Pamela Wible, MD on Assembly Line Medicine and the Physician Suicide Epidemic

MFP Commentary:

I like that this lady is thinking – but her observations and solutions are skewed   with a socialist worldview. She   blames  “capitalism” for the medical monopolies shortcomings, while   medicine in the land of the free,  is a state protected monopoly.  It is not  free market, as is was at the turn of the 20th century.

A very well known doctor of the founding fathers generation, predicted what would happen if we did not take steps to protect our medical rights:

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush

This suicide rate IMHO is driven in large part as a result of working in a highly “regulated” (un-free) monopoly. Job satisfaction comes from the freedom to follow your interests, talents, etc. That freedom does not occur in the straitjacket of the AMA monopoly licensing model.

Doctors (like the soldiers that commit suicide) find themselves trapped in a system where they realize that they are forced to do more harm than good for their patients. (I have always said that that AMA chronic care is nothing more than than thinly veiled eugenics)….. many doctors are realizing this reality and take the dirt nap solution to a problem that is at it’s  root, created by government’s interference in our rights and in the free market.



1/18/19 I just discovered that Facebook  is shadow banning a post of this article, and openly admitting to doing so. Here is the  screen capture (which they will soon be blocking I am told  with AI reading an OCR scan of the image)


The Most Important Ten Minute Video on Vaccines and Autism EVER!

The Most Important Ten Minute Video on Vaccines and Autism EVER!



By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Just below is a ten minute video by Sharyl Atkisson I want you to watch. It talks about an Affidavit recently produced by a government expert, Dr Andrew Zimmerman, who was dismissed from an important Autism case at the last minute, to cover up the fact that he had told the DOJ attorneys in private that “In fact, vaccines do cause Autism.”

I have written about this before here on the BolenReport – last September I pointed out:  …in the late to mid 2000s more than 5,000 Autism cases went through a bizarre procedure called the Autism Omnibus Proceeding (AOP) as part of the so-called “Vaccine Court” in which several test cases were reviewed for the proposition that vaccines can cause autism.

…but the truth is after sixteen years of articles, two books, more than a hundred radio interviews, I’m tired of saying the same old thing: “Vaccines cause autism and we are being lied to on a massive scale.”

And even the government’s chief medical witness in the Omnibus Autism Proceeding knew this and because he was going to talk about it, the government removed him.

An all of this happened in 2007. It’s now 2019. Yes, this happened in the Bush years, lay undisturbed in the Obama administration, and now we are in the Trump Presidency….. Read More


Vaccine shot killed famed cancer doctor in mere minutes from “total organ failure” … state-run media desperately tries to cover it up

Vaccine shot killed famed cancer doctor in mere minutes from “total organ failure” … state-run media desperately tries to cover it up

(Natural News) Dr. Martin Gore, a widely celebrated cancer doctor credited with “saving thousands of lives” died from “total organ failure” just minutes after receiving a vaccine shot yesterday. Dr. Gore was a professor of cancer medicine at the Institute of Cancer Research based in London. He “died suddenly yesterday after a routine inoculation for yellow fever,” reports The Times (UK).

“His death highlights the increased risks associated with the vaccine for the growing number of older travellers visiting exotic destinations,” the paper explains.

It also underscores the horrific price of believing in Big Pharma, chemotherapy and vaccines. Throughout his career, Dr. Gore oversaw the harming of tens of thousands of children who were subjected to toxic chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Ultimately, he was killed by his own false belief in the safety of vaccines, another weaponized form of toxic medicine. Live by the sword, die by the sword…. Read More


2-Day Old Baby Medically Kidnapped at Hospital in Canada Filmed Live on Facebook

MFP Commentary:

This is exactly what I mean when I say that Christ’s bride has no backbone nor testicles. This is Stanic, and the church and the “right to lifers” might as well just be patting Satan on the back IMHO.

What do you think? Do you think Christ is proud of his “church” sitting on their asses (just like they did when Hitler came into “Christian” Germany) and saying nothing and doing even less?

This could be you or your family you mindless, spineless, sheep!


How about ANOTHER  example of  what inevitably  happens when you let the Satanic/Criminal state “protect” your children:

Bombshell report shows Johnson & Johnson talc baby powder products are contaminated with cancer-causing asbestos – and the company has known for nearly 50 years


Police remove baby as family members cry, cuddle the child and then carefully place her in car seat

by Sarah Petz
CBC News


Staring down at her child’s tiny hospital wristband, the mother of a newborn girl whose apprehension into care was streamed live on Facebook spoke out about her pain during an emotional press conference Friday morning.

The mother, who can’t be identified because her child is currently in care, said she was “blindsided” by the apprehension by Winnipeg Child and Family Services because she said she had made arrangements to have her aunt take over guardianship of her baby.

“It’s a huge letdown,” she said.

