Cannabis remains outlawed in the UK to protect the profits of Big Pharma

In the USA, more and more states are legalizing the medicinal use of marijuana. In fact, according to the website, 29 states have now passed laws permitting either the recreational or medical use of marijuana, and in some cases, both. This is excellent news for those who have fought long and hard to decriminalize this amazing plant with its myriad health benefits. Unfortunately, this new understanding has not been as readily adopted across the pond in the United Kingdom……

SCIENCE FOR SALE: Shocking emails reveal editor of food science journal was secretly on Monsanto’s payroll at $400 per hour


The following bombshell story appears on GM Watch and was published on August 2, 2017. It appears on the same day that the New York Times published another bombshell story revealing to be a propaganda rag for Monsanto. What’s abundantly clear in all this is how Monsanto’s web of criminality, lies and deceit is rapidly unraveling, and the evil corporation is facing billions of dollars in damages from multiple lawsuits across the country.

Read this article from GM Watch and learn just how devious and criminal Monsanto has become. It is truly the most evil corporation on the planet, and it bankrolls evil, corrupt people like Bruce Chassy, Jon Entine and A. Wallace Hayes. Every effort to retract science papers that exposed the toxicity of GMOs and glyphosate, we now know, was orchestrated by Monsanto through a network of bribery and fraud that even ensnared the editors of science journals. No corporation has corrupted science more than Monsanto, and it is very telling that science propagandists like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye have joined the efforts of Monsanto to lie to the world and suppress scientific truth in order to protect the profits of the world’s most evil (and dangerous) corporation…..


Missouri Medical Marijuana Bill by Doreen Hanes

For many people, cannabis or cannabis oil are the only things that can really give them relief, or a possible cure, from debilitating or fatal diseases. At this point, I will state without hesitation, if a family member were diagnosed with cancer, we would move to Colorado and work with people there that know how to set up protocols to treat cancer. There are entirely too many positives for health benefits and the only thing that is threatened by marijuana is the overly bloated and toxic pharmaceutical industry and the revenue generation/prison industry who are profiting because of it being illegal. It just galls me personally that there is help for so many that is natural and it is immoral to prevent people who would benefit from using this help……….

Missouri Medical Marijuana Bill

Fully Informed Jury And Medical Marijuana Case by Doreen Hanes

If you’re not familiar with the FIJA, I would ask that you go to their website and become familiar with the issue. It is the way that Prohibition on alcohol was really ended. They couldn’t get enough juries to convict, so the “law” became basically unenforceable. Yet in today’s court climate, everything is about plea bargaining and never actually getting peers apprised of the issues involving charges against the accused unless it is a heinous crime. Also important to note, most states have made jury duty incredibly difficult to do without intensive financial hardship.

Here is the story link froman email I was sent by someone from the FIJA…I hope you take the time to read and contemplate the issue:


Fully Informed Jury And Medical Marijuana Case

Make money by being a guinea pig for big pharma?

I have toyed with the idea of  enrolling in one of these studies for years. While well aware of the dangers of  the “drugs” that they will be testing on you. (The results from these studies is so bad that half of them are routinely just thrown away and not included as actually happening- which tells me these safely studies” are close to useless.)  This one looks promising as it is a “nutritional supplement” but alas there is an age limit that disqualifies me.  I’ll keep looking the money can be pretty good,  often over $200  a day.

Arizona Child Removed from Loving Family and Placed into Foster Care Where She was Repeatedly Raped – then 80% of Body Burned

Learn what CPS really does folks!  They take your children without even the due process of a jury trial. They are the also part of the globalist pedophile network.   I know that is a lot to swallow but stick with me.  It is all well documented, and I will be  laying it all out in due time.

For now just absorb this article, and ask yourself why, your local “mainstream” paper ignores real news like this?  Isn’t their ignoring of evils like this, them helping the evil to prosper and spread?  Sure it does, and that is their real mission, though most are “useful idiots” and don’t even know the agenda that they help further.   Shining the sunlight of truth, is the only way to deal with the evils of the state. In the light of day they scatter like cockroaches.


Arizona Child Removed from Loving Family and Placed into Foster Care Where She was Repeatedly Raped – then 80% of Body Burned

The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest – Episode 1

Forget everything that you have ever been told about cancer, and watch this first of a  9 part series.  It may very well save your life or the life of a loved one.

I think that you will be hooked, and will want to watch the rest.  Let us know in the comments if you would like us to try, and find links to the other 8 in the series:

Nearly All Americans Are Drinking Cancer-Causing Water-EWG Study

  I am not surprised that not  a one of the local “mainstream” newspapers have reported  this story.  They are too busy pushing the globalist narrative to educate their readers about what is really going on in the world. This should be front page news, on a monthly basis!

Under Missouri law your town at best tests for only 4 or 5 things as compared to the 250 chemicals that this test tested for.   I will try and get a copy of a local  town’s water test posted soon.