By Lisa Haven   

Our fellow patriot and hero, Julian Assange, is in big trouble. At this time, there are reports of him not only suffering psychologically, but also fears from his mother and Ron Paul that the UK is slowly killing Assange in jail, and that they are doing it on purpose.

However, despite all the torcher and pressure that Assange is under, he took it upon himself to write a letter to the world… and you won’t believe what it contains…All that and more below…Read More

8 minute video, please watch it in it’s entirety:

The Drug War Is Totally Idiotic

MFP Commentary:

Even after Missouri  has”legalized” pot we still have a war on drugs here.

Even on pot that is not in accordance with their arbitrary and rights trampling, fake “legalization”.   Dig deep and you will see George Soros’s fingerprints on this so called legalization, with the psychopaths in Jeff City fully on board.




Pardon me for being blunt, but it would be difficult to find anything more idiotic than the war on drugs, an ongoing federal program that has been enacted and enforced by both Republicans and Democrats for decades. The program is sheer idiocy in that its supporters continue to keep it going despite the manifest failure, violence, ruination of lives, expense, racism, and destruction of liberty and privacy that this federal program has produced and continues to produce.

But hope springs eternal in the minds of the drug war’s supporters and enforcers. Each new drug bust over the decades, oftentimes accompanied with a large amount of hoopla from the mainstream press, provides these people with confirmation that victory is just around the corner. Just a few more drug busts and the long drug-war nightmare will finally be over….Read More


Federal law complicates medical marijuana for veterans

MFP Commentary:

“COLUMBIA, Mo. – Nearly 70 percent of Missouri voters approved medical marijuana in November.”

This is absolutely dystopian and criminal to anyone with more than a few brain cells. We are supposed to be a Republic people. Not a democracy where we need the approval of the majority to exercise our rights.

I congratulate the 12 year indoctrination camps for destroying the ability of Americans to think or reason….


COLUMBIA, Mo. – Nearly 70 percent of Missouri voters approved medical marijuana in November.

The Show-Me State became one of 33 that has legalized medical marijuana, but the plant is still illegal in every form on the federal level.

That puts states with marijuana allowances at odds with the U.S. government and it complicates the medical treatment for some of the very people medical marijuana was supposed to benefit – military veterans.

A disabled Air Force veteran, who wants to remain anonymous because marijuana is still illegal to use in any form in Missouri, says he currently uses it for medicinal purposes. He says his chronic pain treatment got out-of-hand.

“They increased my medicine again. One doctor called it a ‘life-threatening dose,’ I was on 360 oxycodone a month,” the man said. “And then they give you all the supporting medicines that go along with that like one for sleep, one to keep you up, one for your mood. And so you end up with just a big grocery bag full of medicine every month.”….Read More

Alabama Lab Owner Arrested for Falsifying Results of Drug Tests Used to Medically Kidnap Children

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Local media in Alabama are reporting that Brandy Murrah, owner of A&J Lab Collections in Ozark, Alabama, has turned herself in to local police over charges that she falsified paternity tests and drug test screenings in child custody cases.

Dale County District Attorney Kirke Adams has stated that Murrah’s actions may have resulted in a potential “tidal wave” of DHR cases where children were removed from their parents based on false evidence from her lab.

Dale County District Attorney Kirke Adams said Monday that if the allegations against Murrah are true, it could mean that parents were denied custody based on falsified drug screen results.

“We’re messing around people’s lives and their children,’’ Adams said. “It just seems beyond irresponsible to the point of being callous about the consequences.”

“I anticipate the tidal wave is just building as far as ramifications,’’ Adams said.

The district attorney said the job of his office is to prosecute each incident of false testing if and when they are found.

“We anticipate a lot,’’ he said. (Source.)

“We have no idea at this time how many people did not get their children back because of Ms. Murrah’s alleged fraudulent reports,” Adams said.

“I am furious and offended by these alleged crimes. I don’t understand how someone could be so callous and evil, to have no regard for the consequences of their actions. In my opinion, all cases affected by Murrah’s alleged actions must be redone in order to be fair.” (Source.)

