Legitimate government exists only to protect rights. Not to grant them. Not to trample them.
The German Corona Investigative Committee has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts since July 10, 2020.
Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, one of the Committee members, has published his testimony which at the time of this writing has been viewed over 1.3 million people in the last 10 days.
The conclusions of the committee are the following:
Full Transcript
Hello. I am Reiner Fuellmich and I have been admitted to the Bar in Germany and in California for 26 years. I have been practicing law primarily as a trial lawyer against fraudulent corporations such as Deutsche Bank, formerly one of the world’s largest and most respected banks, today one of the most toxic criminal organizations in the world; VW, one of the world’s largest and most respected car manufacturers, today notorious for its giant diesel fraud; and Kuehne and Nagel, the world’s largest shipping company. We’re suing them in a multi-million-dollar bribery case. …..Read More
The Unknown Healthcare Law That Made Lockdowns Inevitable: ‘Certificates of Need.’
“Flatten the curve” was a noble goal for 2020, but that curve only existed because of a half-century-old law. “Certificate of need” laws, in nearly three dozen states, serve to protect healthcare cartels but wreak havoc on society amid a pandemic.
Of all the red tape tying up the market for healthcare, the “certificate of need” (CON) laws are some of the most useless. Thirty-four states and the District of Columbia enforce some version of this regulatory mechanism whereby a state board or commission artificially limits the number of hospitals and emergency rooms built or medical devices or services acquired…..Read More
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The recent arrest of Mormon Paul Petersen in Arizona, a politician and adoption attorney, has shown the public that religious institutions and churches are a big reason why child trafficking exists today.
Paul Petersen allegedly used his position in the Mormon Church to move to the Marshall Islands as a missionary, learn the local language and culture, and set up a very lucrative adoption business trafficking pregnant women and their babies to the U.S.
The child trafficking business today, which includes trafficking children from outside the U.S. into the U.S. through adoption agencies, as well as trafficking children within the U.S. through the government-funded foster care system, is quite possibly the most lucrative businesses in the U.S. today, if one includes “legal” ways of trafficking children, as well as illegal ways.
In the Petersen case, for example, his organization was illegally selling babies through adoption for $35,000.00 to $40,000.00 per child.
This is not a problem strictly confined to the Mormon Church, nor to the Catholic Church which has been rocked with scandals regarding pedophile priests.
The biggest religious player in trafficking children today, is probably the Evangelical Church. If the Evangelical Church immediately stopped participating in overseas adoptions, and stopped participating in the government-funded foster care system, it would have a serious impact in stopping the flow of child trafficking today.
When one looks at the rationale used today by the Evangelical Church to participate in government-funded programs that are documented to be involved in child trafficking, we learn that the church is using the term “orphan” incorrectly, and instead of obeying scriptural principles to care for “orphans and widows,” they are actually doing the opposite, by completely denying parental rights and participating in the lucrative child trafficking business.
Pastor Rick Warren from Saddleback Church. Image source.
The first question we must raise is why are Christian Churches receiving taxpayer funds from government sources to adopt and foster children?
The U.S. Foster Care system is a multi-billion dollar taxpayer-funded child trafficking business which has been well documented. Very few children today are removed from their homes and parents because their parents are a threat to abuse them…..Read More
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There are plans, globally, for a second wave and subsequently, humanity will be lockded down again. However, this lockdown will consist of widespread brutality. The enforcement will be a global version of the Gestapo. I maintain that the brutality we are seeing in Australia, is the dry run rehearsal for what is beginning to happen globally. We are already seeing it in Ohio, where Chris Smith, a man weighing an estimated 300 pounds, pummels and uses his taser on a 100 lb woman for not wearning a face mask. A woman, who was socially distanced and had asthma which qualified her as exempt under the face mask rule. The brutality of Chris Smith was shocking to America and by the way, this bully was not wearing a mask!!!
Now that LEO is becoming increasingly brutal, the stage is set for a second wave of another false flag which will lockdown humanity. Only this time, this coming wave will not be a virus but a contrived food shortage.
