A Closer Look at 5G Equipment that is Being Installed Across Los Angeles

MFP Commentary:
Millimeter waves were first deployed by the US military as a weapon.  Now our government on behalf of the globalists at the United Nations, is installing them,  many of them will be  on your street and close to your home.  Please watch these short video’s if you want to stay informed as to the genocide that is being planned.
Here is another MFP article on 5g.
The Relationship Between Directed Energy Weapons and Your Smart Meter-Virginia Farver-CSS

California: Activist Gary Gileno shows the difference between ordinary light poles and light poles that hold 5G antennae next to residential homes in Temple City. 5G utilizes millimeter wave technology developed as a weapon by the US military and deployed against enemies in the Middle East. Now it is being deployed in American neighborhoods. -GEG

A Closer Look at 5G Equipment that is Being Installed Across Los Angeles

The Relationship Between Directed Energy Weapons and Your Smart Meter-Virginia Farver-CSS

MFP Commentary:

What you cannot hide is genocide. The Trilateral Commission just announced that 5G will be the backbone of “smart cities”. This should send a chill up your spine. The FCC is forcing 5G upon us.  Virginia Farver joins Dave Hodges as she unveils newly discovered health effects of 5G.

Here is another MFP article on 5G:
A Closer Look at 5G Equipment that is Being Installed Across Los Angeles


The Relationship Between Directed Energy Weapons and Your Smart Meter-Virginia Farver-CSS

The government owns your DNA. What are they doing with it?

MFP Commentary:
It is a well documented fact that through the use of lies and oviscation, that governments  are using the health care monopoly to collect DNA samples of all children born  into first world countries.
Here are some other stories that document this:

Why Are the Elite Collecting DNA and Blood of Children? CSS-10/1-Joshua Coy

Did You Know You Also Have a Uniform Birth Number?

Uncle Sam Wants Your DNA: The FBI’s Diabolical Plan to Create a Nation of Suspects


Newsweek:  BY  

Thinner than average, with serious, shadowed eyes, Kevin Anderson, 36, has worked as a filmmaker for over 10 years. He’s traveled throughout Europe and the Americas producing web and sports videos, news packages and documentary shorts. In his infancy, he was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease, phenylketonuria (commonly referred to as PKU), where the body cannot properly break down protein. Throughout his life, he has taken medicine and followed a special low-protein diet, but other than these restrictions he enjoys a healthy life.

Recently, though, he “stumbled across this video that showed people with undiagnosed PKU.” While he had often heard stories about what would happen if he had never treated his condition, “I’d never seen pictures of it, I’d never encountered it myself, so it just wasn’t quite real to me,” he says. “And when I watched that video.… ” He trails off, choking up, pausing until the heartbreak passes. “It just captured me. I had the sudden realization I would have become mentally retarded; I would have been in an institution if it hadn’t been for newborn screening.”

Every year, approximately 4 million newborns in the U.S. are screened for congenital disorders, and about 12,500 of these infants are diagnosed with an inherited condition. Many of these disorders (like PKU) can be effectively treated when caught early, allowing an infant to grow and develop normally. By every account, newborn screening is one of modernity’s biggest medical success stories—yet most of us are not familiar with this compelling tale or even know that we most likely have been screened…..Read More

You will not believe the benefits of Sauna! Have we been chumped by the the medical “authorities”?

If Sauna were a pill, very likely  99% of you would be taking it.
The health disinformation agenda that has most of  you vaccinating, and living on nutritionally empty foods,  has also kept you in the dark concerning sauna.
Here are a few of the sources that got me interested in FIR Sauna’s:

Ben Greenfield:
Ten Scientifically Proven Reasons I Am Addicted To A Daily Sauna.

The Energy Blueprint Podcast
The Top 22 Science-Backed Benefits Of Saunas

The Top 22 Science Backed Benefits Of Saunas by Ari Whitten

Ben Greenfield Podcast:
Everything You Need To Know About How To Use Heat Exposure To Enhance Performance, Burn Fat, Gain Muscle And Think Better.

