Most of us that attended the 12 year dumbing down camps, euphemistically known as “public schools”, were never taught anything much about the “Communist Manifesto“, much less the fact that all 10 planks have been implemented in the United states in one form or another. We are not taught either that it was Adam Weishaupt’s Satanic Illuminati that commissioned Marx to write the Manifesto. It is clearly a Satanic document written by evil men.
It certainly is not a concept from scripture, or from the founders. What it really is, is useful idiots, or demon possessed people ( I don’t know which) that are doing Lucifer’s work with the 1st of 2 of Lucifer’s taxes. (the other one is the “income tax” that is the 2nd plank of Lucifer’s manifesto)
(16th Amendment Lesson _ Dave Champion tv)
Not surprisingly, the implied threat of this extortion threat is: “If you don’t pay this extortion, then mindless order followers in blue uniforms, will show up at your door and give you 2 choices: To vacate immediately what you thought that you owned, losing most of your possessions, becoming homeless, and likely dying on the street from what accompanies that. OR if you don’t take that offer we will murder you on the spot.
This is the reality of what these property tax collectors are really about. On top of all the evils I have so far presented, I do not know of a single case of anyone getting a jury trial of his peers, as required in the US Constitution. (so much for the thugs in blue upholding the Constitution – you also get no jury trial when they kidnap your child for the sex trafficking CPS)
A little background showing the anti-Christ and demonic nature of these people:
Last year the Webster County Tax collectors office did what I characterize as a “drive by assessment”. It was exactly what it sounds like. They admitted that they drove by, and made up a price. (one that was at least 100% too high) The office refused 4 times to come out and do a real assessment, citing law after law that allowed them to do evil. I told them they sounded a lot like the guards at Auschwitz during the Nuremberg trials. And they did….
This office also told me that if I could not afford their imaginary and inflated criminally determined evaluation, that what I should do is to sell my home and find one that cost less!
They thought because it looked like I was poor, that they could make more money for their inflated salaries and benefits, by financially raping me and leaving me no real recourse. I would bet that that they have done this same thing to many others residing this county.
I was given no other choice that I could see other, than getting a $500 professional home estimate done on a credit card, that I would never be able to pay back. So on top of extorting 20 pieces of silver (at today’s spot price) from me, they also contributed to destroying my credit rating.
Their is a scripture that fits: “For in much wisdom is much grief, And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow” ~Ecclesiastes 1:18
This verse perfectly describes my thoughts on this matter. This is happening because all children are required to attend the government mind control camps, for 12 years, that BTW are the 10th plank of the Satanic Manifesto. No one coming out of these dumbing down camps knows right from wrong.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
The so called modern Christian church has plenty of culpability in the matter. Our pulpits are filled with cowardly men that are afraid to speak out because the “Johnson Amendment” threatens their tax exempt status if they speak the truth. Beside their “love of money”, these churches are apostate, and of a reprobate mind.
Our Churches will follow the dictates of government, over the dictates of the Lord God, almost every time they are given the choice.
PS—. It says a lot about them that I could not even visit the web site with my VPN on. What are they doing collecting information for our criminal Federal government, so that you can’t pay your taxes with the privacy of a VPN?
They also disarm every one that goes into the Courthouse building, which also says a lot about them. They know what they are doing to people, and don’t want anyone armed (like the 2nd amendment guarantees) near them because of the way that they treat people. They also do not want anyone with recording devices in the Court House, because of the many lies and inappropriate goings on that would be exposed if citizens were allowed to exercise their God given rights in what I see as a Demonic Temple.
As I predicted 2 years agothe Fordland clinic is involved in eugenics. It was not out in the open in the past, but now it is clear as glass that either because of being useful idiots, lacking a moral compass, or just being purely Satanically evil that they are going along with the blatant elimination of the human race for Lord Lucifer.
