Trump says U.S. agency will begin removing millions of illegal immigrants

by Reuters
Tuesday, 18 June 2019 01:56 GMT

WASHINGTON, June 17 (Reuters) – President Donald Trump said on Monday that U.S. authorities would begin next week removing millions of immigrants who are in the United States illegally.

“Next week ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States,” Trump tweeted, referring to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. “They will be removed as fast as they come in,” he said. He did not offer specifics.

There are an estimated 12 million immigrants who are in the United States illegally, mainly from Mexico and Central America.

Under a deal reached earlier this month, Mexico has agreed to take Central American immigrants seeking asylum in the United States until their cases are heard in U.S. courts.

The agreement, which included Mexico pledging to deploy National Guard troops to stop Central American immigrants from reaching the U.S. border, averted a Trump threat to hit Mexican imports with tariffs.

Trump also said in the tweet that Guatemala “is getting ready to sign a Safe-Third Agreement.”

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence suggested last week that Guatemala could receive asylum seekers from its neighbors as a so-called safe third country.

Details of the plan have not been made public, and Guatemala has not publicly confirmed talks that the U.S. State Department said were taking place in Guatemala on Friday.

U.S. rights group Human Rights First said, however, it was “simply ludicrous” for the United States to assert that Guatemala was capable of protecting refugees, when its own citizens are fleeing violence.

Mexico has agreed that if its measures to stem the flow of migrants are unsuccessful, it will discuss signing a safe third country agreement with the United States.

(Reporting by Eric Beech; Editing by Mohammad Zargham and Peter Cooney)

Original Story

What are the 10 Basic Causes of Cancers?

What are the 10 Basic Causes of Cancers?

…Special Note: In the following two weeks each day I will publish one of the basic causes of cancer. These materials will be brought together in one of the first chapters of my upcoming Conquering Cancer book. Though the title suggests an aggressive approach to cancer treatment please remember that we can also conquer with love, which is certainly necessary when addressing stress and emotional causes of cancer.

1. Nutritional Stress
2. Stress and Emotional Causes of Cancer
3. Toxins
4. Physical Stress and Lack of Physical Exercise
5. Free Radicals, Oxidative Stress
6. Inflammation
7. Low Oxygen and Mitochondrial Dysfunction
8. Radiation
9. Infections
10. Iatrogenic Causes of Cancer

Read More

The Tyranny of Drug Laws

MFP Commentary:
We have  fake drug  “legalization” here in Missouri.   Marijuana is still a crime that can land you in jail if you are not careful.  All the other drugs can still land one in jail.  All that has changed  are the specific laws and the state making a fortune on the new  rights violating  system. 

The Tyranny of Drug Laws

The recent drug bust of Russian journalist Ivan Golunov reminds us of another aspect of drug laws — the ability of tyrannical regimes to use such laws to target innocent people. In fact, consider any tyrannical regime in the world — North Korea, China, Vietnam, Cuba, Egypt, Myanmar (Burma), Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and others. I will guarantee you that every one of them has viciously enforced drug laws. That’s not a coincidence. Tyranny and drug laws go together like bread and butter.

Golunov specializes in investigating and uncovering official corruption. According to the Washington Post, his investigations have uncovered corruption in the office of the Moscow mayor, the funeral business, and elsewhere.

The police said claimed they found 3 grams of mephedrone 5 grams cocaine in Golunov’s backpack and apartment. They charged him with drug possession with intent to sell, which carried a potential jail sentence of 10 years. Golunov denied the charges and claime

The recent drug bust of Russian journalist Ivan Golunov reminds us of another aspect of drug laws — the ability of tyrannical regimes to use such laws to target innocent people. In fact, consider any tyrannical regime in the world — North Korea, China, Vietnam, Cuba, Egypt, Myanmar (Burma), Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and others. I will guarantee you that every one of them has viciously enforced drug laws. That’s not a coincidence. Tyranny and drug laws go together like bread and butter.

