VIDEO: Veteran of Iraq war, Carlos Piccata address’s tyrannical city council and tells them what we the people are going to do to them if they don’t stop their tyranny (2 minutes)- Missouri Free Press

Veteran of Iraq war, Carlos Piccata address’s tyrannical city council and tells them what we the people are going to do to them if they don’t stop their tyranny


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California Military Veteran Warns that Armed Resistance is Coming: “There’s a Million People Like Me, and You Won’t Stop Us” – Medical Kidnap

California Business Owner to County Leaders: “Our Families Are Starving” Due to COVID Lockdown Orders – Need to Know


Common Over-the-counter and Legally Prescribed Medications Aiding the Medical Kidnapping of Newborns from Unsuspecting Mothers – Medical Kidnap

by Allie Parker
Health Impact News

With the rise of panic surrounding the COVID epidemic, the last thing any parent, particularly a new mother, wants to hear is that they are going to be reported to Child Protection Services (CPS).  Sometimes parents are not even aware a complaint has been made until they receive a call from a social worker with CPS. has covered countless stories of how CPS is used as a weapon against parents by ex-spouses or partners. See: 

DC School Warns Parents They’ll Call CPS If You’re Late to Pick Up Your Children After School

The Weaponizing of CPS – Lose Your Children IF: You Don’t Vaccinate, You Don’t Make a Dentist Appointment, You Don’t Pay School Lunch Fees, You Don’t Shut Up, Etc.

We have also covered some of the endless horror stories about families who have been falsely accused of abuse when the true cause of the child’s injury is overlooked by the growing sub-specialty known as Child Abuse Pediatricians (CAP’s).

Exposing How Child Abuse Pediatricians Medically Kidnap Children: A Guide for Parents

Epidemic of Vitamin D Deficiency Contributes to False Child Abuse Charges by Child Abuse Doctors

Falsely Accused Washington Couple Loses Medically Kidnapped Baby for Two Years

But what happens when you aren’t accused of child abuse or neglect directly, but accused of having a substance abuse problem and using illegal or illicit drugs while pregnant, because you failed a urine drug screen? This is an issue that many people are unaware of, but happens more and more frequently due to, in part, the rise of opioid addiction and abuse.

When a family shows up to the hospital ready to give birth and meet their new bundle of joy, being placed on monitors, having blood drawn, an abundance of other testing is expected. But a drug test? Yes.  

Legality and Ethics of Drug Testing Pregnant Women

Drug testing mothers about to give birth varies from state to state and facility to facility. Most facilities only drug test mothers who are considered “high risk” for drug abuse. For a mother to be considered high risk, facilities have a set of guidelines they follow to determine if the testing is necessary. Some states and facilities drug test all mothers to be. 

But in order for them to do a drug test, consent is required, which is rarely, if ever, mentioned to mother. It is hidden somewhere among the fine print of the multiple papers given to you to sign, and usually included with the “authorization to treat” form. 

Not only is this misleading and unethical, it could be against the law.  

The AMA Journal of Ethics published an article informing readers about how the Supreme Court agreed petitioners in Ferguson v. City of Charleston:…..Read More

Fusion Centers: National Spying Operation On Citizens – Technocracy News

The national network of local Fusion Centers was created as a data gathering network to normalize state and local data to Federal databases. Instead of fighting terrorism, they have become a spy network on ordinary citizens. ⁃ TN Editor

What has the public learned about Fusion Centers since the recent BlueLeaks hack was released over a month ago? Not a lot.

The Feds have done a great job of keeping the public from finding out what DHS Fusion/Intelligence Centers are really doing. In a country founded on freedom, we find federal and local law enforcement scrambling to keep the true function of Fusion Centers hidden from the public.

By piecing together articles from Maine and Texas newspapers, a disturbing picture begins to unfold of warrantless surveillance of Americans.

The first proof that Fusion Centers were being used to spy on everyday citizens and activists can be found in a Maine Press Herald article from mid-July.

“A cache of internal police documents stolen from a secretive Maine State Police intelligence unit has provided the first substantial glimpse into how it collects and shares information about crime suspects and political activists and, in rare cases, keep tabs on domestic extremists, gang members and anti-government groups.”

The article goes into greater detail describing how local police use Fusion Centers to track down low-level offenders and ID people from social media or video footage.

“Police agencies commonly contact the Maine center with requests for help identifying a person depicted in a photo, sometimes captured from a surveillance camera. Other pictures are taken directly by law enforcement, or appear to be pulled from Facebook or other social media sites.”

