Unfortunately the biggest, least questioning supporters of this evil system that kidnaps children with no due process, and that often uses them for white (sexual slavery) slavery, are “Christians”. “
FWIW “the Church”: is a mere shadow of what scripture describes and envisions. Any thinking christian would want to vomit out the contemporary church because they find it so disgusting. Hey those are Christ’s words, not mine, don’t shoot the messenger.
I also want to know where the hell are the “right to life people?”They don’t really seem to give a damn about children:
A.) If they are not US children
B) Any time AFTER that they have “saved” them… Give me a break!

Health Impact News
The following comment was submitted to Health Impact News in response to our article,
by a MedicalKidnap.com reader
I tell you why adoptive families don’t speak up. They are usually infertile couples who are desperate to get their hot little hands on a child.
They often spend years on waiting lists, jumping through the hoops of applications, home studies, background checks, parenting classes and trial periods with foster children to “find a good fit.”
They don’t care whether the child was “justifiably” taken from its real parents or not.
We FINALLY got a child, by God it’s ours, and we won’t let anyone take it away! Open adoptions, birthparent contact and the child’s desire to search are their worst nightmare.
Adoption can be as bad or worse than an abusive home – like the most horrific of all, when the child was unjustly taken from loving parents and given to abusive adopters (which is what happened to me).
Some adoptive parents are wonderful people and make amazing parents. Others – and this is far, far more common than people think – believe adoption means they can order up a child the way they do a hamburger.
Straight-A student, attractive, popular, star athlete, precious little Christian barbie or ken doll who has been molded out of the sinful unwed mother’s bad genes.
Failure to meet expectations can lead to horrific emotional abuse, mental cruelty and possible physical punishment.
Adoption is a sacred cow in our society. Most adoptive parents who get away with child abuse do so because society believes they are warm, wonderful, amazingly selfless people who take in these poor, unloved unwanted (for the love of God, people, don’t ever tell an adoptee that!) out of the sheer goodness of their hearts.
Birthparents are always “bad girls”, heartless abandoners or abusive monsters. Nobody questions this.
Adoption treats children as property, complete with ownership papers. It is a multi-million dollar industry, with fees running into the tens of thousands for an infant (the most desirable to adopters, because they are a “blank slate”), or a toddler.
Now that most unwed mothers keep their babies, adoption agencies need a new source.
The foster care system and Child Protective Services are ripe for harvest.
Older kids are told to just forget about their parents. Go home with this couple. They are your mom and dad now.
Children who don’t “bond” with new parents they were never asked if they wanted, are diagnosed with “attachment disorder” and drugged.
Adoption is an evil, corrupt institution in dire need of revamping.
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