The Great Unmasking: Studies in the Medical Literature Show FEWER Infections in Surgery when Medical Staff Do NOT Wear Masks – Medical Kidnap

Several studies in the medical literature that compared infection rates during surgery with surgeons wearing masks with surgeries where staff did not wear masks showed no benefit to wearing masks, and in many cases the infection rate was LOWER when NOT wearing masks

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Early on during the COVID Plandemic, when mask mandates began to be rolled out, which incidentally only began after California Governor Gavin Newsom’s nearly 1 BILLION dollar purchase of Chinese-made masks began clearing customs and making its way into the U.S. marketplace (See: Is California Governor Newsom Leading the Communist Takeover of America?), I was told one weekend in June that I could not enter an open air Farmer’s Market without a face mask.

I refused, and entered the market anyway, since it was on public property. The young man who tried to prevent my entry followed me through the market to make sure I did not try to purchase anything, and I tried to engage him in an intellectual debate on the rationale for wearing face masks outside in a wide open space.

I told him that many medical doctors were exposing the dangers of wearing face masks for too long, to which he replied:

“Oh really? So when a doctor performing brain surgery is wearing a face mask, he’s wrong?”

I came to a full stop, looked him directly in the eyes and said:

“Do you see anyone around here performing brain surgery? Yes, in a hospital surgery setting, a face mask is appropriate, but not outside in the fresh air like this.”

Now, I am not so sure that my response was accurate after all, as even that belief, the belief that surgical masks are necessary during surgery, is now being challenged…Read More

Related Stories:

Is that Mask Giving You Lung Cancer? It’s Criminal to Force Children to Wear Masks all Day – Medical Kidnap

Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy 

Author of Dystopian Classics Predicted Face Masks to Enforce Uniformity 70 Years Ago –  Paul Joseph Watson –

Sweden’s Lead Epidemiologist: Wearing Face Masks Is “Very Dangerous” – Zero Hedge

Demand Mask-FREE Shopping – Peggy Hall (and how to sue rights violating business’s)

The Great Unmasking: Studies in the Medical Literature Show FEWER Infections in Surgery when Medical Staff Do NOT Wear Masks – Medical Kidnap

Dentists: ‘Mask Mouth’ Can Cause Serious Health Issues COMPLICATIONS INCLUDE STROKE! – Washington Examiner


DavidKnightShow Full: Mandatory Masks Prep The Country For Forced Vaccines! – David Knight Show

The brainwashing worked: Poll finds 72% of Americans support fines, jail time for people who refuse masks – Natural News

NETHERLANDS REFUSES TO MANDATE FACE MASKS; SWEDEN SAYS THEY ARE ‘POINTLESS’ “There is no proven effectiveness” – Infowars – Steve Watson

World’s Top Epidemiologists – Masks Don’t Work! – Zero Hedge

Why I Wear My Mask | Welcome to the Masquerade – YOUTUBE channel “WhatsHer Face”

MFP Commentary:

I hope the young lady that runs the hair  dressers in Seymour MO reads this article.  She also needs to learn that the health department does not write law. IF it did they would call it the legislature and not the health department!

And that Federal Laws supersedes State Laws, and the ADA act  says that even a private business can not discriminate against someone with a disability that prevents them from wearing a mask.

OSHA also prohibits employers from requiring employees to wear masks for long periods because of the health risks.  If your employer is requiring you to wear a mask, at work, consider joining or starting up a class action lawsuit against them. Recorded evidence (legal in MO) will strengthen your case)

Check this out:   Demand Mask-FREE Shopping (and how to sue rights violating business’s) – Peggy Hall


Medical Doctors Across the U.S. Continue to Expose Murderous Anthony Fauci for Withholding Live-Saving HCQ for COVID – Medical Kidnap

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

More medical doctors have come forward to expose the continued withholding of hydroxychloroquine from COVID patients and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s continued propaganda against it, which has led to tens of thousands of deaths in the U.S., and millions worldwide.

Two California doctors and a Florida medical doctor who also has a master’s degree in public health, have published maybe the most comprehensive response to Dr. Fauci to date, in their “Open Letter” to him.

They join thousands of other doctors in the U.S. and around the world who are all saying the same thing: HCQ saves the lives of people diagnosed with COVID.

