Google Is Tracking Your Every Move on iPhones and Android, Even If You Disable Location Service

MFP Commentary:
Let the criminality of Google  sink in.  Let the criminality of your government’s inaction sink in.  Perhaps because Google is being paid,  by our government, to do this, to do an  end run around  the Constitutional protections to  your privacy.


Google services on Android devices and iPhones store your location data even if you’ve used a privacy setting that says it will prevent Google from doing so: even with Location History paused, some Google apps automatically store time-stamped location data without asking. Google stores your location if you open Google Maps, if you use Google’s weather app, and they also track your search history even if you are not looking for something that is related to a particular location. Google says that, if users want privacy, they must take an extra step and turn off the ‘Web and App Activity’ setting. This, however, is difficult to find and, even then, Google admits it still retains some location information. [Apparently, the only way to prevent this is to delete your Google account, including Google Searches. Even then, it is possible to find your location by noting which cell towers are receiving your signal. To avoid that, the last resort is to give up the convenience of a mobile phone. Something to think about.] -GEG….. Read More

Google Is Tracking Your Every Move on iPhones and Android, Even If You Disable Location Service

Pediatric Neuropathologist on Failed Science Behind Shaken Baby Syndrome: Doctors Value Their Careers More than the Truth

by Terri LaPoint
Health Impact News

There are times throughout human history that a particular hypothesis or another is dogmatically accepted as truth.

In the past, those who challenged the group thinking could be hanged or burned at the stake as a heretic.

Even today, there can be a high price to pay for disagreeing with the status quo, even when there is strong evidence that shows that the group-think consensus is wrong.

Shaken Baby Syndrome is one such hypothesis.

Dr. Waney Squier is a world renowned pediatric neuropathologist whose intellectually honest quest for scientific truth has led her to change her belief about Shaken Baby Syndrome. She is joined by many other doctors and researchers who question the message that we have been taught to believe.

Her decision almost cost her career, and even now she is banned from testifying in court against Shaken Baby Syndrome.

See some of our coverage of her story:

Neuropathologist Rejects Theory of Shaken Baby Syndrome

World Renowned Neuropathologist has Career Destroyed for Disproving Shaken Baby Syndrome

Neuropathologist Doctor: I Believed in Shaken Baby Syndrome until Science Showed I was Wrong

She recently spoke out in a BBC interview about the science that led to her conclusion. Regarding the generally-accepted consensus of what happens in Shaken Baby Syndrome (sometimes called Abusive Head Trauma in the literature), Dr. Squier said:…. Read More

Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate

MFP Commentary:
All ten planks of the communist manifesto have been implemented in this country in one form or another, so I am not surprised that due to normalcy bias that no one bats an eye when talk of imposing “martial law” comes up.

Why in hades is the Patriot community missing this elephant in the room?
The US Constitution does not delegate this power to the Federal government.
Rights by definition are inalienable, which means that there can never legitimately be martial law.

This discussion is not right, we need to go down this rabbit hole. It’s a classical example of “limiting the debate” or a nearly closed Overton Window. Why are we accepting Martial Law? Are we going to accept pediophelia and abortions next?  Isn’t  accepting government taking our rights just blasphemy, under a different name? 


Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate

Patriotism Has Been Turned Against Patriots

MFP Commentary:
After reading the article  by Paul Craig Roberts, below, please read this: 

Why Do Democrats Hate America?
Steve Watson | – AUGUST 16, 2018


To see how  how true his critique of the Patriot Community being a bunch of  hypocritical censors (on this topic at least) is.


By Paul Craig Roberts
August 15, 2018

To understand how screwed-up America is, consider that patriotism is now associated with the suppression of dissent.

Rich football team owners, who know nothing of the hard lives of most Americans, and the police, who routinely shoot down black people in the streets and in their homes without accountability or due process, are incensed that three Miami Dolphin players kneeled last week during the national anthem to protest the unaccountable police murders of black US citizens.

The Broward County Police Benevolent Association rushed to cut off its nose to spite its face by announcing that it will no longer be part of the Dolphin’s discount ticket program. Now if a cop wants to go to a game, he has to pay full price.