When I complained about what I considered criminal acts at the Fordland Clinic 2 years ago, rather than listening and addressing the issue they as all evil and cowardly organizations do, they “fired” me without cause or recourse . As a result I have not been able to seek dental care in 2 years. The psychopaths that call themselves our State and Federal representatives are not in the slightest interested because they have excellent dental care paid for by people that can’t afford dental care! Senator Josh Hawley’s office for example has stonewalled me for over 2 years and has not even begun to address this issue or even return my calls! ! He has excellent dental care paid for by us so he doesn’t seem to give a flying phuk if “We the people” (his boss) don’t have dental care!
Just like the operators of the nursing homes that have murdered the elderly I hope to live to see the criminals at the Fordland clinic that go along with this Stanic plan, to be brought to justice and pay for this crime with their lives.
If you work there please do not go along! Become a whistle blower and contact this site and your identity will be protected and the information will get out. YOU can help save lives from this Satanic Medical monopoly!
Please do your due diligence on this site and see the truth about this gene altering therapy treatment that they falsely call a vaccine. ( “informed consent” my arse)
There is a reason that they are not liable in the least if this “vaccine” kills or maims you or your child. All vaccines are dangerous and this COVID Vaccine is nothing but pure evil designed to eliminate mankind.
The COVID-19 vaccine really isn’t a vaccine in the medical definition of a vaccine. It’s more accurately an experimental gene therapy that could prematurely kill large amounts of the population and disable exponentially more
ORIGINAL POST (LIES and disinformation) in case it disappears: Note that their is NOTHING about nutrition, boosting your immune system, zinc, vitamin C, D3, HCQ, Ivermectin, or anything that would interfere with big Pharma profits, or actually help you remain healthy. Do not lose sight that this is a Satanically directed eugenics operation run by useful idiots like those “order followers” that run the Fordland Clinic medical monopoly.
Getting vaccinated is one of many steps you can take to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. Protection from COVID-19 is critically important because for some people it can cause severe illness or death.
Stopping a pandemic requires using all the tools available. Vaccines work with your immune system so your body will be ready to fight the virus if you are exposed. Other steps, like masks and social distancing, help reduce your chance of being exposed to the virus or spreading it to others. Together, COVID-19 vaccination and following CDC’s recommendations to protect yourself and others will offer the best protection from COVID-19.
Fordland Clinic has been approved to receive the COVID-19 vaccines! While we do not know when we will receive the vaccine (or which one) we are planning our process to be able to start vaccinating the community according to CDC and Missouri guidelines. Currently, two vaccines are authorized and recommended by the CDC to prevent COVID-19. The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19. To understand & learn more about these vaccines, visit https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines.html.
The CDC recommends that initial supplies of COVID-19 vaccine be allocated to healthcare personnel and long-term care facility residents. This is referred to as Phase 1a. Phases may overlap. Missouri is following these guidelines, and has approved vaccine release for Phase 1A, Phase 1B Tier 1 and Phase 1B Tier 2 (underlined below).
(Phase 1A)Healthcare personnel & residents of long-term care facilities
(Phase 1B, Tier 1) First responders, Emergency Services, and Public Health Infrastructure
(Phase 1B, Tier 2) High-Risk Individuals such as those with cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD, Heart Conditions, weakened immune system due to organ transplant, severe obesity (BMI>40), pregnancy, Sickle Cell Disease, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, or individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. This includes also anyone aged 65 or older, with or without chronic disease.
Phase 1B, Tier 3: Critical Infrastructure described as those who keep the essential functions of society running. This includes Teachers, faculty and staff in public, private, and nonprofit pre-K-12, Faculty and staff in DHSS or DSS-licensed facility providing basic care to children, Communications/Dams/Energy sector employees, Food/Agriculture Sector, Government, Information Technology (IT) sector, Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector, Transportation Systems, Water and Wastewater Systems employees.
Phase 2: Equity and Economic Recovery will cover those in the following industries: Chemical, Commercial Facilities, Critical Manufacturing, Defense Industrial Base, Financial Services, Government, and Food/Agriculture who were not included in 1B. This Phase also focuses on Faculty and Staff at public, private, and/or nonprofit higher education institutions, populations at increased risk of acquiring or transmitting COVID-19, with emphasis on racial/ethnic minorities not otherwise included in 1B, and the Homeless population at increased risk of acquiring or transmitting COVID-19, if not included in 1B.