“If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”
Thomas Jefferson
The Wuhan Flu has just about run its course. Phase two, the starvation phase is coming next and it is a deliberate attack up the world. The UN Secretary General said we will have famines of Biblical proportions. This is the purposeful wiping out of much of the world. The supply chain is destroyed and extreme weather has done its job over the past few years.
If the Deep State, does what many of us in the media believe they are going to do, they will soon provoke a crisis, declare martial law and use food as the ultimate weapon to subjugate an unruly population. This article provides an assessment of these possibilities. This article will examine past history and archival information in order to look for a pattern of behavior which suggests that the Deep State in this country plans to use food as a weapon against the people. This will be followed by an analysis of a current state of affairs in order better assess the immediacy of any such threat…..Read More
Christian Westbrook: Engineered Food Shortage is Underway as a Weapon of Political Control
Christian Westbrook, also known as the Ice Age Farmer on his popular YouTube channel, explains that there are plans to use food as a political weapon to ensure compliance with the totalitarian takeover. He says there are plans underway to end farming and ranching and substitute it with transhumanist lab-grown food. Christian will be appearing at the Red Pill Expo at Jekyll Island, Georgia on October 10-11. For more information, please go to RedPillExpo.org
Christian will be a speaker at Steve Quayle’s October 16th and 17th “Final Warning” event .
Check it out here: Gen Six
For years I have religiously given whole blood at the Red Cross. like clockwork, every 58 days if my memory servers me correctly.
The last 2 times I was there a mask was forced upon me (but I do credit the employees with ignoring the fact that it NEVER once covered my face. ) Global Corporations like the Red Cross that are implementing this tyrannical fascism, are on board and enabling whether they know it or not, the globalist agenda to forceably vaccinate you. It will likely not be through law but though “regulation” that they do this.
Today it is the mask to enter a “Walmart”, tomorrow it will be showing your vaccine passport that will be on your smartphone. The vaccine will be part of Bill Gates eugenics and depopulation plan. It will also mark you with a unique number, what I would consider the biblical mark of the beast.
There was also no coffee being served for the first time that I can recall. It seems that the despicable globalist controlled upper management of the Red Cross is going all out to create a fabricated fear in the public. It’s much easier to control people that come from a place of fear and the psychopaths and Satanists that run this country and this planet know this all too well.
I almost forgot the insult that pissed me off the most:
It was AFTER I had given blood that they informed me that they would be doing a “COVID” test! I made sure that they damn well knew that I did not consent to this! (FWIW COX hospital in Springfield MO did the same thing to me) If you don’t get the implications of getting a false positive result on record for this “virus” and the implications with all sorts of dark and nefarious stuff … then you really need to get up to speed on what is actually going on with this Globalist psy-op.
Read these stories if you still don’t see the extreme danger in taking these BS “COVID tests”:
Could the tests be spreading the virus? – Infowars
Many employees of these globalist companies are (they falsely believe) between a rock and a hard place. What they do not realize is, that the consequences of going along with this tyranny will result in consequences MUCH worse than losing their job. They can if they were educated and shed their fears of both this “virus” and their employers, they could be yelling from the rooftops for liberty during their off time. They could be doing what I am doing!
There is a lot to think about, but the takeaways that I want you to remember are:
1. ) That people need to start working together. We are magnitudes strong when we join together to fight a threat:
“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”
~Benjamin Franklin
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
~Aleksander Solzhenitsyn The Gulag Archipelago
2.) We need to boycott as much as possible ALL of the globalist companies, like the Red Cross, that have gone along with this evil globalist psy-op.
And we need to boycott them forever! We can build up our small mom and pop stores, that ignore this mask BS, by buying from them.
You can create a local food supply by growing your own food, buying from local farmers, and even starting a local “food club” that BTW would not be under the control of the local food Nazi’s. i.e. what they euphemistically call the “health department”.
In closing I have spent a lot of time trying to get a food club off of the ground here in SW Missouri. It is something that you will wish you had done in the near future, when the store shelves are likely to be empty. The reason the club is not operating is that the population has been too dumbed down to see what is self evident. They don’t see the need!
Talk about eyes to see and ears to hear….
