The Ease with which Government Kidnaps Children – A Review of Current Legislation and the Multi-Billion Dollar Child “Protection” Industry

Commentary by Terri LaPoint
Health Impact News

Connie Reguli is one of the most prominent legal voices in the family rights movement. The Tennessee attorney is recognized for her tenacity in fighting for families whose children have been unjustly taken from them by Child Protective Services. She has represented several Tennessee Medical Kidnap families, including the Turner family, Whitney Manning‘s family, and Matthew Marble.

Besides litigating cases involving family members seized by Child and Adult Protective Services, Connie travels around the country educating parents and activists on how to fight back when overzealous agencies seize their children. Her grassroots Family Forward Project Facebook group has over 11,000 members.

Connie Reguli was recently part of a team of activists and professionals who gathered in Washington DC on September 11, 2018, to participate in an Educational Panel put together by 4 the Children USA. The event was live-streamed to hundreds of thousands of viewers, including District Attorneys’ offices from several states according to event founder Robert Slaven… Read More


My Name Is Not “Respondent Mother”: The Need for Judicial Reform in Child Welfare

MFP Commentary:
Reform?  If anything the criminals that have implemented this atrocity to our rights and to our children’s physical and mental health should be tried and dealt with for the same reasons that we tried the Nazi guards at Auschwitz prison camp.

“Reform” would still mean that you get a jury trial for littering, but not  if the state wants to kidnap your children. I vote on jail and even the death sentence for people that kidnap children, even if they work for the state under color of law.   If you are interested  there is a  Federal “Law”  that could be applied:   USC Title 18 sections 241 & 242   Not that we need this law.  There was no such law that permitted us to have the Nuremberg trials and hang Nazi war criminals. This kidnapping of our children and their resultant sexual, physical abuse, and even their  deaths  at the hands of the state is a very similar situation IMHO and deserves a similar response.




Commentary by Terri LaPoint
Health Impact News

Losing a child for any reason is one of the most devastating things that can ever happen to a parent. The process of dealing with Child Protective Services and family court, while never easy, often serves to dehumanize parents and children. Instead of serving to help families overcome challenges, the system creates further harm when it treats parents as though they are worthless.

Not only are civil and constitutional rights violated routinely, but many parents find that the system seeks to strip them of their basic human dignity.

Law professor Vivek Sankaran recognizes that the treatment of parents by the courts is counterproductive to goals of restoring the family and helping the children.

Sankaran wrote a piece for the American Bar Association addressing these concerns, with suggestions that could be implemented by the courts when dealing with parents facing allegations by CPS.

I would add a couple more suggestions:

  • Require actual evidence before accusing a parent or taking their children.
  • Ensure that social workers, doctors, police, attorneys, and judges follow the law… Read More


Book: Sea Energy Agriculture

MFP Commentary:
This book was a true epiphany.  If you farm or garden in any capacity you should take a look at this book.   Get the free kindle sample if you are short on money or buy a used copy as I did.
A more recent book on  the topic is: Fertility from the Ocean Deep


Maynard Murray was a medical doctor who researched the crucial importance of minerals – especially trace elements – to plants and animals. Beginning in 1938 and continuing through the 1950s, Dr. Murray used sea solids – mineral salts remaining after water is evaporated from ocean water – as fertilizer on a variety of vegetables, fruits and grains. His extensive experiments demonstrated repeatedly and conclusively that plants fertilized with sea solids and animals fed sea-solid-fertilized feeds grow stronger and more resistant to disease.
Sea Energy Agriculture recounts Murray’s experiments and presents his astounding conclusions. The work of this eco-pioneer was largely ignored during his lifetime, and his book became a lost classic – out-of-print for more than 25 years. Now this rare volume is once again available, with a new foreword and afterword by the founder of Acres U.S.A., Charles Walters.

Sea Energy Agriculture

Why Are the Feds Subsidizing Baby Formula Companies?

