(Natural News) A new study published in the journal Antiviral Research finds that Ivermectin, a common agricultural drug used as a de-wormer for cats, dogs, horses and livestock — achieves a 5000-fold reduction in replication of the SARS-cov-2 “Wuhan” coronavirus.
Ivermectin is sold at agricultural supply stores and online retailers such as Amazon.com. It’s normally sold as an edible paste or a sterile solution for injection into cattle and other livestock. The drug is FDA-approved for certain treatments, although not yet FDA approved for treatment of COVID-19. We are not recommending it for human consumption until more data are available.
The study, found here, is entitled, “The FDA-approved Drug Ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro.”
Here’s a screen shot of the study title, journal, publish date, study authors and permalink:….Read More
(Natural News) On March 24, Bill Gates had a digital talk with Chris Anderson, Curator of TED, the nonprofit group that runs TED Talks, during which he gave his take on the handling of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. And during their conversation, Gates admitted that the purpose of these extreme lockdown and quarantine measures is to stop people from naturally catching the virus so that people like Gates can sell them more pharmaceuticals and vaccines later on down the road.
About halfway through their talk, Gates stated that “we don’t want to have a lot of recovered people” from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Instead, the goal is “to not get to one percent of the population infected,” Gates stated, because he’d rather the general population be forced into first getting tested, then vaccinated, for this novel virus.
“To be clear, we’re trying – through the shut-down in the United States – to not get to one percent of the population infected,” Gates is quoted as saying. “We’re well below that today, but with exponentiation, you could get past that three million [people or approximately one percent of the U.S. population being infected with COVID-19 and the vast majority recovery].”
“I believe we will be able to avoid that with having this economic pain.”
In other words, Gates and whomever else he’s colluding with to make things as difficult as possible for the American people through this crisis are intentionally doing this in preparation for the rollout of their “solution,” which will involve selling the public billions of dollars’ worth of new antiviral drugs and vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19)….Read More
(Natural News) Former President Barack Obama had a mission for America: Destroy it!
And he pursued that “sleeper cell” mission for eight years, whipping up racial tensions, turning America against law enforcement, socializing the medical system and even allowing people like Joe Biden to transfer classified military secrets to China in exchange for financial kickbacks that were laundered through Ukraine.
As we’ve previously warned, Obama also allowed China to steal the Pentagon’s US military personnel records. He even allowed Iran to “capture” a US military drone and a Navy boat, all as part of a grand scheme to make sure Iran acquired US communications encryption hardware. If that weren’t enough, Obama then laundered billions of dollars through international banks to fund Iran’s nuclear weapons program, all while lying to America and claiming the “Iran nuclear deal” would block Iran’s nuclear ambitions (it did precisely the opposite, enabling the program and funding it).
See the full details of Obama’s treason in this broadcast video:…Read More
Follow the links to the main article and you will find about 4 informative videos that are embedded in the article.
David Icke is at his best in this analysis of how Big Pharma is in the final phase of its long march toward forcing every human on the planet to accept vaccines and to imprison anyone who attempts to provide information that questions the narrative that vaccines are scientifically proven to be safe and effective. He is relentless and passionate in this presentation and concludes that mandatory vaccines and censorship of debate are the line in the sand for freedom. Not to stand against this tyranny is not an option. -GEG
MFP Commentary: This is what happens when you have a tightly controlled government monopoly over medical care, with a population that is dumbed down enough to fall for the lie that this is somehow the free market, freedom, and Constitutional. It is none of these. To anyone with a few working brain cells, this is slavery, and is being used for eugenics. If you don’t see this you need to do your due diligence, as that is exactly what is going on.
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush
We were warned over 200 years ago by Dr Benjamin Rush, (the personal doctor of George Washington) about medical monopolies,
We reap the results of the evil choices of low IQ citizens….. Trampling people’s God given right to choose their medical care is evil…. God gave us free choice and Satan and “Christians” working with Satan have taken that choice away. (this seems to be the vast majority of “Christians”)
Keep in mind that the word government has the Greek root of: “to control the mind” And that is exactly what is going on with American’s views on this matter.
Beware it has been my experience that there are more than a few vaccine terrorists at the local Fordland Clinic. In fact they “fired me” for questioning their blind following of Federal Medical Mandates. You have no medical freedom at the Fordland Clinic nor will people like Nurse Sonia Cass tolerate free speech. Here is that story:
(Natural News) If you disagree with the medical establishment’s lies about vaccines, you have no right to exist in society at all, say pro-vaccine authoritarian tyrants. In case you were wondering what the real plans are for people who oppose the quack science dogma of the vaccine industry and its child murdering vaccine advocates, look no further than today’s rant from anti-Trump neocon Rick Wilson.
“Anti-vaxxers are a scourge and a strong argument for re-education camps, the immediate seizure of their property, and putting their children into protective custody,” tweeted Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson), a neo-con Republican strategist and so-called “never Trumper.”
