwart government tyranny.
It is clearly more powerful than the vote that takes 51% of the population to prevail while with a jury it only takes one of twelve, or 8% of the population to prevail.
The sad truth is that we have lost both our juries, and the 2nd amendment (the militia) in this country. Both need to be fully restored. The state of New Hampshire has recently recognized that citizens were being lied to by judges, and passed a law requiring judges in the state to inform juries of their very substantial powers.
Simply put, juries have the power to judge not only the facts of the case (the guilt or innocence) but they have the right and the duty to also judge the law, and to negate bad law.
The Luciferians that we have let, run things have made a LOT of headway. Not only have they dumbed the population down to where they do not even understand the power and duties of the jury, they are actually denying trial by jury on the most important matters.! Such as: CPS taking your child. Or the crooked property tax collector or bank that wants to take your home.
As things stand, the system is broken, because the 12 year dumbing down camps worked amazingly well. The people need to be educated is the bottom line.
“An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.”
~Paraphrase of Thomas Jefferson’s thoughts on education
6/11/22 Americans are being denied due process and trial by jury and they are too dumbed down to notice:
The jury trial, is clearly guaranteed by the 6th and 7th amendments to the Constitution, and also by your State Constitution. Americans were never taught this in the 12 year long dumbing down camps, but the jury trial is the 4th branch of government. It is an absolute bulwark against tyranny, and it does not take 51% of the population to be effective. One out of 12 can nullify a bad and tyrannical law. That is 8.3% of the population !
The entire process has been subverted and bastardized by the Satanists that run this country. They have gotten a complete pass in doing so by the ubiquitously apostate Christian Churches in this Country.
A process known as “voir dire” is used to get rid of any intelligent potential juror,s and to make sure that you do not get a jury of your peers.
In this process anyone that knows the common law practice, of jury nullification is disqualified. The Satanic government has gone as far as to charge those exercising this God given right with a felony! While the State of NH for a time required the judge at every trial to inform the jury of their right to nullify law. To judge both the facts of the case and to also to judge the law itself.
It gets much worse. Not happy to tamper with juries our Satanically led government has outright denied jury trials, in many cases, and Americans have accepted this gross crime because sexually confused men in black dress’s say its OK. (case law)
Thomas Jefferson certainly did not accept this as fact:
“You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.” ~Thomas Jefferson
One of the most egregious denials of due process is in cases where CPS (child protective services) decides to kidnap your child. If you are not out protesting, and trying to correct this injustice, the living God has a word for you”. Your inaction to protect these children makes you very culpable in his eyes:
“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” ~Matthew 18:6
How about the so called “fluoride” that is being used to destroy the bodies and minds of children from coast to coast? Did they get any due process before being forcibly medicated? This is in direct contradiction to the Nuremberg treaty’s protection against medical treatment without your consent. Isn’t this the same thing as forced COVID injections?
Do you get a jury trial when the IRS confiscates your bank account and everything that you own?
Perhaps the most egregious of all is the taking of peoples homes (often a death sentence for the old) without ANY due process.
If the implementer of the 1st plank of the Communist Manifesto, the property tax collector, takes your home, you do not get a jury trial even when your home is at stake and the “law” says that you get a jury trial! Without the power of the 4th branch of government, a jury of your peers, the government can make you homeless without the most powerful protections of our rights that we have in this country.
Credit card companies have surreptitiously added language to their credit contracts, that while they charge you usurious 25% interest of an unsecured loan, they still lay claim to real property as collateral!
The jury is not even allowed to oversee this egregious crime!
Let’s add in the fact that credit card companies use fractional reserve banking, and actually counterfeit 90% of the money that they load you. On top of the crime of counterfeiting, they are taking homes without any due process!
There are dozens of other circumstances where you get no jury trial. Take the involuntary committal laws, that are ubiquitously abused. Take the “Red Flag Laws” where they come and take your property. ( firearms could be your retirement account)
Even if you somehow do manage to get a jury trial, the jury is most likely not aware of their right and duty to nullify bad law. The Satanic government has unconstitutionally created a monopoly of legal defense in this country, insuring that most of us can not afford legal representation! This is a very rigged game, that is criminally rigged, redundantly at multiple levels.
Don’t blame this on someone else. It’s your apathy, complacency, cowardliness, and ignorance that is letting this happen.
We wonder why we live in abject lawlessness. The answer is staring you in the mirror. The people are completely cut off from exercising their duty to be judges of the law and yet you sit and do nothing.
Ted Gunderson, a FBI whistleblower, stated that “the CIA makes the mafia look like a Sunday school class” and that the CIA and FBI is “behind most if not all” terrorism…”
5/27/22 Multiple Shooters in Uvalde TX shooting Mike Adams interviewed Steve Quayle on the Alex Jones show today. Steve says that sources told him that there were multiple shooters, and even dark tinted sedans such as those used by the Federal Intel guys at the school
. He calls it a Satanic MK Ultra sacrifice. One thing is for sure this is NOT what they are trying to pitch. They murdered children in the OK city bombing to get their agenda trough and they just murdered children in Uvalde to try and get national gun confiscation.
Do not ever surrender your guns! ~MFP
5/27/22 Cancer in ALL Vaccines I knew that I had been injected by the medical monopoly with a cancer virus, SV 40, to be exact. It was in the Polio vaccines in the late 50’s and early 60’s.
Today I heard Dr, Judy Mikovits, of Plannedemic fame, talking on the Alex Jones Show. (Sorry for the biased link, ALL of the search results were skewed to the leftist world paradigm) She blew my mind when she clearly and unambiguously said: ALL current vaccines were bio-weapons that carry cancer virus’s and that they have been doing this for 40 years! Do not take ANY vaccines ever according to this expert.
5/27/22 Jeff Bezos knows where YOU live
A white nondescript mystery van pulled up to the house today.
It seems like Amazon is going more low key.
I did not see any external cameras, but suspect that they are there.
The alarming thing is that they have my (and your) location in a GPS system or they could not have found me. 10 Years ago before the package companies started GPS’ing our locations the new drivers would always be stopping and asking where a particular address was. Today they come directly to your home.
This is in addition to Amazon selling all of your information and order content to the US intel community, skirting the 4th and 5th amendments. You can also bet that the Communist Chinese Military has full access to this information. With just the GPS info once they identify you as a possible adversary they could just mortar your GPS location with nerve gas. Nothing is going to be out of bounds in the upcoming world war.
5/25/22 Tyranny from FedEx
To mail a package with Fed Ex (the company that recently got away with stealing a package of mine because their was an errant hazmat sticker on the box.)
This morning I was refused mailing a return to Walmart at the local dollar General. The reason why? I had disconnected my cell phone service, and the number I gave them was not a working number. I finally came up with a working number (not mine) so it got mailed. They also refused to give me a receipt.
If this went over you head this is an illustration of the New World Order control grid. Eventually you will not be able to do anything without a cell phone to track and trace you. The coming rationing of gasoline and food is going to hinge upon you having a cell phone. What I went though was literally just Lucifer training us for what is coming. ~MFP
It is not coincidence that I have never found a dentist or dental employee that was familiar with the work of Weston A Price. Price did 2000 man years of dental research over a 20 year period with 100 world class scientists as employees. All of my dentists went to dental school and were indoctrinated and lied to. The only reason that his has succeeded is because spineless Amerikans have allowed unconstitutional medical monopolies started by agents of Lucifer. That and dentists are not intellectually curious in the least. I.e. they don’t care to discover the truth as long as they make money. The bottom line is that our tyrannical government using medical licensing is killing us while telling us that they are protecting us. ~MFP
Commie California Governor Newsom – 5/22/22 As many know, during the COVID lock downs , Newsom sent one billion dollars of the CA tax payers money to China for “masks”. Masks that were never delivered. Recently Mike Adams added to the story stating that Newsom received 500 million dollars in gold and silver as a kick back. He is also 100% on board with the coming Red Dawn Invasion. ~MFP
The White House – 5/21/22 It might sound crazy but, Roger Stone reported recently that a inter-dimensional Portal opened above the White House so that Lucifer could speak directly with Joe Biden.
Steve Steve Quayle has reported that Satanic Ritual Blood Sacrifices have been a regular thing at the White House during a few administrations prior to Trump. Melania Trump would not move into the White House until the demons that lived there were exercised! With Biden the demons and Sacrifices are back ~MFP
“But don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.” ~Matthew 10:26
You have heard that history repeats itself:
Hidden history from the Great Depression – 5/19/22
Recency the federal government has been using the PCR test to fake disease in the nations chicken flocks, and then having them destroyed. All part of the globalist agenda to destroy the food supply to both starve and control the American population.
When listening to a caller to the Hal Turner Radio show the other night, a man disclosed that during the great depression than not only the money supply collapsed, but that the government was fast at work destroying the food supply way back then! His grandfather and grandmother would often tell the story of the feds coming to their farm during the depression, falsely saying that their animals were sick, shooting them, digging a ditch and burying them in it.
The system had managed to bury this story with their control of the press and the schools. It just goes to say that their is nothing new under the sun and that history tends to repeat itself.
The takeaway here is that our current rogue criminal government is very likely to pull this out of their playbook in the near future. Actually they are already doing this with our poultry flocks, but I expect it to expand to all farm animals that produce food for us.
The Criminal State of Missouri openly violates the Nuremberg Treaties protections from medical experimentation – 5/19/22
You are living in a dream world if you think that government secures your rights or even follows it’s own laws!
In the state of Missouri I have had 3 dentists tell me that I must submit to cancer causing x-rays of my teeth or that “by law” they can not see me any longer!
It doesn’t matter that my family has a history of brain cancer. It doesn’t matter that I can’t afford the x-rays. And it doesn’t matter that the Nuremberg Treaty specifies that forced medical treatment is a war crime!
I ask what is the difference between forced COVID jabs and forced x-rays with your dental care? I sure can not tell the difference……they are both crimes against humanity!
Nothing matters at all to the psychopaths in Jeff city that, want control over all aspects of our lives and blasphemously think that they are our god
If you wish to be put on our mailing list: send an email to mfp@missourifreepress DOT com with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line – Thank you
Resources from Kris Ann Hall, a Liberty minded Constitutional attorney that was on the Alex Jones Show recently:
You will be glad that you WATCHED : Non-Co mpliant the movie (83 minutes) Kris dissects the relationships between your county sheriff, States, the Federal Government and the Church . This is the stuff you should have been taught in 5th grade, but sadly weren’t.
The truth of the matter is that we might win against DC, but considering logistics only, there is no way in hell that we are going to win against our foreign enemies like China. ~MFP
Most Ameirkans are so dumbed down, that they don’t realize that we long ago adopted all 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto and that they and their Apostate church fully support most of these planks. ~MFP
This is what happens when a criminal, order following, gang, helps the psychopaths in the legislature, strip the God given right of self defense from people. This ladies government killed her. It was democide, and the real killers of course will go unpunished. ~MFP
Food analysis results find the consumption of farmed salmon fillets contributes to higher rates of metabolic disorders, including diabetes and obesity. These farmed salmon also contain levels of toxins, including PCBs and dioxin, that are five times higher than levels in other tested foods.
By Beyond Pesticides
This useful idiot of a sheriff, like most all of our county sheriffs, is totally ignorant that it was the Globalist United Nations that gave all of the industrialized nations a schedule of prohibited “drugs” back in the 1980’s.
The globalists wanted to recreate the Opium Wars in China that made them so very rich and gave them so much power.
This useful idiot of a sheriff, does not seem to believe that human beings have the God given right to choose what they ingest. That is why he is OK, I assume, with the children’s minds in his county to be forcibly damaged without any consent, in violation of the Nuremberg Treaty, with so called “fluoride” in the drinking water. Following that logic he should also be OK with forced COVID shots, and even help in forcibly administering them, because he does not seem to believe that men made in the image of God have the free will, God given right to choose what they put into their bodies. ~MFP
Mike you read scripture yet you always say “to follow the law”. Are you sleeping when you read? Jesus told the apostles to go and buy a (Roman) sword. That was a crime for a Jew! Scripture is a long tale of people breaking the law and then God blessing them for doing so. Should the Hebrew Midwives have killed the newborn males that Pharaoh told them to kill? God sure did not think so, and blessed these midwives. ~MFP
This is the perfect illustration of Pastor Niemoller’s Poem. You sat on your ass when the 1968 Gun Control Act came after other people’s guns. Now they are coming for yours and your inaction is the reason why. You reap what you sow fake Christians.
FWIW we should be charging all of the people that voted for this with treason, and building gallows on the Washington mall for a mass hanging. I would go to DC myself to see Roy Blunt hanged!
This is also a perfect illustration as to why the founders and Jesus Christ warned us about having standing armies. (like the police) ~MFP
New superbug found in pigs can jump to humans –
My intel tells me that 75% of newly discovered pathogens can jump species to and from mankind. They are obviously bio-engineered just like COVID was. The purpose of this is for our Satanically run government to come in and say that they must destroy ALL farm animals because they harbor human disease. Why do you think the push for insect proteins and artifical meat? Scripture says that in the last days that we will not be allowed to eat meat! ~MFP
“Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.” ~1 Timothy 4:3
Does it shock you that the 10th plank of the Satanic Communist Manifesto is supported in most all Modern Christian Churches?
Do you think that it’s a coincidence that these “schools” are being used to sexualize our children, and to turn them into socialist libtards?
It shouldn’t… it’s the Satanic agenda that Christians have followed like lemmings. ~MFP
The elephant in the room is that with the Modern Church’s, Satanic interpretation of Romans 13, (basically that government is God) the total lack of understanding the Constitution, and the principles that this country was founded upon, and God’s Natural Laws, has resulted in the Modern Church not only not knowing right from wrong, but the Churches active support of evil!
For instance, all 10 planks of the Satanic Communist manifesto are at the very least not opposed in the Modern Church, and most often actively supported.
Try to get a Church to get upset that our children’s minds are being destroyed by the fluoride in the water and you just get a deer in the headlights blank stare. They don’t freaking care! The churches are full of non thinking dumbed down zombies.
Jesus told us that we shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Yet you can not find dumber people that do not have a thirst for the truth, than in the Modern Christian Church!
When you do not oppose evil, the evil grows, and eventually comes to bite you in the ass.
The reason that evil is winning the war with the Church is that the Church has refused to either see evil or address it for the past 100 years. The Church is reaping what it has sown, and in many respects richly deserves the persecution that it is experiencing.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” ~ Edmund Burke
Why is no one calling out the fraud of fractional reserve banking Eric? The “money” loaned by these fractional reserve banks was counterfeited, and IMHO their customers likely don’t owe the bank anything.
Why when the Constitution guarantees a jury trial are these homeowners not getting a jury trial where jurors like me could tell the banks to go pound salt! That they are NOT going to steal all of our homes and farms with the same fraudulent scam they used in the great depression.
It seems that in the past 90 years that Americans have not learned a damn thing and that they enjoy being slaves on the banker plantation! —–
If we don’t challenge the legitimacy of these fake “loans” and the totally rigged game they are playing, most of the people in this country are going to lose their homes and or farms (and go to camps eventually).
This would not only protect us from the bankers but the 1st plank of the Communist manifest: The County property tax collectors that IMHO are on board with the NWO, and will soon be trying to add a carbon tax to the already existent extortion racket that they run.
Juries can not only nullify criminal bankers, and property tax collectors, they can with properly educated citizens, nullify any tyrannical law passed by the Federal, State, or local legislators.
That with only 8.3% of the population on board. A lot less than the 50%+ needed for the ineffective and rigged “vote”,
We MUST demand a jury trial as guaranteed in the 6th and 7th amendments for ANY action the government wants to take toward us.
We live in a country that comes closer and closer to resembling Nazi Germany every day. Those Operation Paperclip Germans are doing an excellent job, and delusional “Modern Christians” have helped bring it about with their Satanic interpretation of Romans 13. ~MFP
And exactly why is this not a crime and warrants for his arrest issued? Our Satanic government is a joke and they help men like Soros assist Lucifer in his plan to eliminate the human race. We sit and do nothing! ~MFP
We were never supposed to have this government institution of “police”. If you wish to learn how the county sheriffs office worked back in the 19th century read the intro and 1st chapter of Balko’s book: Rise of the Warrior Cop
So many things are wrong here. Like Roe V Wade this is clearly a State matter as this power was never delegated by the States. The 1st amendment makes that crystal clear! Also are not courts for juries? The SCOTUS in the beginning had juries as the Constitution demands. Today we don’t follow the Constitution at all. ~MFP
I would never give the NRA a single dime! These wolves in sheep clothing supported the 1968 Gun control act that was lifted directly out of Nazi Germany law. They do not support the 2nd amendment in the least. ~MFP
WHO CARES DAVE? When you have a nation of voters that are 99% idiots. When the people that run for office are not any brighter than the idiot voters. When the candidates from both parties are always evil and psychopathic. When elections are stolen at will. Voting does not work or matter!! ——— The bottom line is that no matter how evil the government is, the jury is more powerful than voting, so long as you have educated jurors, and you DEMAND a jury trial for everything and anything the government tries to do to us! The jury can nullify and bad or tyrannical law that they wish to and no one can stop them.
I just heard a guest on the Alex Jones show, indicate that he knew the correct interpretation of the 14th amendment. That it was written for and applies only to the freed slaves and their descendants.
What you think the 14th means is not even close to correct. If you care about the truth (“The truth shall set you free”) then watch this:
The Russian Rs-28 Sarmat ICBM travels at a speed of MACH 21 From Russia it will take
1 minute 46 seconds to reach Berlin
2 minutes to attack Paris
2 minutes 2 seconds to destroy UK
18 minutes to destroy New York State
One single Sarmat ICBM can destroy the size of France. 551,500 km²
This is very sad. We live in a country where the population is so stupid that they think the Constitution can be changed with a mere law! The thug order followers (the “police”) will blindly follow these illegitimate laws just like the did the 1968 gun control act out of Nazi Germany! We will surely get what we deserve. ~MFP
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice”
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Galileyo Alert: Steve Quayle talks about Steve Quayle
23:53 | Jun 25 2022
This is why those that advocate “voting” as some kind of solution to the mess we are in , are in fact just as clueless as these “MallRats”.
Stupid people are created in the 10th plank Communist Schools that our churches support, if not outright, they support them with their 1st plank of the Communist manifesto “Property Tax”.
Christians desperately need to learn God’s Natural Laws that have all but been eliminated in both religious and secular “education”. ~MFP
And where the hell is your county sheriff (and your pastor) during this slaughter of our children? IMHO most all of them should be charged as accessories to murder! I have not met a one that was educated on what their job is and that in case you don’t know, is to secure our rights as explained in the Declaration. Your pastor falls into the same category. They are silent as children are being slaughtered. ~MFP
I have told every doctor that I have had for the past decade that the HIPPA medical database was created so that the Feds could easily get your medical data and use it against you. And that was why I was reluctant to tell them anything that they did not absolutely have to know.
They all looked at me like I was crazy…. Now that is exactly what has transpired.
The fact is that the “States” are sovereign counties. No different than France or Germany. The States never delegated this power to the Federal Government. It was a power stolen by the Federal Government.
