Libertarian manifesto audio book by Murray Rothbard:
One of the most important books on liberty ever written. This will change your world view!
There is aso PDF copy of this book on the site.
There is an answer to the current criminal government over-reach.
It is a law enforcement problem, that can be solved by bringing back the grand jury, and the Constitutional militia to the control of the citizens in all of our counties.
The most useful explanation of modern “exoteric Christianity” that I have ever heard…..
Fake-Ass Christians – Part 1 of 2 Genuine Christianity is not what most people think it is. Human beings have been given a false form of Christianity to keep them spiritually asleep. In this paradigm-changing presentation, Mark Passio points out the hallmark beliefs and behaviors of false “Christians” and defines what it really means to be an Authentic Christian.
Fake-Ass Christians – Part 2 of 2 Genuine Christianity is not what most people think it is. Human beings have been given a false form of Christianity to keep them spiritually asleep. In this paradigm-changing presentation, Mark Passio points out the hallmark beliefs and behaviors of false “Christians” and defines what it really means to be an Authentic Christian.
Thirteenth Amendment
Section 1
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
**** If Americans had a brain they would immediately see that when “law enforcement” arrests and locks a person in a cage BEFORE they are convicted of a crime and especially if the are found innocent then the law enforcement involved need to be charged with State felony kidnapping and with a Federal Felony under USC 18 sections 241&242 (Violation of rights under color of law)
The 13th Amendment is very clear. You must be convicted BEFORE you are subject to involuntary servitude!!! COPS and “law enforcement” are clearly criminals in our society. We were warned and told NOT to have standing armies like the police!
After 66 years of taking shite, from large companies in this country, I am about fed up!
Today, I disputed a few bank charges on my debit card. The amounts were such that if I were out of town with my family, we probably would have had to sleep in the car for a day or two waiting for the bank to return my money, and being thankful that it was not the dead of winter!
Magically, when I make a charge the money comes out instantly, but when the bank owes me somehow it takes days!
When you get right down to it, the bank is involved in theft because the money is not returned the instant that I tell them that it was fraud. They are capable of doing this and make up excuses the minute you challenge them on it. They actually got pretty nasty for me just bringing up this fact.
In For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto, Rothbard proposes a once-and-for-all escape from the two major political parties, the ideologies they embrace, and their central plans for using state power against people. Libertarianism is Rothbard’s radical alternative that says state power is unworkable and immoral and ought to be curbed and finally abolished.
To make his case, Rothbard deploys his entire system of thought: natural law, natural rights, Austrian economics, American history, the theory of the state, and more.
*** This should be required reading for every human being IMHO. ~MFP
Have you noticed that not a single one of the talking heads online (i.e Infowars, Mike Adams, etc) have any real solutions? All they do is yell fire, every day, all day long!
This will not change a god damned thing — ever.
The people that they do wake up will be clueless and unprincipled.
They are in a way creating more of an enemy to fight!
What people need are principled solutions, and for this I ask you to please take
a look at
Their solution is to bring control of our evil government to the county level.
To have a county Militia and county control of the grand and petit juries.
*** I had a picture of the Fordland Clinic sign on route 60 – advertising the death jab and the globalist controlled took it down…… look at the yellow high light they did not take that down. ~MFP
You must be mentally ill to swallow this shite!
Our County sheriffs, for starters enforce the 1st plank of the Communist manifesto – the GD property tax!!
How about the 10th plank? “Free government schools” Our Communist sheriffs enforce this one also with the truancy laws.
I could go on, but let me point out that the remaining 8 planks have also been implemented in this country.
If you had a lick of sense, you would realize that it is the Militia and citizen control of the grand jury is what is missing in this country
JESUS CHRIST and the Founders gave us the answer. Read Genesis 14 and take note of who the standing army was and who the militia was!! In case you are not too bright Abram raised a militia and the 5 kings had a standing army. ( that Jesus later called those that live by the sword)
This country is done because Americans are extremely stupid and cowardly, and it is close to being too late to do anything and yet we continue to do nothing!
“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope for victory, because it is better to parish than to live as slaves.” ~ Winston Churchill
I was taken back to learn that Greg Reese of Infowars has moved to Russia.The reasons that he gives are the conclusions that I am coming to.
The American people are cowardly, and refuse to do what is needed to preserve liberty and to stop the evil in DC.
It really bothers me that I have to live among the clueless and cowardly assholes that call themselves Americans. These clueless pukes will not even form Militias to both defend themselves from the coming 5th column attacks, and to put pressure on DC to back off.
If I were younger, and had any resources whatsoever I would be headed to Russia to start a new life. The people of Russia are what Americans were 100 years ago and a hell of a lot more informed than Americans are today.
This country is evil.. not only it’s government but currently also it’s people.
A people that refuse to defend themselves, and refuse to address their evil government deserve to die out, and that is what is likely coming.
Is the “Yard Farming” about to begin in Webster County Missouri?
Earlier today I had 2 A-10/Warthogs, at the same time, fly down the property lines to the left and right of me! Not just that, but they flew at approximately 100 feet in the air.
I could literally see the guys face as he rolled up as if to get a better view.
Besides the illegal altitudes, and the fact that calling the county sheriff would be an exercise in futility…. I seriously wonder if the pilots are ours or Soviets out of Ft Lenard Wood?
“For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security.”
~Thomas Jefferson
I urge you to read Genesis 14, that is about Abram raising a militia of over 300 men, to fight the evil “standing army” of the 4 kings. He was blessed by God for “slaughtering” them.
Why then do almost all Christians not get the important message from this passage?
Perhaps because they have unlike our founders been taught to worship evil governments….
Talking about fake and hidden history, the history of the Standing Army of the North committing horrendous war crimes against the civilians of the South has been completely buried in our Communist Schools.
The US military during and after the “civil war ” acted a Lot like the IDF is now behaving in Gaza.
The history of these war criminals, in Lincolns Standing Army, both during and after the war, completely substantiate the the founders warnings about standing armies!.
Historically uneducated people like Mike Adams and much of this audience, Unbelievably still support standing armies in fact both the ones in green and the ones in blue.
Even thought our standing army is being population by foreign nationals Mike does not seem to even comprehend the warning about standing armies.
Read this book Mike and see what the institution that you support so often did to the American people in the 1860s’. It is about to happen again and you still can’t see it!
“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.” ~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States
The globalists hate Christian Russia.
They funded both Napoleon and Hitler’s invasions of Russia, and are now behind the ongoing US invasion of Russia.
I have found a lot of irony in the rightful bitching at Infowars about them being criminally de-platformed and censored…..while at the same time they have de-platforming me in their comments section no less than 5 times for my legal and lawful speech!!
It seems that they hire very low IQ people to do the censoring, and that any mention of enforcing the penalty for treason on our government masters, gets you banned.(I am guessing since they never tell you why your commenting account is closed) Even though this is something that Alex himself has called for many times.
I hate to do so, but because of their hypocrisy I am done financially supporting Infowars.
Is Donald Trump a Freemason? Is Trump Tower in New York a Satanic Temple?
Funny how Amazon will censor a book and then have another book with the exact same title by a different author on a similar topic: Breaking the Spell on Amazon
The county tax Communists…. Did you know…?
I should not be surprised, to read that the property tax communist scum in this county, will tax a vehicle that you can’t even afford to drive or have plates or insurance on!
They want to tax it, if you merely own it.
These scum all belong behind bars IMHO.
Following Illegitimate law (like the gassing of Jews that was a “law” in Germany)
should be prosecuted by the people.
We could do this if we had control of our County Grand Jury as outlined by Tactical Civics.
**** FWIW the only working email that I have is joe AT tittiger DOT com — thanks!
I will not have Internet access for a few months so bear with me.
Libertarian manifesto audio book by Murray Rothbard:
One of the most important books on liberty ever written. This will change your world view!
There is also PDF copy of this book on the site.
There is an answer to the current criminal government over-reach.
It is a law enforcement problem, that can be solved by bringing back the grand jury, and the Constitutional militia to the control of the citizens in all of our counties.
You need to learn and memorize the reason why taking felons guns is a crime because they are guaranteed that right by the goddamn second amendment!
The real problem here is that American conservative / Patriots don’t have a f****** clue is what to the God damn US Constitution says. The Second Amendment is the highest law in the land and it says shall not be f****** infringed.
It would take a God damn Constitutional Amendment the f****** change this. Where is that God damn Constitutional Amendment that changes the Second Amendment and makes it illegal for felons don’t firearms? The answer is there is no such f****** Constitutional Amendment and Americans are about as dumb as f****** pond scum.
The most useful explanation of modern “exoteric Christianity” that I have ever heard…..
Fake-Ass Christians – Part 1 of 2 Genuine Christianity is not what most people think it is. Human beings have been given a false form of Christianity to keep them spiritually asleep. In this paradigm-changing presentation, Mark Passio points out the hallmark beliefs and behaviors of false “Christians” and defines what it really means to be an Authentic Christian.
Fake-Ass Christians – Part 2 of 2 Genuine Christianity is not what most people think it is. Human beings have been given a false form of Christianity to keep them spiritually asleep. In this paradigm-changing presentation, Mark Passio points out the hallmark beliefs and behaviors of false “Christians” and defines what it really means to be an Authentic Christian.
From the photo this looks more like a Darwin award. Sitting behind a car door is NOT cover, it my be concealment, but it sure as hell does not stop bullets.
I don’t know all of the details but I would suspect that the the U.S. Marshals Task Force were up to no good. I also suspect that the world will be a better place without these order followers.
By unleashing police brutality against the student protesters in Austin, #Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott has done irreparable damage to the reputation of the State of Texas, which was once known as a place of freedom and free expression. Now, Gov. Abbott says that those who criticize Israel’s blatant #genocide are criminals who must be arrested and thrown in jail. Not only is this stance a gross violation of the United States Constitution (the First Amendment), it’s also a violation of the State Constitution of Texas. This is Gov. Abbott’s Justin Trudeau vs. the truckers moment, when everybody paying attention realizes that they are living under a tyrannical regime that respects no rule of law, no civil rights and no freedoms when it comes to the subject of justifiably criticizing Israel for acting as a murderous regime of war criminals.
Gov. Abbott should resign from public office and apologize to the student protesters for violating their civil rights. No doubt massive lawsuits are coming against the State of Texas over all this, and they will be very costly for Texas citizens who will have to foot the settlements and legal bills.
You are missing the clear lesson here Mike!
The founders warned us about standing armies.
Jesus Christ warned about “those that live by the sword” (mercenaries)
which is IMHO synonymous with a standing army. (the police)
Also go and read Genesis 14 again Mike, and try to figure out who was the standing army and who was clearly the Militia (the people)
The only institution that is even remotely going to protect free speech Mike is the Militia and the 2 juries (grand and petit)
Please Check out:
“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.” ~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States
Whats next? Gouging our of you eyes or limbs amputated?
If this was done to me, I would make it my life goal to bring this judge to room temperature! If this is not cruel and unusual punishment, I don’t know what is!
The death penalty would work for me.
A $250 Million War Game and Its Shocking Outcome:
In minutes, Van Riper ,taking the side of Iran,emerged victorious over his superior opponent and sank all 19 ships. Had it been real life, 20,000 US sailors and marines would have died
You must be mentally ill to swallow this shite!
Our County sheriffs, for starters enforce the 1st plank of the Communist manifesto – the GD property tax!!
How about the 10th plank? “Free government schools” Our Communist sheriffs enforce this one also with the truancy laws.
I could go on, but let me point out that the remaining 8 planks have also been implemented in this country.
If you had a lick of sense, you would realize that it is the Militia and citizen control of the grand jury is what is missing in this country
“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.” ~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States
We lost the Militias over 100 years ago Mike… right after Mr. Lincoln’s war to enslave the States.
Now we are a nation of people incapable of defending themselves, and you Mike seem to be OK with that.
WHEN – NOT IF – WE SURRENDER TO COMMUNIST CHINA, YOU SIGN THE DEATH WARRANT FOR ALL OF YOUR LOVED ONES! (as they have repeatedly said that they will kill every man, woman, and child)
JESUS CHRIST and the Founders gave us the answer. Read Genesis 14 and take note of who the standing army was and who the militia was!! In case you are not too bright Abram raised a militia and the 5 kings had a standing army. ( that Jesus later called those that live by the sword)
This country is done because Americans are extremely stupid and cowardly, and it is close to being too late to do anything and yet we continue to do nothing!
“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope for victory, because it is better to parish than to live as slaves.”
~ Winston Churchill
When the fuk are you going to get off of you ass and do something?
We were told not to support standing armies (like the police and our “military”) and that the Militia was NECESSARY if we wished to remain free!
At 2:33:30 Mike Adams says “thank God for the 2nd amendment” and then goes on to lie about how he supports it.
Anyone reading the 27 words of the 2nd amendment, that is not under mind control, immediately realizes that a ubiquitous Militia is central to the meaning of the 2nd amendment. That the 2nd amendment is meaningless and useless without the militia.
The amendment hammers in, with few words that the militia is NECESSARY if we wish to remain free. Coward or useful idiot Mike (I don’t know which) will at times skirt around the militia with euphemisms and concepts that are not even remotely equivalent.
But he will never speak the truth about the absolute necessity of the militia.
Mark Passio – The True Meaning & Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment Part 2 Arms,Needs & Cowardice – 2018-06-26
This is bad enough by itself… but the truth is that Mike opposes the 2nd amendment by supporting gun law lifted directly from Nazi German gun law to be illegally imposed upon Americans, as the 1968 gun control act is not the necessary Constitutional Amendment that is necessary to legally alter the 2nd amendment. It is merely a “law” not a Constitutional amendment and thus invalid.
Every time Mike supports “law enforcement” he is supporting thugs in blue to murder you if you dare exercise your God given right of self defense that is ostensibly protected by the 2nd amendment. Mike supports “Law enforcement” murdering you if you dare have the weapons necessary to defend yourself against the 5th column terror groups in the US that are awaiting their orders to strike.
Pastor Bonhoeffer correctly calls Mike out for what he is:
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“ ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
As far as liberty goes Mike Adams is almost always a useful idiot and is much more dangerous to us than even our enemy that harbors malice towards us…. the NWO.
And your local POS “law enforcement” still doesn’t give a shit about these murders! Are you seeing why the founders warned us about standing armies like law enforcement?
Americans don’t seem to comprehend that the mere owning of weapons does not make them safe. Even if every American owned 100 combat rifles, this will be a slaughter of Americans for several reasons.
One is logistics. People that can not eat are not going to prevail in a conflict.
Another is a lack of training. Americans are not trained in the use of combat communications, nor are they tactically trained in critical things like “bounding” in combat.
Where do you learn these skills?
You learn them when you follow the founders and the 2nd amendment and form Militias for self defense. Something that cowardly Americans will not do.
This is treason by definition.
Charge them,
Find them guilty.
Publicly hang them from the neck until dead.
We can’t do this because we lost control of real “law enforcement” i.e the militia and the grand jury.
Talking about fake and hidden history, the history of the Standing Army of the North committing horrendous war crimes against the civilians of the South has been completely buried in our Communist Schools.
The US military during and after the “civil war ” acted a Lot like the IDF is now behaving in Gaza.
The history of these war criminals, in Lincolns Standing Army, both during and after the war, completely substantiate the the founders warnings about standing armies!.
Historically uneducated people like Mike Adams and much of this audience, unbelievably still support standing armies in fact both the ones in green and the ones in blue.
Even thought our standing army is being population by foreign nationals Mike does not seem to even comprehend the warning about standing armies.
“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.” ~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States
Read this book Mike and see what the institution that you support so often did to the American people in the 1860s’. It is about to happen again and you still can’t see it!
“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.” ~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States
“…Operation Warp Speed was a global military operation that seized control over entire medical and court systems..”
Anyone writing that title does not know history.
Our medical system was taken over in 1912 by the Rockefeller family’s “Flexner Report” and their taking over the AMA.
The courts became corrupt and were taken over by globalist in 1803, with the power grab by SCOTUS in Marbury V Madison. (also 2 more subsequent power grabs of judicial review and judicial supremacy over the States, ending in 1819)
Our real military, the militia, was destroyed in the 1860’s with Lincolns raising of a standing army that has not yet gone away.
All of the things in this title, happened well over 100 years ago, and dumbed down Americans are just beginning to see it.
Didn’t the founders tell us not to have a freaking standing army? We didn’t listen did we? They also told us that to remain free that the Militias was necessary! We didn’t listen to that advice either!
“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.” ~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States
Food is not only more affordable in Russia than the US, because they don’t print fake money. They don’t put poisons in the food in Russia like our leaders are consciously doing here in the US. ~MFP
The real problem is the Italian government that has disarmed the people.
Perhaps Misinster Matteo Salvini and the Italian police should be chemically castrated
because their actions resulted in this rape.
Simple inexpensive Off-Grid Communications – a texting only solution:
If you want to set up a comms network to be able to send texts from Android device to device, in a grid down situation these $35 lo-ra radio boards and meshtastic software on your android allows it.
These little repeater radios can be as far as a mile or 2 apart in an urban setting.
FYI — AREDN (a HAM frequency mesh network) is the big brother to the lo-ra mesh network, and it allows you to run just about any network app you can think of, and just not texting.
I have found a lot of irony in the rightful bitching at Infowars about them being criminally de-platformed and censored…..while at the same time they have de-platforming me in their comments section no less than 5 times for my legal and lawful speech!!
It seems that they hire very low IQ people to do the censoring, and that any mention of enforcing the penalty for treason on our government masters, gets you banned.(I am guessing since they never tell you why your commenting account is closed) Even though this is something that Alex himself has called for many times.
I hate to do so, but because of their hypocrisy I am done financially supporting Infowars.
What Americans can not get through their thick skulls – is that SCOTUS was never given the power of judicial supremacy. In this matter the state of Texas is the superior party.
Explosive results of research into pedophilia among US Democrats A Russian human rights organization has published research into pedophilia in the highest circles of the US government, which I would not like to withhold from the German audience. – anti–spiegelr
This morning, the Ukrainian Army, funded, trained, and directed by NATO, bombed a civilian market in Donbas with nineteen (19) 155mm NATO shells. The death toll in the Ukrainian terrorist attack on Donetsk has reached 25 people.
Information about 25 deaths has been confirmed.
At least 20 more people were injured, including two children in moderate condition.
All victims are provided with the necessary medical care. Among them are the seriously wounded, many with penetrating wounds in the area of vital organs and traumatic amputation of limbs.
The reason that “Public Health” is not interested in our health Tucker – is that the County Heath departments were started by the same Satanists that took over the AMA in 1913: The Rockefeller family. ~MFP
“…Many have reflected on the fact that Big Pharma has a perverse incentive to promote ill health, as its financial bottom line depends on it. But few understand just how elaborate its efforts to that end are….”
Some good thoughts on local food clubs and using PMA’s to protect them from the Food Nazi’s.( i.e. The Rockefeller created “County health departments”)
We live in a society where 99.9999% of the population can not define what right is and this is the result.
Under USC 18 sections 241 and 242 the people that violated these peoples rights under “color of law” can and should be hanged from the neck until dead.
That includes many many police, judges, and legislators.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
~Isaiah 5:20
Young children 200 years ago knew that treaties could not violate the Constitution! Today people with PHD’s falsely believe that a treaty can do anything. That judges rulings can redefine reality.
You were dumbed down in the Communist indoctrination centers called “schools’, and you know less about our form of government than young children did in the past.
These government people clearly are part of a treasonous plot, and need to be charged and when found guilty executed.
You can not vote yourself out of treason.
There is an answer to the current criminal government over-reach.
It is a law enforcement problem, that can be solved by bringing back the grand jury, and the Constitutional militia to the control of the citizens in all of our counties.
This site was hacked 11/29/23 We lost most of the functionality of the site
Thankfully we have gotten much of the functionality back.
The malware is still in the site however.
So if we disappear for a bit don’t be surprised.
A health epiphany that happened to me today.
For years I have been pointing out that there is a literal eugenics operation on the human race. Today I revised that saying to: “there is a eugenics operation on our literal physical minds.” (I am not including the global mind control operation)
Today the globalists are using the food you eat, the water you drink, the air you breathe, and the doctor you visit, as vectors to damage your mind. And that is an understatement, and not an overstatement.
The food is chock full of inflammatory neuruotoxins like MSG, yeast extract, aspartame, and more.
The water has fluorine compounds in it in addition to heavy metals like lead.
Fluorine in particular calcifies your Pineal gland – the gateway to spiritual thought. Both fluorine and lead lower your IQ, and you absorb both if you drink or shower with them in your water..
The air is full of nano sized aluminum, from Chem-trails, that is likely a major factor to the increases in Alzheimer’s.
Our doctors push vaccines, that contain aluminum, and have contributed to the world wide increase of autism in our children. It probably lowers IQ even if it did not put you on the spectrum like it did me.
I have not even touched upon the fact that the globalists have used mass mind control for centuries to control us.
Here are books on the topic since I can’t go into it here:
I received an offer today to let AI write my articles on MFP.
Keep a close eye on AI people.
We will be hiding from the AI in a few years if we do not.
Like most technology if we are not careful, it will be used to enslave us not too free us.
The real reason that the world going to hell in a hand basket
It came to me this morning, that my Amish neighbors don’t read books and thus they do not educate themselves. Then I realized that we “English” are in the same boat.
I don’t know a single human being in person, other than myself, that recognizes the necessity to read and educate themselves and that actually read.
It’s all too simple for people to see yet none will take my advice.
Until people decide to educate themselves, the world will continue to go to hell in a hand basket.
We will be very lucky if the human race survives what they have brought us in their ignorance.
28 minutes plus.. Mike, you are saying that our country sheriffs want us (as if it matters what they want) to be well armed citizens.
The factual matter is that to the best of my knowledge that all 3,141 country sheriffs in this country enforce Nazi German gun law that was almost word for word translated into English and re-branded as the “1968 gun control act”.
This is where they for the 1st time in US history denied a class of citizens the right to self defense.
It was an earlier “law” — the 1934 Federal Firearms act, that proposed to change the US Constitution, the 2nd amendment in particular, and my God given rights with a mere law.
They did not even bother to pass the required Constitutional amendment to do this.
So Mike when the 5th columns are released upon us in the near future, because of my County Sheriff enforcing Nazi Gun laws, and another law pretending to be a Constitutional Amendment…. I sure as hell will not be a well armed citizen.
I will probably be dead thanks to these treasonous rights, and Constitution stomping clowns that you seem to look up to. No way can I hope to to survive what is coming without a local militia (that the sheriffs have suppressed since you can’t even own militia type weapons) and weapons that are comparable to what the 5th columns are going to hit us with.
If you spend any time in the “modern Christian Church” you don’t have to wait long to be told that our bodies “are the temple of the holy spirit”.
Like most of what you hear in these Satanic 501C3 churches, it’s hypocrisy and bull shit that no one really believes.
Every week you are asked to pray for the health for those that choose to destroy the temple of the holy spirit, by consuming the poisons that are placed in your local supermarket by the Satanists that run the planet.
After the “prayer’ to help the unwilling to be helped, you watch a bunch of fat out of shape parishioners waddle out of the church.
Try and talk about health to any of these useful idiots, and their eyes glaze over. They are not in the least interested.
What brought me to put these thoughts down on paper, was an incident this morning when my left eye was almost totally occluded of sight for a period.
The first thing that came to mind was my inability to purchase healthy nutritious food for my “temple of the holy spirit”, and the realization that this state of affairs is a direct result of the things that modern Christians believe in and support. Things such as getting only 20% of the return one would expect from your Social Security contributions if you were not dealing with a Satanically run government. Then other things like the Rockefeller created county health departments that prevent the local Amish from raising healthy food for our local food stores. It is a deep dive, but it is enough to realize that we have a disease causing food supply, because of the dogmatic bull shit that is taught in our modern churches. Perhaps at the top of the list is the teaching of Adolph Hitler’s interpretation of Romans 13…. that God, not the voter, somehow chooses the Satanic scum that is our government.
I have tried for going on 10 years now, to get the local Christian to solve many of the problems by forming food clubs using a PMA (private membership association) structure. Not a bite not a nibble by anyone in the so called Christian community.
I have long ago come to the conclusion that the greatest evil that we face today is “Modern Christianity”. Which is in fact de-facto Satanism – something you need to investigate to fully understand:
Discounting the fact that most weapons are illegal to own, and the “police” have disarmed us of them with threat of arrest, and the threat of prosecution from law enforcement if we dare to defend ourselves with the weapons that we do have.
Government is another word for slavery and rape
I just looked in my checkbook, and the last 10 gallon tank of gas has had to last me for 3 months….
While the government forces me to pay $45 a month to insure one vehicle.(that should insure both as I can only
drive one at a time)
In the last 3 months, I have been forced at gun point to pay $135 for insurance while I only used $23.00 worth of gasoline!
I just got back from town to witness 2 blue rapist cars, ( that cost the tax payer at least $100,000 per vehicle when you throw in
the drivers salary and insurance) were needed to pull over an old lady and extort more money from her.
When leaving town today, there was an empty blue rapist vehicle parked for the obvious purpose to intimidate and terrorize the population.
Americans are extremely stupid not to realize, that it is their duty to protect themselves, and that the real purpose of police (claimed to be run at the top by
the Church of Satan which is easy to believe considering their actions) is to control and intimidate the population by enforcing what are mostly tyrannical laws.
How very ironic, is it that we are forced at gun point to pay people to do a job that they can not and will not do, and to top it off is OUR job to do?
Both standing armies (our military and our police) are now being populated with illegal alien,s and that should tip you off at to why the globalists have created and supported both of these illegitimate institutions.
Jesus said to buy a sword, he did not say to pay someone else to carry a sword for you!
In fact he said “those that live by the sword will die by the sword”.
He is clearly talking about the mercenaries that we call both police and our military.
Forcing people at gun point to pay for people to defend them, makes as much sense as forcing us to hire “grooms of the stools” (literately someone to wipe your ass). I think that most Americans still have enough sense to realize that it is their job to wipe their own ass’s, but they have no clue that the same thing applies to protecting themselves rather than “law enforcement”.
Just an observation about those that get their moral compass exclusively from the Bible and the 10 commandments:
As planned the globalists have controlled all of the religions because people will support much evil if they base their concepts of right and wrong solely on the bible.
Christians could not find a greater evil to support than the Communist manifesto yet that is exactly what they do!
Modern Christianity is in fact one of the great evils that the globalists have created and brought to us.
Real Constitutional “Law Enforcement”…. is the Constitutional Militia (and the citizen controlled County grand jury)
I am so tired of the misapplication of the term “Law Enforcement”.
The only “Law Enforcement” mentioned in the US Constitution is the Constitutional Militia, and the the grand juries of the several states mentioned in article 1, section 8, paragraph 15.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that will come to your home and murder you if you have not paid the property tax and you refuse to leave.
All without a jury trial and due process.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that will come to your home and kidnap your children to be sex trafficked by CPS.
All without a jury trial and due process.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that will steal your vehicle (which well could be your home) on the spot if you don’t show proof of insurance.
All without a jury trial and due process.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that will steal your families life savings and call it “asset forfeiture“.
All without a jury trial and due process.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that sit idly by as the state puts rat poison in your child’s drinking water, and the medical profession put poisons in their bodies and in their veins.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that are assisting massive Satanic child sex trafficking at the southern border.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that helped to pull off the child murders Ruby Ridge, Waco TX, OK city, and recently Maui Hawaii!
In reality “Law Enforcement” is the enforcement arm of the New World Orders, war on firearms and their war on drugs as both were put in place by the NWO for their benefit and for no other reason.
We were repeatedly warned by the founders not to have standing armies like our current military and our police.
Have you noticed that US cities and states are allowing non-citizens to become police officers like they are already doing in Europe? That is because the globalist plan from day one was to build standing armies to enslave us! This was the plan for both the “police” and the “US military”.
“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”
~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States
“Drink water from your own cistern, And running water from your own well.” ~Proverbs 5:15
There is an answer to the current criminal government over-reach.
It is a law enforcement problem, that can be solved by bringing back the grand jury, and the Constitutional militia to the control of the citizens of all of our counties.
An important recent post:
Amii53 mins ago Oh yes! I’m familiar with Mark Passio’s Work! And I do not like government at all! I have not yet watched his seminar about “Natural Law” yet but I need to! I agree with you! Oh I’m definitely an anarchist! I hate government! What can we actually do? To stop this BS with their 1 world government and new world order?? I don’t know where to start??
At this time Amil I think the waking sheep desperately need guidance.
They need decades of education to have real discernment.
Many if not most people, will perhaps not outright reject natural law, but they will reject that Natural Law ( using the feminine principle of what a right and wrong action are) leads them to seeing that government is immoral and should not exist, so I propose to put a political solution in front of them, because most can accept political solutions.
After 50 years of looking I think that
has the best political solutions, and that is where we should steer the awaking masses.
I have started a Webster County MO ZOOM group for tactical civics — as there are only 3 people registered with them so far in this county so meeting in person is not worth the effort yet.
I try and educate them about the tactical civics excellent solutions, while also steering them into liberty and natural law. Which after learning the Tactical Civics material they are more prone to accept.
The US Constitution after all is based on Natural Law.
So learning the Constitution with T.C. gets people in the frame of mind to accept Natural Law and it’s inevitable conclusions about government.
Good to hear back from you.
If you are not doing anything on an Saturday at 8pm CST…. drop by and say hello.
Would love to chat with you then.
Topic: Tactical Civics Webster county Missouri zoom meeting every Saturday 8 pm – until further notice
Every Sunday Night their is a “NET” on the Fordland VHF Ham repeater at 7 pm you can listen in on at: 145.49000 Mhz.
If it has not hit you yet — when SHTF, the cell phones go down, the Internet goes down, etc etc….
For at least 24 hours this HAM repeater will stay up and you will be getting first hand news from local on the ground people. Such as info about a 5th column, Jihad underway in your county! Perhaps shooting your cattle. Or to ask for medical advice, but only if you have a cheap $25 transceiver and get it programmed.
If you have a $25 Baofeng radio or even a short wave receiver, you can listen in 24/7 and find out what is going on. (having a Short Wave receiver BTW is something you should put high on your list of necessities. My receiver is the Tusan PL-600 with SSB. I was not expensive – around $100 as I recall.
In an “emergency” you can transmit off of the Fordland MO repeater repeater without a HAM license! (it covers a 35 mile radius as I recall) If able to perhaps you should consider getting your HAM license so you can learn how now before a SHTF incident.But no matter what — have at least one of these $25 Baofeng UV-82 Radios!!.
Get the radio to my house and I can program it for you.Or if you spend $40 and buy this “kit” you get a free $25 programming cable, with a LOT of valuable extras.
Then I can send you the programming file and you can then do it yourself.
Many many many other uses for these radios! FWIW….. you can not defend your neighborhood effectively, unless you have dependable communications that you control!
I am still testing — but with less than optimal circumstances I am getting one mile with my $25 radio.
I think with some tinkering I can get a few miles. Which is more than enough to defend your immediate area.
Messages could be passed along another 5 miles, to the next person, and so on if you needed to do so. All without a repeater.
Anyhow hope you see you at this coming Saturday Zoom meeting at 8pm
Real “Law Enforcement”…. is the Constitutional Militia (and the citizens grand jury)
I am so tired of the misapplication of the term “Law Enforcement”.
The only “Law Enforcement” mentioned in the US Constitution is the Constitutional Militia, and the the grand juries of the several states mentioned in article 1, section 8, paragraph 15.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that will come to your home and murder you if you have not paid the property tax and you refuse to leave.
All without a jury trial and due process.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that will come to your home and kidnap your children to be sex trafficked by CPS.
All without a jury trial and due process.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that will steal your vehicle (which well could be your home) on the spot if you don’t show proof of insurance.
All without a jury trial and due process.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that will steal your families life savings and call it “asset forfeiture“.
All without a jury trial and due process.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that sit idly by as the state puts rat poison in your child’s drinking water, and the medical profession put poisons in their bodies and in their veins.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that are assisting massive Satanic child sex trafficking at the southern border.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that helped to pull off the child murders Ruby Ridge, Waco TX, OK city, and recently Maui Hawaii!
In reality “Law Enforcement” is the enforcement arm of the New World Orders, war on firearms and their war on drugs as both were put in place by the NWO for their benefit and for no other reason.
We were repeatedly warned by the founders not to have standing armies like our current military and our police.