Maine police even went so far as to ask the Fusion Center to identify a passenger in a car who refused to identify himself, and did not consent to having his photograph taken or his fingerprints scanned…Read More

MFP Commentary:
Jesse Venture had a mainstream TV show, I don’t recall the name of it. one of the episodes that was “1984’ed” was focused on the Net Fusion Centers.  I have a copy on my hard drive I should see if Brighteon  will host it so that you can watch it. It was so informative that they deleted it Internet wide and even on peoples personal DVR’s!   In Missouri the infamous MIAC report had a lot to do  with the Fusion Center here in  MO.  Pastor Chuck Baldwin is worth listening to:
(1) By Chuck Baldwin
March 24, 2009

I lucked out and found  Jesse Ventura’s show! You can watch it HERE.

Let me quote a bit of the article I linked to.

By Chuck Baldwin
March 24, 2009

By now, readers should be familiar with the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) (1) report dated 02/20/09 and titled, “MIAC Strategic Report: The Modern Militia Movement.” In this dreadfully malicious and slanderous “law enforcement sensitive” secret police report, Governor Jeremiah (Jay) Nixon; John Britt, Director of the Missouri Department of Public Safety; James Keathley, Colonel, Missouri State Highway Patrol; and Van Godsey, Director of MIAC categorize certain citizens as being potential violence-prone “militia members.” I would venture to guess that more than 75% of the entire population of the United States would fit the MIAC’s broad definition of someone who would fall into the aforementioned category.


According to the MIAC report, if you oppose any of the following, you could qualify for being profiled as a potential dangerous “militia member”:

The United Nations
The New World Order
Gun Control
The violation of Posse Comitatus
The Federal Reserve
The Income Tax
The Ammunition and Accountability Act
A possible Constitutional Convention
The North American Union
Universal Service Program
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Illegal Immigration

Again, I would bet that at least 75% of the American people would oppose at least one or more items on the above list. Well, according to the MIAC report, that is sufficient to make them potential dangerous “militia members.”……..Read More


First of all you should know that the US Constitution DEMANDS that we have a militia to remain free!  (This is a good source to learn  what the 2nd amendment means.)   The Fusion centers  tell the idiots in law enforcement that swore to uphold the Constitution BTW, that the very people that are actually following the Constitution are their mortal enemy!!!…. as much of  law enforcement are the  real enemies of the Constitution and our rights   specifically in the area of the United Nations war on guns and the war on drugs.


The Great Unmasking: Studies in the Medical Literature Show FEWER Infections in Surgery when Medical Staff Do NOT Wear Masks – Medical Kidnap

Several studies in the medical literature that compared infection rates during surgery with surgeons wearing masks with surgeries where staff did not wear masks showed no benefit to wearing masks, and in many cases the infection rate was LOWER when NOT wearing masks

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Early on during the COVID Plandemic, when mask mandates began to be rolled out, which incidentally only began after California Governor Gavin Newsom’s nearly 1 BILLION dollar purchase of Chinese-made masks began clearing customs and making its way into the U.S. marketplace (See: Is California Governor Newsom Leading the Communist Takeover of America?), I was told one weekend in June that I could not enter an open air Farmer’s Market without a face mask.

I refused, and entered the market anyway, since it was on public property. The young man who tried to prevent my entry followed me through the market to make sure I did not try to purchase anything, and I tried to engage him in an intellectual debate on the rationale for wearing face masks outside in a wide open space.

I told him that many medical doctors were exposing the dangers of wearing face masks for too long, to which he replied:

“Oh really? So when a doctor performing brain surgery is wearing a face mask, he’s wrong?”

I came to a full stop, looked him directly in the eyes and said:

“Do you see anyone around here performing brain surgery? Yes, in a hospital surgery setting, a face mask is appropriate, but not outside in the fresh air like this.”

Now, I am not so sure that my response was accurate after all, as even that belief, the belief that surgical masks are necessary during surgery, is now being challenged…Read More

Related Stories:

Is that Mask Giving You Lung Cancer? It’s Criminal to Force Children to Wear Masks all Day – Medical Kidnap

Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy 

Author of Dystopian Classics Predicted Face Masks to Enforce Uniformity 70 Years Ago –  Paul Joseph Watson –

Sweden’s Lead Epidemiologist: Wearing Face Masks Is “Very Dangerous” – Zero Hedge

Demand Mask-FREE Shopping – Peggy Hall (and how to sue rights violating business’s)

The Great Unmasking: Studies in the Medical Literature Show FEWER Infections in Surgery when Medical Staff Do NOT Wear Masks – Medical Kidnap

Dentists: ‘Mask Mouth’ Can Cause Serious Health Issues COMPLICATIONS INCLUDE STROKE! – Washington Examiner