The States are the superior party in the legal contract between States that we call the Constitution. Why would anyone, especially the superior party in the contract go to the thief to decide if a power was stolen?
All you can do is assert that power, and it belongs to the States,
That was THE reason for the State militias. Have you figured out that you no longer have a military and the Federal Government is exercising unbridled tyranny because you lost your militia? ~MFP
Wake up Dave! The right, the so called patriots,the police, the greater Christian community, have all done as much. The they have supported the Unconstitutional 1934 Federal Firearms act. They have supported the 1968 Gun Control Act.
I could write a small book on how the right does not support the Constitution. They support Case Laws which are an entirely different matter.
Carroll Quigley was right, the left and the right are on the same team, but most are too dumbed down to see that reality. ~MFP
The 501c.3 churches have provided the Feds the very rope to hang them from.
The future is not bright for these 501c3 corporations that are Not churches, that blasphemously asked man not God to form.
If under the law “all men are created equal” then why am I extorted to pay for armed men at schools that are not even supported under the Constitution,, but the government does not provide armed men at my home to protect me? Three rotating shifts of them, because unlike the schools I am here for 24 hours. They are there for 8.
Very clearly all men are not created equal under that law. ~MFP
Mike you are a bright guy most of the time, but you really blew my mind with your ignorance of what a “right” is. You don’t seem to know American history or our founding documents nor the word of God when you went along with “felons” not having a right to self defense. Do you know that the right to self defense was never taken from Felons in our entire history until 1968? It was not until the 1968 Gun Control act lifted directly from Nazi German law, that this became the case.
The “opinions” of sexually confused men in black dress’s can not change history nor what a right is. An Inalienable right ( a right given by God) Mike by definition can not be removed by anyone. To think so is blasphemous. That is what the 2nd amendment clearly says. What part of “shall not be infringed” does not register in your gray matter?
I don’t understand the mind control that you are under, but you sound like a tyrant and an ignoramus when you state that you believe that rights are not rights and that in direct violation of the second amendment that they can be removed. That was not the case when the country was founded and for almost 200 years following that. Mike did Jesus Christ tell us to go buy a sword? Or did he tell only the non-felons to buy a sword?
Sometimes I think you may have a fluoride addiction Mike. Your brain clearly is not functioning in a rational manner.
On it’s face, Americans are incredibility stupid to accept this! First of all it says that our rights come from the courts, and the government rather than the living God. The Declaration says that we have ALL rights and that they come from God not the Supreme Court.
Secondly he second Amendment clearly states that the Federal Government shall not write ANY laws infringing upon our right to self defense. If that is the case a Supreme court decision that we can’t carry guns would be illegitimate. As would be their opinion that we can carry guns.
ALL of the Federal courts rulings supporting various gun law restrictions, like the 1934 Federal Firearms Act and the 1968 Gun Control Act are self evidently illegitimate. Their rulings themselves violate the 2nd amendment and smack of treason. Anyone for hanging those judges that violate our rights with their treasonous and illegitimate “opinions”?
If that is not clear enough for the morons in this country the 9th and 10th amendments say that the rights not delegated by the Sovereign States to the Federal Government are reserved for the States and the People! That means that the Federal government has zero say in this matter because they were never delegated this power from the States.
Only a Nation of Morons would go along with this law breaking and illogic. A nation of morons is what we have become. ~MFP
When the States delegated some very limited authority to the Federal Government, with the US Constitution, they did not give ANY authority away concerning the right of self defense!
The second amendment is, a prohibition on the Federal government from passing laws that infringe on our right to self defense. Nothing more. (and they don’t even follow that)
The Constitution did not make the SCOTUS a God over the States. The supreme courts ruling is as illegitimate over the sovereign country of NY as it would be if the SCOTUS ruled that France’s gun laws were null and void!
The 12 year dumbing down camps have created a nation of morons, that do not understand our system of government at all.
What this really shows, is how incredibly stupid our representatives in Washington DC are! (the same with the State Reps IMHO)
Not only was this clown dumb enough to take the death jab himself, he murdered his daughter with his willful ignorance. Lots more culpability to go around including the doctors, and the county sheriffs that allow this Satanic eugenics operation to go on.
But Publix is happy to murder you if you are over 5! Where the hell are the county sheriffs? They will crucify you for a parking ticket by they sit and watch murder. ~MFP
Jon has been saying for years that virus’s have never been proven to cause disease, now he is saying that they don’t exist. I think he is on to something. If i had the time I would listen to this. ~MFP
This is an amazing presentation that I really enjoyed. Very timely and applicable to our world in 2022. This talk perfectly describes a lot of misguided Christians. ~MFP
“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars–they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” ~Revelation 21:8
I just got mine today and am very impressed with the utility of this device:
A Bivy Stick is a Global Iridium satellite texting device. (plus a few other useful functions) that offers unlimited texting to and from anywhere on the planet. The cell networks will go down and they will be censored and listened to. The lowest priced plan was $55 a month plus taxes. The prices are about to go up but you may be still be able to snag one for this price. IF you add in Galileyo that is an additional $12 a month for their text based news feeds.
What we forget is that any enforcement of so called laws should be brought before a jury of 12 Americans where is only takes 8% to negate a bad law.
Also that county sheriffs if they understood their jobs could go a long way in negating this. This incident shows that the free market does not exist in the “land of the free”.
Spinless Americans stood down in 1912 when Congress unconstitutionally as hell turned your medical treatment from free market choices made by you, to a state controlled monopoly. This government “licensing” was created by Lucifer’s Globalist foot soldiers was not to protect you but to control and eventually to kill you. ~MFP
Need I point out again, that your doctor, pastor,and your county sheriff are by their silence are supporting this evil? Both parties having the duty to both do and say something. ~MFP
THE ANSWER Dave, is to DEMAND jury trials that are guaranteed by the 6th and 7th amendments in the US Constitution, and our our State Constitutions! That or the banks are going to steal most of the farms and homes in this country, just like they did in the 1930’s when they purposely collapsed the economy during the Great Depression.
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” ~Thomas Jefferson
Juries can nullify this evil if we educate the moronic sheep to recognize that we the people created government and that it answers to us!
“…That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…” ~Declaration of Independence
Either we use the juries to peacefully deal with this or we will be faced with fighting to the death to protect our homes against a Satanic government. Make your choice.
And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles and to the rulers and to the rest of the people, “Be not ye afraid of them; remember the Lord, who is great and fearsome, and fight for your brethren, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your houses.” ~Nehemiah 4:14
This Is The Most Alarming COVID Vax Research You’ll Ever Read– Highly Respected Medical Doctor Warns A Terrible And Always Fatal Brain Disease Has Been Directly Linked To COVID Vaccine! SQ;DO A SEARCH ON KURU,PRIONS AND BIO WEAPONS! All News Pipeline
Steve Quayle is of the opinion that these crystalline diseases are based upon the DNA of Fallen Angles, that have a triple DNA helix and a crystalline DNA structure. ~MFP
Treachery! White House Moves to Strangle U.S. Ammunition:Last night, news broke that the Biden Administration is taking behind-the-scenes steps to further strangle the already constricted market for ammunition in the United States.Reducing the commercial supply. –
Are you ready for $5 a round ammo? That has been the price in places where ammo is illegal like Europe for years and years. ~MFP
We were warned about standing armies over 250 years ago by the founders. We were also told about the necessity of the militia if we wanted to remain free, in the 2nd amendment. We listened to neither and we are going down! ~MFP
IT’S NOT A TURNDOWN, IT’S A TAKEDOWN – CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: At some point, you have to realize we are in a war. We have an enemy. We have the power to win, but we are going to have to fight: Let’s get out of fear and get into fighting mode. – USA watchDog (64 minutes)
“Fear is the passion of slaves.” ~ Patrick Henry
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
~II Timothy 1:7 KJV)
LITHUANIA MAY HAVE LIT THE FUSE ON WORLD WAR III-In a move of staggering stupidity and hubris, Lithuanian banned the transit of Russian goods to Kaliningrad is home to almost a half-million Russians and the HQ’s for the Russian Navy’s Baltic Sea force. –
“Diverse weights and diverse measures, They are both alike, an abomination to the LORD.” ~Proverbs 20:10
God hates our fiat money system, yet I have never met a “modern Christian” that does. By their actions, Christians seem to be at war with God. They weekly throw this abomination into the collection plate without any thought:
God told us that Gold was Good. Seymour Pastor Doug Tjaden,
wrote a book on this very topic:
Fool’s Gold How the Traditions of Men Have Replaced Honest Money
And the medical community, your pastor, and your County Sheriff are silent and are in effect conspirators to this mass murder. God sees this, and is going to have the last word with these despicable spinless people. ~MFP
Want to bet me that the demons at the county property tax office, do not lower your property values and taxes? (Like Godly government would?)
.They are the footmen of Lucifer, and enforce his 1st plank. They will do everything that they can to take your home, and make you homeless. Christians will sit on their arses and do nothing is my prediction.
Christianity has done little other than cater to evil for the past 100 years. That is why we have property taxes, and our children can’t pray in the schools,…. ~MFP
If this were not so hypocritical, and evil this would be funny. Ted Nugent and the NRA have consistently taken an anti-gun stance. They fully support both the unconstitutional 1934 Federal Firearms act, and the 1968 Gun Control Act.
People that are this anti American should perhaps be charged with treason and hanged! Sadly my point will go over the heads most of the dumbed down Americans that are reading this. ~MFP
Mysterious mass extinction of farm animals in the USA!
On a ranch in the southwest of the state of Kansas alone, more than 3,000 cattle suddenly fell dead last weekend. According to the farmers, there is no plausible explanation for this mass extinction Cases like this are accumulating in the USA.
The Young Global Leaders Program is looking for new members! Consider joining this amazing organization to be trained by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum on how to transform our planet’s future!
Pretty disgusting that no one was armed, with a rifle, at the camp. I think they got lucky this time. ~MFP
Uh ohh… it looks to me like Desantis is not any brighter than Trump.
He wants to kidnap children from parents, with no jury trial, no due process, then turn them over to FL CPS. An organization repeatedly tied to the Globalist pedophilia and child sex trafficking rings. Why do idiots always end up in politics and supported by “patriot-tards”?
“Papers” like this are clearly owned and controlled by the globalists. You can read it for months, and not see a single story about anything of importance.
The only known use for papers like this is in the outhouse.
If you subscribe to rags like this you are part of the problem. ~MFP
A HEADS UP ABOUT THE SAT PHONE STORE: I have had horrific experiences with the sat phone store…. Here is the response about them that I got from someone you know but I will not identify.His initials are DH: “They changed owners . They are now dysfunctional I left them 4 months ago.” You have been warned! ~MFP
3 hours of Ted Gunderson, an FBI whistle blower, talking about the Satanic infiltration of the this country and their organized abuse and sacrifice of children. ~MFP
This is outright treason. Anti gunners should be tried and then hanged if convicted. ~MFP
FWIW there is actually a Federal Law: USC 18 sections 241 & 242 that could be used to prosecute and then execute these anti-gun Communist infiltrators.
2,500 gallons is not really that much propane. At least two people in my neighbor hood have 1,000 gallons of propane storage. 500 gallon tanks have gone from $500 used (not available any longer) to over $2000 for a new one. ~MFP
And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles and to the rulers and to the rest of the people, “Be not ye afraid of them; remember the Lord, who is great and fearsome, and fight for your brethren, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your houses.” ~Nehemiah 4:14
The property tax, is the first plank of the Satanic Communist manifesto, and it is one of the most dangerous things to your very life that exists in this country!
The plan by the globalists is to soon add a substantial “carbon tax” to your property tax.
If you are a Christian and don’t sign up for the UBI (universal basic income) you won’t even be allowed to have a bank account (of e-funds) and will not be able to even pay the property tax! Then men with guns will come to your home and ether make you homeless or kill you. This is a fact and not hyperbole.
The current crop of “Modern Christians”, seem to love and embrace the entire “Satanic Agenda” because they are too dumbed down to even see it. If they do see it, then apathy, complacency, ignorance, and cowardice take over and they do and say nothing.
“Modern Christians” are one of the most vile and disgusting anti-Christ things you ever want to see. No wonder the living God says that he will vomit them out!
The answer in case you are wondering, is demanding a Constitutionally guaranteed, jury trial of your peers, anytime the government wants to take your home for ANY reason. So far people are too stupid to even see this.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge…” ~Hosea 4:6
FWIW there is actually a Federal Law: USC 18 sections 241 & 242 that could be used to prosecute and then execute these anti-gun Communist infiltrators.
Russia reminds Germany of how WW2 ended
Former president Medvedev issued a stark warning after German parliament voted in favor of heavy weapons deliveries to Ukraine –
This is not news at all, for many decades the Federal Government has criminally, tyrannically and in contradiction to both God’s Natural law and the second amendment, made it a crime for “felons” to own body armor, in all 50 states!!. ~MFP
Yet another confirmation that the founders were spot on when they warned us not to have standing armies and that a militia was “necessary” to remain free. ~MFP
We keep seeing why the founders told us in the 2nd amendment that we needed a Militia to remain free! But then again contemporary Americans make rocks look intelligent by comparison. ~MFP
I predict that YOUR county sheriff will sit on his hands doing nothing, when the AMA medical monopoly switches from murdering adults to murdering children. ~MFP
The Declaration clearly spells out that the ONLY legitimate function of government is to secure our rights! Psychopaths in government that wish to trample our rights are IMHO treasonous, and should be charged and then hung from the neck until dead if convicted. In other words most of our government “leaders” deserve to be executed for their tyranny. Why the hell do you think that the founders insisted that we needed a militia if we wished to remain free? Our Modern Christian churches are apostate on this matter. ~MFP
FWIW there is actually a Federal Law: USC 18 sections 241 & 242 that could be used to prosecute and then execute these anti-gun Communist infiltrators.
Canada’s now going fully BIO-FASCIST right before our eyes
They’re vaccinating for monkeypox, phasing out free speech online, starving wayward doctors, and planning to impound the people’s guns (while making opiates, cocaine and MDMA readily available) –
The globalist are not going to limit the elimination of farm animals to NZ! During the great depression, in the US, the government falsely claimed farm animals were sick and shot them. Fully expect animal fart taxes in the US. Anything needed to starve, and control you and your family.
Are you beginning to see why the founders were so set on the necessity of a militia to thwart government tyranny? If not then go back to sleep….YOU ARE a useless eater.. ~MFP
Much of history is covered up. This story does not even include the planned nuking of Egypt by President Johnson who called it off mid mission when they were busted and the Liberty was not sunk as planned.. ~MFP
Do you realize that this is bullshit? Do we live in France where you need to law to tell you what God given rights you have? Are we going to need a law that says men and women can have children? How about a law that “allows” us to eat food? Don’t laugh this is how dumbed down the average American is after 12 years in the government indoctrination camp. ~MFP
The plan is to get the death jab into of all of our “troops” and to get of all the billions of dollars of hardware out of the country so that when the UN troops enforce Obama’s Kigali Principles, American’s will neither have a military nor weapons for them. Do you think that the founders might have known what they were talking about when they eschewed standing armies and told us that a militia was NECESSARY for us to remain free? ~MFP
My reading of the 2nd amendment classifies this as treason. Satanic Psychopaths pretending to be our representatives, that advocate the elimination of our God given rights, should IMHO be charged with treason, and if convicted, then without delay hung from the neck until dead. ~MFP
FWIW there is actually a Federal Law: USC 18 sections 241 & 242 that could be used to prosecute and then execute these anti-gun Communist infiltrators.
Was the ‘Pandemic’ the Perfect Cover for The Great Reset? If you have any doubt that these individuals believe they have the right to own the world and make decisions for all mankind, just listen to WEF founder Klaus Schwab’s opening remarks: –
It looks like the Walmart family has Masonic ties to the town of Seymour MO. Was it Lucifer that helped Sam Walton create the dynasty in exchange for his allegiance?
It will be buried… .No way will the government protected Satanic AMA medical monopoly allow this! Think of how much money they will loose. They have covered up every “cure” in the past 100 years and they will continue to do so. ~MFP
So I am supposed to get excited that the dummies that call themselves Americans, recognize a single God given right, while ignoring most of the others? Actually most don’t even see it as a God given right , but rather a permission granted them from their real God: the Government. Idolatry is rampant in Babylon.
What are you going to do when you can not get yeast for your baking? Sourdough solves that problem and a few more also. The phytic acid in all grains makes them hard to digest, but they are mitigated with the fermentation in sourdough. Lisa has by far the best directions for starting a sourdough starter. I put it off for years until I watched her excellent video. (thanks Don) ~MFP
The Coming Food Apocalypse: Prices are more or less 78% higher than average in 2021, and this is cracking up the production side of agriculture. –
We’re Now in the Last Stage of a Tyrannical Takeover–We are at war, and the federal government, institutions and agencies of various kinds, and the media, have all been weaponized against the public – Dr Mercola –
So Desantis is going to steal more money via the 1st plank of the Communist manifesto to accomplish a goal that is not a function of legitimate government… Per the Declaration, the only purpose of government is to secure our rights. Not one ounce of power was delegated to the Federal government in the area of educating our youth. That has ALWAYS been a parental responsibility not something that you force your neighbors to pay for.
Governor Desantis wants bigger and better Communism…..
And I say to the sheriff: IF the goons in law enforcement did not enforce illegitimate/unconstitutional gun laws such as the 1968 gun control act, people would be well armed thus this problem was created in large part by “law enforcement”. ~MFP
FWIW there is actually a Federal Law: USC 18 sections 241 & 242 that could be used to prosecute and then execute these anti-gun Communist infiltrators.
Inaccurate conclusion Mike: Red states have supported Federal gun control for decades!
They support the 1934 Federal Firearms act. They support the lifted directly from Nazi Germany law: The , 1968 Gun Control act. Almost all of our full of shite “Constitutional Sheriffs” support this criminal gun control!
On one level you are full of shite and over 100 years too late.</b> The Red Sates, even the ones that passed the so called “2nd amendment preservation act” have failed to even come close to protecting the God given right of self defense in their states. ~MFP
The CEO of Pfizer, the head of the CIA, the Director of the NSC, the VP of Facebook, the King of Holland and the Secretary General of NATO are all secretly meeting right now behind closed doors in DC. It’s called Bilderberg, & not a single major media outlet has reported on it.
I don’t know how anyone can be surprised when you consider that we have been living with the “1968 Gun control act” for over 50 years now. It was lifted directly, and word for word from Nazi Germany gun legislation! What a great illustration of Pastor Martin Niemoller’s famous poem. Now that you have ignored tyrannical laws hoisted on others, who is around now to protect you and your rights? ~MFP
I don’t know about you but if this SOB ordered the stand down and helped murder 20 people, the guy needs to fry! Unfortunately cops usually get away with murder. (Which is but one reason why the institution needs to be dismantled) ~MFP
Is there really any question as to whether this standing army, that is going to be used to enslave you, should be dismantled? As always I suggest that we go back to the system of law enforcement that we had 250 years ago: Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces
OPINION: Only someone in a coma would think that Marxism in the US is a new thing. In the 1860’s the globalists began to implement the 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto: Free Government schools.