As we have previously reported, it is suspected that the real reason Fauci and his murderous accomplices are trying to silence these doctors, such as the Frontline Doctors who stormed into Washington D.C. a few weeks ago, is because legally they cannot petition the FDA to fast-track new drugs and vaccines if there is already an effective treatment available. (See: Is the 100% Cure Rate of Hydroxychloroquine a Threat to Fast-Tracking the COVID Vaccines?)

In other news, the FDA has denied the request of doctors at the Henry Ford Health System to use HCQ with their patients. (Source.)

See our previous article on these doctors:….Read More

School is a scam PART 1: Indoctrination of kids – part 1 of 4

MFP Commentary:

Never forget that free government schools are the 10th plank of a Satanic document called the Communist Manifesto.
10 Ways the Communist Manifesto Has Infiltrated the USA
ARE Americans practicing Communism?

School is a scam PART 1: Indoctrination of kids

School is a scam PART 2: Evil teachers and lies

School is a scam PART 3: Woke activists infiltrating education

School is a scam PART 4: The 1619 Project








by Jamie White, InfoWars:

Medical establishment scrambles to censor scientific info — read the bombshell study for yourself here!

The National Institute of Health (NIH) removed a study from its website linking 5G radiation with the coronavirus after Infowars first brought attention to it.

The international study, called 5G Technology And Induction Of Coronavirus In Skin Cells, claims that 5G millimeter waves stimulate DNA in a way that causes cell nuclei to actually produce coronaviruses.

According to the Internet Archive, the NIH removed the study from their website in the afternoon of Friday July 24th, two days after Infowars first reported on it….Read  More


Related Stories:
Bombshell: Fauci’s NIH Study Reveals 5G Tecnology Can Produce Coronavirus In Human Cells – SGTreport

Mongoose: NIH Admits 5G Produces Coronavirus in Human Cells- Public Intelligence Blog

MFP Commentary:
If you doubt the danger of EMF’s at all, I strongly suggest that you read Dr Mercia’s book on the topic:

EMF*D: 5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself

The facts are clear and unambiguous.



World’s Top Epidemiologists – Masks Don’t Work! – Zero Hedge

Authored by John Miltimore via The Foundation for Economic Education,

Denmark boasts one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. As of August 4, the Danes have suffered 616 COVID-19 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.

That’s less than one-third of the number of Danes who die from pneumonia or influenza in a given year.

Despite this success, Danish leaders recently found themselves on the defensive. The reason is that Danes aren’t wearing face masks, and local authorities for the most part aren’t even recommending them.

This prompted Berlingske, the country’s oldest newspaper, to complain that Danes had positioned themselves “to the right of Trump.”

“The whole world is wearing face masks, even Donald Trump,” Berlingske pointed out.
This apparently did not sit well with Danish health officials.

From left to right: Professor Henning Bundgaard, Tamara van Ark, Anders Tegnell | Composite image by FEE (Rigshospitalet, Wikimedia Commons)

This apparently did not sit well with Danish health officials.
They responded by noting there is little conclusive evidence that face masks are an effective way to limit the spread of respiratory viruses. … Read More

Related Stories:

The Great Unmasking: Studies in the Medical Literature Show FEWER Infections in Surgery when Medical Staff Do NOT Wear Masks

‘This is no longer a debate nor is it up for discussion’ -Adam Salazar – Infowars


How to Invoke a Face Mask Exemption at the Doctor or Dentist  –  Allan Stevo on Lew Rockewell

DUH! World’s Top Epidemiologists: Masks Don’t Work! – Government Propaganda


BREAKING: Millie Weaver wasn’t arrested; she was ABDUCTED by the deep state and is being held for possible interrogation – Natural News

(Natural News) We are now living in an era characterized by the total collapse of the rule of law. The deep state is run by lawless, treasonous criminals who will do anything to silence critics and whistleblowers, and when Millie Weaver (“Millennial Millie”) began releasing a new documentary film today called “Shadow Gate,” the deep state went into action.

According to deep background sources, Millie Weaver was abducted by deep state operators today and is being held under the false authority of deep state operatives. She was not arrested by any lawful process, and there was no legitimate “grand jury” indictment.

Understand that this is a fast-moving story, and new information may help clarify this story as details unfold. But to the best of what we know so far, Millie Weaver is now a political prisoner being held by the deep state.