Have you noticed that US cities and states are allowing non-citizens to become police officers like they are already doing in Europe? That is because the globalist plan from day one was to build standing armies to enslave us! This was the plan for both the “police” and the “US military”.
“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”
~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States
Fabien Soicalists long ago took over State education: “The Brave New Family in Missouri”
We are VERY late in heading off the conversion of the American people to a socialist mentality.
The end goal being exactly that of Communism, and to bring in a New World Order.
I graduated high school in 1976, and the job was very well along it’s way 50 years ago!
Today you average “Christian” is still paying the property tax (brought to us by Fabian socialists) in order to brain wash the youth to the mind set necessary to bring in the One World Government.
You are soon going to see the result’s of your decades of apathy and complacency, ignorance, and cowardly behavior.~MFPpage 92 of
Taking her cue from Aldous Huxley, Laura Rogers wrote a work she called,
“The Brave New Family in Missouri” in which she stated that it has taken only
four years for PAT to be accepted by the Missouri’s State Legislature and that the
PAT concept has spread to Europe and is being implemented in 40 States in
America. Is this reality? Does it compare with what we have exposed in this chapter about educational “reforms?” The Socialists intend to “reform” education to such an extent that it will produce the very climate foretold by Huxley’s “Brave New World.” And they are doing it now, before our very eyes!
Under PAT, a so-called “educator” will attach himself or herself to a family
— in the literal sense, and begin the process of changing attitudes of both parents and child or children to conform with Socialist ideals. How this is being done was explained by Rogers in her article, “The Brave New Family in Missouri:”
Step 1. The “parent-educator” will visit schools and homes “bond” herself to
the family, under the guise of furthering the child’s education.
88 One World Order: Socialist Dictatorship
Step 2. The child or children is given a computer identification number
which will be permanent.
Step 3. The “change agent” will work toward changing the relationship
between child and parents through a “mentoring program” such as happens in the Socialist Oxford University.
Step 4. “Parent educators” are required to report anything they deem “hostile
behavior” or abuse by calling a “hotline” especially set up for this purpose.
Step 5. Judges will decided “hotline cases” and if the child or children are
deemed at risk, the child or children may be removed from parental custody.
Step 6. If the mental health services recommendations of the “parent educator” are refused by the parents, such as what medication to be prescribed, the state can remove the child or children from parental custody. The child or children can be placed in a residential treatment center and the parents ordered by the courts to undergo “psychological counseling” for as long as the “parent teacher” deems necessary.
What the PAT program does, is set itself up as judge and jury in deciding who
are fit and unfit parents! For this PAT uses what Rogers calls, “risk factor definitions” which have become the standard yardstick for measuring the fitness or unfitness of parents to raise children, and bear in mind, this criteria is being used at present in 40 States:
“Inability of parent to cope (which is not defined) with inappropriate child
behavior (e.g., severe biting, destructive behavior, apathy)”.
“Low-functioning parents.” These are considered as potentially abusive parents.
In this category the parent-teacher has a large number of options. Virtually
any parent could come under the category of “low functioning.”
“Undue stress that adversely affects family functions.” This gives a virtually
unlimited number of options to the parent teacher to cite as “abusive” danger
signs, including low income.
“Other… This can include a wide variety of conditions such as allergies,
heavy cigarette smoking in the house (does R.J. Reynolds know about this?), a
family history of hearing loss…”
From the foregoing it is clear that Socialism in education has come of age in
America. What Madame Kollontay, Engels, Bebel and Huxley found most
desirous has now come to pass. Education is the way in which Socialism can be defeated, as so many of our statesmen in the 1800s made clear, but in the wrong
hands, it is a mighty weapon which Socialism will wield without mercy to bring
about their longed-for New World Order slave state. None of this would have
been possible, but for the treason and treachery of the Supreme Court and especially the venomous attitude of Justices Douglas and Black, who should go down in history as two of the most vile traitors in the history of this Nation…….
Perhaps Americans as the globalists call us are truly “useless eaters”.
Too fuking stupid to deserve to live.
I have for 10 years tried to get a local food co-op established, and we are in the perfect place to do so, as I am surrounded by Amish Farms. Not a single taker or the slightest interest shown by anyone. Including “Christian” men that are in the food business..
I have for 10 years offered to till up ground for my neighbors to establish gardens…. not a single taker or the slightest interest shown.
I have for 10 years warned my neighbors to store food because bad times are coming…. again not the slightest interest shown.
Perhaps starving to death is what Americans deserve. Should there not be consequences for your bad decisions?
As far as I can discern people that call themselves “Christians” are the enemy.
They not only refuse to take action to stop this evil government they refuse to prepare for what they have caused by their inaction and will in a heart beat kill me when they get hungry.
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“ ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
I almost did not buy this book, because I have read quite deeply into the topic of what Satanism is really doing in the world today.
I was plenty surprised only 50 pages in that this is going to be one of the best books on the topic. Really glad that I am reading it at this critical time to understand the enemy as well as possible
It explains exactly what is happening to many of the illegal children coming into this country. You should read it just for that intel.
Less than $8 delivered.
Don’t buy off the shelf 223 for your rifle if you value your life.
I know you don’t want to hear it but military rounds of 5.56/.223 don’t expand (they are illegal in war) and don’t have a lot of stopping power compared to something engineered to expand and is designed for hunting game animals.
If you want ammo that will save your life you need to have someone reload the proper bullets for you or investigate something like Hornaday Black ammo in .223.
Most of the population of the United States has not even reached consciousness: level 200, that David Hawkins calls “courage”.
Until you reach this level you are not able to discern truth from fiction.
Until you reach this level you are not able to discern good from evil.
It is not coincidence that it is the goal of modern Christianity to make sure that the flock never reaches the level of courage and is never able to discern fact from fiction.
Mark Passio does a great job on this topic in his talk: Psy-Ops
You are on your own in the US of A….. (united states of asshats)
While many of the worlds governments have distributed potassium iodide to their citizens , the ass-hat morons called Americans do not even know what potassium iodide is or what it is used for.
My local freaking criminal government has not only neglected the distribution of potassium iodide to the citizens of Webster Country MO, they don’t even have a radiation meter program so that I will know for sure when to start taking the potassium iodide that I bought for myself!
For God’s sake we don’t even have nuclear fallout shelters for the population and Americans are oblivious to it all.
Infowars is far worse at censoring than Facebook is. They ban you with no proven reason and then leave you with no way to appeal the banning!
Israeli war crimes:
We are still extraditing Nazi war criminals as there is no statue of limitations on war crimes….
Continuing along those lines I propose that we extradite the Israeli pilots and their commanders that were in involved in the bombing of the USS Liberty.
Likewise all of the Israeli pilots that have dropped bombs on Gaza and much of the Israeli government should be charged and extradited and hanged from the neck until dead if found guilty.
Dare I mention that this applies to much of the US government also?
For their COVID crimes if nothing else.
10/17/23 Note of thanks to “Law Enforcement”
I would like thank the thugs in blue and the rest of the LE gang, that have extorted me for 65 years to protect me. Yet NEVER once having done so.
Today I discovered that I got robbed of one mile of fence wire and a wire jenny!
As in every other case of crimes committed against me either the police” were the perpetrators or they failed to apprehend the perpetrators.
I can’t replace the wire because if I don’t pay the property tax extortion next month, the same “law enforcement” that is batting 0% in protecting my rights, would come, and either put me on the street (a slow death) or murder me on the spot for refusing to leave.
Another shout out to the thugs in blue for criminally enforcing the New World Orders, “War on drugs”. Yes the globalists create this illegitimate war on your God given rights…. do some due diligence for God’s sake!
If it were not for “law enforcement’s” war on drugs, 90% of the thefts like this would not be happening, as the tweakers could go to the drug store and cheaply get their fix. Next time you get robbed by tweakers looking for drug money, be sure to thank the thugs in blue that caused it all with their “war on drugs”.
The real hard thing to wrap mind around is that people want to keep supporting this insanity of a standing army euphemistically called “law enforcement”.
FWIW if they wanted to solve this they could easily find the perps with a geofence warrant! But last time I had a crime like this the cops did not even think of a geo-fence warrant- the fuking pukes actually tried to get me to give them a DNA sample!!! ( surely for their Federal paymasters that they seem to work for)
……..Recently, The People’s Voice brought up the subject again of one of the videos above converning the mass graves of children found in New York City. These children, like the Beagles above, were subjected to deadly experiments. Indeed, Fauci is the embodiment of Nazi Josef Mengele.
The corpses of thousands of children killed by Dr. Anthony Fauci in illegal medical experiments have been uncovered in Hawthorne, New York, strengthening the case to have the former NIH director charged with crimes against humanity and crimes against children……
Ostensably 1p36 deletion syndrome is the most common result of the COVID jab. Is this related to the “zombie apocalypse” that we hear our government talking about?
The Three government created groups that are going to be used to exterminate you and your family:
Most are aware that millions upon millions of foreign military aged men have crossed our border. They will be a weapon for the globalists when the time comes. There are weapon caches already in place for many of them. Others will just rape and burn things. Fire is a very effective weapon.
20 years ago in the UK they began to hire CPS workers that were not British Citizens, you can imagine where that went. In Germany for decades, they have taken children (with the help of the police) and purposely put them into the homes of pedophiles. When those children grow up they become child rapists and the problem grows larger and larger. (Sort of what we have done with our prisons here in the US)
Recently CA passed a law that non-citizens can become police. 3rd world men that have no understanding of the bill of rights and that will do as they are told.
Will soon populate what we call our police departments.
The government is also in the process of allowing non-citizens into our depleted military on the promise of citizenship. (after purging the military of any decent men) Again a gang of men that will do as they are told……
Yet with all of this going on right in front of our faces, 99.9% of Americans on the right, can not see or accept what is going on. They still can not see why we were repeatability warned not to have standing armies like the police and our current military. They still do not see why the 2nd amendment says that the militia is NECESSARY if we wish to remain free.
Incredibly most Americans are still too fuking stupid to understand that if they don’t soon start training with their neighbors for self defense, that their wives, daughters, and even sons, will become fuk and rape toys for these invaders. And that is the good news….it gets worse…..
It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around this level of stupidity, it really is.
But you can not argue with these facts.
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
So what are YOU going to do? (nothing most likely)
Since it can take many years to develop a proficient militia and the dollar is about to collapse, I suggest that you get off of your ass and start on this task 5 years ago. Because if you start today you may not have time to get ready.
(read that again because it is the gods truth)
*** I should have added a 4th group.
If your neighborhood has not prepared for mutual self defense – I am going to predict that most of them will not even be able to feed themselves.
Give it a week of SHTF, and your neighbors will be a more immediate threat to you, than the 3 aforementioned groups.
No matter how nice that neighbor is today.
He will be ready to kill you, after a very short time without food.
Did you realize that laboratory rat food contains 28 minerals, and that baby formula only 11?…..check out chapter 24-26
Chapter 25 – Page 201 of Urotherapy-the-most-powerful-holistic-therapy:
In 1936 the United State Senate, on the Second Session of the 74th
Congress wrote Document 264 to explain that it was impossible for
any man to eat the amount food required to obtain the nutrients
needed for sustenance.
Document 264 explained that American soils
were depleted of minerals therefore any grain, fruits or vegetables
grown in the soil would not contain enough minerals either. It also
explained that any person eating these products would develop
mineral deficiency diseases that would cost the government and
American citizens a great deal of money.
According to the document,
the only way to prevent all these mineral deficiency diseases was
taking a mineral supplement. That created a lot of controversy back
then and started a whole new industry of food supplements and
health food stores. The only problem with the industry is that the
mineral supplements available then and now are mostly metallic
minerals which cannot be absorbed by the body. Therefore when
doctors claim that taking mineral supplements is wasted money that
only produces expensive urine, it is partly true. It is partly true also,
that taking vitamins, enzymes and amino acids supplements only
gives you expensive urine because, without minerals, most of these
nutrients cannot be assimilated either. Since 1936 the conditions
have gotten much worst because after world war two America has
been feeding the world and in 45 years of industrialized farming the
soils are 85% depleted of minerals as revealed during the 1992
Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Because of this chronic
deficiency of minerals in our food, the health care budget in 1996 is
around 1.4 trillion dollars. This is almost double the defense budget.
But don’t despair, they would want us to think this situation is
hopeless, but there is plenty we can do to fight this condition and
protect our health. Reading about this situation is this book puts you
in the right path, therefore read on and don’t despair there is light at
the end of this chapter.
This is a great urotherapy book and it is attached:
(written by a Licensed NYC master plumber)
Real “Law Enforcement”…. is the Constitutional Militia (and the citizens grand jury)
I am so tired of the misapplication of the term “Law Enforcement”.
The only “Law Enforcement” mentioned in the US Constitution is the Constitutional Militias of the several states mentioned in article 1, section 8, paragraph 15.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that will come to your home and murder you if you have not paid the property tax and you refuse to leave.
All without a jury trial and due process.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that will come to your home and kidnap your children to be sex trafficked by CPS.
All without a jury trial and due process.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that will steal your vehicle (which well could be your home) on the spot if you don’t show proof of insurance.
All without a jury trial and due process.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that will steal your families life savings and call it “asset forfeiture“.
All without a jury trial and due process.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that sit idly by as the state puts rat poison in your child’s drinking water, and the medical profession put poisons in their bodies and in their veins.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that are assisting massive Satanic child sex trafficking at the southern border.
What people call “Law Enforcement” are criminal thugs that helped to pull off the child murders Ruby Ridge, Waco TX, OK city, and recently Maui Hawaii!
In reality “Law Enforcement” is the enforcement arm of the New World Orders, war on firearms and their war on drugs as both were put in place by the NWO for their benefit and for no other reason.
We were repeatedly warned by the founders not to have standing armies like our current military and our police.
Have you noticed that US cities and states are allowing non-citizens to become police officers like they are already doing in Europe? That is because the globalist plan from day one was to build standing armies to enslave us! This was the plan for both the “police” and the “US military”.
“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”
~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States
Here are some answers:
No one will ship a firearm to you house because of the criminal clowns that people refer to as “law enforcement.”
These thugs enforce the illegitimate 1934 Federal Firearms act ( a mere law) as if it were a Constitutional Amendment that could actually alter the 2nd amendment.
It’s what happens when you exist on Federal bribe money like “law enforcement” does.
Ironically “Law enforcement” is the exact opposite of “Rule of Law”
“Law enforcement’s” real job is trample your God given rights (the 2nd amendment.)
Which they gladly do.
They don’t allow firearms to be shipped to your house, a right that the 2nd amendment is supposed to protect.
“Law enforcement” is definitely anti second amendment, and are useful idiots that are enforcing the NWO anti-gun agenda.
And “law enforcement” did not see this?
All 3,141 of our county sheriffs should be arrested with charges ranging from dereliction of duty, to accomplices to murder, as should many in the medical profession. (this includes my daughter BTW)
“Law enforcement” not only needs to be defunded, most of them need to be arrested for not acting.
“Law enforcement” looks to be knowingly aiding the NWO’s eugenics operation of killing us all off.
If it were on a jury trail of these Law enforcement criminals I would without a doubt vote guilty.
I ask you to form local neighborhood Militias for self defense and to check out:
Sadly all 3,141 county sheriffs in this country are accessories to murder.
Don’t ever forget that there is no statue of limitations for murder.
“Law Enforcement” needs to pay for this crime and feel the heat of real law enforcement.
Want to stop this killing? Check out:
Some Holocaust questions…..
Why is the murder and torture of tens of millions of Christians by the Roman Catholic Church never mentioned?
Why is the murder and torture of tens of millions of Christians by the Soviet regime never mentioned? Both of these involved MORE people, and were more brutal in every respect.
Lastly why is is a crime to question the States version of the Holocaust, even if to say that more people died in it? That will land you in jail in most of Europe.
Questioning the murder of Christians not a crime. I think they are hiding the truth about the Holocaust.
If I said this in Europe there would be criminal charges against me.
Another question: The Japanese did things just as evil to the Chinese as Hitler did to the “Jews” but again no mention… I think there is an agenda here.
Wondering what in Hades that the people of Missouri are doing? (and their “apostate churches”)
As far as I can see, all 114 county sheriffs in Missouri should be relieved of duty for failure to do what they are sworn to do. i.e. to protect us!
Furthermore I think that a good case could be made for criminal charges against all 114 of them as either accomplishes to murder, or negligent homicide.
This has gone on for long enough. (3 years) How many more people will die in Missouri because our country sheriffs, all of them, are criminals that are unfit for office!
Trump is spot on for a change!
A mere law can not give the Feds a power not given to them in the Constitution. it takes a Constitutional amendment to do this.
This would be a repeat of Roe V Wade where most accepted the lie that the Feds had the authority to legislate in this area and even worse that the courts could legislate at all.
The answer in both of the above cases, is that these are powers reserved to the State and the people, that can not be taken without a Constitutional amendment.
Doing so IMHO would be a huge mistake. The Feds already have WAY too much power.
The modern christian interpretation of Romans 13 has helped the New World Order more than just about anything else in history.
Adolph Hitler’s version of Romans 13, that is espoused by almost all of the modern churches, has INSURED that the leaders of the world are murdering psychopaths and pedophiles.
Great job “Christians” I have to hand you a well deserved Darwin Award.
The sexually abused and murdered children thank you also.
American Christian Patriots have to be mentally ill for their support of “Law Encirclement”
If someone complains about you as a parent it will be “law enforcement” that with no due process or jury trial will come and kidnap your child and put them in the custody of a child sex trafficking ring called CPS (child protective services)
If you fail to pay the Satanic extortion called the property tax or the 1st plank of the communist manifesto…. it will be “law enforcement” again without the due process of a jury trial, that will come and murder you if you refuse to leave your own home, or murder you in the long run if they make you homeless.
“Law enforcement” is the group that looks the other way when the state puts rat poison in your child’s drinking water, mutilates them with transsexual surgery, or they are injected with an experimental bio-weapon.
Yet every Satanically Controlled Church in this country also looks the other way. As long as attendance is up and the collection plate full — the demons called pastors are content.
I did a search: “Is penis size reduced because of xenoestrogens?”
And every single result was a misdirection to make you think that this is genetic.
The fact is that penis size is about half of what was normal in your grandfathers day.
And that the real cause is xenoestrogens in the environment. The same xenoestrogens that give you man boobs also cause male children in the fetus not to develop normally.Google and your government certainly don’t want you to know the truth.~MFP
This is amazing information. Jason Breshears ties together Nostradamus, Mother Shipton and the book of revaluations…… the 6th and 7th seals.
After reading this I am convinced that he gets it right. ~MFP
Understanding Our Slavery – How Organized Crime Runs the Government and Media with Easy Solutions for Real Freedom! has been REBRANDED AND EXPANDED: New Title: “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History Exposed. “Government” exposes the hidden control system and pseudo-religion of Statism used by organized crime interests centered around banking and central banking to manage the population. Using historical photographs, memes, and infographics the book is designed to accelerate and deepen the understanding of the 65% of the population who are visual learners. The book catalogs 20+ techniques used by the Nazis, Soviet Union, East Germany and the United States to take free, sentient children and indoctrinate them into a worldview that produces obedient “tax-payers” and classic “shave-headed cult members” willing to kill foreigners on command or enforce on their fellow tax slaves. The PDF version with links to additional research and evidence is available for free at SCRIBD
I have been yelling this from the rooftops for 20 years.
Also the need for informed jurors.
Red Beckman told us as much 50 years ago.
NOW there is an organization with a very well thought out plan to bring back both the militia and the grand juries at a county level.
Please check them out:
I think I am going to take a break folks. Too many stupid people to deal with. No free speech anywhere….
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
~Thomas Jefferson
It looks like the children in Maui were “Yard Farmed” by the US Air Force….
Keep in mind, those of you that worship, this unconstitutional standing army: This is exactly why the founders warned us about standing armies like the one that just murdered over 1,000 children in Hawaii with aircraft based directed energy weapons.
I will tell you exactly why,, it is because we have lost control of the peoples grand juries, a tradition going back 1,100 years!
A group called Tactical Civics has a well thought out plan to re-establish the grand jury under the control of the people in all 3,141 US Counties!
Unless you wish to be a keyboard warrior for the rest of your life and do nothing to change the status quo…. you should check out Tactical Civics because they have come up with answers:
“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
~Matthew 18:6
What is the Grand Jury and why the American people must reclaim it.
Both the Grand and Petit Juries go back over 1,000 years in our English Common Law tradition. One thousand years ago, the people of Great Britain began to assert their rights, and put limits on their government. Perhaps for the first time in human history.
At the time of the American Revolution the right to bear arms, and the people’s control of the juries amounted to a powerful defense from bad government! A grand jury can stop the implementation of tyrannical government laws, by refusing to indight a person. If a person is indited then a petit jury of 12 must judge them guilty of a bad law. So we are getting 2 layers of protection.
In cases of government corruption, where the government will not go after itself, the Grand Jury comes to the rescue, and can investigate, and indight anyone from judges, to sheriffs, to mayors, to congressmen.
This is powerful stuff, and we have for the most part lost much control over both the Grand and Petite juries but much more so the Grand Juries.
The other very powerful institution that the people have let die are the Constitutional State Militias.
The murder of both of these people’s Institutions have been ongoing by agents of the New World Order for over 100 years.
All Americans should be excited that there is an organization that has very well thought out plan to bring back both the peoples Grand Juries and the peoples State Militias at the county level.! Not only that but to do so with as little as a mere 1/2 of 1% of the population. That in my county of 40,000 people, is just 200 dedicated individuals!
“It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men” ~ Samuel Adams
The name of this organization is Tactical Civics.
All of their books are available here for free.
The American people did not act after Ruby Ridge where one child was murdered by our government.
The American people did not act after the government murder of dozens of children at Waco. Are we finally going to act after the government murder of over 1,000 Hawaiian children?
Do the right thing and act now damn it.
Check out:
Did you realize that every product that is put into America’s water, including “fluoride” is provided a single company?
And that this company is not a US company.!
All water chemicals in the US care provided by the German Company of Carus.
There is a lot more, but before I close you might want to know that the company does not have to disclose ANY of the ingredients of any of their products.
If you are curious as to where this is going you need to listen to this latest Dr Brian Ardus interview:
This is the reason why Tactical CIvics endorses legislation giving Hawaii back to the Hawaiian’s.
They also plan on bringing the citizen grand jury and the citizen militia on the county level.
This is all because the people do not have control of their grand juries.
To learn how to take back your county grand jury check out Tactical Civics.
“…Founding Fathers were against career military and ‘law enforcement’, and why sheriffs don’t help restore the constitutional Militia….”
“….As in ancient Rome and Great Britain: career armies, police, and sheriffs’ forces have displaced Militia. Our Founding Fathers were stridently against this…..”
It is beyond scary at how obvious the public is to mind control
Have ever wondered why it is so hard to “wake people up”?
The reason is that for 6,000 years a very large secret group has controlled the population mainly by controlling their perceptions of reality.
The sheer breadth of mass mind control (not including trauma based mind control which is directed at individuals) is staggering.
False flags are a form of mind control
Divide and conquer is a form of mind control.
The fluoride in the water is definitely a form of mind control as is nutritionally deficient food in general.
Purposeful obfuscation and complicating of things unnecessarily are forms of mind control.
Words themselves are powerful forms of mind control. neuro linguistic programming (NLP) is used for mind control all of the time.
Our public schools are all about instilling mind control in our children and getting them to unquestionably do what the “authorizes” tell you to do.
The constant fear that out government tries to put us in is nothing but mind control as fearful people are controllable people.
Watch the evening news and notice the blue colors. They are mind control that puts you in a left brain mode where you are more susceptible to suggestion.
By demonizing and teaching you the incorrect meanings of words you are discouraged from investigating certain topics. The words militia, occult, democracy, and even the word mind control itself are NLP words that lead you away from discovering truth.
Repetition is a form or mind control. (that we can use to our advantage)
This has been all planned and orchestrated by the most powerful people on the planet. It is very real and if affects you and your family.
The only defense against mind control is to learn about it so that you can recognize it.
This is one of my favorite introductory books on the topic:
Modern Christians are clearly not a people that can think or reason.
Modern Christians are a people that worship the government that is putting rat poison in their kids water, and they just go along!! They do however think that selling beer on Sunday is some great great evil.
Take a leap, and educate yourself before it’s too late to do so.
We have not only be totally fooled when it comes to “medicine”, we have been taken for a ride when it comes to what we call religion. All of what we call Christianity comes from an institution that hunted down and murdered hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children….. and most just blindly accept what this evil cabal tells them is the truth.
I found Jason Breshears through Max Igan
Some very interesting trains of thought on the mass deception
that we call “history”.
Does Jason Breshears get it right?
You be the judge.
This is the clear Eugenics that every Christian Church in America is silent about. They don’t want to risk their tax exempt status and speak out against evil.
Eugenics also happens to be the 4th if ideological pillar of the Church of Satan.
This week, the US political structure is meeting in the forests of California to exercise their sexual perversions, rape and sacrifice children, and worship Moloch.
All of America’s Christian churches are silent. They are of course 501c3’s and don’t dare get involved in addressing evil (politics) because they might lose their tax exempt status.
Then they cover their bases by interpreting Romans 13 to mean that God put these Satanists into power, and that we are bound to do whatever they instruct us to do.
Many people in the Church are beginning to see how corrupt and evil government actually is, but they will probably never see how evil and corrupt and run by Satanists that their Church has become.
The bottom line is that your church is not going to address evils like this. They are part of the cover-up and support system for this evil. ~MFP
Our medical system is Statically run and evil and to do nothing about it is to do evil………(Christianssupport eugenics)
The very expensive old folks home in CA, had my mother on a concrete floor , so that when she fell her hip broke. Especially when they have her on SSRI’s and fluoridated drinking water both of which make your bones brittle!!
Of course the food they feed her insures poor health also.
She has laid in bed for a month in the hospital. They have not so much as given her so much as a 500 mg vitamin C tablet to help her heal! They feed her disgusting food, but make sure that she gets her SSRI and her fluoridated water each day! The longer she stays the more money the hospital makes. This is eugenics plain and simple. (which is how Christians actually practice Satanism by supporting this kind of thing)
Of course none of this bothers the so called “Christians” at all.
It’s Jesus’s job to fix all of the evil that they allow and ignore, any brain washed “Christian” knows that.
It’s the job of the good “Christian” to sit on his or her ass and do nothing while waiting on Jesus to save the day.
None of them have enough discernment to see the NWO psy-op that they are following.
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer – Christian Pastor executed by the Nazi’s
A big takeaway for me is that weakness during a fast according to Loren is toxins and that if you exercise, rather than rest during a fast (as I often have done) that you will not detox nearly as much. So rest and deal with the toxins if you want maximum benefits.
I had been told that weakness comes from your body not being “fat adapted” and able to efficiently convert fat to energy.
Perhaps it’s a combination of the 2.
I am going to favor getting as much rest as possible the next time I fast which should be in the next few weeks.
Koch’s Postulates: Have They Been Proven for Viruses -or- The Rooster in the River of Rats
In this slide-show presentation, Dr. Andy discusses just what Koch’s Postulates are and investigates the success, or lack thereof, in regard to viruses.
If you run a business (or even if you don’t) you need to hear this about PMA’s. (private membership associations)
I have a ton of thoughts, the first being the similarity of this and the private food club I wanted to get started here in Webster Country MO. (with the help of people associated with the Weston A Price society)
It seems that no one in this area in the 5 years that I have been pushing this idea wish to be free or to exercise their God given rights.
It is wrong that you have to do anything to exercise your God given rights, but that is the evil system that we have allowed.
Water fasting, the most ancient healing biological mechanism, is a very powerful protective mechanism, evolved of hundreds of millions of years of evolution. Intermittent fasting as become popular lately, because of the scientific benefits, and even water fasting, the most “radical” approach to healing has got a lot of scientific attention lately. Water fasting, a natural hygiene properly conducted fast can provide many health benefits, that even the best diet and healing system cant. Every wounded animal in nature, stop eating, and drink nothing but water until his body completely heals from the damage. Have you ever practiced a water fasting or a intermittent fast? Do you eat all the day long or you take long breaks from food? Loren lockman, tanglewood fasting supervisor and Dr. Corassa, shows in this fasting documentary how with proper fasting and raw food nutrition, you can take your health to the next level.
Fasting 40 DAYS ON WATER saved my life! Water fasting documentary
How does a well regulated militia save people from hospital deaths?
You probably have not thought about it, but if we followed the 2nd amendment, and had a well regulated militia, that would also mean that around one in seven men in you area would be “medics” and trained in suturing and pushing IV’s to gun shot victims.But they would also be able to use that skill to push IV vitamin C during pandemics, and the Satanic government would powerless to stop them from doing this.
With a well regulated militia, we could have by using IV vitamin C, saved a million or more Americans from being murdered by hospital protocols and the jab.
It’s a shame Americans remain as dumb as the “education system” has made them.
Antoine Béchamp and his terrain theory was correct.
Your doctor was not educated he was indoctrinated.
Terrain (the movie)
2022 · 2 hr 6 min
An exploration of the Terrain Theory of health and wellness that works in symbiosis with nature and is free of flawed and corrupt medical paradigms.
Starring: Andrew Kaufman, Mark McDonald, Peggy Hall, Samantha Bailey, Sally Fallon, Alphonse Faggiolo, Barre Lando, Tom Cowan, Jason Lindgren, Marcelina Cravat
Listen to Ed Group describe how he was raided and death threatened by the US government for successful cancer treatments. (this is not an unusual tale)
The Demonology of King James I
This book on demonology was King James 1st book.
His second of course being the Bible.
James was a Dark Occultist.
They didn’t teach you this in Sunday school for a reason.
Are you beginning to see how many lies we have been told?
Emboldened by dangerous Supreme Court decision, agents even planting cameras on private property – BRIAN MCGLINCHEY
Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) are the most egregious offenders. Almost by definition these people ought to be hanged.
20 years ago my secluded 10 acre property in Industry PA, was twice criminally invaded by the “heroes” in blue. On the second occasion they broke into my home and stole property.
I was so traumatized by these events that I abandoned my home and became homeless for many years. There is no justice when the criminals are your own government.
It amazes me that none of our Patriot Mouthpieces has noticed that the two standing armies (the police and the military) are controlled by the very people that the militia is supposed to protect us from!!
This entire threat is because of a rogue government that is letting the migrants into the country, and their 2 standing armies are employed by this rogue government and will do nothing. (as planned)
Americans are still dumb enough to support the troops and the thugs in blue, who essentially work for the enemy!! (rogue government)
We were warned about standing armies by the founders, and also told by them that to remain free that we needed the Militia.
How dumb are the American people and our Patriot Mouthpieces?
Alex Jones had some interesting information today ( 7/3/23 ) on what may soon be a globalist move. He says that “our military” (a standing army) has already used helicopters set up to spray fentanyl on cities, and that one helicopter can spray and kill the people in a city of 20,000.
“Our military” decided that they could not trust pilots to carry out a mission like this. So what they did was to switch to drones with some of the worlds most deadly nerve gas on board.
These nerve gas equipped drones are already in place, loaded with nerve gas, and ready to go in an instant. They do plan on “Yard Farming” the American people.
You were warned many times about the consequences of having standing armies.
Since you were not taught the history of your county health department
I guess I have to do it.
The Satanic 10th plank abominations that educated you predictably left out all of the facts…..
County health departments were modeled after health departments in the UK. It was the globalist/Satanist Rockefeller family that made it happen.
These “Health Departments” came out of the Eugenics record office in Cold Springs Harbor, and from the beginning were about nothing other than eugenics.
There was a time say up until the late 1980s’ that a child in this country in Appalachia if their CPA was only a C was sterilized under the direction of the County Health department.
If you were not in a coma for the past 3 years you witnessed the country health departments wage a different type of eugenics, but still eugenics, by shutting down small business’ all across the Nation.
Christians and their churches remained silent then and have remained silent to this day. They are taught that government is God and that God must have put these eugenicists into their positions. No matter how you slice it the “fruits” of modern Christianity are evil incarnate.
I would first set up governments filled top to bottom with my men.
Then I would infiltrate the religions, and have them teach that the men that work for me in their governments were put there were put there by God, and that they should jump when my men command them to jump.
Then I would infiltrate the schools and have them teach your children the political ideology that we created called “socialism”.
When these children graduate they become Church members, and leaders that accept and support the “socialism’ that we created. Little do they know that socialism is just Satanism lite so we have in effect turned all of the religions to our religion of Satanism.
