Highly toxic ingredients are deliberately formulated into mandatory vaccines so that you are forced to submit to being poisoned

MFP Commentary:
If you speak out about this to nurse Sonia Cass at the Forland clinic she is likley to unilaterally ban you from medical and dental care at the Fordland clinic as she has done to me.   This is the beginning of that story.

Fordland Clinic Nurse – Sonia Cass



(Natural News) Mandatory vaccinations are a highly controversial subject. For years, medical propaganda has been conditioning us to believe that vaccines provide what is known as “herd immunity.” This propaganda teaches that if a significant proportion of the population is vaccinated against a disease then the whole community will be protected, including those who do not receive the vaccine.

Based on this faulty premise, many states have passed laws making vaccinations mandatory – supposedly for the greater good of all. Many vaccine advocates go so far as to accuse those who refuse to be vaccinated of compromising the health of the entire community.

However, decades after the first vaccines were created, history has proven that these toxic jabs do not confer a lifetime of immunity, which is why booster shots are now recommended for many vaccines. And the simple fact is that in addition to being ineffective, vaccines also carry serious risks and contain dangerous and ethically questionable ingredients. Yet, more and more states are passing laws making it mandatory for children to be vaccinated, even denying school entry to those who refuse to comply….Read More

Harvard Medical School Professors Uncover A Hard To Swallow Truth About Vaccines (1 in every 39 vaccines causes injury)

MFP Commentary:
A word of warning, do not talk about the vaccine  reality to the management at Fordland medical clinic or you like me may be illegally  banned from using the facility like I was.  As things stand I have no access at all to affordable dental  care due to the  inhuman actions of one Sonia Cass at the  Fordland Medical Clinic.  They do not care about your health at this clinic. They are much more interested in enforcing blatantly illegal Federal health mandates. (such as pushing dangerous vaccines, mandatory dental x-rays  & creating victim disarmament zones)  If you speak up they will even  go to to the extent of denying dental care to the elderly, as they have myself.

Read about that story here:
MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic?


  • The Facts:A 2010 HHS pilot study by the Federal Agency for Health Care Research (AHCR) found that 1 in every 39 vaccines causes injury, a shocking comparison to the claims from the CDC of 1 in every million.
  • Reflect On:Are vaccines really as safe as they’re marketed to be?

We are constantly told that vaccines are safe and effective and that there’s nothing to worry about. This simply isn’t the case, and it’s a hard-to-swallow truth that many people refuse to acknowledge. Mass marketing campaigns portray vaccines in a ‘God-like’ light, and the science is being ignored. The truth is that vaccines are actually exempt from double blind placebo controlled studies and they have not been put through appropriate safety testing. Furthermore, a number of concerns have been raised about vaccine safety by a number of scientists arounds the world. I like to use aluminum as an example. A study published in 2011 makes the issue quite clear, stating, “Aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant. Despite almost 90 years of widespread use of aluminum adjuvants, medical science’s understanding about their mechanisms of action is still remarkably poor.” Fast forward nearly a decade later and scientists have now shown that injected aluminum does not exit the body, it actually sticks around and gets carried by specific cells into distant organs and into the brain where it can be detected after injection (source)(source). Multiple studies have emphasized these findings, and the studies do nothing but trigger silence from big pharma as well as our federal health regulatory agencies…..Read More


Order says emergency ‘will come with little warning,’ cites ‘threats within the Homeland’

EXCLUSIVE! Trump Activates U.S. Marine Reserves For ‘Emergency Within The United States’ To Stop Illegal Coup

In an unprecedented move, President Trump has activated the U.S. Marine reserves to respond to an “emergency within the United States,” citing “threats to the Homeland.” Alex Jones breaks it all down live!…More Here

Are America’s Days Numbered? The Rollout of UN Troops On US Soil and Hillary’s Presidential Candidacy Is No Coincidence

MFP Commentary:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but….. if the bad days are not already here they are not too far off. Do you think that the “church” will ever wake up? For that mater is anyone going to wake up?
Related Story:

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Sunday, October 6, 2019 – 08:43.