For more information on the phased roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines in Missouri, visit https://covidvaccine.mo.gov/priority/
For more information on COVID-19 vaccines visit the CDC website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/recommendations.html
Our goal is for everyone to be able to easily get a COVID-19 vaccination as soon as we receive them. Please follow us here and on our Facebook page – facebook.com/fordlandclinic for updates on the vaccine arrival and how and when to be able to schedule an appointment to receive your COVID-19 vaccination.
Let me begin with saying that I am (criminally IMHO) blacklisted in the Springfield MO area by both the Cox and Mercy medical systems from receiving a critical hernia surgery. This did not happen by accident, and is tied directly into the literal takeover of our local medical system by dark and nefarious global forces with evil men and woman in these 2 medical systems that are unfortunately willing to go along.
In the past 2 “COVID years” the medical system takeover has been a beautiful illustration of the Milgram psychological experiment:
After WW2 Americans did not believe that their fellow Americans would murder people like the Nazi guards at Auschwitz did. Well the Milgram experiment conclusively proved that Americans will not only murder their fellow citizens on command, but that 2/3 of them will do so with no more coercion than a person in authority telling them to do so! I suspect that when coercion, such as a job comes into play that close to 100% of Americans will go along. That has been my experience with both the Cox and the Mercy staff here in Springfield MO. If you have the time here is a full documentary on Dr Milgram’s experiment at Yale. The Milgram Experiment 1962 Full Documentary
I take you on a slight detour of a few stories in the news to give you the background and perspective of what is transpiring at Cox and Mercy. Please take the time to read them if you are not aware of these goings on:
The bottom line is that our hospitals are being run run by the UN and Pfizer, using Medicare/Medicaid payments to club hospital administrators into going along with the UN/globalist agenda. (Note to self: contact the hospital administrators and possibly these doctors for comment)
Inhuman Monster: Daniel Ray Cardwell, MD – 417-875-3230 – Cox Health
On Tuesday November 9th I punctually arrived at the Ferrell-Duncan Clinic –
1001 East Primrose Street Springfield, MO. Dr. Cardwell’s staff was on the 5th floor. I approached his desk without a mask. I was asked to put on a mask. I declined, and began to inform this desk person that I had a medical reason to be exempted from wearing a mask. She turned into a psychotic lunatic and immediately called out for someone to call security.
At the time I was thinking that the proper response from sane rational people would have been to inform me that I had to comply or they could not service me. But then I observed that I was not dealing with sanity or rationality, but rather “order followers” following a Satanic Agenda run out of the United Nations.
I reluctantly put the mask on and went to sit down. I heard them send someone into the Dr Office to see “if he would still see me”.
Acting preemptively I called the Dr from the waiting area to see what was going on. They accused me of being “rude to his staff” and that under no circumferences would they see me.
This is a good example of another observation called projection, where people that are obviously doing something wrong accuse you of doing what they are doing. I am sure you have experienced this whether you knew the technical term for it or not.
Before I move on to the other doctor involved, let me explain to you the reader what I was trying to explain to the receptionist when I was so rudely threatened with violence and refusal of service :
I have a breathing disability that OSHA says you MUST accommodate.
Requiring someone to wear a mask is a medical procedure as it lowers blood oxygen. Therefore if the person ordering this is not a doctor they are practicing medicine without a license.
Also the Nuremberg Accord and the Geneva Convention state that any medical procedure must be voluntary and that it is a war crime to do otherwise.
Inhuman Monster: John Robert Hornick, MD – (417) 820-3800 – Mercy Hospital
It appears that Cox blacklisted me from their entire system for merely asking that my wishes and rights be respected and the law followed because my primary care physician made an appointment out of the Cox system.
I had an apportionment with Dr John Hornic in the Mercy Hospital system for Monday December 6th. Before that date I received a call from them canceling that appointment and that someone would reschedule. They never called so I called them and made an appointment for the following Monday.
It was on Saturday that his office called again and my discernment smelled a rat. The lady from Dr Hornic’s office seemed very concerned as to why I was seeking services outside of Cox. I told her that I had no idea and that she should go to my primary to find out why.