After the schools we continue the process, and take over the media.
People accept what the media tells them without much thought because they are participating in “group think” and will not think on their own.
The reality is that we are way past even this amount of infiltration of “our institutions” that control you.
Fractional reserve banks do nothing other than impoverish the people, But they are not educated, and trust that their government was put there by God as we told them. So fractional reserve banks that steal from them must be put there by God also.
Hell we even have them putting rat poison in their children’s water, and they do not question it because their God the government told them it was for their benefit!
In their medical system we have had complete control of their medical schools for over a century, and they teach the lies and limited knowledge that we choose to be taught.
We control the dental schools also, and we conveniently prohibit the teaching of the 2,000 man years of dental research of ADA employee Weston A Price.
By doing so we have the AMA doctors , by their not seeing the dental connection to disease, , causing most of the the cancer and heart attacks in the people that they treat,. We have killed tens of millions in this manner and none of these useful idiots can see what is happening.
We also have a few backup methods to have the medical profession kill for us: For example they inject “vaccines” full of cancer retrovirus’s because they were grown in animal tissue. They know nothing because we control the medical school curriculum.
Most of all, we have to thank our Satanic temples that are really 501c3 corporations under the complete control of our governments.
Without our Satanic Temples masquerading as churches, we would not have been as successful in indoctrinating them with the 4 pillars of the church of Satan.
1.) Total Ego
2.) Moral relativism
3.) Acceptance of social Darwinism
4.) Acceptance of Genocide
We have been very successful.
Who would have thought that we could turn Modern Christians into Satanists without any of them comprehending what was done to them?
AMA Doctors are all involved in eugenics and are too stupid to see it.
I just returned from a “doctors” appointment.
It’s hard to deal with such evil. Everything about the medical system is designed to destroy your health, and to eventually kill you
I have been fighting high blood pressure for a few years now and all they will do is to try and push big pharma drugs on me or tell me that I have to become a zombie like they are and not to stress out about things.
It doesn’t matter how much evidence I provide that the problem is likely dental infections as I have 6 or so root canals, 6 or so cavitations. I likely also have CAP infections and infected tonsils. They are not allowed or trained to order 3D broad beam imaging of my mouth, the ONLY diagnostic tool that can pin point the problem.
Their course of action 100% guarantees that their patients have heart attacks and get cancer whom they can kill of and make lots of money for big pharma.
Our doctors are taught nothing of the work of Weston A Price or those like Hal Huggens and Thomas Levy that have followed in his footsteps.
I have watched the medical system for decades murder friends and family.
It looks like they now are going to slowly murder me by denying me any care that would be useful.
The people at the top if this system know exactly what they are doing. Every means to escape from this death sentence has been blocked in one way or another. The doctors are at best useful idiots.
ALL of the local Christian churches can not be concerned with real evil. and the murder of God’s children., but they will get upset as hell when someone dares to sell beer on Sunday….
Andrew Saul is a favorite of mine.
he turned me onto vitamin E (alpha- tocopherol )
and the Shute Brothers. I am reading Wifred Shutes book and it
lays out clearly how AMA medicine has been murdering people for 70 plus years. Much longer than the COVID medical murders.
Not surprising when you recognize that Satanists(Rockefeller’s) started the AMA monopoly in 1912.
1.) The CIA (and other countries intel services) 2.) The millions of Illuminati Families that do this to their own children. 3.) The Modern Christian Church with it’s Satanic interpretation of Romans 13 (that God put your government leaders there and you must obey them) 4.) Nationwide protection by the military and police for the high level pedophiles. (are you seeing why we were told not to have standing armies?)
Like Pogo said “We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us ” – i.e. Hal Turner?
For some reason Patriots can not see what dumb ass’s many of our Patriot mouth pieces are. Mainly because most Patriots are poorly educated in Liberty and are dumb asses themselves.
A prime example of this is one Mr Hal Turner. While well informed and well spoken when he stays in his wheel house, he OFTEN strays outside of that wheelhouse and says dangerously stupid things.
One of the most outrageous things I have heard him say was when he rambled on and on for days about how much “respect” that he had for the recently deceased Queen of England.
Where to start with such fuking stupidity?
Do some research Hal. I have.
The Monarch of England is as close to the head of the snake, of the demonic evil that runs this planet that you can get.
Many books touch upon how the Illuminati have captured and control our Religious institutions. If you have done any reading or more importantly if you have eyes and ears and any discernment you have figured this out through observation,
My next read along these lines will be: Be Wise as Serpents-765 page version – Fritz Springmeier.pdf
“BE Wise as Serpents is the history of the systematic destruction of Christianity and the building of a 1-world-religion. As you read this research based on a. confidential interviews with participants within in the conspiracy, b. interviews of unwitting participants within the conspiracy, c. and historical documentation you will discover that there is great evidence for a history we have not been told, and a great struggle before mankind as the one-world-power/religion comes into focus.”
I’ve seen that something evil was running the so called Christian churches since I was a child. I still do not understand why the vast majority are still deaf blind and dumb in this matter. Hosea 4:6 comes to mind.
FWIW I will be sharing my thoughts when I soon begin to read this book.
It was about a year ago, while I was shopping at Bylers Building Supply that I was told about an Amish Illuminati connection in a discussion by another customer. I blew it off as most likely just uninformed opinion but filed it away for future reference.
Today while reading a book by Fritz Springmeier who was Amish at one time and lived in quite a few communities in Kansas and Missouri,
I won’t go into to detail here other than to say the he is credible and knowledgeable on the topic, and added quite a bit to my knowledge.
The primary or initial torture for many children in western U.S. was done at China Lake, California
which officially has gone under the designations of: Naval Ordinance Test Station ( NOTS), Naval
Weapons Center (NWC), Ridgecrest (the town nearby), and Inyo-kern (the area). the address of Nimitz
Hospital is the code “232 Naval Air Weapons Station”. The base was set up to test “new weapons”.
Evidently, the Navy decided that mind controlled people were an important weapon to test. Most of the
“new weapons” created at China Lake were for the most part human robots turned out in large
The Monarch Mind Control was carried out in large airplane hangers on the base which have been able to
house thousands of tiny cages just large enough for human babies. Lots of 1,000 babies was a small
batch. According to people who worked in the hangers helping program, many batches were 2,000 or
3,000 babies. Many survivors remember the thousands of cages housing little children from ceiling to
floor. The cages were hot wired (electrified on the ceiling, bottom and sides) so that the children who are
locked inside can receive horrific electric shocks to their bodies to groom their minds to split into
multiple personalities. These cages are called Woodpecker Grids. The victim sees a flash of light when
high D.C. voltage is applied. Later, this flash of light is used with hypnotic induction to make the person
think they are going into another dimension when they are blasted with high voltage. In the Peter Pan
programming, the Programmers tell the slaves that this is “riding the light.” One of the popular traumas
after the small child has endured the Woodpecker Grid cages for days is to rape it. The rape is
intentionally brutal so that it will be as traumatic as possible. Many of the technical people on the base are
civilians. This is in part because part of the research involves mind-control, and Illuminati civilian mindcontrol
experts have come and gone from the base. The California Institute of Technology at Pasadena
is intimately connected to China Lake’s research (and by the way to the Illuminati). Also much of the
work at the facility is for the intelligence agencies and not the military. Intelligence assets are often
civilians. One of the things developed in the California Universities and then implemented at China Lake
was color programming, which will be covered later in this book. Red and green were discovered to be
the most visible colors for programming. Various colored flashing lights were used in programming at
NOTS. Survivors of the programming all remember flashing lights. The use of flashing lights has been
introduced into American culture by the CIA. If a person goes into bars and places where bands play, you
will notice multi-colored lights flashing. The flashing lights create disassociation, especially in people
who are programmed.
A list of major programming centers is given in the Appendix, along with each site’s programming
specialties. In this chapter, an example of just one of the bases used for early programming is given, the
large and very secret China Lake facility in California near Death Valley. The children are brought into
the China Lake NWC (aka NOTS) base by trains, planes and cars. A number of the small airfields which
fly these children into China Lake have been identified. One, which is no longer in use for moving
children, was a private air strip at Sheridan, OR which was beside a large lumber mill. The lumber mill
had an agreement to secretly house the children who had their mouths taped. Neighbors in the area were
bought off, and warned that if they talked they would be in trouble for broaching national security. The
area has lots of mills joined by train tracks, which were used to shuttle the children around. Tied into this
network was a Catholic monastery which lies between Sheridan and McMinnville, close to the rail
The Union Train Station in Portland, OR has underground tunnels where children were temporarily
warehoused in cages before continuing on their journey. The Jesuits were active in this part of the child
procurement. Catholic adoption agencies (which are many), nuns who get pregnant, third world parents,
and parents who will sell their children were all sources of children for programming. When one thinks
about how many corrupt people there are and how many towns and cities are on the West Coast, how
many children are produced by Satanic breeders, illegal aliens, and other parents who’d rather have the
money than the children, the reader begins to realize how procuring batches of 1,000 or 2,000 children
was no problem for the Illuminati working through intelligence agencies such as the CIA, NIS, DIA, FBI,
and FEMA. The Finders, a joint CIA/FBI group procured children for the Network for years. Some of the
children needed for programming are to be used for sacrifices to traumatize those being programmed.
(The names of some of the people who work at procuring children for programming/sacrifice have been
released in Fritz Springmeier’s monthly newsletter.)
The secret FEMA airstrip at Santa Rosa has planes landing and leaving all night. …
A few page excerpt from Cathy O’Briens book exposing CIA operation Monarch and that Marilyn Monroe was the first “presidential models that they produced.
Take the time to read the 2 pages excerpted here…..
Senator Byrd’s comments are indicative of a huge number of psychopaths that are running the worlds governments.
page 120
Byrd monitored all of my programming “progress,” and often tortured me
with his whip and pocketknife. He picked up where my mother left off, to
destroy any self-esteem I might have inadvertently developed. He said, “There
is no place for you to turn because if you could think to talk no one would ever
believe I would have anything to do with the likes of you.” He often threatened
me that I was considered “disposable” because, after all, “The first Presidential
Model, Marilyn Monroe, was killed right in front of the public eye and no one
knew what happened.”
Byrd’s threats and cruelty were unnecessary as I could no longer think to
seek help anyway, but he loved to hear himself talk and would often drone on
and on and on in his infamous long-winded recitations, while I was
photographically recording every word he said. He detailed the inner
operational structure of the world domination effort, including psychological
warfare strategies, and explained how he had and would utilize his “expert”
knowledge of the Constitution to manipulate it and the so-called U.S. Justice
System, and more. His loose lips provided me yet another means of surviving
and staying a step ahead of “the game” once Kelly and I were rescued from our
mind-con trolled existence.
Senator Byrd revealed his “justifications” for criminal activity to me as well.
He used me as a sounding board even though he knew 1 was incapable of input or response. He rehearsed in keeping with his motto “The only way we can fail, is to fail to think of an excuse.”
Byrd “justified” mind-control atrocities as a means of thrusting mankind into
accelerated evolution, according to the Neo-Nazi principles to which he
adhered. He “justified” manipulating mankind’s religion to bring about the
prophesied biblical “world peace” through the “only means available”—total
mind control in the New World Order “After all,” he proclaimed, “even the
Pope and Mormon Prophet know this is the only way to peace and they
cooperate fully with The Project.”
Byrd also “justified” my victimization by saying, “You lost your mind
anyway, and at least you have destiny and purpose now that it’s mine.” Our
country’s involvement in drug distribution, pornography, and white slavery was
justified” as a means of “gaining control of all illegal activities world wide” to
fund Black Budget covert activity that would “bring about world peace through
world dominance and total control”. He adhered to the belief that “95% of the
(world’s) people WANT to be led by the 5%”, and claimed this can be proven
because “the 95% DO NOT WANT TO KNOW what really goes on in government”.
Byrd believed that in order for this world to survive, mankind must
take a “giant step in evolution through creating a superior race”. To create this
“superior race,” Byrd believed in the Nazi and KKK principles of “annihilation
of underprivileged races and cultures” through genocide, to alter genetics and
breed “the more gifted-the blondes of this world”.
As Byrd’s captive audience (literally), I absorbed information that the other
so-called masterminds behind the New World Order would never have revealed for security reasons. But Byrd regarded me as “his” object, a game-piece that he could strategically move through life as though he were playing a chess game. He perceived me as totally under his control with no possibility of my ever being rescued, surviving, and recovering my mind and memory. Byrd
likely would have talked to a post, and I filled the role as his silent sounding
My CIA Operative mind-control handler, Alex Houston was often scheduled
to perform at the Swiss Villa Amphitheatre in Lampe, Missouri, which is yet
another installation where 1 was programmed. Swiss Villa was a cover for a
CIA Near Death Trauma Center of which there are several across the country.
It is a remote, high security resort, enclosed with military barbed wire fences,
that swings its guarded gate open to the local public for country music concerts.
The small Amphitheatre covers the covert activities occurring inside, which
includes U.S. Government CIA cocaine and heroin distribution operations and
mind-control projects.
Swiss Villa, like the Mount Shasta, California compound, was also used as a
training and operations camp for the Shadow Government’s paramilitary
projects referred to by Senator Tnouye (D. HI). I learned that this not-so-secret military buildup, sanctioned by corrupt members of our government, consisted
of special forces trained robotic soldiers, numerous black unmarked helicopters, and the highest technological advancements in TOP SECRET weaponry and “Star Wars” electro magnetic mind-control equipment. These paramilitary compounds were intended for global policing of the New World Order through the Multi-Jurisdictional Police Force.
“A Most Dangerous Game” was often played at Swiss Villa and involved
CIA agents, politicians, and others who would attend the resort just for the sport of hunting humans. Kelly and I both were hunted at Swiss Villa. The tortures
and rape after being caught were extensive and sufficiently traumatized our
minds for ensuing programming, as well as for creating memory
compartmentalization for the high level operations we witnessed behind the
villa’s patrolled fences. It was at Swiss Villa that I was taught “THE Most
Dangerous Game” was one where a slave tried to escape and reveal what he or
she had learned. If the hunters could not catch and stop the slave, then the
black helicopters patrolling the area would. And if all else failed, the “Eye in
the Sky” would locate him or her, and a torturous death was supposedly
According to my abusers, my deprograminer and primary advocate Mark
Phillips and I have embarked on “THE Most Dangerous Game” through efforts
such as releasing this book and turning a spotlight on the Shadow Government
to reveal its members’ identities and their crimes against humanity, Mark
Phillips and I are determined to beat them at their own “game” by arming the
“95%” with the truth that perpetrators “don’t want them to know!”
1Dick Thomburgh is listed in Houston’s CIA memo book which is now in my (and others’)
2Please note that, while still Sheriff of Youngstown, Ohio, Traficant wis investigated and
subsequently indicted for federal racketeering, drug distribution, and Mafia connections.
However, he was acquitted through careful CIA jury manipulation and he went on to become the
U.S. Representative he is to this date.
3Once gaining “eyes to see and ears to hear,” this “you can run, but you can’t hide” theme
is so widely used it is visible from Hallmark greeting cards to Interstate overpasses to the lock-in
song by the rock group, Police’s “I’ll Be Watching You”.
2 free books if you wish to scratch the surface of the Satanism and pedophilia that top government officials are participating in. (because of Church ignorance, apathy and complacency.
“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” ~1 John 3:18
Our Satanic leaders are compromised in the end, to help the globalists bring in the One World Government.
Yet your Church is likely teaching you to be “obedient” to this very Satanic government with their Satanic version of Romans 13.
Many people have documented these facts, men such as Ted Gunderson.
If you haven’t read this material you really should not be allowed to vote because you don’t have a foggy clue as to what is going on in this country.
2 important food tips for the day:
According to Mike Adams consuming vitamin C any time that you consume nitrate containing meat products like bacon or deli-meats, that the vitamin C will stop the formation of the cancer causing chemicals in the stomach.
According to Dr. Stephanie Seneff, the use of chlorine dioxide (MMS) will destroy the glyphosates (roundup herbicide) in your food and in your body.
I use both daily and perhaps you should also.
Most so called “Patriots say they they support the 2nd Amendment
When the demonstrable truth is that they do not.
They seem to support both the 1934 Federal Firearms Act, and the 1968 Gun Control Act, both of which violate the 2nd amendment, because they are mere laws, and not Constitutional Amendments, which are needed to modify the 2nd Amendment
Incredibly they also support the tyrants in blue that enforce these illegitimate laws.
Isn’t this a bit like supporting the guards at Auschwitz because they were “following the law”?
For the most part they also do not support the central essential part of the 2nd amendment… the Militia.
Get with the program guys you are either under mind control or evil. Take your pick.
A lot of sites are using algorithms to determine if something is spam even before it is moderated (approved or not approved ) by the owners of the web site.
That in itself provides a serendipitous a way to censor. You just call things that you don’t like spam, and manually mark it as such and you censor it without calling it censoring.
No debate, no facts Of course they NEVER email you you make you aware that your post has been marked spam so that you can prove the fact or even debate with them.
I highly suspect that the guy that says again again and again “come to Brighton where you will not be censored” is in fact censoring!!
I can’t yet prove it but it sure as hell looks like if you criticize a sponsor of the show that Mike Adams plugs…. (the sat phone store) many of your counter posts to inform listeners as to your experience with that company many of those posts just don’t show up!
They can’t even be honest about their evil because they think that arbitrarily calling a post spam somehow makes censoring not censoring moral and legitimate.
They are as sleazy as Facebook or Twitter IMHO
I don’t know how this guy looks in the mirror with his mountain of lies.
The so called Patriot community often makes me want to puke!!
Let’s see if this post stays up at Brighteon
Mike Adams has said about 1000 times to come to Brighton and you will not be censored… Well as far as I can tell Mike Adams is a liar.
Post your truthful experience on how his show sponsor has ripped you off and the post just disappears with no notification at all.
Pretty disgusting when you have to call legitimate posts “spam” in order to protect a sleazy sponsor.
Even more disgusting when you tell people to come here because you do not censor.
“….It’s Memorial Day and Americans are out barbequing, having a few beers, and spending time with their loved ones; they are celebrating to honor the fallen warriors who have died to protect our nation, our freedoms, and our way of life.
But I have a serious question that may make you uncomfortable: Did they really die protecting those things?
If you believe that every war we have ever started, engaged in, or supported was just, then your answer will be a resounding “Yes!” But I think more and more American are beginning to realize they have been lied to about many of these wars, especially all the wars the came out of the so-called “War on Terror.” Many of those Americans being war veterans just like myself.
America is 246 years old, yet has been at war for over 96 percent of its existence. Certainly, some of these wars must have been just, but most of them, especially after 1913, have been nothing but special-interest wars that benefited the Military Industrial Complex at the expense of Americans. We were warned about this entity by people who worked for it: once by General Smedley Butler, who wrote a short book (a mere 12 pages) called War is a Racket; and another time by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, in his farewell address. I highly recommend every American read both to get the truth directly from those who were on the inside.
By the way, did you know despite all the fighting our nation has been/is involved in, it has only formally declared war five times? The last time the United States formally declared was in 1942 against the Axis Powers, yet it has been engaged in “military led operations,” “police actions,” and “humanitarian interventions” for over eight decades since then. Just like our government changed the “Department of War” to the “Department of Defense” in 1949, it uses these sanitized terms to avoid calling what these things really are: wars. And as I stated in the last paragraph, most of these wars do not benefit the American people at all; in fact, they cost them everything….” continues here
I have a few criticisms of this article although I agree with a lot that is in it.
The author seems to think that it is the governments job to educate our children.
For a US marine he sure does not know the Constitution.
He somehow thinks, he gets a pass for going into a war where congress did not declare war. Is he going to claim ignorance on that part of the Constitution also?
Finally he does not see that he was part of a standing army. Something that both the founders warned us about and the Constitution prohibits.
He strikes out 3 times on not knowing or following the Constitution , which BTW is much better than most so called Patriots.
If you have read into CIA MK-Ultra/ Monarch you learn that Disney Terms are often used with the MONARCH programming. Then couple this with strong provable ties to US Air Force bases where this mind control has been going on.
I am not sure what it all means, but when I was in 3rd or 4th grade I attended an Air Force School on Lodges Air Force Base situated on the Island of Terceira in the Portuguese Azores.
It was some type of physical education class, and I was standing by a large round trampoline. One of the “teachers” demanded to know if I was Donald Duck or Micky Mouse? I thought it so bizarre and of significance that it had been in my mind for the past 55 years.
That is not the end of the tale. My parents went on a short vacation to Spain for a week, and had a teacher from the school babysit me and my 2 brothers for a week. She spent every evening with us listening to a Mary Poppins album… another Walt Disney product!
Anyhow my readings have connected the dots finally.
I really do think that this Air Force school that I attended for 2 years was involved in the CIA Monarch program.
There were other strange things about this school that I may go into at a later date. Something nefarious was afoot at that place.
Reading an interview with FBI whistle blower Ted Gunderson just jogged my memory. He was talking about how children disappeared at Disneyland on on regular basis. Also that all of the project Monarch survivors that he had encountered had undergone some other their training at Disneyland…..
I was 18 and had missed my ride back to the hotel when the Disneyland cops kidnapped me and put me in a large holding area full of teenagers.
If I had not refused to shut up and demand that I put in touch with my grandfathers good friend, US Senator Strom Thurmond that I was not going to shut up. I always had bad feelings about Disney, and that night and they now seem to be confirmed.
We were warned about having standing armies were we not?
Why are our Patriot mouthpieces complaining about being censored, while they at the same time censor on their own platforms?
I find this trend alarming, and dangerous.
Of all places Infowars has a horrible track record of censoring in their comment section. They have even gone as far as to block my account! Just like Facebook or Twitter, I have never been able to even determine exactly what was censored and why, much less to be able to get the ban or censorship lifted!
Then there are people like Steve Quayle. I recently wrote him to remind him that a company that he sponsors had ripped me off for a large sum and that I had rock solid proof of what they had done. A normal human response would be to look into it. Not with Steve Quayle….. he rolls out Steve’s version of Chinese Social Credit Scores if someone says anything that he does not like.
Steve immediately cancelled my Q-files subscription, and I am sure he looked to see if I subscribed to his private updates and he would have cancelled that also if I have subscribe to it. I have often heard him wish that he could ban the people that he disagrees with from even viewing his web site! I have a suggestion for Steve Quayle and that is to move to communist China!
Steve’s actions prompted me to post a summary of it on Hal Turners site where I thought that free speech was allowed. This is the exact post:
Don’t know if you know how volatile Steve Quayle is. I wrote him with smoking gun proof that the sat phone store had ripped me off.
His response? His Christian response?
Was to cancel my Q-files membership!!
Try to do good and spread the truth and Steve Quayle plants a knife squarely in your back.
It’s really really sad that is is the character of our so called “patriot leaders”.
FWIW he offered to refund the money that the SPS owes me and I of course refused his offer. He is a very poor judge of character and assumed that my motivation was some sort of shake down.
I found out quickly that Hal Turner does not value or allow free speech on his site because he immediately deleted the post and cancelled my subscription to his site!
Let me not leave out Greg Hunter that banned my account on his site because I told his listeners that his show sponsor (the Satellite phone store) had ripped me off.
For starters I will never buy anything that these talking heads pitch, because when the company will not make things right, they ban you from alerting other viewers so that they are not also ripped off!! Think about that one a bit. I make my case. Our “Patriot mouth pieces” like Steve, Hal, Infowars and Greg are really no fuking different than the fascist, censoring, psychopaths at Facebook or Twitter!
Why even bother when the guys that are on “our side” are enemies of truth and free speech? Being against truth is being against God almighty and that is where I see many of our Patriot mouthpieces.
Before I close let me give a shout out to Sarah Westall, Mike Adams at Brighteon, and Rumble, for not being censors of the truth.
I think I am going to take a break folks. Too many stupid people to deal with. No free speech anywhere….
Had Steve Quayle cancel my Q-files subscription because I dared tell him that his sponsor had ripped me off. I wanted him to know the kind of people that he recommended. How audacious and evil of me!
Then Steve’s’ friend, Mr Free Speech Hal Turner, did the same thing after I dared relate that story to readers on his site. I am now kicked off of Hal’s site. Neither of these guys has a thing over Facebook or Twitter.
Same deal of no free speech allowed.
This is the exact post on Hals site that was too much truth about Steve:
Don’t know if you know how volatile Steve Quayle is.
I wrote him with smoking gun proof that the sat phone store had ripped me off.
His response? His Christian response?
Was to cancel my Q-files membership!!
Try to do good and spread the truth and Steve Quayle plants a knife squarely in your back.
It’s really really sad that is is the character of our so called “patriot leaders”.
FWIW he offered to refund the money that the SPS owes me and I of course refused his offer.
He is a very poor judge of character and assumed that my motivation was some sort of shake down.
—— I make my case. Our “Patriot mouth pieces” like Steve and Hal are no fuking different than the fascist, censoring, psychopaths at Facebook or Twitter.
Why even bother when the guys that are on “our side” are enemies of truth and free speech?
I got a post card from the Red Cross saying that they were having a blood drive at the local Fordland Clinic. I do not donate blood any longer due to the Red Cross ignoring ADA federal law, and demanding that people like myself with breathing problems wear the useless face diapers when they give blood. They also mix my un-vaccinated blood with vaccinated blood and I do not wish to be part of that evil.
I called the Fordland Clinic today, and found out that they are still pushing the deadly mRNA COVID jab!!
Perhaps they should consider adding abortions to their child killing repertoire, because some people are intelligent enough not to fall for the COVID death Jab.
Law enforcement makes me want to puke. They put me through living hell last year because I did not have the $30 to renew my plates.
But you can murder people in this county if you have medical license. Those people do not have to go though “police hell” and terrorism.
A medical license in Webster County MO is nothing short of a license to murder and maim children.
This same “law enforcement” that protects abortionists and vaccine murders are the same thugs that will kidnap your child for the CPS sex trafficking ring, all without due process or a jury trial.
It is “law enforcement” that if you do not pay the 1st plank of the Communist manifesto extortion, euphemistically called the property tax, they will come to your house and either make you homeless, or murder you if you resist the theft of your home , all of that also without a trial by jury as the Constitution guarantees.
Something is very wrong with this picture where our “public servants” serve mainly to enforce the laws written by and to serve the globalists that are the real rulers in this country.
Our 3,000 County Sheriffs are the criminals here:
Do these morons even know what their job is?
The Declaration says that it is to “secure our rights”.
For the past 3 years county sheriffs have done nothing to address the largest mass murders that his country has ever witnessed with the globalist eugenics program disguised as a “vaccine”. Helping mass murders, seems to be what county sheriffs think that their job is.
Now our county sheriffs are allowing the unconstitutional ATF into their counties to violate the 2nd amendment, and your sacred God given right to self defense! Doesn’t the 2nd clearly say “shall not be infringed”?
This is dereliction of duty at the very least.
It is aiding and abetting murder at worst.
The states need laws where the citizens can convene a grand jury and press charges on these criminals in blue uniforms and have them arrested.
There is also the federal law (USC 18 sections 241 and 242) “Violation of rights under color of law”, that allows penalties up to and including execution if they cause a death.
The stupidity of focusing on BIBLE PROPHESY
Which color of horse is riding this week guys?
Is it the 334th rendition of the red horse or is it the black horse?
This obsession with “prophecy” does little other than create a deterministic world view and amounts to a stand down psy-op.
I think that it is encouraged if not initiated by globalist actors.
Your time would be much better spent dealing with things that you can clearly see…..
Perhaps like the fact that many of you are going to die because you are too dense to see that not having a militia is going to win a lot of you Darwin awards.
But as you and your children, die because of your stupidity, at least you will be able to recite which color of horse recently rode.
I got a post card from the Red Cross saying that they were having a blood drive at the local Fordland Clinic. I do not donate blood any longer due to the Red Cross ignoring ADA federal law, and demanding that people like myself with breathing problems wear the useless face diapers when they give blood. They also mix my un-vaccinated blood with vaccinated blood and I do not wish to be part of that evil.
I called the Fordland Clinic today, and found out that they are still pushing the deadly mRNA COVID jab!!
Perhaps they should consider adding abortions to their child killing repertoire, because some people are intelligent enough not to fall for the COVID death Jab.
Law enforcement makes me want to puke. They put me through living hell last year because I did not have the $30 to renew my plates. But you can murder people in this county if you have medical license. Those people do not have to go though “police hell” and terrorism.
A medical license in Webster County MO is nothing short of a license to murder and maim children.
This same “law enforcement” that protects abortionist,s and vaccine murders are the same thugs that will kidnap your child for the CPS sex trafficking ring, all without due process or a jury trial,
It is “law enforcement” that if you do not pay the 1st plank of the Communist manifesto extortion, euphemistically called the property tax, they will come to your house and either make you homeless, or murder you if you resist the theft of your home , all of that also without a trial by jury as the Constitution guarantees.
Something is very wrong with this picture where our “public servants” serve mainly to enforce the laws written by and to serve the globalists that are the real rulers in this country.
The local “Fordland Clinic” is injecting children with cancer virus’s!!! — And so is your AMA medical provider.
As if the monopoly AMA “standards of care”, that do nothing but cover up the symptoms of chronic disease, were not evil enough……
the Fordland Clinic, has decided to enter a new level of evil.
For a few years now the Clinic has been pushing the globalist death jab on the unsuspecting children of Webster County MO!
Even after it became very clear that these untested, and unapproved, experimental DNA altering abominations to God, were harming people…..
the Fordland clinic charged on ahead, and even had a big billboard to try and get the unsuspecting to come in and get their children jabbed!
It’s bad enough that this globalist created monopoly, has not faced justice for the genocide that it has been calling “medicine”, for the past 109 years (since 1912) but now your tax dollars are paying for grants to make this temple of death twice it’s previous size!
Are they gearing up for the coming”forced vaccinations”?
The forced injections will come if we don’t stand up and IMHO the Fordland Clinic will enthusiastically participate in.
There is a reason why the doctors are recording your vaccine status and it is not good.
One would think that with all of the evidence of this non-vaccine causing death, and harm to children, that our law enforcement here in Webster County would be making arrests of these quacks!
That is until you realize that both health care, and law enforcement are just 2 arms of the New World Order. We slept at the switch for the past 100 years while the globalists have co-opted every single institution in our society.
That also includes: Our government, the press, our schools, our churches, and anything else that you can think of.
The bottom line is that there is an open season on murdering children by injection in Webster County MO, and the criminals are running the asylum!
God help us all!
Some facts that you will have to check out yourself:
It was not only the early polio vaccines that contained cancer virus’s…… According to Dr. Judy Mikovits almost every single vaccine that you have received, (and at the Fordland Clinic) has cancer virus’s in it. (FYI there are electron microscope scanned vaccines for politicians, and the elite, that do not have cancer virus’s in them.)
When your child receives a vaccine at the Fordland Clinic it is out of a multi-dose vial that contains mercury as a preservative! However the employees at the clinic will often vaccinate their children with single dose vials that contain no mercury!
Doctors at the clinic have deceived patients, and brought in Burrell Behavioral Health employees, to try and trick people into going on SSRI’s and other voodoo harmful medications.
Some of the dental employees, are so incompetent that they x-ray you 3 or 4 times and don’t think anything about it. Sometimes they don’t even put protective covering over your thyroid!
The Nuremberg accords make it a crime to force medical treatment without consent on people, yet that is exactly what they do at the Fordland Clinic!
If you do not consent to dental x-rays, they basically fire you as a patient.
Sounds like something that Nazi Dr Josef Mengele would do.
I could go on and on, as the medical monopoly that you have been told is there to protect you, is demonstrably doing the exact opposite.
I was aware that I was given the SV40 cancer virus by an AMA doctor in the polio vaccine I was given as a child. Today when they do cancer biopsies, the SV40 cancer virus is often present.
What I have learned since from reading the work of Dr Judy Mitkovits. is that ALL of the vaccines given to children at the Fordland Clinic contain cancer retro virus’s!
Vaccines are grown in animal cultures, and contain cancer causing retro visus’s in them! Reto virus’ are unique in that they use an enzyme called “reverse transcriptase” that allows the cancer virus to insert it’s animal cancer virus into your human DNA! You therefore will pass these onto not only your children but your great grand children.
The “health authorities” were made aware of this 40 years ago by Dr Judy Mikovits. These authorities, , including the WHO, all had meetings on what to do about it.