Since I put the “all-call” out to American truckers loyal to America requesting information regarding the transport of UN forces and/or equipment on US soil, I have received dozens reports of UN troop and vehicle transport from 18 states. Some people professed an ignorance to the danger of what they were seeing until they watched the following video. I produced following a John Moore-Paul Martin revelation of mass sightings of UN transport late last week. Initially, we lacked specifics, so I produced this video.

The United Nations occupation of America, for nefarious purposes was actually rehearsed by the Obama administration in a drill that became known at Jade Helm 16. As Michael Savage’s show says in their bump-in introductions, “Danger….psychological nudity…” In other words, the truth can be painful. The rest of this article is not for the faint of heart because your enslvement was rehearsed in great detail and with great precision in 2016 by the Obama administration prior to leaving office. ….Read More

What the CDC Won’t Tell You About SV40, Polio Vaccines and Cancer

MFP Commentary:
It’s a fact, I along with most of  my generation were injected with live cancer virus’s, SV40 among them,  as a child when I received the live polio vaccine.  The US government knew about it,  as the “expert” that they hired told them about the cancer and not to use the current vaccine.  They ignored her and used it on over 100 million human beings. This is also the main reason that Nixon started the “war on cancer” as a deluge of cancer was expected and did happen.

This evil has not changed:
Today places like the Fordland  Medical Clinic continue to inject your children and family with vaccines that are known to contain cancer virus’s.
Here is a related story:
MEDICAL HORROR: Genetic sequencing of common vaccine finds entire male human genome from aborted human baby… “a complete individual genome” with abnormal, modified genes… 560 genes linked to cancer

What the CDC Won’t Tell You About SV40, Polio Vaccines and Cancer

The relevant facts were known by the scientific community back in 1960, but it wasn’t until lawsuits and investigative reports in the 1990s and a Congressional hearing in 2003 that the public was informed about the scale of the contamination and its possible link to many of the deadly forms of cancer spreading today. Yet little has been acknowledged in public discussion since that point.

In the aftermath of these admissions and inquiries, the CDC launched a fact sheet page on its website addressing the links between “Cancer, Simian Virus 40 (SV40), and Polio Vaccine” which noted the discovery of SV40, its presence in an estimated 10-30 million doses of polio vaccine and disputed scientific claims concerning its presence in cancer tumors and its possible role in causation.

Worse, scientists in the late 1990s revealed a secondary form of SV40 that was present in post-1963 versions of the polio vaccines — after the formulations with SV40 were replaced — which were not detectable in the testing methods used up until that point — meaning that the impact of this virus on the public could be even more widespread yet largely unknown.

But as of June 2013, that CDC page has been apparently scrubbed and is no longer available, except through a cached version shown in this video…..Read More


MEDICAL HORROR: Genetic sequencing of common vaccine finds entire male human genome from aborted human baby… “a complete individual genome” with abnormal, modified genes… 560 genes linked to cancer

MFP Commentary:
Another smoking gun pointing to cancer virus’s being  purposefully put into children’s vaccines.   It seems like these are the very same vaccines and  cancer virus’s that the Fordland clinic has been injecting into you and your children for decades.   It was Nurse Sonia Cass’s
 vigorous defense  of these blatantly dangerous vaccines and other  Federally mandated policies, that started this series off about the clinic.  Read about that here:
MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic?

Here is a related story:
Vaxxed2 documentary producers release devastating information about America’s hidden vaccine injury epidemic: “A war zone” of dead children

** Stay tuned as Dave Hodges has broken a story on a chemical that causes type 2 diabetes being found in many of big pharma’s vaccines.   Yes you read the above 2 statements correctly.   There is a huge eugenics agenda being implemented on the human race.  This is but the tip of the iceberg. These  are the very same vaccines as those  pushed  by our local Fordland Medical Clinic as part of their effort to implement every Federal health mandate, coming from the eugenic pushing  psychopaths  in  Washington DC.   Health is the last thing on their minds it seems.