Dave is well over 150 years too late in sounding the alarm here.
The people that have supported the standing army (that will be used to enslave us) and have NOT supported the 2nd amendment and the militia have left us in a very very vulnerable position.
These very same cowardly people, when seeing the predicable results of their non-action and world view, want to bail and leave the rest of us to die from the results of their evil, ungodly decisions.
I have zero respect for these people. I don’t have words harsh enough to describe their evil mindset. Perhaps God does:
“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars–they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
~Revelation 21:8
Incredible information that you have never heard before – listen to it twice to catch everything:
What a brilliant idea! Imagine your county sheriff getting off of the Federal Teat, and actually doing their jobs!
I think that is a difficult idea for Mack, who never did figure out that his part in the “war on drugs” was unconstitutional law and violated rather than secured the rights of his fellow citizens.
Mack seems to lack a lot of discernment but he somehow gets this right.
6:20 So the Supreme Court gets to decide what the 2nd amendment means Dave? I’d like to show me where you find that delegated power in the Constitution.
Thomas Jefferson sure did not think that the “Supreme Court” had this power:
“You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.” ~Thomas Jefferson
The supreme court itself is as much an illegitimate dictator Dave as O’Biden is. You fail to see what is self evident and right in front of you:
The fact that we have not followed the 2nd amendment for close to 100 years because you consider judicial tyrants OK.
OPINION: Irony of ironies! This should be done in every county of these United States. The fact is that the governmental CPS (child protective services) operating in our counties are part of a a worldwide Satanic network to procure children for evil ends.!
Sadly, the vast majority of our county sheriffs aid and abet CPS in the literal kidnapping of children for CPS.! These families are guaranteed a trial by jury by both the 6th and 7th amendments. These sheriffs that ignore the Constitution and kidnap children with no due process should be treated as criminals as should CPS. ~MFP
I have found the solutions to starting local food production and food clubs in spite of these Health department Nazi’s. . The only impediment is that “Christians” are too stupid to get out of their deer in the headlights mode and do something!
I have told many that ignoring this is going to cause large numbers , including children to starve to death here in Webster Country MO. None seem to care at all and I unfortunately see a lot of people, including children starving to death, mainly because modern Christians seem incapable of thinking , the don’t see evil and they are cowards to boot
“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars–they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” ~Revelation 21:8
“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” ~Ezekiel 22:30
Where are the “Christian” men with backbones? I have looked for 10 years and found none. I feel like Lot must have in Sodom and Gomorrah
“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars–they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” ~Revelation 21:8
Do you stand with Jesus Christ or do you insist on being deceived and bewitched and calling light dark and dark light? As this is what I see ubiquitously in our so called ” Christian Churches”. ~MFP
They are murdering the children in this country in mass and the “right to life people’, your country sheriff, and your pastor are complicit because they do and say NOTHING! ~MFP.
This from a freaking moron, and dangerous tyrant that thinks that they can ban bump stocks with their words in an “executive order”. Trump is a clear and present danger to your God given Liberties. I pray that he never gets into government office again. ~MFP
Who could have predicted that when the Satanists started the US medical AMA monopoly in 1912, that they would dictate that “doctors” participate in the murder of their patients or lose their (illegitimate) “license”.? Who indeed… it was an expected outcome. ~MFP
“I am a farmer, a dad, and a freedom activist in New Hampshire. Many freedom-fighting families are being targeted by the state government Division of Children, Youth, & Families (DCYF).”
What is often missed is that this could not happen if the county sheriffs refused to “kidnap” these children, because they are taken with zero due process! There is NO TRIAL BY JURY as guaranteed by the US Constitution!
Not to mention that a major reason that DPS kidnaps children is to supply the child sex trade, and bodies for satanic Ritual Sacrifice. Most county sheriffs are criminally negligent in their duty to secure our rights, and to protect our children.. ~MFP
“Spanish police carried out an investigation that detected a network of more than 2,200 celebrities, elites and criminals who paid money to have their names fraudulently entered into the National Immunization Register while refusing to take COVID ‘vaccine’ injections…”
Rightfully so in that the “police” (a standing army) have no legal obligation to protect us.
Police are the foot soldiers that enforce the plethora of illegitimate “laws” passed by the globalist run and their controlled US legislature and Courts.
The second amendment tells us “we the people” are the real “police” are. that for hundreds of years worked with the county sheriff when called on to do so,
.OPINION: Perhaps you are a bit slow Dave, as this is very clear: It is the “police” following illegitimate and unconstitutional laws that have disarmed these people and put their lives at risk.
Much like the guards at Auschwitz there are not any laws that “law enforcement” will no enforce!
Have you ever read the 2nd amendment Dave? Is clearly says “shall not be infringed”. It does NOT say “Shall not be infringed EXCEPT by sexually confused men in black dress’s.”
You support standing armies Dave and then wonder when they are taken over and used against us. If you knew any history Dave, you would understand how law enforcement was set up in the 1700’s and it was NOTHING like it is today.
PART TWO OF PRAYER AND FASTING(3) PRAY AGAINST THE EXECUTIVE ORDERS WHICH ARE ALREADY BEING WRITTEN ACCORDING TO BACKGROUND INTEL SOURCES--”for the safety of our good citizens who must endure while we go house to house searching for all the hidden terrorists”
This is what happens when you support a standing army that disarms the population in complete contradiction of the second amendment, and Jesus’s command to “buy a sword”.
American “police” just like the “police” at the Auschwitz concentration camp justify their immoral criminal actions by parroting that they were merely following orders/the law.
Armed Christian men would not put up with this shit…. ~MFP
Biden and the Democrats are desperate to win the midterms and are preparing a series of unprecedented executive orders to hold onto power -tune in! Alex Jones Show (41 minutes)
No one seems to know or care where POTUS gets all of his magical powers. They sure as hell are not delegated to him in the Constitution. Perhaps sniffing babies gives you these magical powers. All I know for sure is that Amerikans are too stupid to know or care. ~MFP
“Police said a woman who was lawfully carrying a pistol shot and killed a man who began shooting at a crowd of people Wednesday night in Charleston.”
This type of language – i.e.”lawfully carrying ” – coming from the standing army that we euphemistically refer to as “police” really pisses me off. It’s nothing less than NLP mind control( 2) perpetuated by the police and almost everyone falls for it.
First of all a “crime” in the 1770’s Blacks Law dictionary, is defined , as harming another or violating their rights (FYI the word “crime” has been bastardized and redefined – more NLP) Carrying a firearm to protect oneself is NEVER a crime by definition and it is impossible to make it a crime! Sure psychopaths posing as politicians can scribble words on paper and make something “illegal”, but that will never change the fact that we have a God given right to defend ourselves. That we DO NOT need the permission of Satanic foot soldiers in government to do so!
“And He said to them, “But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his [l]cloak and buy one.” ~Luke 22:36
FWIW the “law” referred to in the above article is not a law. They are referring to a secret executive order better known as “national security directives”. They are NOT legitimate law, but stupid people (like Americans ) don’t seem to know the difference.
Ironic as hell when it is the “police” are the ones that have enforced the disarming of our society. They remind me of the guards at Auschwitz in their adherence to evil illegitimate “laws”. ~MFP
“You are not Christians. You are not Jews. You are not Muslims. And you certainly aren’t atheists. You all have the same god, and its name is ‘government.’ You’re all members of the most evil, insane, destructive cult in history. If there ever was a devil, the state is it. And you worship it with all your heart and soul.” ~ Larken Rose, The Iron Web
On this front “evangelical Christians” seem to be the biggest enemies of God given liberties in this country. They follow a Satanic interpretation of Romans 13 that essentially says that “government is god”. ~MFP
What really stands out to me is that the US government with all of the governments that it has overthrown has NEVER put a Constitutional Republic into place in these nations. Instead it’s always an easy to control dictator. ~MFP
More proof that we should “disband the police” The standing army that the Founders warned us about. The correct law enforcement system was in place 200 years ago with a single county sheriff. Read the intro and 1st chapter to lean more: Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces ~MFP
Situation Update, May 27, 2022 – Uvalde massacre was a PLANNED STAND DOWN operation involving corrupt cops and US Federal Marshals – Mike Adams (69 minutes)
If we had County Sheriffs that understood the powers of their office, and their job description this would not be happening. The vast majority of County Sheriffs in this country are criminally negligent in their duty to secure our rights. Watch this if you wish to learn more. ~MFP
Are you beginning to understand why the founders warned us not to have standing armies like the “police”? ~MFP
Is This Cancer-Causing Chemical in Your Bread?
The Environmental Working Group identified more than 130 products containing potassium bromate, a cancer-causing chemical added to the flour of many packaged baked goods, including bread. – The Defender
If you have not figured it out, the ENTIRE US food supply is and has been a globalist eugenics operation. The eugenics is not limited to the food. Look at the chem-trails and the fluoride in the water…. ~MFP
“When the American spirit was in its youth, the language of America was different: Liberty, sir, was the primary object.” ~ Patrick Henry
How many reasons do we need to permanently disband modern “police”? Also why and how did Federal Marshall’s get there so soon? I think they knew about this ahead of time. ~MFP
“I have shown in numerous columns how the vast majority of U.S. government officials (along with the news media, financial institutions and entertainment industries) are bought and paid for by the ubiquitous juggernaut known as the Israeli lobby. Making sure Israel is not offended is the highest priority of virtually every elected official and bureaucrat in Washington, D.C….”
“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government – lest it comes to dominate our lives and interests.”
~Patrick Henry
Remote learning apps shared children’s data at a ‘dizzying scale’
The educational tools used by students during the pandemic shared their information with advertisers and data brokers that could track them around the Web, an international investigation found – Washington Post
Harming children is one of Lucifer’s top prioritizes. This is done with “baby formula”. If you look at the ingredients will realize that it is designed to harm the health of children. ~MFP
“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.” ~Patrick Henry
“I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know no way of judging of the future but by the past.“ ~ Patrick Henry
THEY AREN’T EVEN HIDING IT ANYMORE WEF Klaus Schwab: “Let’s be clear the future is not just happening the future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world “- The Burning Platform
Another false flag to embolden the Feds for a coming gun grab. Don’t be stupid and send your children to government schools where the staff is disarmed. ~MFP
“Show me that age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of their rulers being good men, without a consequent loss of liberty?”
~ Patrick Henry
Lucifer gets special pleasure out of killing children. Don’t be deluded as to who is behind this. ~MFP
“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” ~ Patrick Henry
“It can not be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!” ~ Patrick Henry
“Men of faith always understood that The Lord of Hosts commands heavenly and earthly armies. To be salt and light YOU MUST BE A WARRIOR! As Nehemiah commanded, “REMEMBER the Lord, Who is great and awesome, and FIGHT!” Nehemiah Strong is a wake-up call to the Redeemed.”
-Steve Quayle
“Men of faith always understood that The Lord of Hosts commands heavenly and earthly armies. To be salt and light YOU MUST BE A WARRIOR! As Nehemiah commanded, “REMEMBER the Lord, Who is great and awesome, and FIGHT!” Nehemiah Strong is a wake-up call to the Redeemed.”
OPINION: I think that those of us that have use AAA towing in the past, would agree that the service has become abysmal in the past few years. The incidents with them today really brought my opinion of them to a new low…. I have been waiting on a tow for 7 1/2 hours. I have called them 4 times, being put on hold for at least 30 minutes each time. Out of frustration I called Yates the local towing company and they told me that AA was so criminal in their not paying for tows that they decided not to do business with them until they get paid. No one informed me they just have kept me on hold for 7 1/2 hours. I called a 5th time and got a supervisor and they “say” that they are going to get another company to come tow my car. I am not holding my breath. ~MFP
This is a threat ONLY because Ameirkans are as dumb as a box of rocks. For starters a treaty can not be made with anyone except a sovereign country. The World Health Organization is not a sovereign country! Secondly the US Constitution list a Constitutional Amendment as the only way to change the Constitution. The Constitution does not say that treaties somehow magically supersede that Contract with the States and people The government “schools” have done their job is seems. ~MFP
This not the entire story. Darby got many of his ideas from a woman that attended a seance at a Christian Prophecy Convention in Scotland in the 1830’s. Do your homework as Scofield, a Rothchild agent, was the one that conned Christians to adopt doctrine from a seance and Rothschild influence. ~MFP
The 1st amendment guarantees the the right to protest and to seek redress from the government! BUT we have a people so freaking stupid that they don’t know that a mere “law” can not change the Constitution, that takes a Constitutional amendment. As a result we have tens of thousands of illegitimate laws along with gangs appropriately called “law enforcement” that will enforce them! This is very similar to the guards at Auschwitz that also were willing to enforce all laws, including one that told them to murder Jews. What we call “law enforcement” is no different than them.
The bottom line is that these people have a Constitutionally guaranteed right to protest at the homes of justices of the Supreme Court. Any law saying different is illegitimate. ~MFP
OPINION: YAHOO MAIL I want to plug the search capabilities of Yahoo mail ( TOnight I needed to find a particular PDF that was sent to me via mail. Google had long made me delete it and their search capabilities have always suked.
I searched on a term and Yahoo amazingly came up with 10 year old emails that fit the search. I found the PDF and saved a lot of time. The PDF was still quickly found in a 4 year old email. So far Yahoo has not made me delete any mail and I can search back for at least a decade.
FYI I send my primary email to 3 places through a DNS record. You domain name provider should be able to help you do this. I send all email to Google Gmail. Yahoo mail, and Proton mail. That way if one censors or screw with me I have options. So far yahoo has by far the best search capabilites. ~MFP
I wrote the Missouri Attorney General today about Google mail extorting people to purchase a paid mail account by falsely claiming that their mail storage was full.
I have found in my 64 years on this earth that Government officials don’t care about crime, all these psychopaths care about is getting elected and moving up. So I don’t expect anything positive to happen.
The Webster County tax collector is another example of a criminal that pretends to be in government, and operating in our interest: Last fall the tax collector did a “drive by” tax assessment. It was a full 100% too high! On the phone he refused 4 separate times to come out and do a proper appraisal!. The ONLY option he left me was to pay $500 for a professional property appraisal using a credit card that I would likely not able to pay off.
If a man put a gun in my face and stole $500 from me the system might do something. Not very well mind you but they would take action. When a government official steals $500 from you, or because they will not secure your rights, as their job description details, as in the case of the MO AG, you get robbed of both your time and money — you really have no options and the system is designed that way. To protect the real criminals. That usually reside in government
What am I to do? Call the Country sheriff or the FBI about this tax collector that stole from me? What a joke, they both are part of the problem but that is a discussion for another day. ~MFP
Google Gmail has been trying to extort me (and millions of others) for over a year. Their email accounts allow a huge 15gb of mail for free. It usually takes 4 or 5 years to fill up the allowed storage space.
For the past year I have gotten warnings about needing to delete mail or to purchase their paid for mail service.
I have deleted everything possible and this morning was down to 28KB of total usee of their storage yet they sent me a message that I am out of storage. By my calculations I am using 1/500,000th of the allocated space! To make sure I daily delete my stored mail to zero.
As of today they have locked my mail, that like everyone else is critical to life in general and paying bills. As of today I can not receive or send mail form my gmail account. The demonstrable facts are that I am at most using less that a megabyte and usually less than that and they are falsely shutting me down hoping to extort a paid account out of me.
I have written the Missouri Attorney General over this, and it seems like they are in the pocket of big tech like Google. They are the same people that are watching the BIll Gates/ Anthony Fauci eugenics team openly murder tens of thousands of Missouri Citizens and not doing a damn thing! So it is not surprising that these criminals that wrap themselves in the flag, are unwilling to do a damn thing about Google either. When I wrote them they said as they usually say “we are not your personal attorney, please hire an attorney if you wish to pursue this.
This may sound like a simple thing, but it is not. This is incrementalism and if you capitulate you eventually find yourself in dire straights.
When are the Ameirkan people going to get off their asses and get into the fight? ~MFP
Situation Update, May 12 2022 – Deliberate food destruction accelerates worldwide – Mike Adams (71 minutes)
EDITORIAL: I had 2 comments for Mike concerning this podcast:
21:00 Mike damn it, have you ever read the freaking US Constitution? I ask because at 21 minutes you seem to fully support the totally unconstitutional existence of the FDA and USDA! The Constitution by default sets up the free market Mike, It does not give the Federal Government ANY say at all in our food supply or “regulation”.
Read the 9th and 10th amendments Mike. These matters are in the hands of the state and the people. If you want the solution Mike, just look at Underwriter Laboratories.
On “Inspectors” Mike: I have a friend with a car garage. The fire inspector here in Missouri showed up. My friend told him that he needed a search warrant. And that was the end of it.
IF the country sheriff knew his job Mike he could prohibit all of those you mentioned from visiting or harassing you!
The job of the sheriff is to secure your God given rights and any government “regulation” is a usurpation of your rights. Please take the time to watch this and gain understanding:
I believe that the FDA unnecessarily shut down the largest bady formula plant in the US for no reason. It’s part of the agenda to destroy the food supply:
“You’ve been flagged as a threat.|
Before long, every household in America will be similarly flagged and assigned a threat score.
Without having ever knowingly committed a crime or been convicted of one, you and your fellow citizens have likely been assessed for behaviors the government might consider devious, dangerous or concerning; assigned a threat score based on your associations, activities and viewpoints; and catalogued in a government database according to how you should be approached by police and other government agencies based on your particular threat level.
If you’re not unnerved over the ramifications of how such a program could be used and abused, keep reading…….”
EDITORIAL: Only in a nation with citizens so freaking stupid that they think that you can change the US Constitution with a treaty could this happen!
This is Darwin Award level stupidity!
Much of the idiocy lies around the dangerous and mistaken belief that judges, using “case law”, can change the US Constitution. According to the Constitution, the ONLY way to do this is through a Constitutional Amendment.
In summary there is nothing at all in the Constitution allowing treaty powers to supersede the powers delegated in the Constitution! Also no where in the Constitution are judges given the power to amend the Constitution in any manner whatsoever.
Only an incredibly stupid people would accept the “lawlessness” that the globalists are trying to pull off. ~MFP
And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
~Matthew 7:23
To watch you must go hereand give a credit or debit card number that will not be charged. I AM HAVING TROUBLE WATCHING FOR FREE, BE PATIENT AND PERHAPS THEY WILL FIX THE ISSUES.
In this interview I clearly hear justified concern with our “police and military” being taken over.
Has anyone taken the time to consider that this was precisely the reason the founders warned us not to have standing armies? They knew where this would eventually lead, but even the “patriots” are too bewitched to see what should be self evident. I.e that we should not have standing armies.
The American system that we have forgotten was a single elected county sheriff and his pose (the Militia)
Jesus Christ had similar advice when he noted: “those that live by the sword shall ie by the sword” i.e. mercenaries ~MFP
Homemade Baby Formula….We found this recipe through the Weston Price Foundation after my wife struggled to produce enough breast milk to feed our twin baby boys. The boys ABSOLUTELY thrive on it! –
I have made the anecdotal observation that as a group the people in most Modern Christian Churches are as dumb as a box of rocks and that is being generous. Before you attack the messenger know that God himself said the same thing:
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge…”
~Hosea 4:6
“My people” clearly refers to Christians. God further states that they are so dumbed own that it kills them! That they get a Darwin award.!