She had lied to me about no knowing anything and then accused me of “being concerned” about the PCR test.
Well she brought it up (and had likely gotten that info from my “private” HIPPA records with my primary care doctor , that are not really private at all are they?)
I reluctantly went ahead with my many concerns, that are widely reported, among them the fact that the PCR test is NOT a diagnostic test, it is a forensic test. I quickly ascertained that she knew much less than nothing about this test. She did not know how many cycles they were going to run it, she did not know what they were using as a “seed” for the test.
I am certain that she did not know that Dr Fauci back in the 90’s used the fake PCR test to falsely diagnose 10,000 children with HIV, kidnap them from their parents using CPS, and then use experimental HIV drugs, up to the point of killing over 200 of them and permanently maiming many others.
This fact is covered in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s best selling book: The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)
Much of the information about the PCR is propaganda from the deep state in the form of “fact checkers” that are anything but. If you look carefully you can find truthful information. Here Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test explains why it is NOT a diagnostic test:
I also highly recommend that you take 5 minutes to watch this Greg Reeves piece on how Fauchi kidnapped from their parents and murdered 200 young black kids, by using the PCR test inappropriately:
To recap all I had done was to ask for minimal “informed consent” about the PCR test part of the surgery. We are always told that “informed consent” is sacrosanct. Right?
She as being very elusive washy and elusive when I framed a question to her, asking if I still had an appointment on Monday. She responded that no I did not because of my “concerns about the PCR test” So I told her that those questions were part of “informed consent” and she again admitted to me that they would not see me because I was asking for that information.
A quick summary is that Cox has refused to see me for a critically surgery because I asked them to follow the law. I did not demand it, I even put on their so called mask to placate them.
Mercy has refused to see me because I dared ask for informed consent.I did not demand it, I merely bought it up after THEY asked.
I could and should write an entire article on how useless the the psychopaths in government that we euphemistically refer to as Congressman or Senator.
I have been contacting US Senator Josh Hawley for over 3 years about medical malfeasance in SW Missouri without any type of thought out meaningful.
Last week I was told by his staff that these hospitals were private business’s and they they could not do a thing, This from the people that regulate how much water each toilet flush in those hospitals can use and the limits on the size of the incandescent light bulbs that they can use.
Not to mention that these hospitals take Federal Funds and thus are treated under many laws like government and not as a private business that did not take government money.
Josh Hawley’s assistant is:
(314) 354-7060
Thank you for reading this to the end.
This was a very hard piece for me to write about. This was in every respect a serial rape by the medical monopoly, and it brings up a lot of intense emotions when I relive it. I don’t think that it is a coincidence that this is how I often feel when dealing with governmental entities ,and this story is very far from being the only incident of government misconduct that is in my life. Besides the medical system I have had incredibly horrific incidents with our County property tax collector and also Social Security, all within the space of the past few months. Government seems not to be our servant, but rather a serial rapist. I really don’t know why we continue to tolerate it.
Help me out with comments, suggestions, and phone calls if you can. Your prayers are always most welcome.
Related Articles that show how our hospitals are murdering us for money and these 2 doctors mentioned above and their staff are going along with it:
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others…” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush
People often miss that when an individual stands up for the truth that they are not only standing up for your rights they also stand up for Jesus Christ as he is the ultimate truth. ~MFP
The Freedom Center USA in Lebanon Missouri run by Sam Andrews is head and shoulders above any firearms training that I have ever received and that includes the NRA. Appleseed, Front Sight, and the Missouri Militia.
Their instructors are literally world class many of them with multiple tours with special forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.
I found 4 or 5 interviews of Sam Andrews on the Doug Hagmann show that will get you up to speed on what Sam is offering. They can be found here.
As with everything else from Lucifer the mask is based on a lie.
The lie that people that are not sick can spread disease
The lie that these “masks” can in any way thwart a virus
The lie that masks do not harm the wearer both physically and psychologically
Lucifer operates by instilling fear, and this is exactly what he achieves when people walk around masked.
This one is personal. It looks like Lucifer has killed my mother in this manner, she took the death jab because of the fear instilled from the mask ritual. Her death will be a blood sacrifice to Lucifer.
