4 Years After CDC Whistleblower Comes Forward: Nothing Happens

It was four years ago, August 2014, that a senior CDC scientist—Dr. William Thompson–claimed whistleblower protection by claiming that the CDC had committed fraud by hiding and manipulating data that showed the MMR vaccine was associated with a higher risk of autism.   In August, 2014, I wrote,  “Now, there may be proof that the CDC not only knew about the link between the MMR vaccine and autism but they changed the data in a landmark 2004 study to hide the damning data. What did the heads of the CDC do when they were notified of this fraud? They altered the data and reported in 2004 (1) that there was no association between autism and the MMR vaccine. Who wrote this article? William Thompson, PhD, the very same whistleblower, was one of the authors of that 2004 study. Dr. Thompson  claimed he was suffering with regret and remorse over the damage that has been done to our children over the last ten years.”

According to the CDC, we are currently suffering through an exponential increase in autism since the 1970s.  In 1970, the autism rate was 1 in 10,000.   In 2018, the rate of autism epidemically increased to 1 in 59 children.   That is a 169-fold increase in autism in U.S. children over nearly 50 years!

You would think a senior CDC scientist who claims malfeasance at the CDC is responsible for the rapid rise in autism would immediately trigger Congressional investigations to find out the truth.

However, our dysfunctional Congress would prove you wrong. Four years later, there have been no investigations by Congress.  There has been no presidential vaccine safety commission studying the matter.

Four years later, there has been nothing.

I am sick of writing about this travesty.

Folks, The United States of American simply cannot survive if 1 in 59 of our children is being diagnosed with autism.

I know that the Powers-That-Be continually state that vaccines are safe and effective.  They claim that vaccines do not cause autism.

If the Powers-That-Be are correct, then why are U.S. children so ill and why do so many suffer with autism?  We have significantly more autism, chronic illnesses, cancer, asthma, and autoimmune disorders per capita when compared to any other western country.

We are also the most vaccinated.   Show me the data where more vaccines result in better overall health for our population.  I can assure you that there is no data to show. ………… Read More


BLOG: Missouri Firearms Coalition

MFP Commentary:


Become a Member  Here

About Missouri Firearms Coalition 

Let me play devil’s advocate, for a minute, by pointing out my concerns about  the statement:    “law abiding gun owners” made on the above “about” page:  (FWIW  every gun group , and owner, almost without exception,   accepts this  anti liberty “group-think” slogan , so I am not picking on MGC in particular.)

This is the text that I have a concern with:
1.) “While professed pro-gun legislators have a majority in both chambers, Missouri lags behind many other states in protecting the rights of law abiding gun owners.”

Why do  people that claim to be educated in the concept of liberty, assert that if someone is not “law abiding”  (such as maybe being a christian in some countries)  that somehow your right to self defense disappears?   Do any of these people think before they type?     Doesn’t this imply that law breaking  gun owners have no rights? (It’s foundational in Western law that everyone has rights, all of the time.  Even “lawbreakers”)

If these group thinkers carry their logic forward  they would also use terms like “law abiding parents”, where they believe that if a parent breaks a law, that they would forever lose their right to be a parent or to conceive children.  Aren’t they saying the exact same  nutty thing about gun owners?   I guess a law breaking food shopper would perhaps be banned by law for life from entering a grocery stores.  Think outside of your normalcy bias and group think and you will clearly see how nutty all of these assertions are to anyone that believes in inalienable rights.

a pattern of thought characterized by self-deception, forced manufacture of consent, and conformity to group values and ethics

Let’s continue, if  a gun owner is not law abiding, to the extent that he is incarcerated, his weapons, are kept from him, by the fact that he can’t bring them into the prison.   However the day this person gets out, even if a convicted 1st degree murder, he get’s access to his guns back that very same day.   At  least  that is the way this country worked, and was supposed to work, until the US Congress, instituted the Nazi gun Control Act in the US and renamed it the “1968 Gun Control Act”.    Americans up to that point understood that the right can ever be taken away (or regulated for  that matter) as that is the very definition of a right.  Close to 100 years of government monopoly schooling has produced individuals that have no clue as to what their rights are, or the proper function of government, according to the founders and our founding documents. That is how over the top, disgusting slave-speak like:  “law abiding gun owners” get into the lexicon.  Isn’t this an oxymoron of the highest level?  What does following the law have to do with a right, since a legitimate law can not take a right away)


2.) “In 2015 year alone, numerous states signed Constitutional Carry into law and made progress in advancing Stand-Your-Ground law – yet both of these bills died again this year in Jefferson City.”

