Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate

MFP Commentary:
All ten planks of the communist manifesto have been implemented in this country in one form or another, so I am not surprised that due to normalcy bias that no one bats an eye when talk of imposing “martial law” comes up.

Why in hades is the Patriot community missing this elephant in the room?
The US Constitution does not delegate this power to the Federal government.
Rights by definition are inalienable, which means that there can never legitimately be martial law.

This discussion is not right, we need to go down this rabbit hole. It’s a classical example of “limiting the debate” or a nearly closed Overton Window. Why are we accepting Martial Law? Are we going to accept pediophelia and abortions next?  Isn’t  accepting government taking our rights just blasphemy, under a different name? 


Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate