The truth is that ALL laws end in a silent “or we will kill you” if you don’t comply… matter how petty or illegitimate the “law” may be.
Blue ISIS recruits the type of monsters that will do exactly that. IMHO Blue ISIS needs to be dismantled, and we need to go back to an independant (of DC) county sheriff. The founders warned us about standing armies and Blue ISIS is just that.
I for one am not shocked in the least. This is far more widespread than most people are aware of, and the cases that the fake-news press, reports on are usually very minor players.
There is an ongoing well thought out psyop to fool the public into thinking that they are taking care of this issue when the truth is that the Deep State is the entity behind these horrific crimes. Just look at the coverup of the fact the pediophyle Epstein is likley a CIA agent, just like 4 of our recent presidents were and still are.)
The really nasty local child abuse is ignored by our local controlled newspapers, as is the case with the the Satanic ritual child sacrifices that reliable sources say are occuring in the Ava Missouri area, located in Douglas County MO.
Keep on pretending that this is not happening, and that it is not extremly widespread. That is exactly what Christians have been programed to do. To ignore 99.9% of government sponsored evil. Apparently the only government evil that Christians are programed to address is abortions, and then only if they use ineffective tactics that will likley never work. State nullification is the obvious answer to the abortion issue as it has stopped many other state tyrannies in their tracks.
(such as the state of MO nullifying all Federal Gun laws, something that I got the ball rolling on a few years back so I do know from personal experience that nullification can and does work)
The real problem is that Christians are taught not to think and they obviously are very good at it.
The Camp Pendleton Affair Demonstrates Every Federal Agency Has Been Infiltrated by the Deep State
Submitted by Dave Hodges on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 – 08:29.
The nation was shocked to learn that 18 marines, stationed at Camp Pendleton, who were involved in border security, have been arrested for facilitating transnational child sex trafficking.
…The troops were suspected of involvement in the smuggling of undocumented immigrants into the United States from Mexico and various unspecified drug-related offenses…. two Marines arrested July 3 on charges of transporting aliens for financial gain were arrested by U.S. Border Patrol agents several miles north of the border along a highway in San Diego County, which makes for a total of 18 US Marines arrested for suspected human trafficking and /or drug offenses. (Editor’s Note: In other words, these 18 Marine “gangsters” were working for the cartels).
Surprised? Why should America be surprised? The Democratic Party has forsaken its once mainstay base of inner-city residents in favor of representing the illegal immigrants that are flooding into our country. Leaving out the decent human beings that illegally cross our border, we are witnessing drug dealers, child-sex-traffickers, hard core terrorists, the hit men from MS-13, ISIS, etc., crossing our border in force.
Mexican governmental, narco-terrorist state-based corruption has entered our country and has been influencing our politics for a decade or longer. Perhaps many readers missed my many stories on what is happening in places like Humboldt County and Chinatown, CA. The CSS is providing another opportunity for people to get used to the idea that the cartels and terrorists, essentially the same organization, are beginning to infiltrate our courts, law enforcement and yes, Congress! The infiltration has been inside of our military for years. Soon, I will be coming out with zingers along these lines. As a teaser, I will offer up the fact that Chuck Schumer actively supports the radical group, La Raza. So, I ask you America, should you be surprised at the boldness of the claims made in this article? The coffee is brewing, but America has failed to wake up and smell the cesspool that this country is becoming.
The Old News of Gang Infiltration Into the US Military
A 2011 FBI report stated that every branch of the military has been infiltrated by gang members. This report was originally covered iby Business Insider. However, what this MSM organization did not tell its readers, back in 2011, that the Sinaloas, the Juarez Cartel, and even ISIS personnel have been able to join the military in exchange for a chance at citizenship. … Read More
MFP Commentary: Some employees at the Fordland Clinic are acting in a manner similar to those in this story. Nurse Sonia Cass at the Fordland Clinic for example,
Nurse Sonia Cass – Forland Clinic
has taken it upon herself to use terror techniques on a patient that was merely availing himself of free speech. (You can read about it here.) Like the doctors in the story below, in addition to tramping the patients first amendment rights she has taken actions to destroy the health of this particular patient, by denying him dental care at the only sliding scale clinic in the area.
If you are unaware (Sonia Cass sure seems to be in the dark or worse perhaps she is not) most people on a fixed income can not afford dentistry. They even have a hard time coming up with the money to pay the so called sliding scale at the Fordland Clinic. Denying low income people access to dental care there could turn out to be a death sentence in the long run. Just like the doctors in the following story, there are people at the Fordland clinic that mock our rights under the Constitution, and even go out of their way to destroy our health. This is the “evil” that I refer to, that emanates from the Fordland Clinic, much of it due to the fact that they mindlessly implement Federal mandates (because like Judas they are beholden for taking the money) that are nothing more than an effort to trample our God given rights to choose our own medical care.
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush
A few of the Child Abuse Pediatricians who have been involved in medical kidnapping stories we have covered at Health Impact News. *
Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News
Recently, a judge in Boise, Idaho allegedly ordered a mother in court to have take down a picture of a Child Abuse Specialist, Dr. Amy Barton, from one of our articles, because publishing her image allegedly is “not acceptable” and violates her clinic’s policies.
The clinic is St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital CARES (Child At Risk Evaluation Services) in Boise, Idaho.
Maybe Judge Courtnie Tucker is not aware that St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital CARES belongs to the National Children’s Alliance, which in 2019 will administer a total of $10,271,000.00 in federal funds under a cooperative agreement with U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, as reporter Allie Parker will explain below.
Because if Judge Tucker is aware of this, then she should certainly understand the First Amendment of the Constitution protects Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press to publish and criticize any public servant, meaning anyone receiving public funds.
Child Abuse Pediatricians are not regular doctors. They are not hired by parents, but work together with Child Welfare programs all across the country looking for child abuse, and as such operate more like law enforcement than they do like doctors.
Therefore, if you are being accused of any wrong-doing by a Child Abuse Specialist doctor, you are free to publish criticisms of them, and if any judge tells you otherwise, the judge is on the wrong side of the law.
And this holds true for any other “public servants,” such as law enforcement, social workers, judges, and anyone else working for an entity receiving public funding.
We The People
by Allie Parker Health Impact News
Civil rights are often violated by physicians and hospitals when accusing a family or individual of child physical or medical abuse. Prosecutors and even some judges are raising the bar by violating the US Constitution’s First Amendment…..Read More
Sonia Cass – AKA “Nurse Ratchet” – the person most responsible for destroying what little medical rights I had left after their implementing of Federal Mandates.
This story is going to be updated on a regular basis for the next few weeks. So please hang in there with me…. ~MFP
I ask the reader to look at some of the following links. They strongly support the opinion that Federal government seems intent on pushing mandatory mental health screenings on unsuspecting Americans. I for one am very aware of how “mental health” was abused in the former Soviet Union to neutralize anyone that was a threat to the status quo. Unbeknownst to most people it is alleged that the same thing is being done in the US at a Federal facility in Springfield MO. (This story will be long enough and I won’t go into that for now.) Finally the involuntary commitment laws in many if not most states are medieval at best and is but one of many forms of slavery that our current society seems to have a blindspot for.
During Bush Senior’s administration we came within a hair’s breadth of mandatory mental health screening of every citizen, including school children, and the forced drugging of them. (Are we seeing the resurgence of this idea at the Fordland Clinic?) Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
Let me give you a little background before I get into the details of the latest attack upon my liberties….
When I moved to SW Missouri about 8 years ago I could not find a dentist that I could afford. Those trying to survive on the criminal rate of return (about 2%) of social security will understand. By design there is more month than money and one has to compromise on essentials like housing and food. For my first year here I lived in my van to survive. I was elated when I discovered the Forland Clinic. There at least I could afford basic dental care, because not having dental care is slow motion death due to malnutrition. It’s eugenics.
I hit hard times when I moved from the van to an apartment.
For a 2 year period I had no discretionary income and could not even afford the clinics reduced rates. I made a few calls to the clinic explaining the situation, but they absolutely refused to offer any type of payment plan. Which by the way they do offer to their employees, but not to the patients. Go figure.
During that 2 year period tooth disease destroyed 4 or 5 essential teeth and when I finally had the money I had them pulled and then somehow got the money together to get partial dentures made so that I could actually chew food again.
One has to understand that partial dentures are very expensive, and that they wear out every few years and that in my case I have needed regular adjustments to continue using them. Not having access to dental care for the elderly in the long term often is a death sentence due to malnutrition.
Let me recap on what has transpired so far:
About 3 months back I went to the Fordland clinic for a visit to my health care provider Debbie Carl.
At the conclusion of the visit she had what I at that moment thought to be an innocent request. She said something like there was someone that wanted to talk to me. Considering that I trusted Debbie, liked her as a person, I naively said OK. This person, Terri Griffith, entered the room.
Stay tuned: To be continued. This is to say this is very emotionally draining. It makes me angry having to deal with these people trying to destroy my health because I dared object to a serendipitous mental health exam. I felt violated. I felt raped. And what they have done and gotten away with since makes that feeling even more so. I’ll finish this someday.
Here is a link to part 1
MFP Commentary: It amazes me that the American population is so dumbed down that many of them support this standing army lording over us. Blue ISIS is everything that this country does not stand for. It is based upon the Satanic principle of “moral relativism”. (Something that Christians “claim” to eschew but actually support.) Blue ISIS by observation are the sock puppets of the globalist and the NWO. They by their treasonous enforcement of tyrannical law are, by their actions, nothing more, than servants of Satan.
If this is not clear, let me ask you what would happen to you if you shot a family in your local COSTCO with the BS excuses that Blues ISIS uses and gets away with all of the time? Really. what would happen to you? Is this not (Satanic) moral relativism?
Corona, CA — On Sunday, panic erupted inside a Corona, California Costco as multiple people were injured and one man was killed. Nikki Tate and dozens of other shoppers immediately dropped to the ground as fears of the next mass shooting filled their thoughts. However, it turns out the “mass shooter” was an LAPD cop and his unarmed victims were a mentally disabled non-verbal man and his parents.
Tate told USA Today that she heard “about six or seven shots” as she and other shoppers crawled around aisles to escape the shooter. After it was over, Kenneth French, 32, of Riverside, lay dead on the ground next to his two parents who remain in critical condition.
Immediately after the shooting, police claimed there was an argument in the store between two people when one of them pulled out a gun and shot the other. Police claimed they had detained the shooter inside the store.
Hours later, however, police changed the narrative and said no one was in custody and that there had been no arrests in the case….Read More
I think that this legislator is referring to the criminal practice of “police” to randomly brandish their weapons at people for any reason or no reason at all. Brandishing a weapon is a crime everywhere. Being a cop does not change this or give you special rights. That is unless you believe in moral relativism like the Church of Satan does. (Christians FWIW “claim” to abhor moral relativism. i.e. that crimes are not always crimes. Hence the “relativism” adjective.)
The only time that it is moral to point a deadly weapon at someone is when it is clearly in self defense.
That applies to all men. This country was founded upon the principle that all men were created equal and we seem to have thrown that fundamental concept under the bus with predictable results to our liberties. I fully agree with this lady, with the clarification above. Police departments (or anything else) built upon the concept of moral relativism are concepts that are quite literally right out of hell.
NOTE: FWIW she is somewhat wrong. IF the cop is brandishing his weapon at you, you have a moral, God given right, to immediately respond with lethal force. I suspect that the powers that be will trample and criminalize that absolute right to self defense by siding on the side of Satanically inspired Moral Relativism and made up rights.
Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R), who is currently seeking her party’s nomination for an open U.S. House seat, said last week that she believes the right to self defense includes the right to aim your gun anyone who aims a gun at you, even if they are a law enforcement officer.
In an interview with a local TV station last Sunday, Fiore attacked the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as “a bureaucrat agency of terrorism.” Pressed by KLAS-8 host Steve Sebelius about whether she believes the Second Amendment grants citizens the right to point a weapon at a “duly authorized law enforcement officer who is just out there doing his job,” she said that self-defense includes the right to aim back at anyone who points a gun at you first — and to put your own life ahead of theirs.
“I would never ever point my firearm at anyone, including an officer of the law, unless they pointed their firearm at me,” Fiore explained. But, the assemblywoman continued, “once you point your firearm at me, I’m sorry, then it becomes self-defense. Whether you’re a stranger, a bad guy, or an officer, and you point your gun at me and you’re gonna shoot me and I have to decide whether it’s my life or your life, I choose my life.”…..Read More
“COLUMBIA, Mo. – Nearly 70 percent of Missouri voters approved medical marijuana in November.”
This is absolutely dystopian and criminal to anyone with more than a few brain cells. We are supposed to be a Republic people. Not a democracy where we need the approval of the majority to exercise our rights.
I congratulate the 12 year indoctrination camps for destroying the ability of Americans to think or reason….
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Nearly 70 percent of Missouri voters approved medical marijuana in November.
The Show-Me State became one of 33 that has legalized medical marijuana, but the plant is still illegal in every form on the federal level.
That puts states with marijuana allowances at odds with the U.S. government and it complicates the medical treatment for some of the very people medical marijuana was supposed to benefit – military veterans.
A disabled Air Force veteran, who wants to remain anonymous because marijuana is still illegal to use in any form in Missouri, says he currently uses it for medicinal purposes. He says his chronic pain treatment got out-of-hand.
“They increased my medicine again. One doctor called it a ‘life-threatening dose,’ I was on 360 oxycodone a month,” the man said. “And then they give you all the supporting medicines that go along with that like one for sleep, one to keep you up, one for your mood. And so you end up with just a big grocery bag full of medicine every month.”….Read More
MFP Commentary: And what is the difference between socialism and communism? Nothing actually, except the minor detail of how you get there. In communism you are forced, with socialism, people are dumb enough to vote for it. The end results are nearly identical. Where are Americans indoctrinated into accepting socialism? Mostly in the government schools (i.e. the 10th plank of the communist manifesto) Furthermore what is the communist manifesto, that many if not most American useful idiots seem to support? Briefly the Communist manifesto was a document created by agents of Adam Weishaupt (the founder of the Illuminati) to codify their plan to bring in a New World Order. A one world religion, and the death of all Christians (and most of the human race)
This is one of the main reasons that I can not walk into a modern church in this country. Churches are IMHO collections of very dumbed down useful idiots that through their support of socialism/communism are supporting Satan’s plan to destroy Christianity on this planet, and to kill all Christians! I have a lot of difficulty in wrapping my head around the contemporary satanic death cult that IMHO incorrectly call’s itself “Christianity”. I beg to differ. Helping the globalists and Satan to put an end to God’s plan for this planet and it’s people is not even close to what a follower of Christ should be doing IMHO. Socialists are not Christians and Christian Socialists are people so dumbed down that they don’t see that they are helping implement a very evil satanic plan for God’s people.
What do you think? The comments are below this article.
According to a Gallup Poll, displayed on Drudge, 40% of Americans identify as socialists! Has the brainwashing worked? Have we been conquered from within?
MFP Commentary: My main observation is the almost universal support of the income tax by the useful idiots that call themselves “Christians”. Christians seem to relish in being in total ignorance about how the world works, and what reality consists of. Christianity has become IMHO a mental disorder in this respect. Most think that Romans 13 (1) makes evil government their God and their actions and inactions, support that this is what they really think.
The bottom line is that the second plank of the Communist Manifesto is a graduated income tax. The second thing one must know is that the Communist Manifesto, was commissioned by Adam Weishaupt (the founder of the Illuminati) to help bring in the New World Order. A dystopian world where being a Christian is a capital offense for which you will be executed. This is far from the only plank of this clearly Satanic plan that most christians support…. The support for the 1st plank of the Communist manifesto (the property tax) among christians is just as bizarre, evil, and widespread.
Wrap your head around the fact that the Bride of Christ (the church) in one way or another fully supports Satan’s plan to bring in the New World Order and to kill every Christian on the planet. This is so bizarre you could not make it up if you wanted to….
It is imperative that we MUST eliminate the income tax. It is a purely a Marxist development that is destroying the world economy. The income tax has become such a tyranny that our liberty, freedom of movement, and world economic growth are all at great risk. Never before in the history of human civilization do we find an income tax. It is true that Ben Franklin once said that the two certainties in life were death and taxes. It is equally true that taxes, in general, have been around since the beginning of civilization. We do know that the earliest recorded tax was implemented in Mesopotamia over 4500 years ago, where people paid taxes throughout the year in the form of livestock, which was the preferred currency at the time. The ancient world also had inheritance taxes, also known as estate taxes or death taxes. The earliest recorded evidence of a death tax came from ancient Egypt (700 BC), where they charged a 10% tax on property transferred at the time of death.
The most serious crisis we face is that with the dawn of Marxism (Communism/Socialism) the way we pay taxes has changed significantly. Yet, one for the record took place in 2006 when China eliminated what was the oldest existing tax in history. The agricultural tax was created 2,600 years ago and was eliminated in 2006 to help improve the well-being of rural farmers in China…..Read More