The Jackboots Are Coming: Mass Arrests, Power Grabs and the Politics of Fear

MFP Commentary:
One of the more pressing articles that we have ever published. While not painting a pretty picture, I think it an accurate one and it behooves one to pay attention, and to take action.  The evil in this country is erupting,  precisely because “good men have done nothing”.   Has modern Christianity become a mental disorder that ignores evil? It sure looks that way.

John Whitehead’s Commentary

“Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the rules of common sense and self-interest—forces that look like sheer insanity, if judged by the standards of other centuries.” ― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

How do you persuade a populace to embrace totalitarianism, that goose-stepping form of tyranny in which the government has all of the power and “we the people” have none?

You persuade the people that the menace they face (imaginary or not) is so sinister, so overwhelming, so fearsome that the only way to surmount the danger is by empowering the government to take all necessary steps to quash it, even if that means allowing government jackboots to trample all over the Constitution.

This is how you use the politics of fear to persuade a freedom-loving people to shackle themselves to a dictatorship.

It works the same way every time.

The government’s overblown, extended wars on terrorism, drugs, violence and illegal immigration have been convenient ruses used to terrorized the populace into relinquishing more of their freedoms in exchange for elusive promises of security.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Case in point: on June 17, the same day President Trump announced that the government would be making mass arrests in order to round up and forcibly remove millions of illegal immigrants—including families and children—from the country, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a ruling in Gamble v. United States that placed the sovereignty (i.e., the supreme power or authority) of federal and state governments over that of the citizenry, specifically as it relates to the government’s ability to disregard the Constitution’s Double Jeopardy Clause….Read More

Another important article:
The Matrix Was Not a Movie, It Was a Prediction-When Everything We Believe Is a Lie

The Tyranny of Drug Laws

MFP Commentary:
We have  fake drug  “legalization” here in Missouri.   Marijuana is still a crime that can land you in jail if you are not careful.  All the other drugs can still land one in jail.  All that has changed  are the specific laws and the state making a fortune on the new  rights violating  system. 

The recent drug bust of Russian journalist Ivan Golunov reminds us of another aspect of drug laws — the ability of tyrannical regimes to use such laws to target innocent people. In fact, consider any tyrannical regime in the world — North Korea, China, Vietnam, Cuba, Egypt, Myanmar (Burma), Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and others. I will guarantee you that every one of them has viciously enforced drug laws. That’s not a coincidence. Tyranny and drug laws go together like bread and butter.

Golunov specializes in investigating and uncovering official corruption. According to the Washington Post, his investigations have uncovered corruption in the office of the Moscow mayor, the funeral business, and elsewhere.

The police said claimed they found 3 grams of mephedrone 5 grams cocaine in Golunov’s backpack and apartment. They charged him with drug possession with intent to sell, which carried a potential jail sentence of 10 years. Golunov denied the charges and claime

The recent drug bust of Russian journalist Ivan Golunov reminds us of another aspect of drug laws — the ability of tyrannical regimes to use such laws to target innocent people. In fact, consider any tyrannical regime in the world — North Korea, China, Vietnam, Cuba, Egypt, Myanmar (Burma), Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and others. I will guarantee you that every one of them has viciously enforced drug laws. That’s not a coincidence. Tyranny and drug laws go together like bread and butter.

Golunov specializes in investigating and uncovering official corruption. According to the Washington Post, his investigations have uncovered corruption in the office of the Moscow mayor, the funeral business, and elsewhere.

The police said claimed they found 3 grams of mephedrone 5 grams cocaine in Golunov’s backpack and apartment. They charged him with drug possession with intent to sell, which carried a potential jail sentence of 10 years. Golunov denied the charges and claimed that the police had planted the drugs…..

…..Ever since the drug war got started, planting drugs and framing innocent people has been a modus of law-enforcement agents. When I was in high school in the 1960s, my father was serving as U.S. Magistrate in my hometown of Laredo, Texas, which was a major hub for the importation of drugs into the United States. He told me that one day the federal judge called him into his office to discuss a growing problem of “dropsie” cases. The immigration and customs officials at the international bridge were stopping and searching automobiles of long-haired hippies, who undoubtedly opposed the Vietnam War and, therefore, were considered enemies or traitors to America. Unable to find any drugs, the officials were dropping drugs into the vehicles and exclaiming, “Look what I found!” and then charging innocent people with drug possession. At the trial, the prosecutor would ridicule the notion that clean-cut federal law enforcement agents would drop drugs into people’s cars in order to frame them. Guess who the jurors would believe. The dropsie problem got so big that the federal judge, who himself was fierce drug warrior, got concerned about it…..

d that the police had planted the drugs…. Read More

Why School Compulsory-Attendance Laws?