Genetic Sequencing of Common Vaccine Finds Entire Male Genome From Aborted Human Baby

“…..What’s clear from this genetic sequencing is that the vaccine industry is inoculating children with engineered cancer. As CHD explains, the vaccines are deliberately formulated with cancer-causing genes which have been specifically modified to promote cancer tumors:….”

 Story on Infowars


Link to original post on Natural News:

MEDICAL HORROR: Genetic sequencing of common vaccine finds entire male human genome from aborted human baby… “a complete individual genome” with abnormal, modified genes… 560 genes linked to cancer

Americans Spent More on Taxes in 2018 Than on Food, Clothing and Health Care Combined

MFP Commentary:
The founders balked at a total tax rate of 5%,  and went to war over it. Now most Americans pay in excess of 100 taxes that amount to over half of what they make.  (Chattel slaves in the south had about 50% of their productivity confiscated by the plantation owners. )  Can you tell me what the difference is between today’s taxes, and being a chattel slave? Not  much except that the burden is less on the slave owner. (government)
The founders would have revolted long ago IMHO.

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
~Thomas Jefferson


Related Stories:
Major Tax Increases Are About To Slam America As Cities & States Want You To Pay For COVID Fallout


By Terence P. Jeffrey | October 2, 2019 | 5:06 AM EDT

A grocery shopper in Los Angeles on July 24, 2019. (Photo by Mark RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images)

Americans on average spent more on taxes in 2018 than they did on the basic necessities of food, clothing and health care combined, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey.

The survey’s recently published Table R-1 for 2018 lists the average “detailed expenditures” of what the BLS calls “consumer units.”

“Consumer units,” says BLS, “include families, single persons living alone or sharing a household with others but who are financially independent, or two or more persons living together who share major expenses.”

In 2018, according to Table R-1, American consumer units spent an average of $9,031.93 on federal income taxes; $5,023.73 on Social Security taxes (which the table calls “deductions”); $2,284.62 on state and local income taxes; $2,199.80 on property taxes; and $77.85 on what BLS calls “other taxes.”

The combined payments the average American consumer unit made for these five categories of taxes was $18,617.93.

At the same time the average American consumer unit was paying these taxes, it was spending $7,923.19 on food; $4,968.44 on health care; and $1,866.48 on “apparel and services.”

These combined expenditures equaled $14,758.11.

So, the $14,758.11 that the average American consumer unit paid for food, clothing and health care was $3,859.82 less than the $18,617.93 it paid in federal, state and local income taxes, property taxes, Social Security taxes and “other taxes.”…Read More

Dozens of Extreme Leftist Congressional Democrats Are Members of the Communist Party In Pelosi Led Coup Against the USA

Trevor Loudon’s expert research skills are on display as dozens of modern Democrats are discovered to have close ties to the Democratic Socialists and the American Communist Party. Many of them traveled to Cuba , several times, prior to it being legal.  Here is the story and one will quickly see that they are working to bring down the American government. This is an eye-opening presentation that needs to go far and wide. Our country and our victim are on under attack. This is both a revolution and coup at the same time.


Original Story


BOOK: None Dare Call it Conspiracy [PDF]

MFP Commentary:
This is a great way for the neophyte to begin figuring out what is going on in this crazy world. Please check it out.

None Dare Call it Conspiracy is a great book which calls out the “Insiders”. Communism is nothing but Socialism.

If one understands that socialism is not a share-the wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead it becomes the logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite. The plan of the conspirator Insiders then is to socialize the United States, not to Communize it.




 I wish that every citizen of every country in the free world and every slave behind the Iron Curtain might read this book.
Ezra Taft Benson — Former Secretary of Agriculture

 NDCC is an admirable job of amassing information to prove that communism is socialism and socialism (a plot to enslave the world) is not a movement of the downtrodden but a scheme supported and directed by the wealthiest of people. If enough Americans read and act upon NDCC, they really can save the Republic from the conspirators — whose plans for the destruction of our country are galloping fast toward completion.
Dan Smoot — Former Assistant to J. Edgar Hoover

 Now that NDCC is available, I no longer need to answer “no” to the question which is often put to me, namely: “Mr. Dodd, is there a book which I can read so I can know what you know?” No higher praise is possible for this book.
Norman Dodd — Chief Investigator Reece Committee to Investigate Foundations