“Laws” do not give us our rights.   The second amendment recognizes the fact that we had and still have a pre existing right of self defense.  We need no “laws” to tell us this.  Further “Laws” can do nothing but restrict this right. People that speak and act like this,  are again very clearly illustrating that they do not even understand the basic concept of a right. This is scary, when the more educated of us, are still missing the philosophical  elephants in the room.

The solution IMHO, the only real one that will get us off of the hamster wheel of trying to enact legislation is to educate the public as to what their rights are.   Passing legislation is nothing more than licking your masters boot, for a few permissions, as government can not grant rights.

Think about it, and I welcome your comments below.

Lastly please  contact this group with your thoughts, and if their answers convince you that they are philosophically on firm ground, then buy a membership, and support them.

While I despise the machiavellian compromises, that they are making, perhaps it is necessary, but that does not mean that we should not have a less myopic, longer term goal and methodology planned out.(Like educating the public about their rights perhaps)

I plan on purchasing a membership, even if we may have a difference of opinion.  These are not the times for a house divided.  Not at all, and after all they are keeping the wolf from the door for the time being, as expedient as the method may be.

In Liberty!

BLOG: Thoughts on Essential Oil Companies and Products

MFP Commentary:

I am not a new comer to the nutrition scene, though I held off my exploration of “essential oils” for years now.   I was put off by the sleazy marketing aimed at people with disposable incomes that knew little or nothing about nutrition. Your typical American soccer mom, that demanded the AMA model of a simple solution, of a  pill (or oil)  for every ill.      I saw, and still see most of these essential oil groupies, as being very uneducated about health and nutrition.   Why else would you see people ignoring the foundations of health (nutrition/toxins, sleep, exercise, emotions) and try to build a house of health on a structure with no foundation?   It makes no sense at all to those that understand that the body needs at least 90 raw materials (essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals, & vitamins) to build a healthy body.   Many of these people must believe in magic,  that somehow that these magical oils are going to provide their bodies with all of the essential 90 nutrients that the body needs.  And from looking at most of these people you can tell that they are not getting good nutrition, just from their body shapes and the condition of their skin. Watching what they eat is even more telling of their nutritional ignorance.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not against essential oils.   I am very much in favor of, using them, when called for and appropriate.  IMHO that  is when you have built a foundation for health by addressing diet/toxins. sleep, exercise, and emotional health and you still get some ailment. Then and only then is the modality of of exploring other options advisable. Especially from a financial perspective.  The very first thing that someone considering taking an oil should consider is: Where did I screw up on the diet/toxin side of the house?  And try and address the root cause rather than using Essential oils as band aides for your negligent treatment of your body.

All of these preconceptions were  proven out, when I somehow sat through a 3 hour Young Living seminar, that  can be best described as an indoctrination fest.  Three solid hours of being in an “echo chamber” of ideas.  I don’t have the time nor inclination to go into details here, and will move on…..

After this Young Living boot camp, I decided to go to the Young Living web site and see about getting a bottle of Bergamot oil.  After all their reputation as far as I knew was stellar.   I was  immediately confused that they were saying to use this oil only externally, when one of the most potent uses of Bergamot oil is internally for inducing autophagy.

