Murderers, Rapists, and Terrorists have More Rights to Due Process of the Law than Parents Accused of Child Abuse

MFP Commentary:
What”s the problem?   From my observations this criminal system is supported by about 100% of  “Christianity”.  After all Romans 13 says  that our evil  governments are put there by God!  (Sarcasm in case you missed it)    

It is my thesis, that all of the government evil that you see in this world is caused by Christians sitting on their asses and refusing to  act:

“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.” — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn – The Gulag Archipelago

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke)

“Noncooperation with evil is as much a duty as cooperation with good.” – Gandhi

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” —Dietrich Bonhoeffer

As always I must ask: Where the hell are the “pro-life” useful idiots?



Commentary by Terri LaPoint
Health Impact News

It is clear that the effort to protect children from abuse has resulted in many non-abused children being taken away from innocent parents by Child Protective Services. Less than 16% of children are taken from their families for allegations of any kind of abuse (Source), and only 17% of allegations against parents are even substantiated (Source).

In the name of protecting some children, many more children are traumatized and abused by the very system tasked with protecting them. Medical kidnapping and state-sanctioned seizure of children is more common than most people have realized.

Yet parents whose children are taken find that they have less rights than criminals. The right to due process is conspicuously absent from almost all CPS cases. A legislator once told me that she does not care about the Constitutional rights of parents when it comes to child abuse allegations.

Is it possible to protect abused children while, at the same time, protect the integrity of families and the Constitutional or civil rights of parents?…. Read More

History of Shaken Baby Theories Exposed: How an Elite Group of Pediatric Radiologists Started Medical Kidnapping in the 1940s

By Health Impact News/ Staff

“The bones tell the story,” or so the saying goes. But do they tell the full story?

The discovery of the x-ray in 1895 gave rise to a group of doctors who claimed to be able to read the x-rays and find the subtle signs of child abuse that everybody else missed.

It took decades for their rhetoric to be accepted by the public, but when it was finally embraced, it was not long after that The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1974 (CAPTA) was passed by a bipartisan Congress, establishing what we now know as Child Protective Services.

Most historians trace the modern era of Child Welfare to the landmark paper, “The Battered-Child Syndrome” by Dr. C. Henry Kempe and his colleagues, published in 1962.


Has the U.S. Become a Medical Police State? How Doctors Deny Due Process to Kidnap Children Through CPS

From Child Protection to State-sponsored Child Kidnapping: How Did we Get Here?

The paper forms the theoretical framework upon which assumptions by Child Abuse Pediatricians of today are based, up to and including language to circumvent any alternative explanations that parents and other doctors may present.

No matter how much solid medical and scientific research goes into rebutting the allegation that the child was abused, the foregone conclusion by Child Abuse Pediatricians is that it is incorrect.

Dr. John Caffey Established His Breed of Doctors as “The Experts” in Child Abuse – in the 1940s

The history of the paper, and this line of thinking, owes its roots to a man named Dr. John Patrick Caffey who was born in Utah in 1895, the year that Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen accidentally discovered the x-ray, which was originally known as the “roentgen ray.”

After training in internal medicine and pediatrics, he practiced at Babies Hospital in New York as a pediatrician.


Dr. Caffey wrote an influential paper on Shaken Baby Syndrome in 1972. Photo source.

Meanwhile, the field of radiology, the medical specialty of using imaging such as x-rays in the practice of medicine, was in its infancy. There was only one full-time pediatric radiologist in the entire United States in the early 1920s….Read More


How Social Media Is Becoming an Arm of the State

Mises Institute

Say the wrong things and you might get kicked off of your favorite social media platform.

Tech titans Apple, Facebook, and YouTube have wiped out talk-show host Alex Jones’s social media presence on the Internet. But the social media crusades weren’t over.

Facebook recently took down popular pages like Liberty Memes and hundreds of other prominent libertarian-leaning pages . In the wake of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, social media network Gab was on the receiving end of suspensions from payment processors like PayPal and Stripe and cloud hosting company Joyent. Although these companies did not provide clear explanations for their dissociation with Gab, the media had a field day when they learned that the synagogue shooter, Robert Bowers, had an account with the social media network.

Should libertarians fear social media de-platforming? Or is this a case of private actors exercising their legitimate property rights by excluding those they wish to no longer do business with?…. Read More



Google Getting Ready To Data Mine Your Entire House, Including Kid’s Bedroom


Google Getting Ready To Data Mine Your Entire House, Including Kid’s Bedroom

Google wants to scan your clothing and listen to you brush your teeth. Welcome home.

It’s a familiar feeling: Type something into Google’s search bar, and then start seeing ads for it everywhere. Sometimes you don’t even need to search—Google’s already triangulated your desires based on your emails, your demographics, your location. Now that familiarity stands to get a lot more intimate. With a fascinating pair of new patents for smart-home technology, Google is hoping users will open their home to its trademark eavesdropping.

