BLOG: Missouri Firearms Coalition

MFP Commentary:


Become a Member  Here

About Missouri Firearms Coalition 

Let me play devil’s advocate, for a minute, by pointing out my concerns about  the statement:    “law abiding gun owners” made on the above “about” page:  (FWIW  every gun group , and owner, almost without exception,   accepts this  anti liberty “group-think” slogan , so I am not picking on MGC in particular.)

This is the text that I have a concern with:
1.) “While professed pro-gun legislators have a majority in both chambers, Missouri lags behind many other states in protecting the rights of law abiding gun owners.”

Why do  people that claim to be educated in the concept of liberty, assert that if someone is not “law abiding”  (such as maybe being a christian in some countries)  that somehow your right to self defense disappears?   Do any of these people think before they type?     Doesn’t this imply that law breaking  gun owners have no rights? (It’s foundational in Western law that everyone has rights, all of the time.  Even “lawbreakers”)

If these group thinkers carry their logic forward  they would also use terms like “law abiding parents”, where they believe that if a parent breaks a law, that they would forever lose their right to be a parent or to conceive children.  Aren’t they saying the exact same  nutty thing about gun owners?   I guess a law breaking food shopper would perhaps be banned by law for life from entering a grocery stores.  Think outside of your normalcy bias and group think and you will clearly see how nutty all of these assertions are to anyone that believes in inalienable rights.

a pattern of thought characterized by self-deception, forced manufacture of consent, and conformity to group values and ethics

Let’s continue, if  a gun owner is not law abiding, to the extent that he is incarcerated, his weapons, are kept from him, by the fact that he can’t bring them into the prison.   However the day this person gets out, even if a convicted 1st degree murder, he get’s access to his guns back that very same day.   At  least  that is the way this country worked, and was supposed to work, until the US Congress, instituted the Nazi gun Control Act in the US and renamed it the “1968 Gun Control Act”.    Americans up to that point understood that the right can ever be taken away (or regulated for  that matter) as that is the very definition of a right.  Close to 100 years of government monopoly schooling has produced individuals that have no clue as to what their rights are, or the proper function of government, according to the founders and our founding documents. That is how over the top, disgusting slave-speak like:  “law abiding gun owners” get into the lexicon.  Isn’t this an oxymoron of the highest level?  What does following the law have to do with a right, since a legitimate law can not take a right away)


2.) “In 2015 year alone, numerous states signed Constitutional Carry into law and made progress in advancing Stand-Your-Ground law – yet both of these bills died again this year in Jefferson City.”

“Laws” do not give us our rights.   The second amendment recognizes the fact that we had and still have a pre existing right of self defense.  We need no “laws” to tell us this.  Further “Laws” can do nothing but restrict this right. People that speak and act like this,  are again very clearly illustrating that they do not even understand the basic concept of a right. This is scary, when the more educated of us, are still missing the philosophical  elephants in the room.

The solution IMHO, the only real one that will get us off of the hamster wheel of trying to enact legislation is to educate the public as to what their rights are.   Passing legislation is nothing more than licking your masters boot, for a few permissions, as government can not grant rights.

Think about it, and I welcome your comments below.

Lastly please  contact this group with your thoughts, and if their answers convince you that they are philosophically on firm ground, then buy a membership, and support them.

While I despise the machiavellian compromises, that they are making, perhaps it is necessary, but that does not mean that we should not have a less myopic, longer term goal and methodology planned out.(Like educating the public about their rights perhaps)

I plan on purchasing a membership, even if we may have a difference of opinion.  These are not the times for a house divided.  Not at all, and after all they are keeping the wolf from the door for the time being, as expedient as the method may be.

In Liberty!

5 Ways Melatonin Helps Prevent Cancer

“…….What Exactly Is an EMF and Why Do They Have Such a Detrimental Effect on Health?

EMF stands for “electro-magnetic field.” EMFs themselves are neither bad nor good. They are all around us, even though we cannot see them. In fact, naturally occurring EMFs are a vital component of the earth’s connection with the cosmos. They help the planet, the weather, the oceans, and our bodies be on just the right “schedule” for life to flourish!

Humans, like all life, are electrical beings. We need to be in “resonance” with the earth for optimal health. The earth, and our bodies, resonate at a frequency that has been around 7.8 Hz for thousands of years. Man-made devices emit a frequency on the EMF scale as well. The problem with these frequencies, however, is that their place on the frequency scale, their intensity, and their shape are not in alignment with life. They are too high or sporadic (or both) to support life. Constant exposure to man-made EMFs cause us to be off-balance – and the consequences for health can be dire.

