Microsoft Is Entering Journalists Personal Computers In An Attempt to Censor Their Investigations

As the Independent Media focuses on the Left’s extreme censorship on social media sites, there is a new brand of censorship that is appearing which threatens to cut the legs off of all Independent Media investigations. The Common Sense Show may be the first to report this phenomenon, but very soon, I expect the following to become an everyday occurance.

Microsoft Is Entering the Computers of Journalists and Blocking Legitimate Investigations

As if the social media censorship of the Independent Media was not bad enough, now I am experiencing extreme interference from Microsoft with regard to the work of The Common Sense Show.  Marilyn Rupar and Alexandra Daley are both valued contributors to our investigative efforts of The Common Sense Show and their work is being censored and stolen by Microsoft.

Marilyn Rupar is someone that I met at last year’s Branson, MO. conference on Transhumanism as she stood in a long line in order to introduce herself to me and I am glad that she did. Marilyn has done some fantastic work for The Common Sense Sense Show particularly on the topic of the Sinoloa drug cartel, at the behest of the Chinese government, which is controlling and taking over the politics and law enforcement activities in Humboldt County, CA., as the Sinoloa drug cartel is engaged in every type of perverted crime known to mankind. Marilyn has also been at the forefront of exposing the diploma mill operations at universities like Texas A & M and Case Western Reserve as they inappropriately rush through illegal aliens and their illegitimate obtaining of advanced college degrees in “rapidly accelerated” academic programs, often at taxpayers expense. … Read More