DavidKnightShow Full: Mandatory Masks Prep The Country For Forced Vaccines! – David Knight Show

The brainwashing worked: Poll finds 72% of Americans support fines, jail time for people who refuse masks – Natural News

NETHERLANDS REFUSES TO MANDATE FACE MASKS; SWEDEN SAYS THEY ARE ‘POINTLESS’ “There is no proven effectiveness” – Infowars – Steve Watson

World’s Top Epidemiologists – Masks Don’t Work! – Zero Hedge

Why I Wear My Mask | Welcome to the Masquerade – YOUTUBE channel “WhatsHer Face”

MFP Commentary:

I hope the young lady that runs the hair  dressers in Seymour MO reads this article.  She also needs to learn that the health department does not write law. IF it did they would call it the legislature and not the health department!

And that Federal Laws supersedes State Laws, and the ADA act  says that even a private business can not discriminate against someone with a disability that prevents them from wearing a mask.

OSHA also prohibits employers from requiring employees to wear masks for long periods because of the health risks.  If your employer is requiring you to wear a mask, at work, consider joining or starting up a class action lawsuit against them. Recorded evidence (legal in MO) will strengthen your case)

Check this out:   Demand Mask-FREE Shopping (and how to sue rights violating business’s) – Peggy Hall


BREAKING: Millie Weaver wasn’t arrested; she was ABDUCTED by the deep state and is being held for possible interrogation – Natural News

(Natural News) We are now living in an era characterized by the total collapse of the rule of law. The deep state is run by lawless, treasonous criminals who will do anything to silence critics and whistleblowers, and when Millie Weaver (“Millennial Millie”) began releasing a new documentary film today called “Shadow Gate,” the deep state went into action.

According to deep background sources, Millie Weaver was abducted by deep state operators today and is being held under the false authority of deep state operatives. She was not arrested by any lawful process, and there was no legitimate “grand jury” indictment.

Understand that this is a fast-moving story, and new information may help clarify this story as details unfold. But to the best of what we know so far, Millie Weaver is now a political prisoner being held by the deep state.

If these sources are correct, Millie Weaver and her husband are victims of a “snatch-and-grab” operation, and a counterfeit indictment document may have been produced by the deep state, but it would have been created completely outside any legitimate process of law, much like Obama’s fake birth certificate.

Millie Weaver is now a political prisoner of the deep state. This is what they do to enemies who expose them.

But as the “Google whistleblower” Zach Vorhies explains, “sorry deepstate. You can’t stop what’s coming.” The files have already been released!….Read More

Related Stories:
This is the film that the government kidnapped Millie Weaver over:
Check out this explosive full-length documentary report about the Shadow Government fighting for total control of America – Infowars

From Millie Weaver Regarding Her Torture At Jail – Dave Hodges

Learn Why Infowars Correspondent Millie Weaver was Indicted by a Grand Jury – Alex Jones – Infowars

Whistleblower Film Revealing Shadow Government Released to Public Just After Producer is Arrested – Medical Kidnap

Alex Jones breaks down the inside baseball of Infowars reporter’s arrest – Infowars

MFP Commentary:
Do not lose sight that this kidnapping was made possible by useful idiot / order followers dressed in blue costumes.  This standing army of criminals in blue costumes is going to play a huge part of the coming genocide of Ameircan citizens.  Blue ISIS is a good description for this group.  The simple solution to this dilemma is to go back to Constitutional Sheriffs and his pose (you and I otherwise known as the Militia.)
I also highly recommend Richard Proctor’s new book:
Saving the Constitution



Dentists: ‘Mask Mouth’ Can Cause Serious Health Issues COMPLICATIONS INCLUDE STROKE! – Washington Examiner

by Andrew Mark Miller, Social Media Producer

Dentists are warning about the health issues tied to prolonged use of a mask to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

They said dental problems associated with “mask mouth,” including gum disease, could lead to serious complications.

“Gum disease — or periodontal disease — will eventually lead to strokes and an increased risk of heart attacks,” Marc Sclafani, a dentist and co-founder of One Manhattan Dental, told the New York Post about “mask mouth,” which is increasingly causing inflammation and gum disease among patients.

Another dentist and co-founder at One Manhattan Dental, Rob Ramondi, said 50% of his patients are suffering from negative health issues due to mask-wearing.

“We’re seeing inflammation in people’s gums that have been healthy forever, and cavities in people who have never had them before,” Ramondi said. “About 50% of our patients are being impacted by this, [so] we decided to name it ‘mask mouth’ — after ‘meth mouth.’”

“Meth mouth” is a term used to describe poor oral hygiene typically associated with chronic meth users.

The dentists said that the face coverings increase mouth dryness and contribute to a buildup of bad bacteria.