And what they did was NOTHING! They have continued to inject your children with cancer virus’s, that like the SV40 virus I was given, they will pass on to their great grand kids!
If you know of anything else improper going on at the Fordland Clinic, do not hesitate to contact me. Your confidence will be respected.
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” ~Thomas Jefferson
“……The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson…”
~Franklin D. Roosevelt (letter to Colonel House 1933)
The stupidity of focusing on BIBLE PROPHESY
Which color of horse is riding this week guys?
Is it the 334th rendition of the red horse or is it the black horse?
This obsession with “prophecy” does little other than create a deterministic world view and amounts to a stand down psy-op.
I think that it is encouraged if not initiated by globalist actors.
Your time would be much better spent dealing with things that you can clearly see…..
Perhaps like the fact that many of you are going to die because you are too dense to see that not having a militia is going to win a lot of you Darwin awards.
But as you and your children, die because of your stupidity, at least you will be able to recite which color of horse recently rode.
We have been totally enslaved for decades.
Anyone that has not seen it is literately retarded:
We can not own land in this country.
We are forced at gun point to attend indoctrination camps for 12 years.
Our incomes are “taxed” in violation of many laws.
Medicine has illegally been made a monopoly that kills millions.
(free speech about medicine has been dead for 100 years)
Law has illegally be made a monopoly which denies justice to millions.
(free speech about law has been dead for 100 years)
We have a draft and jury duty that look very much like chattel slavery and violate the 13th amendment.
We have no rights that are not “regulated” (infringed)
We have been disarmed by gun laws that pretend to be Constitutional amendments.
We have a SCOTUS that illegitimately claims to have the power of judicial review over every other branch of government, both State and Federal.
(going on 200 years now congress has allowed this)
Police kidnap our children for CPS without due process or trial by jury.
We have had 3 criminal central banks counterfeit out money….
They murder a sitting president and supreme court justice and we sit and watch as if it were a movie.
We have had unconstitutional sedition acts under Adams and Wilson that threw people in prison for 10 years for free speech.
My neighbors of Japanese descent spent their youth in concentration camps in Northern California.
Tyrant Lincoln took away the State Militias and any States rights.
So this is the 1st step to enslavement?
That is almost delusional.
I think that Niemoller’s poem was written for those with so little discernment,
Now that they are coming for YOU —– now you suddenly are paying attention…..
I feel sorry for them.
How many decades will it take them to realize that all of the modern 501c3 churches, are fronts for the New World Order?
Where you are taught to ignore the rat poison that your city is putting into your children’s drinking water.
Where they are taught to accept and ignore the fact that all 10 planks of the Satanic Communist Manifesto are already implemented.
Where they are indoctrinated in stand-down psy-ops and “doctrine” to insure that they never stand up and address evil……
“If you think you’re on the right side I can assure you are on the wrong side no matter which side you are on. Each of us individually must begin to study, research and learn the truth.”
~William Milton Cooper
” Anyone who thinks there is a political answer to a spiritual problem ain’t too smart” I am so tired of hearing this parroted by Modern Christian morons
Or some version of the above. To which I responded:
. If you purposely drop bowling ball on your foot, and break your foot is that divine judgement?
Modern mind controlled “Christians” sure think so.
Modern Christians call dropping a bowling ball on your foot a “political problem”
They call something with an easily identifiable causative factor, a “political problem” and then declare that there are only “spiritual solutions” to dropping that bowling ball on your foot!!
It looks to me like modern Christianity has become a mental disorder!
In modern mentally ill Christianity, you never look at identifiable causative factors, you just declare that something is a “political problem”, that only has “spiritual” solutions”. What ever the fuk that is supposed to mean
Your logic and reasoning would be like you going to the doctor, and he tells you that you have pneumonia and that you need an antibiotic.
Then you get on your soap box, and proudly tell him that this pneumonia is a “political problem” and that there are only “spiritual solution’s”.
With modern Christianity this fuked up —
it’s almost a form of solipsism, and it’s no wonder that the evil ones are winning this battle, because Christians refuse to see the very apparent solutions that are there for those with “eyes to see”.
Like I said Modern Christianity has become a mental disorder.
*** You read that right, and if you don’t know this, you are not too bright, and are part of the problem ***
Do you think for a fuking second that this Chinese 5th column, will have only semi-auto small arms like the American people do?
Do you think that they will have close to zero training as the American people do?
Do you think that this 5th column will have no supply line for food, ammo, and other essentials, like the American people?
Do you think that they will ever take prisoners?
We have dozens of so called “Patriot” leaders that don’t know the US Constitution any more than they know about a time travel.
How the fuk did both our Alt media leaders, and our politicians become so fuking stupid?
Not a one of them even remotely understand the second amendment, or have called for a restoration of the militia.
Use of the word “Public schools ” shows that you really don’t understand the problem Hal….
Hal you are smart guy. A hell of a lot smarter than I am in many areas….
You however really miss critically important things because you seem to have never studied globalism.
You use the word “public schools” without any acknowledgement that they are Government schools. Furthermore that educating the public is not a function of government. In fact I can hardly think of anything more dangerous to the continued existence of a free country.
You do know Hal that “free public schools’ are the 10th plank of the Satanic Communist manifesto.
You do know Hal that these communist schools began replacing the free market schools in this country very shortly after the Communist manifesto was written in the 1860’s.
Nothing to worry about Hal , just a coincidence.
Hal have you ever read the other 9 planks of this Satanic document?
Are you aware that all 10 have been implemented with the full approval of Americans and their “Christian” churches?
One last thing I wish to point out: The American people are disarmed and will do extremely poorly when they are called upon to defend themselves and their families from invading foreign troops.
Think about it Hal….
All we are “allowed” to have are semi-automatic small arms.
There has never been a defeat of a modern military with only semi-automatic small arms.
If the Afghans had been as poorly armed as US citizens are we and Russia both would have kicked their asses.
Secondly Americans have zero useful military training and it would take 10 years at least to properly correct that problem.
Finally this country of idiots, has neglected the fact that no matter how well trained and armed a people are, that whether they live or die depends upon logistics.
And we fuking have completely dropped the ball there too.
We will have no way to feed and equipment the number of men that will be required to fight a foreign military.
The starvation of Washington’s troops at Valley Forge will pale in comparison to what is coming to our domestic fighters.
When we shoot all of our ammo, none will be coming to replace it.
Americans allowed the globalist serving EPA to close down the very last lead mine in the US here in Missouri not long ago.
Americans are a stupid people and we are going to get a massive Darwin Award.
We deserve to die and to lose this country as a stupid people can never remain free.
And FWIW the founders warned us about the perils of an ignorant population, and ironically our “solution” was public education to insure a very dumbed down population.
The people that rode the short bus to school, keep on telling us not to “defund the police”.
None of them seem to have the mental capacity to understand that police protection is both a spacial and temporal impossibility.
Is the purpose of government to force us to hire body guards (that can’t possibly do the task) for those too stupid, lazy, or inept to protect themselves?
Why can’t these lazy bastards, hire their own private security rather than extorting you and I to pay for their ostensible protection?
Most of those shot in Alabama were old enough to have been Militia members in 1776.
Back then they knew it was their responsibility, and no one else to protect themselves. They did not approve at all of standing armies like the police.
Americans are looking for a Darwin Award if they continue their Stockholm relationship with police and hesitate in getting rid of this evil institution.
FWIW I fully support a single county sheriff and private police forces not paid for with my tax dollars.
No one in the “Patriot” community even remotely understands the 2nd amendment, much less support it.
The second amendment, Steve and Doug, and Mike, et al., is NOT about untrained people owning semi automatic small arms.
The second amendment is about ARMs and men well trained in the use of those arms. Arms meaning having technology equivalent to that of the enemy.
The American people have been effectively disarmed, and the Patriot talking heads are oblivious to that fact.
If the Vietnamese or the Afghans were as disarmed as the American people now are, we could have kicked the shite out of both groups rather than turning and running.
Good for the Afghans and the Vietnamese that they were not disarmed like the American people are.
They would both have lost badly if that were the case.
Religious hypocrisy at it’s best.
Hundreds of thousands of people that pay for abortions through the Federal income tax, are in DC begging their masters to please stop the “legalizing” of murder.
All of them too stupid apparently, to know this is a State issue, and that they should have been at their State Capitals for the past 30 years.
When someone says “this is a spiritual and not a political problem”:
I don’t think that Christians with that worldview “get it” at all.
Everything they mention: “…killing babies, disfiguring children…”
Are just the expected symptoms of sitting on your asses and doing nothing to address evil. (In part because your pastors teach Adolph Hitler’s version of Romans 13)
Definite causative factors are:
Not following the law (the Constitution) and cowardly pastors unwilling to speak out.
How can you call spineless pastors a “spiritual problem”.
These evil men of the cloth are the problem in the psychical realm, and a lot of culpability, also goes to those that attend cowardly churches like this.
Bull shit laws like this are the reason that Hunter Biden is not in jail!!
The criminalization of “photos” is the reason that evidence against Hunter could not be released to the public.
These laws make it child’s play for “law enforcement” to frame people, even easier than our drug laws now allow them to do so.
IMHO these laws were created and are supported by the NWO, because they help them so much.
Perhaps we could outlaw the possession of photos of dead people, and charge those that have them with murder! That is in essence what we now have.
This law protects criminals, and turns innocent people into the criminals.
“…Their poor judgment is literally destroying the Bud Light Brand…”
You keep revealing Hal that you need to do a lot of reading. They are not clueless at all.(check our John Coleman’s works)
You think that the end goal of these globalists is to make money?
Far from it. The ultimate goal will always be the bringing in the One World Government.
PERHAPS CHRISTIANS SHOULD THINK ON APRIL 15TH WHEN THEY PAY TRIBUTE TO SATAN. (fully half of the income tax goes to the globalists – from almost every country on the planet)
It is dumb as fuking shit “Christians”, following “Romans 13” that have given the globalists the money to either own or control every large business on the planet.
Mark Passio is 110% correct when he identifies modern Christianity as “de-facto Satanism”.
It is difficult sometimes to see the globalist plan.
Part of this move could possibly be to drum up the dialectic they are creating between normal people and mentally ill trans people. This would certainly feed the divide an conquer that they are always creating and likely somethings that we are now missing.
*** Heads up…. many of the parasites in DC are in nuclear fall out shelters today. (this is the second time they have done this in the past few months.
They know the dollar is going to crash soon, and they are planning on starting a nuclear war so that they don’t take the blame for their criminality of letting the Federal Reserve counterfeit our money for the past 109 years!!
What really pisses me off is that they are starting this war.
Then they go to the shelters that your paid for!!
All without telling the public that this the case (as the media plays along)
I guess they don’t want to make you notice that your loving government did not build any shelters for the public.
The bottom like is that all of Congress (including Josh Hawely and Rand Paul) need to be charged and when found guilty hung from the neck until dead.
Hawley is my Senator and the Son of Bitch is likely hiding in a fall out shelter, and has not thought it of any importance to notify his constituents!!
Nor have they even spent the $5 on courses of iodine for the unlucky fukers (we the people) that will need it to avoid thyroid cancer.
We not only need to defund the police…. we need to defund the entire fuking government!
Have a nice day
Today’s Modern Patriots are some of the most delusional and uneducated people that I know of, because of their brainwashing they absolutely refuse to look at the facts and because of their pride they fail to recognize the fact that they have been duped.
As a whole “Patriots” do not believe in, or seek truth, truth, freedom or liberty and almost none of them can even correctly define the word “right”, yet they think that “rights” are what they are all about.
What most Patriots believe in is all powerful National Government. (not a Constitutional republic) that has the power to determine the extent of it’s own powers. This is not accidental; after 12 years of public school indoctrination, and being forced to recite a daily pledge to the Nation, that the Nation has become the god of many Patriots. When truth and freedom are what we should be pledging our “allegiance” to.
Besides not being able to even define the word “right”, Patriots are not educated at all in the Laws of Nature, and the Laws of Natures God (Natural Law) which the founders believed was the way to discern right from wrong action.
Instead the modern Patriot believes that the founders gave us a political system in the Constitution that allows the federal government to determine the extent of it’s own power. Saying it out loud sounds crazy, because it is crazy, but this is exactly what modern Patriot believes.
In short the modern Patriot thinks that his rights come from man via unconstitutional “case law”. He is totally unaware that the founders eschewed and found repulsive and non binding, any law that violated God’s Natural Laws.
Our past preoccupation with God’s Law over mans law is covered very well in Barton’s: Original Intent: The Courts, the Constitution, & Religion by David Barton
Modern Patriots, falsely believe that the Constitution gave the US Supreme Court the power of judicial review over:
1.) The meaning of the US Constitution.
2.) The laws written by the Congress
3.) Bills signed by the President.
4.) The laws written by the legislatures of any State.
5.) The decisions of the Supreme Court of any State.
When in actuality none of these powers were delegated to the Federal government. The founders did not create a Federal Government with unlimited powers over those that created it! The truth is that the court gave these powers to itself.
The fact is that each of these gross and treasonous usurpation’s of power were committed by the Supreme court, beginning in 1803 with the Marberry v Madison decision where they began to give themselves the power of “judicial review” in areas that they were clearly never given that power. Then over the next 15 years the supreme court kept giving itself more power with it’s decisions,, and eventually gave itself the power to rule over the entire US regardless of what the citizens had voted for or the actual powers that the States had given the courts.
Thomas Jefferson pointed this out and said that the courts actions violated the principle of separation of powers and that such actions amounted to a judicial dictatorship rather than a Constitutional Republic. Stopping this power grab, the writing of law by the Supreme court, is the duty of the Congress to put a stop to. But for over 200 years the treasonous critters in Congress have failed to do their job, and the American people have failed at their job of holding the Congress’s feet to the fire.
This book tells the incredible tale of those that wanted an all powerful central government (globalist agents) losing that battle by the signing of a Constitution that severely limited the Central government. This same group did not take losing laying down, and in the first few decades of our existence, they used the illegitimate self appointed powers of the Supreme Court to turn the meaning of the Constitution literally on its head!
Much additional information as to the specific Supreme Court Decisions can be found in: Liberty Will it Survive? , volume 4 by Dr Richard Proctor. See page 23: 1803 Marberry V Madison, 1816 Martin v Hunter, and 1819 McCulloch v Maryland.
In these 3 decisions the Marshall court began to establish that supreme court as the law of the land over all of the other governments of the land!
The court did not let this power grab go to waste, they almost immediately declared that the Constitution says that treaties can supersede the Constitution! (this benefits no one but the globalists)
The Modern Patriot now defends all of the thousands of tyrannical, and unconstitutional decisions by parroting the term “case law”.
As if somehow sexually confused men in back dress’s have the right to in effect, write law and overrule every other elected branch of government both Federal and State, not to mention the votes of millions of Americans.
The power grab did not stop then, in large part because Congress did not do their duty to reign in the rogue Supreme Court, and in the 1860’s a Harvard Law School Dean, by the name of Christopher Columbus Langdell began to formalize and institutionalize “case law” into our legal system.
He was a Darwinist that thought that law should evolve just like Darwin believed that biology evolved. Case Law was his way to change any law that the court wished to change. (for their globalist masters) His movement was very successful, and his ideology was carried into the Supreme Court by several of his students that later became justices.
This tale is documented in: Betrayed by the Bench: How Judge-made Law Has Transformed America’s Constitution, Courts and Culture – John A. Stormer
The idea of “case law” is now so embedded in our society that it is a religion to most Modern Patriots, something that they can never ever question or think about, as that would amount to heresy.
The idea of case law became very accepted thanks to C.C. Langdell, and in a few more decades it was used to turn the 14th amendment on its head! The 14th amendment was not written to apply to the States, and yet that is what was done and it has destroyed liberty in this country.
For instance it was the misapplication of the 14th amendment that the Federal government used to overturn the anti-abortion laws in all 50 states, that led to the murder of 50 million unborn children.
The irony here is that Patriots and Christians both seem to be big supporters of “case law” and the misapplication of the 14th amendment.
They both in reality are supporting the murder of millions because of their ignorance. This gives new meaning to Hosea 4:6.
The unbelievably low level of education of the average American these days, has contributed to most of the evil that we are witnessing today. This evil is a direct result of Modern Patriots Religious fervor in defending a globalist created fiction called “case law”.
The following recent history is all the result of subscribing to the false religion called “case law”:
The “Patriot community” is now telling us that “the FBI is superior to your Country sheriff”!
The god given rights trampling illegitimate and unconstitutional, AMA medical monopoly that has enabled the globalist murder of millions of Americans exists because of Modern patriots belief in “case law”.
The very root of our dumbing down the 10th plank communist schools are perpetuated over legitimate free market schools, you guessed it, because of the false belief in “case law”.
We were warned by the founders, about the need to keep a militia of the people, and that neglecting to do so would result in standing armies that would lord over us and enslave us.
It’s too late, we now have standing armies lording over us……
Whether you like what I have presented.
This is the truth, and knowing the truth shall set you free.
As it stands the “Modern Patriot” is one of the biggest dangers that we face today. Dangers from within are always more of a threat to our liberties than external threats. It is in large part, this irrational believe in “case law” by Modern Patriots that has destroyed this country.
It’s your choice, if keep on believing the lies, and what little freedoms we have left in this country are going to be lost forever.
Why is the Patriot community so dumbed down and dangerous to liberty?
The “Patriot community” is telling us that “treaties supersede the Constitution”
The “Patriot community” is telling us that “the FBI is superior to your Country sheriff”.
They fail to see that the unconstitutional monopoly of medical licencing is what enabled the worldwide genocide of millions.
They want to reform the government schools rather than seeing them as the unconstitutional communist indoctrination centers that they truly are.
Where to do you think the moronic voters get so stupid?
These 10th planks to the communist manifesto need to be dismantled!
So called “patriots” fail to see that the police, are violations of natural law.
They fail to see that they mostly enforce rights trampling illegitimate laws that the globalists got their puppet legislators to pass.
They fail to see that this standing army needs to go..
With people this dumbed down, the globalists have people that call themselves “patriots” helping them on their march to bring in a global one world government.
The root cause of all of this evil and stupidity, on the part of patriots, is that none of them seem to understand objective morality. They know nothing of the Laws of Nature and the Laws of Natures God.
In closing it is clear to me that one of the biggest obstacles to liberty in this country is an uneducated group that call themselves “patriots”
Are they going to wake up or will they continue to lead us over a cliff like they have for the past 50 years or more?
I have been hearing a lot of morons that identify as “Patriots” , repeating a blatant lie, because in reality they lack any discernment, or knowledge of our form of government.
These are the same “patriot-tards” that have been proclaiming that Treaties supersede the Constitution.
I have now heard 3 times, Patriots with some level of gravitas, state as if it were a natural law of the universe that The FBI out ranks your local Sheriffs because , the DHS says so!!
I can’t imagine a more dangerous belief if I tried.
It is scary at how large a percentage of the patriot community accepts both of these globalist psy-ops.
If you can not articulate a plethora of reasons that both of these assertions are wrong you are not educated. You are also a danger to this republic because stupid people that don’t know Natural Law always end up being enslaved…..
Are you beginning to see why the globalist have forced mandatory Free public Education on to you?
We are a nation of dumb asses that don’t even know their own history and worse yet most do not yet realize how dumbed down that they have been made.
*** Did you notice that this comes up right before they start WW3?
They like during WW1 absolutely not allow dissident, when they send your children to go die in the Ukraine.
. If you think that this is “just starting” you are very naive:
The overt mRNA cattle (our food) injections were started in OZ a few months back and they likely have been doing this to our food in the US for years.
]I have always called our food supply a eugenics operation and very few Americans understand how true that this is.
“…If #Missouri will pass #HB1169 the informed consent and disclosure…”
This is bull shit, we have the Nuremberg principles of consent, and here in MO neither doctors nor dentists are held to it. And FWIW Josh Hawleys office could give a fuk.
Dentists in MO, for instance can and will fire you as a patient if you don’t want dental x-rays. Can’t you consent to no x-rays? Apparently not and this “law” won’t change a fuking thing.
I had a surgeons office in Springfield MO fire me as a a patient because I wanted some information on the PCR test! They openly admitted that me wishing informed consent was a reason to deny me a surgery!
(any attorneys reading this?)
In Dr Judy Mitkovits in her book “Ending Plague” and in many interviews, has disclosed that in the 1980’s, she discovered that every vaccine that your doctor gives you is contaminated with cancer causing retro virus’s!
The retro virus in the vaccines inserts itself into your DNA, and you pass this cancer trait from animals DNA into the DNA of your grand-kids!
Like the mRNA jab these retro virus’s change your DNA and thus it could be argued that you are no longer human after this change.
People are naive and asleep.
There are quite a few eugenics operations being run by the globalists, and some of them go go back over 100 years!
It’s a little bit late to start noticing… but better late than never I guess.
I have recognized a few very upsetting things about “law enforcement” in this country:
1.) That doctors can carry out the eugenics for the globalists, and murder their patients and “law enforcement” will do nothing! We have watched this play out for 3 years now!
3.) Thus we have few affordable and effective treatments for cancer.
4. We very much need to disband most all “law enforcement”. We should go back to single country sheriff, and his pose (the militia)
The bottom line is that we would have likely “cured” cancer long ago if it were not for monopoly AMA medical licensing, AND “Law Enforcement”.
Why don’t we have any decent political candidates?
In close to 50 years of being of age to vote, I can not recall a single candidate in any political race that demonstrated that they understood Liberty and Natural law well enough for me to vote for them and trust them to do the right thing.
This observations applies to those running for dog catcher,, US senator, and president.
These people ALL come from the very bottom of the intellectual barrel.
If they had tried to run in 1776 all of them would have been tarred and feathered and run our of town on a rail.
Because people back then had not attended 12 year long Communist indoctrination centers.
The people back then understood that the sole purpose of legitimate government was to secure our rights.
The people back then understood Romans 13 (not Hitlers version that modern Christians follow)
The people back then and their black robed Pastors understood Natural Law.
The people back then, did not drink brain damaging, and IQ lowering fluoride in their water.
The people back then read things called books……
I just listened to a speech by Trump. Just about every sentence made me want to puke, because what is clear with him is that he has no fuking clue as to the limits that the Constitution places on government. Not in the slightest….
Almost every single thing that he said he was going to do was NOT a power delegated to the Federal government by the still sovereign States.
What you should immediately see when political pukes like Trump start talking is that the do not know the difference between right and wrong.
Then you should ask yourself why the people hearing him talk do not seem aware that everything that they are applauding that he promises to do, is criminal! and unconstitutional.
The real problem we have is a dumbed down public.
Voting nor politics, nor a Republic can possibly work when you have a moronic public doing the voting.
Nothing will change in the long run if Trump does manage to get into office, because he is not the solution. His and the public’s ignorance is actually the problem.
The bottom line is that we a are a national of dumb fuks, that are totally incapable of of discerning which candidates we should vote for it we wish to remain free.
If you wish to survive the next pandemic, I strongly suggest that you become familiar with this material.
This book is filled with alternative health restoration protocols that have been found to work from the experience of grassroots efforts by many people around the world. Every individual is personally responsible for his/her decision as to whether or how they use this information, or whether or not they seek officially recognized medical attention.
I really don’t know how you can live on this planet, and not long ago have come to the realization of what the CPS is and who it serves.
Your first clue should be that CPS can literally kidnap children (assisted by “law enforcement”) with no due process, no jury trial. And as always it’s to “protect the children”
Our real problem is that so called “Patriots” are like children and just beginning to recognize problems that would have been apparent to any thinking person at least 100 years ago.
So for the time being it is dumbed down “Patriots” that are one of our biggest liabilities..
Like Pastor Bonhoeffer famously said:
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Just as aside: I have a friend whose grand daughter, that they adopted, was required by the CPS Nazi’s that had kidnapped her from the mother, to take the COVID death jab!
So let me see if I have this straight: the state kidnaps children from their parent to protect them. Then the State over the objection of the custodians and grandparents of the child, force the child to receive what by this time was clearly a bio weapon designed to kill people!
You might want to look into this. If I were to have but just one thing in my med kit, this might be it.
I find this information so important that I have attached a link to the ebook after you Install the Telegram client. Also here
With this information you can be assured that the next pathogen that they release will probably not kill you.
That you can treat many of the conditions that the medical system will not and soon will not be able to treat because we wont have a medical system soon.
**** I am about 100 pages into this book and the information is phenomenal.
Did you realize that the medicinal use of kerosene and turpentine is 1000 years old?
That the 1899 Merck manual recommended the use of kerosene?
That soil Boron levels correlate perfectly with arthritis cases?
That the government of Australia passed a law to ban boron supplements?
Germany has almost outlawed boron….
That 70% of the population of Jamaica has arthritis and very low soil boron levels.Much of this books is about the use of MMS but there is also much more
For you clueless and spineless Americans, this is what your ignoring your duty to form Militias has brought us.
And most of you are so dumbed down that you still don’t see it……
Americans still do not fully understand that it is the US Congress that is behind almost every calamity that they face….
This entire banking crisis is the fault of Congress, in 1913 they unconstitutionally set up the Federal Reserve.
The entire COVID worldwide murder operation was made possible by congress, again unconstitutionally creating the medical monopoly in 1913. Without this licensing monopoly the globalists could not have gotten all of these medical people to go along.
The spectacle of presidents writing law by executive order, is the fault of no one else but our congress that refuses to reel the office in.
Our courts have been out of control for 200 years. The entire legalized wholesale abortion in this country could have been stopped at any time, if Congresses would have done it’s job and reeled in the runaway criminal court.
We all all forced at gun point to attend 12 year long dumbing down camps, and it has resulted in mass clueless-ness and stupidity in the population.
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution by Kevin R. C. Gutzman (FREE PDF)
*** Probably the most important book I have ever read, that explains how this country was literally lost to out of control illegitimate courts, in the first 30 years of it’s existence!
The Men that wanted a limited government, actually won that battle, when the Constitution was ratified.
BUT the men that wanted a Nationalistic , all powerful central government actually won, by drastically changing the meaning of the Constitution using the courts in the early 1800’s and they continue to do so up to today!
The sad fact is that 99% plus of patriots have no clue that what they think of as the supreme “law”, of the land , does not even closely resemble what men like Jefferson intended for us.
Ignorant “patriots” are IMHO the biggest threat we face.
Read this book and become part of the solution instead of part of the problem.
The takeaway you need, is that most of what courts are doing today is criminal. They have no authority to do what they do!
That Congress has neglected it’s duty to control the courts since at least 1804 with Marberry v Madison.
This should outrage any sane person!
See if you can get the free PDF copy of this book here:
Unfortunately this author seems to be clueless of many things, just like most Americans are.
“….While there is no document that defines the Sovereign Citizen Movement, there are two almost universal beliefs I have found among its adherents: The government and its taxes are illegitimate….”
Paul you are wrong in the very first thing that you state.: That no document
defines the sovereign citizen. Have you ever heard of a document called the Declaration of Independence? I clearly states that all men are created equal. That means that all men are sovereign over their lives, because there is no one above them. The Declaration also says that government is by the Consent of the People. Again pointing out that the citizens are the sovereigns.
You totally miss the purpose for creating a corporate government, and corporate people. i,e the straw man that represent you, and is in all caps.
The purpose of doing this was to apply admiralty law to everyone after you get them to claim to be national citizens under the misapplied 14th amendment. The fact of the matter is that all citizenship (except for ex slaves and naturalize citizens is state citizenship. Read this: Citizenship
You miss the point that the income tax (if it were even valid) does not apply to most Americans. It only applies to foreign Nationals and to federal government employees. Please read this: Income Tax – Shattering The Myths Paperback
by Dave Champion This book and it’s research completely validates my claim.
You should also point out that the 2nd plank of the Communist manifesto is a graduated income tax, The purpose of the communist manifest is to destroy a nation based on the free market and not communism.
It is antithetical to freedom and should be rejected regardless of it’s “legality”.
You also miss the critical point that the lions share of this tax does not go to run the government. It goes to the criminal and unconstitutional banking cartel called the Federal Reserve. You also fail to point out that the globalists do this in almost every county. That citizens in most all countries toil for months to pay the globalists, interest to the criminals that counterfeit their nations money. This is not OK Paul no matter how many words some legislator commits to paper.
In conclusion Paul, I think that uninformed people like yourself are a greater threat to my liberties and freedom that either Russian, or China.
We are falling from within because of useful idiots like you that have not really done their homework.
“If you think you’re on the right side I can assure you are on the wrong side no matter which side you are on. Each of us individually must begin to study, research and learn the truth.”
~William Milton Cooper
FWIW you are right on one thing that the “sovereign citizens movement’ is a farce. That does not mean that you and I are not sovereign. It only means that the intel agency’s of the government have created a psy-op called “the sovereign citizens movement” in order to convince you and others that are very uninformed, to throw the entire idea of the citizens being sovereign in the trash.
While in fact the idea the we the people are the sovereigns is a foundational principle of our system.
Thanks largely to the 1st plank of the Communist Manifesto (the property tax) my mother lives in an old folks home in California. I did not build an apartment for her here in Missouri because it would have doubled my property tax’s, and I could not afford that.
So let me relate to you what $60,000 a year buys you in an old folks home:
1.) They get no nutritional supplements at all. No zinc, no vitamin C, no B vitamins, no fish oil with long chain Omega 3’s, no iodine.
2.) On top of all that you are fed GMO pesticide laden foods that are severely lacking in nutrition
3.) They are forced to shower in and to drink water laced with rat poison. (fluoride)
4.) They have a forced mask policy to this day – to keep everyone in fear and to make them sick.
5.) Judging from the last pandemic, the state will throw very sick people into these homes when the next pandemic comes. They will isolate them from family visiting (so that they give up on life) The state of CA in particular will also likely go around and force vaccinate many of the residents. This time around it may be the “mandatory” Ebola vaccine.
The naive as hell public that in large part refuse to care for their older family members, think that the “licensed” and expensive old folks homes are a decent place for their family members.
Nothing could be further from the truth, they are clearly there to suck the money out of them, and to kill them off.
Both the property tax and the state licensing of these places are almost universally supported by your pastor, who is in reality a person with a Satanic world view that think that they are followers of Jesus Christ.
I have recently become aware of how important this is.
Your county “health department” sure a hell is not to educate you.
They are part of the globalist eugenics team as far as I can tell…..
Have you wondered why the big push for plastic bags, and plastic packaging?
Because they are composed of chlorine compounds, and when you burn them you produce DIOXINS. Dioxins that we all breath out here in the country when we burn our trash!
The fumes the Amish let their kids play around and breath.
Dioxins that land in the field and contaminate the local milk and butter and beef (that you buy)
There are no accidents IMHO.
The switch to BPA family plastics, allowed the introduction of feminizing xenoestregens into everyone’s diet.
It also ensures that rural people are poisoning each other, and their children with Dioxins.
This is not your grandfathers trash. (which was safe to burn)
We will wells have escaped the rat poison in the water, only to get BPA estrogenic, and dioxin producing plastics,
These state assembly organization sure look like reincarnation of the Q-anon psy-op.
It’s a shame that most do not see it for what it appears to be.
What is not helpful is ignoring scams like this that most of the dummies in the patriot movement lack the discernment to see.
Being silent on this is no different than being silent on the Q-anon scam. (that contributed to the Jan 6 debacle)
If I am wrong let them respond to my valid concerns.
They can not defend their choice of issues.
The dollar is about to go digital (and it will then likely be all over) and they are concerned about driver licenses and the income tax!!!
Their poor choice of actions will almost certainly lead to the destruction of this country. (as they are planned to accomplish)
They are rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic without a clue that the ship is about to sink.
Yes we should have some discussions on Natural Law.
The founding generation was obsessed with making mans laws conform to Natural Law. I strongly recommend David Barton’s “Original Intent”
*** Max Igan really rocks if you have not heard him speak….
He sees and address’s real CAUSES unlike most.
Government despite it’s claims of “protecting you” in exchange for the money they extort from you, never ever seems to be able to address globalist initiated evil:
“Good morning xxx, If you have concerns with the mask policy at the hospital, you should bring your complaint to the hospital administration. At this point there is nothing further the Department of Health and Senior Services can do. Thank you for reaching out to the Department of Health and Senior Services.Office of Constituent Services Division of Senior and Disability Services Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services”
Can you believe the above? Government, the people that can do anal inspections on YOU anytime that wish to, will do nothing to stop the globalist control of the hospitals in MO. They want ME to go talk to the people that are going this.