In the first patent, Google imagines devices that would scan and analyze the surroundings of your home, then offer you content based on what they detect. According to the patent, the smart cameras in such a device could, for example, recognize Will Smith’s face on a T-shirt on the floor of a user’s closet. After matching this analysis against your browser history, the device might then say aloud, “You seem to like Will Smith. His new movie is playing in a theater near you.”

It doesn’t stop at Will Smith movies. The patent imagines that smart-home devices would make all types of inferences about users, sorting them into categories based on what the devices see in their most personal spaces. Using object recognition, they could calculate “fashion taste” by scanning your clothing, and even estimate your income based on any “expensive mechanical and/or electronic devices” they detect. Audio signatures, too, could be used to not only identify users, but to determine gender and age based on the timbre of their voice. The smart home would recommend what to watch and where to shop, all based on how it sorts users into categories of taste, income, and interest.

If this sounds invasive, it’s important to recognize that this is already happening, just online. … Read More

Warning for humanity: The madness is spreading by design as the masses are deliberately poisoned with toxic pharmaceuticals, pesticides, 5G wireless, hormone disruptors and toxic vaccines


(Natural News) “Walking along a street in any crumbling urban area in this country you see miserable faces staring blankly as they trudge through their lives on the road to nowhere or wasting time absorbed by trivialities and bullshit emanating from their iGadgets,” writes Jim Quinn in an especially prescient post on The Burning Platform Blog:

The lives of so many are a meaningless march of misery and mindless repetition of daily chores. There is an overwhelming cloud of sadness permeating the lives of the masses as our repulsive culture, built on fulfilling desires, consumerism, selfishness and greed, ultimately results in delusional, disappointed and desperate human beings.

Quinn explains the collapse of cognizant civilization as arising out of “social indoctrination” and the organized programming of children via the disastrous public education system:

Our society did not become so ludicrous, misguided and defective overnight. It has been decades in the making. And it can be attributed to the purposeful effort by those in control of the government in destroying our educational system and replacing it with a social indoctrination system. Children are no longer taught how to think, but how to feel. Children are being raised by the state as nothing more than cogs in the machine.

Children who question authority or do not act in a subservient manner are immediately diagnosed with ADD and drugged into submission. The public-school system doesn’t want high performers, critical thinkers or anyone questioning their government mandated orthodoxy. The ruling class (aka Deep State) wants controllable, malleable, non-thinking automatons to do the menial low paying jobs, buy cheap foreign crap with their credit cards, and be dependent upon the state for their miserable existence….. Read More

Taxpayers to Be Held Liable As Video Shows Police Beat a Woman for Selling Flowers With No Permit

Perris, CA — In the Land of the Free, if you do not pay the State before you attempt to sell a product or service to a willing customer, you can and will be extorted, kidnapped and caged, with extreme prejudice. A video published to Facebook backs up this notion, showing a Riverside County Sheriff’s Department deputy assault a woman who was selling flowers on the side of the road — because she apparently failed to pay the State for the privilege. Now, because the deputy’s actions were so egregious, the taxpayers are going to be held liable.

The victim, Joaquina Valencia, was selling flowers outside of a high school graduation ceremony in Perris last year when the altercation began. Because she was treated like a dog and savagely attacked, Valencia announced a lawsuit this week against the department.

Valencia says in the lawsuit that no human should ever be treated the way she was. “He tossed me like a rag,” Valencia said in an interview with NBC Los Angeles.

The complaint alleges Valencia was “unjustifiably beaten, shoved to the ground and arrested.”

The video does not tell the entire story. However, it starts as the officer is grabbing a woman who is holding multiple sets of flowers, clearly arranged for sale on the roadside.

As the video begins, the motorcycle officer is grabbing the woman by the arm. The woman, who apparently doesn’t speak English, is clearly terrified.

Not wanting to be assaulted or otherwise extorted by the deputy for selling flowers, the woman pulled her arm back and tried to move away. She was still holding onto her flowers, indicating that she was in no way a threat to the officer.

However, as the woman attempted to move backward, away from the officer, he grabbed her by her hair and attacked her….. Read More

Taxpayers to Be Held Liable As Video Shows Police Beat a Woman for Selling Flowers With No Permit

Chilling Report Shows 88% of Missing Sex Trafficked Kids Come from US Foster Care

MFP Commentary:
I have been telling people this for years and feel like Noah, as none of them care to listen to the truth.

These are the kids that the ball dropping, useful idiots, known as  right to lifers, have “saved”.  Truth is most are sent to foster care and IMHO subjected to a fate far worse than simply being killed…..

This is the very same CPS that  many Christians seem to love, because it’s “for the children” and it’s where many of them get their kidnapped, denied any due process,  adopted children.   Many, if not most Christians, seem to be incapable of critical thought these days…. or any thinking at all really.  It’s time to wake up if you are in this uninformed supermajority.