MFP Commentary:

It is beyond insane to see so called Christians supporting these government indoctrination camps.   For starters free government education is the 10th plank of the communist manifest.   A plan to bring in the New World Order and to kill all Christians.   And the vast  majority “Christians” support both the theft to support these schools (the first plank of the communist manifesto)  and in doing so are supporting  the death of  Christianity and the murder of millions of christians and others.

Modern Christianity has in so many ways become a mental disorder…. I have no other way to explain this insanity.


Imagine if Congress were to enact a law that required everyone to attend church on Sundays. The overwhelming majority of Americans would go up in arms. The concept of religious liberty is so deeply ingrained in our American heritage that there is no way that people, including devout Christians, would accept such a law. That heritage was enshrined in the First Amendment, which prohibits Congress from enacting such a law.

Now, suppose things had been the exact opposite. Suppose that from the beginning, the Constitution had authorized Congress to enact compulsory church-attendance laws. Suppose that immediately after the Constitution called the federal government into existence, Congress had enacted a law requiring parents to send their children to church, in order to be educated on religious, moral, ethical, and Biblical principles. Suppose that we had been living with that national compulsory church-attendance law for the entire history of the United States…. Read More

BAKER CREEK: Seed Company Cancels Cliven Bundy Visit On Growing Watermelons After Threats From Twitterati

MFP Commentary:
Baker Creek seed has caved into  leftists terroristic threats,  encouraging the repeat of such criminal tactics by the mentally unstable left.   I think I am going to be buying all of my seeds from now on from Morgan County Seed.

Instead of cancelling the cowards  at Baker Creeks should have just made an announcement of their concerns and suggested that people come armed.  I would have been armed regardless….. I hope that you are one of those that is armed wherever you go. That is how the bad guys are stopped.


From the Springfield News-Leader:

“Cliven Bundy will not be appearing at our Spring Planting Festival next week,” said a statement posted to the Baker Creek Facebook page just before noon.

“After a long discussion, both Bundy and Baker Creek staff agree that his presence could cause a safety issue and other concerns for all participants.”

On a call from Emmett, Idaho, Ammon Bundy — one of Cliven Bundy’s sons — confirmed the news.

“People know that this organization basically has uninvited my father to speak because of political reasons,” he told the News-Leader. “You know, that will be known and seen. And I don’t blame them. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame them, and my father certainly wants to make it easy and peaceful for them to have their event and succeed in whatever it is that they want to do.”

He added, “The facts and the truth will show clearly what really happened, and that is they invited my father for his knowledge and experience in being able to grow rare seeds in a desert climate using very little water and (he) wanted to share that knowledge, and for political reasons they uninvited him.”

Kathy McFarland, media relations staffer for Baker Creek, said that the company had learned that opponents of Bundy had concrete plans to protest the Spring Planting Festival near the festival site.

“That was actually our concern, yes,” she told the News-Leader midday Monday. “At first we thought (opposition to the announced Bundy visit) was just people talking on Facebook and so forth. But when it appeared to be an organized plan and threatening our vendors, we thought we have a responsibility to our festival-goers.”…. Read More

Chicago’s Top Cop Tells the Truth, Admits Officers ‘Look the Other Way’ When Fellow Cops Break Laws

MFP Commentary:
If you have been around here long, you know that I advocate the complete and utter dismantling of the standing army known as “the police” and that we go back to the founders intended system of a single country sheriff supported by we the people. i.e. the milita.

Being lorded over by this standing army is antithetical to a fee society. It is antithetical to a society of sovereigns as  elucidated in the Declaration of Independence.

This standing army is usurping the sovereignty of the American people.  They are over paid  “order followers”  that are mindlessly carrying out a  plethora of  illegitimate rights trampling laws  written by the politician-puppets of the globalists.



Chicago’s Top Cop Tells the Truth, Admits Officers ‘Look the Other Way’ When Fellow Cops Break Laws

Chicago, IL — Recently, Chicago’s top cop, Police Supt. Eddie Johnson—whose base salary is over a quarter of a million annually—told the Chicago Sun Times in an interview that cops “look the other way” all the time when it comes to witnessing misconduct within their ranks. While readers of the Free Thought Project likely know about this blue code of silence within departments, for the superintendent of one of the nation’s largest police forces to come out and admit this is noteworthy and utterly astonishing.

