The Drug War Is Totally Idiotic

MFP Commentary:

Even after Missouri  has”legalized” pot we still have a war on drugs here.

Even on pot that is not in accordance with their arbitrary and rights trampling, fake “legalization”.   Dig deep and you will see George Soros’s fingerprints on this so called legalization, with the psychopaths in Jeff City fully on board.




The Drug War Is Totally Idiotic

Pardon me for being blunt, but it would be difficult to find anything more idiotic than the war on drugs, an ongoing federal program that has been enacted and enforced by both Republicans and Democrats for decades. The program is sheer idiocy in that its supporters continue to keep it going despite the manifest failure, violence, ruination of lives, expense, racism, and destruction of liberty and privacy that this federal program has produced and continues to produce.

But hope springs eternal in the minds of the drug war’s supporters and enforcers. Each new drug bust over the decades, oftentimes accompanied with a large amount of hoopla from the mainstream press, provides these people with confirmation that victory is just around the corner. Just a few more drug busts and the long drug-war nightmare will finally be over….Read More


Democratic Socialism Is the Scenic Route to Serfdom





Where today’s socialists want more generous social protections through guaranteed health care, child care, and other benefits-in-kind, the distinction between government ownership and financing will be illusory in practice. Once government covers the costs of a service, it sets limits on how much it pays as the major consumer, creating de facto price controls. Governments attach conditions to their spending, too, defining who can work in an industry or the standards producers must meet. These regulations create shortages in high-cost areas, necessitating subsidized provision to meet demand. Before long the industry is effectively nationalized through regulation. Hayek’s key observation was that intervention creates problems that encourage further corrective intervention, eroding freedom along the way. Today’s socialists might not demand eliminating private property, nor be calling for gulags to enforce their vision. But, combined, their proposed regulatory, spending, and taxing onslaught would severely restrict freedom and undermine prosperity, just like the socialist experiments of old. By Jeffrey Miron and Ryan Bourne Learn more:…

Democratic Socialism Is the Scenic Route to Serfdom

Federal law complicates medical marijuana for veterans

MFP Commentary:

“COLUMBIA, Mo. – Nearly 70 percent of Missouri voters approved medical marijuana in November.”

This is absolutely dystopian and criminal to anyone with more than a few brain cells. We are supposed to be a Republic people. Not a democracy where we need the approval of the majority to exercise our rights.

I congratulate the 12 year indoctrination camps for destroying the ability of Americans to think or reason….


COLUMBIA, Mo. – Nearly 70 percent of Missouri voters approved medical marijuana in November.

The Show-Me State became one of 33 that has legalized medical marijuana, but the plant is still illegal in every form on the federal level.

That puts states with marijuana allowances at odds with the U.S. government and it complicates the medical treatment for some of the very people medical marijuana was supposed to benefit – military veterans.

A disabled Air Force veteran, who wants to remain anonymous because marijuana is still illegal to use in any form in Missouri, says he currently uses it for medicinal purposes. He says his chronic pain treatment got out-of-hand.

“They increased my medicine again. One doctor called it a ‘life-threatening dose,’ I was on 360 oxycodone a month,” the man said. “And then they give you all the supporting medicines that go along with that like one for sleep, one to keep you up, one for your mood. And so you end up with just a big grocery bag full of medicine every month.”….Read More

Why Lessons of Liberty Are Crucial for Children

By ensuring that our children begin learning these ideas at an early age, we not only impart the protection of the law, but also a sense of civility, strength, and responsibility.

In 2017, the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania released their traditional survey on American civics knowledge for Constitution Day. Out of just over one thousand respondents, 37 percent were unable to name a single right protected by the First Amendment. Nearly four hundred adults were unable to recall religion, speech, press, assembly, or petition. Out of those that were able to name specific rights protected by the First Amendment, the ability to name all five was limited.

Our decline in civics knowledge does not begin when we cross the arbitrary line from childhood to adulthood, but rather in childhood itself from a general lack of education on the topic. Putting it in incredibly distressing terms in 2011, Charlies Quigley of the Center for Civics Education pointed out that,

only 4 percent of all 12th graders … (are at) a level we would hope our future leaders would attain.