The Japanese have been in this space for 20 years.  So far they have not marketed heavily in the US.  Their technology is both impressive and expensive.  Here is an introduction to a product dubbed the “Hot House“:

Infrared Sauna versus Infrared Domes #395


What science is confirming about the benefits of CBD oil

(Natural News) CBD oil is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after supplements on the market, but what do you really know about it? Scientists have been studying cannibidiol (CBD) for many years now, working to unravel the myriad of benefits afforded by this medicinal plant compound. CBD is one of hundreds of cannabinoid compounds found in the cannabis plant, and is now known to be a powerful, medicinal compound with a wide array of uses and benefits.

Unlike the more infamous tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is a non-psychoactive compound, meaning it does not produce the psychedelic effects that are characteristic of cannabis. Proponents of medical cannabis say that CBD is useful for an array of conditions, including cancer, seizure disorders, pain relief and more — and now science is backing up many of these claims, as well.

Science-backed benefits of CBD oil

Pain relief is one of the most well-documented uses for the cannabis plant. In fact, people have been using marijuana to treat pain since 2900 B.C. — and modern science is just starting to understand how. As Healthline reports, CBD is one of a few medicinal compounds found in the cannabis plant that are associated with pain relief.

Studies have shown that CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, and it is through this bodily system that CBD is able to exact its pain-relieving effects. It’s posited that CBD can help mitigate chronic pain by influencing endocannabinoid receptor activity, interacting with neurotransmitters, and by decreasing inflammation.

In addition to pain management, studies have also shown that CBD can offer relief from depression and anxiety. As Eco Watch explains, scientists have surmised that CBD can help relieve these conditions through its effect on serotonin receptors in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood, appetite and sleep. In a small study, participants given a CBD supplement before a public speaking test displayed substantial reductions in anxiety compared to those were given a placebo….Read More

If Cannabis Can Kill “Incurable” Brain Cancer, Why Is It Criminalized?

MFP Commentary:
It is criminalized because we have a criminal government lording over us. A blasphemous  government that defines what our rights are, rather than protecting the infinite number of rights that God has bestowed upon all of humanity.

Having  medical monopolies,  rather then the free market as the Constitution demands, is nothing other than a thinly veiled eugenics movement.

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush


Cannabis contains a compound that may kill brain cancers that chemotherapy and radiation can’t touch, so why isn’t it being used today? 

In recent years, we’ve focused heavily on educating our readers about the still relatively unknown role that cancer stem cells play in cancer, both in terms of conventional cancer treatment failure and the exceptionally promising role that natural interventions play in targeting these highly malignant cells.

It is encouraging to witness a growing awareness that cancer has been completely misunderstood, and that in order to make progress against the global epidemic we will have to go back to the wisdom of the ancients by using foods and spices instead of toxic chemicals and radiation to fight a disease that should be classified more as a survival mechanism unmasked than an inexorably lethal, genetically-driven condition. Even the National Cancer Institute now admits that it had been wrong for decades about “early stage” breast (DCIS) and prostate (HGPIN) “cancers,” and that they should be reclassified as indolent or benign lesions of epithelial origin, i.e. not “cancer” at all! Essentially, therefore, millions were overdiagnosed and overtreated for cancers they never had. Even now, despite this admission, the vast majority of conventional doctors have yet to account for, acknowledge, or integrate this radically different definition of cancer and its implications for treatment into their “standard of care.”

Only last week, we featured a new review on natural therapies that target cancer stem cells, many of which included common foods and spices. You can view it here. But one substance conspicuously absent from the list was cannabis, which is the herb we now turn to to give it a fair representation in the context of this topic…. Read More

EPA exposed as criminal pollution enterprise engaged in bioterrorism, food contamination and the destruction of ecosystems across North America

MFP Commentary:

The criminals at Home Depot are selling heavily polluted and toxic, human excrement as “eco friendly” fertilizer, and not marking it as such:  Not to mention that it is being used on most of your supermarket food crops…..