The system of US law enforcement is set up to protect itself which makes it nearly impossible for an individual whistleblower to prove wrongdoing. In case after case, TFTP reports incidents in which abuse, violence, and even murder has gone on inside police departments, is widely known inside the department, yet no one speaks up. Chicago is one of the worst departments in this regard….. Read More

Is Prison Necessary? Ruth Wilson Gilmore Might Change Your Mind In three decades of advocating for prison abolition, the activist and scholar has helped transform how people think about criminal justice.

MFP Commentary:

“….calling for government investment in jobs, education, housing, health care — all the elements that are required for a productive and violence-free life….”

She is calling for socialism/communism and to march towards a New World Order.

Prisons do need to be reformed. They certainly are not biblical. i.e. based on restitution.

The solution is not socialism BUT liberty and freedom. Her solution sounds as if the global elites have been whispering in her ear. This situation is very much like the “abolitionists in 1865. Freeing slaves was the right thing to do BUT look deeper and you see that abolitionists were socialist and funded by the elites. More socialism is definitely NOT the answer. More freedom is and that should start with a criminal justice system based on restitution.

Seeing that this article was published by the globalist NYT I think that while we do need to eliminate prisons that  her “solution” is clearly evil  and globalist in nature.  We need to explore a biblically based solution IMHO.  A solution  based upon freedom rather than slavery.

2 articles:

Is Prison Necessary? Ruth Wilson Gilmore Might Change Your Mind

In three decades of advocating for prison abolition, the activist and scholar has helped transform how people think about criminal justice.

Freedom Requires Restoring Our Republic

The United States was founded as a limited-government republic. That meant a federal government with very few and limited powers. That’s what the Constitution was for — not only to bring the federal government into existence but also, at the same time, to set forth its few, limited powers. If a power wasn’t enumerated, then the federal government was not authorized to exercise it. A close examination of the Constitution shows how few and limited such powers were.

Why didn’t the Framers instead use the Constitution to bring into existence a government with omnipotent powers? After all, in this new governmental scheme, the president and the Congress were to be democratically elected. Why not vest them with the power to do anything they deemed necessary and beneficial to the country? Why tie their hands with few and limited powers?

The reason is simple: The American people would never have accepted that type of government. Remember: After the Revolution, the American people had been operating for 13 years under the Articles of Confederation, a type of governmental system in which each state retained its independence and sovereignty. Under the articles, the states had simply come together in a confederation. Under this type of governmental system, the federal government’s powers were so few and limited that the federal government didn’t even have the power to tax.

That’s the way the American people wanted it. The last thing they wanted was a federal government of general, omnipotent powers to do the “right” thing for the nation. Americans were convinced that that type of governmental system would end up being a grave threat to their freedom and well-being…..Read More

Trump Signs Ambitious EMP Preparedness Executive Order

MFP Commentary:
Let’s pray that this is not a day late and a dollar short.
This shortcoming was definitely planned by the internal enemies of these United States.  It still may destroy us.

What’s in the executive order?

The Executive Order on Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Pulses is a first step toward learning more about how an EMP would affect us and how to protect critical infrastructure.

An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) has the potential to disrupt, degrade, and damage technology and critical infrastructure systems.  Human-made or naturally occurring EMPs can affect large geographic areas, disrupting elements critical to the Nation’s security and economic prosperity, and could adversely affect global commerce and stability.  The Federal Government must foster sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective approaches to improving the Nation’s resilience to the effects of EMPs. (source)

The Order outlines the responsibilities of specific offices to help get the country ready for a threat to the grid and sets up a 4-year plan…..Read More

Hidden Epidemic: Death By Hospital By Bill Sardi

It is only a matter of time now……. we must read between the lines.  Public health authorities are not forthcoming about a fungal infection that has been stealthily killing people for over a decade.  There will be no safe place to run to.  Hospitals will be cordoned off.  Nurses will refuse to go to work.  Human populations will die off in large numbers, starting in areas where anti-fungal herbicides have been employed that spawn drug resistance, as an ongoing public health threat that has been hidden for too long, spreads beyond hospital walls and now cannot be reversed.  That is a predictable scenario given the following facts that have been hidden for too long.

Health authorities are not going to tell the public what is really going on.  Most hospitals are threatened with being quarantined and even shuttered if not completely avoided by a frightened public. Visitors will not be allowed to enter.  The health threat posed by a treatment-resistant fungus – Candida auris – is unprecedented.  It has a 30-60% mortality rate!….Read More