 This book concerns the way in which our nation and other nations are actually governed. As Benjamin Disaeli said, this is not the way in which most people think nations are governed. The whole subject of the Insiders who so largely control our political and economic lives is a fascinating mystery. For the reader who is intelligent but uninitiated in the literature of superpolitics, I can think of no better introduction to the field than NDCC.
Dr. Medford Evans — Former Chief of Security for the Atom Bomb Project

 Since people of the Jewish faith have been the number one historical victims of the Communist Conspiracy, we wish every member of our faith would carefully read this book so they will become aware of the forces which often attempt to manipulate them.
Dr. Barney Finkel — President, The Jewish Right

 Whatever one dares to call the apparatus described and documented in this book, he will ignore it at his peril. 1972 may well be our last chance to defuse this destructive device. This book tells you how you can expose and demolish it.
Dean Clarence E. Manion — Former Dean Notre Dame law School

You may have received this book through the mail it is a gift from a concerned American who has read the book. The donor believes that the survival of our country hinges on the public becoming aware of the material contained here in. All he asks is that you read the book Thank you.

Gary Allen is a California based free-lance journalist. After majoring in history at Stanford University and doing graduate work at California State College at Long Beach, he became aware through independent research that his college courses had been highly slanted. Many of the most important facts had been left out. This book is the result of his personal “post graduate studies” in finding out “who’s who in American politics.

First printing, February, 1972-350,000
Second printing. March, 1972-1,250,000
Third printing, April, 1972-4,000,000

Published by CONCORD PRESS P.O. BOX 2686
Manufactured in the United States of America


The story you are about to read is true. The names have not been changed to protect the guilty. This book may have the effect of changing your life. After reading this book, you will never look at national and world events in the same way again. None Dare Call It Conspiracy will be a very controversial book. At first it will receive little publicity and those whose plans are exposed in it will try to kill it by the silent treatment. For reasons that become obvious as you read this book, it will not be reviewed in all the “proper” places or be available on your local bookstand. However, there is nothing these people can do to stop a grass roots book distributing system. Eventually it will be necessary for the people and organizations named in this book to try to blunt its effect by attacking it or the author. They have a tremendous vested interest in keeping you from discovering what they are doing. And they have the big guns of the mass media at their disposal to fire the barrages at None Dare Call It Conspiracy.

By sheer volume, the “experts” will try to ridicule you out of investigating for yourself as to whether or not the information in this book is true They will ignore the fact that the author about to conjecture. They will find a typographical error or ague some point that is open to debate. If necessary they will lie in order to protect themselves by smearing this book. I believe those who pooh-pooh the information herein because Psychologically many people would prefer to believe we are because we all like to ignore bad news. We do so at our own peril.

Having been a college instructor, a State Senator and now a Congressman I have had experience with real professionals at putting up smokescreens to cover up their own actions by trying to destroy the accuser. I hope that you will read the book carefully, draw your own conclusions and not accept the opinions of those who of necessity must attempt to discredit the book. Your future may depend upon it.

October 25, 1971 JOHN G. SCMITZ UNITED STATES CONGRESSMAN….  original article and book PDF

An attorney that has argued before the Supreme Court says that 1.5 million Americans are “committed” annually for their political views

“…. Whitehead also discusses the establishment of a police state that condemns 1.5 million Americans, annually, to mental institutions for their political beliefs, not for actual mental illness. Many of these Americans are forcibly medicated against their will WITHOUT the required court order. America is in the early stages of what could accurately be referred to as FEMA camp incarcerations.

In the 1970’s the world chastised the former Soviet Union for practicing “political schizophrenia”, which was the incarceration of political activists solely based on their beliefs under the guise of a mental illness diagnosis. Did you know that there were 80,000 swat team raids in America last year? Citizens are being “executed” as unconstitutional red flag laws are illegally enforced.

In the following interview, Whitehead details case after case of Americans who are illegally abused by their government for having the “wrong” political beliefs. …..”