Lawmaker: It’s Okay To Aim Guns At Cops If They Aim At You First

MFP Commentary:

I think that this legislator is referring to the criminal practice of “police” to randomly brandish their weapons at people for any reason or no reason at all. Brandishing a weapon is a crime everywhere. Being a cop does not change this or  give you special rights. That is unless you believe in moral relativism like the Church of Satan does. (Christians FWIW “claim” to abhor moral relativism. i.e. that crimes are not always crimes. Hence the “relativism” adjective.)
The only time that it is moral to point a deadly weapon at someone is when it is  clearly in  self defense.
That applies to all men. This country was founded upon the principle that all men were created equal and we seem to have thrown that fundamental concept under the bus with predictable results to our liberties. I fully agree with this lady, with the clarification above.  Police departments (or anything else) built upon the concept of moral relativism are concepts that  are quite literally right out of hell. 


NOTE: FWIW she is somewhat  wrong. IF the cop is brandishing his weapon at you, you have a moral, God given right, to immediately respond with lethal force. I suspect that the powers that be will trample and criminalize that absolute right to self defense by siding on the side of Satanically inspired Moral Relativism and made up rights.

Lawmaker: It’s Okay To Aim Guns At Cops If They Aim At You First

Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R), who is currently seeking her party’s nomination for an open U.S. House seat, said last week that she believes the right to self defense includes the right to aim your gun anyone who aims a gun at you, even if they are a law enforcement officer.

In an interview with a local TV station last Sunday, Fiore attacked the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as “a bureaucrat agency of terrorism.” Pressed by KLAS-8 host Steve Sebelius about whether she believes the Second Amendment grants citizens the right to point a weapon at a “duly authorized law enforcement officer who is just out there doing his job,” she said that self-defense includes the right to aim back at anyone who points a gun at you first — and to put your own life ahead of theirs.

“I would never ever point my firearm at anyone, including an officer of the law, unless they pointed their firearm at me,” Fiore explained. But, the assemblywoman continued, “once you point your firearm at me, I’m sorry, then it becomes self-defense. Whether you’re a stranger, a bad guy, or an officer, and you point your gun at me and you’re gonna shoot me and I have to decide whether it’s my life or your life, I choose my life.”…..Read More


Julian Assange Writes a Warning Letter To The Public—What’s Inside Will Send Chills Down Your Spine

By Lisa Haven   

Our fellow patriot and hero, Julian Assange, is in big trouble. At this time, there are reports of him not only suffering psychologically, but also fears from his mother and Ron Paul that the UK is slowly killing Assange in jail, and that they are doing it on purpose.

However, despite all the torcher and pressure that Assange is under, he took it upon himself to write a letter to the world… and you won’t believe what it contains…All that and more below…Read More

8 minute video, please watch it in it’s entirety:

The Passage of the Equality and the TAPS Acts Marks the Rollout of the 4th Reich

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Friday, May 31, 2019 – 13:55.

President Trump may have bouts of populism, but essentially, he is compromised, at least in part. Yes, he’s opposing Bolton on Iran, but he should never had the genocidal Bolton in his administration to begin with.

The Democrats have proven themselves to the be the party of socialist/communist revolution against both our culture and our political rights. They are intent on establishing a socialist utopia with communist overtones. When they are done, the Constitution will be gone. Private property will be gone. The right to dissent will die a violent death and due process for so-called “enemies of the state” will end and we will witness millions of unwarranted incarcerations and worse as foretold by Obama’s political benefactor Bill Ayers and former FBI informant, the late Larry Grathwohl.Ayers once proclaimed that wen he allies took over, they would have to incarcerate 50 million in re-education camps and murder over half of the inmates. Ayers visited Obama several times during his presidency…..Read More

Tennessee Couple Has Baby Ripped from Womb and Kidnapped Because They are an Interracial Couple


MFP Commentary: 
To those fellow christians that interpret Romans 13 to say that government is of God and that we should follow it,  they forget that most of the apostles were put to death for disobeying their governments.   For those of you that have never tangled with “the system”  this is standard operating procedure.  The state apparatus is used on a regular basis to rape and destroy the lives of the citizens that it is supposed to be protecting.  Christians that put government on a pedestal are my mortal enemy  and they should be yours too. 