The baby was picked up around 4 p.m. CT Thursday, the family said. The widely viewed Facebook video prompted a First Nations family advocate to hold the news conference Friday morning….Read More

US Electric Grid Hacked: Perpetrators Could Have Shut Down the System

MFP Commentary:
If you are even remotely paying attention you already know that top Chinese military was invited to be part of our US military “grid down” exercises a few years back.   This hack is IMHO most likley treason from within, not the “Russians”

Either way our entire grid has purposely been left virtually  unprotected by elements in our government  to help to bring the country down.


Hackers broke into the US electric grid with spearphishing techniques targeting contractors with system access.

The Wall Street Journal has a detailed report out today regarding a sophisticated, and successful attack by hackers into the US electric grid. The hackers could have temporarily shut off power.

The Journal claims Russia is responsible. I hate such assumptions. In the absence of hard proof, the hack could have come from China, North Korea, Israel, or even the US. Even if Russian hackers did this, there is a difference between “Russian” and “Russia”.

DHS Has Helped Equip 400 Police Departments With Military-Grade Sound Cannons

MFP Commentary:
Another chilling article on DHS:
DHS: The New American Gestapo

A recent article in the Mohave Valley Daily News revealed that the Arizona Department of Homeland Security is using grant money to equip Arizona police departments with military-grade sound cannons or Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD).
The Bullhead City Police Department received $54,000 in grant money to purchase a 100X model and a 450XL modelLRAD.

The mass media has known about Arizona DHS’s plan to equip police departments with LRADs for more than a decade but has remained largely silent.

Washington Times article from 2009, titled “DHS helps local police buy military-style sonic devices” warned everyone that military-grade sound cannons, funded in part by federal homeland security grants, are being used against Americans.

“With the help of Homeland Security grants, police departments nationwide looking to subdue unruly crowds and political protesters are purchasing a high-tech device originally used by the military to repel battlefield insurgents and Somali pirates with piercing noise capable of damaging hearing.”

(Click here & here to learn how the NYPD has been using LRADs since 2004.)

An article in MuckRock warns that police departments across the country are purchasing different types of LRADs to be used against Americans. In fact, LRAD sells seventeen different types of sound cannons to law enforcement alone!

Hundreds of police departments have purchased sound cannons

LRAD boasts that 400 law enforcement agencies from across the country have purchased their sound cannons…. Read More

Medical marijuana application fees to bring millions to Missouri

MFP Commentary:

And where in hades do the psychopaths in Jeff city, think that the $10,000 fee will come from? Certainly the very few that can afford this $10,000 tax, (to exercise a right), will pass the cost on to their sick customers. Great job you idiots in government! Now not only do sick people have to pay for their “Obama Care” they will have to pay your extortion tax on their medicine that insurance will not cover. It is apparent that our legislatures are filled by people that not only do not understand liberty, they do everything they can to crush it. I have a book for you the reader that will clarify things here at least on the economic side of things.

“Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal: War Stories from the Local Food Front”

And finally a pertiant quote:

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.”
~Dr. Benjamin Rush

It is apparent to me that the scum in Jeff city do not understand economics, nor liberty and their actions are destructive and harmful to a free society.


Before I go let me ask you would you tolerate a $10,000 permit to exercise the right to have a child?  A $10,000 fee to marry? A $10,000 fee to go to church?  If you support this abomination then that is where we are headed. All of our rights are being turned into permissions by the Stanic psychopaths in government.

Have you also considered that this is blasphemy?  Is not the state deciding (rather than God) what your rights are?  The state should be defending our rights, not deciding how to limit them and what to charge your to exercise them!!



Connecticut — New State Law Requires Mandatory Flu Vaccines for All Kids Ages 2 to 4: Comply or Don’t Go to School

MFP Commentary:
Once the  Satanic psychopaths that run our governments, get your guns, the real terror begins.    Pay  attention to history, do not give up your guns under ANY circumstances.   Form a local militia and train with your neighbors while you still can do so openly….   The  people in Connecticut screwed up, they should have criminalized  gun grabbing (which it most certainly is , by definition) and jailed these legislative  gun grabbers 


Connecticut — New State Law Requires Mandatory Flu Vaccines for All Kids Ages 2 to 4: Comply or Don’t Go to School

Disturbing evidence suggests that WiFi radiation could increase the risk of miscarriages by almost 50%

MFP Commentary:
Any observant / thinking  person is wondering where the heck the “pro-life” people are. They appear to be  a group of useful idiots that are trotted out to virtue signal when the globalists that run them. decide to do so. (Usually once a year in Washington DC)

Did you know that in Godless one-child Communist China that women wear protective EMP shields over their bellies to protect their unborn children? While “Christians” in the US buy Apple phones made in a factory where abortions are forced  on women,   and lay these  phones on their unprotected pregnant bellies right next to their unborn child!

Not to mention most of them without any thought or remorse, daily dose their own children with the neurotoxin fluoride.  (At the same concentration used on the Jews in the  Auschwitz concentration camp)  Hey it only lowers their child’s IQ by 10 points on average….. Right to life my bloody arse.   What hypocrisy!


