Miracle Alkaloid Ibogaine Stops Heroin, Cocaine And Alcohol Addiction In A Single Dose Eliminating Withdrawal


MFP Commentary:
The state is using it’s illegitimate medical monopoly to enrich big pharma while destroying the lives if not killing   tens of thousands of people.   This is what your local christian “church” and  “christians”  seem to support.  I  find it abhorrent and in direct opposition to the greatest commandment. This is the antithesis of a nation where we claim to have God given rights.


Ibogaine is a natural hallucinogen that has been shown to immediately stop all drug cravings for heroin and other barbiturates as well as alcohol cravings in alcoholics. It improves an addict’s chances of staying clean for life. Research began in the early 60s into Ibogaine’s potential use as a rehabilitation therapy for addicts but was abandoned after fears were raised over the safety of the drug. The FDA banned Ibogaine in 1967 due to its hallucinogenic properties. In 1995, researchers at the University of Miami managed to get permission from the FDA to study Ibogaine’s effects on addicts but the funding eventually fell through. Big Pharma, and specifically the manufacturers of Methadone are thought to have had a hand in ensuring Ibogaine remains illegal so as to ensure their drug remains the number one treatment for heroin addiction….. Read More

Missouri Senate Bans All Federal Gun Control Laws in Proposed Bill

MFP Commentary:
Something stinks to high heaven here.  We passed such an amendment about 5 years ago.  What I last heard was that MO courts were in the process of trampling this properly passed amendment. What is to stop them from doing this again?
Here are a few links on this same topic :

Legislation In Missouri Moves To Ban All Federal Gun Control Laws From State

VIDEO: MO 2nd Amendment Preservation Act – On Gary Nolan Show 2



Missouri Senate Bans All Federal Gun Control Laws in Proposed Bill

Missouri may have just made the most monumental step towards freedom and individual liberty since the signing of the Bill of Rights. In an upcoming vote by Missouri’s state senate, the state is expected to pass a bill that would nullify ALL Federal gun laws and regulations, and make enforcement of those laws by federal officers within the State of Missouri a criminal offense. Republicans control both U.S. Senate seats and more than two-thirds of the seats in both the Missouri House and Senate….. Read More

First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have a Higher Rate of Sickness, 470% Increase in Autism

MFP Commentary:

Since the Fordland Clinic is so supportive of the globalist “vaccination”  agenda I thought that this article belonged in the Fordland Clinic category.



First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have a Higher Rate of Sickness, 470% Increase in Autism

The first-ever, peer-review study has been published comparing total-health in vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Dr. Anthony Mawson led a research team that investigated the relationship between vaccination exposures and acute or chronic illnesses in home-schooled children. The vaccinated children had a much higher rate of autism and ADHD, at a rate of 470% higher than those who received no shots.  Vaccinated children were also more vulnerable to allergies and eczema. Unvaccinated children contract mild childhood diseases more frequently, but their vaccinated counterparts suffer pneumonia and ear infections more frequently. The finding that vaccination introduces a significant risk for autism is devastating to the vaccine industry and, therefore, will be vigorously attacked. –GEG….Read More

Criminals who criminalized it, now want it legal Why Cannabis is set to explode: TAX REVENUE!

“………These are just a few of the thousands of political hypocrites who now want to monetize marijuana after spending their careers demonizing it so they can tax the people and make laws that will, in most cases, enrich the special interests that enrich them.

Indeed, considering the mountains of regulations, costs and restrictions the political mafia will impose, the lucrative cannabis future will further enrich the big corporations at the cost of not only small entrepreneurs, but African-Americans that will be banned from the business because they were arrested on marijuana charges.


It is an outrage that the political mafia who criminalized cannabis has now declared themselves as the supreme rulers in charge of regulating it.

They have no Constitutional or moral authority to impose dictatorial powers on Nature’s plant.

Therefore, we propose The National Cannabis Freedom Act. This will be a simple referendum that will be put on all state ballots in the upcoming 2020 Presidential Elections with a simple yes or no vote:

• Yes, I want the Federal, State and Local Governments to make laws that regulate cannabis cultivation, products and personal use and they should tax them at any rate they choose.

• No, I do not want governments to have jurisdiction on cannabis, Mother Nature’s plant, and cannabis should be taxed the same as cucumbers, carrots, celery and other natural plants.

You are among the first to be notified of the launching of the National Cannabis Freedom Act. To assure this referendum appears on each state ballot will require the devoted energy of We the People. Any suggestions in helping launch and advance this initiative is both needed and appreciated. Contact us at NCFA@trendsresearch.com TJ ……”

Read More

FDA quietly bans powerful life-saving intravenous Vitamin C


(Natural News) It would be naive to think that the FDA endeavors to protect the public’s health as its primary focus. Indeed, that would be a conflict of interest, as it serves its master, the pharmaceutical industry. Has the Food and Drug Administration engineered a shortage of intravenous vitamin C as part of an overall attack on natural and non-toxic approaches to healing that compete with prescription drugs? An analysis by Natural Blaze would suggest that the answer is yes.