To me this is a  lie by omission.  They had to be aware, or should have been,  aware of this use for the Bergamot,  but are   are telling people that internal use is not safe!   Reading between the lines, it seems like this Christian company’s god is the USDA, as they seem to fear repercussions from them, more than they think about telling the truth, and having their customers health as their first concern, by exercising their God given right of free speech.  Sorry but Kowtowing to government agencies illegitimate powers, by curtailing your God given free speech is not something that Christians should be doing IMHO.  If the manufacturer of a product will not educate it’s customers about the uses of a health product, then who will? And who is responsible when sickness results from this omission?

Trying to order a single item as a retail customer was a nightmare.   The $28 bottle of Bergamot expanded to cost $45 if ordered as a mere mortal.   So, I reluctantly explored becoming an associate.  After an hour of going in circles,   and being treated like  mushroom (being kept in the dark and fed bull shit) I had to give up. This entire MLM (multi level marketing) scheme was purposely obfuscated, for some reason, and I was not going to be the mark, whose time was going to be wasted.

Consequently I spent a few hours doing more research.  What I discovered was that the obvious way

Explain  why I wanted to GC-MS data sheet.
ducking question



Hello, XXX,
Thank you for contacting the Young Living® email department in regards to  our Bergamot oil. Our scientific testing is an important part of our Seed to Seal® quality commitment. We believe that extensive testing is necessary to produce quality essential oils, and one or two tests is not sufficient. We have spent years developing some of the most sophisticated and accurate test methods in the industry. Sharing these specific methods could put us at a competitive disadvantage. Additionally, this information is complex and only an experienced scientist who is familiar with natural products will understand the reports and information.

Thank you for taking the time to contact Young Living®. I hope that you have a wonderful day XXX.
If you have additional questions or concerns, or if we can assist you in any way, please feel free to contact us via telephone at 1-800-371-3515, via fax at 866-203-5666, via e-mail at custserv@youngliving.com, or via our Live Help feature at www.youngliving.com.
Member Services
Young Living® Essential Oils
3125 W Executive Parkway
Lehi, UT  84043


explain why they are hiding this info



Support the Missouri Free Press (and fight Nazi cops) with your own T-shirt!

MFP Commentary:

Is it not the ultimate hypocrisy to say that we are a free country, yet  we  accept to being lorded over by what the founders I am sure  would see as a standing occupying army in blue uniforms?   To those that know any real history, we the people, the militia. literally  guarded our own freedoms in  this country, and we should consider getting back to that sane, efficient,  just, and lawful system.

Why isn’t it the creed of ALL Americans, to dislike men in blue uniforms that are sworn to violate your rights, because they are sworn “order followers”?They swear to  follow the illegal orders of the deep state that are often referred to as “law” What a joke. Disdain for  these Satanically controlled soldiers in blue should be a most admired  American trait,  (and I am not sure that it isn’t)  and would be the sure end result of a people  knowing history and capable of logical thought and reason.

After WW2 we hung many Nazi order followers. I see no reason why these contemporary US  order followers should be given any quarter.    We do have laws that could be used against millions of these thugs, but the law never seems to apply to the powers that be. Check out the law I refer to:
Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 – Conspiracy Against Rights

Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 – Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

Continue reading “Support the Missouri Free Press (and fight Nazi cops) with your own T-shirt!”

The (illegitimate) “government” is selling you your rights rather than protecting them.

MFP Commentary:

Americans are so utterly dumbed down, that instead of demanding that the government protect their innumerable rights,   they go to the government,  “licensing office”  & jump through any requested hoops, just like a trained monkey, and pay an extortion fee,  in order to be allowed to exercise a God given right.

Among other things this is an example of moral relativism,  as I do not have the right to charge my fellow human beings a fee in order for them to exercise a right.   It amazes me how many  so called “Christians”  sit idly by, and support a government office that is based upon a major plank of the church of Satan,  that major plank being “moral relativism“. 


Springfield MO – “Licensing Office”

Mediacom Ice Park – Springfield MO


MFP Commentary:

I can’t believe that it took me 5 years to check out the ice skating resources in Springfield MO.   It turns out that most of my assumptions about the place were unfounded.  They have great  public skate hours.  Multiple sessions per day, 7 days a week, this time of year,  and they sell a seasons pass at a very reasonable price.   The pass is $120 a year, and $100 if you are a senior or a student.   For comparisons sake, the  Germain Ice Arena in Estero FL,  charges $400 a month for unlimited ice time, and then only for what they “free style”  skating, which is geared more towards competitive figure skaters rather than the general public.