Disturbing evidence suggests that WiFi radiation could increase the risk of miscarriages by almost 50%

Modern society is drunk on technology. It surrounds us everywhere we go, from the computers, tablets and laptops we use for work, to the “smart” phones we carry around and the movies we stream via WiFi. For many of us, it would be difficult to picture making it through 24 hours without using some form of wireless technology. While these devices provide amazing convenience and connectivity, however, they should have big, fat warning labels on them, because the EMF (electromagnetic frequency) radiation they transmit has been recognized as a class 2B possible carcinogen (cancer causer) by the World Health Organization, and more and more studies have proved conclusively that these devices cause serious health problems.

Of course, children are even more vulnerable to the effects of this type of radiation than adults, and unborn children are the most vulnerable of all.

A study conducted by researchers from the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research which was published in the journal Scientific Reports, found that when pregnant women are exposed to non-ionizing radiation from magnetic fields, such as that emitted by power lines, transformers, wireless devices and wireless networks, their risk of miscarriage increases by a staggering 48 percent. (Related: Radiation from wi-fi and cell phones increases pregnant women’s risk of miscarriage by nearly 50%.)

Troubling results

For their study, the Kaiser Permanente researchers monitored the exposure of 913 pregnant participants to non-ionizing radiation as well as the outcomes of their pregnancies when compared to the 10 to 15 percent rate of miscarriage which normally affects pregnant women. Science Daily reported:

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[R]esearchers asked women over age 18 with confirmed pregnancies to wear a small (a bit larger than a deck of cards) magnetic-field monitoring device for 24 hours. Participants also kept a diary of their activities on that day, and were interviewed in person to better control for possible confounding factors, as well as how typical their activities were on the monitoring day. Researchers controlled for multiple variables known to influence the risk of miscarriage, including nausea/vomiting, past history of miscarriage, alcohol use, caffeine intake, and maternal fever and infections. …

Miscarriage occurred in 10.4 percent of the women with the lowest measured exposure level (1st quartile) of magnetic field non-ionizing radiation on a typical day, and in 24.2 percent of the women with the higher measured exposure level (2nd, 3rd and 4th quartiles), a nearly three times higher relative risk.

Dr. De-Kun Li, M.D., Ph.D., lead investigator of the study and a reproductive and perinatal epidemiologist, noted that the results of this research prove that this type of radiation could pose serious threats to human health.

How pregnant women can minimize risk

Pregnant women who read this will be understandably concerned about minimizing their exposure to EMFs, and Natural Health 365 provided some excellent advice about how this can be done. (Related: Eating fruits and vegetables cuts risk of miscarriage, says study.)

One suggestion is for moms-to-be to keep cellular devices as far away as possible from their bellies and to avoid carrying them close to their bodies, for example in their pockets.

Another good idea is to use a hands-free headset whenever possible and to keep smart wireless devices on airplane mode whenever they are not actively in use. It is important to try to minimize the amount of time spent talking on these devices and to opt to use an old-fashioned landline telephone whenever possible.

A final suggestion is to turn all your devices and routers off at night, since this is the time when your body repairs DNA damage.

Learn more about mitigating the risk of miscarriage and the dangers of EMFs at Radiation.newsORIGINAL STORY


Gardasil Vaccine’s Reign of Destruction and Death Top News Story on Health Impact News for 2018


MFP Commentary:
All of your rights are being taken, because most of you don’t have the spine to stand up to evil.  My how Christianity has sunk to new  levels in the past century, to be so apathetic about egregious, rampant evil….. There was a time when (real) Christians would have stamped out this evil decades ago, never giving it a  chance to come to fruition.


by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The Gardasil vaccine scandal once again was the top news topic on Health Impact News for 2018, as it has been for the past several years.

Three of our top 10 stories from 2018 were in the vaccine topic area, with the top 2 news stories dealing with the Gardasil HPV vaccine.

The top story, by far, was the tragic story of 14-year-old Christopher Bunch, originally published at The Vaccine Reaction, who died shortly after receiving a Gardasil vaccine.

The Gardasil vaccine was also the focus of the second most-read article in 2018, where Vera Sharav, from the Alliance for Human Research Protection, reported how public hearings in Japan were exposing the dangers of the vaccine and seeking help for the victims.

Four of our top 10 stories from 2018 were from our website, documenting how dangerous it is today to disagree with medical doctors who can call in Child Protection Services (CPS) to remove your children simply for disagreeing with their medical advice.

One of the stories from was about an 18-year-old who aged out of foster care and reported how his foster home was part of a pornographic pedophile ring, as he sued the State of Arizona for $15 million in damages.

Another story was from a mother who posted her experience with her local dentist on Facebook, which soon went viral, showing how she received a letter from her dentist’s office threatening to report them to CPS if she did not bring in her child for dental services. Subsequent investigations by Health Impact News revealed that pediatric dental fraud is widespread in the U.S.

The other topics rounding out the top 10 dealt with the FDA’s efforts to ban homeopathy, how the new 5G technology is linked to diseases and loss of privacy, and the Monsanto case where a jury ruled against Monsanto regarding the herbicide glyphosate which causes cancer…. Read More