Golunov specializes in investigating and uncovering official corruption. According to the Washington Post, his investigations have uncovered corruption in the office of the Moscow mayor, the funeral business, and elsewhere.

The police said claimed they found 3 grams of mephedrone 5 grams cocaine in Golunov’s backpack and apartment. They charged him with drug possession with intent to sell, which carried a potential jail sentence of 10 years. Golunov denied the charges and claimed that the police had planted the drugs…..

…..Ever since the drug war got started, planting drugs and framing innocent people has been a modus of law-enforcement agents. When I was in high school in the 1960s, my father was serving as U.S. Magistrate in my hometown of Laredo, Texas, which was a major hub for the importation of drugs into the United States. He told me that one day the federal judge called him into his office to discuss a growing problem of “dropsie” cases. The immigration and customs officials at the international bridge were stopping and searching automobiles of long-haired hippies, who undoubtedly opposed the Vietnam War and, therefore, were considered enemies or traitors to America. Unable to find any drugs, the officials were dropping drugs into the vehicles and exclaiming, “Look what I found!” and then charging innocent people with drug possession. At the trial, the prosecutor would ridicule the notion that clean-cut federal law enforcement agents would drop drugs into people’s cars in order to frame them. Guess who the jurors would believe. The dropsie problem got so big that the federal judge, who himself was fierce drug warrior, got concerned about it…..

d that the police had planted the drugs…. Read More

Legal Experts: Shaken Baby Diagnosis Leads to “Destruction of Families Beyond Anything Comparable in the Modern History of the American Justice System”

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Attorneys Randy Papetti, Paige Kaneb and Lindsay Herf have just published an article in Santa Clara Law Review titled: OUTSIDE THE ECHO CHAMBER: A RESPONSE TO THE “CONSENSUS STATEMENT ON ABUSIVE HEAD TRAUMA IN INFANTS AND YOUNG CHILDREN.”

“Abusive Head Trauma” (AHT) is the newer term for what has been called “Shaken Baby Syndrome” (SBS).

In the medical field of pediatrics, Child Abuse Specialists have increasingly been used by Child Protective Social Services (CPS) across the country to take children away from their parents based primarily on the examination of x-rays.

The entire field of pediatric child abuse diagnoses has become very controversial, and all across the country parents and caregivers wrongly accused of child abuse by these pediatric Child Abuse Specialists are having their cases overturned, as the courts are recognizing the flaws in diagnosing SBS or AHT.

Basically, if a parent or caregiver has been convicted of child abuse based only on the testimony of one doctor, and that doctor being a “Child Abuse Specialist,” judges are ordering re-trials so that other doctors and science can be presented to refute SBS/AHT diagnoses.

As a result, many legal associations and publications have been training attorneys on how to fight false child abuse charges. The Innocence Project, for example, will take on SBS/AHT cases in all 50 states now, so prevalent is the problem of false convictions of child abuse….Read More

Was General Patton Assassinated by the US Government?

Was General Patton Assassinated

During the long Cold War many Russians grew sufficiently disenchanted with the lies and omissions of their own news outlets that they turned to Western radio for a glimpse of the truth.

The growth of the Internet has now provided Americans with a similar opportunity to click on a foreign website and discover the important stories that have somehow escaped the attention of their own leading journalists. Ironically, much of such “alternative media” coverage actually appears in the leading British newspapers, eminently respectable and published in our closest historic ally.

For example, three or four years ago I noticed a link on a prominent libertarian website suggesting that George S. Patton, one of America’s most renowned World War II military commanders, had been murdered by order of the U.S. government. Not being someone much drawn to conspiracy-mongering, the lurid claim seemed totally outlandish, but I decided to click my mouse and harmlessly examine a bit of Internet fringe-lunacy. However, the source turned out to be a lengthy article in Britain’s Sunday Telegraph, one of the world’s leading newspapers, describing a newly published book based on a decade of detailed research and interviews undertaken by an experienced American military affairs writer….Read More

Why the Founding Fathers Feared a Standing Army – As long as the army stands, peace is unlikely to be achieved or long-lasting.