In relation to melatonin production in particular, high exposure to EMFs – and especially the “blue light” produced by cell phone and computer screens – can create a vicious cycle. As mentioned above, EMFs shut off melatonin production. In turn, this affects sleep. The result of less quality sleep is less melatonin production. Less production means less quality sleep, and so on. Before you know it, you are caught up in a stressful cycle that can only lead to disease…………..” Read More

5 Ways Melatonin Helps Prevent Cancer


Did the Dental Profession Just Admit That brushing and flossing are ineffective?

MFP Commentary:
It sure as hell is bad advice.  I have done what the monopolist at the American Dental Association  dictated, and it did nothing to stop the cavities! Changing my diet over the past years has! My  dentist observed the vastly better oral health I was experiencing, and asked me if I were brushing more? “Hell no” I responded. “I quit listening to your useless and dangerous advice, and educated myself, I suggest that you do the same.”


August 11, 2018

……Sunlight better than water fluoridation?

Severe dental caries (cavities) in preschool children are more related to low blood levels of vitamin D rather than lack of use of fluoride toothpaste or fluoridated drinking water.  (Fluoride helps harden dental enamel and thus makes teeth resistant to acid-forming bacteria that induce cavities.)

One study reveals children with vitamin D blood levels below 50 nanomole per blood sample are at greater risk for dental decay.  It is not surprising to learn vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy is associated with a reduction in dental decay in infants……..

……Read More

Did the Dental Profession Just Admit

The Free Market Will Take Care of Companies That Censor Content

MFP Commentary:

This is a compelling arguement. This  article’s argument  is my arguement.  But Americans seem to know little to nothing about liberty and freedom.

Americans  are so dumbed down they don’t even see the real monopolies that are in the room. i.e. the government schools, our monopoly health care system systems, that includes doctors, dentists,and pharmacists. Our monopoly legal defense system consisting of BAR attorneys. How about our monopoly money system run by the Federal Reserve?

We have plenty of real monopolies and they are what we should be concerned with.


Note:   FWIW I disagree with the author’s assertion that big tech has gotten to where they are on a level playing field. They demonstrably have not.  It is the unlevel playing field that is at fault,  and needs to be corrected, not necessarily any actions by the companies themselves.  For whatever reasons dumbed down Americans will be misguided to attack symptoms, and to ignore  the causes, time after time after time, and never seem to learn a thing. Please comment below if you wish to flesh this out.

By August 10, 2018

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube et al who are censoring people and content have a right to do that. Calling them monopolies or public utilities is the wrong way to go. Stressing their “power” is the wrong way to go, by which I mean it contradicts libertarian thinking about products and free markets. Worrying about free speech in the context of their censorship is likewise a losing and flawed argument. Forcing companies to provide a forum of free and/or diverse speech is not compatible with freedom.

Talking about applying anti-trust to these companies is the wrong way to go, in a libertarian analysis. Why? Being a big company or being the main company at present in a market doesn’t give a company real and lasting power as long as the market is open to the entry of competition. As far as I know, the market for communications fora is open. This means there are not insuperable barriers that prevent competitors from arising with new products that siphon customers from the present companies.

I could be wrong about market openness if these companies have wrongly buttressed their positions by patents that never should have been granted, in which case the appropriate targets are the laws that allow monopolization by that means. However, the analysis below assumes that other tech companies are feasible and exist right now that can substitute for Facebook et al. Alternatively, it assumes that entrepreneurs can find ways of delivering internet content and communications without the intermediation of these companies by other pathways.  …..Read More

The Free Market Will Take Care of Companies


After Trip to Emergency Room Illinois Couple has all 4 Children Medically Kidnapped

MFP Commentary:

Illinois is not a good place to live. They more than other states can use the Federal money for putting children into the white slavery pipeline. (and IMHO that is the driving force for this abomination often called CPS)


by Health Impact News/ Staff

Like many Americans, Mary Sweeney and Cedric Roberts believed that Child Protective Services was made up of “the good guys,” the ones who protect children from bad parents who abuse their children. They didn’t realize that a trip to the emergency room puts normal, loving parents at risk of losing their children.

Mary wanted to make sure that everything was fine after a simple accidental injury, but the trip to the ER resulted in all 4 of their children being taken from them.

It could have happened to anyone.

The suburban Chicago couple spent the summer without their children, including infant twins, because a Child Abuse Pediatrician in another state has accused them of abusing one of their babies.