They also have  8 week hockey and figure skating classes that are held year round if you don’t know how to skate.  This runs about $100 per 8 week  session.The rental skates look half decent also.

The proshop was closed and I could not get my skates sharpened when I was there.  You might want to call before you go, they are located at:
635 E. Trafficway St., Springfield, MO
Phone (417) 866-7444

Here are some links to get you started:
City Parks web site
City of Springfield  Page on the Ice Arena
and lastly their Face  Book Page

As you can see, I had the entire rink to myself the other day. Which is a fantastic thing if you want to do any serious skating.
My only gripe about the facility is that this is not a free market enterprise but instead consists of the socialist government of Springfield, stealing money at gun point from the citizens, to build a multi million dollar facility, that when all is said and done, is not something that the citizens of Springfield seem to want to utilize.     That being said, I had no part in the theft, and  plan on utilizing this facility over the coming years.   If I can afford it I am planning on picking up hockey equipment and getting back to playing after a 45 year hiatus.  Hope to see you there!


YouTube censorship RAMPAGE running amok as all the GOOD people keep getting terminated

MFP Commentary:
I have experienced this personally.  I criticized Amazon and within hours the YouTube Channel for Missouri Free Press was permanently deleted.  YouTube has not even responded to my appeal to reinstate the channel:

Amazon abuse of power. I doubly want to kick Jeff Bezo’s in the balls!


(Natural News) YouTube’s mass censorship is still underway, as more conservatives, libertarians and anyone else who stands in the way of the leftist cult from pushing their propaganda are having their channels taken down left and right. YouTube’s unceremonious account terminations seem to be yielding two responses: Horror, from those who understand that this behavior is disgustingly authoritarian — and applause from the useful idiots who erroneously believe that it’s okay to silence dissenting opinions, as long as it fits their political agenda…. Read More



Amazon abuse of power. I doubly want to kick Jeff Bezo’s in the balls!

MFP commentary:

Warning to the serfs on the Jeff Bezo’s globalist plantation:  Don’t you dare point out when Amazon and Jeff Bezos screw you over.   If you do your Youtube account(s) will within hours be deleted, and trying to get them reinstated will be an exercise in futility.   Telling the truth about Jeff Bezo’s will be construed as spam and trolling. What a convenient way to shut down criticism of your Satanic company, and actions.  What a complete and utter abuse of power.    Google/YouTube  by calling my true post “spam”   rolled back and censored over 200 posts that I made.

When someone points out their criminal behavior, they  just get their globalist buddies at YouTube to  electronically make all of the attempts of getting the truth out go away, with the accusation of being a troll or violating their nebulous “terms of service”,  just like the ass-hats at Amazon do.

This is what transpired within hours of my post that did nothing other than link to a story about Amazon that I had just posted:

We’d like to inform you that due to repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines (https://www.youtube.com/t/community_guidelines) your YouTube account MissouriFreePress has been suspended.

After review we determined that activity in your account violated our Community Guidelines, which prohibit spam, scams or commercially deceptive content (https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2801973?hl=en).

Please be aware that you are prohibited from accessing, possessing or creating any other YouTube accounts. For more information about account terminations and how our Community Guidelines are enforced, please visit our Helper Center

If you would like to appeal the suspension, please submit this form. (which BTW does not work at all ~MFP)
Amazon and Jeff Bezons are real POS that seem to be working with the other globalist company, Youtube/Google, to prevent the serfs on their globalist plantation, from exercising their free speech and pointing out when either site on their customers.    This is going to get interesting. I think both companies are going to some day regret the day that they pissed on the American people.

