The coronavirus vaccine is the “final solution” depopulation weapon against humanity; globalists hope to convince BILLIONS of people to commit “suicide-via-vaccine” – Natural News

(Natural News) Now we come to the real mission in the “plandemic,” the censorship, the banning of hydroxychloroquine and the silencing of America’s Frontline Doctors: It’s all about global depopulation via a new vaccine that’s designed to mass murder billions of human beings and sharply reduce the population of the human race on planet Earth.

Why else do you think they’re making it mandatory while granting the vaccine companies complete legal immunity from all liability? It’s because the vaccine is designed to kill human beings, not save them.

Once people start dying, no one can sue the vaccine makers. That’s why they needed the legal immunity agreements in place before they launched the vaccine push.

The global depopulation agenda isn’t even a secret, by the way. Bill Gates openly talks about using vaccines to reduce the human population, and globalists openly admit they believe that if human populations aren’t sharply reduced, the planet’s biosphere will collapse due to carbon dioxide emissions, pollution and the frenzied consumption of natural resources.

Whether or not you believe that, they (the globalists) believe it. And they believe they must kill 90% of the human population in order to save the other 10%. Thus, globalists who pursue global depopulation see themselves as heroes of humanity, not mass murderers……Read More

Hydroxychloroquine Scandal Spurs Hundreds of Thousands to Protest in Europe, While Americans Mostly Just Comply – Medical Kidnap

Berlin, Germany, August 2, 2020

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Berlin, Germany, used to be the most famous city in the world representing tyrannical rule, as for decades after World War II the city was divided between “west” and “east” with a wall and guards preventing people from going from one side of the city to the other.

During this “Cold War” period between Russia and the U.S., Americans were taught that the “west” side of Berlin stood for “freedom,” while the “east” side represented tyrannical communist rule.

This past weekend, (first weekend of August 2020), citizens of what was once Nazi Germany led the world by turning out in the tens of thousands to protest against the tyranny of the COVID response by government, and the citizens united to proclaim they wanted “freedom,” and that they did not believe the Government’s version of COVID that has led to these massive loss of freedoms around the world.

And they were not alone. Demonstrations happened all over Europe, with some estimates that the total number this past weekend was around 1 million in number.

In Berlin alone, estimates ranged from 15,000 to 20,000 who turned out to demand their freedoms back. Some commentators in the Alternative Media are claiming that the Frontline Doctors press conferences from the week before, which were censored by the corporate media and Big Tech, but spread like wildfire anyway in spite of the attempts at censorship, were largely responsible for these turnouts.

Comments recorded in the media in Europe from some of the protesters seem to confirm this, as the comments echoed the same message that was communicated during the Frontline Doctors Summit in Washington D.C. last week, that there were thousands of doctors who disagreed with the Government “health authorities” and that their voices are being suppressed for evil purposes.

Knowing that there has been a 100% successful cure available for COVID since the beginning of the Plandemic is apparently waking up some people, at least in Europe, as a common chant in Germany was “Masks make us slaves.”

Here is a report with subtitles from Guardian News:

Independent Journalist Ben Swann also covered this today while the corporate media largely ignored it, or ridiculed it:

America, land of “Liberty”?

Meanwhile, the fact that hundreds of thousands of Americans have died needlessly from COVID when there are available cures according to thousands of medical doctors, doesn’t seem to motivate anyone in the U.S. to do anything about it.

Has history reversed itself? People escaping tyranny is the main reason European settlers came to America, and now maybe Americans need to go back to Europe to escape tyranny.

Such are the times we are living through……..Read More


Original Post


Related Stories:
Why Most Americans Will Submit to Coerced Medical Treatments – Dave Hodges

Demand Mask-FREE Shopping – Peggy Hall (and how to sue rights violating business’s)

The Great Unmasking: Studies in the Medical Literature Show FEWER Infections in Surgery when Medical Staff Do NOT Wear Masks – Medical Kidnap

Dentists: ‘Mask Mouth’ Can Cause Serious Health Issues COMPLICATIONS INCLUDE STROKE! – Washington Examiner


DavidKnightShow Full: Mandatory Masks Prep The Country For Forced Vaccines! – David Knight Show

The brainwashing worked: Poll finds 72% of Americans support fines, jail time for people who refuse masks – Natural News

NETHERLANDS REFUSES TO MANDATE FACE MASKS; SWEDEN SAYS THEY ARE ‘POINTLESS’ “There is no proven effectiveness” – Infowars – Steve Watson

World’s Top Epidemiologists – Masks Don’t Work! – Zero Hedge

Why I Wear My Mask | Welcome to the Masquerade – YOUTUBE channel “WhatsHer Face”

America is Led by Murderers – What Can Citizens Do? – Medical Kidnap

Dr. Anthony Fauci is employed by the United States government in the National Institute of Health. He is not an elected official, and has been in office for 38 years during the tenure of 6 presidents, and probably has more power than the Office of the President of the United States. Is he “untouchable?”

Commentary by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

There is overwhelming evidence that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, is guilty of mass murder.

Earning huge profits from the pharmaceutical industry, he has been the main leader in the United States controlling the Coronavirus response, which has included squelching public information about hydroxychloroquine, a safe FDA-approved drug which has been in the market for decades, and which thousands of doctors are now saying has a 100% cure rate for patients diagnosed with COVID-19.

This action alone has led to tens of thousands of needless deaths, as well as billions of taxpayer dollars spent on “new” cures for COVID-19, such as the very profitable Remdesivir, and the upcoming COVID vaccines.

He seems to wield more power and influence than even the President of the United States.