Lucifer also hates the image of God represented in the human face.
Lucifer smiles each time you submit to him and cover God’s image.
If you are going along with or enforcing this Satanic Ritual you have blood on your hands.
Do some research on the Milligram Experiment and learn what you are part of.
Our medical system in this country seems to fear man much more than they fear God.
Close to 100% of them are enforcers of this Satanic Ritual.
The only way that we can win is by saying no:
“…know ye not that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God” ~James 4:4
In closing: Masking demonstrably lowers blood oxygen levels so it is therefore a medical procedure. The Nuremberg code and the Geneva Convention are both supposed to protect us from forced medical treatments.
Furthermore Federal Law in the form of OSHA regulations mandate that people with disabilities (such as low blood oxygen) must be accommodated. There are no exemptions to this law.
Are aware that we were warned by numerous immunology experts, (1) (2) before the roll out of the so called “COVID vaccine”, that is in reality an experimental Gene therapy, that those vaccinated will shed dangerous virus mutations and make others sick?
This really hit home earlier this evening when I was checking out at a SAMS club here in Springfield MO. It came up that the guy at the door was freshly vaccinated. How ironic it is that SAMS club is pushing the Satanic/Globalist mask bull shit, as anyone with a lick of discernment knows that these mask absolutely do not stop the transmission of virus’s and that masks do the exact opposite of protecting you and promote low blood oxygen levels and bacterial pneumonia in those that wear them.
In direct contrast to this “mask virtue signaling” by SAMS club, they (and the Nazi country health departments) are allowing people that are a real (not imagined like the masks) threat to your families’ s health to work at the front door and come into contract with every customer as they leave!
Not much I gather, from their fascist terroristic demand that their employees wear health destroying “masks:” Even in cases of employees with medical conditions, that Federal ADA law says are exempt from any mask requirements. OSHA regulations are also are being ignored by these globalist companies.
So in the real world only the little guy like you and I have to follow “the law”. These big companies are exempt from all of them and in the end don’t give a tinkers damn about anyone’s health. They work for their globalist masters.
PS There are many inexpensive and effective protocols that one can do to both to boost your immune system and also to knock anything down that you may have picked up
Bring this up in the comments if you would like to know more.
FACT:The Ethylene Oxide that the COVID test nasal swab is sterilized with is tied to cancers. You are putting that chemical right next to the brain when you get this so called “test”. Do not believe the “fact checkers” that do nothing but lie to us. The COVID vaccine itself is claimed to be safe by these demons. ~MFP
They gave up their guns so the tyrants don’t t even try to hide the tyranny. ~MFP
For thousands of years “Christians” have known of the scripture that tells us that those that live by the sword will die by the sword. I interpret this to refer to those that literally live by the wages paid to them for wielding a sword.
More recently our founding fathers warned us repeatedly about standing armies which in reality is the same concept as those that live by the sword because standing armies are those that are paid professionals that do nothing else.
Then why, in Gods name one may one must ask why do we have 2 standing armies in this “Christian” Nation? The short answer is that many if not most Christians are incredibly dumbed down, useful idiots that have been closely following the “Satanic Agenda” for well over 100 years.
What is the “Satanic Agenda” you many ask? I define the Satanic Agenda as the Lord Lucifer’s operation to brainwash the human race into thinking and doing as he wishes. This is accomplish in large part by the organization created in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt called the Brotherhood or what some refer to as the Illuminati.
Examples of the Satanic Agenda are the almost universal support of a Satanic document called the Communist Manifesto by “Modern Christians”. Things like the property tax – the 1st plank , free government schools – the 10th plank , a graduated income tax the 2nd plank…. You get the idea.
Then there is the income tax: On April 15th “Modern Christians” take 2 or 3 months of their earnings and send that money to the earthly representatives of Satan on this earth. Read the Grace Commission Report or listen to Jessie Czebotar who as as an ex member of the Brotherhood tells you flat out that is is our “tax money” that is used to fund the Luceferian trust for millions of Brotherhood families.
If you have any discernment there should be no doubt in your mind that the “Modern Christian Church” and it’s useful idiot members are doing and believing exactly what Lord Lucifer and his earthly minions want them to think and do.
Getting back to the troops. Both the Blue Troops (Blue ISIS i.e. the police) and the Green Troops (“the troops””) take an oath to uphold the Constitution and to fight enemies foreign and domestic. . To begin neither group even remotely understands the Constitution, because they have accepted what the Satanically controlled courts say it means ( “case law”) and they ignore the actual document itself which tells a very different story!
Claiming to fight our “foreign enemies” is a real joke. The troops fight made up enemies in order to make the Satanists that rule this world tons of money and to kill millions of civilians. Then you and your grandchildren pay for those wars…..That is reality. They trample the Constitution in the process, because Congress has not declared war. They also commit what are war crimes by treaty: Wars of aggression and also the use of weapons like “depleted uranium”.
The next elephant in the room is the fact that these Standing Armies are both paid by our “domestic enemies”. As we have observed hell will freeze over long before either standing army will defend you and I against our domestic enemies so long as that is who issues their pay checks.
The answer is in our God inspired Federal Constitution but no one, not even our prominent Patriot-Tard mouth pieces seem to have the discernment to see through the “Satanic Agenda”. They instead are supporting much of this Luceferian agenda being hoisting upon us.
The answer is in the Constitution: the Militia. In the founding generation where Christians were not so dumbed down they believed that the Militia would among other things prevent the formation of Standing Armies.
Well we have a big standing Satanic army referred to as “the troops” and almost 100% of Modern Christians have no problem loudly proclaiming that THEY “support the troops”.
The troops that in fact will not address “domestic enemies” both because they don’t have a foggy clue as to what the Constitution really says, and they depend on their paycheck from this enemy.
SO we now have a Communist Agent in the White house, we have a Congress that 2/3 of them have been proven to be on the Communist Chinese payroll, along with a slew of Democratic State governors.
Many of them are also proven to be compromised by being pedophiles
Any what does this standing army do? NOTHING.
Well worse than nothing because you are likely going to eventually see them in involved in forced vaccinations and many other evils, and their is no Militia to protect us because we live in a Nation of Mentally Crippled dumb people. Remember that the founders told us that we would need a moral and educated electorate to retain this Republic, and today’s public is neither.
As far as I am concerned “the troops” are clearly guilty of treason and should be afforded the treatment the the Constitution reserves for that crime.
Please take some time to rethink what you have been programmed to believe. There are many great resources on the Constitution. I am going to leave you with this one that I recommend that you start with:
H.R.127: Unconstitutional overreach from authoritarian socialists bent on gun confiscation
It is said that the “best predictor of future behavior is past behavior”.
If we look at the past behavior of our dubious “law enforcement” agencies we see that almost all of them have in the past enforced egregiously evil and blatantly unconstitutional “laws” such as the 1934 Federal Firearms act and the lifted directly from Nazi German law, the 1968 Gun Control act.
They continue to this day to enforce the tramping of your God given right to self defense. They accept bribes from the Federal government to enforce their unconstitutional war on your rights to bear arms. This war is Satanically inspired and comes right out of the Globalist/Satanic United nations.
They enforce both of the above in opposition to God’s laws, and the Constitution because evil men in black dresses (the courts) have ruled that these Satanically inspired laws are “Constitutional”. That is all it takes for “law enforcement” to do any type of evil. If a man in a black dress says that your rape is Constitutional then the low IQ ass hats in law enforcement are eager as hell to enforce the evil. This is historical fact not conjecture. This is a prime example of why the founders eschewed standing armies like the “police”. That is why scripture does the same when it says “those that live by the sword will die by the sword”.
If we look at present behavior we see that the Missouri Sheriffs association is head over heels in love with the Satanic gun grab and are not supporting the nullification of evil and egregious Federal gun laws. Check this story out:
The bottom line is that WHEN not if, the United Nations Troops appear on our streets that thanks to “Law Enforcement” (AKA Blue ISIS) that many of you and your families will die because “law enforcement” has for going on 90 years followed the Satanic agenda and disarmed you and your family because men in black dresses told them it was OK when it was clear to anyone with an IQ over room temperature that our rights were being trampled by tyrants. What they accepted was clearly and self evidently unconstitutional and evil. And they are still on this track as far as I can see.