Chilling Report Shows 88% of Missing Sex Trafficked Kids Come from US Foster Care

America has a dark secret that no one wants to admit. Talk of this secret will get you labelled as a conspiracy theorist, fake news, and outlets who report on it will have their organic reach throttled by social media and Google alike. Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, many in the mainstream media and the government refuse to see this very real epidemic of child sex trafficking in the United States. What’s more, according to the government’s own data, the vast majority of a portion of these trafficked kids are coming from the country’s own foster care system.

Children are being needlessly ripped from homes at such an alarming rate that hundreds of parents in one state have gone so far as to create a counter-kidnapping organization to stop it.

Continue reading “Chilling Report Shows 88% of Missing Sex Trafficked Kids Come from US Foster Care”

American Medical Revolutions: How the AMA Took Over America


Health Impact News Editor Comments: While this excellent article on the rise of homeopathy in America, and then its destruction by the American Medical Association monopoly, was written in 2008, it is even more true today in 2014. Will our country move further towards a monopoly system of medical care in this nation led by the pharmaceutical industry and enforced by the federal government, or will we return to our roots and the foundation of “health freedom” where citizens have the choice to make their own decisions regarding health care? Maybe it is time for another “American Medical Revolution.”

by Jack Phillips

About 170 years ago our ancestors forced the repeal of licensing laws which had created a monopoly over the practice of medicine for orthodox physicians. Ordinary people, farmers, artisans, tradesmen and others got together and forced politicians to act on their behalf. They were tired of bloodletting, and harsh medications like mercury compounds that ruined their teeth and weakened their bodies. They opted for kinder and gentler alternatives with lower casualty rates, particularly the newly introduced homeopathy. They were impressed that tiny doses of medicine were able to cure cholera much better than the massive doses used by orthodox physicians.

The Rise of Homeopathy

Homeopathy, introduced in America in 1825, was a brand new medical discipline developed by a German physician named Samuel Hanhemann (1744-1843). He was disillusioned with the results of medical practices of his day. He stopped practicing and began to study the effects of medicine on a healthy person, himself. He tried quinine, a very popular medication, first. It caused symptoms of malaria, the disease which it was able to cure. Similarly mercury produced symptoms of syphilis on which it had therapeutic effects. This experimental evidence lead to an assumption: substances which produce symptoms in healthy people can have a curative effect on sick people who experience the same symptoms. Extensive experimentation with his family and friends resulted in collection of the symptomology of 27 medications. With this information he was able to investigate the validity of his hypothesis.

Continue reading “American Medical Revolutions: How the AMA Took Over America”

Has the U.S. Become a Medical Police State? How Doctors Deny Due Process to Kidnap Children Through CPS

MFP Commentary:

This alleged power of Doctors to bypass due process is yet another example of Christians in our society accepting and supporting the Satanic concept of “Moral Relativism“.  People are so dumbed down I think that I am living the movie “Idiocracy

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush


By Health Impact News/ Staff
Health Impact News 

The story is one that we hear repeatedly: parents take their child to the doctor for an accidental injury or an illness and end up being accused by a doctor of abusing their child.

The doctor calls Child Protective Services, and the stunned parents watch their child be taken away by social workers. Often, one of the parents will go to jail for accusations of child abuse.

There is little to no due process, and the multiple court hearings that follow are merely an illusion of attempts at justice, since the accusing doctor, a Child Abuse Pediatrician, has essentially become judge and jury.

Opposing viewpoints by other doctors are often ridiculed or disregarded.

It matters little if the parents have no history of violence, or that there is not a single shred of real forensic evidence which supports the diagnosis of abuse.

Once the Child Abuse Pediatrician decrees that child abuse has happened, the Child Protective System, as well as the foster care and adoption system, becomes activated, and parents watch in horror as their children are stripped away from them, sometimes permanently.

Continue reading “Has the U.S. Become a Medical Police State? How Doctors Deny Due Process to Kidnap Children Through CPS”

Red Flag Gun Laws: Yet Another Government Weapon for Compliance and Control [SHORT]

Long version here



“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”—George Santayana

We never learn.

In the right (or wrong) hands, benevolent plans can easily be put to malevolent purposes.

Even the most well-intentioned government law or program can be—and has been—perverted, corrupted and used to advance illegitimate purposes once profit and power are added to the equation.

The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal immigration, asset forfeiture schemes, road safety schemes, school safety schemes, eminent domain: all of these programs started out as legitimate responses to pressing concerns and have since become weapons of compliance and control in the police state’s hands.

Mark my words: red flag gun laws, which allow the police to remove guns from people suspected of being threats, will only add to the government’s power.

These laws, growing in popularity as a legislative means by which to seize guns from individuals viewed as a danger to themselves or others, are yet another Trojan Horse, a stealth maneuver by the police state to gain greater power over an unsuspecting and largely gullible populace.

Thirteen states now have red flag laws on their books. That number is growing.

As The Washington Post reports, these laws “allow a family member, roommate, beau, law enforcement officer or any type of medical professional to file a petition [with a court] asking that a person’s home be temporarily cleared of firearms. It doesn’t require a mental-health diagnosis or an arrest.”…..Read More