Those who rule us want all protests to occur on an isolated street corner where police can taser and beat the protester without any public notice. They do not want protests at football games where there are tens of thousands of people watching in the stands and millions on television. In such a visible venue, the police cannot taser and beat the protesters.

Moreover, the protests get noticed and cause Americans to wonder what has happened that is so disturbing that black professional athletes risk their highly paid livelihoods for the sake of a public protest. Colin Kaepernick, who originated the protests was fired as quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers for exercising his constitutional rights and has been blacklisted by rich NFL team owners.

Those who protest the protesters are the unAmericans. They are the stupid agents of those who have turned America into a police/warfare state that neglects the needs of its own people in order to serve the greed of the military/security complex and global exploitative corporations.

I am always discouraged when ordinary Americans, themselves victims of the system, say, “well, they can protest but not during the anthem or at a public event.” Those who say this have no idea what an American is.

As Americans themselves no longer know what it means to be an American, little wonder they have lost their country…. Read Original Story

Former Foster Child Now a Mother Speaks Out Against Evil Foster Care and Adoption System

MFP Commentary:

Unfortunately the biggest, least questioning supporters of this evil system that kidnaps children with no due process, and  that  often uses them for white (sexual slavery) slavery, are “Christians”. “

FWIW “the Church”: is a mere shadow of what scripture describes and envisions. Any thinking christian would want to vomit out the contemporary church because they find it so disgusting.  Hey those are Christ’s words, not mine, don’t shoot the messenger.

I also want to know where  the hell are the “right to life people?”They don’t really seem to give a damn about children:
A.) If they are not US children

B) Any time AFTER that they have “saved” them… Give me a break!




Health Impact News

The following comment was submitted to Health Impact News in response to our article,

The Corrupt Foster Care and Adoption System: Why Aren’t More Foster and Adoptive Parents Speaking Out?

by a reader

I tell you why adoptive families don’t speak up. They are usually infertile couples who are desperate to get their hot little hands on a child.

They often spend years on waiting lists, jumping through the hoops of applications, home studies, background checks, parenting classes and trial periods with foster children to “find a good fit.”

They don’t care whether the child was “justifiably” taken from its real parents or not.

We FINALLY got a child, by God it’s ours, and we won’t let anyone take it away! Open adoptions, birthparent contact and the child’s desire to search are their worst nightmare.

Adoption can be as bad or worse than an abusive home – like the most horrific of all, when the child was unjustly taken from loving parents and given to abusive adopters (which is what happened to me).

Some adoptive parents are wonderful people and make amazing parents. Others – and this is far, far more common than people think – believe adoption means they can order up a child the way they do a hamburger.

Straight-A student, attractive, popular, star athlete, precious little Christian barbie or ken doll who has been molded out of the sinful unwed mother’s bad genes.

Failure to meet expectations can lead to horrific emotional abuse, mental cruelty and possible physical punishment.

Adoption is a sacred cow in our society. Most adoptive parents who get away with child abuse do so because society believes they are warm, wonderful, amazingly selfless people who take in these poor, unloved unwanted (for the love of God, people, don’t ever tell an adoptee that!) out of the sheer goodness of their hearts.

Birthparents are always “bad girls”, heartless abandoners or abusive monsters. Nobody questions this.

Adoption treats children as property, complete with ownership papers. It is a multi-million dollar industry, with fees running into the tens of thousands for an infant (the most desirable to adopters, because they are a “blank slate”), or a toddler.

Now that most unwed mothers keep their babies, adoption agencies need a new source.

The foster care system and Child Protective Services are ripe for harvest.

Older kids are told to just forget about their parents. Go home with this couple. They are your mom and dad now.

Children who don’t “bond” with new parents they were never asked if they wanted, are diagnosed with “attachment disorder” and drugged.

Adoption is an evil, corrupt institution in dire need of revamping.

See Also:

State-funded Foster Care and The Church: Part of the Problem, NOT Part of the Solution…… Read Original Story

Exposing How Child Abuse Pediatricians Medically Kidnap Children: A Guide for Parents


by Terri LaPoint
Health Impact News

It happens every day in America. Loving parents take their children to the emergency room for accidents, injuries, and illness.