If these sources are correct, Millie Weaver and her husband are victims of a “snatch-and-grab” operation, and a counterfeit indictment document may have been produced by the deep state, but it would have been created completely outside any legitimate process of law, much like Obama’s fake birth certificate.

Millie Weaver is now a political prisoner of the deep state. This is what they do to enemies who expose them.

But as the “Google whistleblower” Zach Vorhies explains, “sorry deepstate. You can’t stop what’s coming.” The files have already been released!….Read More

Related Stories:
This is the film that the government kidnapped Millie Weaver over:
Check out this explosive full-length documentary report about the Shadow Government fighting for total control of America – Infowars

From Millie Weaver Regarding Her Torture At Jail – Dave Hodges

Learn Why Infowars Correspondent Millie Weaver was Indicted by a Grand Jury – Alex Jones – Infowars

Whistleblower Film Revealing Shadow Government Released to Public Just After Producer is Arrested – Medical Kidnap

Alex Jones breaks down the inside baseball of Infowars reporter’s arrest – Infowars

MFP Commentary:
Do not lose sight that this kidnapping was made possible by useful idiot / order followers dressed in blue costumes.  This standing army of criminals in blue costumes is going to play a huge part of the coming genocide of Ameircan citizens.  Blue ISIS is a good description for this group.  The simple solution to this dilemma is to go back to Constitutional Sheriffs and his pose (you and I otherwise known as the Militia.)
I also highly recommend Richard Proctor’s new book:
Saving the Constitution



America Does Not Understand the True Goals of the Lockdowns-EXPOSING THE AGENDA!!! – Dave Hodges

As Celeste Solum and myself have been warning, medical martial law is very near.

America is failing to grasp the gravity of the threat posed by the lockdowns. The contact tracing apps and personnel will one day be used to separate you from your family. This will be covered in my next article.

We are currently undergoing the “cancel culture”. All traditions, both patriotic and Christian are forcibly being abandoned. However, destruction of statues is not the real goal of the Left. The Left is after the building block of society. Do you have any idea what that consists?

The father of modern sociology, Amatai Etzioni, once said: “The family can exist without the state, but the state cannot exist without the family”. Modern liberalism is turning that time-honored adage into a new belief. The modern-day liberals want to destroy the family so they can stop capitalism. Also, people draw strength from their family. A strong family is a formidable foe for the globalists who seek to tear down the country.

Before we get to the globalist’s long-term goal of destroying the family, and why, we must start at a much lower level of analysis. Over the next few articles, I am going to present confirming information that demonstrates the true goal of the lockdowns, our continuing economic collapse and the meltdown of America’s mental and physical health. These variables will set the stage for the ushering in Democratic (Bolshevik) control over the government and the America that you knew will be gone forever. However, political change, although a primary goal of the Democrats, is not the final goal. The globalists plan on destroying all America, every part of it down to the family unit….Read More

Dentists: ‘Mask Mouth’ Can Cause Serious Health Issues COMPLICATIONS INCLUDE STROKE! – Washington Examiner

by Andrew Mark Miller, Social Media Producer

Dentists are warning about the health issues tied to prolonged use of a mask to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

They said dental problems associated with “mask mouth,” including gum disease, could lead to serious complications.

“Gum disease — or periodontal disease — will eventually lead to strokes and an increased risk of heart attacks,” Marc Sclafani, a dentist and co-founder of One Manhattan Dental, told the New York Post about “mask mouth,” which is increasingly causing inflammation and gum disease among patients.

Another dentist and co-founder at One Manhattan Dental, Rob Ramondi, said 50% of his patients are suffering from negative health issues due to mask-wearing.

“We’re seeing inflammation in people’s gums that have been healthy forever, and cavities in people who have never had them before,” Ramondi said. “About 50% of our patients are being impacted by this, [so] we decided to name it ‘mask mouth’ — after ‘meth mouth.’”

“Meth mouth” is a term used to describe poor oral hygiene typically associated with chronic meth users.

The dentists said that the face coverings increase mouth dryness and contribute to a buildup of bad bacteria.

“People tend to breathe through their mouth instead of through their nose while wearing a mask,” Sclafani said. “The mouth breathing is causing the dry mouth, which leads to a decrease in saliva — and saliva is what fights the bacteria and cleanses your teeth.”

Sclafani suggested those who have no choice but to wear masks can drink more water, cut down on caffeine, snag a humidifier to moisten the air, use an alcohol-free mouthwash, scrape their tongue, and refrain from smoking.

