An attorney that has argued before the Supreme Court says that 1.5 million Americans are “committed” annually for their political views

“…. Whitehead also discusses the establishment of a police state that condemns 1.5 million Americans, annually, to mental institutions for their political beliefs, not for actual mental illness. Many of these Americans are forcibly medicated against their will WITHOUT the required court order. America is in the early stages of what could accurately be referred to as FEMA camp incarcerations.

In the 1970’s the world chastised the former Soviet Union for practicing “political schizophrenia”, which was the incarceration of political activists solely based on their beliefs under the guise of a mental illness diagnosis. Did you know that there were 80,000 swat team raids in America last year? Citizens are being “executed” as unconstitutional red flag laws are illegally enforced.

In the following interview, Whitehead details case after case of Americans who are illegally abused by their government for having the “wrong” political beliefs. …..”

  • Gail Breakey

    This is horrendouos and extremely frightening. If this is true, a dictatorship is already here. How can this be? Where is the state judicial system? Where are the mental health advocates?