Natural Blaze claims that a critical shortage of IV bags in general followed an FDA ban on the mass production of intravenous vitamin C. The FDA limited the availability of IV-C and the pharmaceutical industry halted production of injectable vitamins and minerals, after a 60 minute story about the miraculous recovery of a swine flu patient on life support. Because of the shortage of IV-C, doctors called upon compounding pharmacies to produce it. But the FDA began to limit compounding pharmacies after injectable steroids produced by the New England Compounding Center were contaminated with a fungus that caused a deadly outbreak of meningitis. Here is an example of an entire industry being punished for the dubious practices of one compounding pharmacy….. Read More


We are in the middle of a communist takeover of our government. Rules for Radicals is the blueprint…

Will America Survive Her Date with Destiny? CSS-Bob Griswold-Hr 3

We are in the middle of a communist takeover of our government. Rules for Radicals is the blueprint. America is at her crossroads. Are we ready to respond. I recently interviewed Bob Griswold and he is asking the question of whether or not, America is ready for her date with destiny?  … Read More


U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Require Police to Render Emergency Aid After Ohio Police Shoot Military Veteran Multiple Times, Let Him Bleed to Death

MFP Commentary:
This is a crystal clear case of government supporting moral relativism.  A pillar of the church of Satan,  used to construct many of our societal institutions. (Banks, police departments, schools)

People seem to be blinded to the fact that our police departments are very much from top to bottom built upon this Satanic principle  of moral relativism and “Christians”  seem to be totally clueless as to what is going on.  To The point of mindlessly supporting this evil.


WASHINGTON, DC  — The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected an effort to require police to render emergency aid to individuals they injure in the course of an arrest. In refusing to hear the case of Stevens-Rucker v. Frenz, in which Ohio police shot a military veteran multiple times and then—despite their first aid training—let him bleed to death, the Supreme Court let stand a lower court ruling that police satisfy their constitutional obligations to assist a person they injure in the course of an arrest simply by calling for an ambulance to transport the arrestee to a hospital. Attorneys with The Rutherford Institute had asked the Court to hear the case, arguing that if prisoners have a constitutional right to medical care under the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishments, then police should be held to a comparable standard in their treatment of arrestees who require urgent medical attention….. Read More

JOHN KIRIAKOU: Neither Rain, Sleet, nor Snow Will Stop the Post Office From Spying on You

MFP Commentary:
Does the government ever do anything that is not a crime?
You have to wonder. They sure are not protecting our rights.

** FWIW I had a postal worker here in Seymour argue that this was not happening. So much for informed workers in this illegitimate government monopoly.

JOHN KIRIAKOU: Neither Rain, Sleet, nor Snow Will Stop the Post Office From Spying on You

It’s called the “Mail Cover Program” and it’s run by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). Yes, even the Post Office is spying on us, writes John Kiriakou.

By John Kiriakou
Special to Consortium News

You may remember that last year some nut was arrested for mailing bombs to prominent Democrats, media outlets, and opponents of Donald Trump. Less than a week after the bombs went out, a suspect was arrested. Almost immediately, video turned up of him at a Trump rally, wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat and chanting for the camera. He was soon tried, convicted, and jailed. End of story.

But it wasn’t the end of the story. The investigation into the bomb incidents focused attention on an almost unknown federal surveillance program—one that poses a direct threat to the privacy and constitutional rights of every American. It’s called the “Mail Cover Program” and it’s run by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). Yes, even the Post Office is spying on us.

The Mail Cover Program allows postal employees to photograph and send to federal law enforcement organizations (FBI, DHS, Secret Service, etc.) the front and back of every piece of mail the Post Office processes. It also retains the information digitally and provides it to any government agency that wants it—without a warrant….. Read More

Bolivar Missouri: Video Shows Police Raid On Stage 4 Cancer Patient’s Hospital Room For Medical Marijuana

MFP Commentary:
This is how the criminals in MO have “legalized”. The entire MO legislature and the cops involved should be in jail over this. (Police it seems are selected for low intelligence and willingness to follow criminal orders.)

Keep on believing their lies about “legalization” Most Americans would not know a God given right if it hit them square in the face.  Why are all of our rights being turned into permissions?  (hint: look at the government school brainwashing)
FWIW I have a friend,  a doctor BTW, who died last year of cancer, in part because the psychopaths in Jeff city think that they are God and that our rights come from them.** It is illustrative to read the comments on Zero Hedge.
Most of the commenters would gladly put these criminals in blue in a cell and then throw away the key.

According to a local Fox affiliate Sousley had actually been “in the middle of a chemotherapy treatment at Citizens Memorial Hospital in Bolivar” before local officers raided the room, apparently with the cooperation of unnamed hospital staff.

Though it’s unclear exactly what the hospital thought was happening in the room, according to Newsweek, “The officer said that the department had received a call from someone who said they smelled weed coming from Sousley’s room.” Officers ultimately found no marijuana or any illegal substance during the search, but did reportedly find CBD Oil (Cannabidiol oil), which is legal.

“If we find marijuana we’ll give you a citation,” an officer threatened as another family member tried to plead with police, saying Sousley’s extreme pain means that doctors allow him a variety of medications. Sousley denied smoking marijuana or ingesting ground-up plants, but acknowledged he uses THC containing capsules for pain management…. Read More