MFP Commentary:
And the dumbed down government school educated idiots that we call Americans, now are demanding & worshipping, a standing army, while eschewing the only legitimate military in this country.  We the people: the milita.
If people do not wake up soon, I fear the end of this country….

What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.

–Elbridge Gerry,  Fifth Vice President of the United States

Read More

The Greatest Generation Of US Soldier Rapists and Whoremongers

MFP Commentary:
It seems that we are NEVER it seems given the true history of events.  That is how the psychopaths in power continue to control us.

The Greatest Generation

According to an article about Antony Beevor’s new book, D-Day, 20,000 French civilians were killed within three months of the D-Day landing. Some villages in Normandy only recently began having D-Day celebrations. What? How ungrateful these people were for the “hundreds of tons of bombs destroying entire cities and wiping out families.” Or perhaps it was because of the “theft and looting of Normandy households and farmsteads by liberating soldiers” that “began on June 6 and never stopped during the entire summer.” Or perhaps it was the “3,500 rapes by American servicemen in France between June 1944 and the end of the war.”…Read More

AMA Advocates Taking Away Parental Rights In Medical Treatment of Their Children

MFP Commentary:
The AMA is an evil deep state (the Flexner report) created monopoly and it needs to be disbanded ASAP. NOTHING in the US Constitution gave anyone the power to create this monopoly. It is criminal in it’s lack of legitimate authority.

My letter to Dave Hodges:

Dave you are WAY off on what the AMA is, and has done. Do you even know what the word regulation means? It’s an oxymoron. It means the limiting and infringing upon God given rights!! You are way off on your support of “regulation” as rights by definition can not be modified or infringed upon. If they are, then they are not rights! The AMA monopoly was created (through the Flexner report) by deep state globalists. The purpose of the entire chronic care side of the house is thinly veiled eugenics. Have you forgotten the words of Dr Benjamin Rush? “Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush We are supposed to live in a Republic where my right to contract is respected. “Regulation” Dave negates my sacred right to contract. Sometimes you need to think about what you are advocating. What you advocate makes you my mortal enemy Dave. You advocate the trampling of my rights and I find it abhorrent that you do not see “regulation” for what it is. I take large issue with your advocation of “regulation” of my rights. What is next Dave, regulation of churches? Regulation of how many children one can have?….. FWIW the “safety” that you desire is obtained through discernment, the free market, and the courts. NOT through the tramping of my God given rights as you advocate.


American Medical Association has gone totally rogue. They are now advocating taking away all parental rights with regard to medical treatment which include the banning of parents seeking a second medical opinion with regard to the medical treatment of their children. Here are the details of this outrageous story….

Cancer Cure Suppressed for 80 Years: They’re Finally Admitting Royal Rife Was Right

Cancer Cure Suppressed for 80 Years: They’re Finally Admitting Royal Rife Was Right

Everything vibrates. Everything.

Our reality is such that frequencies have a much more profound effect on us than we’ve been previously led to believe. This reality can no longer be ignored.

As technologically advanced as we are constantly told we are these days, there are some technologies just now being presented to the public as “new” when they are not new at all but have simply been widely suppressed for decades. Things like the “new” digital neuro headbands that pulse specific electromagnetic frequencies into a person’s head to “transition” his or her moods, for example.

It has also come out in recent years that frequencies can cure diseases, including cancer. Professor and researcher Anthony Holland even gave a Tedx talk on “Shattering Cancer with Resonant Frequencies” a few years back, discussing the ability to destroy cancer cells and deadly super bugs like MRSA with oscillating pulsed electrical fields… not that you probably heard about it on the nightly news or anything.

As someone pointed out in the comments, phrases like, “They hadn’t seen anything quite like it. Seems to be a new phenomenon,” (emphasis mine), made viewers who know about the organized suppression of such technologies since at least the 1930s want to slam their own heads into a wall.

Meet Dr. Royal Raymond Rife….Read More