Out of all fifty states, forty offer civics as a subject, but only 29 offer a “full curriculum,” which “includes course materials that cover ‘Explanation/Comparison of Democracy,’ ‘Constitution and Bill of Rights,’ and ‘Public Participation,’ as well as information on state and local voting laws.” As such, the responsibility of preserving liberty through the next generation falls to us.

In a previous article, I told a story regarding my own experience as a teenager in which I was stopped and questioned with a voluntary search. I cooperated fully. Following the incident, I was lectured by my mother on the importance of asserting my rights when confronted by the authorities.

By ensuring that our children begin learning these ideas early on we impart the protection of the law, strength, and responsibility.

While opinion was split among readers as to whether or not my mother was correct in giving me such a civics lesson in the car, most readers seemed consistent in their surprise that, at sixteen, I did not know the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments. I did not know the laws that were intended to protect me from overreaching authority. I was a distressing statistic….Read More


The Ongoing Destruction of the Minds of Children

The Ongoing Destruction of the Minds of Children

There can be no greater stretch of arbitrary power than to seize children from their parents, teach them whatever the authorities decree they shall be taught, and expropriate from the parents the funds to pay for the procedure.
— Isabel Paterson

Compulsory schooling is a travesty. To call it education is absurd. Real education is lifelong learning as an individual, while compulsory public schooling is the indoctrination of children as a collective exercise to bring all down to the lowest level. Prisons called schools are simply the forced means to stifle individual brilliance while promoting sameness and monotony. The result of this brainwashing is meant to teach children to obey orders, and to be satisfied spending their lives in a virtual cage of ignorance, to never become entrepreneurs and dissenters.

With the recent death of the great John Taylor Gatto, the loss of a giant is evident. He was not only a pioneer in real education, but he discovered the true nature and genius that exists in so many children. The controllers who use the government school system as a way to dumb down the masses fully understand this potential genius. They are very fearful of it. So fearful in fact, that more than 100 years ago, they designed a mandatory school system as a way to control the common people. By training them to be good citizens and members of a collective society instead of individuals, the few could continue to control the many…..Read More

According to the Gallup Poll, 40% of Americans Identify As Socialists

MFP Commentary:
And what is the difference between socialism and communism?  Nothing actually, except the minor detail of how you get there.   In communism you  are forced, with socialism, people are dumb enough to  vote for it.  The end results are nearly identical.   
Where are Americans indoctrinated into accepting socialism? Mostly in the government schools (i.e. the 10th plank of the communist manifesto)    Furthermore what is the communist manifesto, that many if not most American useful idiots  seem to support?   Briefly the Communist manifesto was a document created by agents of Adam Weishaupt (the founder of the Illuminati) to codify their plan to bring in a New World Order.  A one world religion, and the death of all Christians (and most of the human race)  

This is one of the main reasons that I can not walk into a modern church in this country.  Churches are IMHO collections of very dumbed down useful idiots that through their support of socialism/communism   are supporting Satan’s plan to destroy Christianity on this planet, and to kill all Christians!  
I have a lot of difficulty in wrapping my head around the contemporary satanic death cult that  IMHO incorrectly call’s itself “Christianity”.  I beg to differ.  Helping the globalists and Satan to put an end to God’s plan for this planet and it’s people is not even close  to what a follower of Christ should be doing IMHO.
Socialists are not Christians and Christian Socialists are people so dumbed down that they don’t see that they are helping implement a very evil satanic plan for God’s people.

What do you think?  The comments are below this article.


According to a Gallup Poll, displayed on Drudge, 40% of Americans identify as socialists! Has the brainwashing worked? Have we been conquered from within?


The Evil Income Tax It’s Destroying the World Economy, says Martin Armstrong.

MFP Commentary:
My  main observation is the almost universal support of the income tax by the useful idiots that call themselves “Christians”.   Christians  seem to relish in being in  total ignorance about how the world works, and what reality consists of.  Christianity has become IMHO a mental disorder in this respect.  Most think that Romans 13 (1)  makes evil government their God and their actions and inactions,  support that this is what they really think.