But God goes even further saying that he tried to educate them, but that they rejected knowledge. That rises above the level of ignorance to the level of stupid.
This is far off of the mark that Jesus set with:
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ~John 8:32
If the truth sets up free, then ignorance makes us slaves. ~MFP
NEW BILL THREATENS JAIL TIME FOR SUPPLEMENT COMPANIES:Senator Dick Durbin’s (D-IL) bill that threatens tens of thousands of products has officially been introduced. We need all hands on deck to oppose it. Action Alert!
EDITORIAL: The US and France are far from the only countries to have their elections stolen. According to “Pastor Sam Honnold” most of South American Countries had their elections stolen with the Diebold machines. ~MFP
EDITORIAL: The real crime here is that women are brainwashed by the medical demons, that they should feed this toxic poison to their children! READ THE FREAKING INGREDIENTS ON THESE FORMULAS! They could best be characterized as “candy bars in a can.”
“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” ~Matthew 18:6
Homemade Baby Formula….We found this recipe through the Weston Price Foundation after my wife struggled to produce enough breast milk to feed our twin baby boys. The boys ABSOLUTELY thrive on it! –
Modern Christians are, as a group, people that completely get the ongoing psy-op about the Ukraine wrong! They are a group, that got, and still get the “COVID” psyop wrong! They are a group the people that believe the false interpretation of the 14th amendment, that nullifies state anti-abortion laws wrong!
Yet they are the same people that think that they get EVERYTHING in a language that has been dead for 2,000 years, correct.
They demonstrably don’t get current events in the English language correct yet they claim to get everything correct from 4000 year old Hebrew. Talk about being delusional and lacking in discernment.
As a group Modern Christians parrot the exact same evil interpretation of Romans 13 as Adolph Hitler espoused in Nazi Germany! These so called Christians, and their pastors, are one of the greatest threats in existence to our God given rights in this country! As a group modern Christians are helping to bring in the Satanic Agenda for Lucifer.
Situation Update, May 6, 2022 – Biden using Ukraine theater of war to DISPOSE of America’s munitions arsenal – Mike Adams (79 minutes)
IS MODERN CHRISTIANITY A MENTAL DISORDER? Does not the following scripture describe the modern “Christian Church”? The church that teaches about Daniel breaking the law about open prayer, and being thrown to the lions:
Yet on June 25, 1962 the Christian Church in the US went along with the ban on prayer in schools without a whimper! Modern Christians either do not understand what they read, or are unwilling to follow what they read.
Bewitched and beguiled people.
~Matthew 13:14-17 (In the words of Jesus Christ)
“In their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says,
“But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. “For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it. ~Matthew 13:14-17
James Otis, Jr. used his words to whip anti-British sentiment into a frenzy—so why isn’t he better remembered now? –
Erick Trickey
EDITORIAL: “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” ~Matthew 7:23 (modern “law enforcement”?)
Doesn’t “lawlessness” perfectly describe most Christians today?
They swallow an evil interpretation of Romans 13 and support evil and tyrannical/lawless government at all levels.
Medical freedom in this country is a sick joke:
I was told by my dentist in Marshfield MO yesterday that they could not “legally” see me any longer if they did not do x-rays on my teeth. I would be willing to bet,my life that the psychopaths in Jeff City did not pass a “law” forcing me to be x-rayed in order to receive dental care.
What is actually happening is that some health care bureaucrat has merely dictated this “command”. Ameirkans are just too damned stupid to know the difference, and most Christians are also in this camp.
The bottom line is that in the state of MO that you are required to expose the temple of the Holy Spirit to cancer causing -rays,! Also that you must pay for x-rays whether or not you can afford or want them!
The real crisis here is a crisis in the pulpit. Our pastors are not Shepard’s that protect the flock, they are clearly wolves with their ignorance and silence. ~MFP
As I predicted 2 years agothe Fordland clinic is involved in eugenics. It was not out in the open in the past, but now it is clear as glass that either because of being useful idiots, lacking a moral compass, or just being purely Satanically evil that they are going along with the blatant elimination of the human race for Lord Lucifer.
When I complained about what I considered criminal acts at the Fordland Clinic 2 years ago, rather than listening and addressing the issue they as all evil and cowardly organizations do, they “fired” me without cause or recourse . As a result I have not been able to seek dental care in 2 years. The psychopaths that call themselves our State and Federal representatives are not in the slightest interested because they have excellent dental care paid for by people that can’t afford dental care! Senator Josh Hawley’s office for example has stonewalled me for over 2 years and has not even begun to address this issue or even return my calls! ! He has excellent dental care paid for by us so he doesn’t seem to give a flying phuk if “We the people” (his boss) don’t have dental care!
Just like the operators of the nursing homes that have murdered the elderly I hope to live to see the criminals at the Fordland clinic that go along with this Stanic plan, to be brought to justice and pay for this crime with their lives.
If you work there please do not go along! Become a whistle blower and contact this site and your identity will be protected and the information will get out. YOU can help save lives from this Satanic Medical monopoly!
Please do your due diligence on this site and see the truth about this gene altering therapy treatment that they falsely call a vaccine. ( “informed consent” my arse)
There is a reason that they are not liable in the least if this “vaccine” kills or maims you or your child. All vaccines are dangerous and this COVID Vaccine is nothing but pure evil designed to eliminate mankind.
The COVID-19 vaccine really isn’t a vaccine in the medical definition of a vaccine. It’s more accurately an experimental gene therapy that could prematurely kill large amounts of the population and disable exponentially more
ORIGINAL POST (LIES and disinformation) in case it disappears: Note that their is NOTHING about nutrition, boosting your immune system, zinc, vitamin C, D3, HCQ, Ivermectin, or anything that would interfere with big Pharma profits, or actually help you remain healthy. Do not lose sight that this is a Satanically directed eugenics operation run by useful idiots like those “order followers” that run the Fordland Clinic medical monopoly.
Getting vaccinated is one of many steps you can take to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. Protection from COVID-19 is critically important because for some people it can cause severe illness or death.
Stopping a pandemic requires using all the tools available. Vaccines work with your immune system so your body will be ready to fight the virus if you are exposed. Other steps, like masks and social distancing, help reduce your chance of being exposed to the virus or spreading it to others. Together, COVID-19 vaccination and following CDC’s recommendations to protect yourself and others will offer the best protection from COVID-19.
Fordland Clinic has been approved to receive the COVID-19 vaccines! While we do not know when we will receive the vaccine (or which one) we are planning our process to be able to start vaccinating the community according to CDC and Missouri guidelines. Currently, two vaccines are authorized and recommended by the CDC to prevent COVID-19. The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19. To understand & learn more about these vaccines, visit
The CDC recommends that initial supplies of COVID-19 vaccine be allocated to healthcare personnel and long-term care facility residents. This is referred to as Phase 1a. Phases may overlap. Missouri is following these guidelines, and has approved vaccine release for Phase 1A, Phase 1B Tier 1 and Phase 1B Tier 2 (underlined below).
(Phase 1A)Healthcare personnel & residents of long-term care facilities
(Phase 1B, Tier 1) First responders, Emergency Services, and Public Health Infrastructure
(Phase 1B, Tier 2) High-Risk Individuals such as those with cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD, Heart Conditions, weakened immune system due to organ transplant, severe obesity (BMI>40), pregnancy, Sickle Cell Disease, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, or individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. This includes also anyone aged 65 or older, with or without chronic disease.
Phase 1B, Tier 3: Critical Infrastructure described as those who keep the essential functions of society running. This includes Teachers, faculty and staff in public, private, and nonprofit pre-K-12, Faculty and staff in DHSS or DSS-licensed facility providing basic care to children, Communications/Dams/Energy sector employees, Food/Agriculture Sector, Government, Information Technology (IT) sector, Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector, Transportation Systems, Water and Wastewater Systems employees.
Phase 2: Equity and Economic Recovery will cover those in the following industries: Chemical, Commercial Facilities, Critical Manufacturing, Defense Industrial Base, Financial Services, Government, and Food/Agriculture who were not included in 1B. This Phase also focuses on Faculty and Staff at public, private, and/or nonprofit higher education institutions, populations at increased risk of acquiring or transmitting COVID-19, with emphasis on racial/ethnic minorities not otherwise included in 1B, and the Homeless population at increased risk of acquiring or transmitting COVID-19, if not included in 1B.
For more information on the phased roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines in Missouri, visit
For more information on COVID-19 vaccines visit the CDC website at
Our goal is for everyone to be able to easily get a COVID-19 vaccination as soon as we receive them. Please follow us here and on our Facebook page – for updates on the vaccine arrival and how and when to be able to schedule an appointment to receive your COVID-19 vaccination.
*** EDITORIAL: These are the people that get ALL of the money that you pay in the so called Income Tax. If you don’t know this please educate yourself!!!~MFP
These psychopaths that call themselves US Governors, seem to be in lock step with the China and the NWO and it’s plan to kill off most the human race. ~MFP
Meshack, Shadrack, and Abednego taught us not to bow down to false authority:
In contrast, bowing down to false authority is all that Christians have done during the ongoing COVID psy-op, and is what they are going to on April 15th when they pay the “income tax” when the 16th amendment was never legitimately passed.
They say that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.
In 1964 when the courts said that prayer in government schools was now illegal, the Christian church did not follow the example of King David. The example followed instead was sadly Adolph Hitlers version of Romans 13. King David turns over in his grave…..
First they make you homeless and if that does not kill you then they make you a criminal. The question is are we going to let the banks take everything like they did in the “great depression”? ~MFP
We live in a nation of Christian idiots because the court was not given the right of Judicial Supremacy in the Constitution nor was the Federal government ever given jurisdiction over murder cases.
The only reason that the states have not had jurisdiction is that Christians lack backbones and are not very bright.
The reality is that the states have always had jurisdiction. To make things clear they could have easily passed 10th amendment nullification bills of Roe V Wade 50 freaking years ago! But then again Lucifer runs the churches. ~MFP
This looks like a deception. Why would the Satanically controlled Supreme court do this? I think that there MUST be a nefarious purpose for them doing this. ~MFP
Shoot Coyotes and hogs out to 200 yards in the pitch black – on sale and in stock. Free shipping. No taxes and industry leading 5 year warranty. FWIW I would get into thermal before you even consider night vision. A thermal scope may be the best life insurance that money can buy.
How much do you value your loved ones?
The fake bird flu along with the fake PCR test are being used to engineer mass starvation and genocide. There seem to be no Christian men with backbones so this will likely be a successful operation by Lucifer. ~MFP
This despite the fact that the supreme court has very limited jurisdiction authorized by the Constitution, and most certainly was not given the power of “judicial supremacy” anywhere in the Constitution. We seem to be a nation of idiots that will believe anything that the state tells us and accept their power grabs such as the huge “judicial supremacy” power grab by SCOTUS. ~MFP
A “Disinformation Governance Board” has just been created and is going to be run by the Department of Homeland Security. Their primary goal is going to be to “police” what is deemed to be “misinformation” or “disinformation.”
No clarification has been given as of yet as to what this policing will mean, but it has been pointed out that the creation of this new Disinformation Governance Board is going to have the full strength of the DHS behind it………
“The farming method isn’t exactly new. Walipinis have been used in South and Central America for decades, including one that can grow bananas at 14,000 feet in the Andes.”
“You probably don’t know (because I didn’t until Miller told me) that all USDA-licensed processing plants are required to treat ALL meat (even the local, grass-fed, organic variety) with synthetic preservatives.”
“Additionally, USDA-approved processing plants aren’t allowed to sell certain organ meats and glands for human consumption. “The very nutrient-dense organs, that seem to help people, they want to ban,” Miller said.”
“Even if the USDA didn’t require preservatives and allowed the sale of organ meats, it still would still be nearly impossible for Miller and other small farmers to make a profit with Big Meat processors acting as middlemen. And the cost of becoming licensed by the USDA to process their own meat is too steep.”
If this is not the type of outright tyranny that the founders were thinking about when they wrote the 2nd amendment, I’ll eat my hat!
What is it going to take? If the state using the “divine right of kings” demands sex with your wife and daughters? Would that be enough for the spineless Khristain men in this country to take notice?
I have my doubts.
What other outcome could you imagine from the teaching of a Satanic and Idolic interpretation of Romans 13 in our churches?
Most Kristians are taught the exact same evil interpretation of Romans 13 that Adolph Hitler used to mind control Kristains in Nazi Germany. Reaping what you have sown? ~MFP
The disinformation from the Mockingbird press above aside, the controllers are actually granting the serfs on the plantation a few rights to appease them, as we grow restless. ~MFP
Well if we were stupid enough to allow a so called “property tax” in the first place, this could not even happen! Where in hell did we think it would go?
Never mind that this tax is the implementation of the first plank of the Satanic Communist manifesto and is used to implement the 10th plank of that document which is the “free” 12 year government indoctrination that you are forced to subject your children to.
This will be a death sentence for many people.
If we do not DEMAND trial by jury in the matter of homes being taken for ANY reason, then it’s all over. Join or Die folks!
This is only possible because Ameirkan Kristians have become the dumbest people to ever inhabit the earth. They do not understand the Constitution and think that sexually confused men in black dresses can redefine it at will by “case Law”. ~MFP
The World Health Organization has assumed unprecedented powers by becoming the de facto health authority over all nations of the globe, and is now set to impose policies that have nothing whatsoever to do with health. Rather, climate change will become the new boogeyman used to justify the further curtailing of rights and freedoms worldwide.
When this happened in the US the cowardly Christian population did nothing, and let the Presidency fall into the control of the Communist Chinese. ~MFP
Podcast: Freedom Under Fire with John W. Whitehead
Freedom Under Fire is a weekly podcast featuring constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. Drawing upon recent headlines and news stories, Freedom Under Fire explores some of the greatest threats facing our nation.
As far as I am concerned this amounts to attempted murder…
Perhaps the best course of action is to try these psychopaths for treason in a court of law, and then hang them from the neck until dead upon conviction. They ARE NOT going to back off. Study your history. ~MFP
All the more reason to look into a secure cell or Satellite phone. I am trying out: Volta Wireless. You can keep your own phone with them though a de-googled phone is better.
Listen to this podcast. This phone is a LOT more affordable than you think. $299 brand new. ~MFP
Of course YOU (the militia) will be criminally denied the God given right to own this weapons system, in the same form as the US standing army will. (or the same form that the UN troops use weapons like this – against you.) ~MFP
“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” ~Matthew 18:6
What is God going to do with the medical people that pushed this death jab? What is God going to do with the government officials that pushed this? Finally what is God going to do with the Pastors and “Christians” that have sat silently an not spoken out?
First they make you homeless and if that does not kill you then they make you a criminal. The question is are we going to let the banks take everything like they did in the “great depression”?
They want those they make homeless to have no other choice other than going to one of their “camps”. PLUS this is a felony and they will illegitimately take your guns!
“In the darkest chapter of German history, during a time when incited mobs threw stones into the windows of innocent shop owners and women and children were cruelly humiliated in the open; Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a young pastor, began to speak publicly against the atrocities.
After years of trying to change people’s minds, Bonhoeffer came home one evening and his own father had to tell him that two men were waiting in his room to take him away.
In prison, Bonhoeffer began to reflect on how his country of poets and thinkers had turned into a collective of cowards, crooks and criminals. Eventually, he concluded that the root of the problem was not malice, but stupidity…..”
Situation Update, April 20, 2022 – America is RUNNING OUT of military munitions and can’t replace them FOR YEARS – Mike Adams (67 minutes)
EDITORIAL: If you have not figured it out, our Romans 13 enabled, Satanic Government, wants you dead!
We are sending our few remaining “troops” to Eastern Europe to die. That way they can not protect you when the time comes for the UN to subjugate us. All of our military weapons are to be used up in Eastern Europe, so that there are no weapons left to protect you and your family here where we live.
China bought most of our corn and other grains as most countries are forbidding such sales. We have also sold off our national food reserves!
The federal government is unconstitutionally paying farmers not to farm 65% of our farmland! The Federal governments printing of money and war against the energy sector is soon going to double the price of the food you buy! Next year it may be 4 times higher.
China and Russia are accumulating gold and silver…. the US let the Globalists steal all of our gold that is supposed to be in Fort Knox but is clearly not there.
Russia has fallout shelters for 40 million people, The US has over 100 underground bases, but they are only for the psychopaths in government. We have no shelters at all for the 350 million sheep on the US plantation.
We have no militia even after the founding fathers and Jesus told us to have one.
Our churches are composed of people so dumbed down that they are supporting most of the problems created by Satan’s minions in our government! They don’t know right from wrong!
Russia has a currency backed by gold. The US went off of the gold standard and onto the so called petrol dollar, 50 years ago. Russia backs it’s currency with a commodity while the US creates tens of trillions of dollars out of thin air
In the US we have a population that does not understand that they don’t know what the word “inflation” really means.
China can manufacture almost any product, while in the US the government so mistreats business’s that they choose to relocate in other countries.
Our elderly are forced by gun point into an unconstitutional, criminal retirement scam called “social security”, that returns 2% on the investment, rather than the expected minimum of 10%. Then the government steals the homes and lives of those the government has robbed and stolen 80% of their expected income from, in order to pay for the indoctrination of their children using the 1st plank.
This is merely the tip of the iceberg, that the dumbed down Modern Christian Church has met with apathy, complacency, and ignorance. Yet the Church insists on sleeping through it all.
Yet “Christians” continue to fully support the 1st and 10th plank of a Satanic document known as the Communist manifesto. Their myopia prevents them from seeing the root problem and instead they continue to ” hack at the branches” of the issue.
Joe Biden’s decision to release 180 million barrels of oil from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve – one million barrels per day for 180 days, ending just before the midterm elections which the Democrats will lose in an avalanche…
——————- So when this runs out, we might not have nearly enough gas to keep the country running no matter what the price. ~MFP
EDITORIAL: “I think that the die was cast for the medical profession (i.e the government protected medical monopoly) in 1912 when at the behest of the Globalist/Satanic Rockefeller family our congress trampled our God given right to contract medical services by creating the AMA!
The Flexner report commissioned by the Rockefeller’s and the resulting UNCONSTITUTIONAL monopoly cast the die from day one. From day one this unholy and illegal monopoly was designed to be used for evil by Satan’s minions.
Evil is NOT something that happened later. The institution was created by Satanists from day one and the sooner we see that the better. Talk about being blind. After 109 years the vast majority still do not see the evil intent of creating this monopoly nor its total illegitimacy.” ~MFP
Oil From Biden’s Emergency SPR Release Is Heading For Europe-180 million barrels of oil from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve – one million barrels per day for 180 days, ending just before the midterm elections which the Democrats will lose in an avalanche – was meant to help lower US gasoline prices “because Putin price hike.” Instead, it is heading for Europe.- Zero Hedge
“He was the pastor of the town where the first armed conflict occurred in the bid for American independence. On April 19, 1775, American blood was first shed at Lexington Green in Massachusetts. The biblical principles of freedom which he and other pastors throughout the American colonies advocated were motivating causes of liberty. For this reason, Jonas Clark may rightly be known as the pastor who fired the shot heard around the world……”
EDITORIAL: Most Amerikans are too f’ing stupid to see or prepare for any of this. Almost ALL of them seem to miss the extreme importance of “join of die”. The absolute necessity of working collectively. We don’t even have a militia in this country, and that should scare the living shite out of you! But then again Amerikans are too stupid to see even what is right in front of their faces…or to learn from the lessons of history and of holy scripture.
