MFP commentary:
FL marijuana “Compassionate Use” my freaking arse.
Have you ever seen the movie “A Bug’s Life”?
~Matthew 10:26
Dum Spiro, Pugno ~MFP
Please check out this other MFP story about the war on drugs: Jeff Sessions could (and should) be executed under USC title 18 section 241
Here is another article that questions whether we need a standing army in blue , that does little other than enforce illegitimate laws. I.e Laws that violate the Constitution or are on their face immoral and violate your rights:
It’s Time to Start Imagining a Post-Police World — Why Abolishing the Police is Not a Crazy Idea
Confessions of a CIA Black-Ops Insider On Past False Flag Operations
MFP commentary:
I can verify almost everything that CIA whistle blower, Cody Snodgres has to say from multiple sources over the past 5 years. What he does well is to lay it all out in one interview. If after listening to this you do not understand that our government consists of satanic criminals, you are just incapable of being able to think and reason.
If you decide not to spread this far and wide, you IMHO are walking with and embracing evil. Something that no moral human being or Christian should do.
Christians in the US are acting exactly like the Christians in Nazi Germany acted. Please don’t be one of those people. Please spread this far and wide:
German Pastor Martin Niemöller’s Poem:
“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
Again this needs to go viral.
People had better speak out or your grandchildren will not even likely be born. Look up what the term useful idiot means. Here also
This pejorative term applies to the misdirected, and controlled Christian anti-abortion movement, that ignores the fact that when children are born that they are purposely damaged by vaccines, and here, that the CPS kidnaps the same children that they “saved”, for sexual exploitation, and that the globalist’s are planning to make sure that BILLIONS upon billions of children are not born.
This Henry David Thoreau quote is very instructive on the topic of “useful idiots”: “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”
If abortion were completely stopped tomorrow it would not stop or adress the globalist plans to kill billions of human beings. These people have all been neutralized without even knowing it, which is the essence of the word “useful idiot”. Let’s not be “useful idiots” – let’s “strike the root.”
Here is another important Cody Snodgres interview:
Cody Snodgres – Operation Indigo skyfall
Dave Hodges interview of Cody Snodgres:
The following is a 2 part interview with a former CIA black-ops participant, Cody Snodgris. The following interview clearly establishes, from a first-hand perspective. how many national tragedies are actually false flag operations which almost always follow the same pattern of planning and implementation. Everything from the Oklahoma City Bombing to the JFK assassination, and many more false flag events are discussed with this previous insider who has decided to go public at great risk to himself. This is one of the most important interviews ever conducted on The Common Sense Show.
This interview is so very important because it reveals how much of what the American people are told is a lie. It also reveals that the science and implementation of false flag operations is a stand alone industry with an internal hierarchy and organizational stucture. This interview also reveals that the practice of false flag operations are a subset of the Deep State and that these people will stop at nothing to stop the rising tide of populism being led by the election of Donald Trump. One thing is abundantly clear America, the closer President Trump gets to carrying out his MAGA agenda, the closer the American people get to very decisive false flag operations.
I was once told by an ex-FEMA official before he “bugged out” five years ago, that the “powers-that-be” will stop at nothing to smash American populism. This FEMA official was part of counter-intelligence for bioweapons. He was clear on one point, if America does not roll over and capitulate, there is nothing that the deep state will not do to subjugate this country. He felt that a cocktail of severe bioweapons would be unleashed on the American people, which would force the US into martial law and invite the UN into the power structure of this country through the declaration of martial law. Amaingly, these words were shared with me prior to the emergence of President Trump as a candidate.
Please share the following 2 part interview with your social media and email lists. The average American needs to be exposed to the inherent evil that awaits them in the coming days……. Read More
Confessions of a CIA Black-Ops Insider On Past False Flag Operations
This is Cody’s contact info mentioned at 57:20 in the Operation Indigo Skyfall interview: Choosing the Light E-Book and Tales of an Atlantean Master E-Book, $19,95 each
About Cody Snodgres’s book: “Choosing the Light”
“For over 20 years, I was an Independent Contractor (IC), specializing in sensitive, covert assignments, as well as bodyguard work. In 1994 I was given the task to blow up the Alfred P. Murray building in Oklahoma City. This job came from an x-US military man, who told me he worked covertly for CIA. I refused on moral grounds. My strong opposition to attacking U.S. citizens on our own soil changed my status from a CIA asset into a liability, a private, Independent Contractor who “knew too much”.
This is a true story about the U.S. Dept. of Justice’s role in covering up the bombing in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, and the secret reasons why, I believe, it was ordered. Afraid to speak up until now, I am very lucky to be alive to tell this story. Hopefully,enough time has elapsed so that I will not be targeted again, for retribution,as so many “whistle blowers” have been before me. May God bless America, and our fellow Patriots who have fought and bled, for her.”
~Cody Snodgres
Jeff Sessions could (and should) be executed under USC title 18 section 241
MFP commentary:
I have always thought that there should be very severe penalties for people that commit treason, and violate our rights. Unbeknownst to most Americans there is. Look up USC title 18 sections 241 and 242:
From the US Department of Justice website:
“Section 241 of Title 18 is the civil rights conspiracy statute. Section 241 makes it unlawful for two or more persons to agree together to injure, threaten, or intimidate a person in any state, territory or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him/her by the Constitution or the laws of the Unites States, (or because of his/her having exercised the same). Unlike most conspiracy statutes, Section 241 does not require that one of the conspirators commit an overt act prior to the conspiracy becoming a crime.
His war on drugs has incontestably caused the deaths of innocent Americans, and the Federal government clearly has no Constitutional authority to legislate or act in this matter. This man is by definition a terrorist, and he is acting outside of law. Why are there not consequences for his actions?
Here is another article that questions whether we need a standing army in blue , that does little other than enforce illitimate laws. I.e Laws that violate the Constitution or are on their face immoral and violate your rights:
It’s Time to Start Imagining a Post-Police World — Why Abolishing the Police is Not a Crazy Idea
A Dave Hodges article:
Undeniable Proof That Jeff Sessions Is a Deep State Operative
Natural News) With so much lawbreaking by Hillary Clinton and members of former President Obama’s inner circle that has severely harmed U.S. national security, while at the same time destroying the public’s trust in our justice system, you’d think that Attorney General Jeff Sessions would have more than enough of a caseload to keep him and his prosecutors busy for years.
You’d think that. But you’d be wrong.
Instead of going after ‘high crimes’ committed by public servants that put our republic in grave danger, Sessions is instead hyper-focused on…pot.
Now, it seems, Trump’s AG believes marijuana poses a bigger threat to public law and order than, say, mishandling reams of classified information that can be used by our enemies to blackmail our officials, undermine our diplomatic efforts, and generally put all 323 million-plus Americans in grave danger…. Read More
MFP commentary:
I sure don’t endorse this attack, but most “flag flyers” turn my damn stomach, as flying a piece of cloth is the ONLY thing that they do to defend liberty. It is you and I that defend liberty, not “the troops” fighting illegitimate foreign wars for dubious purposes.
It also is my observation that flying pieces of cloth is not a very effective way to retain our liberties, but education is:
“An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.” often attributed to Thomas Jefferson
No truer words have ever been uttered IMHO.
Like I said I do not endorse violence as a response to someone’s free speech, as I have personally experienced this past year, from both a thug in a blue costume, (here) (thug Mullins was his name) and a business owner in Seymour MO. Unfortunately in my case there will be no justice in either case.
Update: The world is going nuts. Today I thought I was going to have to defend myself against a priest of all people. Even the clergy it seems are not immune from this mental illness. Father Dennis J. Cooney ( email me if you want his phone number) of St Raphael Catholic Church likely had never had anyone rebut his dogma. Organized “churches” demand unthinking submission to their dogma, and it enraged him to the point of near violence when he encountered someone that could actually think, and rebut him. He then began an irrational straw man attack on myself… then the ad hominem attacks. It was a far cry from the adult civil discussion, that I envisioned, nor the help with a critical personal crisis that I was trying to adress.
This man has a reputation for “having a temper”. No one is willing to confront him, ( I tried to get an involved party to do so) so his despicable behavior continues for decades, as I understand, after all he’s is a sinner, and God will forgive him so he has zero motivation to change. There are no repercussions for “a man of God” The most ludicrous thing happened as I was leaving the man had the unmitigated gall to say “God bless you” after this behavior.
Has the DSM listed the mental illness of attacking people for their speech yet? I would not hold my breath.
In closing to quote the late Joyce Riley one must do the “right and honorable thing”, regardless of the consequences, and when you speak “Truth to Power” (here, here & here) there are usually violent consequences. I humbly ask that you pray for MFP, and just as importantly, perhaps even more that you take action.
Infowars Article:
An elderly man is proving to be unflappable after his neighbor allegedly raged on him because of the American flag flying in the man’s front yard.
The (Florida) Citrus County Chronicle reports on the Christmas Eve attack:
Lucille Blanchard, 50, of South Spice Wood Terrace, Lecanto, at 1:48 p.m. Dec. 24 on a felony charge of battery on a person over the age of 65 and a misdemeanor charge of petit theft.
According to her arrest affidavit, “Blanchard is accused (of) grabbing her 69-year-old neighbor by his shirt and pushing him backward, then stealing his American flag valued at approximately $15.”
She was reportedly “upset that her neighbor had a flag in his front yard and came over to remove it when the altercation occurred,” the paper reports.
SEASONS BEATINGS: Woman Attacks Neighbor over American Flag in Yard
Is the AMA – Medical Eugenics?
MFP commentary:
I know a person that was clearly suffering dangerous “side effects” from a drug that the drug manufacturer admits to, is in the medical literature, and affirmed in a recent JAMA study, so I went to talk to an “expert”, the pharmacist, that is trained in what drugs do to chemical pathways. She was adamant that the drug was safe, and that the only side effect was minor: i.e. drowsiness. She also shockingly referred me to a non-expert in this arena: A doctor that prescribed the medication! That is almost as shocking as referring someone to an MD for nutritional advice! Not to mention that this government certified “expert” was completely unaware that the medical literature, and the JAMA study completely contradicted what she had just told me.
It is my observation that the medical monopoly that we had hoisted upon us by the Rockefellers and their Flexner report, is engaged in a clandestine eugenics program. —here, here and here
This belief was reaffirmed when I recently underwent a major surgery. The medical industrial complex, admits that they have a problem with infections in the hospital, yet right after the surgery they offered me a sugar filled drink. Sugar it is well know will tank your immune system. Doctors are taught this in medical school. Yet this is what they did!
They also did not tell me that they used IV antibiotics during the surgery, and the anesthesiologist did not tell me that anaesthesia would immobilize my GI tract for days. (Even though I queried him about constipation and anesthesia) FYI the gut is the seat (90%) of your immune system, yet they compromised it in 3 different ways, did not give me any “informed consent” and furthermore did not recommend or prescribe a good probiotic and prebiotic to remedy the damage that they caused. What other conclusion can I come to other than our current medical monopoly is a thinly disguised eugenics program?
I almost forgot to add in, that pre surgery that the surgical nurse agree, without even a blink of the eye, with my characterization, that Federal involvement in medicine amounts to a eugenics agenda. I am finding out more and more, how aware people in the medical industry are to this, but are afraid to speak out because their medical license is not to protect me, it is to control them.
Speaking of the Federal government, the hospital when contracting me pre-surgery, had the unmitigated gall, to ask me if there were domestic violence in home. This woman was completely clueless, in that she was a “useful idiot” in the globalist agent to destroy the family! Which goes right back to the point that the surgical nurse agreed with.
There is also their illogical directive that you not eat after midnight the day of the surgery, regardless of the time the surgery is scheduled. I did my research after the fact, and was not surprised that the medical industrial complex was wrong on this also. It turns out that eating up to 2 hours before surgery actually results in less content in the stomach, which is plainly safer than than more stomach contents. It makes no sense to tell people that they should not eat anywhere from 5 to even 12 hours before their surgery. Which is it? Five hours or twelve hours? This antiquated directive was, justly used before they started putting a tube down your throat, (intubate) during surgery. Intubation largely negates the danger of one throwing up during surgery, and aspirating it’s contents, possibly resulting in death.
Last year my so called doctor stood between me and medical care that I deemed necessary to treat severe prostate issues. She said that she loved her job, and that she would not risk her license. Translated, she said that my health and well being were secondary to her kissing Caesar’s ring. Which “Christians” do on a regular basis. She did not disagree at all with my course of actions but would not help me, because the Feds, have her by the pubic hairs. Which is very ironic as ‘You shall have no other gods before me’ is the first, and presumably the most important of the 10 commandments.
Not to mention the not so small fact that the government’s criminal usurpation of my right to choose my own medical care is nowhere given in the Constitution.
Over 200 years ago, Dr Benjamin Rush, (as famous at the time as George Washington) warned us:
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush
I could go on for pages and pages and tell you about how medical offices will only use single does vials for themselves, but give you vaccinations from the mercury laden multidose vials, (here) or how a doctor that was trying to prescribe a statin drug to me, admitted that he would never prescribe statins for a family member. It is “standards of care” that force doctors, through fear of losing their medical license that cause them to act in this immoral, and criminal manner.
Let me close with a link to a video of someone that has come to the same conclusions:
VIDEO: Vaccine Eugenics Is Killing Women And Babies
Peruse that site that this video is on, especially the work of Dr Sherri Tenpenny.
Dr Tenpenny offers a vaccine education course. You can sign up at:
Another incident was a family member getting their gall bladder removed. The doctors again gave them no “informed consent” the fact that colon cancers go up with people that have their gallbladders removed, nor did they inform them that there are many ways to mitigate the added risk of colon cancer. Nor the likley cause so that they might not have developed the problem in the first place. See this article if you are interested.