So is there no way to stop him or bring him to justice?

American Citizens vs. the Wall Street Central Bankers
What Dr. Fauci and others like him who are complicit in mass murder has is unlimited financial resources, as he is part of the Wall Street Central Bankers who pretty much control the affairs of the world through International organizations such as the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, and many other organizations that are linked to Central Bankers.

What allows this small group of Billionaires to control the affairs of the world and get away with mass murder is not their wealth, however, but a compliant and non-resistant citizenry.

An uprising among the “common folk” is what they fear most, because the “common folk” outnumber them significantly, and it would not even take a majority of the “common folk” to overthrow their power.

They use subtle mind-control techniques to control narratives, and they also use the media, and especially today in the 21st Century, they use Big Tech to squelch freedom of thought and expression.

They keep the masses fighting each other instead of them, by creating political and social divisions that the masses in large part do not even understand originate from this small group of wealthy people….Read More



How Fake Is Church History? The Gregorian Coup and the Birthright Theft – The Untz Review

This is the second of three articles drawing attention to major structural problems in our history of Europe in the first millennium AD. In the first article (“How fake is Roman Antiquity?”), we have argued that the forgery of ancient books during the Renaissance was more widespread than usually acknowledged, so that what we think we know about the Roman Empire — including events and individuals of central importance — rests on questionable sources. (We have not claimed that all written sources on the Roman Empire are fake.)

We have also argued that the traditional perspective of the first millennium is distorted by a strong bias in favor of Rome, at the expense of Constantinople. The common representation of the Byzantine Empire as the final phase of the Roman Empire, whose capital had been transferred from the Latium to the Bosphorus, is today recognized as a falsification. Politically, culturally, linguistically, and religiously, Byzantium owes nothing to Rome. “Believing that their own culture was vastly superior to Rome’s, the Greeks were hardly receptive to the influence of Roman civilization,” states a recent Atlas de l’Empire Romain, mentioning only gladiator combats as a possible, yet marginal, debt.[1]

The assumption that Western civilization originated in Rome, Italy relies partly on a misunderstanding of the word “Roman”. What we now call “the Byzantine Empire” (a term that only became customary in the sixteenth century) was then called Basileía tôn Rhômaíôn (the kingdom of the Romans), and for most of the first millennium, “Roman” simply meant what we understand today as “Byzantine”.

Our perception of Rome as the origin and center of Western civilization is also linked to our assurance that Latin is the mother of all Romance languages. But that filiation, which became a dogma in the mid-nineteenth century,[2] is under severe attack (we thank the commenters who directed us to this documentary and that one, to Yves Cortez’s book Le Français ne vient pas du latin, and to Mario Alinei’s work). It seems that Dante was correct when he assumed in De vulgari eloquentia (c. 1303), the first treatise on the subject, that Latin was an artificial, synthetic language created “by the common consent of many peoples” for written purposes.[3]

The distortions that produced our textbook history of the first millennium have both a geographical and a chronological dimension. The geographical distortion is part of that Eurocentrism that is now being challenged by scholars like James Morris Blaut (The Colonizer’s Model of the World, Guilford Press, 1993), John M. Hobson (The Eastern Origins of Western Civilization, Cambridge UP, 2004), or Jack Goody (The Theft of History, Cambridge UP, 2012). The chronological distortion, on the other hand, is not yet an issue in mainstream academia: historians simply do not question the chronological backbone of the first millennium. They don’t even ask themselves when, how and by whom it was created….Read More

MUST WATCH: Kitty Werthmann – How Nazis and Socialists Conquered America

This is the personal testimony of Kitty Werthmann who saw Hitler’s rise to power in pre-war Austria. He did not conquer by force. He was eagerly welcomed by the people because the Nazis promised free health care, guaranteed income, unemployment benefits, free nursery care, equality for all, gun control, and other enticements that, since WWII, have become deeply embedded in the American political system. Americans did not learn from the mistakes of the German people and now must pay a horrific price for their error. 2013 May 11

The audio of Kitty’s presentation is available on CD as one of three lectures in Volume Three of the Audio Archives. The audio version is called Lesson from Austria and can be obtained at The Reality Zone.


Deadliest Virus in the World: Communism – G. Edward Griffin


MFP Commentary:
Many things in modern American are based upon Communism.  Take the “property tax”  for example. It is actually the 1st plank of the Satanic  Communist manifesto that has been implemented in every county of the US!  Where the hell are the “troops” in protecting us against this clear tyranny?   Wel for starters the troops are a standing army that the founders warned us about and that scripture calls: Living by the sword.

Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword.
~Matthew 26:52



Original Post

This video squeezes into just 8 minutes how Communists around the world (1) have used violent conflict, based on identity politics, to overthrow governments, (2) how this has led to economic chaos and the murder of tens of millions of people, and (3) how this same tactic is being used today in America. It is highly recommended that this be viewed in conjunction with another program called More Deadly than War, the Communist Revolution in America, which reveals an additional layer of Leninist strategy that includes, not only the use of violence, but non-violence as well. The non-violent strategy builds on the fear instilled in the population by violence in the streets and causes them to embrace legislation they are told will please the destroyers and cause them to stop the violence. In reality, however, the legislation is designed to convert the old order into a Communist system by legal and parliamentary means. America is being conquered by Communism, not because of mobs storming government buildings, but by electing Communist politicians claiming to be socialists and justice warriors who are building Communism step by step, one law at a time. 2020 June 28 Source: Turning Point USA.

Related Article:
Communism: The DEADLIEST VIRUS in the world spreads across America – Natural News