Murrah allegedly has a prior criminal record….Read More

FBI Discovers Major Terrorist Training Base In ALABAMA! MSM Is Silent

A major terrorist base training camps was discovered in Alabama by the FBI. The MSM is silent! Why? Maybe the MSM does not want the public to ponder how this many terrorists got to Alabama undetected. Did they all buy bus tickets? Did they parachute in? Did they simply walk across America’s southern border? This is the story of the month and crickets are chirping. Here is the story…Original Post


Drivers Beware: The Deadly Perils of Traffic Stops in the American Police State

MFP Commentary:
This hits close to home.  A year ago I was stopped for not having the kings  current permission slip on the rear of my trailer, while driving through  Seymour MO.   The “Blue ISIS”  member was intent on a fishing expedition, and stealing as much money from me as possible.  When I attempted to use my right of free speech, he put torture devices on my hands, and bound them behind my back.  Besides  excruciating pain this  created a feeling of anxiety and claustrophobia. (My wrists could not even be touched for 5 days after this due to pain)   He also exacerbated nerve damage in my right arm that remains there to this day.

I informed the terrorist that I needed to use a restroom (due to a medical contrition)  in  response to that he shoved me into a his portable prison.  The backseat of his vehicle. It was a very hot day, the air conditioner was not running  and the window was rolled up.  Between trying not to defecate or urinate in my pants, I was having heart palpitations.  It was uncomfortably hot and I was about to have my first real panic attack…..  For those of you that have never had one, I compare it to how you would feel if someone put you  in a coffin and buried you in the ground, and left you  there.

Over a year later I have a lot of anxiety anytime that I go into this town. I also have developed claustrophobia which I never had before this incident.  As far as I know nothing at all happened to this terrorist, which surprises no one.    

Seymour Police are terrorists and thugs.  (as  are all police today)  Unfortunately I recently had another interaction with them that reinforced my low opinion of them.  Perhaps I will write about that encounter soon.  



The Nation. The framers would be appalled.”—Herman Schwartz, the whim of every cop on the beat, trooper on the highway and jail official“The Fourth Amendment was designed to stand between us and arbitrary governmental authority. For all practical purposes, that shield has been shattered, leaving our liberty and personal integrity subject to



We’ve all been there before.

You’re driving along and you see a pair of flashing blue lights in your rearview mirror. Whether or not you’ve done anything wrong, you get a sinking feeling in your stomach.

You’ve read enough news stories, seen enough headlines, and lived in the American police state long enough to be anxious about any encounter with a cop that takes place on the side of the road.

For better or worse, from the moment you’re pulled over, you’re at the mercy of law enforcement officers who have almost absolute discretion to decide who is a threat, what constitutes resistance, and how harshly they can deal with the citizens they were appointed to “serve and protect.”

This is what I call “blank check policing,” in which the police get to call all of the shots.

So if you’re nervous about traffic stops, you have every reason to be.

Trying to predict the outcome of any encounter with the police is a bit like playing Russian roulette: most of the time you will emerge relatively unscathed, although decidedly poorer and less secure about your rights, but there’s always the chance that an encounter will turn deadly.

Try to assert your right to merely ask a question during a traffic stop and see how far it gets you.

Zachary Noel was tasered by police and charged with resisting arrest after he questioned why he was being ordered out of his truck during a traffic stop. “Because I’m telling you to,” the officer replied before repeating his order for Noel to get out of the vehicle and then, without warning, shooting him with a taser through the open window.

Unfortunately, as Gregory Tucker learned the hard way, there are no longer any fail-safe rules of engagement for interacting with the police…….Read More

Massive Fifth Column Forces Have Infiltrated The United States and Are Ready to Attack

MFP Commentary:
Please do not disregard  this warning. There is a plethora of proof that there are 5th column in the US from countries such as Iran, Russia, China, and even MS13 from Mexico..

For instance the NetFlix show on multigenerational Russian spies is based upon the truth and follows the truth very closely.
Perhaps it’s predictive programming like much of what Hollywood produces.

Even Putin is warning America of a coming Red Dawn Scenario.



This article is filled with questions that emanate from a developing narrative in which it is apparent that there is nothing about the US government that can be trusted and there are indeed people who intend to do us harm if we stand in the way of an extreme leftist take over. This article explores this them by asking several critical questions. The challenge that most of you will have in reading this article is not whether the facts stand on their own accord, but rather, what the hell are you going to do about this? Because if you do not develop a game plan and that game plan is not predicated upon a false  “messianic” figure, you will perish and everything and everyone you know will submit, or they will surely perish.

Lessons to be Learned From History

In December of 1944, the Germans attacked America across a 50 mile front in a campaign that became known as the Battle of the Bulge.

Before the attack commenced, the German high command recruited German soldiers who had lived in America and spoke perfect English and knew the culture. These Germans wore American uniforms and became the vanguard of a 5th column attack force. Many were disguised at military police and they were tasked with changing road signs, cutting communications and assassinating American officers when possible. The force was devastatingly effective as their efforts threw the American forces into complete chaos when the attack came.