See the movie Biosludged for more details:


This is the same chain that subjects you to MonSatan’s cancer causing RoundUp  1, 2 in your lungs and blood stream whenever you dare go near their garden centers.


The bombshell documentary has now dropped: Biosludgedexposes the criminal pollution enterprise known as the “EPA,” which produced fake, fraudulent science in order to “legalize” the mass pollution of America’s soils and croplands with toxic sewage sludge.

The film, available to view for free at this link on BrighteonFilms.com, features former EPA scientist and whistleblower Dr. David Lewis, author of Science For Sale, who reveals the shocking extent of the EPA’s criminal activities and scientific fraud.

To this day, the EPA continues to operate as a criminal pollution enterprise, faking the science while America’s soils are contaminated with a toxic brew of biological organisms, heavy metals, synthetic chemicals and pharmaceuticals. This is the same EPA that has, for years, actively conspired with Monsanto and other biotech companies to look the other way as their toxic herbicides and pesticides decimate honey bee pollinator populations.

As you’ll see in the Biosludged film, the EPA has essentially become a bioterrorism organization, and this dangerous situation where a prominent department of the U.S. government has been weaponized against the environment continues under President Trump, just as it did under Obama, Bush and Clinton before.

Who will stop the EPA before the rogue agency destroys the viability of food-producing crop lands across North America?

Watch the full trailer here, then go to BrighteonFilms.com to view the full film and download the full movie files that you can openly share with others…..Read More


EPA exposed as criminal pollution enterprise engaged in bioterrorism, food contamination and the destruction of ecosystems across North America

After Getting Flu Shot, New York State Senator Gets Sick For Two Weeks, Then Dies



  • The Facts:New York State Senator Jose Peralta, 47, died tragically after having symptoms of illness for two weeks, which he attributed to a flu vaccine he had taken.
  • Reflect On:What is preventing a large body of the population from seeing the evidence that suggests vaccines are unsafe?

On the eve of Thanksgiving, New York State Senator Jose Peralta, 47, died tragically and suddenly of what is being called ‘septic shock’. This New York Post article interviewed Peralta’s wife Evelyn who offered a few details:

“All they said is that he was septic,” Evelyn Peralta said Friday afternoon, after meeting officials with the city Medical Examiner’s office. “And that led to organ failure,” she said of her 47-year-old husband, the state Senate’s first Dominican-American member.

“They need to do additional tests,” she said. “There is no final conclusion yet. They don’t know” what caused the fatal blood infection, she said. “His body was poisoning itself.”

She added, tearfully, “I just came back from viewing the body. The doctor said it’s rare, [given] his age and that it happened so quick … he was healthy. He was a healthy guy.”

The New York Post article mentions nothing about a flu shot that Peralta had taken two weeks earlier….Read More

The Amazing Health and Substantial Longevity Benefits of Restoring the Grossly Inadequate Levels of Vitamin C in Humans to Normal Mammalian Levels

An Interview with Bill Sardi – Part 1
By Richard A. Passwater, Ph.D.
November 26, 2018

Your badly mutated GULO (gulonolactone [L-] oxidase) gene has been robbing you of health all your life and limits your lifespan. It’s so badly mutated that the human variant is now called the GULOP pseudogene.

Here’s what you can do about it to improve your health and increase your lifespan.
Bill Sardi has been a guest of this column twice before, and has an overview of this subject scheduled for the October issue of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. Specifically, we will chat with him about the latest research confirming the practical health and substantial longevity benefits of fully compensating for this defective pseudogene. The operative word here is “fully.” How much vitamin C is required to fully compensate for not having a working GULO gene? The paltry 60 milligrams that is the RDA or the several grams that animals make when they have a fully functioning GULO gene? What does the latest study suggest that the longevity increase can be?…..Read More

The Amazing Health and Substantial Longevity Benefits of Restoring the Grossly Inadequate Levels of Vitamin C in Humans to Normal Mammalian Levels