Sometimes the child appears to be fine, but “to be on the safe side,” parents just want to get their child checked out.

Other times, the parents don’t know what’s wrong, but they look to the “experts” to figure out what is going on. They are worried about their child.

The last thing on their mind is that someone could come in and take their child away from them, accusing them of child abuse.

Yet it is becoming increasingly common for a trip to the doctor or hospital to escalate quickly into this kind of nightmare scenario. A concern for the health of their child becomes a fight for the very survival of the family unit as parents are blindsided by Child Abuse Pediatricians and social workers.

Policies designed to help medical staff spot real child abuse can actually set up innocent parents for false allegations of abuse. Parents walking into a medical setting seeking help for their child often have no idea that they may be walking into a trap.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is a professional organization of pediatricians. Their policies impact the practices of local pediatricians and doctors in Children’s Hospitals.

The public usually pays little attention to specific AAP policies. Policies are generally assumed to be based on scientific evidence, but there are times that politics, agendas, or financial incentives play a role in establishment of policies.

Parents (consumers) have a right to know about the policies of a business or establishment they choose to interact with, especially when those policies can have a significant impact on the well-being of their family.

Trapped, Like a Dolphin in a Net

After a report from a Child Abuse Pediatrician at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital (HDVCH) in Grand Rapids, Michigan, resulted in children being temporarily being taken from innocent parents, the doctor thanked them for “taking a hard hit for the greater good” of catching abused and neglected children. The doctor compared them to “dolphins caught in a net.” (See story.)

The nets cast by Child Protective Services and Child Abuse Pediatricians are catching far too many innocent families. This is evidenced by the fact that 83% of allegations against parents end up being unsubstantiated according to the “Child Maltreatment” report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service. Of the few allegations that are substantiated, many end up being reversed on appeal.

Continue reading “Exposing How Child Abuse Pediatricians Medically Kidnap Children: A Guide for Parents”

What the Globalists Cannot Hide Is Christian Genocide

MFP Commentary:

Just wondering when the hell the “Christians” are going to start speaking up? (about the evil their  government is committing) As far as I can tell they are as silent as the Christians in Nazi Germany were during Hitlers rise to power.
They did not learn a damned thing from that bit of history it seems.

IMHO if you decide to take the low road and remain silent, you richly deserve the FEMA camp or guillotine blade that you are on a direct course to meet.


by Dave Hodges:

The UK Turns Its Back On Its Christian Roots

The UK is turning its back on Christians. Many have applied for asylum only to be denied. Judith Bergman stated that when the anti-Christian United Nations presented a list recommending 1,358 Syrians for refugee status and subsequent resettlement in Britain, that only four were Christian. The rest were Muslim. However, the UN was kind compared to the UK government. At the end of the day, the UK would not accept even one Christian, but did accept 1,112 Muslims.

The UK decision to maroon Christians, who would face a dire threat, ignored the fact 10 percent of the population of Syria is Christian. The UK’s actions are blatantly biased against Christians.

Nigeria’s War On Christians

The Christian Post is reporting that Christians are being systematically exterminated (ie genocide in the Nigeria. To date, over 6,000 Christians have been executed by Fulani Herdsmen. Most of the victims are women and children.
The Christian Post stated:

….Read More

What the Globalists Cannot Hide Is Christian Genocide

BLOG: Missouri Firearms Coalition

MFP Commentary:


Become a Member  Here

About Missouri Firearms Coalition 

Let me play devil’s advocate, for a minute, by pointing out my concerns about  the statement:    “law abiding gun owners” made on the above “about” page:  (FWIW  every gun group , and owner, almost without exception,   accepts this  anti liberty “group-think” slogan , so I am not picking on MGC in particular.)

This is the text that I have a concern with:
1.) “While professed pro-gun legislators have a majority in both chambers, Missouri lags behind many other states in protecting the rights of law abiding gun owners.”