I can come to no other conclusion other than the government created medical monopoly called the AMA, that we are subject to at the end of the barrel of a gun, is at the very least a threat to our health, and much more likely part of a very widespread and occulted eugenics program (here) started by the Globalist Rockefeller family. here & here
Will you join us?

Duane Weed, whom I had the pleasure of knowing, and calling a friend, and William N. Grigg. Two very honorable men, of admirable character, that did just that. I am more than proud and honored to carry on their tradition.
I posthumously thank them for their service to humanity.
I miss you Doc, and Will.
Will you join us in this fight? Or will you sit silently while our country becomes a untolerable, tyrannical, police state? (here)
MFP commentary:
The “stupid” never seems to end…..
for the way that I have been treated by Amazon.
Amazon is a criminal enterprise, and Jeff Bezos is a thief that belongs in jail…
What This Homeless Woman Taught Me About Life Today
They support the state kidnapping your children with zero due process, or even a jury trial, and you are too poor to give much, if any of a fight. Again in large part because of laws that are supposed to protect you. i.e the BAR monopoly. My ex wife ( a christian) was terrified when I would approach, as I often did, homeless people on the street. Not a very good example of following the greatest commandment and it’s typical.
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
It was the day before Christmas Eve, and as I drove to a city where I was to meet my sons for lunch, it was hard to find a parking spot, as so many people were out and about on the last shopping day before Christmas.
Everyone seemed to be in a good mood in this upscale downtown area where I was meeting my sons for lunch. Many were dressed in their holiday best, and there were families everywhere; children giddy with glee as they undoubtedly were looking forward to opening presents soon.
Since I had to park quite far away from the restaurant where I was to meet my sons, I had a few blocks to walk.
At one corner, a woman who was sitting down by herself and talking caught my eye for just a moment. She was on the other side of the street, so I did not get a close look at her.
“Why is she talking when she is all alone?,” I quickly thought, but I was late for lunch and I pushed the thought to the back of my mind thinking “she probably has an earbud on and is talking on the phone to someone.”
Later, as we were finishing up our lunch on a table that was outside in front of the restaurant (the restaurant was very busy, and the only table available was outdoors as it was quite cold out), a woman walked by that caught my eye.
She was not neat – she was dirty, carrying a backpack, smoking a small stub of a cigarette that I guessed someone had discarded, and had multiple layers of clothing and jackets on, well worn and dirty. I later learned she was in her mid 40s, but she looked older than that.
She noticed me looking at her, and said to me: “God bless you! Jesus has redeemed me, and God is the God of second chances.”
I replied: “Amen! He certainly is the God of second chances. God bless you too.”… Read More
That is the reason that we have CIA operatives in all of the mainstream press newsrooms. That is the reason that the bio-weapons labs that are all over this country have pathogens that are contained under ridiculously inadequate security. That is the reason that we allow North Korea to orbit two satellites (2) over us in the perfect orbit to kill 90% of us with an EMP strike. That is the reason that treasonous factions in the government allowed Communist Chinese troops to participate in the US military’s electrical grid down drills. That is the reason that we are forced to have centralized water that can be cut off. That is the reason the cell network was not allowed to be free market, and use spread spectrum technology. That is the reason the government has mandated kill switches so that they control on all of our media and news sources. That is the reason why your gasoline is designed so that you can not store it long term. That is the reason that we have out of control militarized police. That is the reason that we have brainwashing government schools. That is the reason that the NSA knows what you order from Amazon, (2) and from your cell phone every person you have called, what you have said, and where you have been. That is the reason that small farmers hands are often tied and must sell to big agriculture rather than to you the consumer. That is the reason that fluoride is put in the water and the dosage can be increased at any time. That is the reason why they have purposely destroyed our economy. All of the above are not examples of your government doing it’s legitimate job but rather it working to enslave the population.
What does scripture say about criminals, time and time and time again? It says to act. It says to demand that they be forced to make things right by paying restitution. Not to sit in your churches with your thumb up your ass doing nothing. Modern day US Christians are doing exactly what the Christians in Nazi Germany did. Nothing to stop the evil! Even though scripture is replete with directives for us to demand justice. The greatest Commandment says to love one another. Is allowing Satanic forces to make this world a living, unjust hell, “loving one another?” You be the judge….he is watching, and I don’t think he is too happy with the human race’s apathy and walk with evil.
No one but God knows that is going to pass. But I do know with absolute certainly that the Satanic Deep State is going to try to hold onto power and use the tools that they have embedded into our sytem. Anyone with the slightest bit of discernment, would have to recognize that the probabilities are high enough, that to not act is a decision of incredible stupidity. You had better act soon, logic and reason say that the next false flag is going to be a big one, and a lot of us are going to die if we do not act.