“People tend to breathe through their mouth instead of through their nose while wearing a mask,” Sclafani said. “The mouth breathing is causing the dry mouth, which leads to a decrease in saliva — and saliva is what fights the bacteria and cleanses your teeth.”

Sclafani suggested those who have no choice but to wear masks can drink more water, cut down on caffeine, snag a humidifier to moisten the air, use an alcohol-free mouthwash, scrape their tongue, and refrain from smoking.

Wearing face coverings to stem the spread of the coronavirus has become a contentious issue across the United States, with some states and cities imposing mandatory face mask requirements, while others have filed lawsuits to defy those precautions….. Original Post

Related Stories:
Dentist warns harmful ‘mask mouth’ is impacting 50% of patients due to prolonged use of masks

New Health Problems Emerging from Continuous Mask Wearing, but “Attempted Murder” Charges Sought for Those Who Refuse to Wear Masks – Medical Kidnap

Demand Mask-FREE Shopping – Peggy Hall (and how to sue rights violating business’s)

The Great Unmasking: Studies in the Medical Literature Show FEWER Infections in Surgery when Medical Staff Do NOT Wear Masks – Medical Kidnap

Dentists: ‘Mask Mouth’ Can Cause Serious Health Issues COMPLICATIONS INCLUDE STROKE! – Washington Examiner


DavidKnightShow Full: Mandatory Masks Prep The Country For Forced Vaccines! – David Knight Show

The brainwashing worked: Poll finds 72% of Americans support fines, jail time for people who refuse masks – Natural News

NETHERLANDS REFUSES TO MANDATE FACE MASKS; SWEDEN SAYS THEY ARE ‘POINTLESS’ “There is no proven effectiveness” – Infowars – Steve Watson

World’s Top Epidemiologists – Masks Don’t Work! – Zero Hedge

Why I Wear My Mask | Welcome to the Masquerade – YOUTUBE channel “WhatsHer Face”


The Criminal Police State is Rapidly Taking Over America – Does the General Public even Understand This? – Medical Kidnap

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As we watch life in the U.S. change completely to something nobody in this country has ever seen before, I can’t help but wonder how many people among the general public, most of whom believe they are watching “real” news with “real” information from the corporate networks, even have a basic understanding of the Constitution of the United States, or what life is like in a tyrannical Police State?

We have a copy of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights here on our website, and if you have never read it, or have read it so long ago that you don’t remember what it says, now might be a good time to familiarize yourself with it.

This rule of law that has guided the United States throughout its 200+ year history, is currently being ripped to pieces and ignored, all in the name of “COVID,” which we now know is a Plandemic being used by the Globalists to establish their New World Order.

Consider the following commands that have been inflicted on American citizens, which are NOT laws because laws require a legislative body to draft the bill, and then pass it in both houses, and then the executive branch (governors in states, the President nationally) has to sign it into law.

All of these commands inflicted on the American public are UNCONSTITUTIONAL and illegal because none of them are based on any current laws:

  • Requiring everyone to wear a face mask
  • Social distancing
  • Quarantining HEALTHY people
  • Being forced to have your temperature taken
  • Tracking people’s movements and personal dealings
  • Shutting down businesses and putting people out of work
  • Refusing the public to obtain FDA approved medicines and requiring them to use fast-tracked new ones instead
  • Preventing children from going to school
  • Forbidding churches and other religious institutions from worshiping and singing

The only reason these commands have been obeyed, is because people chose to obey them, even though they have ZERO legal basis…..Read More


Original Post


Related Stories:
Why Most Americans Will Submit to Coerced Medical Treatments – Dave Hodges

Demand Mask-FREE Shopping – Peggy Hall (and how to sue rights violating business’s)

The Great Unmasking: Studies in the Medical Literature Show FEWER Infections in Surgery when Medical Staff Do NOT Wear Masks – Medical Kidnap

Dentists: ‘Mask Mouth’ Can Cause Serious Health Issues COMPLICATIONS INCLUDE STROKE! – Washington Examiner


DavidKnightShow Full: Mandatory Masks Prep The Country For Forced Vaccines! – David Knight Show

The brainwashing worked: Poll finds 72% of Americans support fines, jail time for people who refuse masks – Natural News

NETHERLANDS REFUSES TO MANDATE FACE MASKS; SWEDEN SAYS THEY ARE ‘POINTLESS’ “There is no proven effectiveness” – Infowars – Steve Watson

World’s Top Epidemiologists – Masks Don’t Work! – Zero Hedge

Why I Wear My Mask | Welcome to the Masquerade – YOUTUBE channel “WhatsHer Face”