I predict an enormous death toll because of this mental illness, that has invade the “modern christian church”.
If you wish to see stupidity in action all you have to do is visit your local 501c3 modern Christian church. They are drinking Satan’s kool-aide in prodigious amounts…. they will be deer in the headlights, doing nothing, up to the very end.
“Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin” ~Hebrews 12:4
Happy FEMA camping sheeple!
Did you know that when President Eisenhower built the interstate road system that they choose routes that resulted in longer river crossings rather than the most cost efficient route? Read on, there is a reason….
Like Switzerland there are explosives in our bridges. However unlike Switzerland we were lied to about it. The explosives were disguised as concrete monitoring devices. According to David Wilcock, they were put in the bridges so that food supply could be disrupted. In other words they are there because the NWO wants to make make doubly sure that they can kill us off, using food as a weapon. Quite a bit different than the defensive purposes of putting explosives in bridges in Switzerland. ~MFP
Editorial: This is what happens when the police disarm the citizenry by enforcing unconstitutional concealed carry laws. This is what happens when the police enforce illegitimate and unconstitutional laws such as the 1968 gun control act.. This is what happens when there is no militia in a state. This is what happens when people that protect themselves using firearms are regularly treated as criminals by the police, often charged and sent to jail if they can’t afford an expensive attorney. This is what happens when Americans don’t know their rights as jurors and allow the jury system to be turned on it’s head by the deep state.
I guarantee you that this would not have happened in 1776. The fact that it happens today is in large part due to the actions of the standing army that we euphemistically call the police. ~MFP
This sounds too much like “operation trust”, like we just experienced with “Q anon”. I hope I am wrong on this one.
That said this is very interesting listening. ~MFP
What does God’s word say about the apathy, complacency, and ignorance you see in today’s churches?
“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”
~Revelation 3:15-16
“…know ye not that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God”
~James 4:4
“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars–they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
~Revelation 21:8
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge…” ~Hosea 4:6
We see in our churches the actions of people that talk out of both sides of their mouths: Out of one side they say that the Bible is the word of God. Out of the other side they do and say everything they can to avoid following God’s word.
“….Shanghai police inadvertently slipped-up while on-camera, and provided the __real__ reason for what’s going on: This isn’t a COVID lockdown, it is economic warfare being waged by China, against the United States.
By halting manufacturing in Shanghai and the surrounding region, parts and raw materials the US needs, aren’t coming. As such, industry in the U.S. is forced to shut down.
So what was it the Shanghai cops let slip?
“I’m telling you this is not caused by our police. This is a result of the whole international situation. We are going to have a war with America . . . Don’t you know?”……”
These are the people that get ALL of the money that you pay in the so called Income Tax. If you don’t know this please educate yourself!!! ~MFP
“….A 7-foot robot at Dallas Love Field Airport is watching for unmasked passengers and will notify law enforcement of potential crimes. The robots, called Security Control Observation Towers (SCOT), can detect if a person is wearing a face mask and can detect behavior of passengers based on what they are wearing. The robot can bark warnings at people and call the police….”
FWIW they are faking the bird flu with the PCR test!!!
To detect [avian influenza], the US Department of Agriculture oversees routine testing of flocks done by farmers and carries out federal inspection programs to ensure that eggs and birds are safe and free of virus […] using molecular diagnostics such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests – the same method labs use to detect COVID-19 infections.
I can not recommend this enough. This truth if it gets out it is going to change things in this country.
Let me blow your mind with what “Corona Virus 19” actually means:
Corona refers to king, such as the king Cobra
The Latin roots of virus refer to a venom.
And 19 is the number of organ damaging toxins in King Cobra Venom.
The translation thus becomes King Cobra Venom with 19 neurotoxins.
Satan as usual is telling you what he is doing.
CPS …. wonderful people that literally “love” children. Supported in every modern Christian church I have ever attended. Fueled in large part by their idolic interpretation of Romans 13. ~MFP
This is a 60 second trailer. The full interview will be released this evening (4/11/22). Quite a few other news
outlets are going to feature this in the next few days.
Some are predicting a shutdown of the Internet to prevent this info from becoming well known. klaus Schwab has recently predicted a shutdown of the Internet. WIll be sending out links to this interview in a few hours (7pm central) when it is released. Download it if you can. It will be priceless – especially of the Internet goes down.
Full video will be released April 11th and i will post it here. Monday, April 11, 2022 @ 6 PM Eastern
The modern church has fallen, to a state of “stupidity” and supports evil:
Every week I hear so called “Christians” utter completely disgusting things.
Things that tell me that they do not understand the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” as the Declaration of Independence puts it.
They basically do not know right from wrong.
One gentleman told a story about a young man that ran from the police on a motorcycle, and he died when he lost control and hit a brick wall. He then stated that was what the guy deserved. Talk about Christian IDOLATRY! The men in blue suits are Gods according to 99% of the Christians that I have met.
No talk about what the charges were or why someone would risk their life to avoid the good benevolent men in blue suits.
I have tried to educate these misguided human beings, but have observed exactly what Pastor Dietrick Bonhoeffer observed in the Christian Church in Nazi Germany. He observed an commented that only God could fix “stupidity” once it had set in. His other quote that I like:
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
I may be out of line, but I honestly hope that this gentleman, and his family have men in blue suits come to his home and take he and his family to a FEMA death camp. He supports it so let him experience it. ~MFP
“Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil. ” ~ Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer
13 Therefore set I in the lower places behind the wall, and on the higher places, I even set the people after their families with their swords, their spears, and their bows.
14 And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, Be not ye afraid of them: remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses.
15 And it came to pass, when our enemies heard that it was known unto us, and God had brought their counsel to nought, that we returned all of us to the wall, every one unto his work.
The Globalist NWO company Google continues to gaslight and lie to it’s customers:
The Missouri attorney general’s office seems to be in their pocket, and will tell you to go out and hire your own attorney when you make them aware of this criminality.
“…I reported in a previous article that the Catholic churches were partnering with the government to promote the vaccine,…”
PA is an evil police state, that serves Lucifer, just a little behind the evil of NY state. I fled from this state over a decade ago.
Perhaps we should consider sending a hell of a lot of priests to prison for the rest of their lives….. It’s reassuring that these workers of “lawlessness and inequity” are going to answer to Jesus Christ at the white throne judgement.
Of course police reserve the right to throw flash bangs into the cribs of 2 year old babies, and then absolve themselves of all responsibility through the Satanic principle of Sovereign Immunity.
If you use the Godly principle of self defense, then you become the criminal in the eyes of this standing army. ~MFP
I rarely hear such stupidity Dave. You support the standing army that we were warned about by the founders, and you fail to recognize that YOU and I and our Neighbors are the Militia and the Military! Same with the “police”. When the country was founded we had a single county sheriff and his posse otherwise known at the militia. How do people get so stupid Dave? Perhaps by listening to you. ~MFP
Are you naive enough to think that when Russia has cut off Western Europe’s natural gas supply AND Russia has a ship based HAARP weather weapon at the North Pole, that this is just a coincidence? ~MFP
Amen. I see all ten planks of the communist manifesto supported in every 501c3 church that I have ever attended. The Scofield Globalists/ Zionists have also taken over our churches. ~MFP
Recently, documents released by Russian defense ministry showed that over the years, the US has been collecting bio-samples of the Slavic people in Ukraine. After the outbreak of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the US transferred these samples to laboratories in Australia, Germany, the UK and Georgia……
If you don’t get the significance of this. Putin warned that direct assistance like this would make the USA mainland a target!
We are in the Ukraine helping the f’ing Nazis! Which makes perfect sense if you understand that “our side” is the NWO side, We run Ukraine, and Ukraine has openly stated that they are working for the furtherance of the the New World Order.
Dr Jane Ruby is back with some jaw-dropping video footage taken by South African Dr Xandre Botha and by Kiwi Dr Matt Shelton of the self-assembling circuits in the Pfizer jab.
“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”
This is not “bizarre”. This is the norm and the tip of the iceberg in Satanic Washington DC. ~MFP
EDITORIAL: Do you want Privacy on your cell phone?
Well it is finally be here.There are 2 price tiers. One plan is $20 a month and the other $39 a month.Many security experts are saying that this will give you complete privacy on your cell phone. AND It is less expensive than most other plans. I just corresponded with the owner and he confirmed that after you join, you can cancel your current cell carrier.
Podcast: Freedom Under Fire with John W. Whitehead
Freedom Under Fire is a weekly podcast featuring constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. Drawing upon recent headlines and news stories, Freedom Under Fire explores some of the greatest threats facing our nation
EDITORIAL: Remember this post when the dollar soon collapses and your choices to eat seem to be limited to signing up for the digital Universal Basic Income with a phone app and being in a position where you must follow Satan’s dictates or watch your children starve.
The rear of the dollar bill is covered with Babylonian Mystery Religion symbolism From the “all seeing eye” of Horus, to the words “New World Order” and the Six sided star of Masonry. YET you see this evil object in every church collection plate on Sunday!
Wasn’t the presence of the money changers in the Church, what caused Jesus to construct a scourge and start beating people with it? Caused our Lord to flip over tables?
Isn’t the one dollar bill with it’s stick you in the eye message from Lucifer,
also the money changers in the Church? Perhaps it’s even worse in many respects.
Could 2nd John 1:10-11 apply and this causes God to curse the church and those committing this evil in the church?
10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
Thomas Jefferson warned us as he witnessed the 1st national bank in this country that also printed fiat money:
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies,” ” If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around(these banks) will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” ~Thomas Jefferson
Yet Americans are so dumbed down that you see these pieces of paper in every collection plate in every Christian Church in Amerika.
They are destroying their and their children’s futures by doing so as Jefferson’s predictions are coming true….
What is this if it is not “going along to get along?” what is this if it is not “friendship with the world”? God warned us about doing this:
“…know ye not that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God” ~James 4:4
Christians did not have to go along with this evil. Yet if you know your history you know that they have gone along with this 3 times!! You also know that the evil one knew in 1913 when he instituted this evil monetary system that he would some day use it to steal from you and to totally control you.
Yet the church has been silent (this time) for 109 years. The church is clearly at war with God and it is now reaping what it has sown.
The Modern Christian Church seems to be filled, and led to the brim with idiots.
Here again is what God has to say on this matter:
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge…” ~Hosea 4:6
They get a lot of their capital from YOU paying the illegitimate income tax. All the income tax is, is a way for the globalists to steal 30-40% of what you make every year and use it to serve Lucifer and his globalist goals.
Chew on that fact for a bit ~MFP
In every Christian church coming on April 15th Christians will pay their yearly tribute to Lucifer.
It is with the full cooperation of the Christian church that Lucifer has gained control of this world. The church said hell with having “dominion” over the earth as God commended us.
The church chose going along to get along / Friendship with the world.
“…know ye not that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God” ~James 4:4
The modern church is CLEARLY at war with God and is too dumbed down to even recognize the fact.. ~MFP
Of course they are. This is how standing armies lord over the sheeple. The founders warned us about standing armies and banks. We listened to neither bit of advice. Jesus told us that those that lived by the sword would die by the sword. We did not listen to him either. ~MFP
The federal government pays farmers not to plant 65% of the cropland in the US!! … they engineer mass starvation. They have also sold off the entire national food reserves and allowed China to buy millions upon millions of tons of grains at a time when we are not going to have enough for ourselves. ~MFP
“For many, hospitalization has become a rational, not irrational, fear in America because of the widespread overtreatment of patients with Coronavirus-like symptoms. This is reminiscent of the 1918 Spanish Flu where the 50 million sick that died were vaccinated and those that survived received no vaccines, bed rest, sunlight, water, salt, enemas, fasting and calcium supplementation to facilitate alkalinity.”
I’ve been asking this question for years!
I was of the opinion that they made this power grab in 1804 in Massey V Ferguson. Either way this power was not delegated to the states in the Constitution. ~MFP
It’s sad but a given that “Modern Christians” almost always will support Lucifer’s side in any situation. Perhaps the following will set some of them straight: ~MFP
Thanks to Joe Biden’s policies and acquiescence to China, America may experience a full-blown food shortage, Fox News host Tucker Carlson explained.
“The first three things that any normal nation needs and thinks about obsessively are food, water, and energy. That’s the standard. In China, for example. Every government policy, foreign and domestic, is designed above all to secure adequate reserves of food, water and energy, and that makes sense,” Carlson said Friday on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
The truth is that this drug kills people with breathing issues deader than a hammer. It was used in the UK to murder thousands of people in the hospitals. Now they want permission to use it to kill you and your family.~MFP
This is what Amerikans got when they threw the 2nd amendment and the Militia away, and decided instead to raise a standing army in blue to lord over us. These 10 terrorists in blue will not get the death penalty as they deserve. What would happen to you if you did this? ~MFP
Ukraine on Fire: 2016 Documentary by Oliver Stone_MUST WATCH!U.S. meddling during the Maidan Revolution encouraged demonstrators to overthrow Ukraine’s democratically elected government (96 minutes and article)
This joke is on the Amerikan sheeple. The bankers got all of the gold stolen from the Amerikan people that was stored for a short while stored in Fort Knox. The leaders of Canada and the UK have likewise stolen the nations gold for the bankers. ~MFP
Mike Harris, Financial Editor of Veterans Today, rejoins the program to discuss his research and article titled “The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia”. His research and article, which he co-authored with Dr. Preston James, catapulted the Khazarian Mafia into the consciousness of the world. The article has had over 100 million views and the Khazarian Mafia is now a concept and term used by many independent journalists worldwide. It is past time that we understand who this group is and what they have done to humanity. You can learn more about Mike Harris and his work at
What they don’t tell you is that the 53 Starlink internet satellites, are for 5G Internet/Surveillance. The “Internet of things ” is going as planned, and the sheep are oblivious. ~MFP
And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ ~Matthew 7:23
I am beginning to believe that this includes most of US “law enforcement”.
US law enforcement does not understand things such as mere laws like the 1968 gun control act DO NOT change the second amendment. They believe that men in black dresses can do that, even though never given that power.
FWIW this is something that young school children used to understand. Now our Pastors and churches are totally ignorant of the principles that God set this country up on.
Could it also include millions upon millions of so called “Christians” that support the lawlessness of our “law enforcement”?
It seems pretty clear to me. The modern Christian church seems to be the enemy of our God given rights and God seems to say that they will be damned for doing so.
—- Friendship with the world is enmity with God.
Is the world on the brink of NUKE destruction over LGBTQ desire to indoctrinate Ukranian children?
After looking at this video of Ukranian president dancing with his gay friends, you decide.
The video sound is off, but it’s still totally obvious.
The most bizarre thing, this is the guy the world of normies is rallying behind.
God help us.
This is the delusional mental illness that the Globalist company PayPal sent to me. today It looks like Americans and Kristians have not learned phucking thing from the COVID psyop. Not a damned thing…. they are too stupid to see that this is a Globalist operation that is designed to kill them and their families. Nothing less.
Paypal how about the “Humanitarian Crisis” that for the past 8 years, where the Ukrainian Nazi Azov division has shelled and killed 14,000 civilians in the Ukrainian Dombas? What about that “humanitarian crisis you demonic demons? Or what about the US proxy war in Yemen? WTF? ~MFP
How many American retards are falling for this GLOBALIST PLAN?
Ukrainians are experiencing a grave humanitarian crisis. The need for relief is urgent and expanding. Relief and recovery efforts for those remaining and refugees fleeing are vital. Support a participating charity by donating to PayPal Giving Fund and 100% of your donation will go to charity with no deductions or fees*.
WHO Looks to Monopolize Health Systems Worldwide
The World Health Organization’s international pandemic treaty signals the organization may be planning to seize power over health systems and push the world toward universal health coverage. – Dr. Joseph Mercola
“Guilty Until Proven Innocent” – Biden Signs New Backdoor Gun Control Into Law – TYLER DURDEN
Imagine that. The slaves on the Federal Plantation being ” allowed” to exercise a very few of their God given rights. Most of the world already “allows” their serfs to buy medicines, but not yet in “the land of the free”.
It is for reasons such as below that I firmly believe that we need to abolish the standing army that we euphemistically call the “police”. The founders and Christ both warned us about standing armies (those that live by the sword…) Following orders is what police do and it is often as evil as the day is long. ~MFP
This is beyond sad. t Americans are too dumbed down to be effective jurors. Most have no idea of the powers,nor real purpose of the jury, and those that do are weeded out by voir dire. Voir dire actually does the opposite of what they tell you it is for. ~MFP
So then only 49 out of 50 State Governors, will be on the Communist Chinese payroll and be actively trying to murder your children! As expected the pastors in the pulpits and our County Sheriff,s approve of the slaughter of children by their silence. ~MFP
Wouldn’t this make your State Governor an “accessory to murder” if he was pushing these “vaccines” and not incidentally had ties to Communist China? (Like the Governor of Missouri does)
How about your county sheriff that sits on his rear and allows gross violations of the Nuremberg Code to be committed by the medical establishment? Might that also make him at least being an accessory to murder? ~MFP
I live in a community where many “Christians” send their kids to private “Christian Schools” that dumb them down. They are taught nothing about many essential topics such as Natural Law, and the Documents and principles that this country was founded upon; all of them based on the “Laws of Nature and the Laws of God.” ~MFP
Three times is a charm. In the last week the criminals in DC have done 3 things, each one by itself capable of collapsing the dollar. They have: .1.) Begun monetizing the dollar (printing money without selling the bonds) 2.) Kicked Russia out of the SWIFT payment system. So now every country in the world is not going to trust it and they’re fleeing to the Russian and Chinese alternative systems. 3.) We have forced Russia to announce that the Ruble is now backed by gold. This will make the Ruble the strongest currency in the world and further the collapse of the dollar as countries start using the Ruble as the world reserve currency. ~MFP
What your average American sheep does not understand, is that the freedom trampling government policies that they support, are demonstrably a major cause of people being homeless. ~MFP
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” – Ecclesiastes 1:9
1:33 PM EST — Russian forces have reportedly entered Mariupol city. Heavy clashes ongoing in the city. There is VIDEO purporting to show AZOV Regiment Nazis of Ukraine Army actually . . . . CRUCIFYING . . . . a Russian soldier in Mariupol, then setting him on fire and burning him to death. This may be why the Russian are storming-in to Mariupol right now.
UPDATE 3:18 PM EST — The Armed Forces of Ukraine Special Operations Unit has announced it will no longer take Russian artillerymen, prisoners. In a chilling message to Russians, they promised every artillery unit soldier would be “carved as a pig”.
These are the Nazi war criminals that run Ukraine speaking.
