Mark and Terri Stemann and Mary Flynn O’Neal join the program to discuss Child Protective Services and how it is purposely set up to destroy America and feed an evil child trafficking network. As unbelievable as it is, continued reports across the country back up these claims and form a story that is so incredible, the only option we have is to destroy the system and heal the trauma it has caused.

You can learn more about Mark and Terry Stemann’s situation and support their fight at the following:
*Website: LetOurChildrenGo.org


Part 1  – Audio only at Sarah Westall site

Evil Behind the Coup: Scripted Pattern to Steal Children & Break America (2of2)

BitChute hosted part 2 of 2


Related Stories:
Christian Churches Redefine the Meaning of “Orphan” to Justify Participating in Child Trafficking – Medical Kidnap Brian Shilhavy

How Traffickers Doubled the US Child Supply, Mass Media Silent as Usual w/ Dwight Mitchell – Sarah Westhall

Dwight Mitchell, founder of the Family Preservation Foundation, joins the program to discuss how the supply of children for human traffickers has more than doubled in the past 20 years. He shares how partners of traffickers in government helped to make this happened through legislation and case law. He also explains how House bill 36 crafted in 2019 by 16 members of congress would establish a new constitutional amendment giving parents rights that would ultimately end traffickers access to an endless supply of US children. Since children are victims of traffickers around the world, every country should establish similar laws to end this madness.

Original Post

The Medical Kidnap Show Broadcast from Phoenix, Arizona KFNX Independent Talk Radio 1100 Thursdays, 9:00 p.m. local – 12:00 a.m. EDT

MFP Commentary:

If you care about human life, if you care about children, you should listen to this.  You don’t know 1/10th of what is going on.  I guarantee you that.

Matthew 25:40
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.



October 3, 2019 Episode 1 – What is Medical Kidnapping?
Why Does Arizona take the highest percentage of children away from their parents nationwide?

State Department Report: U.S. #1 in Sex Trafficking – 60% American Child Sex Slaves Come Out of Foster Care

MFP Commentary:
The fake  “right to life” people seem to be oblivious to the actions of CPS.   In fact in most christian churches people openly support CPS kidnapping of children (no due process at all) and even obtain their own children through this abomination.   It is sad to say, but if you want to be in a place that supports, and embraces, government evil, just go visit your local christian church.  “My People perish for lack of Knowledge” has never been more appropriate than the condition of the “church”.  A major reformation of the church  is in order. ASAP.  It is clearly in Satan’s hands at the moment.



by  Andrew Keiper, Perry Chiaramonte
Fox News


The United States is again ranked as one of the worst countries in the world for human trafficking. According to a recently released report by the State Department, the top three nations of origin for victims of human trafficking in 2018 were the United States, Mexico and the Philippines.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered the Trafficking in Persons report, which is created annually by the State Department to document human trafficking in the year prior, and highlighted the growing focus that government agencies and nonprofit organizations have dedicated to stopping human trafficking.

The Department of Justice provided more than $31 million for 45 victim service providers that offered services to trafficking survivors across the country. It was a demonstrable increase; the DOJ only provided $16 million to 18 organizations in 2017, according to the report….Read More


Related Stories:
What Happens When You Oppose Agenda 21? They Steal Your Child! Virginia Farver-CSS

Yet another story:
Parents Risk Losing Children to CPS in NY if They Fail to Comply with Mandatory Vaccines

Former Kansas Gubernatorial Candidate Becomes Warrior Fighting Against State-Sponsored Child Kidnapping

MFP Commentary:
Looks to me like both our churches and our governments are run by pedophiles….



Commentary by Terri LaPoint
Health Impact News

There are things in life that happen that change you. There are things that, once you see, you cannot un-see.

Throughout history, there have been individuals who rise up against the evil that confronts their society, who become a voice for their generation who say, “No more! This wickedness must end, and I will not stop until it does.”

These voices lead by example and inspire those around them to stand strong and never give up, no matter how intimidating the battle may be.

Jennifer Winn is such a voice for families fighting against the evils of medical and state-sponsored kidnapping of children. She has become known for her fiery passion, uncompromising quest for justice, and inspirational speeches that call governmental officials and agencies out on the carpet for the injustice they inflict on the people they are supposed to serve.

It was not until shortly after her run for governor of the state of Kansas in 2014 that she learned that Child Protective Services (CPS) and family courts were taking children away from non-abusive parents, often putting them into horrific foster care situations. Once she recognized what was happening to thousands of families, she refused to be silent.

She immediately began speaking up for families and speaking out against the corruption that she found in the CPS system.

Jennifer Winn joined Connie Reguli and others on September 11, 2018, as part of a team of activists and professionals who gathered in Washington DC to participate in an Educational Panel put together by 4 the Children USA. The event was live-streamed to hundreds of thousands of viewers, including District Attorneys’ offices from several states according to event founder Robert Slaven.

See Connie Reguli’s speech here:

The Ease with which Government Kidnaps Children – A Review of Current Legislation and the Multi-Billion Dollar Child “Protection” Industry

Various speakers educated the audience regarding law, medical practices, and legislation. Some shared personal stories of first-hand encounters with corruption within the system.

Jennifer Winn has no such story of having her own family members taken by CPS. However, she is a mother, a grandmother, an American, and a human being, all of which means to her that she must stand and fight for those who are being torn apart by injustice:… Read More

Almost 40% of American Families at Risk to Have Their Children Kidnapped by the State – Over 50% if You Are Black

 MFP Commentary: 

I can not wrap my mind around the fact that Americans are dumbed down enough to allow kidnappers in blue uniforms kidnap their children without even the appearances of kangaroo justice,  like a jury trial.   My god you can get a jury trial for littering, but the state kidnaps children (with the help of criminals in blue) without any due process at all! 

A stunning number of American children are subjected to at least one Child Protective Services investigation by the time they reach 18 years old. According to a study published by the American Journal of Public Health, almost 4 out of every 10 American children will experience some kind of social worker investigation into allegations of child abuse or maltreatment at some point in their childhood. (Source.)

The study utilized Census data and information from the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System Child Files (2003–2014). The study estimated that:

37.4% of all children experience a child protective services investigation by age 18 years. Consistent with previous literature, we found a higher rate for African American children (53.0%) and the lowest rate for Asians/Pacific Islanders (10.2%).

In our work with hundreds of families as we cover their stories for Health Impact News, we have found that many parents are shocked at the intrusion of Child Protective Services into their lives. Before their own experiences, almost all of them believed that CPS is only involved with “really bad parents who abuse their children.”

When their only “crime” is to ask for a second medical opinion, they have a difficult time coming to grips that they are being lumped in with monsters who do terrible things to their children. They don’t understand how social workers can come into their lives and take their children when they have done nothing to harm them….. Read More