This demand sums up the medical police state tyranny and anti-human authoritarianism that characterizes vaccine advocates, almost all of whom are “medical child molesters” who maim children for profit. They quite literally seek to throw parents in concentration camps if they refuse to have their children injected with nearly a hundred toxic vaccines that contain neurotoxic substances such as aluminum, squalene, mercury, aborted human fetal tissue, formaldehyde and even complete DNA sequences of aborted human babies whose genes were genetically engineered to cause cancer….Read More
MFP Commentary: Because they are part of the what can often be dangerous “standards of care” the staff at the Fordland Medical Clinic seem to be perfectly fine with this procedure. ~MFP
November 21, 2019
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging study that allows your physician to see detailed pictures of your organs and tissues. The MRI machine uses a large magnet, radio waves and a computer to take detailed cross-sectional pictures of your internal organs and tissues.1
The scanner looks like a tube with a table that enables you to slide into the tunnel of the machine to gather data. Unlike CT scans or X-rays that use ionizing radiation known to damage DNA, the MRI uses magnetic fields.
Images from an MRI give physicians better information about abnormalities, tumors, cysts and specific organ problems with your heart, liver, uterus, kidneys and other organs.
In some instances, your physician may want an enhanced MRI, one using a contrast agent or dye to improve the clarity of the images produced. According to a recent international poll,2 a majority of radiologists avoid informing patients when deposits of toxic contrast agents are discovered…..Read More
MFP Commentary: Places like the Fordland Medical Clinic tell all sorts of lies. One of the bigger ones, is that your confidential medical information (including psychological records) is private. There are HIPPA laws…blah, bah, blah…. People that are paying attention know that this is another blatant government lie. Google is currently openly stating that they have over 100 million private medical records that the Fordland medical monopoly tells you are private, as do the psychopaths in our legislatures.
I am confident that if there is ever a federal mandate to send your medical records directly to Google that the Fordland clinic will do do without hesitation. Why do I think this?
My interactions with and the resulting despicable behavior of this woman:
Sonia Cass – AKA “Nurse Ratchet” – the person most responsible for destroying what little medical rights I had left after their implementing of Federal Mandates.
MFP Commentary: As you may well know at the Fordland Clinic, pharmaceuticals are the answer to every possible condition that you may have. Despite the FACT that none of them cure anything, have very serious side effects, and that you must take them forever! Ask about a way to actually cure your condition, and not just cover up the symptoms with drugs, and they look like deer in the headlights as they say “I don’t know”. Read this story for more on the Fordland Clinic: MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic? ~MFP
We poison our mitochondria with drugs we buy over the counter or get by prescription as a matter of routine. Our doctors, medical organizations and governmental organizations believe they are doing us a favor poisoning people with dangerous drugs and complain bitterly when we self-administer safe ones like medical marijuana and sodium bicarbonate. Most medical studies are ridiculously wrong and seriously misleading. It is a fact that all studies are biased and flawed in their own unique ways and have led to the creation of a form of medicine that just does not work at all to cure people of their diseases.
My 77 year old mother is in Florida. In April she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and had one breast removed in addition to a few lymph nodes. She finished Chemo and was about to finally start radiation 2 days ago and was told she now has bone cancer. The doctor who is treating her said he used your book on his father and it worked miracles. Now my 81 year old father is obsessed with your book Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment. My father has asked me to get him your book, and I’m happy to do so.
In Medical Express we read of their surprise that tetracycline-based antibiotics have an unexpected effect on the development of many organisms. Unexpected? It is no secret that most drugs are mitochondrial poisons. The Medical Express essay points out that not only are doctors poisoning us but that these antibiotics are widely administrated to livestock and that there are serious issues of soil pollution by these antibiotics. In 2011, 5.6 million kg of tetracycline was administered to US livestock. A study showed that nearly half of the 210 kg of antibiotics produced in China in 2007 were tetracyclines for veterinary use….Read More
MFP Commentary: I don’t know if the ultrasound is used at the Fordland Clinic, but I assume it is. Like anything else the Feds push or approved on Sonia Cass at the clinic is more than eager to push a Federal Mandate regardless of its health consequences for you or your child. Here is more of the story: MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic?
… a single exposure to ultrasound produced cellular and DNA damage similar to 250 chest x rays—and damage was permanent and heritable for ten generations and beyond.
Prenatal ultrasound is a taken-for-granted component of modern maternity care, to such an extent that most obstetrician-gynecologists find it impossible to practice their profession without it. American women now routinely undergo four to five ultrasounds per pregnancy. Despite the absence of demonstrated benefits, there is also a trend toward “new applications of ultrasound…at earlier stages in pregnancy” (p. 47), including Doppler fetal heart rate monitoring that magnifies the unborn baby’s exposure manyfold.
A Scottish physician developed the first 2D ultrasound machine in the late 1950s. Intended for prenatal scanning as well as gynecological tumor diagnosis, the machine drew on the doctor’s prior experience with military radar technology. Now, the latest growth sector in ultrasound technology is 3D imaging (which shows the baby’s face) or 4D ultrasound that creates a “live video effect, like a movie”—luring parents into stockpiling “keepsake” footage of their baby’s in utero facial expressions.
While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tells prospective parents that ultrasound exams provide “a valuable opportunity to view and hear the heartbeat of the fetus, bond with the unborn baby, and capture images to share with family and friends”—and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) denies any association between ultrasound and adverse maternal, fetal or neonatal outcomes—not everyone shares the agencies’ complacency. In fact, two recent books make the opposite case. One author—backed up by over 1500 scientific citations—argues that prenatal ultrasound is so harmful to children that it “should be banned from obstetrics immediately.” The other contends that the “subtle and not-so-subtle” biological effects of ultrasound “have set the human species on a tragic path” from which it may take generations to recover.
… a single exposure to ultrasound produced cellular and DNA damage similar to 250 chest x rays—and damage was permanent and heritable for ten generations and beyond.