Openly talking about committing more serious war crimes after a long record of doing so. ~MFP
The county Sheriff also seems fine with being a bystander to the largest mass murder to ever occur. But don’t worry, it is rumored that he is a Godly Christian man and attends church every week. Appearances after all, are all that matter. ~MFP
Here is a message to our “Christian” County Sheriff:
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer – Christian Pastor executed by the Nazi’s
I published this yesterday and above is supporting evidence of the murder plot by the State of Missouri. The “right to life” churches don’t give a damn about your children’s lives nor do the county Sheriffs:
The state of Missouri has a Satanic psychopath in charge and most, especially the churches are OK with that……
This really woke me up today. To discover that the Missouri Governor’s office is pushing the New World Order death jabs! If you are not convinced that the entire world, including the Missouri governors office lies in the evil one… I just don’t know how to fix the special kind of stupid that you are.
They are pushing these Satanic vaccines for 5 year olds!!!! It looks to me that the Missouri Governor is a real piece of Satanic Shite and he should be tried for crimes against humanity and spend the rest of his life in a jail cell I can not put into words my disgust with government in general but this POS governor we have. If we are lucky he will migrate to North Korea where he might be in like minded psychopathic company. ~MFP
Let me begin with saying that I am (criminally IMHO) blacklisted in the Springfield MO area by both the Cox and Mercy medical systems from receiving a critical hernia surgery. This did not happen by accident, and is tied directly into the literal takeover of our local medical system by dark and nefarious global forces with evil men and woman in these 2 medical systems that are unfortunately willing to go along.
In the past 2 “COVID years” the medical system takeover has been a beautiful illustration of the Milgram psychological experiment:
After WW2 Americans did not believe that their fellow Americans would murder people like the Nazi guards at Auschwitz did. Well the Milgram experiment conclusively proved that Americans will not only murder their fellow citizens on command, but that 2/3 of them will do so with no more coercion than a person in authority telling them to do so! I suspect that when coercion, such as a job comes into play that close to 100% of Americans will go along. That has been my experience with both the Cox and the Mercy staff here in Springfield MO. If you have the time here is a full documentary on Dr Milgram’s experiment at Yale. The Milgram Experiment 1962 Full Documentary
I take you on a slight detour of a few stories in the news to give you the background and perspective of what is transpiring at Cox and Mercy. Please take the time to read them if you are not aware of these goings on:
The bottom line is that our hospitals are being run run by the UN and Pfizer, using Medicare/Medicaid payments to club hospital administrators into going along with the UN/globalist agenda. (Note to self: contact the hospital administrators and possibly these doctors for comment)
Inhuman Monster: Daniel Ray Cardwell, MD – 417-875-3230 – Cox Health
On Tuesday November 9th I punctually arrived at the Ferrell-Duncan Clinic –
1001 East Primrose Street Springfield, MO. Dr. Cardwell’s staff was on the 5th floor. I approached his desk without a mask. I was asked to put on a mask. I declined, and began to inform this desk person that I had a medical reason to be exempted from wearing a mask. She turned into a psychotic lunatic and immediately called out for someone to call security.
At the time I was thinking that the proper response from sane rational people would have been to inform me that I had to comply or they could not service me. But then I observed that I was not dealing with sanity or rationality, but rather “order followers” following a Satanic Agenda run out of the United Nations.
I reluctantly put the mask on and went to sit down. I heard them send someone into the Dr Office to see “if he would still see me”.
Acting preemptively I called the Dr from the waiting area to see what was going on. They accused me of being “rude to his staff” and that under no circumferences would they see me.
This is a good example of another observation called projection, where people that are obviously doing something wrong accuse you of doing what they are doing. I am sure you have experienced this whether you knew the technical term for it or not.
Before I move on to the other doctor involved, let me explain to you the reader what I was trying to explain to the receptionist when I was so rudely threatened with violence and refusal of service :
I have a breathing disability that OSHA says you MUST accommodate.
Requiring someone to wear a mask is a medical procedure as it lowers blood oxygen. Therefore if the person ordering this is not a doctor they are practicing medicine without a license.
Also the Nuremberg Accord and the Geneva Convention state that any medical procedure must be voluntary and that it is a war crime to do otherwise.
Inhuman Monster: John Robert Hornick, MD – (417) 820-3800 – Mercy Hospital
It appears that Cox blacklisted me from their entire system for merely asking that my wishes and rights be respected and the law followed because my primary care physician made an appointment out of the Cox system.
I had an apportionment with Dr John Hornic in the Mercy Hospital system for Monday December 6th. Before that date I received a call from them canceling that appointment and that someone would reschedule. They never called so I called them and made an appointment for the following Monday.
It was on Saturday that his office called again and my discernment smelled a rat. The lady from Dr Hornic’s office seemed very concerned as to why I was seeking services outside of Cox. I told her that I had no idea and that she should go to my primary to find out why.
She had lied to me about no knowing anything and then accused me of “being concerned” about the PCR test.
Well she brought it up (and had likely gotten that info from my “private” HIPPA records with my primary care doctor , that are not really private at all are they?)
I reluctantly went ahead with my many concerns, that are widely reported, among them the fact that the PCR test is NOT a diagnostic test, it is a forensic test. I quickly ascertained that she knew much less than nothing about this test. She did not know how many cycles they were going to run it, she did not know what they were using as a “seed” for the test.
I am certain that she did not know that Dr Fauci back in the 90’s used the fake PCR test to falsely diagnose 10,000 children with HIV, kidnap them from their parents using CPS, and then use experimental HIV drugs, up to the point of killing over 200 of them and permanently maiming many others.
This fact is covered in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s best selling book: The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)
Much of the information about the PCR is propaganda from the deep state in the form of “fact checkers” that are anything but. If you look carefully you can find truthful information. Here Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test explains why it is NOT a diagnostic test:
I also highly recommend that you take 5 minutes to watch this Greg Reeves piece on how Fauchi kidnapped from their parents and murdered 200 young black kids, by using the PCR test inappropriately:
To recap all I had done was to ask for minimal “informed consent” about the PCR test part of the surgery. We are always told that “informed consent” is sacrosanct. Right?
She as being very elusive washy and elusive when I framed a question to her, asking if I still had an appointment on Monday. She responded that no I did not because of my “concerns about the PCR test” So I told her that those questions were part of “informed consent” and she again admitted to me that they would not see me because I was asking for that information.
A quick summary is that Cox has refused to see me for a critically surgery because I asked them to follow the law. I did not demand it, I even put on their so called mask to placate them.
Mercy has refused to see me because I dared ask for informed consent.I did not demand it, I merely bought it up after THEY asked.
I could and should write an entire article on how useless the the psychopaths in government that we euphemistically refer to as Congressman or Senator.
I have been contacting US Senator Josh Hawley for over 3 years about medical malfeasance in SW Missouri without any type of thought out meaningful.
Last week I was told by his staff that these hospitals were private business’s and they they could not do a thing, This from the people that regulate how much water each toilet flush in those hospitals can use and the limits on the size of the incandescent light bulbs that they can use.
Not to mention that these hospitals take Federal Funds and thus are treated under many laws like government and not as a private business that did not take government money.
Josh Hawley’s assistant is:
(314) 354-7060
Thank you for reading this to the end.
This was a very hard piece for me to write about. This was in every respect a serial rape by the medical monopoly, and it brings up a lot of intense emotions when I relive it. I don’t think that it is a coincidence that this is how I often feel when dealing with governmental entities ,and this story is very far from being the only incident of government misconduct that is in my life. Besides the medical system I have had incredibly horrific incidents with our County property tax collector and also Social Security, all within the space of the past few months. Government seems not to be our servant, but rather a serial rapist. I really don’t know why we continue to tolerate it.
Help me out with comments, suggestions, and phone calls if you can. Your prayers are always most welcome.
Related Articles that show how our hospitals are murdering us for money and these 2 doctors mentioned above and their staff are going along with it:
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others…” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush
People often miss that when an individual stands up for the truth that they are not only standing up for your rights they also stand up for Jesus Christ as he is the ultimate truth. ~MFP
These metallic creatures are on the “COVID” test swabs. Your Federal government through medicare payments is incentivising hospitals to require the COVID test. This is a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code on coerced medical care by these hospitals.
US Senator Josh Holley’s office tells me to go hire an attorney rather then THEM looking at clear violations of International treaty that is suppose to protect us from the Nazi like medicine coming out of US hospitals!
Is Josh Holley and his staff stupid or afraid? Either way as the Declaration says they look like they need to be removed as they do not serve us or protect our rights. Perhaps Josh should be in the next war crimes tribunal for failing to act. ~MFP
People often miss that when an individual stands up for the truth that they are not only standing up for their and your rights they also stand up for Jesus Christ as he is the ultimate truth. ~MFP
*** I am finding out that people in the medical field even when presented with undeniable proof of the genocide, reject it. Very much like the citizens of Germany who were unable to accept the fact that their government was gassing Jews when presented with that fact. The 2 articles directly below explain how Mass Formation Psychosis also explains what is going on in the medical field ~MFP
I want to point out that it is not just the people taking the Jab that are under Mass Formation Psychosis, much of the Christian church has also fallen for this Satanic form of mind control. ~MFP
In the US we have no civil defense. There are no fall out shelter for we the sheep, only our leaders. Our electrical grid is not hardened against an EMP attack. In Russia they recently put 40 million citizens into fallout shelters, and have hardened both their Internet and electrical grid. Who’s government sounds like they care at all about their citizens?
The fact that the US plans on resuming income tax collection within 30 days of a nuclear war that they will not protect us from speaks volumes about the US government: ~MFP
In 1989, the IRS updated its employee manual with information on how the agency will deal with a nuclear war. According to the manual, the IRS will resume tax collection within 30 days of a nuclear attack. Tax collection efforts will be focused on areas that produce the most taxes. The manual also states that the staff is to focus on collecting current taxes because the widespread destruction could make it nearly impossible to recover previously owed taxes.
Many churches have gone full East German Stazi under FEMA. This IMHO is just the tip of the iceberg of the apostate state of the church in these United States. ~MFP
So you think that Ukraine is the only issue? China is planning to exterminate every American prior to their colonization plans.This is a 5 part series that exposes this globalist plot to exterminate you and establish China as the world policeman.
What a thoughtful bunch of psychopaths we have lording over us. The Russians only get Fall out shelters, an EMP hardened power grid. and a government that has their best interest in mind. We in the USA get a web page and a government that wants to jab us to death.
The state of Missouri has a Satanic psychopath in charge and most, especially the churches are OK with that……
This really woke me up today. To discover that the Missouri Governor’s office is pushing the New World Order death jabs! If you are not convinced that the entire world, including the Missouri governors office lies in the evil one… I just don’t know how to fix the special kind of stupid that you are.
They are pushing these Satanic vaccines for 5 year olds!!!! It looks to me that the Missouri Governor is a real piece of Satanic Shite and he should be tried for crimes against humanity and spend the rest of his life in a jail cell I can not put into words my disgust with government in general but this POS governor we have. If we are lucky he will migrate to North Korea where he might be in like minded psychopathic company. ~MFP
This says it all! Let it sink in….Yet we have Americans so phucking stupid, and lacking in historical knowledge, that they are supporting the Ukraine…. just like Klaus Schwab and George Soros want them to. ~MFP
The same people in the US that created COVID were and still are creating bioweapons right next to Russia in the Ukraine. Do you think that the US would let Russia set up bio-weapon labs right across the border in Canada? ~MFP
Many churches have gone full East German Stazi under FEMA. This IMHO is just the tip of the iceberg of the apostate state of the church in these United States. ~MFP
This is funny as the Constitution does not even give the Supreme Court the right of Judaical Supremacy. ~MFP
“You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”
~Thomas Jefferson
WHEN this happens, remember that it will be the US government that is most likely behind the cyber attacks. After all the US government just got though completely destroying our own military.
It is clear that they are not on our side.
They have spent the past 10 years getting a war with Russia going in the Ukraine. Biden is just projecting what he plans to do to you. ~MFP
Many churches have gone full East German Stazi under FEMA. This IMHO is just the tip of the iceberg of the apostate state of the church in these United States. ~MFP
An electric blackout has struck the capital of Ukraine this hour and comes as government and banking web sites throughout the country have been subjected to Distributed Denial of Service (Ddos) attacks all day. Most Ukrainian government web sites are offline as are most of the biggest banks in the country.
A Russian National here in the New York City area has told me this morning he was contacted by the Russian Embassy. According to him, the Embassy recommended considering making plans to leave the US within the next week and to have enough physical currency on hand to cover the trip in case interruptions occur in banking.
On my radio show last night, I specifically told my audience they should start grabbing cash money out of the banks – albeit for a different reason. I now reiterate that advice given this latest development.
For the Russian Embassy to be calling its citizens within the United States, telling them they should leave within the next week AND to have cash “in case interruptions occur in banking” tells me the Russians KNOW something big enough is going to take place that Russian citizens may no longer want to stay in the USA, and they ALSO KNOW that something big enough IS GOING TO HAPPEN to cause “interruptions in banking.”………
Hell yes. “Christians” have sat idly by for decades doing nothing about tyrannical “laws” and executive orders that are as bad or worse than Canada’s “Emergency Act” ~MFP
Back in 1776 we used to have a single county sheriff and his pose that served as “law enforcement
This new institution of “police” must be disbanded if this country is ever to regain it’s past liberties and rights.
Tyrannical criminal, actions like this should carry very long mandatory prison sentences. If this man had shot and killed all of the thugs in blue uniforms I would have voted “not guilty” on jury duty and shook his hand. ~MFP
Don’t you think that a lot of culpability ought to go to those that disarmed this woman? The psychopaths in the British Parliament and their order following British “police”. ~MFP
Employees of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) were told today as they were leaving work “Go immediately to the supermarket and make sure you have plenty of food, water, and medicine for yourself and your family.” They have **NEVER** received such a warning from work, ever before, in the whole history of FEMA.
This really hits home as I was given credit by the Tenth Amendment Center for motivating them to write this model legislation.
This tyrannical law-fair use of the courts has been going on for over 10 years. The 2nd amendment preservation act, passed in Missouri 10 years ago but it seems like the system does not give a damn about the will of the people nor the true intent of the 2nd amendment. FYI the entire act has been gutted by the psychopaths in Jeff city that apparently do the bidding of the Satanic Globalists. ~MFP
“Modern Police” should be immediately disbanded. They have become a standing army that lords over us. They are order followers that are no different than the guards at Auschwitz that gassed Jews.
We need to go back to 1776 with a single elected county sheriff and his posse of citizens, otherwise known as the Militia of the several states. ~MFP
Anyone involved in prescribing Remdesivir , should in my opinion, spend the rest of their lives safely locked away in a prison cell, That includes local doctors and the hospital administrators that are pushing this poison. ~MFP
Situation Update, Feb 14, 2022 – SOURCE: China releasing bioweapon during olympic games; natural molecules may BLOCK the deadly protein – Mike Adams (83 minutes)
Why the hell did you not DEMAND that the Country sheriff help you rescue a kidnap victim? Why? The county sheriff has a LOT of culpability in this murder. ~MFP
The unconstitutional, anti-American, and tyrannical, commie BATF needs to be abolished ASAP! Charges might be able to be brought individually against them under USC18 sections 241 and 242. ~MFP
Police forces across the United States have been transformed into extensions of the military. Our towns and cities have become battlefields, and we the American people are now the enemy combatants to be spied on, tracked, frisked, and searched. For those who resist, the consequences can be a one-way trip to jail, or even death. Battlefield America: The War on the American People is constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead’s terrifying portrait of a nation at war with itself. In exchange for safe schools and lower crime rates, we have opened the doors to militarized police, zero tolerance policies in schools, and SWAT team raids. The insidious shift was so subtle that most of us had no idea it was happening. This follow-up to Whitehead’s award-winning A Government of Wolves, is a brutal critique of an America on the verge of destroying the very freedoms that define it. Hands up!―the police state has arrived.
Why a High-Ranking FBI Attorney Is Pushing ‘Unbelievable’ Junk Science on Guns
Forensic analysts testify at trials as “experts.” But juries don’t know that their methods “seriously underestimate the false positive rate.” –
———— It has come out again again and again that the FBI is at the very least an extremely criminal organization…. Agent Ted Gunderson eposed years ago that they were Satanic and pedophilia in nature
Bottom line boys and girls is that these criminal commie bastards are coming for your guns. What is really disgusting is the sleep like trance that American gun owners are in…not to mention the tactic support of many if not most modern Christians for the so called “law”
(law of Satan if anything) ~MFP
How 5G turns your body into a molecular WEAPON of destruction and brain damage – Mike Adams (9 minutes)Situation Update, Feb 11, 2022 – Big Pharma will be ELIMINATED in the global prosecutions of the COVID CRIME SPREE – Mike Adams (81 minutes)
The Google Mail storage scam continues…. If you have a free Gmail account with 15GB of storage, they warn you that you are out of storage but then only allow you to delete at most 5 MB of old emails! ( ().03% of your emails) Is this just done to Patriots? Pretty easy for these criminals to pull off.
One additional observation is that the psychopaths in the Missouri attorney general’s office are not in the slightest interested in any of the criminal activities of Google. They plainly tell you to go out and get your own attorney!
The ONLY reason that this is a problem at all, is that the so called police have enforced illegitimate laws such as the 1968 gun control act and disarmed the population to the point where it is only criminals that are well armed. Thank a dumbed down modern “Christian’ that supports Hitlers version of Romans 13 for this state of affairs. Has there ever been a law written by their God the state,, that modern “Christians” haven’t loved and supported? ~MFP
This only happens where the population has been disarmed by police. Places like Seattle. The standing army known as the “police” have a huge culpability for the crimes caused by their criminally disarming the population. Blind Order Following is one of the greatest evils to fall upon mankind. ~MFP
Have the AMA, CDC, FDA, NIH protocols saved patients? Hell no! They have purposely murdered hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, who could have been saved. – News with Views
It has been thrown out there that the FBI was called to Canada to help the criminal government do to Canadians what the US government did to US citizens on January 6th. The real terrorists and insurrectionists are our governments and the FBI in particular. ~MFP
The sat store is now supporting Bivy sticks with unlimited texting. Unlike a sat phone these can usually receive texts while indoors at a southern window…. $50 a month gets you unlimited texting and it buys you the Bivy stick itself. ~MFP
Over 700 people have been arrested in connection with the events of Jan. 6, 2021. This website provides current information about each one, including relevant news articles, an arrest map, and list of those currently incarcerated. We also provide ways for you to contact those in prison, and to help cover their legal and living expenses. If you would like to provide corrections, updates, or requests, please please contact us.
Kidnapped by the FBI and our injustice system, then tortured in a DC gulag is a more accurate description. Don’t worry continue to sit on your ass and it will come to your front door. ~MFP
“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
~Psalm 11:3
Has anyone else been wondering where our churches and our country sheriffs have been hiding? Satan is busy murdering children and adults and both groups seem to lack both an intellect and a mouth. They both are an embarrassment. Perhaps they both need abolished in their present form…. ~MFP
You’re out of storage space and will soon be unable to send or receive emails until you free up space or purchase additional storage. Changes to your storage space may take up to 24 hours to update.
Gmail says you have 15GB of storage space with a free account. You get the above warnings when you get to the limit and they ask you to delete stuff.
