According to the Gallup Poll, 40% of Americans Identify As Socialists

MFP Commentary:
And what is the difference between socialism and communism?  Nothing actually, except the minor detail of how you get there.   In communism you  are forced, with socialism, people are dumb enough to  vote for it.  The end results are nearly identical.   
Where are Americans indoctrinated into accepting socialism? Mostly in the government schools (i.e. the 10th plank of the communist manifesto)    Furthermore what is the communist manifesto, that many if not most American useful idiots  seem to support?   Briefly the Communist manifesto was a document created by agents of Adam Weishaupt (the founder of the Illuminati) to codify their plan to bring in a New World Order.  A one world religion, and the death of all Christians (and most of the human race)  

This is one of the main reasons that I can not walk into a modern church in this country.  Churches are IMHO collections of very dumbed down useful idiots that through their support of socialism/communism   are supporting Satan’s plan to destroy Christianity on this planet, and to kill all Christians!  
I have a lot of difficulty in wrapping my head around the contemporary satanic death cult that  IMHO incorrectly call’s itself “Christianity”.  I beg to differ.  Helping the globalists and Satan to put an end to God’s plan for this planet and it’s people is not even close  to what a follower of Christ should be doing IMHO.
Socialists are not Christians and Christian Socialists are people so dumbed down that they don’t see that they are helping implement a very evil satanic plan for God’s people.

What do you think?  The comments are below this article.


According to a Gallup Poll, displayed on Drudge, 40% of Americans identify as socialists! Has the brainwashing worked? Have we been conquered from within?