*** This would be like you calling the police about a murder and them telling you to go talk to the murder and see if you can get him to co-operate.
“Government” is slavery, and it is insane to keep supporting it!
Have you found it odd, that the nanny state will pay for $100,000 operations, but will not pay for things such as $3,000 dental implants that dramatically change the quality of life, and also a persons ability to chew food well, and to provide better nutrition to their body.
Said another way: When you can’t chew food well, it adds to the degradation of your health and shortens your lifespan.
Why will the nanny state pay $1,000 a month for life for a “drug”, and they will not pay for $3,000 for dental care?
The prescription drug money actually goes to the globalists via their “legal drugs” drug companies. Not to mention almost none of the drugs is health enhancing. They just cover up symptoms.
On the other hand, if a local dentist does dental work on you, the money does not go to the globalists.
It can also provides positive benefits to your health.
This is why one is paid for and the other is not.
It’s very simple actually if you recall that it was globalists that started the medical monopoly back in 1912. Look at medical care as thinly veiled eugenics and you will be closer to seeing it for what it really is.
I have never seen a group that is collectively as dumbed down as “patriots” and “Christians” in this country.
For some reason they think that what they have been told by the 12 year government indoctrination camps, euphemistically called public schools, about the US Constitutions is true.
For some reason they believe that what the CIA run newspapers and news programs have to say about the Constitution is true.
Patriots are for the most part rabid consumers of dogma. When you present demonstrable truth to these mentally challenged people they reject it for their dogmatic beliefs.
What the the false dogmatic beliefs of “patriots”?
One of the most dangerous is that the Supreme Court was given the right of judicial review in the US Constitution, when none of them have bothered to read article 3 to see that it is not a power delegated to the Federal Courts by the States. This one false belief has caused more harm to this country than almost any of the other false beliefs . How many “patriots” have read the 1803 decision of Marberry v Madison and seen for themselves, that judicial review is nothing other than the Supreme Court illegitimately giving themselves that power?
Some of the more dangerous lies that “patriots” seem to treat as a religion, are:
1.) The Constitution clearly says that treaties must conform to the Constitution.
2.) The 14th amendment (hence the bill of rights) does not apply to the States.
3. Conscription (the draft) is prohibited by the 13th amendment. (but the states could have state level conscription unless their State Constitution prohibits it!)
4.) Our “military” is a standing army and prohibited from existing for more than 2 years by the Constitution.
5.) The Constitution says that our military is the people (the militia) and that it is necessary if we are to remain free.
6.) All federal gun laws are unconstitutional including the 1968 gun control act and the 1934 Federal Firearms act.
7.) Almost all of the 2,000 + Federal agencies are not Constitutional.
8.) The Constitution does not allow the AMA medical monopoly or the BAR law monopoly.
9.) The income tax is prohibited by the US Constitution and the 16th amendment was never properly ratified.
10.) The IRS, even if it were a somehow a legal institution, is required by the Constitution to afford you a jury trial before they can attach your home or bank account.
11.) ALL executive orders and national security directives are illegitimate as the president does not have the power to create law. (as idiot Trump did when he “wrote” gun laws by executive order.)
12.) The criminal enterprise known as social security. On top of the criminality of it not being authorized in the Constitution, it is also a criminal (for you and I) pyramid scheme with an ROI of 2%!!!
Many of these stem from allowing the Supreme court to illegitimately have the power of “judicial review”. We have a criminal congress that has ignored their duty to reign in a criminal supreme Court since at least 1803!
In summary almost everything you believe about the Constitution is an outright lie, and the stupid unteachable people defending these lies call themselves “Patriots”.
Some very intriguing thoughts to say the least:
Mystery Babylon 35:From Christianity to Babylon
This is Part 35 in a series of live broadcasts by William Cooper on the Hour of the Time shortwave radio program on Mystery Babylon.From Nimrod to Constantine. Constantine’s Vision of the Cross in the Sky.
In Hoc Signo Vinces: In this sign thou shalt conquer. The Synthesis of the pagan Mystery Religion with Christianity resulting in the Catholic and eventually the Protestant churches.
The cloaking of the Roman pantheon of pagan gods with the appearance of Christianity and the transformation of Caesar into Pope.
The Philosophers of Fire. The true Christians who turned the world upside down and made Rulers tremble.
Most people who call themselves Christian today do not even understand the meaning of the word and may find the entrance to the kingdom closed and barred against them.
William Cooper stresses the importance of freedom of religion and the absence of a government established religion.Listen: mystery babylon 35.mp3Act 17:6 And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;
Act 17:7 Whom Jason hath received: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, one Jesus.
Act 17:8 And they troubled the people and the rulers of the city, when they heard these things.Psa 146:9 The LORD preserveth the strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down.
The state of Missouri has implemented the Communist manifesto
And the electorate are too fuking dumbed down to recognize what they see.
I have 2 vehicles , I don’t drive one because the State demands that I purchase “insurance” from the monopoly that they created. The thing is I can only drive one at a time so driving two incurs the exact same risk to the insurance company. But seeing as they are a monopoly and can do what they wish, they charge you twice to drive 2 cars even though the risk is the same as driving one car. This is the road that accepting communist takes you.
I almost forgot my original point:
I was forced by the Commitments that run the property tax office to pay tax on the vehicle that I can not drive due to me not being able to afford the insurance.
You can not pay tax on just the vehicle that runs and that you can drive.
So they tax property that they State has effectively stolen and you can not use.
The entire “tax” is further maddening when you learn that the “gas tax” pays twice over the amount spent on our roads. This tax it seems is just about control and enslavement.
Cox Medical in Seymour is still demanding that we wear masks.
I have a very strong desire to see the upper management of COX medical in jail for violating the ADA which exempts me from wearing a mask. Also the Nuremberg accord which prohibits forcing a medical treatment upon someone. These masks are medical treatments since they provably lower blood oxygen and raise carbon dioxide.
This is all the result of an illegal and unconstitutional medical monopoly called the AMA
I am relaying this information to Senator Haweley’s office and the Federal ADA.
I do not expect any action from either as the government is the fuking problem!
I have had 2 surgeries cancelled by Cox in the past, and now I had to cancel a doctors appointment because they demand that I submit to a harmful medical treatment.
Here is the actual complaint (which they refused because I did not have the approved web browser)
I have twice been denied surgery from the Cox chain.
Once because I merely asked (did not refuse) that I be exempt from wearing a mask because of a disability.
The other time I was denied surgery because I wanted informed consent, and had questions about the PCR test. I was clearly told that was the reason that they would not see me.
Then today 2-2-23 my doctors office demanded that I wear a mask for my upcoming appointment even after I explained that I had a disability that exempted me from wearing a mask. AND that the Nuremberg accord prohibits non-consensual medical treatment.
I had no other option than to cancel my upcoming appointment.
Not only the above but mask don’t work for either party:
A flag indicating Admiralty Law is in effect – not necessary to impose it on you. but just part of their informed consent due diligence
Seventh Amendment:
“In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.”
Most Americans are totally unaware that we no longer live under a system of common law, which is based upon the Creators Natural Law.
Living under the Common Law/Natural Law just could not be allowed by the dark occultists that actually run the planet. So we now live under Admiralty Law.
It has taken me 20 years to even begin to piece this together, as most reports on it are just small pieces of the puzzle and no one seems to have connected them all.
The globalists, have done many things to legitimize, and get our permission to do this to us, as this lessens the moral consequences of their wrong actions under Natural Law. They have basically covered their asses from the Natural Law consequences of denying us common law.
The problem the globalist first encountered was that admiralty/contract law occurs between entities such as corporations. The first thing they had to do was to make the US government a corporation and they did this in the 1860s’. The next thing they had to do was to make you a corporation. They have done this by getting you to agree to being your name is all capitals. Your capitalized name is not you but rather a legal entity that you agree to. When government paperwork names you in all caps and you agree that this is you, they have gotten your free will agreement to their scam.
Now they could start writing and applying their admiralty law to you! Under admiralty law you have no God given rights! That was tossed with the tossing of Common Law. This is why judges will hold you in contempt if you bring up the US Constitution in your defense!
This is how the globalists have through your free will gotten you to agree that you have no rights, and that the common law does not apply to you.
This explains a lot, and I have not seen anyone to date make these connections.
As I said there is almost no information on this state of affairs. You get little pieces, such as the US being a Corporation since the 1860s’, but it stops there, with no recognition of why this was done or the consequences of it.
Russian Federation Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev criticized Western attempts to justify arms deliveries to Ukraine as an alleged effort to prevent a world war. He then made clear how World War 3 will actually start.
Writing on his social media TELEGRAM channel, Medvedev stated:
“Firstly, defending Ukraine, which nobody needs in Europe, will not save the senile Old World from retribution if anything occurs. Secondly, once the Third World War breaks out, unfortunately it will not be on tanks or even on fighter jets. Then everything will definitely be turned to dust.”
There are many ways to interpret what he means. One interpretation is that World War 3 will begin by turning everything to dust. Logically, the only thing that could accomplish that is a nuclear first strike.
But by whom?
So how did we get here? What are the causative factors?
Factor #1 is that Americans do not understand the Constitution, or when they do, they lack the balls to demand that it be enforced. The institution that made sure that the government did not act tyrannically was called the Militia”.
How many Patriots or Truthers see this, and are calling for a restoration of the State Militias? None! It’s a demonic suicide mentality
Let’s be honest “Patriots, and Truthers” don’t understand the Constitution or demand that it is adhered to.
The Constitution tells us that a Militia is necessary if we wish to remain free:
The trampling of the Constitution has led to a runaway, criminal “supreme court”. Since at least 1803, both congress and the citizens, have not addressed this mammoth problem. Furthermore most Patriots and Truthers have swallowed the “case law” Kool Aide, and go along with this travesty. Often even citing it’s validity and application.
We also have the fake Federal Reserve which resulted in the fake IRS. Congress or the citizens have had since 1913 to address this, and they are so fuking dumb, and apathetic that they ignore it.
We will very likely have a full nuclear exchange with Russia in the coming year, and a major cause, is that we don’t follow the GD law!!
Either YOU convince the globalist puppets in DC to stop their madness, and to follow the Constitution, OR the Russian nuclear capability will do it for you!
I lay money that Patriots and Truthers continue their insanity of doing nothing much other than pointing out the evils in the system and it stopping dead in the water right there.
*** VERY interesting discussions dealing with the imposition of Admiralty law on Americans as well as illegitimate “licensing laws”, birth “certificates”, marriage certificates !
In 2010, the Bushwackk Channel on YouTube created a presentation called “Slavery by Consent” that succinctly outlined the deception used to enslave humanity by the global criminal class. It was a powerful statement documenting the crimes of our ruling classes which I thought was great, but could be better. I spent 2 weeks in the Summer of 2010 adding information to the documentary, subtitling parts in the movie that were overdriven by music making them difficult to hear and creating an even more informative documentary highlighting the nature and history of our enslavement, the absurdity of an all-powerful governing (controlling) class to a free human race and the philosophy of liberty which we all need to adopt if we are to ever be a free species on this planet living in balance with the natural world.
I renamed the documentary, “Slavery by Consent: Understanding the Human Farm & Breaking Free of the Invisible Prison for Your Mind,” put the expanded video onto DVD and gave it out to many people who watched it and finally began to awaken to reality because of the message and soft approach to the information. A few days ago, I decided to update it once more and upload it to YouTube since I am now able to do it in one full and uninterrupted file and share it with the rest of the world. Below is a listing of the chapter titles and the times at which they begin.
Thanks go out to Bushwackk for the initial and inspiring presentation, Stefan Molyneux for his deeply philosophical insight and common sense, Daniel Taylor of, The International Society for Individual Liberty, Ken Schoolland and Kerry Pearson for their tireless efforts in educating the world and promoting the ideals of freedom and individual liberty and Alex Jones for exposing the crimes and modus operandi of the elitist ruling class for 17 years and counting.
Slowly, the world awakens from the nightmare of debt slavery and illegitimate authority imposed on us for nearly 6000 years which has violated the natural, universal laws made to govern us and our interaction with each other and all other species on this planet by the Creator of the universe…
Thrive full movie: “explaining what is wrong with the human condition” Uploaded by Nathan Andrews,
This is the most comprehensive production to date explaining what is wrong with the human condition and better yet, what we can do as humans to correct the problem.
Yes, this mess can be fixed! Take the time to watch the entire film.
You will be amazed. You will be even more amazed at who made the film.
I Am Fishead (2011) – “how psychopaths and antidepressants influence our society…”
** This does not into the control structured institutions that actually select for psychopathy, especially at the top and that there is a world wide group that is doing this. There is a deep dive into the use of dangerous SSRI’s ….. That induce a form of psychopathy. Could you call this tertiary psychopathy?
I also made the observation that psychopathy either primary or secondary, is very similar to the world view, and ideology of the Church of Satan.
Both exhibit:
1. Extreme self focus and concern only for self
2. A belief in moral relativism
3. Social Darwinism
4. Eugenics
So does Satanism = psychopathy ????
Does AMA drugging cause psychopathy ????
how psychopaths and antidepressants influence our society a provocative snapshot of the world we live in It is a well-known fact that our society is structured like a pyramid. The very few people at the top create conditions for the majority below.
Who are these people? Can we blame them for the problems our society faces today? Guided by the saying “A fish rots from the head.” we set out to follow that fishy odor. What we found out is that people at the top are more likely to be psychopaths than the rest of us. Who, or what, is a psychopath? Unlike Hollywood’s stereotypical image, they are not always blood-thirsty monsters from slasher movies. Actually, that nice lady who chatted you up on the subway this morning could be one. So could your elementary school teacher, your grinning boss, or even your loving boyfriend. The medical definition is simple: A psychopath is a person who lacks empathy and conscience, the quality which guides us when we choose between good and evil, moral or not. Most of us are conditioned to do good things. Psychopaths are not. Their impact on society is staggering, yet altogether psychopaths barely make up one percent of the population. Broken into three parts, our search for the fishead( starts in New York City, on Wall Street, where a big chunk of the world power is concentrated. This small plot of city land is where the economic crisis erupted and what we found there has far-reaching consequences, both for the psychopaths and us normal folk.
EBOOK: That Old-Time Religion: The Story of Religious Foundations– by Jordan Maxwell, Paul Tice & Alan Snow – 113 pages
“…the last one explaining how we should revert to the original teachings of religious founders, including Jesus, before they had become corrupted by “organized religion.”………”
This book shows how many Christian beliefs could be far older than what we have suspected. It gives a complete run-down of the stellar, lunar, and solar evolution of our religious systems and contains new, exhaustive research on the gods and our beliefs. The book’s main theme centers on the work of Jordan Maxwell. He has become widely known as one of the world’s foremost experts on early mythological systems and their influence on both ancient and modern religions. The book also includes an interview with Dr. Alan Snow, referred to by Sydney Ohmarr as the “world’s greatest authority on astrology and the Dead Sea Scrolls.” Paul Tice also contributes three chapters, the last one explaining how we should revert to the original teachings of religious founders, including Jesus, before they had become corrupted by “organized religion.” This book is illustrated, organized, and very comprehensive. Educate yourself with clear documented proof, and prepare to have your belief system shattered!
The “soldiers” in our military are incredibly stupid men. They seem to know no history, or be aware of the founders warning us about having standing armies.
They ignore the remarks of Henry Kissinger, as if they are not the truth:
“Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”
~Henry Kissinger
They ignore the fact that tens of thousands of US troops were injured by DU Uranium in Iraq, and just like those inured from agent orange in Vietnam, their owners ignored it.
They ignore the fact that tens of thousands of them have been inured and killed by their owners forcing experimental “vaccines” on them. (i.e Anthrax and COVID for starters)
They ignore the fact that their owners left thousands of them behind as POW’s in both WW2 and Vietnam!
They ignore the fact that their owners have put them all on lists as potential terrorists.
They are too ignorant to notice that their uniforms , medals, and patches contain Occult Symbolism of their true owners mocking them.
They are ignorant of the fact that their owners refer to them as “our dogs” and that they have been given dog tags.
“Play stupid games, Win stupid Prizes” is all I have to say to these morons that eschewed joining the militia and instead choose to serve the enemy, as standing armies will NEVER fight domestic enemies, that is the hand that feeds them.
These men seem to have Stockholm syndrome or worse…..
Josh Hawley seems to be hacking at the branches rather than striking the root. You can see that he got a shitty 10th plank indoctrination, rather than an education.
Rather than rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic why doesn’t Hawley focus on the big dangers we face? Things like an our of Control “supreme court” ?
In 1803 in Marberry V Madison the globalist controlled court gave itself the power of “judicial review”. As of that time laws were no longer written by Congress nor approved by the President.
Shortly after this the globalists had their court commit another mad as hell power grab. In 1816 in Martin V Hunter the court declared that it now had the power to over rule ALL State Supreme Courts and also over rule all State Legislatures.
In 1816 the supreme court became God of this country.
You were forced at gunpoint to go to a 12 year indoctrination camp so that you did not learn anything important, and made to believe that you were actually educated, when nothing could be further from the truth.
Congress has had the power since 1803 to put a stop to this Satanic control of our country. Josh Halley thinks that he is actually addressing the root of the problem while actually he seems to be part of the problem.
Instead of calling it the “truth movement”, calling it the “shite for brains movement” would be a lot more accurate:
After reading “Saving the Constitution” by Richard Proctor
Books 3 and 4 go into great detail to explain how clearly corrupt that the supreme court (it was not capitalized in the Constitution) was from the very beginning. (I can give you page numbers if you would like)
In 1803 these globalist agents gave themselves the right of “judicial review”.
This one decision literally made the court King!
From this point forward Congress, nor the president really mattered as the court would from now on be the true source of our “laws”.
A few years later, since they were not stopped in 1803 with their Marberry v Madison decision, they gave themselves the illegitimate power to supersede all State supreme courts and the State legislatures!!!
This was the 1816 decision of Martin V Hunter.
They went from mere Kings of the US to Gods of the US!
This is the bull shite the “patriots and truth seekers: support and believe in. They fuking support the power grab of these Satanic psychopaths.
Instead of calling it the truth movement, calling it the “shite for brains movement” would be a lot more accurate.
After all Romans 13 confirms for us that “Government is God”. Does it not? That at least is what Modern Christianity teaches.
In Volume 4 Proctor goes through more than 80 dangerous power grabs by this globalist run court.
Anyone that thinks that they can use “the system” to fix the system is extremely naive as to both history and reality.
If you need further convincing. It was in the 1860’s that the “evolution” of the Constitution (“CASE LAW”) was formalize at Harvard by law Dean C.C. Langdell.
What this is really all about John, is that the secret societies that run the world are giving us their religion. (the “Old Region”)
They are literally “making us in their image” by giving us child rape and torture, That is a large part of the Satanic mindset, and the “Old Religion”.
Satanism is NOT about the worship of Lucifer. That is merely a purposely created fiction in order to deceive “Christians”.
Christians have a false idea of what Satanism is, thus they almost never see it, so they end up helping it along….. Even when they themselves have been inculcated with it, and are de-facto practitioners of Satanism themselves.
Belief in government is one of the biggest and most dangerous Religions on the planet.
How to stop Globalist controlled Judges from destroying the Constitution
For years I have rallied against judges being able to exercise judicial review of laws passed by Congress. During my study of Thomas Jefferson the obvious became apparent:
All 3 branches of government, and the States and the people, have the right to determine laws as unconstitutional.
1.) The president can do this by using his veto power.
2.) Both houses of Congress can to this by not voting for unconstitutional laws.
3.)The Supreme Court can do this by it’s “opinion” with no power to enforce it’s opinion on Congress as this would be a violation of the separation of powers, not to mention that the Constitution never gave them the power of judicial review. (read article III)
4.) The States have this right, since they are the Superior Party in the legally binding contract known as the US Constitution .
The States can for example use 10th amendment nullification to nullify unconstitutional Federal Laws. The States have done this for decades now with their nullification of unconstitutional gun and firearms laws. The States also have the right of secession as a last resort.
5.) Congress can pass any unconstitutional laws that it wishes but it can not enforce any of them. It is the jury that actually enforces all laws. (if the system is functional) Americans currently are way too dumbed down to effectively serve on juries as a bulwark to tyrannical government
The only answer is education. We need to dismantle government indoctrination camps and the property tax that supports them
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
The 14th amendment Rabbit hole
The rabbit holes I have done down, with the 14th amendment are staggering.
I thought I understood the real history of it with Dave Champions excellent account and resources.
SPOILER: Dave Champion makes the case that a special class of citizenship was created for the freed slaves. And that State citizens do not belong to the class of “14th amendment citizens”. ( i.e “US citizen”)
I just heard Tom Woods speak about how individual States wanted to revoke their approval of it because of the ambiguity of the language and it’s being prone to abuse. Talk about a crystal ball!
Around the 22 minute mark: THE POLITICALLY INCORRECT GUIDE TO AMERICAN HISTORY: 7. Reconstruction
I don’t think that these 2 views are mutually exclusive, To boot the 14th amendment, like a few others, was not properly ratified!
Because these women and others like them, and illegals are allowed to vote. They went to the same 10th plank dumbing down camp that every American goes to.
As in all dialectics they control both sides.
Both Antifa and the Police.
They are going to get what they want out of this.
Will it be the Nationalization of Police?
Marshall Law?
Major Cities burning to the ground and the UN “must” step in under the Kigali principles?
The important thing is to stay aware the you are being punked, and that the end goal is a New World Order.
There is much in this talk about the ubiquitous Satanic symbolism that is on police and military. uniforms. It is there to mock them. Much of it says “you are our slaves” and the men wearing it are too willfully ignorant to even see it. (even when told)
Below is a NRO patch. NRO is in charge of spy satellites.
The all seeing eye represents god, and his light of knowledge and truth.
“Supra Summus” literally translates to : “HIGHER THAN THE MOST HIGH”
Just “coincidence theory” right?
A government patch that says they are above god.
This just happens on the majority of police, military, and government agency patches right?
What if, what really happened, was that the power that tells these judges what to do, told them to do this to try and get some level of trust back from the wakening sheep and to slow down and mitigate that awakening?
What if, these courts are completely controlled by the globalists?
. When things like this happen it looks like a globalist psy-op to me,
The globalists would gain nothing at this time, by having their owned judges, not appear to be fair.
Why do almost all of those that claim to be followers of Jesus Christ, also follow the Communist Manifesto? Who is their Master?
The Communist Manifesto was hoisted upon Karl Marx by Adam Weishaup. It is essentially a Satanic Illuminati document on how to destroy a free nation by stealing all of the peoples property rights.
All ten planks have pretty much been implemented in this country, some of them for over 100 years.
In the 501c3 churches of this country, it’s all crickets because money is the root of all evil and the church is not exempt.
All 10 planks of the manifesto are supported actively and by complacency in the modern church.
Supporting Satanism (the manifesto) seems to be how Americans follow Jesus these days..
“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” ~Matthew 6:24
This was back in 2015!! One would think that, by now the “useful idiots” that call themselves “Patriots”, would quit supporting the globalist standing army has been used and will be increasingly used in the future to enslave the population.
The American people, otherwise known as the Militia, were meant to be the bulwarks against standing armies that they knew the globalists would raise in order to enslave them.
We are watching this happen right right our eyes and the dumb fuks on the so called “right” are supporting their mortal enemy. This is all so surreal.
In case you are really dense, the destruction of the State Militias, by the Federal Government after the Civil war, was the disarming, and the enslavement of the American People.
I like to say that “the Civil War, changed us from a nation of some slaves, to a nation of ALL slaves.” (with the help of the “police”)
“If you think you’re on the right side I can assure you are on the wrong side no matter which side you are on. Each of us individually must begin to study, research and learn the truth.”
I have lived in the Ozarks for 12 years. In that time I have met many people that identify as both “Christians” and “Patriots”…..
Many of them possess an intellect, often greater than mine. But none of them, not a single one showed any signs of intelligence (right brain holistic thinking) In others words everyone that I have encountered here are by deification “stupid”. (by choice)
I got contacted by a law firm telling me that in many cases that Social Security was stealing from people by not paying out from the Steigerwald v. Berryhill lawsuit. This was a sizable sum and this is 4 years after the fact!
Just in case you are wondering how evil government actually is.
They are stealing from old people. They are stealing from your parents and grandparents.
That is in addition to the 80% of what they steal from every retired persons check, because they purposely pay a 2% ROI, rather than a reasonable 10%, so that they could more easily enslave the population.
The psychopaths that are in government commit so many crimes these days that you can hardly keep track of them.
*** Just an incredible story that is worth your time:
“”’Even today, I am in correspondence with a father who has been living on the streets for 8 years, because the system destroyed his life as he tried to get his children back who were kidnapped from him. He claims that the people at the top of this racketeering are all Freemasons, and he was surprised that I would even answer his emails and not consider him crazy or insane. He uses free wifi connections to communicate online with a secure email.
I frequently get emails like this, because of the kinds of stories we have published, including seniors who are kept in mental facilities or hospitals against their will, and I can tell you there is no other feeling of helplessness that can compare to this, knowing that what they are reporting is probably true, and yet there is not a single thing I can do to help them, other than to reply to their emails and let them know I understand and care about what is happening to them…”
You are incredibly spot on Brian. If we are even going to keep government, when we get to make that choice again, like we did in 1776, I think that it should be entirely devoid of judges as they exist today.
1.) All courts should be run by the jury. 2.) Citizens should be able to convene grand juries with no government interference. 3.) Restitution of victims should largely be the only punishment.
4.) Like the courts in the Icelandic Free State, one should be able to reject the decision of a court and walk away, with the courts then labeling you an “outlaw” and barring your use of them in the future. (or similar solution)
I recently decided that my diet was too alkaline. Then quickly realized that without a community that demands good food, that it would be too expensive and difficult to obtain.
I have 5 Amish families living within one mile of me, and what they are willing to sell comes down to almost nothing, because of Rockefeller’s’ Health Department Nazi’s that they live in fear of. Most, are thus forced to work both in town, and leave their families for the day, and to raise poultry and sometimes rabbits, for the National Factory Farms/shit food just south of us in Arkansas.
Locally everyone is oblivious, and complacent even after 10 years of my prompting to start a local food club based upon a lot of Amish production of food. Most of my Amish neighbors could be staying home, and producing valuable healthy food, but can not because they, and the English also, have this false belief that government is God.
*** Knowledge of Nutrition and food is a great start.But, with our current food supply, that knowledge does little other than frustrate one about the ubiquitous stupidity of mankind.
Most of the problems in the world today, can be ultimately traced back to the lack of knowledge in the minds of the people around you.
How much does the Liberty movement look like a cult?
We are prone to always point to others rather than ourselves.
Recently I had to correct someone on the Hal Turner forum, calling out Ukraine for being a bunch of Nazi’s, while failing to acknowledge the Nazi influences here in the US:
Things such as the “1968 gun control act” being lifted directly directly from Nazi gun law
Our CIA was filled with paperclip Nazi’s.
2 of our presidents (The Bushes) had family Nazi connections.
Our outcome based education is Nazi German in origin.
National Socialism is no different than Communism and we have adopted all 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto.
We are in effect one Nazi country that is supporting another Nazi Country.
The best discussion I have ever heard about cults in our society is WOEIH Show #112
*** It was a very instructive discussion that helped me see the cult like behaviors of the Truth movement, that are holding it back.
Also the cult behavior of many of the intuitions that we belong to, and deal with on a daily basis.
August Landmesser, an individual, in the midst of thousands of cult members.
Falling for all sorts of divide and conquer. i.e. “EVERYTHING is the Democrats fault!”
The mentality of “If you are not a “Christian” of my type you are an enemy” “The Russians did it!”
“Patriots” are continually parroting the same shite.
Things such as “Consent of the governed”
“Police protect us”
“Democrats caused this”
If you don’t believe exactly like me: “God is going to damn you”
This is what “Patriots” often sound like:
The Pledge of Allegiance for 12 years in the Indoctrination camps (written by a socialist)
The non stop repetition of the message that “government is bad”
“We win in the end”
“Man is born evil”
“We are a Democracy”
The diet of just about everyone that I know.
And sadly they also support the State criminalizing anyone that wishes to escape the food eugenics being carried out on us. They support the County Health Departments, the Satanically created Medical monopoly, FDA, USDA, and more…. All designed to destroy your health so assist in their mind control over you.
On the whole I see very little other than FEAR in the Patriot Community.
Fear of physical harm. Fear of standing out. Fear of…. you name it. A bunch of cowards that refuse to come to terms with this truth.
The criminal and illegitimate medical monopoly known as the AMA, was put in place for eugenics by the ruling class. How ironic that the sheep by supporting this monopoly are supporting their own ill health and deaths.
In the early 20th century there emerged a plethora of scientists that were making great strides at understanding disease and health.
It is not co-incidence that the ruling class using the AMA monopoly as a cover, to basically enslave you and I, by making it a crime for us to have control over our own medical care. To have authority over our own bodies! The AMA monopoly if you don’t know was created with the help of Congress, in 1912, by the globalist Rockefeller family.
The AMA is in reality a slave owner concept. The AMA is the slave master that owns your body. You have no rights over your body, the AMA does. As a result they have conducted eugenics on the American population for 108 years now.
The American people however have been made so stupid, that they will defend to the death, the right of the globalist to have this slave system, because it is there to “protect you”. And of course don’t forget that it is for the children also.
The globalist had to create a medical monopoly in 1912 in order to stop the advancement of medicine!
Doctor Rife was just one of many brilliant scientists that the AMA destroyed in the early 20th century.
Here is his story:
Dr Rife with an optical microscope that can image a virus. Something that we can not do today.
If you don’t clearly see this, after how the globalists have used the medical monopoly for eugenics for the past 2 years of the COVID hoax, I don’t know what to tell you.
Something is very wrong with your mind and you need to address it.
If we are ever to live in a peaceful and moral world it is absolutely necessary to abolish all police
This is NOT opinion this is objective truth.
It is a spacial and temporal impossibility for “police” to protect you.
Read that again because 99.99% of the you after hearing the opposite repeated thousands of times, have been brain washed into parroting and believing something that is an impossibility.
It is also an objective truth that the “laws” are NOT written to protect you!
The police are there to enforce the dictates of the ruling class. Period.
So far this show is phenomenal.
Mark uses mass mind control on the listeners to try and get the zombies that make up the majority of the Patriot/Liberty/Truth movement off of their asses.
Highly recommended discussion.
*** how to become the true media
is an online course, taught by Mark Passio, from July to December that is now open for registration.
It feels so good when your government rapes you…..
Satans’ “useful idiot” minion and head rapist
On top of the absolute violation and rape of your God given rights with the property tax, these Satanic sadists are not done as you think, when you get your bill.
I had to hire a fuking appraiser for $500, and put it on a credit card, because these Satanic Bastards would not come do a real appraisal!
They PURPOSELY had appraised my home without actually looking at it, at TWICE what the appraisal came to!
They in effect tried to extort me, and did extort the $500 I had to pay an appraiser. I would have gone to jail if I had done what they did to me.
Frankly I think that government behavior like this should be a capitol offense. (this $500 extortion could have made me homeless)
People like this should forfeit their lives, but as it stands they are above the law all together.
The original tax was $511, but because I was 4 days late the payment was usuriously jacked to $568. For 4 fuking days I was charged 10% interest.
Then when you are checking out, they add ANOTHER god damn made up amount to your bill! They add a $13 “service fee”.
Why don’t they just call it the “we can fuk you any way we want and you can’t do a damn thing about it fee”? (or we will just come and kill you is the implied threat) They could make this fee $1,000 and just come and steal everyone’s homes like the globalist masters of these useful idiots are planning to do.
So the theft of $511 turns into $586 in being 4 days late!
All to pay these peoples extravagant salaries , retirement, and health care.
Paying lots of money is how Lucifer gets people in government to do evil.
The money is ultimately used to indoctrinate children into socialism and the Religion of government. These indoctrinated children will then support the theft and rape of their fellow citizens because government , as planned, has become their God.
Government is supposed to be our servant but they have turned into our masters.
““Government is not reason; it is not eloquence. It is force. And force, like fire, is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”” ~George Washington
Bend over and grab your ankles…… Get ready for another rape on April 15th.
This is Satan’s 2nd tax (and 2nd plank of the Communist Manifesto) where your money is used to pay the Globalist bankers, interest on the money they criminally counterfeited and loan to us.