When you go to delete some of that 15GB you discover that you can only delete less than 100 MB! Then they keep on pestering you to upgrade from the free 15GB to a paid account because you never can get below 14.9 GB or so!
These pukes own the world and they actively shake down people that are using their mail accounts and making them all of that money they make by selling your info to the Feds. One rape is never enough with Satan, so Gmail wants to rape you a second and third time. Just my 2 cents. ~MFP
This is far from the entire story: The law dean of Harvard law school by the name of CC Langdell who was an evolutionist introduced the evolution of law way back in the 1860’s!
This is the direct reason why state abortion laws were overturned! They also succeed in the 1950’s in illegitimately forcing the Bill of Rights onto the states with other disastrous results. They killed the 9th and 10th amendments! Funny how I don’t know a single human being that knows this history. Ignorance is bliss. ~MFP
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ~John 8:32
“…Very high doses of vitamin C (doses of 50 grams intravenously or higher) are effective at doing this, but lower multi-gram vitamin C doses, orally or intravenously, appear to require the assistance of cortisol to realize optimal intracellular levels of vitamin C….”
A takeaway you get from this film is how much “Christians” have been dumbed down on the topic of Satanic fractional reserve banking/Communism/Zionism/Talmudism ….. (the important stuff) ~MFP
If you are paying attention this is the 3 or 4th “coincidence” of fertilizer plants being destroyed in the US. They ARE planning to use food as a weapon. ~MFP
This National “Speed Camera” plan is about nothing other than control. Further invading your privacy. Stealing more money, privacy, and rights from you. This is about the total subjugation of the American people by servants of Lucifer that run our governments. ~MFP
If you don’t already know the Soviet have demonstrated their ability to do the same with their EW weapons, to our aircraft, our missile cruisers, and aircraft carriers. ~MFP
** If you are a believer you should listen and investigate this. The Noahide laws were passed in 1991 by the US Congress. These Noahide laws are what have justified the camps with guillotines.
Sharia law is not what we have to fear. Congress has not adopted Sharia law BUT they have adopted the Noahide laws. Use your discernment and take it to the Lord in prayer. ~MFP
“They are both organized crime, but unlike government, drug cartels don’t force you to take their drugs.”
“What’s the difference between the government and the mafia? The mafia doesn’t have a twelve year indoctrination system to convince you it’s not organized crime.” ~ Brett Veinotte, School Sucks podcast
In the “modern christian” realm much of this cowardliness stems from their current Satanic interpretation of Romans 13. ~MFP
“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars–they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
~Revelation 21:8
I would like to ask where the phuk you county sheriff is on this issue?
His job is to protect you from things like this, but the reality is that most, if not all, will do nothing to stop Federal tyranny and terrorism. Remember that it was the universal milita that protected us from rogue governmental actions if both “voting” and the “Jury” system failed to do so. ~MFP
The rifle kit deals from Palmetto keep getting better and better:
(the magpul sights included often go for $100 – so you are in effect getting this kit for $299!) FWWIW I do not like the lack of picatinny on the upper part of the handguard but that can be fixed….on the other hand the trigger is much better than the standard mil-spec trigger. ~MFP
I have asked this same question many times……Not hard at all.
Modern Christians are useful idiots for the most part that do not understand the world around them. ~MFP
WAR Coming Fast; U.S. Navy Sorties 22 Warships, 4 Nuclear Subs in ONE DAY – Hal Turner Radio
Situation Update, Jan 18th, 2022 – Corporations take out life insurance policies on EMPLOYEES then push vaccine MANDATES to kill them and cash in – Mike Adams (71 minutes)
This article is being blocked on my computer, but I have been able to get to it with my cell phone. ~MFP
As you may know the “un-patriot act” allows government to merely call you a terrorist and that is all the due process needed for them to be able to treat you exactly as they have treated accused terrorists in Guantanamo Bay. That includes torture and rape of you your spouse and your children.
Does this verse come to mind?
“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” ~Matthew 25:40
Christianity will soon reap what it has sown……
If you are receiving this from me you are already on this terrorist list I guarantee you that and ignore it at your families peril.
Lucifer’s hand maiden, and demon from hell Joe Biden, just passed a secret executive order (they are sometimes called national security directives) that reaffirms this position.
I am tempted to go off on the “modern Christian Church ” whose walk with evil has brought this down upon all of us. I have sat in so-called Christian churches for 50 years and have never once heard a rally against the evil and unconstitutional concept of “presidential executive orders”. For that matter I have never once heard any of the idiots that attend these churches (don’t get mad at me for calling the people in your church idiots, as God himself did so in Hosea 4:6 among other places) speak out about “executive orders” because none of them seem to understand the US Constitution or for that matter right from wrong.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
I just want to impress upon you how very real and imminent this is. Continuing to sit on your arse and refuse to join with others is likely not going to work out very well for you.
“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” ~Ezekiel 22:30
None of us is as prepared as we should be and in these coming evil days we will depend upon the protection of our Lord Jesus Christ for protection. That however does not absolve us from doing our part. Do not end up like the 5 unprepared Virgins in the tale of the 10 Virgins. Do your part and our Lord Jesus Christ will be there to aide you in what you can not do on your own. Please take this matter to the Lord in Prayer. The hour is much later than many of you think.~MFP
I have always been enraged by the 2nd amendment violation in our hospitals. FWIW most hospitals do not have metal detectors and weapons are not hard to bring in if you decide to do so. I have tested this and it is so in most hospitals. I tell you what if they tried this with a family member of mine things would have ended very differently. They likely would have called it a terror attack. ~MFP
What people often forget is that it was doctors, not soldiers, who committed the worst crimes in Nazi Germany. These days it is just as easy to buy a doctor or a scientist as it is to buy a politician. ~Steve Quayle
There are many more that are going through similar things.
DO NOT forget Pastor Martin Niemoller’s Poem boys and girls:
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
Situation Update, Jan 13th, 2022 – Cannabis blocks SPIKE PROTEIN; Unvaxxed Americans declared PRISONERS in their own homes – Mike Adams (62 minutes)
You may find smaller bottles at your local feed store, and be surprised that this can be taken orally by humans in wake of the USPS criminally confiscating shipments of Ivermectin. Both Mike Adams and a few people at Church have had good results with this form . ~MFP
These plate readers are to enslave you not protect you. Unfortunately many if not most citizens, politicians, and law enforcement are too dumbed down to see where this is headed. ~MFP
“A seasoned stock analyst colleague texted me a link today, and when I clicked it open, I could hardly believe what I was reading. What a headline. “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64”. This headline is a nuclear truth bomb masquerading as an insurance agent’s dry manila envelope full of actuarial tables…”
All I have to say is that I hope he does a much better job than the state of MO has done with it’s piss poor state militia. He has 20 years of training to do in mere months. Three quarters or more of his potential militia are in such poor shape as to be useless in combat. He also has to contend with the fact that Florida law enforcement has disarmed the militia and none of them possess the necessary tools of war. The same with the Missouri Militia that has been criminally disarmed by Missouri Law enforcement in direct violation of the second amendment.. ~MFP
Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of the nine original mRNA vaccine patents, which were originally filed in 1989 (including both the idea of mRNA vaccines and the original proof of principle experiments) and RNA transfection. Dr. Malone, has close to 100 peer-reviewed publications which have been cited over 12,000 times. Since January 2020, Dr. Malone has been leading a large team focused on clinical research design, drug development, computer modeling and mechanisms of action of repurposed drugs for the treatment of COVID-19. Dr. Malone is the Medical Director of The Unity Project, a group of 300 organizations across the US standing against mandated COVID vaccines for children. He is also the President of the Global Covid Summit, an organization of over 16,000 doctors and scientists committed to speaking truth to power about COVID pandemic research and treatment.
Important short Romans 13 question The interpretation of Romans 13 that is ubiquitous in the modern church most closely resembles:
A. The interpretation of Romans 13 that Thomas Jefferson and many of the founders in 1776 believed. B The interpretation of Romans 13 espoused by Adolph Hitler in Nazi Germany.
If you chose B you are correct. The interpretation of Romans 13 in the modern church is indistinguishable from that of Adolph Hitler.
Most are under such a level of mind control that this will go in one ear and out the other without ever realizing the evil and suffering that this false belief has caused to their fellow man. ~MFP
Do you think that this is why the founders warned us not to have standing armies? Do you think that this is what Jesus Christ meant when he warned us that “those that live by the sword will die by the sword” (mercenaries).
Understanding the 2nd amendment is the answer but Americans seem to be too stupid to listen to the men that founded this country.
The bottom line in case you miss it is that the militia along with a singular county sheriff protected this country for 2-3 hundred years, until
we allowed the militias to be criminalized (the Dick act) and disbanded and replaced by a standing army euphemistically known as the “police.”
This is what always happens when citizens allow the “police” to disarm them. There are few other major contributing factors other than a disarmed citizenry. caused by order following men blindly enforcing unconstitutional “laws” , polices and edicts. ~MFP
In a local church we recently studied the story of Daniel and how he refused to bow down to the king’s illegitimate law.
Yet a deacon in a local church was castigating the Amish at lunch on Sunday, because they did not follow all of the “laws”. (good thing that Daniel had not been advised by this modern Christian)
This coming from a group of people (evangelical Christians) that in 1964 when our King and God (the supreme court) told us that we could no longer pray in schools…….
They predictably, as it they have done for the past 100 years, bowed down and submitted. (Good thing Meshack Shadrach and Abendego had not talked to this deacon)
“Modern Christians” seem to fail to understand the lessons of scripture and they also refuse to apply them to the real world. How is modern Christianity anything other than a mental disorder? It continually follows Satan’s agenda for them. Useful idiots is the most positive adjective that I can come up with for them…. ~MFP
We got here by not following the Second Amendment, and we support what by any measure is a standing army instead. The founders told us that the Militia was “the people”. Not having a “militia of the people” as we did in 1776 is a big reason why we are where we are at. In 1776 most Christian churches had a militia. How many do today? ~MFP
At 22:43 of part 1 (so listen in earlier) Mike discusses his theory that the COVID test PCR swap is put where it is in order to introduce self assembling nano sized devices into your brain. The patents he reads might convince you that this ia a distinct possibility. ~MFP
Situation Update, Dec 22, 2021 (Part 1) – Harvard scientist Charles Lieber, nanowires, DoD, CCP, Wuhan, covid and vaccine bioweaponsSituation Update, Dec 22, 2021 (Part 2) – Harvard scientist Charles Lieber, nanowires, DoD, CCP, Wuhan, covid and vaccine bioweapons
At 22:43 of part 1 (so listen in earlier) Mike discusses his theory that the COVID test PCR swap is put where it is in order to introduce self assembling nano sized devices into your brain. The patents he reads might convince you that this ia a distinct possibility. ~MFP
This is what happens when you allow the standing army that we euphemistically call the “police” to disarm us: (FWIW Missouri and Red states have done this to a great degree also) ~MFP
Russia SHUTS-OFF Natural Gas to Europe!
Situation Update, Dec 21, 2021 – Trump’s vaccine-pimping rhetoric proves it’s all POLITICAL THEATER run by the pharma cartels – Mike Adams ( 93 minutes)
Nyquest is one of the few that holds the opinion that Russia never gave up Communism and that it was a ruse all along to fool the US so that they could defeat us. ~MFP
These metallic creatures are on the “COVID” test swabs. Your Federal government through medicare payments is incentivising hospitals to require the COVID test. This is a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code on coerced medical care by these hospitals.
US Senator Josh Holley’s office tells me to go hire an attorney rather then THEM looking at clear violations of International treaty that is suppose to protect us from the Nazi like medicine coming out of US hospitals!
Is Josh Holley and his staff stupid or afraid? Either way as the Declaration says they look like they need to be removed as they do not serve us or protect our rights. Perhaps Josh should be in the next war crimes tribunal for failing to act. ~MFP
Situation Update, Dec 17, 2021 – CDC weaves desperate cover story for expected 15,000+ vaccine deaths PER WEEK in America by Christmas – Mike Adams (79 minutes)
My info is that world leaders have met with Lucifer in Antarctica. Yes it sounds nuts but that is the direction that the facts point. The above article may be dis-info in order to discredit the truth.
This is the expected result of the Federal Government illegally and unconstitutionally dictating what citizens can put into their bodies. The alcohol prohibition should have taught us that, but apparently we did not learn anything.
We are also ignoring that these criminal actions by the Federal government have allowed this form of 5th generationwarfare that is being waged by China via their being the suppliers of Fentanyl . In summary if the Feds were not criminals that are helping China murder Americans in this manner, drugs would be much safer, much like all of the other drugs that are sold in “drug stores”. ~MFP
For a limited time the 12/16/21 Hal Turner Radio show and the discussion of the Ukraine and the US pushing war there. You won’t get this info anywhere else. ~MFP
“It is a very strange and very sad day when leaders from a false religious system have more understanding regarding the God-given Natural liberties of man than do leaders from within Christian orthodoxy….” – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
May God Bless the “drug dealers’ for helping break up the California government price monopoly, and bring free market prices to the American people. ~MFP
It turns out that hospitals are paid by the Feds to give you the fake PCR test – hence their policies that require it.
They also get paid more when they create a false positive. Hence the reason why COX hospital in Springfield MO (1) runs the test at an incredible 40 freaking cycles! ~MFP
The real problem here is that the standing army known as the “police”, has disarmed the people of LA (the Militia). When you criminally (in violation of the 2nd amendment) disarm people this is what the flock happens you dumb SOB. . ~MFP
YOU really should listen to this and pass it on. ~MFP
Friday December 3rd: All Banks of America seem to be closed today in Springfield MO with no warning or explanation. You do know they are going to fail soon don’t you? Perhaps this was a dry run. ~MFP
Who is directing both Cox and Mercy hospitals in Springfield MO to so psychotically follow this UN directed agenda?
I have been denied critical surgery by both of these Satanically aligned organization in Springfield MO that seem hell bent in helping the Elites fully destroy this country so that the Communist take over can proceed. There will be a story on this soon. ~MFP
This is not the first time. In what is known as the “Finders Case” the CIA was found to be involved in pedophilia and making snuff films. No one as prosecuted back then either. ~MFP
We need courts to tell us what elementary school children used to know? The American people are incredibly dumbed down and cowardly is my take on this, The “modern churches” have convinced most Chrisitains that the government is akin to God. ~MFP
As with everything else from Lucifer the mask is based on a lie.
The lie that people that are not sick can spread disease
The lie that these “masks” can in any way thwart a virus
The lie that masks do not harm the wearer both physically and psychologically
Lucifer operates by instilling fear, and this is exactly what he achieves when people walk around masked.
This one is personal. It looks like Lucifer has killed my mother in this manner, she took the death jab because of the fear instilled from the mask ritual. Her death will be a blood sacrifice to Lucifer.
Lucifer also hates the image of God represented in the human face.
Lucifer smiles each time you submit to him and cover God’s image.
If you are going along with or enforcing this Satanic Ritual you have blood on your hands.
Do some research on the Milligram Experiment and learn what you are part of.
Our medical system in this country seems to fear man much more than they fear God.
Close to 100% of them are enforcers of this Satanic Ritual.
The only way that we can win is by saying no:
“…know ye not that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God” ~James 4:4
In closing: Masking demonstrably lowers blood oxygen levels so it is therefore a medical procedure. The Nuremberg code and the Geneva Convention are both supposed to protect us from forced medical treatments.
Furthermore Federal Law in the form of OSHA regulations mandate that people with disabilities (such as low blood oxygen) must be accommodated. There are no exemptions to this law.
Listen in at 49:00 minutes to catch Sam Andrews of the Freedom Center USA in Lebanon MO. You can catch him every Monday on John Moore’s show and the archives have many excellent past interview.s.
Freedom Center USA – Lebanon MO IMHO is by far the best place in the United States for high level firearms training. Contact me if you have any questions. Or contact the owner Sam Andrews at (417) 718-2597. (often texting works best)
Why can’t “modern churches” get the important stuff, correct? We are often taught the opposite of the following in our churches that do what I call “following the Satanic agenda“. (or doing and believing what Satan wants that benefits him rather than Christ. The modern churches acceptance of the Communist manifest is just one example of Satanic Agendas that the churches follow.) ~ MFP
We need courts to tell us what elementary school children used to know? The American people are incredibly dumbed down and cowardly is my take on this, The “modern churches” have convinced most Chrisitains that the government is akin to God. ~MFP
This makes a lot of sense to me. Dr Andrew Saul has reported that Polio was “cured” by high vitamin C doses. He also states exposure to “toxins” can be “cured” by vitamin C. You can get the details in his course : Vitamin Masterclass ~MFP
Folks, we have first-hand testimony that this is happening. Right now, today. Orders have clearly come down from on high to do what everyone everywhere agreed was unthinkable madness a matter of DAYS ago: cut off patients from WATER and nutrition to the point of disabling sinks and toilets.
For the love of God, STAY AWAY FROM HOSPITALS. Hospitals ARE the camps.
As the wolf led churches and sheeple congregations in the US sit on their asses and pretend that this is not happening and will not soon be here in the US……let’s see how that is going to work out for them shall we? ~MFP
Maybe there is still some justice in the world. This puts a smile on my face.
I am hoping that order follower Daniel Ray Cardwell, MD at Cox was dumb enough to take the jab. After what he did to me that would be poetic justice IMHO. ~MFP
Poetic justice? I am hoping that Daniel Ray Cardwell, MD at Cox receives some sort of justice for his going along with the Satanic COVID “policy” at Cox.
Situation Update, Nov 18, 2021 – The SMALLPOX BIOWAR – their “perfect” scheme to cover up vaccine deaths and cancel mid-term elections – Mike Addams (81 minutes)
The Doctors are Killing Americans:Doctors should know better. Big Medicine protocol is killing American citizens. Isn’t it time we asked why? Aren’t doctors subject to the Nuremberg Codes? – Dave Daubenmire –
This is much worse than this title suggests. It is coming out that these “contracts” (treaties) actually put Pfizer in charge of 50 countries, including the US, rather than their elected governments. ~MFP
This interview explains the fact that we live under a medical monopoly and not a free market medical system like we had in 1776. Dr Glidden discusses the results of having this monopoly forced upon us HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
. ~MFP
Americans have not been paying attention as usual . We have several forms of slavery in this country: Jury “duty”, the draft, the income tax, the property tax.
What is your definition of slavery?
PS Robert Barnes has a keen mind and is a pleasure to listen to. ~MFP
Situation Update, Nov 7, 2021 – Vaccines now ALTERING personalities and activating the REPTILIAN brain stem – Mike Adams (39 minutes)
China is signaling that they are going to war with the US. (High level people are predicting a February time frame) The “Brandon administration” is talking about criminalizing “hording” and doing everything it can to destroy our food supply and energy sources. They are destroying our military…..They are clearly working with China to take us down. ~MFP
Remember, Remember “The Plot” :
Virus purposely unleashed for Population Control and massive profits for those with the cure to RULE. Scary how close this movie is to what is happening now… and they just came out with a New Cure All Pill… Hmmmmmm
Above link for full movie… or rewatch that DVD you already have with friends and family… you’ll understand.