MFP commentary:
To anyone  that knows anything about nutrition, and  has looked at the ingredients in  baby formula. you wonder how children survive this    frankenfood.  It looks like a thinly veiled eugenics movement, it is such poor nutrition.  This is so evil that  Satan himself  must be involved.

With the United Nations involved that sort of  nails it down, as the UN is IMO  demonstrably a Globalist  (Satanic)  Organization1 2   that the the Rockefeller’s helped get going. They donated the land that the UN building sits on.  The UN has also written the drug schedules for 1st world countries, the US included.  The UN is also behind the gun grab  1  2   3 world wide.  The Rockefellers are also the force behind our current medical monopoly,  they funded the “Flexner Report”     1 2 3  4 and took actions that  criminalized all forms of medicine other than the current one that relies almost solely on prescribing drugs that are synthesized from Rockefeller oil.




Last month, when a host of media outlets began talking about the Trump administration’s alleged “battle against breastfeeding,” few of them — if any — mentioned the fact that the US federal government continues to subsidize the baby formula industry to the tune of billions of dollars.

[RELATED: “We Don’t Need the UN to Regulate Baby Formula” by Ryan McMaken]

A survey of articles — including The New York TimesForeign PolicyPolitico, and The Guardian — on this supposed conspiracy to favor the formula industry did not mention even once that the US’s Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) has been a significant source of income for formula companies for decades.

For example, in 2004, government spending on the program totaled nearly 4.8 billion dollars, mostly dedicated to the distribution and subsidization of baby formula. By 2016 this total had increased to 6.5 billion. As of 2014,more than 8 million Americans were covered by the program.

While US and British pundits complain that the US refuses to sign off on UN regulations that bar advertising and free samples from formula companies, they ignore the fact that the US government is “provid[ing] more than half of the formula that is used in the US.“…. Read More

BLOG: Is Sunday the Sabbath?


MFP Commentary:
Not even remotely defensible.
The Roman emperor Constantine picked Sunday because it was the pagan god day of worship that the Roman citizens were used to. Nothing at all in scripture about Sunday. No “Christian” that I have ever asked has ever been able to show me where the sabbath was changed in scripture….

“Christian ” has become synonymous IMHO with dumbed down non thinking people…..

Not even sure Saturday is the Sabbath as the 7 day week was not even invented when God gave the tablets to Moses.

Something to think


The War on Teen Drivers

By Eric Peters
Eric Peters Autos
September 8, 2018
Did you know the average cost of car insurance for a 16-year-old is almost $3,000 annually? This assumes assuming no tickets, no accidents and a good scholastic record. Yes, they actually check the kid’s grades and use that as a metric for determining his “risk profile,” just as adult drivers are dunned by the insurance mafia if their credit score isn’t top-shelf, regardless of their driving record.
So, a $250 per month cost-of-entry before the car even leaves the driveway. Before the kid puts gas in the thing.
Before the kid even has a car to put gas into.
How is he supposed to get a car – or afford gas – when he is obliged to pony up $250 each month to the insurance mafia?
Most adults with full-time jobs would have serious troubling dealing with a $250/month nut for insurance.
How is a teenage kid working a minimum wage/part-time gig supposed to deal with it?
Faced with this extortion – and that’s exactly the right word;… more

Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook censors post of mine every single day

Mark Zuckerberg the criminal is censoring again and IMHO belongs in jail.  Here is today’s trampling of my God given rights by this Satanic  New World Order psychopath:

** If you wonder why this is in the category of “government criminality”  you must learn that all of this censorship is ultimately run by the intelligence services (i.e.  CIA) that created these large Internet corperations. ~MFP

America’s About to Throw Its Elderly Under the Bus

Illegal aliens obtain them for a nominal cost. They help perpetrate the fraud against the American people. Now, these cards are about to worth less. The Social Security Administration is about to throw the fixed-income elderly under the bus and reduce their benefits by as much as 25%. What will be the implications for the elderly? What will happen when America forsakes its elderly?…. Read Here

America’s About to Throw Its Elderly Under the Bus