Suzy and Peter on a supervised visit with their daughter, baby Sofie.

Health Impact News

The nightmare of a Tennessee couple who was forced to have a cesarean birth and then had their newborn baby daughter medically kidnapped while traveling through Connecticut on their way to a vacation destination in Maine continues.

See our previous articles for the background information.

Pregnant Mom Traveling Through Connecticut with Husband Stops at Hospital Where They Forcibly Drug her and Perform Cesarean Surgery to Kidnap Baby

Connecticut DCF Punishing Tennessee Parents for Taking Their Story Public? Refuse to Let Parents Visit Baby

While fighting for the custody of their daughter and while attempting to get their case transferred to their home state of Tennessee, Connecticut DCF is reportedly making them drive 20 hours one way from Tennessee to Connecticut each week for a 2-hour visitation with their baby daughter.

The Connecticut judge in their case has reportedly scheduled a hearing in June to terminate parental rights, allegedly ruling that they are guilty of something called “predictive neglect.”

Suzy claims that the sole reason they have been found guilty is because they are an interracial couple…..Read More

The Drug War Is Totally Idiotic

MFP Commentary:

Even after Missouri  has”legalized” pot we still have a war on drugs here.

Even on pot that is not in accordance with their arbitrary and rights trampling, fake “legalization”.   Dig deep and you will see George Soros’s fingerprints on this so called legalization, with the psychopaths in Jeff City fully on board.




The Drug War Is Totally Idiotic

Pardon me for being blunt, but it would be difficult to find anything more idiotic than the war on drugs, an ongoing federal program that has been enacted and enforced by both Republicans and Democrats for decades. The program is sheer idiocy in that its supporters continue to keep it going despite the manifest failure, violence, ruination of lives, expense, racism, and destruction of liberty and privacy that this federal program has produced and continues to produce.

But hope springs eternal in the minds of the drug war’s supporters and enforcers. Each new drug bust over the decades, oftentimes accompanied with a large amount of hoopla from the mainstream press, provides these people with confirmation that victory is just around the corner. Just a few more drug busts and the long drug-war nightmare will finally be over….Read More


Democratic Socialism Is the Scenic Route to Serfdom





Where today’s socialists want more generous social protections through guaranteed health care, child care, and other benefits-in-kind, the distinction between government ownership and financing will be illusory in practice. Once government covers the costs of a service, it sets limits on how much it pays as the major consumer, creating de facto price controls. Governments attach conditions to their spending, too, defining who can work in an industry or the standards producers must meet. These regulations create shortages in high-cost areas, necessitating subsidized provision to meet demand. Before long the industry is effectively nationalized through regulation. Hayek’s key observation was that intervention creates problems that encourage further corrective intervention, eroding freedom along the way. Today’s socialists might not demand eliminating private property, nor be calling for gulags to enforce their vision. But, combined, their proposed regulatory, spending, and taxing onslaught would severely restrict freedom and undermine prosperity, just like the socialist experiments of old. By Jeffrey Miron and Ryan Bourne Learn more:…

Democratic Socialism Is the Scenic Route to Serfdom

Federal law complicates medical marijuana for veterans

MFP Commentary:

“COLUMBIA, Mo. – Nearly 70 percent of Missouri voters approved medical marijuana in November.”

This is absolutely dystopian and criminal to anyone with more than a few brain cells. We are supposed to be a Republic people. Not a democracy where we need the approval of the majority to exercise our rights.

I congratulate the 12 year indoctrination camps for destroying the ability of Americans to think or reason….


COLUMBIA, Mo. – Nearly 70 percent of Missouri voters approved medical marijuana in November.

The Show-Me State became one of 33 that has legalized medical marijuana, but the plant is still illegal in every form on the federal level.

That puts states with marijuana allowances at odds with the U.S. government and it complicates the medical treatment for some of the very people medical marijuana was supposed to benefit – military veterans.