Why do  people that claim to be educated in the concept of liberty, assert that if someone is not “law abiding”  (such as maybe being a christian in some countries)  that somehow your right to self defense disappears?   Do any of these people think before they type?     Doesn’t this imply that law breaking  gun owners have no rights? (It’s foundational in Western law that everyone has rights, all of the time.  Even “lawbreakers”)

If these group thinkers carry their logic forward  they would also use terms like “law abiding parents”, where they believe that if a parent breaks a law, that they would forever lose their right to be a parent or to conceive children.  Aren’t they saying the exact same  nutty thing about gun owners?   I guess a law breaking food shopper would perhaps be banned by law for life from entering a grocery stores.  Think outside of your normalcy bias and group think and you will clearly see how nutty all of these assertions are to anyone that believes in inalienable rights.

a pattern of thought characterized by self-deception, forced manufacture of consent, and conformity to group values and ethics

Let’s continue, if  a gun owner is not law abiding, to the extent that he is incarcerated, his weapons, are kept from him, by the fact that he can’t bring them into the prison.   However the day this person gets out, even if a convicted 1st degree murder, he get’s access to his guns back that very same day.   At  least  that is the way this country worked, and was supposed to work, until the US Congress, instituted the Nazi gun Control Act in the US and renamed it the “1968 Gun Control Act”.    Americans up to that point understood that the right can ever be taken away (or regulated for  that matter) as that is the very definition of a right.  Close to 100 years of government monopoly schooling has produced individuals that have no clue as to what their rights are, or the proper function of government, according to the founders and our founding documents. That is how over the top, disgusting slave-speak like:  “law abiding gun owners” get into the lexicon.  Isn’t this an oxymoron of the highest level?  What does following the law have to do with a right, since a legitimate law can not take a right away)


2.) “In 2015 year alone, numerous states signed Constitutional Carry into law and made progress in advancing Stand-Your-Ground law – yet both of these bills died again this year in Jefferson City.”

“Laws” do not give us our rights.   The second amendment recognizes the fact that we had and still have a pre existing right of self defense.  We need no “laws” to tell us this.  Further “Laws” can do nothing but restrict this right. People that speak and act like this,  are again very clearly illustrating that they do not even understand the basic concept of a right. This is scary, when the more educated of us, are still missing the philosophical  elephants in the room.

The solution IMHO, the only real one that will get us off of the hamster wheel of trying to enact legislation is to educate the public as to what their rights are.   Passing legislation is nothing more than licking your masters boot, for a few permissions, as government can not grant rights.

Think about it, and I welcome your comments below.

Lastly please  contact this group with your thoughts, and if their answers convince you that they are philosophically on firm ground, then buy a membership, and support them.

While I despise the machiavellian compromises, that they are making, perhaps it is necessary, but that does not mean that we should not have a less myopic, longer term goal and methodology planned out.(Like educating the public about their rights perhaps)

I plan on purchasing a membership, even if we may have a difference of opinion.  These are not the times for a house divided.  Not at all, and after all they are keeping the wolf from the door for the time being, as expedient as the method may be.

In Liberty!

5 Ways Melatonin Helps Prevent Cancer

“…….What Exactly Is an EMF and Why Do They Have Such a Detrimental Effect on Health?

EMF stands for “electro-magnetic field.” EMFs themselves are neither bad nor good. They are all around us, even though we cannot see them. In fact, naturally occurring EMFs are a vital component of the earth’s connection with the cosmos. They help the planet, the weather, the oceans, and our bodies be on just the right “schedule” for life to flourish!

Humans, like all life, are electrical beings. We need to be in “resonance” with the earth for optimal health. The earth, and our bodies, resonate at a frequency that has been around 7.8 Hz for thousands of years. Man-made devices emit a frequency on the EMF scale as well. The problem with these frequencies, however, is that their place on the frequency scale, their intensity, and their shape are not in alignment with life. They are too high or sporadic (or both) to support life. Constant exposure to man-made EMFs cause us to be off-balance – and the consequences for health can be dire.

In relation to melatonin production in particular, high exposure to EMFs – and especially the “blue light” produced by cell phone and computer screens – can create a vicious cycle. As mentioned above, EMFs shut off melatonin production. In turn, this affects sleep. The result of less quality sleep is less melatonin production. Less production means less quality sleep, and so on. Before you know it, you are caught up in a stressful cycle that can only lead to disease…………..” Read More

5 Ways Melatonin Helps Prevent Cancer