It seems like US “law enforcement” has taken their cue from the Nazi guards at Auschwitz that gassed Jews because “it was the law”. Similarly modern US law enforcement seems to hold the same view. Their is no evil that they will not participate in as long as it is “the law”.
“Police” are the worst enemy of freedom and liberty that we have.
These SOB’s that swear an oath to uphold the US Constitution are constantly pissing on it!
Fuk the MO sheriffs association. Are they on the Communist Chinese payroll? It sure as hell looks that way! They certainly do not work for “we the people” nor have any respect for the Constitution or your God given rights!
When we soon have to fight well equipped United Nations Troops remember that your loved ones died because the “police” have been busying criminally disarming us for 80 years. It started with the Unconstitutional 1934 Federal Firearms act and includes the Unconstitutional 1968 Gun Control Act lifted directly from Nazi German “Law.”
Read at least the 1st chapter if you want to see what has happened to “policing” in the USSA:
Missouri Sheriff’s Association Attacks SAPA Legislation!
Dear member
The Second Amendment Preservation Act (H.B. 85/S.B. 39) has advanced from both of their original committees in the House and Senate with a ‘DO-PASS’ vote, thanks to a mountain of grassroots pressure from gun owners.
Thank you to everyone who joined MOFC staff in testifying in support of this legislation at both committee hearings.
In the House, H.B. 85 has been sent to the Rules Committee where we expect committee action on it this week. In the Senate, S.B. 39 will likely have one more committee hurdle and then will be eligible for floor action.
As you’ll remember, the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) would nullify federal gun control here in Missouri by instructing Missouri’s peace officers to only enforce Missouri law where our gun rights are concerned.
This is based off of the time-tested anti-commandeering doctrine and has been upheld by the Supreme Court for hundreds of years. Learn more here.
Frankly, this committee action is occurring at a record pace and we are very pleased with where we are in the process. But this progress may come to a grinding halt fast — thanks to the Missouri Sheriff’s Association!
It’s urgent you contact your sheriff and tell him to STOP ATTACKING SAPA legislation, and to publicly support it, instead. More on that below.
For many Missourians, it’s hard to imagine your local sheriff opposing pro-gun legislation in Jeff City. In many cases, our members know their sheriff and see him in the community on a regular basis, making it hard to believe that he’s not pro-gun.
The truth is that your local sheriff is likely pro-gun, but that doesn’t matter. You see, as a member of the Missouri Sheriff’s Association, your sheriff is following the lead of this political organization and their lobby team in Jeff City.
And as a political entity, the Missouri Sheriff’s Association has been working against your gun rights for years here in Missouri!
That’s why I need you to call your sheriff and tell him that you are sick and tired of the Sheriffs’ Association blocking SAPA legislation in Jeff City!
Don’t forget, this is far from the first time the Missouri Sheriffs’ Association has tried to block pro-gun legislation.
>>> In 2020, the Missouri Sheriffs’ Association worked with anti-gun moderates in the Senate to make sure that then-Senator Libla gutted the bill with a harmful amendment, killing it.
>>> In 2016, the Missouri Sheriffs’ Association opposed our Constitutional Carry legislation. They were outraged that they might lose revenue from not processing as many permit applications. To them, it’s always about the money.
>>> In 2016, the Missouri Sheriffs’ Association also opposed Stand-Your-Ground legislation. Thankfully, they lost this fight, but had they won, you would have been forced to retreat from dangerous criminals!
>>> In 2013, the Missouri Sheriffs’ Association opposed a version of SAPA legislation (H.B. 436) and ensured that then-Governor Nixon’s veto was not overridden.
And even when they don’t publicly attack pro-gun bills like the ones above, they work behind the scenes and try to kill gun bills using a whisper campaign — like they tried to do with Missouri’s Shall Issue law years ago!
The truth is that NO ONE in the Capitol can recall a time when the Missouri Sheriffs’ Association championed a gun bill.