If you don’t think that  this is an extreme use of power, how successful do you think that you would be  to within hours, of a post that you did not like, that pointed out your criminal actions and practices,  in getting YouTube to irrevocably destroy years of the posters work?   We are ruled over by monopolistic criminal corporations and we had better speak out while we still can!   You are not winning Amazon, you are just making me more committed to seeing the truth come out!

Other MFP articles about Amazon:

I have a new reason to want to kick Jeff Bezos in the balls…..

Amazon is a criminal enterprise, and Jeff Bezos is a thief that belongs in jail…


Article on Dave Hodges site about Amazon and Jeff Bezos:
Amazon, both good and bad is turning out to be the reincarnation of 19th century Standard Oil. Both are Captains of Industry and Robber-barons. Here is the complete story. Trump is taking on Bezos. This is the most underpublicized conflict of our time. Amazon pays no taxes and has set themselves above the power of our government. This is going to get ugly. The fight for the control of our government is happening right now
This Is the Most Underpublicized Conflict-The Fight for Contrl of the American Government Is Happening Right Now



Mike Adams “the health ranger” had his channel  deleted by the psychopaths at YouTube just like I did. Like myself he is fighting back!  He is launching competition to YouTube and I hope that you switch over when it gets up and running:

Health Ranger announces Real.Video as “the answer to YouTube censorship” … bypass tyranny and censorship with p2p file sharing


AMAZON TYRANNY: I have a new reason to want to kick Jeff Bezos in the balls…..


MFP commentary:

It seems that as Amazon gains power over our lives, and becomes more and more of a monopoly,  that it acts more and more tyrannically.

For the record I spend over 10 years taking my time, and helping to build the net worth of Amazon by doing   product reviews on everything that I purchased there.  And how does the psychopath Jeff Bezo’s treat the very people that pay for the food in his fridge, and help build his business?

I recently got this finalization to an  earlier DEMAND made by Amazon, to someone that they mistook me  for one of the serfs on their globalist plantation:

Message From Customer Service 
> Hello, 

> My name is Carlin form the Communities Leadership team. I apologize for 
> any confusion caused by our previous correspondence. 

> Your account was banned from community features and your public profile 
> deleted on Wednesday, February 28, 2018, in accordance with our Terms of 
> Use, after we emailed you about the profile content which violate our 
> guidelines on Friday, February 23, 2018 at 2:06 AM (US/Pacific). 

> That email read: “It’s come to our attention your profile image and name 
> don’t meet our customer reviews guidelines. Specifically, the  image and 
> name is the Impersonation of another individual. 
> We ask that you immediately correct or remove this image and name as it 
> falls outside of our guidelines. If the image and name a are not removed or 
> corrected within 3 days, we will remove your profile from the website.” 

> Since your profile was not updated to meet our guidelines within the time 
> frame provided, we informed you of the subsequent ban and deletion on 
> Wednesday, February 28, 2018 7:54 AM. 

What upset the “gods” at Amazon was an avatar that I had used for 10 years on their site.   I used a photo of Thomas  Jefferson and the pseudonym of “Thomas Jefferson”.  It was a pen name like many authors use and many of the authors of books sold by Amazon use.  Is Amazon sending threats to authors of books that use a pseudonym?

These NWO minions, were upset that I was “impersonating” a person known to be dead for over 200 years is their ridiculous cover story, but the real thing that they want to stamp out are any pseudonyms, they want to know who everyone is for their intelligence buddies the NSA.

FWIW this is the exact Avitar that I was using:

So one day I get a demand Amazon that I cease and desist from…. basically doing nothing.  Amazon is acting like a mentally ill psychopath that will do anything to control your behavior, and to retain control over you.  They piss on years of their customers work, and effort that built their business.

Today I got this final insult from Amazon:

>The decision is final and we will not reinstate your profile.
>I understand you’re upset and I regret that we haven’t been able to address >your concerns to your satisfaction.

>We won’t be able to provide further insight or assistance for your request.

>Best regards,
>Thank you for choosing Amazon Business.