Wearing face coverings to stem the spread of the coronavirus has become a contentious issue across the United States, with some states and cities imposing mandatory face mask requirements, while others have filed lawsuits to defy those precautions….. Original Post

Related Stories:
Dentist warns harmful ‘mask mouth’ is impacting 50% of patients due to prolonged use of masks

New Health Problems Emerging from Continuous Mask Wearing, but “Attempted Murder” Charges Sought for Those Who Refuse to Wear Masks – Medical Kidnap

Demand Mask-FREE Shopping – Peggy Hall (and how to sue rights violating business’s)

The Great Unmasking: Studies in the Medical Literature Show FEWER Infections in Surgery when Medical Staff Do NOT Wear Masks – Medical Kidnap

Dentists: ‘Mask Mouth’ Can Cause Serious Health Issues COMPLICATIONS INCLUDE STROKE! – Washington Examiner


DavidKnightShow Full: Mandatory Masks Prep The Country For Forced Vaccines! – David Knight Show

The brainwashing worked: Poll finds 72% of Americans support fines, jail time for people who refuse masks – Natural News

NETHERLANDS REFUSES TO MANDATE FACE MASKS; SWEDEN SAYS THEY ARE ‘POINTLESS’ “There is no proven effectiveness” – Infowars – Steve Watson

World’s Top Epidemiologists – Masks Don’t Work! – Zero Hedge

Why I Wear My Mask | Welcome to the Masquerade – YOUTUBE channel “WhatsHer Face”


The brainwashing worked: Poll finds 72% of Americans support fines, jail time for people who refuse masks – Natural News

(Natural News) A new poll from Morning Consult and Politico claims that a majority of Americans support forced muzzling under the penalty of fines or jail time in order to placate their own fears about catching the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Supposedly 72 percent of those asked indicated that they either “strongly” or “somewhat” support allowing the government to implement mandatory face mask edicts that are punishable by fines or prison time for those who violate them.

“Based on what you know about the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus), would you support or oppose your state instituting a face mask mandate in public spaces, where not wearing a mask could be punishable by fine or jail time?” the questionnaire asked…..Read More

Related Stories:
Dentist warns harmful ‘mask mouth’ is impacting 50% of patients due to prolonged use of masks

New Health Problems Emerging from Continuous Mask Wearing, but “Attempted Murder” Charges Sought for Those Who Refuse to Wear Masks – Medical Kidnap

Demand Mask-FREE Shopping – Peggy Hall (and how to sue rights violating business’s)

The Great Unmasking: Studies in the Medical Literature Show FEWER Infections in Surgery when Medical Staff Do NOT Wear Masks – Medical Kidnap

Dentists: ‘Mask Mouth’ Can Cause Serious Health Issues COMPLICATIONS INCLUDE STROKE! – Washington Examiner


DavidKnightShow Full: Mandatory Masks Prep The Country For Forced Vaccines! – David Knight Show

The brainwashing worked: Poll finds 72% of Americans support fines, jail time for people who refuse masks – Natural News

NETHERLANDS REFUSES TO MANDATE FACE MASKS; SWEDEN SAYS THEY ARE ‘POINTLESS’ “There is no proven effectiveness” – Infowars – Steve Watson

World’s Top Epidemiologists – Masks Don’t Work! – Zero Hedge

Why I Wear My Mask | Welcome to the Masquerade – YOUTUBE channel “WhatsHer Face”

The Masses are Dragging us into Hell – So What can we do? – Red Pill University

This look into the future by Max Egan will disturb you to the core. It shows how gruesome life may become in the near future because of a pandemic that does not exist. Everything of value in our lives will be negatively impacted – especially the end of personal freedom and the arrival of a new money system designed to integrate with a social-score system, such as now used in Communist China. Unfortunately, Max does not show us a way out but he makes us realize that, if the masses continue to fall for the pandemic ploy, the rest of us will be swept along with them. The great value of this video, therefore, is to sharpen our vision for a winning strategy. If the masses will drag us into slavery with them, our plan becomes clear. We must apply all of our present efforts and financial resources to those projects and activities that offer the best chance of reaching the masses with the truth. If we fail to do that, nothing else matters. Thank you, Max, for making that point clear. 2020 Aug 3….. Original Post