*** I just went to try and pay the “property tax” on one of my vehicles, as I can only afford to buy the states permission to drive one of my vehicles….. the bastards at the collectors office, don’t even tell you which vehicle you are paying for!!!
Honestly folks I would much rather do business with the Mafia than these sub human bastards from hell.
The psychological rape never seems to end.
*** Have any of you ever lost your home to these government terrorist?
Well I have, about 20 years ago.
As a consequence I lived in cars and tents for 10 years. Winter and summer.
It was hell, especially dealing with the mentally ill and sadistic cops on almost a nightly basis.
I became an alcoholic in order to to deal with the rape, caused by government, and supported by the Modern Christian Church.
I am still dealing with the severe health consequences of a decade of drinking.
If it ever comes to this again….. they will have to kill me as I refuse to be treated like a GD slave on their plantation again.
It is beyond sad, that 99% of the people reading this are doing absolutely nothing about this evil. Or any other evil for that matter……
What if “Government” isn’t legitimate, moral, desirable or necessary at all? What if it has been a scam since the days of royalty perpetrated by inter-generational organized crime using control of the media and mandatory schools, scouting programs, and police/military training to trick the population into turning over half their income in overt taxes, covert taxes and inflation?
“Government”- The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! How Inter-Generational Organized Crime Runs the “Government” and the Media exposes the hidden control system and pseudo-religion of Statism used by an inter-generational organized crime system centered around banking and central banking to rob and control the population.Using historical photographs, media ownership charts, infographics and memes the book is d…
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“ ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
I am seeing more and more clearly, that the absolute piss poor education of “patriots” in the principles of Liberty is the cause of most of our problems.
I am not going to repeat my arguments, but if you do not know that treaties CAN NOT supersede the US Constitution, please get the fuk off of the Liberty bus, and go and join the fuking Left-Tards.
You are of no fuking use to the cause of Liberty!
“….Because this is an existing Treaty, it, along with the US Constitution, is, by virtue of the Supremacy Claus of our Constitution, “the highest law of the land.” No state would be able to “opt-out…..” ”
Bull shit Hal Turner:
What is the mental block here?
Yes the Constitution is the highest law and it clearly says that treaties can not supersede it.
States fuking CAN opt out in 2 ways. They can declare something unconstitutional and nullify it (like they have with federal gun and drug laws) OR the States can secede from the Union. (but you have to have enough brains to know that you need a State Militia for your State to assert it’s sovereignty, and patriots lack this particular part of the brain)
“….It has never been decided by a US Court, as to whether or not a Treaty can usurp or over-rule provisions of the US Constitution. Are you willing to trust the present US Judiciary to protect our rights?….”
They have illegitimately declared that treaties can supersede the Constitution at least 3 times. It matters not because the Constitution still says what it says and they were never given the power of judicial supremacy!
“I say the same as to the opinion of those who consider the grant of the treaty making power as boundless. if it is, then we have no constitution.” ~Thomas Jefferson
“You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.” ~Thomas Jefferson
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.” ~ Saint Augustine
The “Vote” (the mob) determines what your God given rights are in Missouri
Deciding what our God given rights are by “voting” in Missouri
Is this nothing more than “moral relativism”?
This is an overt admission that their is no objective right or wrong, in the State of Missouri. We decide which is which, by having the mob “vote” on it, and naively assume that the vote is not altered, and that these people that are “voting” understand Natural Law.
This is in complete contradiction to the founders belief that , God’s “Laws of Nature” gave us objective, timeless, answers to moral questions.
“Moral Relativism” it just so happens is one of the core ideologies of the Church of Satan. It seems that this is also the belief system of the people of Missouri.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
We are literally a Communist Nation: Is there a greater evil in this country than the county property tax collectors office?
I was unable to pay the thieves until 4 days past the due date, and was charged a full months interest for that.
When I finally got to their site, I am told that I can not pay online, and it’s unclear as to when the hell I will be able to!!!
Well it is early January and I can not pay online!
I have a very sincere “FUK YOU” to this office of criminal extortionists/communists…….
What the property tax shows to me, is that Christians will accept ANY evil, just as long as the Satanists write the evil on paper and call it “law” in to legitimize it in the minds of the stupid bastards that dare call themselves Americans.
People that are fully supporting Communism fill our churches.
We are a Communist nation…..
This is NOT a tax, it is literately the rape of your most precious God given right. The right to own property and rights are supposed to be unalienable.
If you are not pissed there is something very seriously wrong with your mind.
Every year these Communists that have zero respect for their bosses…. make you go through the hell of finding your property in order to pay the taxes.
Every year neither parcel number, name, or mailing address turns anything up.
Every year it takes me a few hours to figure out what the hell is going on.
They never make it user friendly because they have you by the short hairs.
They don’t give a damn because if you give up in frustration and don’t pay, they will send their thugs in blue to either make you homeless or to kill you. Being a slave on the government property tax plantation is no fun.
What a business model. Don’t you wish that you could do business like this?
Crimes such as the property tax have SERIOUS consequences……
I wanted to finish off an apartment for my elderly mother.
I could not do so because I would be unable to afford the increased extortion by the property tax thieves.
*** Because of this evil office, my mother sits in an “old folks home” in California, where I will never be able to see her alive again, where I am confident that they are going to eventually murder her.
IMHO the Webster Country property tax office has much culpability in this matter. Is it any wonder that they now disarm their bosses when we go to that office?
What the “law” is, is purposely kept from the citizens. It would be dangerous as hell if “the people” the ultimate sovereigns, could address crime when the psychopaths that we elected will not do their jobs. People like your county sheriff and your county commissioners.
Unlike the schools in 1776, I went to “schools” for over 16 years, and it was not an accident that I was taught nothing about the “law” or how to handle legal matters on my own. The current system reacquires you to consult with a member of the illegitimate legal monopoly, that the vast majority of us can not afford in the first place. In essence we have no legal system in the US, if we can not access it. It is all just a mind control fantasy, to make the serfs on the plantation think that they are free, that there is justice, and that they have a voice. All 3 are demonstrable falsehoods.
If we as citizens could actually investigate crimes, I would have started a grand jury to investigate the criminal extortion being committed by our property tax office here in Webster County. As it stands they like most of “government” are above the law.
If we as citizens could actually investigate crimes, I would have started a grand jury to investigate why the property tax office takes peoples homes without a jury trial as required by law!
The CPS office in this county kidnaps children with zero due process, or a jury trial. They are then put into a worldwide network of child rape, and murder by these mostly “useful idiots”. I assure you that if the people actually had access to justice, that I would have convened a grand jury to investigate the criminal actions of CPS and the police in this matter.
I have had both hospital chains in Springfield MO refuse me surgery because I insisted on the Nuremberg principle that one must give informed consent for a medical treatment. Donning a “mask” is clearly a medical treatment, because it changes your oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, yet, these medical dictators violate the God given and protected by law and treaty,, right to informed medical consent.
I have had the “Fordland Clinic” deny me dental care, and the whistle blower laws are absolutist useless to protect me. I have not had dental care there in 4 or 5 years because I dared point out irregularities that included having mental health workers talk you you during a supposed doctors visit, in the hopes of addicting you to an SSRI! I would have convened a grand jury to investigate these, and other irregularities, at the Fordland clinic if we actually had any accesses to our justice system, Justice simply does not exist in this country, it is nothing more than an elaborate illusion.
The entire concept of “law” and justice have been turned upside down because most “Christians” have 2 masters. They follow the Satanic interpretation of Romans 13 that Adolph Hitler used to control the churches in Nazi Germany. Government and not God is the master of almost all so called Christians. That is why there is no justice in this country. We put man’s laws above God’s laws on a daily basis.
“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” ~Matthew 6:24
Most of us that attended the 12 year dumbing down camps, euphemistically known as “public schools”, were never taught anything much about the “Communist Manifesto“, much less the fact that all 10 planks have been implemented in the United states in one form or another. We are not taught either that it was Adam Weishaupt’s Satanic Illuminati that commissioned Marx to write the Manifesto. It is clearly a Satanic document written by evil men.
It certainly is not a concept from scripture, or from the founders. What it really is, is useful idiots, or demon possessed people ( I don’t know which) that are doing Lucifer’s work with the 1st of 2 of Lucifer’s taxes. (the other one is the “income tax” that is the 2nd plank of Lucifer’s manifesto)
(16th Amendment Lesson _ Dave Champion tv)
Not surprisingly, the implied threat of this extortion threat is: “If you don’t pay this extortion, then mindless order followers in blue uniforms, will show up at your door and give you 2 choices: To vacate immediately what you thought that you owned, losing most of your possessions, becoming homeless, and likely dying on the street from what accompanies that. OR if you don’t take that offer we will murder you on the spot.
This is the reality of what these property tax collectors are really about. On top of all the evils I have so far presented, I do not know of a single case of anyone getting a jury trial of his peers, as required in the US Constitution. (so much for the thugs in blue upholding the Constitution – you also get no jury trial when they kidnap your child for the sex trafficking CPS)
A little background showing the anti-Christ and demonic nature of these people:
Last year the Webster County Tax collectors office did what I characterize as a “drive by assessment”. It was exactly what it sounds like. They admitted that they drove by, and made up a price. (one that was at least 100% too high) The office refused 4 times to come out and do a real assessment, citing law after law that allowed them to do evil. I told them they sounded a lot like the guards at Auschwitz during the Nuremberg trials. And they did….
This office also told me that if I could not afford their imaginary and inflated criminally determined evaluation, that what I should do is to sell my home and find one that cost less!
They thought because it looked like I was poor, that they could make more money for their inflated salaries and benefits, by financially raping me and leaving me no real recourse. I would bet that that they have done this same thing to many others residing this county.
I was given no other choice that I could see other, than getting a $500 professional home estimate done on a credit card, that I would never be able to pay back. So on top of extorting 20 pieces of silver (at today’s spot price) from me, they also contributed to destroying my credit rating.
Their is a scripture that fits: “For in much wisdom is much grief, And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow” ~Ecclesiastes 1:18
This verse perfectly describes my thoughts on this matter. This is happening because all children are required to attend the government mind control camps, for 12 years, that BTW are the 10th plank of the Satanic Manifesto. No one coming out of these dumbing down camps knows right from wrong.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
The so called modern Christian church has plenty of culpability in the matter. Our pulpits are filled with cowardly men that are afraid to speak out because the “Johnson Amendment” threatens their tax exempt status if they speak the truth. Beside their “love of money”, these churches are apostate, and of a reprobate mind.
Our Churches will follow the dictates of government, over the dictates of the Lord God, almost every time they are given the choice.
PS—. It says a lot about them that I could not even visit the web site with my VPN on. What are they doing collecting information for our criminal Federal government, so that you can’t pay your taxes with the privacy of a VPN?
They also disarm every one that goes into the Courthouse building, which also says a lot about them. They know what they are doing to people, and don’t want anyone armed (like the 2nd amendment guarantees) near them because of the way that they treat people. They also do not want anyone with recording devices in the Court House, because of the many lies and inappropriate goings on that would be exposed if citizens were allowed to exercise their God given rights in what I see as a Demonic Temple.
“The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule.” ~Samuel Adams
“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”
~Ephesians 5:11
“But don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.” ~Matthew 10
“The Americans combine the notions of religion and liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive of one without the other.” ~Alexis de Tocqueville
The corollary of this is: Every Law ends, in a silent: “Or we will kill you”
“The only idea they have ever manifested as to what is a government of consent, is this–that it is one to which everybody must consent, or be shot.” ~ Lysander Spooner
Passio gets right to the point with identifying modern police and military as standing armies of order followers.
Mark points out the 4 methods of creating a cult (isolation, conformity, repetition, and trauma) used to indoctrinate the military, police, and “Religions”.
I see this also applying to my Amish neighbors, and most certainly what my daughter experienced all through her medical training, from undergrad, up to her present day practice of medicine.
The minions of the globalists, the State and City legislators, are the evil men that have outlawed the God given right of self defense.
What a great way to keep the citizens in constant fear.
These men are blasphemous in thinking that our God given rights come from them and not Nature.
Man NEVER has the right to try and nullify or change what by definition can not be changed.
It would be just if all of the NY politicians and cops, involved in disarming to population be immediately charged with “accessory to murder at the very least.
Instead of locking the animal in the video in cage, perhaps the citizens of NY would get better results in locking some of the animals in their government in a cage (or worse)
Until the shit for brains citizens of NY wake the hell up, and realize what the problem really is, things will only get worse. ~MFP
“Known to be a masterpiece of freethought literature. The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors has been out of print but sought after for many years. A small part of it was reprinted in The Book Your Church Doesn’t Want You to Read in 1994, thereby causing renewed interest.
Many people are unaware that before Christianity there were 15 other religions that also had a savior who died for their sins, then arose from the dead. Graves gives all the details inside, plus much more found in common like the immaculate conception of the gods, virgin born gods, magi, shepherds and angles who visit the infant saviors, the birthday of the gods being December 25th, plus an explanation as to how Jesus began to be worshipped as a God.
Some scholars are suggesting that Jesus had spent time in India. One chapter in this book discusses 346 striking analogies between Christ and Chrishna, the Hindu god. Could this same story have travelled from India rather than the man himself? Could this everpresent story, “the greatest story ever told, ” be the common link between all early religions?
Has the purpose of religion, in general, been designed to provide all of mankind with a common set of beliefs, to keep us from learning the real truth for ourselves? It is difficult to answer these questions, and it probably always will be, but this book offers us a small step closer to the answers. It shows that Christianity is not alone and special in its beliefs, and may cause us to explore further into the origins of religion.”
One of the best discussions, I have run across, of what has gone wrong with the “hi-jacked” Christian Church.
We now have “Christianity” that is anything other than Christianity.
How could “real Christians” sit idly by while their own town destroys the bodies and the minds of their children by medicating them with “fluoride” without permission or consent?
The modern Christian Church looks more like de-facto Satanism than it does, the following of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Small scriptural Epiphany……exoteric vs esoteric meaning
I have always thought that many of the interpretations of scripture that Christians are taught were built on stretched logic and reason.
Take the story in Genesis. about the tree of the fruit of the tree of good and evil.We are taught the literal exoteric meaning that most of us are familiar with.
I think the true meaning, the esoteric meaning, is that this symbolizes the internalization of good and evil. To think that we can determine what is right and what is wrong. It is about taking in Natural Law, and making your-self the one who determines right and wrong. That is blasphemously taking on one of the domains of God almighty.
Natural Law was not created by man. Man can not change or alter it.This bible allegory, about the fruit of good and evil, is about bad things happening when you try to circumvent God’s Natural Law. I am beginning to see that very little of what we are taught as Christians is the whole truth. It’s easier to control people that are only taught the exoteric meanings in scripture.
My takeaway for from this knowledge is that government that is not based on Natural Law is illegitimate and blasphemous, because government can not eat of the fruit of good and evil and make itself rather than God the definer of right and wrong. .
“Defacto” means showing by your actions. One can be a defacto Christian even if you are a Jew if your thoughts and actions are those that follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Passio having been in the dark occult for 10 years has condensed the essence of Satanism down to 4 factors: 1.) Ego, and thinking only of ones self and ones own self interests. 2.) Moral Relativism 3.) Social Darwinism 4.) Eugenics
After expanding on these 4 themes, he makes a very solid case that the vast majority of people on this planet are in fact De-Facto Satanists. It does not matter if you call yourself a Christian or not, it is your thoughts and ultimately your actions that define what you are.
The fact is that very very few people on this planet are not de-facto Satanists. The Rulers of this world have inculcated the human race with a watered down version of their world view, and it makes the human race that much easier to control and enslave.
I have long called the Modern Christian Church the Synagogue of Satan and this knowledge has really helped me understand why I had this very accurate view of the modern Christian Church. It is a fact that almost none that call themselves Christians know right from wrong
This goes a long way in explaining the state of the world today.
In this eye-opening presentation, originally presented at the Shattering The Illusion virtual conference, Mark Passio explains what Psychological Warfare is, who employs it, and most importantly, WHY it works as a method of manipulation upon the general public. Mark goes on to break down the varied types of Psy-Ops and analyzes some of the most infamous ancient and modern psychological operations in human history. Mark concludes the presentation by exploring critical methods of defense that can be employed against all forms of Psychological Warfare.
There are 3 prime reasons that psy-ops (mind control) work so well on the World Population: 1.) Ignorance of it. If you are not educated in it’s various forms you will fall for it every time.
2.) Fear! On the Hawkins scale of Consciousness anyone with a score of less than 200 (courage) is living in fear and is not capable of distinguishing truth from non-truth!
3.) Nativity
*** In order for humanity to get out from the ubiquitous psy-ops being used to control humanity, we in large numbers need to study mind control and to shed our fear.
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” ~II Timothy 1:7 KJV)
This passage from God tells us not to fear if we are to be of “sound mind”!! How much clearer than being warned by God about how fear is tied to mind control does it get?
How the Federal Government steals from the tax payer with “energy assistance”
“Energy Assistance” itself is theft. It is no-where authorized in the US Constitution. It is made necessary though by another unconstitutional action of the Federal Government called Social Security that pays only a 2% return on investment rather than an expected 10%. This criminal rate of return was absolutely done on purpose to make those on SSI dependent on the government thus more easily controlled.
With my gas company (MFA propane) if you have cash you can buy your propane with that cash when it is cheap in the summer, and have it delivered for that price later in the winter when prices are higher.
HOWEVER if you have an energy assistance credit at your gas company you can not do this. Propane is now about $2.50 a gallon. If I had cash I could put my entire credit towards propane and buy it for $2.50 a gallon.
BUT since it is stolen tax payer money the rules are different.
You are often forced to use this “assistance” during the winter when the prices often top $5.00 a gallon so it cost you twice as much!
Working people often get pissed at the non-working because they really don’t know the facts of what has transpired.
If the money we put into Social Security returned 10% (like all of those government employees in Galveston Country TX do that opted out of SSI) there would not have to be food stamps, there would not have to be energy assistance, there would not have to be free Obama’s cell phones and a number of other tax payer rip offs!
The problem is that after the 12 year long mandatory indoctrination camps your average American is about as dumb as a box of rocks and the “Christian” churches use Romans 13 to teach “Christians” to go along with and worship this evil.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge…” ~Hosea 4:6
“All men are created equal” except that all of the government employees in Galveston TX can opt out of SSI and get a 10% ROI and I can not.
“All men are created equal” except that my Amish neighbors have all opted out of SSI and I can not!
Amazon Warning
The multi billion dollar Amazon does not really tell you what your bill is when you check out! Every now, and then they charge you differently, and think this an honest way to do business. For example when you check out they call the tax an “estimated tax”. WTF is an estimated f’ing tax? A billion dollar company can’t figure out a tax correctly? Obviously they can not.
If I had the time I would file a complaint with the MO AG’s office.
When I checked out the total was not $65.47 but $63.21!
That difference cost me an hour trying to figure out why i I had insufficient funds, and another order was cancelled! Not only the hour tracking the bank balance error caused by Amazon, but another hour of my time driving to town last week to deposit money to cover the order that was just cancelled because of the insufficient funds that Amazon caused! So I have lost at least 2 hours due to this globalist run company .
** To add insult to injury the product that I paid $60.65 for, and that they screwed up the sales tax on, has dropped to $41,21 and Amazon does not do a price match on their products!
They also do not tell you that a product is not returnable UNTIL after you order and receive it!.
In this one order I have been subjected to 3 really shitty business activities by this tax payer supported (their mail rates) globalist NWO company!
I have noticed that the closer that they get to being a complete globalist monopoly the worse and worse that they treat the customers.
This is the reason I only order a single thing a time from them… to cost these crooks as much money as I can.
Did you realize that if you don’t go to the proper URL “” that Amazon does not give to the charity that you set up to give to? And smart phone app orders never give to your charity.
This company is based on deception.
Did you realize that if you criticize Amazon with your You Tube channel that the channel can be, as mine was, completely and permanently deleted within hours?
Joke: Terrorists have kidnapped the entire US Congress
A driver was stuck in a traffic jam on the highway outside Washington, DC;
Nothing was moving.
Suddenly, a man knocks on the window.
The driver rolls down the window and asks, “What’s going on?”
“Terrorists have kidnapped the entire US Congress, and they’re asking for a $100 million dollar ransom. Otherwise, they are going to douse them all in gasoline and set them on fire. We are going from car to car, collecting donations.”
“How much is everyone giving, on an average?” the driver asks.
The man replies, “Roughly a gallon…”
Anytime words are used inappropriately one should suspect globalist initiated Neuro linguistic Programming. These are MIND CONTROL words:
Conspiracy theory
Fear mongering
Civil Rights
Climate change
The “Patriot” Act
Both sides of the “sovereign citizen movement” …..
All of these words are used in a manner to mislead you from a truth.
They do so by many methods. They invoke fear. They have false definitions. Both sides are controlled……
“If you think you’re on the right side I can assure you are on the wrong side no matter which side you are on. Each of us individually must begin to study, research and learn the truth.”
I’ll tell you exactly why Dave Hodges….
Because you and “Patriots” like you have supported the government “schools” which are the 10th plank of a Satanic document, and have done exactly what they were supposed to do: To create a nation of moronic dumbed down Communists. just like Yuri Bezmenov told us they were going to do. Yet you have repeatedly urged the reopening of these schools over the past year.
The standing army, the institution euphemistically called “police” have severely disarmed the people to the degree that they don’t have the tools needed to fight effectively, and they know it.
The “police” have helped kill the idea that Americans have the duty to protect themselves. Jesus told us to sell our cloak and buy a sword. Jesus told us to protect ourselves.That also fits the definition of a militia Dave. Jesus told us to form Militias in essence but you seem to know better.
The police institution helped kill the idea of the Militia. Men like Dave Hodges that don’t seem to be able to read the Constitution have at the very least killed the Militia by refusing to support it. Your actions and inaction’s have created this sorry situation Dave.
Last but not least the Synagogues of Satan in this country that we euphemistically call the Organized Christian churches have helped tremendously by spreading Adolph Hitler’s version of Romans 13 from sea to shining sea. You seem to support these churches also Dave. You seem to literally support every thing and anything that would destroy our fighting spirit and ability to fight then you complain about it.
By definition Dave you seem to be a useful idiot for the globalists. ~MFP
This nothing more than a dialectic. BOTH sides are controlled — both sides are wrong and evil.
“If you think you’re on the right side I can assure you are on the wrong side no matter which side you are on. Each of us individually must begin to study, research and learn the truth.”
~William Milton Cooper
We were told in the 2nd amendment to have a militia if we wanted to remain free.
Our police are nothing more than a standing army that is used by the globalists to control us…the slaves on the plantation.
If you investigate the Church of Satan you will learn that they to a very large degree control our police.
We need to go back to what we had in 1776 as far as law enforcement. Read the intro and 1st chapter of Balko’s book if you want to learn how they did policing correctly way back then. Rise of the Warrior Cop
The globalists want to destroy our current system so that they can bring in something even more evil.
The founders gave us the solution to this in the second amendment:
A quick case for State militias being economically viable
GDP in millions of $
Russia $1,775,799.92
California $3,353,473.00
Texas $2,006,662.00
New York $1,893,670.00
US $22,996,100.00
If these numbers are correct they show that 4 of our States have the funds to build a military (State Militias) equivalent to that of Russia if they choose to do so.
It seems that here is no economic reason why we could not have had State Militias that would be the equivalent to Russia. Each one of those 4 states!
The reality is that this nations criminal military industrial complex having 13 times the money available as Russia is likely going to get it’s ass kicked.
Regardless we have no other choice other than to begin this task now.
Without a militia who the hell is going to protect you against the UN Troops many of whom are already here?
Without going into much detail but I am going to list a few. If you don’t recognize them for what they are, you have a lot to truth seeking to do as you are under mind control not to see it.
Some are harder to see than others without the proper knowledge since most Americans do no even know what a right is they fail to see slavery.
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” ~Goethe
1.) Public schools. Your children are forced by criminal penalties, to attend 12 years of what is nothing other than State indoctrination. An indoctrination that creates idolatry of the State. Modern Christian churches very heavily push the idea that government is God.
2.) The draft is clearly slavery. The decision to defend oneself is your decision. When you allow others to make that decision you end up with standing armies, and a country that has been at war for almost it’s entire existence.
3.) Jury duty while a extremely important duty has been perverted into a form of slavery where you are threatened with physical violence and kidnapping if you don’t comply.
4.) All gun/weapons laws are slavery and in violation of the 2nd amendment. Historically only slaves are disarmed and those that are disarmed are either killed or enslaved. The modern Christian church is all on board of our disarmament. They and “law enforcement” support the 1968 gun cotrol act which in reality is word for word Nazi gun law hoisted upon the US.
5.) Law enforcement is slavery. The idea that there are men that can initiate violence upon you and that it is a crime to defend yourself from this aggression is nothing other than slave mentality.
6.) Government itself is slavery. It contradicts Natural Law and Gods word that he is not a “respecter of persons” and creates a class of men that can initiate violence on peaceful people. Steal from them by calling it taxes and justify it by saying that they exist so that bad people will not steal from and enslave you!!
7.) Our medical system is slavery. In 1912 the US Congress trampled you right to choose your own medical care by creating the AMA medical monopoly. Can you really say that you are free when you don’t have even the most basic medical rights?
8.) Our monetary System is slavery. The Federal Reserve is designed to keep you in dept your entire life. Dept slavery is very real and most fail to see it.
9.) The property tax is slavery. Can you really say that you are free when you can not own property in this county?
10.) The graduated income tax is slavery. Very little of the money goes to government, most goes to the globalists for the illegitimate purpose of paying them interest on money that they counterfeit!!
11.) Drivers licenses and auto insurance are slavery. Would you accept a walking or a bicycle license and required insurance? (It’s sad but if the government told us to do so, many of not most modern Christians would comply)
12.) Professional licencing is slavery. Soon you not be allowed to do any work without a government “license”. There are currently hundreds of examples: Almost every business in this country complies and has a “business license”. Health care workers are required to have a “license”. Your dog and cat in many areas must have a “licence”. To defend yourself and carry a weapon you must have a government issued license. To do any construction work in many areas you mush have a multiple lionesses for every branch of construction that you do. In Florida it is a serious felony not to have this license. In some cities it is illegal for you to work on your own home without a license. In order to build your home you must get and comply with the limits of a building permit (license)
13.) All regulation is slavery. Either you have rights or you don’t. All forms of regulation are prior constraint . They are there for nothing other than control but the dumbed down public thinks that somehow violating your God given rights, is good and that it protects you.
There are dozens of others, but unfortunately normalcy bias has dulled even my ability to clearly see them all. Whenever you rights are violated, you need to look at it as a form of slavery…… Feel free to add to my list by replying below.
The Supreme Court: We need to quit begging the Federal Government to solve our problems
. The general public through attending the 12 year long dumbing down camps that we euphemistically call public education, are unbelievably indoctrinated in false beliefs about our form of government.
No matter what you were told, he truth is that government can pass any law they wish, the Constitution does not matter to them. This has been going on at least since 1803 with Marberry v Madison, and arguably even earlier. George Washington signed off on the 1st of 3 National banks did he not? Then John Adams signed off on the alien and sedition act! Were you ever taught in school that our first 2 presidents urinated all over the Constitution? This is the very tip of the evil and lawlessness. If you wish to dig deeper I highly suggest you read: Saving the Constitution by Richard Proctor PhD
The real solution is education not dealing with the very institutions that have been incrementally enslaving us for the past 250 years. The Supreme Court being central in destroying the Constitution. The education that we are lacking, and that the founders had, was a deep knowledge of Natural Law. Without knowledge of the true moral laws of the universe, we are going to keep on being the creators of our own sorrow and misery. If you are not well versed in Natural Law this documentaty is a must: Mark Passio & The Science Of Natural Law Documentary
If you want to use government to change government, the only chance that you have is to work at the State level, and the local level. Unfortunately the men in the State legislatures are corrupt just like they are in the Federal Government. Perhaps the bigger problem is that these men know less that a child, about the powers and duties of the States. These children that run our State governments either need to be replaced or educated if that is even possible. Anyhow you are going to have your work ahead of you.
Perhaps a better place to start is with your county sheriff as they are literally the highest law enforcement officers in the Nation. The problem here is that they collectively also are dumber than a box of rocks and many are very corrupt. I find it enlightening to observe that there are over 3,000 county sheriffs in this country and not one of these dumb ass clowns will even talk (much less act) about the COVID murders going on right in front of their faces. Even local Law Enforcement as it exists today is as ignorant, evil and corrupt as the day is long.
All of this may discourage you, but you at least need to know the facts of what you are facing.
The answer as in every matter is education. But that can take time. Generations of time.
The pubic does not see the real answer to all of the roadblocks that I just outlined. Look in the mirror and you will see the road block. Everyone wants someone else to fix this evil, when the only solution lies in you.
The general brain washed public supports the standing army, that has always been there to further the globalist agenda for this country. Remember that you are the answer. You are the militia that no longer really exists. The only solution to the above problems is for the people to be able to defend themselves against evil, tyrannical government, while at the same time working to either replace or fix your local and State government.
No matter which avenue you choose to pursue, it is going to be futile until the people realize that they are the militia. That they are the 4th branch of government checks and balances both in the Militia and in the Jury box.
You have been fed a lot of shite and fear about the concept of the Militia. I ask you to watch these 2 documentaries on the real purpose of the militia and immediately begin to form local militias with or without the help of local government. If you do work with government in this process, please do so with a jaundiced eye.
Please look in the mirror and see the solution that the globalists do not want you to see.
What is a RIGHT?….The Elephant in the room
For 50 years, I have listened to “patriots” talk about liberty and freedom and rights.
Very few of them knowing a damn thing especially about the Constitution, and the Declaration.
But the really big and gaping ignorance, is that none of them can competently define what a right is!!! WTF? For 50 years I have heard no one even try to define a right!
Most of the dumb asses on the right use the term “civil right”. An oxymoron, that at best that means a permission that the government granted you!
When you don’t know what a right is you sure as hell can not defend them.
When you don’t know what a right is you don’t know what a wrong is either and you end up supporting evil!
I am not going to define a right for you here.
If you are that damn lazy and dumbed down, stay in your ignorance.
If you would like to begin to learn what has been purposely hidden from you then this is a beginning:
“If you think you’re on the right side I can assure you are on the wrong side no matter which side you are on. Each of us individually must begin to study, research and learn the truth.”
~William Milton Cooper
“Natural Law” BTW is the study of the irrevocable and un-circumventable, moral laws of the universe.
Is Alex Jones falling for CIA mind Control?
14 methods of mind control being used on the world, by master globalist psychologists as defined by mark Passio
If you are on this site you are likely familiar with the CIA psy-ops that use the phrase “conspiracy theory” as a form of Neurol Linguistic Programming (mind control using words).
There is another CIA NLP mind control phrase that I hear a lot in the alternative press and not just from Alex.
That term is “Anarchy” which as the CIA wants it, is most always associated with chaos. This hides the fact that Anarchy literally means “without a king”. Sort of what God was telling his people to choose through Samuel in the bible. It was what the based on Natural Law Declaration of Independence was all about. For the first time in history just about, the founders eliminated royalty.
There are other areas where I see what appears to be mass mind control. Take the daily repetition in the alt press that Treaties can supersede the Constitution. The particular form of mind control used here is often referred to as obfuscation. The mind controllers, make things seem complicated, so much that you can not figure them out for yourself, so that you will defer to the judgement of others. In this case judges that falsely say that treaties can and do supersede the Constitution. By using this obfuscation and other MC methods the controllers of this planet, have since 1803 had the supreme court continually work towards destroying the US Constitution!
That is not all, the master psychologists doing this also have your favorite alt media press person repeating this lie. The alt press just like Hitler said to do, is unceasingly repeating the lie (another form of mind control) until it becomes the truth. As this lie has already become in most peoples minds.
The patriot community seems dead set in helping to bring in the New World Order with their willful ignorance
They are propagating the lie that treaties supersede the US Constitution, and that will insure, the slavery and death of everyone in this country…..
Don’t take my word for it. Do you due diligence and discover that the Supreme Courts false claim of judicial review, is how the globalists got “their supreme court” to wave their magic wand, and declare that treaties supersede the Constitution. They is all they need to do to destroy this country and bring in their hellish One World Government.
I think it a long shot that the dumb asses that call themselves Americans will wake up in time to to stop this, if they ever wake up at all.