Their answer to customer service is to  irrevocably (according to them) destroy  what I spent 10 years creating…..
My answer to them is that I am advocating that others, think about doing  things that will cost Amazon  business, time,  and money. Consider the following:

1.) When placing orders using Prime, never order more than one thing at a time, this will cost Amazon money, and perhaps they will listen when we cost them money.

2.) Consider using Amazon to “rent” items that you don’t want to buy, but merely use for a short time.

3.) You can significantly extent your rental window by issuing a return  on the 30th day of your rental, then you will have another 30 days or more to make the return.

4.) If an item breaks after the one month guarantee that seems to be SOP, just order a new item and return the older one as the recent purchase, and get your money back.

5.) Break their review system by rating  every single item that you  buy  a one star review with no reason given.

6.)  Go to your state attorney general and file complaints against Amazon.

7.) Write and urge the US attorney general and the President to take anti-trust actions against Amazon….

8.)  Write negative reviews on https://www.ripoffreport.com
This is the actual complaint that was filed.

9.)  I am thinking of putting up another Amazon suks type site.  Would they issue a domain:  “iwontsuckbezos’sdick.com” ?

As you can see it is available to $10.98

10.) Do not do serious reviews. i.e. rate crappy products 5 stars and great products one star.  Why create something good when Bezo’s zombies (employees) can arbitrarily destroy all of your years of work in an instant? (They, like Zuckerberg have no respect for their customers) Make their reviews much less useful is the least that we can do in response to the ongoing way that Bezos treats his customers.

11.)  Shine the light of day  on these cock roaches of the business world by linking to this story.

I did  that  on YouTube today, and within hours of me exercising my free speech,  with  posts exposing Amazon business practices,  my channel  was deleted by YouTube/Google.   The posts were all rolled back also.  Exactly what the protagonist (Winston Smith)  does for a living in  the dystopian  novel, 1984.

It seems that these NSA globalist front companies have each others backs, much to our detriment.  What a criminal abuse of power.  —  A baker can not even turn down baking a cake for a gay wedding, yet look how these globalist companies are treating us!

Sure some of these actions may hurt the vendors, but that is the way war works, and yes this is nothing less than a war on the evils of Amazon and Jeff Bezo’s.   If the vendors start to disappear then so does the Amazon business model.  Don’t feel sorry for Amazon or it’s vendors.  Amazon went far out of it’s way to repeatedly (read the accompanying articles )  piss on this customer and to tell me  that it was only raining….

Please comment below if you can come up with additional ways to  put pressure on Amazon by costing them time, money, and loss of face.

(Personally I think that this Amazon attack on it’s  customers is fueled by it’s criminal and immoral tie in’s with our again… criminal intelligence agencies.  They don’t want you use to use pseudonyms because Amazon is in the business of keeping track of us for the intelligence agencies with which Amazon is in bed with up to it’s eye balls.)

Why Amazon’s Collaboration With the CIA Is So Ominous — and Vulnerable


Other articles on the way that Amazon mistreats it’s customers:
Amazon is a criminal enterprise, and Jeff Bezos is a thief that belongs in jail…

Amazon abuse of power. I doubly want to kick Jeff Bezo’s in the balls!


Damore Law Suit Against Google Is Gaining Momentum

MFP commentary:
Pretty timely as yesterday I attended a SCORE talk, where a Google spokesperson was flown in.  She acted as if she had “Googled” me and knew who I was and that I might not be too friendly to her employer.  When I interjected about the security danger of uploading pictures from your cell phone as  they usually contain EXIF (GPS co-ordinates)  information she seemed annoyed. It also seems that Google is censoring searches for this paper, very much like the did with Natural News,  another alternative news web site.

Dave Hodges article:

Google is desperately trying to control everything you see, think, hear and feel. Google has become the most evil corporation on the face of the earth. Remember, where they burn books, they will soon burn people. How far is Google willing to go with their censorship practices? Is the the beginning of the 4th Reich? Hopefully not, there is now a major law suit against Google which threatens to spread. Here is the rest of the story…. Read More

Damore Law Suit Against Google Is Gaining Momentum