That is about to change and it will be begun a day late and a dollar short. Many will die needlessly because of this character flaw and cognitive defect in the American people.
If you see the need to do any of the things I have suggested, I would love to hear from you. Comment below or send an email. — mfp AT Missouri Free Press DOT com
In Liberty
Related Articles:
Small Kingman, AZ Activist Group Is Successfully Pushing Back Against the Unconstitutional Lockdowns – Dave Hodges
Demand Mask-FREE Shopping (and how to sue rights violating business’s) – Peggy Hall
Dave Hodges Article on how to assert your medical right not to wear a mask:
CRITICAL MASK INFORMATION: Walmart vs Kroeger On Face Masks – Your Liberty at Risk – Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
Advice and a card on how to refuse to wear a mask for medical reasons https://www.citizensforfreespeech.org/
Ontario Police End the Life of a 73 YO Non-Mask Wearer with Dementia – Dave Hodges
MFP Commentary:
The Satanic plan to bring in the NWO and to kill all Christians, is known as the Communist Manifesto (1) and has as it’s first plank, that people will not be allowed to own land (such as a property tax).
This plan to murder God’s people is supported (or at least not opposed) in almost every “Christian church” in this country! Has Christianity become a suicidal mental disorder?
As I have stated many times before, if we had a functioning milita in this country we would have at least some defense against this tyranny. This is exactly the kind of thing that the second amendment, and the militia were there to protect us from.
Related Stories:
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
The Evil of Property Taxes – Dave Hodges
On Psychopathy And Power – caitlinjohnstone.com
Here are some other stories we have covered on this evil tax and concept.
How Property Taxes Will Take Millions of Homes In the Next Administration on Behalf of the NWO
MFP Commentary:
Have you read the part of the Constitution about the militia yet?
Where the hell is the militia Dave? Where are the real Americans? There are millions of us and only thousands of them.
Important related information IMHO
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
By now, most readers are familiar with the fact that a corridor running south of I-70 through Richfield to Camp Williams, the backup site for NSA headquarters located in Pinebluff, are actively receiving large numbers of people.
The story is filled with communities that are small but with very large runways receiving high volume jet and helicopter traffic and this activity now appears to be mostly complete. The CSS has had it confirmed that we are under Continuity of Government.
Thanks to reports from Bridget Langston, a Kingman local community activist, we learned that after three days of intense troop activity at the local Walmart and a nearby McDonalds, the troop activity has ended. However, two communities who are part of the Kingman-Wikieup region are experiencing similar activities. The other communities are the town of Williams and Wikieup, population 133.
It now strongly appears that the cover story told to Bridget Langston which stated that “We have been training and we are on our way back to Colorado” was blatantly false and we can be certain of this because the most recently reported activity came from Wikieup (located on State Highway 89) and Williams are decidedly not on the way back “to Colorado”.
It would appear that at least, for now, that the VIPs have been delivered to the underground system in Utah is completed. Simultaneously, the deployment of troops to guard the entrances of the underground tunnel system at the nexus point in Kingman, and in and around the Kingman region, is completed as well.
The President of the New California movement, Paul Preston, called me late last night to talk about the fires. Both Northern California and Oregon are on fire, literally! Paul said the New California people were in the information loop from the administration because they are technically involved.
I want to make it clear that Paul Preston did not explicity state the following statements made by myslef, but it is plain to see that anyone who has eyes to see that if a regime change impacting Newsom, New California personnel could undertake the task of taking over state government, on a provisional basis, in order to fill the leadership void. Paul did allude that arrests are coming and Newsom and others, like California Attorney General, Javier Bacera, are all in big trouble. Hence, my conclusion is completely logical.
In the course of last night’s conversation with Paul Preston, I began telling the Utah Continuity of Government story, and which I switched to the Kingman story, he interrupted me and completed both scenarios with the same up-to-date information which matched my accounts 100% with no variation. In fact, Paul did mention, like I have previously claimed, that space-based weapons are being used to start the majority, if not all of the fires. I am interviewing Paul Preston at within the next hour this morning on this topic…..Read More