Missouri Senate Bans All Federal Gun Control Laws in Proposed Bill

MFP Commentary:
Something stinks to high heaven here.  We passed such an amendment about 5 years ago.  What I last heard was that MO courts were in the process of trampling this properly passed amendment. What is to stop them from doing this again?
Here are a few links on this same topic :

Legislation In Missouri Moves To Ban All Federal Gun Control Laws From State

VIDEO: MO 2nd Amendment Preservation Act – On Gary Nolan Show 2



Missouri Senate Bans All Federal Gun Control Laws in Proposed Bill

Missouri may have just made the most monumental step towards freedom and individual liberty since the signing of the Bill of Rights. In an upcoming vote by Missouri’s state senate, the state is expected to pass a bill that would nullify ALL Federal gun laws and regulations, and make enforcement of those laws by federal officers within the State of Missouri a criminal offense. Republicans control both U.S. Senate seats and more than two-thirds of the seats in both the Missouri House and Senate….. Read More