The bottom line is that the second plank of the Communist Manifesto is a graduated income tax.  The second thing one must know is that the Communist Manifesto, was commissioned by Adam Weishaupt (the founder of the Illuminati) to help bring in the New World Order.  A dystopian world where being a Christian is a capital offense for which you will be executed.    This is far from the only plank of this clearly Satanic plan that most christians support….  The support for the 1st plank of the Communist manifesto (the property tax)  among christians is just as bizarre, evil,  and widespread.

Wrap your head around the fact that the Bride of Christ (the church)  in one way or another fully supports Satan’s plan to bring in the New World Order and to kill every Christian on the planet.  This is so bizarre you could not make it up if you wanted to….


The Evil Income Tax

It is imperative that we MUST eliminate the income tax. It is a purely a Marxist development that is destroying the world economy. The income tax has become such a tyranny that our liberty, freedom of movement, and world economic growth are all at great risk. Never before in the history of human civilization do we find an income tax. It is true that Ben Franklin once said that the two certainties in life were death and taxes. It is equally true that taxes, in general, have been around since the beginning of civilization. We do know that the earliest recorded tax was implemented in Mesopotamia over 4500 years ago, where people paid taxes throughout the year in the form of livestock, which was the preferred currency at the time. The ancient world also had inheritance taxes, also known as estate taxes or death taxes. The earliest recorded evidence of a death tax came from ancient Egypt (700 BC), where they charged a 10% tax on property transferred at the time of death.

The most serious crisis we face is that with the dawn of Marxism (Communism/Socialism) the way we pay taxes has changed significantly. Yet, one for the record took place in 2006 when China eliminated what was the oldest existing tax in history. The agricultural tax was created 2,600 years ago and was eliminated in 2006 to help improve the well-being of rural farmers in China…..Read More

US Warns UK Over Huawei and 5G Wireless

MFP Commentary:

From the authoritarian communist country often known as California:   “Couple must pay nearly $600G for removing oak tree from their property, judge rules.”

FWIW this type of socialist/communist implementation of the 1st plank of the communist manifesto occurs in all 50 countries that make up these United States.

Keep doing nothing and you will see your states current implementation of the 1st plank of the communist manifesto, become as egregious as what CA has done.

Why is this listed under “christianity”? Because christians are supporting the first plank of the communist manifesto, a plan to kill all christians on Earth,  and to bring in the Satanic New World Order.  Talk about “useful idiots”.

This story of the US government (under direction from the United nations)  going to insane lengths (such as making it illegal to stop 5g on health concerns)  to make sure it is implemented,  cements my certainly that 5G is being implemented for  very dark and nefarious purposes.  Both health wise and privacy wise.


Why School Compulsory-Attendance Laws?

MFP Commentary:

It is beyond insane to see so called Christians supporting these government indoctrination camps.   For starters free government education is the 10th plank of the communist manifest.   A plan to bring in the New World Order and to kill all Christians.   And the vast  majority “Christians” support both the theft to support these schools (the first plank of the communist manifesto)  and in doing so are supporting  the death of  Christianity and the murder of millions of christians and others.

Modern Christianity has in so many ways become a mental disorder…. I have no other way to explain this insanity.

Why School Compulsory-Attendance Laws?


Imagine if Congress were to enact a law that required everyone to attend church on Sundays. The overwhelming majority of Americans would go up in arms. The concept of religious liberty is so deeply ingrained in our American heritage that there is no way that people, including devout Christians, would accept such a law. That heritage was enshrined in the First Amendment, which prohibits Congress from enacting such a law.

Now, suppose things had been the exact opposite. Suppose that from the beginning, the Constitution had authorized Congress to enact compulsory church-attendance laws. Suppose that immediately after the Constitution called the federal government into existence, Congress had enacted a law requiring parents to send their children to church, in order to be educated on religious, moral, ethical, and Biblical principles. Suppose that we had been living with that national compulsory church-attendance law for the entire history of the United States…. Read More