We are all under mind control and very few seem to realize that fact.
The false acceptance of treaties being superior to the US Constitution is as big of a hoax as the entire COVID story was…….
It is very unsettling, to see more people fall for the “Treaty Hoax” than fell for the “COVID Hoax”!
It is a testimony to how dumbed down “Patriots” are about the meaning, and intent of the US Constitution.
Even a young child could figure this one out, but inexplicably almost all are falling for this latest mind control operation.
That Jefferson clearly in quotes, and in private letters rejected the idea that a treaty could supersede the Constitution.
That Article 1 of the Constitution clearly says that Treaties MUST conform to the Constitution. That Article 3 of the Constitution does NOT give judges the power of Judicial Review (where all of this madness originates)
That the Constitution is a legally binding contract BETWEEN THE STATES! The Federal government did not even exist until the Constitution was ratified, and made the Federal Government “the product of the contract” and an inferior party to the Contract. The Constitution is NOT a contract between the States, and the Federal government. (again because the Federal government did not exist until is was ratified and that this would be a temporal impossibility)
The bottom line is that the Federal Government was never given the power to determine the limits of it’s own powers. That determining the validity of any Treaty is solely up to the States, and the people! The States can nullify any law that they find unconstitutional, and if necessary they can leave the Union that they created. All without any input or approval from the Federal Government or the Federal Courts.
Again this is so simple and clear cut that any child should be able to see it. BUT we have a dumbed down mind controlled population, that drinks fluoridated water, go to 12 year long indoctrination camps, attend “churches” that tell them that government is God, and so much more.
FWIW this is not the only misunderstanding of the Constitution by the right by far. It just happens to be their most dangerous false belief at this time.
Start a Podcast & Walk the Talk Whether it’s a live or pre-recorded podcast, the TalkShoe podcasting platform has everything you need to be a creator.
Anyone thinking about either a recorded or a live podcast?
This platform is more than a decade old and seems to have a lot going for it.
“What if?” thought experiment:
What if I were to con or bribe the US Congress to pass a “law” that unconstitutionally allows me to create money out of thin air, and then loan it to the government at interest?
What if I purchased a few color laser printers, and put them in my garage so that I could create physical money out of thin air?
What if I did not even have to do this, and could just create most money at no cost electronically by merely entering it into a ledger?
What if I also had Congress impose an unconstitutional “income tax” to tax you so that I would be assured of getting paid this interest?
What if you now have to work for 3 or 4 months a year to pay this tax, so that I can collect the interest on the money I counterfeited?
What if I created a terrorists organization called the “IRS” that enforces it’s edicts that are not even law, without any due process or trial?
What if this same terrorists IRS can take your business, your bank account, or put you in jail, with no law backing that action and again no due process or trial?
Well that is exactly the situation that we do have. Ignored and or supported by clueless Americans and the apostate Christian Church in this country.
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” ~Thomas Jefferson
Both very good documentaries pointed out to me by Mark Passio. ~MFP
The dark occultists that run this planet use words to Mock God, to mock us, and to control us, using mind control techniques such as Neural Linguistic Programming.
Take for example the words “let there be light” in Genesis i.3 The Latin for “let there be light” is: “fiat lux”.
The globalists created the term “fiat money’, which is their way to mock Genesis 3, and God because it means “let there be money”.
Money created out of thin air, by thought, by dark occultists, just like in Genesis God created this world.
A VERY good reason would be to understand the Worldwide Satanic system being put in place right before our very eyes. You must know your enemy to win any battle.
If this were widely read by Christians, perhaps they would not be solidly on Satan’s team without even realizing it.
This book was mentioned by Mark Passio in podast #19, while discussing mass mind control of the population, to facilitate the creation of a New Word Order.
This book gives a lot of insight into that evil plan.
I doubt if the clueless psychopaths in Jeff City, even recognize the problem. They will sell us into slavery with their ignorance, apathy, and complacency. Look at how badly they have fucked up their jobs so far. ~MFP
I want to withdraw my recommendation of armorally.comin Missouri.
They want to offer horrible service, and if you let them know what they are doing wrong, then they refuse to do business with you!
Does the “soup man” from Seinfeld run this company?
It was my mistake to even give this sorry company another chance.
I found my pills at Powder Valley for more money, but am glad to send the money to a family owned company that always treats it’s customers right.
Illuminati insiders are very rare:
In this 2 hour Mark Passio podcast a member of an Illuminati family going back to Cancan in the bible is interviewed!
I have done a lot of studying of the Illuminati, and this was almost too much information to handle. It confirms my opinion of how bad we have let things get.
Take the time to listen to this interview about trauma based mind control in Illuminati families. (and much more) These sexually abused children are all around us. Possibly in your own church. They do it to their own children!
WOEIH Show #017
Topics: Trauma-Based Mind Control, Project Monarch, Occultism, Bohemian Grove
Guest: Neo
EPIPHANY: The so called Patriot Movement and Alternative Press
For many decades I have listened to the talking heads of the Liberty movement. It amazes me how poorly the majority of them understand the basics of liberty, such as the meaning, and intent of our founding documents.
A recent example of this was Alex Jones, Hal Turner, Dave Hodges, and Mike Adams ALL claiming that US treaties superseded the US Constitution!
The truth of the matter is that the only reason that treaties trump the Constitution is that everyone is believing, and going along with the lie!
The belief, of this particular lie, is central in the “Dark Occultists” bringing in the New World Order, so it is important to get this one right.
The Patriot Movements acceptance of many untruths, is based upon the belief that men in black dress’s can determine what the Constitution says, when they were never given that power, and writings of the founders clearly refute that was their intent:
“I say the same as to the opinion of those who consider the grant of the treaty making power as boundless. if it is, then we have no constitution.” ~Thomas Jefferson
“You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.” ~Thomas Jefferson
What is even more frustrating is that you can not educate men that think that they already know a thing. They become impossible to educate. They will reject a provable truth that is put right in from of their faces.
A common thread in the intellectual shortcomings of our Liberty mouthpieces, is that in reality that they do not understand liberty, freedom, or rights very well! That truth should shock you if you haven’t realized it yet.
To prove my point I ask you to define a right……..
Are you done?
This is how you should have defined a right if you were correct, and it is much easier to define a right, in the antithetical (by defining what it isn’t)
“A right is anything that does not initiate harm to another sentient being”
Were you even close?
If you can not define a right correctly, I ask you how you can know a wrong, or defend a right? You can’t and we don’t! That ladies and gentlemen is the current state of affairs in this country.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
God’s “Natural Law”, was the guiding principle that the Declaration, and the Constitution were founded upon. I bet they did not teach you that in either your apostate church or the communist schools that you were indoctrinated in.
Liberty and God’s Natural Laws were at one time on the minds and lips of most Americans:
“The Americans combine the notions of religion and liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive of one without the other.” ~Alexis de Tocqueville
Perhaps you are one of the few that seek the truth. If so you also have obligation to teach others the truth. Without action nothing will change for the better.
There will be no Mike Adams today or possibly ever.
The man pushes the Sat Phone Store to his audience, and when a member of his audience is lied to and cheated by the SPS, Mike refuses to even look at the evidence, and has censored me on his platform for trying to warn others about this company. He is personally aware of this case and shows very low moral character.
If that was not enough, his company destroyed one of my channels on his platform, mainly because I was did not have enough gravitas
to warrant them helping me recover the channel I lost because i lost control of an email address. They did not help me mainly because I was too small for them to bother.
FWIW I can not even listen to Mike Adams after this treatment, it actually makes me psychically ill to do so.
A glimpse into how dumbed down Americans have been made:
Most Americans are becoming aware of how out of control that government has become at all levels.
What most Americans forget, if the ever knew it, is that government can pass all of the illegitimate laws that they wish, for their globalist masters., but the one thing that they can not do is to enforce any of those laws!
Did that take you back? Do you think that this statement is hyperbole? Probably since you have been under mind control since the time you took your first breath.
Well the fact of the matter is that juries are where laws are enforced and it is not the police or the legislators that actually enforce the law. That is your job and you need to educate yourself as the jury system is in the process of being destroyed, never to return if YOU don’t wake up, educate yourself, and then educate others.
If CPS comes and kidnaps your child do you get a jury trial as the law requires?
If the tax collector comes to your home and makes you homeless, do you get a jury trial as the law requires?
If the Fordland Clinic kills your child with the COVID jab, do you get a jury trial as the law requires?
As you can see this destruction of the jury is well underway. A lot worse in fact than I have time to go into here.
We have almost lost one of our most powerful tools to check tyrannical government, because we are without question now a nation of dumb asses and cowards.
There was a guy close to me, that was always shooting in EXTREMELY unsafe directions. Also doing all sorts of other dangerous things with firearms. I just classified him as low IQ, and was going to start wearing body armor if I ever were around him shooting.
Today however, it all makes sense: HE IS A COP! Cops are gods in this country.
If they shoot someone they have “sovereign immunity”, (and they are likely to kill you if you let them know that you are a sovereign citizen as the Declaration states) and you are SOL if they were to kill a member of your family , with the insanity like I have witnessed from this guy.
Only a cop, someone that knows that he is never held responsible for his actions, would act in the dangerous manner that this guy does.
Ever wonder why I give the so called “right” or the “conservatives” so much hell? For starters they are not much different than the left, when it comes to many things including, censorship regardless of what you believe. They are in many ways no different than Facebook, Twitter, etc.
I can’t tell you how many right leaning sites have banned my free speech, without cause. They just like Facebook or Twitter, don’t tell you why, and make it damn near impossible to contest it in a meaningful manner.
Tonight the Gateway Pundit, said I was banned (for no apparent reason).
If I did something criminal then call the police, and press charges on me!!
I don’t know exactly what I wrote, but I assure you it was covered by the 1st amendment.
No donations from me for the Gateway Pundit. I do not support sites that censor.
In the end it takes me about 60 seconds to create a new account and all they have done is piss off their own base.
Red Beckman pointed out 40 years ago a lot of the Governmental and Church issues that we still have today , only worse.
These are 3 of the last pages of the book that I thought were insightful enough to try and post here.
Red Beckman talks about the property tax, public schools. the income tax, the federal reserve, the inheritance tax….
The 1st plank of the Communist manifesto is used to steal your home, and make you homeless, you don’t even get a Jury trial as required by law. Your county sheriff goes along with this, and is part of the problem.
page 163 is hard to read…but it talks about the 10th plank: our schools and their real purpose to brainwash and indoctrinate your child.
What IF this speech characterized Modern Americans? What if…?
“Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you’ll live, at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!”
~William Wallace: Address to Scottish Army at Stirling
This sounds a lot like Sam Adams a few hundred years later:
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom–go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” ~ Samuel Adams
A Satanic mental illness has taken over the Modern Christian Church:
The last time I attended one of the Demonic Temples, that call themselves Christian Churches, they themselves clearly illustrated how lost they have become.
To begin, these are not legally “churches”. They have voluntarily become 501c3 corporations with NONE of God’s protections granted a church that are recognized in the 1st amendment. They eschewed God’s laws, protected in the 1st amendment with the lies, and laws of man.
They get very concerned, and unhinged, about Sunday sales of alcohol (a God given right – UNLESS you are an idolater, and believe that government is God, like most “Christians” do) they also get unhinged with the use of prohibited words on some secret list.
They do not care of show any concern, that their children’s bodies and minds are being destroyed with “fluoride” being added to their water, They are not upset about their children’s immune systems being crippled for life with almost all “vaccines”.
Satanic mind control is the only answer that I can accept. None of them give Satan much credit, while his evil works are literally all around them. They do not know God’s Natural Laws like the Christians in 1776 did.
If you believe in the US Constitution. Particularly if you believe the founders when in the 2nd amendment, they told us that the militia was “necessary” if we wanted to remain free……
…..then the order followers and psychopaths in Missouri Law enforcement categorize you as a terrorists these days!
If you believe in the Constitution in Missouri, the thugs in blue consider you someone that they can kidnap or kill with no due process , or trial!
(they already have practiced this with CPS kidnappings of children)
This mind control of “law enforcement” is scary, in that Satan can actually get men to adapt such an evil mindset as he has both Missouri government and law enforcement.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
Lastly i want to point out that not only the US Constitution the Missouri Constitution also establishes a militia for the State of Missouri. I know because I have been a member for years.
I have never once Tweeted on Twitter, yet I am banned for life. It looks like pre-emptive DHS/government censorship to me.
I have had similar experiences, with G-mail, Amazon, Facebook, and many others. At least I know I am over target of these evil bastards that run the world.
*** FYI to create a new account, TWITTER lies through it’s teeth and says that you can either verify with a phone number or email address……
then once you get verified through your email, they DEMAND your phone number to continue……
I’ve been anally reamed enough times this month, I think I am going to pass.
1.) We have been at war for all but 7 of the 250 years plus that this country has existed.
2.) Most Americans have an idolic view of both of the standing armies that we have. (police and the military)
3.) The founders, and Jesus Christ warned us about standing armies.
4.) The second amendment of the Constitution says that a militia is NECESSARY if we wish to remain free! Isn’t this yet another warning about standing armies? In fact the founders said that the militia would prevent the rise of standing armies.
Yet no one supports the phucking State militias! Can’t they read the 20 odd words of the 2nd amendment and understand them?
All I hear is outright idolatry for the standing army, that has been at war for almost our entire existence!
There is no difference between left and right in this country. Both are a mental illness that can not read, can not think or reason.
Even if the so called “right” wins, we are still phucked if these people that do not understand Natural Law like Jesus and the founders did, get back into power. Not a phucking good thing will come from”conservatives” gaining power again as they can’t phucking read or think.
Didn’t Carroll Quigley warn us in, Tragedy and Hope, that there is no difference at all between the 2 parties, and that the Globalists ran them both?
GRRRR! Damn email companies are fraudulent as hell.
After a year or so when they think they have you, they fake that you have exceeded their free storage capacity when you obviously have not, and they lock your mail where you can’t send or receive mail!!!
Going to file my Missouri AG complaint, of the week, against Proton mail that is doing this.
G- mail did this to me a few months back and that is why I moved to Proton mail.
“Conservationism” 101:
Has the modern “Conservative” political philosophy not sat right with you? If so perhaps you are more discerning than most. Conservatism is VERY different than what the Declaration lays out. It does not follow, at all, the intent of the founders, or of the Constitution.
Chances are that your church either pushes Satan’s socialism, or it pushes what I call, “Satanism Lite” or “Conservatism”, which completely throws God’s Natural Laws under the bus. “Conservatism” is not what you would have heard in a Sermon in 1775, from Pastor Jonas Clark in Lexington Massachusetts . These men of God knew Natural Law, they lived by them, and taught it to their congregations.
Satan’s mind control works very well and most of the country has fallen under his spell. Listen to just the first chapter of “For a New Liberty”, and you will begin to uncover the Satanic deceptions that have been hoisted upon the gullible and naive people of this country. If not go back to sleep…..
“The Americans combine the notions of religion and liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive of one without the other.” ~Alexis de Tocqueville
In case the fact that, Satan runs our monetary system, has somehow escaped you, this week the Federal Reserve is going to discuss, how much of YOUR money that you can withdraw as cash. ~MFP
Right after WW2, this is what Christian men with backbones did in a Tennessee town when their election was stolen!
Of course the government schools would never teach you such dangerous American traits, and learning the Natural Law principles that this country was founded upon:
What is amazing to me, is how this meshes with Pastor Chuck Balwin’s teachings.
In the time of Christ, Satan had taken over all of the World’s governments. That was made clear when Satan offered Christ the riches of the world if he would only bow down and worship him.
In the time of Christ, Satan had taken over Judaism, as evinced by the behavior of the Sagasees and the Pharisees, and the writing of Babylonian Talmud in 100 AD.
In 300 AD the very people that murdered Christ, Roman Emperor Constantine took over “Christianity” and told the religious leaders of the day to create a “religion”, that would control, and neuter the growing Christian danger to the Roman Empire. That worked for 1400 years, until the founders, using God’s Natural Law, re-discovered much of what Satan had obscured. Our Declaration was based entirely on God’s Natural Laws.
Today in the year 2022, Satan has again taken over the Christian faith from top to bottom. Much of what passes as Christianity today is actually a watered down version of Satanism.
Moral relativism being a big one, and it is accepted whole hog in all of the modern Christian Churches. Modern Christians know absolutely nothing about Natural Law, as beautifully illustrated in Genesis 12 and 14. Modern Christians, demonstrably do no know right from wrong.
Is that any wonder when Satan controls our governments, our religions, our monetary supply, our educational system, the press? …..and much more. ~MFP
“We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.”
~1 John 5:19
Most of us that attended the 12 year dumbing down camps, euphemistically known as “public schools”, were never taught anything much about the “Communist Manifesto“, much less the fact that all 10 planks have been implemented in the United states in one form or another. We are not taught either that it was Adam Weishaupt’s Satanic Illuminati that commissioned Marx to write the Manifesto. It is clearly a Satanic document written by evil men.
It certainly is not a concept from scripture, or from the founders. What it really is, is useful idiots, or demon possessed people ( I don’t know which) that are doing Lucifer’s work with the 1st of 2 of Lucifer’s taxes. (the other one is the “income tax” that is the 2nd plank of Lucifer’s manifesto)
(16th Amendment Lesson _ Dave Champion tv)
Not surprisingly, the implied threat of this extortion threat is: “If you don’t pay this extortion, then mindless order followers in blue uniforms, will show up at your door and give you 2 choices: To vacate immediately what you thought that you owned, losing most of your possessions, becoming homeless, and likely dying on the street from what accompanies that. OR if you don’t take that offer we will murder you on the spot.
This is the reality of what these property tax collectors are really about. On top of all the evils I have so far presented, I do not know of a single case of anyone getting a jury trial of his peers, as required in the US Constitution. (so much for the thugs in blue upholding the Constitution – you also get no jury trial when they kidnap your child for the sex trafficking CPS)
A little background showing the anti-Christ and demonic nature of these people:
Last year the Webster County Tax collectors office did what I characterize as a “drive by assessment”. It was exactly what it sounds like. They admitted that they drove by, and made up a price. (one that was at least 100% too high) The office refused 4 times to come out and do a real assessment, citing law after law that allowed them to do evil. I told them they sounded a lot like the guards at Auschwitz during the Nuremberg trials. And they did….
This office also told me that if I could not afford their imaginary and inflated criminally determined evaluation, that what I should do is to sell my home and find one that cost less!
They thought because it looked like I was poor, that they could make more money for their inflated salaries and benefits, by financially raping me and leaving me no real recourse. I would bet that that they have done this same thing to many others residing this county.
I was given no other choice that I could see other, than getting a $500 professional home estimate done on a credit card, that I would never be able to pay back. So on top of extorting 20 pieces of silver (at today’s spot price) from me, they also contributed to destroying my credit rating.
Their is a scripture that fits: “For in much wisdom is much grief, And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow” ~Ecclesiastes 1:18
This verse perfectly describes my thoughts on this matter. This is happening because all children are required to attend the government mind control camps, for 12 years, that BTW are the 10th plank of the Satanic Manifesto. No one coming out of these dumbing down camps knows right from wrong.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
The so called modern Christian church has plenty of culpability in the matter. Our pulpits are filled with cowardly men that are afraid to speak out because the “Johnson Amendment” threatens their tax exempt status if they speak the truth. Beside their “love of money”, these churches are apostate, and of a reprobate mind.
Our Churches will follow the dictates of government, over the dictates of the Lord God, almost every time they are given the choice.
PS—. It says a lot about them that I could not even visit the web site with my VPN on. What are they doing collecting information for our criminal Federal government, so that you can’t pay your taxes with the privacy of a VPN?
They also disarm every one that goes into the Courthouse building, which also says a lot about them. They know what they are doing to people, and don’t want anyone armed (like the 2nd amendment guarantees) near them because of the way that they treat people. They also do not want anyone with recording devices in the Court House, because of the many lies and inappropriate goings on that would be exposed if citizens were allowed to exercise their God given rights in what I see as a Demonic Temple.
I am late to drawing attention to this. Red Beckman wrote about this in the 1980’s. Here are photos of 3 pertinent pages:
Sorry this is not easier to read but it is worth the time. Some very observant thoughts and truths are there.
“Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?” ~ Psalm 94:16
I saddens me beyond words, that after 10 years of being a watchman in this area, that I have not met a single Christian that is at all interested in standing up against the workers of iniquity. It’s no wonder when it is often they themselves that are supports of iniquity. Friendship with the world is all most Christians seem to know.
“…know ye not that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God” ~James 4:4
Movie/Documentary: Sex Crimes and the Vatican (38 minutes)
Reporter Colm O’Gorman explores four separate cases internationally of wide-spread clerical abuse, and puts the Roman Catholic Church on trial for the reckless endangerment of children, for allowing and even facilitating their abuse.
VERY hard hitting and worth watching! This applies to most of the planet in the year 2022.
Satanism in and out of the Church, and the sexual abuse of children is literally everywhere. The reason it thrives is that people won’t believe what is right in front of them. Christians seem to believe the father of lies rather than the truth. ~MFP
“But don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.” ~Matthew 10:26
Set in ancient Egypt under Roman rule, “Agora” follows astronomer Hypatia (Oscar winner Rachel Weisz, “The Mummy”) as she leads a few disciples fighting to save the wisdom of the ancient world. Among these disciples are two men vying for her heart: the privileged Orestes (Golden Globe nominee Oscar Isaac, “Star Wars”) and a young slave Davus (Max Minghella, “The Social Network”).
*** BOOK: Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness Paperback – Jim Keith(256 pages) At Amazon – free PDF copy
It is alarming to me that this book is becoming unavailable. I read it a few years back after buying a used copy through Amazon. It confirmed years of observations about the Church and where it was headed, and this was written in 1984!
I looked around and found the Red Beckman Site and discovered that Red had recently passed and that a relative had all of the books in existence in their basement, and was willing to sell them. I immediacy bought a case of them, and have passed out quite a few.
I urge you to get a copy of this book, by hook or by crook. It was that much of an epiphany to me, to discover that someone else had figured out that the Christian Church had been hijacked and explained it all very well.
If I had the time I would OCR this in a scanner and make it into a PDF. It really is a book you should buy for your children and family if not your pastor and Church. If you read only one book this year, this might be the one.
Contact me if you can not find a copy and I will see what I can do.
Dr Thomas Cowan on age 21 of his book” “Human Heart, Cosmic Heart: A Doctor’s Quest to Understand, Treat, and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease” , talks about how much this book influenced him in his early years. So I had to get a copy and here it is.
FWIW PDF this is good quality photographs, and not really text. ~MFP
If you would like a $100,000 education in 90 minutes. If knowing right from wrong is important to you. If you wish to end human slavery…. Then watch this: ~MFP
I can not recommend this 118 page, easy to read book enough. I read it 20 years ago and need to read it again. Here is the hard copy on Amazon. ~MFP
On Satanic Government:
You are aware that members of the Skull and Bones at Yale, were a large percentage of the “selected” leaders that we “vote” for? Right?
Today I got confirmation of what I already believed about these people. (on the 10.29.22 Alex Jones Show) Alex and his guest both added to the coffin and gay sex involved with Skull and Bones initiations that most of you are already aware of.
What they added to the story was that they are forced to stay in feces in a coffin until they can commune with Demons. Even if it takes days for this to transpire.
This information dovetails right into all of the many other Satanic “tells” of our “selected” leaders.
Sadly our “law enforcement” that is of a reprobate mind, is doing nothing.
They are too busy kidnapping children without a jury trial for the sex trafficking of children by “CPS” in every State.
What is it going to take to stop this?
I think that we are going to have a rash of parents killing hospital personnel when they realize the truth.
And any informed jury would likely not convict them.
IMHO the root of this problem is the apathy and complacency of the Modern Christian Church, towards the State illegitimately tramping our God given right to choose our medical care, with the creation of the AMA medical monopoly. ~MFP
Be careful when you purchase repackaged cheese at Shelters in Seymour. Their vacuum packaging machine has not worked in a year. They have had plenty of time to either fix it or replace it. They are packaging cheese in plastic and it molds badly in less than 30 days. ~MFP
Yet the Modern Christian Church, through it’s Satanic interpretation of Romans 13, supports the “Divine right of kings” in the year 2022!
The Modern Church does not seem to realize that we are a Constitutional Republic that is not ruled by men, but rather by law. Modern Christians are almost universally willfully ignorant of that “law” that we call the US Constitution.
Consequently “Modern Christians” are huge supporters of lawlessness because they have no idea of what the “law” actually is.
And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ ~Matthew 7:23
The idea of the sovereignty of the people is one of the main underpinnings of the God inspired Declaration of Independence. Right?
In much the same way that the CIA tried to keep people from recognizing, and pointing out conspiracies with the term “conspiracy theory”, the mind control lords in the CIA have waged a war against the concept of our sovereignty.
They have done this by taking over the education of the useful idiots that are known as “law enforcement”.
Through miseducation, they have convinced cops that anyone that believes that they are the sovereigns, as the Declaration tells us, and the word of God in the Bible tells us, (because all of the Natural Law ideas in the Declaration come from God’s word) are members of a group probably birthed by the FBI, called the “sovereign citizens movement”.
It is very telling that both the founders and Jesus told us not to have standing armies … such as “the police”. We did not listen, and today they are being Satanically mind controlled against us. God’s Prophet Isaiah put it this way:
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
This is exactly what law enforcement is doing when they go on their rants about “sovereign citizens.”
From what I see, EVERY cop on the beat has undergone this brainwashing and they have swallowed it hook line and sinker.
What they are doing is showing disgust for the foundational principles that God founded this country on. namely that the citizens are the sovereigns.
Unfortunately cops do not recognize how much that they are being used, and mind controlled. If you wish to learn how “law enforcement” should look you need to go no further than Balko’s description of it in 1776 in his book: “Rise of the Warrior Cop”
I remembered today that Lucifer’s 1st tax, the first plank of the Communist Manifesto (the property tax) comes out next month, so I had to cancel my upcoming dental appointment.
Hey Satan’s tax’s must be more important than maintaining the Temple of the Holy Spirit because the modern Christian Church has no doctrinal problem with it or Satan’s other tax. (the 2nd plank of the Communist Manifesto)
Lucifer’s 2nd tax is coming up in April .(a graduated income tax) Never mind that I need a few thousand dollars for important health needs besides my dental needs. Satan must be paid first. Everyone knows that.
Lets all “Hail Satan” and fill his coffers! Satan trumps caring for the Temple of the Holy Spirit any day, because as we all know government is the equivalent of God, and we must do what our God the government demands. (even if the taxes go to Satanic purposes like these 2 taxes do)
Get Iodine while it is still available
Most governments of the world that are not actively trying to kill their citizens are distributing it to the population. Not in the US however. ~MFP
Have you ever needed a phone recording to prove that you spoke with someone, or something that was promised to you…? It happens all of the time in my world. The best app that I have found for this purpose is “Cube ACR”
It runs $10 a year, and is well worth the money until someone shows me a good call recorder that is free. ~MFP
Note: If for some reason a recording presents possible legal problems the recording can still be used to produce an accurate transcript.
10.25.22 “THE MIDTERMS”
I am really leaning towards not voting, and in a free society that should not be the case but it is. In order for me to vote, I will have to disarm, and that is a big thing with me. A huge thing really. Historically only slaves had to disarm and that is what our government does to us. I will have to make sure that I don’t wear a “political” t-shirt …. whatever that is. Just another reminder that we are all just niggers on the plantation with no rights in the eyes of the State.
I do not have a right to travel, in this country, as my license plates long ago expired. So I would have to risk money being stolen from of me, psychological and physical torture with steel manacles, and even being locked in a cage like an animal, and fed food designed to destroy my health. They might even forcefully take DNA from me, all for me trying to participate in the clown show called voting. (and most of that BEFORE you are found guilty of anything in a court of law!)
Then we come to the actual candidates. It is a very rare thing to have a candidate that is worth voting for. Even men running for the highest offices of the land, demonstrate that they have no clue as to the purpose of government nor what the Declaration and the Constitution mean. I can not tell you how many decades it has been since I have seen a political candidate educated enough to vote for. They are almost universally very dumb people with an evil agenda. (Including the “Christian” candidates)
None of them tell you how they stand on the important issues. Even men like the “celebrated” Josh Hawley is very lacking in making his views known. He is too afraid that he may lose votes, and he does have a point. The voters in this country are so incredibly dumbed down that they would not recognize or vote for a good candidate if it hit them in the face.
Voters, “Christians” included only seem to vote for law breakers, those that promise to steal things and enrich those that vote for them.
I have not stood in a church in my lifetime, that has tired to educate the flock objectively and goes into the moral implications of where the candidates stand. We have nothing but cowards, and simpletons in the pulpit it seems.
They fear man (the IRS) much more than they do God.
What most miss is that “voting” is is one of the weaker powers that we have in this country. The grand and petite juries are vastly more powerful than the vote. With the vote you need 50% to prevail – with the jury you need only 8.3%.
The Militia is the other power of the American people over a tyrannical government, and they know nothing at all about the Militia, it’s purpose and history.
The thing is that you need educated people for either the vote, the jury, or the militia to work, and we live in a nation of morons, thanks in large part to our Apostate Pulpits.
I don’t think I am going to vote this time. It is an exercise in insanity…..
How about you?
If you are looking for a red dot consider this Vortex with a lifetime warranty and both red and green dot.
I have been using the free VPN from Proton Mail. It is great for the price.
Today I discovered that they have added what they call “stealth VPN’ and am tying it out today. It should eliminate those many sites that bock you because you are using a VPN. They also claim that it is much faster: ~MFP
Are you getting unwanted calls and or texts? The best app I have discovered so far is “Call Control“ Make sure you look into the “do not disturb” settings if you wish to block all calls that are not in your contact list. You get the premium version for a week and that is what I am running. Hopefully the free version that it will revert to is acceptable. ~MFP
Please do not “support the troops”!
US support of the Nazi’s in Ukraine began in 1947 with the CIA supporting them as a “stay behind network” to fight the Russians if needed.
(Very much like another CIA stay behind operation – “Operation Gladio” that in Italy bombed a school bus full of Italian children and blamed it on the “Communists” – when in reality it was your tax money, and essentially your troops at work )
This has all escalated to the point today that the US 101’st Airborne is in Poland ready to get us into a nuclear war, over a country that we have no defense treaties with, that Congress has not declared war upon, and for which there is no casus belli.
These Americans to me look like mindless, order followers, psychopaths, and useful idiots. Men with no allegiance to either God nor the rule of law. It makes them in my mind clearly treasonous, apostate, and of reprobate mind.
If you support them, then does not that put you in the same boat?
This is really old hat. Last year Australian intelligence, released proof obtained from the SWIFT funds transfer system, that the majority of our Federal Congress and many of the State Governors, have received payments of up to $250 million dollars each to sell this country out. This includes Democrats and Republicans. ~MFP
Interview: The Enemies within the Church // Trevor Loudon (70 minutes)
*** Spoiler: Trevor shows that anyone can be an uniformed moron at 1:05:00 when he enthusiastically sides with Ukraine.
This is a book that anyone wanting to look into what cancer is, and how to best treat it, should read. (along with the rest of Cowans’s other books)
Tom Cowan is one of those rare gifted thinkers, that can see what is right in front of us but usually missed.
My daughter is currently an AMA doctor, that is out doing more harm to people than good, because of the medical school indoctrination that keeps her from seeing the truth that is right outside of the little box that she is painted into.
Do yourself and your family a favor and seek some truth by reading this book and break outside of your mental box. ~MFP
The coming military draft (that everyone is ignoring):
They are going to “draft” (enslave) not only young men, but rather both men and women, perhaps from 14 to 60 years of age. We are going to lose the war against China and Russia (that was pre-planned) that will be fought in the Continental US and most of those drafted are going to die.
If you don’t see it you are uniformed to say the least……
Even if you thought that we were going to prevail and win, then we would go back to having an evil Satanic Federal Government lording over us. So why would you even consider joining that fight?
The secession of Missouri from the Union is a given, at some point, which will change these dynamics. Perhaps the corrupt and inept Missouri government will be worth considering fighting for. I suspect that the state of Missouri when they secede will also institute slavery in the form of a draft.
