AMAZON TYRANNY: I have a new reason to want to kick Jeff Bezos in the balls…..

  MFP commentary: It seems that as Amazon gains power over our lives, and becomes more and more of a monopoly,  that it acts more and more tyrannically. For the record I spend over 10 years taking my time, and helping to build the net worth of Amazon by doing   product reviews on everything that …

Amazon is a criminal enterprise, and Jeff Bezos is a thief that belongs in jail…

Yes you read that right, and my standard retort  to the question of “this is Amazon how may I help you?”  is now “If you can find Jeff Bezos please kick him in the balls”. That usually sets them back a bit, and then I continue to explain: I am a very computer literate person, …

February 20-23 , 2021 Breaking news and thoughts:

Excellent News Sources for 2021 “Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined. ” ~ Patrick Henry “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately”  ~Benjamin Franklin …

BETRAYED: Whole Foods suspends GMO labeling promise, will continue selling unlabeled GMOs after five-year LIE to its own customers

After being purchased by dishonest globalist Jeff Bezos — the same “Dr. Evil” anti-American creep who runs the fake news Washington Post — Whole Foods Market is now reversing five years of promises to consumers by suspending its GMO labeling promise. This means Whole Foods will continue to sell unlabeled GMOs while fraudulently insinuating to customers that …

YouTube censorship RAMPAGE running amok as all the GOOD people keep getting terminated

MFP Commentary: I have experienced this personally.  I criticized Amazon and within hours the YouTube Channel for Missouri Free Press was permanently deleted.  YouTube has not even responded to my appeal to reinstate the channel: Amazon abuse of power. I doubly want to kick Jeff Bezo’s in the balls!   (Natural News) YouTube’s mass censorship is …

Amazon abuse of power. I doubly want to kick Jeff Bezo’s in the balls!

MFP commentary: Warning to the serfs on the Jeff Bezo’s globalist plantation:  Don’t you dare point out when Amazon and Jeff Bezos screw you over.   If you do your Youtube account(s) will within hours be deleted, and trying to get them reinstated will be an exercise in futility.   Telling the truth about Jeff Bezo’s will …


  MFP commentary: The “stupid” never seems to end…..   For example: Amazon returns is now only authorizing a single pickup attempt, and they don’t even bother to notify the customer of this policy change. I am not in a rural area where they don’t even have to drive 10 feet out of their way …