The doctor never saw the baby in person. A fracture the doctor diagnosed ended up being a glare on her screen. There was no fracture. It was a mistake.

Even so, Illinois Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) has not returned the children to their parents.

Mary and Cedric have been together for 16 years. The couple has a 9-year-old daughter, 6-year-old son, and twin boys who were born prematurely on March 24. Mary says:  …….Read More


The Modern Day Nazis Are Taking Over: The Rise of the Social Media Gestapo

By Dave Hodges:

The Modern Day Nazis Are Taking Over: The Rise of the Social Media Gestapo


My father’s side of the family escaped the ravages of Nazi Germany. My German grandmother and my father made certain that I learned the lessons of oppression, discrimination and genocide very well. These principles were ingrained into my upbringing.
At one time, German was the envy of most of the world. They had the best scientists, German education was outstanding and they were leaders in the arts. So how did a highly sophisticated educated and intelligent Germans fall victim to the corrupt Nazis which set the tone for genocide? More to the point of this article, does America need to fear the rise of the same totalitarianism that infested and destroyed Germany? The answer to this question has its roots in the demise of the legitimate church and the compromising of the media and both things are happening in today’s environment..

The Fallen Church

German pastors stood at the Nazi rallies with their right arms extended chanting loyal phrases directed at Hitler. For these misguided so-called religious leaders, Hitler had replaced Jesus, and today’s people wonder if the anti-Christ could really gain a foothold in today’s world.
 What should have been the first line of defense was the most important betrayal of the American people. With few exceptions, the religious leaders cheered for Hitler in the midst of mass murder of Jews. Gypsies and homosexuals as well as the handicapped and the mentally ill.
The German pastors, as a group, sacrificed spiritual integrity for political expediency and profit. Most of today’s church and their accompanying pastors are no better than the German pastors ho capitulated to Hitler.  I remember a time in this country when the many in the pulpit would speak out against murderous abortions and the incessant attack upon the Christian family values of the modern American family. Those voices have grown silent.

Today’s pastors are more concerned with preserving their 5013c tax exempt status which prevents them from taking political and moral stands. Metaphorically, today’s pastors are standing with their right arms raised toward the Nazis of the modern era. Silence is capitulation. But even the Nazi-era pastors have been outdone by the American pastors because most German pastors did not assist with death camp roundups. However, American pastors have crossed that line.

Continue reading “The Modern Day Nazis Are Taking Over: The Rise of the Social Media Gestapo”

BLOG: Thoughts on Essential Oil Companies and Products

MFP Commentary:

I am not a new comer to the nutrition scene, though I held off my exploration of “essential oils” for years now.   I was put off by the sleazy marketing aimed at people with disposable incomes that knew little or nothing about nutrition. Your typical American soccer mom, that demanded the AMA model of a simple solution, of a  pill (or oil)  for every ill.      I saw, and still see most of these essential oil groupies, as being very uneducated about health and nutrition.   Why else would you see people ignoring the foundations of health (nutrition/toxins, sleep, exercise, emotions) and try to build a house of health on a structure with no foundation?   It makes no sense at all to those that understand that the body needs at least 90 raw materials (essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals, & vitamins) to build a healthy body.   Many of these people must believe in magic,  that somehow that these magical oils are going to provide their bodies with all of the essential 90 nutrients that the body needs.  And from looking at most of these people you can tell that they are not getting good nutrition, just from their body shapes and the condition of their skin. Watching what they eat is even more telling of their nutritional ignorance.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not against essential oils.   I am very much in favor of, using them, when called for and appropriate.  IMHO that  is when you have built a foundation for health by addressing diet/toxins. sleep, exercise, and emotional health and you still get some ailment. Then and only then is the modality of of exploring other options advisable. Especially from a financial perspective.  The very first thing that someone considering taking an oil should consider is: Where did I screw up on the diet/toxin side of the house?  And try and address the root cause rather than using Essential oils as band aides for your negligent treatment of your body.

All of these preconceptions were  proven out, when I somehow sat through a 3 hour Young Living seminar, that  can be best described as an indoctrination fest.  Three solid hours of being in an “echo chamber” of ideas.  I don’t have the time nor inclination to go into details here, and will move on…..

After this Young Living boot camp, I decided to go to the Young Living web site and see about getting a bottle of Bergamot oil.  After all their reputation as far as I knew was stellar.   I was  immediately confused that they were saying to use this oil only externally, when one of the most potent uses of Bergamot oil is internally for inducing autophagy.