Perhaps those of draft age would better serve God, and their neighbors if they concentrated on defending their towns and counties, rather than dying fighting for tyrannical governments that have done little to nothing in securing our rights. Patrick Henry speaks to this observation:
“I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know no way of judging of the future but by the past.“ ~ Patrick Henry
It seems to me that if we were to somehow win an unwinnable war, against Russia and China, for either the Federal or State governments, that they will immediately go back to enslaving us rather than as the Declaration says, “secure our rights”.
After all many if not most State Governors, and the US Congress in DC are on the Communist Chinese payroll. We learned that a few months back when Australian intelligence leaked this information that they obtained from the SWIFT electronic money transfer system.
Side thought:
If you were to find yourself unavoidably drafted into the military, it would be logical and moral, to refuse to use automatic weapons, hand grenades, etc…. because the government says that we the people can not own them. Refuse to fight to defend these tyrants with anything other than a semiautomatic rifle.
After all our rights come from government and not God, so we need to follow those laws of government…..
10/19/22 Why is every business that we deal with incompetent?
In the past , I have had my mail from my bank sent to a PO box. I also had a billing address listed that was not the PO box. Today because I moved I needed to update the psychical billing address, and was told that they can only have one address! (something that they magically could do until today) So now they are going to send my mail to an address where there is no mail box and mail can not be delivered!
I could easily write a large book on the insanity of dealing with almost any business today, but especially government, and those business’s that government has it’s filthy hands in “regulating” that business. (like banks)
IMHO the root of insanity like this, is people “going along to get along”. No one has a spine or any discernment….. Scripture encapsulates this perfectly:
“…know ye not that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God” ~James 4:4
Have you ever wondered why history seems to repeat itself? Perhaps because we never seem to learn anything from it.
Look at how Christians learn nothing from knowing the history in scripture.
In 1963, unlike the Prophet Daniel, Christians stood down when their god the Government. told them that their children could no longer pray in Satan’s 10th Plank Schools. – 1 ~MFP
Webster County Health Department flyer in the mail today:
Your County health department, like the AMA medical monopoly, was put in place by the Globalist/Satanic Rockefeller Family.
The economic havock, that this globalist serving organization, caused in Webster Country during the COVID lock-down is huge. They were key in tramping our God given rights, and causing the destruction of many small business’s. ~MFP
COX health determines what to bill you AFTER your doctors visit! How would you like to go to the grocery store, or gas station, and then have them figure out what they want to charge you, after you get the food or gas?
Well this is exactly what COX health does! I recently went in for a checkup, and made it a point to ask my primary care what I would be billed. They said that their paperwork would justify the tests, and that they would be paid for. I knew at the time this was a cop out, and they had no clue.
It turns out that my cynicism was spot on. I just received a bill for $43.20 for the f’ing visit! And even after asking – she was not aware that I would be charged WAY more than any so called “co pay”.
In any other context, other than a “doctors” office this would be considered outright criminal fraud. However when Globalists start a medical monopoly, they can not only do things like this, they can outright murder people (i.e. the COVID jab – the use of Remdesivir) and our legal system (i.e the county sheriff) does absolutely nothing!
Perhaps, everyone in business ought to copy the COX Health Care model, and only charge your customers after you provide the service or product, and if the ingrates dare balk at your rip off bill, you then take your substantial resources to ruin them financially with bill collectors, and bad credit reports.
The truth is if you did this, the legal system would come after you so fast….
but not Lucifer’s medical system.
I won’t even give my doctor my phone number because, if I do then their bill collectors drive you crazy with automated phone calls. How much more insane can you get, than your doctor not having your phone number?
What a Godly business model that COX health has put in place. based on Godly things like fraud, lies, and deception…..
Who would have guessed that Globalists/ Satanists started this illegal monopoly with the “Flexner report”?
As the Globalist Psychopaths work to eliminate humanity, the Springfield MO COSTCO is fully cooperating. They embrace the NWO agenda…..
Like the European Politicians that told their citizens to take the death jab, and did not take it themselves, I really doubt if the management, especially upper management of COSTCO, took it themselves. They however badgered, and threatened the hell out of their employees to get the jab. How may employees did they kill and maim? Isn’t this in violation of the Nuremberg Principles?
Why does the Green County MO Sheriff sit idly by when genocide is right in front of his eyes? Why isn’t the management of COSTCO charged with very serious crimes related to their actions?
They even tried to badger, and mind control their “customers” into wearing the health hazard, face diaper, that they call a mask. And it worked to an amazing degree. I recall times when it seemed like I was the only one in the store that was not a NPC. (non-playing character)
“Red Man Bad”
In the first week of this month, I made my monthly trip to Costco in Springfield MO. I only go once a month because with all of the inflation, that is all the gas I can afford. I spent the better part of this day driving to Springfield, wandering about the store getting what I needed, and went to checkout, where I was informed by the cashier that my card had expired. They had not notified me, even with them having my email and I had failed to renewed it. Since I had not budgeted for card renewal, I asked that they let me slide until next month, after all SAMS club has done that a few times for me and it is the consideration that one would expect after being a member for 15 plus years, and being the one that pays the salaries of COSTCO management.
They would have nothing to do with it! I was so ticked off that I went to a second (order following) manager that parroted the same anti-customer “company policy”.
If the above were not bad enough, when I borrowed a paid and up to date card, from the man inline behind me, both management and an employee, knee jerked and told me that I absolutely could not do this!! They really went over the top in making asses of themselves that day.
What has stuck in my mind was the fanaticism they expressed in it being absolutely “verboten” to use another persons card. It explained their incessant push for me have them put my photo on my card…
Then it dawned on me: They are helping to bring in the Satanic, “Social Credit Score”, to be used with the comping electronic currency. COSTCO’s upper management already sells all of your purchase information to various, 3 letter government Federal Agencies!
They are setting up all of the various pieces of the puzzle for Lucifer’s NWO, to both track and regulate all of the food that you buy. They are doing this so that they can limit, and control you with a “social credit score”.
For instance if you purchase too much meat for the month, you may find out that there are “carbon” travel restrictions placed on you and they are enforceable because you were forced to have an electric car.
There it is for you folks, if you have eyes to see and ears to hear. Springfield COSTCO is a great illustration of a NWO serving, store that willingly, and knowingly is helping to bring in Lucifer’s NWO.
VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO KNOW — This is about where the communist/socialist government that we now have in the US came from.
Spoiler: This is an expose about Fabian Socialism that was a redirection of Marx’s Communist Manifesto. ~MFP
Most rejected it as being “way out there”. Now we have confirmation through another whistle blower
Before you buy any of the newer deep well hand pumps (most all of which are garbage) take a look at what my Amish neighbors use: Baker Deep Well Hand Pumps – Baker Water Systems DIvision –
It is distressing beyond words, that Americans have been so dumbed down by the Communist schools, that they entirely miss the deception here. Here is the correct interpretation of what is going on here:
The Sovereign State of Missouri is as sovereign as Germany or Mexico.
This ruling is about as legitimate as the Supreme court telling Germany or Mexico what gun laws that they can have!
Remember that the only powers that the Federal Government has are those that are explicitly granted to it. No where in the US Constitution is the Federal government granted ANY authority over our self defense! IN fact they added the 2nd amendment to make this fact perfectly clear to even the mentally challenged. The 2nd amendment says that the Federal government shall not write ANY legislation concerning our God given right of self defense.
That being said ALL matters concerning firearms are under the Sovereign authority of Missouri, Germany, and Mexico. Not the freaking Supreme Court!
If you do not understand this, I ask you to please watch Constitutional Attorney Kris Ann Hall’s talk entitled: Non-Compliant
The root of this mess IMHO lies in Satan’s “Case Law”. The Concept and acceptance of “Case Law” is one of Lucifer’s great victories in destroying our God given rights in this country. The right and so called “Christians” have swallowed this Satanic concept hook line and sinker.
The Holy Ghost is urging me to write a piece on the fallacy of “case law”, so expect to see that soon.
He echos what is so self evident, that it hardly needs to be argued. ~MFP
“2 step authentication” is BS
If sounds good doesn’t it? Except it is not what it seems, and the useful idiots at the Seymour Bank have forced it upon their customers. Without getting into technical details, according to the digital experts I have referred to, 2 step authentication does not increase your security at all. What is does do is that it lets the deep state Satanists make sure who they are tracking. The only thing that 2 step authentication has ever done for me personally, is to lock me out of my own account! In this case I had to contact Seymour Bank 3 f’ing times to get this straightened out. ~MFP
Where do Satan’s Minions get the Money to implement the New World Order?
It’s very simple actually. The 2nd and 5th planks of the Satanic document known as the Communist Manifesto has been implemented in ALL first world countries. I suggest you take a few hours, and watch The Money Masters if you want a detailed in depth explanation.
The 5th plank is a privately owned central bank that counterfeits the countries money.
(As a side note: this US Federal Reserve caused inflation, has a very hard effect on the worlds poor. Because of the so called “petro dollar” the people in even the worlds poorest countries in effect subsidize YOUR standard of living in exchange for lowering theirs.)
The second plank is to enslave the people with a graduated income tax, to pay these globalist servants of Satan interest on the counterfeited money. It is a proven fact that none of this extorted money goes to run the government! Read President Reagan’s Grace Commission Report if you doubt this.
The bottom line is that Christians in this country toil for months each year so that they can pay tribute to Satan’s minions (the Globalist Bankers that own the Federal Reserve) by paying the Federal Income Tax on April 15th every year.
Do not lose track that you not only pay the “Income tax”, you also experience inflation because counterfeiting money causes prices to go up. Hence so far you have been raped twice by the Globalists. Once with the tax, and the other time with the resulting inflation.
Because the income tax takes so much money, you find yourself in a position where you need to borrow money. The same Satanists that have implemented the Federal income tax, planned it this way, and are ready to rape you again with their credit cards. They are happy to counterfeit more money (this is what fractional reserve banks do) and loan it to you at up to 25% interest. This is the 3rd rape of you and your family. The 4th rape is the fact that this loan and credit card money also cause prices to increase.
I find it hard to believe, that I have never in my 65 years heard a Christian Pastor with either enough brains to understand the above, or the backbone to present it to their congregation.
The bottom line as far as I see is that the Christian Pastors of this country hold a huge amount of the blame as to why it has been possible for the Globalists to implement the New Wold Order. One would have to search hard to find a more dumbed down population than modern Christians, they seem to have an aversion to the truth. Satan could not ask for a better friend than the modern Christian Church. ~MFP
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” ~Thomas Jefferson
Look into Geoengineering The very real results of this “chem-trailing” is that dozens of trees on my property have died this year. If this continues there will be no firewood to heat our homes with in the winter. ~MFP
10/1/22 Chem Trailed Sky, in the Missouri Ozarks.
Dead trees everywhere as a result Not a natural cloud to be seen….
Chem Trailed Sky, in the Missouri Ozarks. Dead trees everywhere as a result Not a natural cloud to be seen….
9/28/22 Blind support of those that “live by the sword” by the Christian pulpits is going to take us into WW3 and billions will likely die. We are witnessing a world created by Christians
The evidence points to part of the standing army (i.e. those that live by the sword) known as Seal Team 10, in an overt act of war, blew up the Russian owned Nord Stream lines 1 & 2! Congress has not declared war. There is no casus belli for a justified war against Russia at all. This action was not supported under God’s Natural Laws. It really does not matter because US special forces have already been caught fighting in Ukraine along side the Ukrainian Nazi’s!
Should Christians support “the troops” when they look more like NWO controlled terrorists?
Certainly not, though the vast majority will support whatever Caesar directs them to do. They will not know the difference between good and evil. They do not seek the truth, and God will send them delusions. Not what I wish it to happen, but that is what is most certainly going to happen.
How many I wonder know that this one act, by “US Troops”, could very well cause more deaths of European men women and children, than the 7 million that Hitler purportedly killed in the Concentration camps? If you are aware of the gas situation in Germany, the numbers of Europeans killed by this single act of US Special Forces, could directly result in more deaths than in any other recorded war. It could also get us into WW3 and kill billions.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
~Isaiah 5:20
“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: ”
~2 Thessalonians 2:11
This is what God tells us money is in his Holy Word:
This piece of paper with Satanic and Mystery School symbolism is what “Christians” think is money and keep on supporting as money. This is not going to end well:
Fools Gold a book by Pastor Doug Tjden who lived in Seymour MO going into biblical reference to silver and gold as Gods money.
“And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: ” ~2 Thessalonians 2:10-11
“Diverse weights and diverse measures, They are both alike, an abomination to the LORD.” ~Proverbs 20:10
The words: “New Word Order” on their money should have woke them up, but for those that do not love the truth, (modernChristians) the “delusions” seem to be real and in effect.
9/25/22 Chainsaw sharpeners
After years of trying out different chainsaw sharpers I have found one that not only does not take electricity, it takes off far less metal than an electric sharpener and thus your chains last much longer, it also costs 25% of what my electric sharpener cost.
Above is the $400 sharpener that my local shop uses, and that I have, but very rarely use.
TheTimberline sharpenerthat I use daily is a bit over $100 (buy an extra carbide burr) and it does a better job and I prefer it over the $400 or any other sharpener that I have come across. You are crazy IMHO if you do not own one.
You will not be disappointed. ~MFP
9/25/22 Nuclear fallout and thyroid cancer
My research tells me that you must start using supplemental iodine at a dose of 130 mg for 14 days, within hours of the beginning exposure, or your chances of contracting thyroid cancer go up dramatically. Unfortunately most Americans, my self included, do not own an $800 dollar radiation meter to determine exactly when that time is. If you are male pay particular attention as the mortality of men that contract thyroid cancer is much higher than for women.
Another issue that I can’t afford to go into here is radioactive cesium that takes the place of calcium in the food chain. Don’t drink milk from your cow for at least 3 months is the advice I get, but a few hundred years is a better time frame, as the half lime of radioactive cesium is much longer than that of radioactive iodine. There are preventative things to do to mitigate radioactive cesium but again it is too lengthy to include here.
Potassium Iodide is disappearing, especially in the 130 mg size doses.
I wish I could link to a brand name product, but this is what I have found, it is a great price, but of unknown quality:
This is 30 – 130 mg doses per bottle or approximate enough for 2 people to complete the course, per bottle.
FWIW you are much better off if you always supplement with iodine each day in the 16 mg range and then go up to 130 mg for 14 days only when exposed to radioactive iodine. DO NOT take 130 mg a day , each day or you may damage your thyroid.
Bulk Livestock Feed– Seymour MO
567 Bison Rd, Seymour, MO 65746
Phone: 417-765-6065
“The price is $17.25 per 100 pounds so that should be $103.50 for 600 pounds.
it’s open on Saturdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. The business location is only a small shed as an office and a 3 sided building with the feed.
just pull in and the guy will come out and load you up with what ever weight you want. CASH ONLY Business. so you will have to bring it in bills.”
It is getting very expensive to feed my 9 ducks and 3 drakes, then I was made aware of a very low cost alternative:
I can not believe that I have been paying TWICE this price for bagged broiler mix from Kliers Hardware!! I may have to add niacin to the feed because ducks require more niacin than chickens. Thanks to Carla you also now have this information.
This is what 1023 lbs of 16% protein poultry feed looks like: Approximately $180
9/23/22 Is “Modern Christianity ” as evil as Lucifer himself?
One expects evil to be evil. One expects Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and other Satanic entities to be evil. That is what they do, and that is what they believe.
What do Christians REALLY believe? Do they really believe that the greatest commandment is to love one another? Do they really believe that we are our brothers keeper? Do they really believe that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Their actions certainly do not indicate that this is the case. You judge a tree by it’s fruits.
It may shock you, when I say that I find it hard to tell the difference between the Satanists, and the Christians in today’s US. But it is the honest to God truth.
There are only 2 choices of whom to follow. You follow Satan, or you follow the Lord Jesus Christ. There are only 2 sides, and silence, apathy, and complacency, that the entire Christian Church seems to be embracing is NOT the side of Jesus Christ. Apathy towards evil is no where found, or even alluded to, in the Scriptures. Quite the opposite in fact. The entire Bible is replete with examples of God’s people dealing with evil either in themselves or in the world. That message however has gone over the heads of 99.9% of the the pastors and congregations in this county.
Modern Christianity looks at best like a mental disorder. There are 40,000 people in Webster County, and if things go as far south as it looks like they may go, having “only” 20,000 people starve to death here would be an optimistic outcome. It would likely be more like 90% or 36,000 men, women, and children if we lost electric of one year..
Yet the Christian Community refuses to address the food issues which could be addressed in a dozen ways including food clubs, to get the Nazi health department off of the Amish backs to allow the Amish to actually produce food for local consumption, without going to jail. A seed bank, and people that know how to save many varieties of seed. Classes on growing, and preserving food. People willing to help older people get a garden started, etc. Perhaps most importantly, how are are people going to water their gardens without any electricity?
All of these things could be addressed if people would just work together on these common goals. What do you think Jesus Christ would do in a similar situation? Nothing at all like the so called Christians here in Webster Country?
If you are one of those (and there are many that I can see) that is preparing only for yourself and your family, you are setting yourself up for a violent death IMHO. If your neighbor has water, but neglected to work with the neighborhood to insure that his neighbors also have water, when the electric goes out, the neighbors are going to take control of that water, and people are going to die in the process. Even your pastor if his family is dying of thirst and hunger, is going to be an extreme threat to your existence.
Hunger drove even Jesus Christ and the Apostles to glean corn from a field on the Sabbath, which they knew carried the death penalty. Hunger drove King David, and his men to go into the Holy of Holies, and they ate the bread there, an act that God would normally kill a person for doing. Do you think that you are of stronger will than King David or Jesus Christ?
There are a dozen other fronts that should have been addressed over a period of years. Many of them just as important as having food. For instance: Has your church educated your family about the absolute necessity of taking iodine immediately after exposure to nuclear fallout? As far as I can tell not a single Christian, or Christian organization in Webster County is interested at all in joining with Jesus Christ and battling Satan.
When many of the Christians realize that they are stuck in the mess that they created, and that God is not going to rapture them out of their evil creation, they are going to turn on you, and I and those that did prepare. What a wonderful position to be in: to have to defend ourselves from “Christians” that both created the problems at hand, and also refused to prepare as a group to deal with those problems.
Like God himself I find myself wanting to vomit out anything today that call’s itself “Christian”. Decide which side you are on, and act that way.
It has come out that US special forces are fighting in the Ukraine against Russian Troops.
What better illustration could one ask for that shows the evils of maintaining standing armies?
These men are fighting a globalist war for Klaus Schwab and George Soros. They are a disgrace to the Christian principles of just war., and the Natural Law Principles that this country was founded upon.
What is missed by most, is that the State of Missouri has it’s own eugenics program, only it is not as out in the open as Canada’s, and those implementing it are low IQ “useful idiots” that we call the Missouri Legislature.
I have had to stop seeing my dentist in Missouri because they are forced by the state of Missouri to make me submit to cancer causing dental x-rays whether I consent to such treatment or not.
The state of Missouri has supported this unconstitutional dental monopoly that has buried some of the most important dental research ever done by dentist Weston A Price. Just the fact that they are a monopoly means that much of the population can not afford to see a dentist, and get the work done that is needed. That was done on purpose IMHO, and is part of the medical eugenics and euthanization that the Missouri Legislature supports.
Even worse the Dental monopoly, fully supported by the state of Missouri has allowed the ADA to cover up the life saving research discovered by the ADA funded, over a 20 year long, 100 man, research project headed by Weston A Price. (2,000 man years of dental research buried) Without this cover-up the ongoing dental eugenics could not survive in Missouri.
As a result, most of us have life threatening medical malpractice in our mouths! Forced upon us by the State supported monopoly. Things such as mercury fillings, nickel dental appliances, root canals, and cavitations. With a free market in dentistry, as the Constitution, and the Laws of Nature and of Natures God proscribes, this cover-up and dental genocide by the State of Missouri could not not have happened.
We live in a time where the whole world lies in the evil one, and that most certainly includes the modern Christian Church.
Lucifer’s FDA/USDA does not think that God’s people have a God given right to grow our own food, and nurture the temple of the Holy Spirit with this healthy food.
Sadly our pastors and churchgoers by their apathy and complacency, agree with Lucifer and as always choose to follow “the Satanic Agenda” rather than following the light.
Do you recall what the “Christian” community did a few years back when this same evil satanically controlled FDA/USDA, destroyed multiple generations of a family cheese business here in Webster County?
They did nothing, just like when in 1963, their god the government told them that their children could no longer pray in the 12 year indoctrination camps.
“You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin.” ~Hebrews 12:4
“But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” ~1 Timothy 5:8
Do you want to keep the deep state from tracking your credit card purchases? Things such as ammo or guns?
I have long thought that these virtual credit cards had disappeared, but today Mike Adams made me aware that this company provides this important service: ~MFP
How many people are going to die in Webster County MO due to stupidity in the coming years?
We have almost 40,000 people residing here in Webster County Missouri. Our own government, the same government that has refused to protect our grid from EMP’s, says that an EMP and the loss of electricity, will in one year, kill 90% of the population. That means that 36.000 residents would die, and only 4 thousand will survive if we lost electric for a year. Perhaps this is something that should not be ignored….. just perhaps.
There are other ways to lose electricity, for instance if one is to not able to afford it, the other would be because of supply chain issues dealing with diesel for the trains to deliver the coal to our power plants or the coal supply being cut off because the Satanists running the country have destroyed our infrastructure. Or the 5th columns in this county blowing up the rail tracks that bring coal into the electric plant.
During the past 2 years, there has been another deadly threat. The medical establishment in the county, places like the Fordland Clinic, have been lying to residents about the safety of an experimental RNA gene therapy, that very much looks like it was designed to kill off most of the people that received it.
Many think that it is also a binary weapons system that is capable of mass death, when the correct 5g signals are present. Again your local government is allowing the construction of the 5 G network here in Webster County.
The part of the government that we euphemistically call “law enforcement is sitting on the sidelines, watching the medical industry administer these death shots. This is the same “law enforcement” that will come kidnap your child for the CPS without any due process or jury trial. This is the same “law enforcement that will come in the middle of winter, and make you and your family homeless, because you could not pay Satan’s extortion tax that we euphemistically call the property tax, when it is clearly the 1st plank of Satan’s blueprint called the communist manifesto.
These are the people that will criminally come kidnap your child with no jury trial, that will in-effect murder you by making you homeless because of the legalized extortion of the property tax. These are the same people that ignore the very real crimes of the medical industry committing mass genocide on the American people. In 3 matters I have pointed out government actions that are likely to result in your death!
Most of the county, and local government are useful idiots , and they did not attend the WEF globalist training to learn how to do this. Perhaps a few of them have, but not the majority. Regardless it is the actions, and inaction’s of your county government that are very threatening to your life. If you are particularly slow let me point out that government does not look like our friend, but rather looks more like a deadly enemy that wishes to kill us. The facts speak for themselves.
The food supply is going to virtually disappear , for various reasons, with or without electricity not for months but likely for years.
Lucifer’s plan, here in this county if we let him, is going to be electronic currency (to control every aspect of your life) and a guaranteed basic income.
It”s all going to lead to you swearing allegiance to Lucifer, and taking the mark because he is going to have you painted into a corner that you, the county government and your pastor, allowed him to put you in. The government in Webster County has done NOTHING to educate the citizens or to otherwise thwart this threat. In fact county government looks like they are solidly on Satan’s team.
Speaking of government it is the Rockefeller globalists, that set up our “county health department” here in Webster County. The same health department that harassed small county business’s with illegitimate, and onerous burdens and threats during the fake COVID lock downs, to the point that many of them failed. (Are you beginning to see the pattern here of government not protecting us, but rather violating our God given rights, in a effort to eliminate us from the planet?)
The county health Nazi’s are the reason that the Amish have not developed a local food industry that could well save many thousands of lives in the coming years. Well about 5 years ago I did a lot of research and I discovered how to negate their evil, and that was in large part by forming a food club that they could not regulate or harass.
Over the past 5 years I have brought up this idea to numerous “Christian leaders” in Webster County. Not one, to my utter astonishment has showed the slightest interest, which perplexed me for the longest time. I finally came to the conclusion that they were not interested is because they have fallen for Satan’s deception. The lies coming out of the so called Scofield Bible Commentaries. being particularly applicable. I have come to the conclusion that these modern deceived Christians are not interested, because they believe that God is going to rapture them out of the mess that they themselves have created!
They don’t care a phuck about the starving people that would be left behind when God beams them out of here, like they do on Star Trek. The fact that God is going to let them stay in the mess that they created, I must admit puts a small smile on my face, as God is just God.
Anyhow the fallen modern Christian Church can not be described by the adjectives that I would like to use to describe what are ostensibly Gods people. Instead sadly when I hear the word “Christian” I immediately think of stupidity, ignorance, apathy, complacency and cowardliness. Hating one another….. you get the idea. You know them by their fruits….
These are the same people with their Satanic interpretation of Romans 13, the exact same interpretation that Adolph Hitler loved so much, have brought us not a Godly local government, but clearly a Satanic one.
We are not free men any longer. We are slaves to the confiscatory tax’s that support the political class:
I am so fuking tired is this stupidity that emanates from the “right”. What the hell does law abiding have to do with the God given right to protect yourself? A right “by definition” is something that can not be taken from someone, and that was the case in this country until the psychopaths in DC adopted a Nazi German gun law, and said that somehow this mere law somehow overrides the 2nd amendment!
In case you are daft, it takes a Constitutional amendment to do this! But somehow the morons in this country think that the opinion of sexually confused men in black dresses can change this reality.
Do any “modern Christians” actually read and pay attention to God’s word? Jesus Christ himself told his disciples to go out and criminally (under Roman Law) buy a Gladius ( a roman sword). He told them to be law breaking weapons owners!!
The Lord of Host tells us to do something, and the vast majority of today’s so called Christians, think that our government knows more, and is more important than what Jesus Christ told them to do.
Modern Christianity is evil and looks like a mental disorder to me.
9/8/22 Jesus would not support what our Senator Josh Hawley parrots….
Senator Hawley, I STRONGLY object to your use of the phrase: “right of law-abiding Americans”
When you stated: “I strongly support the Second Amendment right of law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms.”
As a US Senator I should not have to correct you. You should know this. The second amendment says nothing about the right only applying to the “law abiding”. The very definition of a right in Blacks Law dictionary says that a right can not be taken away! In the past murderers having served their prison time were given back their weapons. That was until we adopted Nazi German gun law in the form of the clearly illegitimate as hell 1968 Gun Control act. It seems that you are basing your opinion on Nazi Gun laws! When Jesus Christ told the apostles to sell their cloaks,and to go buy a (Roman Gladiolus) sword. He was telling them to go break the law, as it was against the law for Jews to own a Roman sword. So as far as I can see Jesus Christ also has an issue with your position, as the Apostles that owned swords were clearly “law breakers” and he told them to do so!Senator Hawley I submit to you that most Americans that are moral, are not always “law abiding”, that there are immoral laws that moral men should not follow. Yet you clearly state that these people should be denied a God given right, that neither Jesus nor the 2nd amendment suggest that this right should be denied.If you think about your position, it is blasphemous. You are saying that you are greater than the Lord of Hosts and that you support the trampling of a right that he gave us. I am sorry that you like many of us did not learn much about this country when you attended the mandatory 12 year indoctrination camps other wise known as the 10th plank of the Communist manifesto. You like most of your constituents do not know our history or even the definition of a right. Please reconsider your use of this blasphemous language. I find it as anti-intellectual and anti factual as the use of the words “conspiracy theory”. “fear monger”, or “civil right”. All 3 NLP mind control initiated by the CIA.This is a a very serious matter, not frivolous nit picking. I pray that you can see that. Your job according to the Declaration is to “secure our rights” and nothing else. Yet your statement above says that you actively support the trampling of our rights.
This is so misguided…. Actually it is “modern police” that are wrecking the country. . Can anyone argue that the “police” have not enforced the unconstitutional as hell 1968 gun control act? (That was lifted word for word, from Nazi Germany gun law.) Can anyone argue that the “police” have not enforced the Unconstitutional as hell 1934 Federal firearms act?
It was order following police, and Sheriffs with shit for brains that have allowed this criminal disarming of the American people! They are a big part of the reason that the UN is going to wipe the floor with us!
It is modern police that have disarmed the people, and the Feds have destroyed the militia through a campaign of false flag terror and entrapment.
It is your job to defend yourself. PERIOD Police never could and never will protect you. Instead they will be the standing army that comes to take your guns and bring you to the camps. That is history and why the founders warned us about standing armies. (like the police)
Self defense is a God given right and our police do not secure our God given rights like the law enforcement system did in 1776. Almost always they are there to violate your rights.
FWIW — A right by definition is something that can not be taken away or altered.
IF it were not for the insanely stupid law enforcement that we have today, Hal Turner could exercise his God given right, and duty to protect his family. Like God intended. This country is evil when it spits on our God given rights. “Police” is the evil that gets this done. ————————
The “Satanic Agenda” to disarm us does not have better friends than your local police.
If you wish to see what Law enforcement was like in 1776, and should be like today, I ask you to read at least the intro and 1st chapter of Balko’s book on the topic:
This was printed right after the Declaration, and Paine refers to it in this document..
George Washington had it read aloud to the troops. This should be required reading for the Missouri Militia that, doesn’t yet seem to even know why it exists. “The American Crisis”, it is so pertinent could have been written in the year 2022.
The language is a bit of a challenge but well worth the effort.
FWIW I got interested in this document after getting a copy of Pastor Chuck Baldwins “Freedom Documents” HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Americans seem to be oblivious to the coming collapse of the dollar, although the signs are everywhere, and crystal clear as to what the globalists have planned for us.
Americans are ignorant of the fact that he vast majority of the words nations have signed a treaty known as “operation sandman” where they will all one day soon repudiate the dollar. They are all going to go to one gold backed currency or another. The western governments however are not going to allow us what the Constitution guarantees, and instead force us onto an electronic currency. IF we allow this there will be no going back. The total government control over your life will make dystopian novels like 1984 and Brave New World look like very desirable options.
This electronic currency control is quickly going to get Americans to do things, such as swearing allegiance to Lucifer, if they do not want to be turned off. Have you thought of how, because you would not swear allegiance to Lucifer therefore you don’t have a bank account, you are going to pay rent or your property tax?
Our pulpits are asleep and their failure to warn, and prepare God’s people is going to be a death sentence to millions of American Christians.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge…” ~Hosea 4:6
9/3/22 Rechargeable battery maintenance:
Glad that I did not wait a year to check on my stock of rechargeable batteries. They are supposed to store for a year with a full charge, but mine were not even usable after 6 months. I am thinking that they need to go through a few full cycles before they have their full life.
Anyhow it is a good idea to check on them on a regular basis, some types can be damaged if left uncharged too long. Perhaps this time they will last a full year before I have to top off the charges.
Canning in your Instant Pot
I have the large Instant Pot. It will hold 3 quarts or 4 pints at a time. I have recently canned collard greens, snap beans, and okra and butter beans.
Make sure you put in the rack beneath the jars, and also to vent the steam for 10 minutes. The only unknown is does it get up to the 11 PSI, that I can with at my 1400″ altitude? The people at Instant Pot won’t tell you, even though it is a safety issue.
So…. I mark all of these jars with an “IP” on the top to remind me to boil the contents for 10 minutes, if I want to take the extra step in case botulism survived my canning and made toxins.
I am sticking with it for now. It saves valuable propane, and time.
The Christian Church is making the exact same mistake that it made in Nazi Germany:
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.”
~ Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1)
I don’t find any significant differences between the actions of the Christian Church in Nazi Germany, and the contemporary Christian Church in “these United Sates”. In both cases, it was the inaction of the Church that allowed the evil to Fester and grow.
“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” ~Revelation 3:15-16
Does government do anything that is NOT “lawlessness”?
The Federal government is stealing money (i.e. the Constitution does not support them doing this) to subsidize our Internet Bills. You get $30 of stolen money every month applied to your Internet Bill. All of the churches are silent because they have no idea of what is good and what is evil.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
As a result Internet companies like Total High Speed here in Webster County jacked their prices by at least $30! This federal theft does not even benefit me! In fact just to remain even I have to get the subsidy of stolen money or I will be paying $30 more a month. As it is their service is approaching $100 a month!
This is but a small sliver of the lawlessness that is either actively supported by our churches or supported by their silence.
And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ ~Matthew 7:23
I don’t think that God is happy with these modern apostate churches:
“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” ~Revelation 3:15-16
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? ~1 Peter 4:17