Present enemies of the people of the United States have adopted the same strategy only on a much bigger scale. Later in this article, these connections will be firmly made.

Fifth Column Forces Inside of America

I am beginning to feel like Fox Mulder from the old TV series, The X-Files. What was his mantra? I am sure you remember “Trust Nobody”! I am certain that long-time listeners to my radio show will remember, when Steve Quayle said “What’s coming is no longer coming, it is already here”. Or, if you did not hear Steve say it, you’ve heard me cite Steve on this point, several times. Why? Because it is undeniably true. Over the past year, I have repeatedly called upon President Trump and the DOJ to take action for illegal censorship of conservative opinion. Now, the very part of the  media that is largely responsible for Trump’s election, has been forsaken by him, to date. Now there is solid evidence that inside America are residing fifth column forces with enormous strength…..Read More

US Warns UK Over Huawei and 5G Wireless

MFP Commentary:

From the authoritarian communist country often known as California:   “Couple must pay nearly $600G for removing oak tree from their property, judge rules.”

FWIW this type of socialist/communist implementation of the 1st plank of the communist manifesto occurs in all 50 countries that make up these United States.

Keep doing nothing and you will see your states current implementation of the 1st plank of the communist manifesto, become as egregious as what CA has done.

Why is this listed under “christianity”? Because christians are supporting the first plank of the communist manifesto, a plan to kill all christians on Earth,  and to bring in the Satanic New World Order.  Talk about “useful idiots”.

This story of the US government (under direction from the United nations)  going to insane lengths (such as making it illegal to stop 5g on health concerns)  to make sure it is implemented,  cements my certainly that 5G is being implemented for  very dark and nefarious purposes.  Both health wise and privacy wise.


Microsoft Is Entering Journalists Personal Computers In An Attempt to Censor Their Investigations

As the Independent Media focuses on the Left’s extreme censorship on social media sites, there is a new brand of censorship that is appearing which threatens to cut the legs off of all Independent Media investigations. The Common Sense Show may be the first to report this phenomenon, but very soon, I expect the following to become an everyday occurance.

Microsoft Is Entering the Computers of Journalists and Blocking Legitimate Investigations

As if the social media censorship of the Independent Media was not bad enough, now I am experiencing extreme interference from Microsoft with regard to the work of The Common Sense Show.  Marilyn Rupar and Alexandra Daley are both valued contributors to our investigative efforts of The Common Sense Show and their work is being censored and stolen by Microsoft.

Marilyn Rupar is someone that I met at last year’s Branson, MO. conference on Transhumanism as she stood in a long line in order to introduce herself to me and I am glad that she did. Marilyn has done some fantastic work for The Common Sense Sense Show particularly on the topic of the Sinoloa drug cartel, at the behest of the Chinese government, which is controlling and taking over the politics and law enforcement activities in Humboldt County, CA., as the Sinoloa drug cartel is engaged in every type of perverted crime known to mankind. Marilyn has also been at the forefront of exposing the diploma mill operations at universities like Texas A & M and Case Western Reserve as they inappropriately rush through illegal aliens and their illegitimate obtaining of advanced college degrees in “rapidly accelerated” academic programs, often at taxpayers expense. … Read More

Why School Compulsory-Attendance Laws?

MFP Commentary:

It is beyond insane to see so called Christians supporting these government indoctrination camps.   For starters free government education is the 10th plank of the communist manifest.   A plan to bring in the New World Order and to kill all Christians.   And the vast  majority “Christians” support both the theft to support these schools (the first plank of the communist manifesto)  and in doing so are supporting  the death of  Christianity and the murder of millions of christians and others.

Modern Christianity has in so many ways become a mental disorder…. I have no other way to explain this insanity.


Imagine if Congress were to enact a law that required everyone to attend church on Sundays. The overwhelming majority of Americans would go up in arms. The concept of religious liberty is so deeply ingrained in our American heritage that there is no way that people, including devout Christians, would accept such a law. That heritage was enshrined in the First Amendment, which prohibits Congress from enacting such a law.

Now, suppose things had been the exact opposite. Suppose that from the beginning, the Constitution had authorized Congress to enact compulsory church-attendance laws. Suppose that immediately after the Constitution called the federal government into existence, Congress had enacted a law requiring parents to send their children to church, in order to be educated on religious, moral, ethical, and Biblical principles. Suppose that we had been living with that national compulsory church-attendance law for the entire history of the United States…. Read More