To me this is a  lie by omission.  They had to be aware, or should have been,  aware of this use for the Bergamot,  but are   are telling people that internal use is not safe!   Reading between the lines, it seems like this Christian company’s god is the USDA, as they seem to fear repercussions from them, more than they think about telling the truth, and having their customers health as their first concern, by exercising their God given right of free speech.  Sorry but Kowtowing to government agencies illegitimate powers, by curtailing your God given free speech is not something that Christians should be doing IMHO.  If the manufacturer of a product will not educate it’s customers about the uses of a health product, then who will? And who is responsible when sickness results from this omission?

Trying to order a single item as a retail customer was a nightmare.   The $28 bottle of Bergamot expanded to cost $45 if ordered as a mere mortal.   So, I reluctantly explored becoming an associate.  After an hour of going in circles,   and being treated like  mushroom (being kept in the dark and fed bull shit) I had to give up. This entire MLM (multi level marketing) scheme was purposely obfuscated, for some reason, and I was not going to be the mark, whose time was going to be wasted.

Consequently I spent a few hours doing more research.  What I discovered was that the obvious way

Explain  why I wanted to GC-MS data sheet.
ducking question



Hello, XXX,
Thank you for contacting the Young Living® email department in regards to  our Bergamot oil. Our scientific testing is an important part of our Seed to Seal® quality commitment. We believe that extensive testing is necessary to produce quality essential oils, and one or two tests is not sufficient. We have spent years developing some of the most sophisticated and accurate test methods in the industry. Sharing these specific methods could put us at a competitive disadvantage. Additionally, this information is complex and only an experienced scientist who is familiar with natural products will understand the reports and information.

Thank you for taking the time to contact Young Living®. I hope that you have a wonderful day XXX.
If you have additional questions or concerns, or if we can assist you in any way, please feel free to contact us via telephone at 1-800-371-3515, via fax at 866-203-5666, via e-mail at, or via our Live Help feature at
Member Services
Young Living® Essential Oils
3125 W Executive Parkway
Lehi, UT  84043


explain why they are hiding this info



Leaked Memo Reveals How Democrats Plan to Takeover the Internet

Reason revealed that Senate Democrats are planning to takeover the Internet using EU-style data ‘protection’ laws.  A document entitled ‘Potential Policy Proposals for Regulation of Social Media and Technology Firms,’ written by Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), includes mandates for identity verification, location identification, and bot labeling. Gary Gileno says the goal is to introduce Chinese-style censorship and social-credit scores to control the masses. He concludes that politicians will never stomp out censorship because they like it, and that only the people solve these problems. He is not optimistic about the future. -GEG

All your base are belong to us. A leaked memo circulating among Senate Democrats contains a host of bonkers authoritarian proposals for regulating digital platforms, purportedly as a way to get tough on Russian bots and fake news. To save American trust in “our institutions, democracy, free press, and markets,” it suggests, we need unprecedented and undemocratic government intervention into online press and markets, including “comprehensive (GDPR-like) data protection legislation” of the sort enacted in the E.U.

Titled “Potential Policy Proposals for Regulation of Social Media and Technology Firms,” the draft policy paper—penned by Sen. Mark Warner and leaked by an unknown source to Axios—the paper starts out by noting that Russians have long spread disinformation, including when “the Soviets tried to spread ‘fake news’ denigrating Martin Luther King” (here he fails to mention that the Americans in charge at the time did the same). But NOW IT’S DIFFERENT, because technology.

“Today’s tools seem almost built for Russian disinformation techniques,” Warner opines. And the ones to come, he assures us, will be even worse.

Here’s how Warner is suggesting we deal:  ….Read More

Leaked Memo Reveals How Democrats Plan to Takeover the Internet

Leaked Memo Reveals How Democrats Plan to Takeover the Internet

Sen. Feinstein Was Aiding and Abetting Treason On Behalf of Communist China

Senator Dianne Feinstein once held an automatic weapon on the floor of the Senate and told the American people that they were going to take all of their guns. Now she’s aiding and abetting espionage from the Chinese government. Her husband sells vast amounts of California land to the Chinese and is involved in Calexit. The Chinese are involved in Calexit.  These are not coincidences. What is most frightening is that Feinstein will be defeated this year, in the Democratic primary, by Kevin De Leon because she is “too conservative”. Here is the complete story….. Read More

Sen. Feinstein Was Aiding and Abetting Treason On Behalf of Communist China