I pray to God that this stupid SOB Trump does not hold political office again! America is choosing from the bottom of the pile with men like this, that do not understand the Constitution or our form of government at all. ~MFP
Just FYI —– where the hell are the “right to life” people?
I guess the Satanic Pope has not told them to get upset about this yet….. maybe because he supports it all as do most of “God’s People” because they are not doing a damn thing about it! ~MFP
The standing army euphemistically known as the “police” is demonstrably one of the most anti-Christ and evil organizations in this country – yet the mental illness of “Modern Christianity” uses a twisted interpretation of Romans 13 to bestow upon them the “divine right of kings”.
They support these demonic pedophiles and psychopaths lording over us to have “sovereign immunity” and unlike you often can not be held accountable for their crimes.
How many “Christians” are aware that for decades that the Church of Satan has claimed to control most of our police departments?
How many “Christians” are aware of FBI whistleblower Ted Gunderson that exposed very widespread Satanism in the FBI decades ago?
How many “Christians” are aware of CIA Finders operation where pedophilia and snuff films were made and no one was even prosecuted?
They ignore the facts and keep on claiming that God put these evil men there, ignoring the fact that we have had a Constitutional Republic since 1776 and not Kings.
“Modern Christianity” and it’s refusal to both see or address evil is the root cause of the sorry state of this country today.
“Modern medicine pays little attention to promising scientific studies that point to inexpensive medical technologies that do not generate outrageous profits. Economical cures are closeted because they don’t pay the bills. Only a few savvy patients catch on and dare to use natural medicines without medical guidance…..”
“An estimated 81% of 31-50-year old presumably healthy Americans consume suboptimal amounts of vitamin E, which could entirely explain why seemingly health young-to-middle-aged adults die of Covid-19!”
Situation Update, Nov 2, 2021 – Monsters, Zombies and Mutants: HORRIFYING new research reveals how vaccines suppress DNA repair mechanism in your cells – Mike Adams (78 minutes)
This evil slope starts with you going along with “wearing the mask” as a healthy non-sick-person. Only the mentally challenged do not see where this irrational demanded compliance is headed. We all need to say no to this medical tyranny before it is too late.
Do you know what has enabled this? In large part by medical licensing.
“Licensing” is what is enabling the medical Milgram experiment that we have all been unwilling participants in for close to 2 years now. This is going the same way Auschwitz went….and worse. People going along with anything because they are just following orders they say.
This is the medical trampling of our God given right to contract for medical care as we see fit in the free market…….
The AMA monopoly was created by the globalist/Satanic Rockefeller family. Read up on the Flexner report that Rockefeller funded and used to urge Congress to change a free market medical system onto a monopoly with complete control over whether you live or you die.
Jesus Christ himself told us not to have standing armies when he uttered “he that lives by the sword will die by the sword ”
He was referring to the Roman Soldiers that made their living by being part of a standing army and earning their living that way..
The founders, many of them warned us about standing armies also.
What did the modern Christian Churches then do?
They glorify standing armies, thank them for their service and eschew and ignore the institution that God blessed in this country for having and that is the Militia.
The Militia was the result of real Christians listening to Jesus Christ when he told his disciples to go out and purchase a Roman Sword.
(Something that was a crime to possess for a Jew at the time.)
And most Amerikans are too freaking dumb to even see it now
Have any of you read “Philip Drew Administrator“? The plan was right out in the open during Woodrow Wilson’s administration….but none
of you have even read it.
How about Yuri Brezhnev? Again right out in the open. Americans are very poorly educated to say the very least.
FWIW the Modern Christian Churches has played a huge part in your dumbing down.
“We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one” ~1 John 5:19
Catastrophes, “Water-Wars”, and Nuclear War are about to Ignite the Greatest Migration of Humanity in Earth’s History! The mega-drought and lack of water is only the beginning. The Globalists’ nefarious plan is designed to heap a never-ending cascade of catastrophes onto mankind.
But why would these “Kings of the Earth” embark on such a reckless journey? According to their own words, their malevolent 50-plus-year goal is to bring about world-governance and to depopulate the earth. They have accelerated their timetable in 2021, bringing their global government nearly to fruition, with the ultimate aim to cull the entire human race.
Everything that we are seeing in the world today is part of this plan: From the collapse of our planet’s climate, to empty store shelves, and even to the release of Covid-19. They will stop at nothing to achieve their objectives, even if it means destroying the Earth in the process. Find out what’s coming next and how to avoid it in this jarring film: TRAILER – (3 minutes)
Despite this fact “Christians” nationwide seems to have no problems with paying for it through the property tax, (and Federal taxes) and the fact that Federal involvement in education violates the US Constitution. (another crucial document that “Christians” are not familiar with) ~MFP
Human trafficking, pedophilia, ‘Satanic’ politics… The Jeffrey Epstein scandal was the tip of the iceberg as Sean Stone, the former host of Buzzsaw, lays out the hidden agenda of the dark elite in this six-part documentary series.
In this ‘red pill’ journey, Stone explores famous cases like the Franklin Scandal, MK-Ultra and Monarch programming, the Jon Benet Ramsey murder and even the Son of Sam case, to connect the dots of a dangerous ideology, now driving the philosophy of a ‘transhumanist’ idea – to remake the human being. As more and more people awaken to this hidden agenda, the more rapidly we can take our power back.
You are way off Dave. A major reason that this happened is that the standing army euphemistically known as the “police” have disarmed we the people at the bequest of the Soros henchmen that we euphemistically call our legislators.
It’s really quite simple Dave and you really missed this one. Without this disarming many of the men on this train would have been trained militia members and would have acted. Also do not discount the mind control weapon in the water, that we euphemistically call “fluoride”. ~MFP
Today’s American Church is Spiritually Impotent:The American church is broken. It is time we stopped learning ABOUT Christianity and actually started practicing it. Won’t someone please show the Christians how to engage the blades? – Dave Daubenmire
For years I have been proposing a local food club here in SW Missouri. Thousands if not tens of thousands of lives could have been saved by building up the infrastructure and skills needed to produce our food locally. But no one seems to be able to think or reason. Most specifically “Christians”…….
It looks like others are finally catching on…..(though they are likely making a huge mistake by operating within the corrupt system.) ~MFP
My question is where the flock is the militia? Jesus Christ told us to be armed (and trained) and we ignored him. The founders warned about standing armies (as did scripture) and we ignored that also. Today’s “Christians” are not very bright it seems….~MFP
Two recently published studies confirm quercetin is useful as an adjunct therapy in the early outpatient treatment of mild SARS-CoV-2 infection
In one study, COVID patients who received quercetin in addition to analgesics and an antibiotic cleared the virus faster than those who only received analgesics and antibiotics, and a greater number of patients reported reduced symptoms
In the second study, daily quercetin supplementation for one month reduced the frequency and length of hospitalization, the need for noninvasive oxygen therapy, intensive care and deaths
Quercetin has antiviral, anti-blood clotting, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, all of which are important in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection
Quercetin also inhibits binding of specific spike proteins to your ACE2 receptors, thereby blocking the virus’ ability to infect your cells. It’s also been shown to directly neutralize viral proteins that are critical in the replication of SARS‐CoV‐2
Situation Update, Oct 14, 2021 – COVID relief funds deployed for communist takeover of America’s entire economy and labor pool – MIke Adams (79 minutes)
Our medical workers are part of a Milgram Experiment. The “standards of care” also include denying people with breathing difficulties, oxygen. Now they are putting plastic bags over their heads. This is Nazi Germany all over again. ~MFP
FWIW Budesonide is easily obtainable through
I got 6 inhalers delivered to the US for about $120.
It takes close to 4 weeks sometimes for delivery but they have been extremely dependable. They also have human form Ivermectin and HCQ.
They are very willing to help you through email if you can not find what you are looking for. Act today if you wish to take advantage of their offerings. ~MFP
“You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”
~Thomas Jefferson
Folks this is exactly why the founders warned us against standing armies. FWIW the National Guard is a standing army NOT the militia. ~MFP
I am going to slow things down as far as posting. My time has become very precious these days. Don’t fret though there is enough past stuff to keep you busy educating yourself for months: ~MFP
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” ~Thomas Jefferson
Much of what the modern “churches” are teaching is obviously false.
This is perhaps the most informative and riveting books on scripture that I have ever picked up. Highly recommended! ~MFP Genesis 6 Giants – Volume 2– Steven Quayle (457 pages)
Master Builders of Prehistoric and Ancient Civilizations. The master work of research and insight on Giants by Steve Quayle. The legends, myths, and oral traditions about giants may not be so farfetched as you have been taught.
Prepare for this eventuality. They do not want you to know many upcoming things….
The huge numbers of people dropping dead from the vaccine can only be covered up by taking down the Internet. ~MFP
An observation that seems to be a universal truth is that:
“Modern Christians” are expert at fighting each other, but absolutely refuse to fight Satan.
They have no idea who or what the enemy is. When you can’t even discern who the enemy is, how can you distinguish right from wrong? Isaiah 5:20 does a great job on describing the current Christian Church.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
~Isaiah 5:20
Situation Update, Sep 30, 2021 – Why red states must NULLIFY the federal government to save their citizens from mass death – Mike Adams 84 minutes)
This is what happens when you ignore both the Constitution (or don’t know it) and the founders warnings about standing armies. What we call “the police” is very clearly a standing army and we have been repeatedly warned to eschew them. We were also told that to remain free that a Militia was necessary. We have ignored both bits of law and advice and will soon pay the price for our willful ignorance.. ~MFP
Paying the first plank of the Satanic Communist manifesto (the property tax) is universally done and accepted in our “modern churches”.
What this amounts to is “Christians” funding and enabling the indoctrination of the children in this country into Satanism!
If you do not know that both socialism and communism are the creation of Satanist and are synonymous with Satanism, you need to wake the hell up. The real enemy IMHO is the “modern church”. IF Christians understood the Constitution this would likely not be happening. Hosea 4:6 is so applicable here. ~MFP
Situation Update, Sep 20, 2021 – CDC, DoD running black ops missions to RELEASE pathogens across America – Mike Adams (69 minutes)
The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
Revelation 8:10-12
The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water—
the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.
The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them turned dark. A third of the day was without light, and also a third of the night.
FYI “Canary Wormwood” is an annual shrub unique to the Canaries and the Island of LaPalma.
A tsunami on our East would make our fresh water saline and also would cause the meltdown of numerous nuclear reactors that would also contaminate the groundwater.
There is now a volcano in the Aleutian Islands that may threaten our West Coast with a tsunami.
When are the psychopaths in Jeff City Missouri going to:
A: Start discussing 10th amendment nullification of EVERYTHING that the Biden impostor tries to implement?
B: Talk about Secession from the Union of the above does not work?
C: Establishing a metals backed money supply like Texas did a few years back?
D. Establish a State run bank for the State to borrow from like North Dakota did decades ago?
E. Raising a large ubiquitous Missouri Militia to defend ourselves? (the people are too stupid to do this without being prompted.)
F. Take steps to neutralize the Rockefeller initiated, Country health departments and develop food self sufficiency here in Missouri?
These 6 steps are just the basics that any educated child ought to be able to come up with…..But today even the adults are not educated…. Instead our churches teach “Christians” to follow “authority”…. The modern Church is Satan’s best friend.
Doesn’t this sound just like what is happening in the Canary Islands:
“REV 8:8 – And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;”
FYI: the government schools in this country are creating socialist/communist/Satanists (they are almost synonymous).
Have you read the 10th plank of the manifesto? ~MFP
The below story about this “secure phone” being used to catch organised criminals is total BS! This was criminal spying on you and I by the criminal state intelligence agencies!Nothing more, nothing less. ~MFP
Situation Update, Sep 13th, 2021 – Hospital administrators CAUGHT ON CAMERA scheming to fabricated covid numbers and SCARE the public – Mike Adams (72 minutes)
Amazon has horse Ivermectinfor $38 tube still. Or you can get the human version from All Day Chemistfor much better prices than in US drug stores and you do not need a prescription at All Day Chemist.
I have done business with them for years and they are dependable. If you have any questions use the comments section to get a hold of me.
Breaking – Did China just Declare WAR?
Chinese State Media has just released a document that states the USA is engaging in biological warfare and other transgressions against China, is this a declaration of War – serpentza (youtube – 24 minutes)
I have been telling people for a decade and it is an indisputable historical fact that the Satanic Rockefeller family created our AMA medical monopoly through the Flexner report and it’s presentation to congress.
All along the chronic care branch of AMA medicine has had a thinly veiled goal of eugenics. The veil is now coming off and if you don’t see it now – you are blind and have no discernment. ~MFP
Situation Update, Sep 2, 2021 – Top FDA vaccine officials RESIGN to avoid prosecution for crimes against humanity – Mike Adams (75 minutes)
FEMA FORCIBLY VACCINATING IDA EVACUEES (New Orleanians who fled their homes ahead of Hurricane Ida’s terrifying wrath and later tried to return to salvage keepsakes and mementoes met unwelcome visitors along the treacherous stretch of road, highway 610, just south of Lake Pontchartrain.) –
Yale University, 1961. Stanley Milgram (Peter Sarsgaard) designs a psychology experiment that remains relevant to this day, in which people think they’re delivering painful electric shocks to an affable stranger (Jim Gaffigan) strapped into a chair in another room. Disregarding his pleas for mercy, the majority of subjects do not stop the experiment, administering what they think are near-fatal electric shocks, simply because they’ve been told to. Milgram’s exploration of authority and conformity strikes a nerve in popular culture and the scientific community. Celebrated in some circles, he is also accused of being a deceptive, manipulative monster. His wife Sasha (Winona Ryder) anchors him through it all.
Situation Update, Sep 1st, 2021 – The unvaccinated will inherit the Earth with “super powers” compared to the vax-damaged – Mike Adams (77 minutes)
Situation Update, Aug 26th, 2021 – Afghanistan collapse signals world nations to abandon the PETRO DOLLAR … America’s last days are upon us – Mike Adams (64 minutes)
Situation Update, August 24th, 2021 – Governments unleash TOTAL WAR against the human population with vaccines, starvation and death camps – Mike Adams
Situation Update, August 19th, 2021 – Australia runs mass child sacrifice Luciferian vaccine ritual targeting 24,000 children – Mike Adams (56 minutes)
Situation Update, August 19th, 2021 – Australia runs mass child sacrifice Luciferian vaccine ritual targeting 24,000 children – Mike Adams (56 minutes)
Situation Update, August 17th, 2021 – Alarming study confirms vaxxers will face catastrophic Antibody Dependent Enhancement injuries & deaths – MIke Adams (82 minutes)
This is why Americans must NEVER give up their arms:
Situation Update, August 11th, 2021 – CDC announces covid internment camps for every US city; will meet MINIMUM “humanitarian” standards – Mike Adams (73 minutes)
I am going to slow things down as far as posting. My time has become very precious these days. Don’t fret though there is enough past stuff to keep you busy educating yourself: ~MFP
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” ~Thomas Jefferson
Midazolam, the end of life drug, was bought in vast qualities by Hancock and the UK government, and was used in the spring of 2020 in quantities never seen before to murder old people en masse and call it the “first wave” of “Covid.”
‘It’s conspiracy – but not theory – and it’s a conspiracy to commit genocide by a group of sociopaths who think that they’re God…This is a war against God.’
Situation Update, July 12th, 2021 – How to HEAL yourself and the world by embracing God’s most precious gifts – Mike Adams (61 minutes)Situation Update, July 13th, 2021 – They’re going to monitor your PRIVATE phone messages now and “correct” vaccine “misinformation” – Mike Adams (53 minutes)
How Google and Wikipedia Brainwash You
Internet giants cover-up for Big Pharma, suppress alternative medicine and bury inconvenient facts. – Ryan Matters
Graphene Nanoparticles in Covid Vaccines – a Report from Spain
1. All the vaccines are manufactured using the same nano-technology. In Spain it was even described as “secret nanoparticles.” These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body. When they remain in an under zero degrees environment, they remain un-magnetic. [Why they freeze the vaccines?]
4. The molecules of GRAPHENE can interact with neurons in the brain in a remote mode using different radio-frequencies (5G could be one of these) , they can map the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely:
5. These were never “vaccines” against a virus, instead all the time it was a secret nanotech project developed to reach and control the brains of the human population (until now we don’t know if they can modify DNA via 5G) In la Quinta Columna, they discovered that people have been already magnetized via graphene present in masks, PCR tests, chemtrails and influenza and covid vaccines
7. GRAPHENE could be flushed naturally out of the body, because there is an enzyme called myeloperoxidase that apparently disintegrates graphene molecules. Surprisingly alcohol consumption or even tobacco can help to increase this enzyme. That’s why they want the population to be vaccinated each 6-12 months and sober.
8. The interaction between GRAPHENE in inoculated humans and 5G could result in a fatal event when 5G will be fully enabled in July 2021, so we would be in a short period of time to stop this madness and abort vaccination programs for once and all.
The CSS recently interviewed Steve Quayle and we feel compelled to issued these warnings: When you are listening, make sure your children are out of the room. This interview is clearly not for the faint of heart!
The range of topics covered in this interview are stunning and overwhelming and they partially include the purposeful destruction of America’s military through woke methods, the proliferation of churches controlled by the government’s tax exempt laws, the coming FEMA Camp roundups, persecution of Christians, the left’s deliberate provocation of gun owners in order to start a major conflict, the outlawing of homeschool, increased sex trafficking, the deliberate food and water shortages that are descending upon America, the emasculation of males that cannot fight back, the growth of crop destroying weather wars, taking down the power grid, the overwhelming presence of fake pastors who really work for the government, and the stealing of your soul so that you will never experience Heaven.
We also discussed why America will not fight back….
Stay tuned until the end as a solution is offered.
China has had spies in the United States for years. China has stolen our intellectual property rights for years. China has manipulated its currency for years. And recently, a lot of us knew that COVID resulted from a lab experiment gone awry. The staffers who handled the bats all got sick with COVID-like symptoms in November 2019. They destroyed samples that December. There are videos of them handling bats with no protective gear, being bitten, and covered in blood. Wait, it gets better. New studies have shown that maybe this was a cover story. That COVID was a lab creation and that China retro-engineered the virus to make it seem as if it came from bats. Either way, China is to blame. Now, we have this Chinese defector in custody who has given us the scoop on COVID and much more.
Situation Update, June 9th, 2021 – Wuhan collaborator Peter Daszak admits to developing “killer” coronaviruses with communist Chinese – Mike Adams (100 minutes)Situation Update, June 10th, 2021 – China’s TOTAL WAR against America may be just MONTHS away Chinese – Mike Adams (79 minutes)JR Nyquist interview: China planning to launch attack on America “in a matter of months” – Mike Adams (44 minutes)
The Freedom Center USA in Lebanon Missouri run by Sam Andrews is head and shoulders above any firearms training that I have ever received and that includes the NRA. Appleseed, Front Sight, and the Missouri Militia.
Their instructors are literally world class many of them with multiple tours with special forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.
I found 4 or 5 interviews of Sam Andrews on the Doug Hagmann show that will get you up to speed on what Sam is offering. They can be found here.