A disabled Air Force veteran, who wants to remain anonymous because marijuana is still illegal to use in any form in Missouri, says he currently uses it for medicinal purposes. He says his chronic pain treatment got out-of-hand.

“They increased my medicine again. One doctor called it a ‘life-threatening dose,’ I was on 360 oxycodone a month,” the man said. “And then they give you all the supporting medicines that go along with that like one for sleep, one to keep you up, one for your mood. And so you end up with just a big grocery bag full of medicine every month.”….Read More

Why Lessons of Liberty Are Crucial for Children

By ensuring that our children begin learning these ideas at an early age, we not only impart the protection of the law, but also a sense of civility, strength, and responsibility.

In 2017, the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania released their traditional survey on American civics knowledge for Constitution Day. Out of just over one thousand respondents, 37 percent were unable to name a single right protected by the First Amendment. Nearly four hundred adults were unable to recall religion, speech, press, assembly, or petition. Out of those that were able to name specific rights protected by the First Amendment, the ability to name all five was limited.

Our decline in civics knowledge does not begin when we cross the arbitrary line from childhood to adulthood, but rather in childhood itself from a general lack of education on the topic. Putting it in incredibly distressing terms in 2011, Charlies Quigley of the Center for Civics Education pointed out that,

only 4 percent of all 12th graders … (are at) a level we would hope our future leaders would attain.

Out of all fifty states, forty offer civics as a subject, but only 29 offer a “full curriculum,” which “includes course materials that cover ‘Explanation/Comparison of Democracy,’ ‘Constitution and Bill of Rights,’ and ‘Public Participation,’ as well as information on state and local voting laws.” As such, the responsibility of preserving liberty through the next generation falls to us.

In a previous article, I told a story regarding my own experience as a teenager in which I was stopped and questioned with a voluntary search. I cooperated fully. Following the incident, I was lectured by my mother on the importance of asserting my rights when confronted by the authorities.

By ensuring that our children begin learning these ideas early on we impart the protection of the law, strength, and responsibility.

While opinion was split among readers as to whether or not my mother was correct in giving me such a civics lesson in the car, most readers seemed consistent in their surprise that, at sixteen, I did not know the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments. I did not know the laws that were intended to protect me from overreaching authority. I was a distressing statistic….Read More


The Ongoing Destruction of the Minds of Children

The Ongoing Destruction of the Minds of Children

There can be no greater stretch of arbitrary power than to seize children from their parents, teach them whatever the authorities decree they shall be taught, and expropriate from the parents the funds to pay for the procedure.
— Isabel Paterson

Compulsory schooling is a travesty. To call it education is absurd. Real education is lifelong learning as an individual, while compulsory public schooling is the indoctrination of children as a collective exercise to bring all down to the lowest level. Prisons called schools are simply the forced means to stifle individual brilliance while promoting sameness and monotony. The result of this brainwashing is meant to teach children to obey orders, and to be satisfied spending their lives in a virtual cage of ignorance, to never become entrepreneurs and dissenters.

With the recent death of the great John Taylor Gatto, the loss of a giant is evident. He was not only a pioneer in real education, but he discovered the true nature and genius that exists in so many children. The controllers who use the government school system as a way to dumb down the masses fully understand this potential genius. They are very fearful of it. So fearful in fact, that more than 100 years ago, they designed a mandatory school system as a way to control the common people. By training them to be good citizens and members of a collective society instead of individuals, the few could continue to control the many…..Read More

After Reading This, You’ll Probably Never Want To Eat Genetically-Modified Food Again

Every single day, most Americans eagerly gobble down foods that contain ingredients that have been genetically-modified without ever considering the consequences.  Most of us simply assume that the federal government would never allow us to eat GMOs if they were not safe.  Unfortunately, it appears that the federal government has completely failed us.  The material that I am about to share with you is deeply disturbing, and after reading this article there is a very good chance that you will never want to eat genetically-modified food ever again.  But at this point it is almost impossible to completely avoid GMOs, because they are in almost everything.  Unless they are specifically designated “organic”, most corn, soy, canola and sugar beets grown in America today have been genetically modified, and almost all packaged foods contain ingredients derived from at least one of those sources….Read More