Please call your sheriff today and tell him that you’re tired of the Missouri Sheriffs’ Association attacking pro-gun legislation, urge him to publicly champion SAPA legislation!
The association is angry that SAPA law would allow them and other government officials who violate SAPA law and enforce tyrannical gun control to be civilly sued for damages.
But this is simple, all they have to do is follow Missouri’s SAPA law and they won’t have to worry about this!
More than that, SAPA legislation is design to protect Missouri’s peace officers who are worried about having to choose between violating their oath of office (enforcing federal gun control) and losing their jobs if they refuse to carry out these orders.
The truth is that the vast majority of Missouri’s rank and file troopers, sheriff’s deputies, and municipal officers desperately want to see SAPA passed (they tell us that almost daily right now.) It’s their professional associations that are opposed to it.
We can’t let them get away with this!
That’s why it’s essential that you get involved. Contact your sheriff today. Insist that he stop believing the talking points the Missouri Sheriffs’ Association is giving him and urge him to stand tall for the Second Amendment by publicly supporting SAPA legislation.
Please use this linkto find your sheriff’s contact information, then please make your call!
There’s no time to waste, please make your calls now!
Adolph Hitler a “nice” person on the cover of Time Magazine.
I am going to make this very short: I truly am in shock… I visited a gun store in Seymour today only to discover that the people that run it are dangerously dumbed down about the our God inspired Constitution, and our God given inalienable rights.
I tried to hand them a MFP card to get them up to date on current events, including a GUARANTEED gun grab if O’Biden gets in.
I was informed that they were “non political”. Then I learned that they FULLY support the unconstitutional as hell criminal ATF who’s level of pure evil and criminality compares with that of the FBI!
Let me translate what “non-political” translates as: It means that they don’t give a flying fuk about helping us defend our God given rights in this time of an immanent gun grab if the O’bin gets into office. Truly disgusting and un-American behavior, I truly wanted to vomit.
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.” ~Winston Churchill
They sure as hell want your money though… I don’t think that they deserve mine. You make your choice. As of today I would not do business with them if hell froze over. You don’t do business with the enemies of liberty and I strongly suggest that you vote with your feet and avoid these “nice’ but aiding and supporting evil, people.
FWIW I don’t have Stockholm syndrome. I do not aid or like people that are literally raping me of my rights. These people seem to have a serious case of Stockholm syndrome.
In my 64 years I have never met a gun store person that said that the ATF were nice people. That is like saying that Jeffery Epstein was a “nice person”. Well I am sure that Mr Epstein was a “nice person” as that is how psychopaths and Satan always presents themselves. Mr Adolph Hitler was renowned as a “nice person” by all of the diplomats that met him. Time Magazine named him man of the year, 2 times as I recall.
The owners are likely soon going to learn that you can ignore reality ,but reality will never ignore you. Some people are just a special kind of stupid. And we all know that you can’t fix stupid.
In closing the ATF is not the legislature, the only branch that the Constitution says can write law. The second amendment also clearly says “shall not be infringed”. The ATF is blasphemously acting as God and determining what our God given rights are, rather than actually protecting our God given rights.
update: 11:27 AM
Is it coincidence that the sheriff’s department was in front of me coming home, and just now what appeared to be an unmarked Federal “law enforcement truck” just drove by. FYI the sheriff is the highest law enforcement in the country and is supposed to protect us from federal agencies that break the Constitution. Let’s hope that our county Sheriff does his job in the coming days to protect us from even more egregious unconstitutional gun law enforcers sent by O’Biden. Will our sheriff protect us from the coming forced “vaccines” that are by all appearances the mark of the beast?
I don’t think am being paranoid, as I have observed government bully and terrorize Americans my entire life. Our Sheriff needs to step up and address all of this criminality coming out of Satanic Washington DC, and that often includes the ATF. Who In my opinion are an arm of the Satanic New World Order. They most definitely do not protect our rights.
The number of federal gun control measures that are authorized under the Constitution – is zero. But relying on the feds to limit their own power is a bad strategy. That’s why it’s up to the states to get the job done. On this episode, get an update from 9 states – where there are efforts to protect the 2nd Amendment from federal infringements.