MFP Commentry: As unbelievable as this may sound to some of you. Please check out the sources. This is all true and verifiable.
Dr. Jeff Prystupa joins the program to discuss the fact that 91% of breast cancer diagnosis is not cancer. This was reported in July, 2013 by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), and the New York Times. Dr. Jeff explains how most of the cases that are misdiagnosed are actually calcification and not cancer, and will never become cancer. Dr. Jeff Prystupa is the Research Director for Women Against Breast Cancer and the Human Patient Association. You can see more of their work at (note: there is a current issue with the site, they are working on it).
Google has requested authorization from the FCC to test in the 6 GHz band. Related to “providing reliable broadband connections,” the specifics are being kept under wraps as the company asks for “confidential treatment” as part of a New Experimental Radio Service License.
Google proposes to conduct experimental propagation testing in the 6 GHz band to produce technical information relevant to the utility of these frequencies for providing reliable broadband connections. In any given area of operation (see Exhibit B), the experimental testing will usually consist of [REDACTED] emitting a constant signal of various bandwidths (including continuous waveform and wider bandwidths to study selective fading) and [REDACTED] measuring the signal characteristics across a wide range of terrain and clutter scenarios, and over various times.
There are many redactions in the public document that was first spotted by Business Insider (via The Verge). Back in April, the FCC opened up 6 GHz spectrum to unlicensed use for Wi-Fi. The first Wi-Fi 6E consumer devices are expected to come later this year.
In requesting confidentiality, Google cites the “highly sensitive and confidential” nature of technology that’s “expected to lead to material developments in markets subject to competition from multiple U.S. and non-U.S. third parties.”….Read More
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If you are not aware of the extreme health dangers associated with all EMF’s, I highly suggest Mercola’s recent book:
Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News
Putting his own life and career on the line, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch continues to make public media appearances exposing the hydroxychloroquine scandal, which he admits is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, and millions worldwide. He previously wrote an op-ed piece for Newsweek exposing the HCQ scandal. See:
Appearing on Fox News last night (Sunday, August 23, 2020) on the Mark Levin show, Dr. Risch explained how the FDA is also complicit with these mass murders, and that this is not the first time Anthony Fauci has withheld cheap, older and effective drugs from patients whose lives could have been saved, in exchange for waiting for a new drug instead that could be patented and marketed for great profit.
Dr. Risch explained that what Anthony Fauci has done recently by spearheading the move to ban HCQ which has now been used effectively by thousands of doctors worldwide to successfully treat COVID patients, many with 100% cure rates, he also did it in the 1980s with AIDS patients…..Read More
The framework uses Bluetooth and random numbers to keep track of the phones you come into contact with. Then, when someone tells the system they’ve been infected, it will alert all of the phones that they came into contact with.
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The system doesn’t track location or identities and experts agree it does a great deal to protect individual privacy. Still, the system isn’t getting much traction and that’s probably due to privacy concerns.
“People are pretty suspect, understandably,” explained Mike Feibus, a tech analyst in Scottsdale, Arizona. Over Skype, Feibus explained to me that he believes consumers began to trust big tech less after Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica Scandal.
Look no further than Facebook itself for posts skeptical of the tracing software. I got various emails from viewers asking me to “expose” this exposure notification scheme….Read More
Is this article ‘fake news?’ No, because the statement in the title that reads “we have a lot of evidence that it’s a fake story all over the world” is an actual quote from a representative of the group discussed in the article. The statement was said. Whether or not what the quote says is true, on the other hand, is up for you to decide or according to multiple governments, is up for the World Health Organization (WHO) to decide. Is the title misleading or inaccurate? No, again, it’s a direct quote and represents the opinion of multiple health professionals. Are these health professionals implying that COVID-19 is a fake virus? No, they are simply implying that it’s not as dangerous as it’s being made out to be., and I summarize some of that information below that has them coming to that conclusion….Read More
Governor Janet Mills’ decree states that “front-of-house staff in restaurants who choose to wear face shields must now wear them upside down so that they are attached at the collar instead of the forehead, so that their breath is directed up, not down,” reports Maine Public Radio.
Given that air conditioning units can facilitate the spread of coronavirus, Mills’ order looks like another ridiculous and pointless measure.
“As a symbol of submission, forcing us to obliterate our individuality by wearing masks was not explicit enough,” writes Dave Blount. “So they pushed the envelope even further. No one can miss the significance of making people wear dog cones.”….Read More
Authorities in Australia have given themselves the power to have police remove children from the custody of their parents in order to ensure compliance with coronavirus rules.
Schedule 2 of the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act 2020 amends the Emergency Response Act 2004 to create new powers during “declared emergencies.”
Section 25 of the act states the following;
—Removal of children
(1) Without derogating from section 25, an authorised officer may, for the purpose of ensuring compliance with any direction under that section, remove a child from any premises, place, vehicle or vessel to a place of residence of the child or to a hospital or quarantine facility, as the authorised officer thinks fit (and may, in doing so, use such force as is reasonably necessary).
A child is defined as anyone under the age of 18……Read More
(Natural News) Several years ago when I warned that Big Pharma and the vaccine industry staged the measles outbreak at Disneyland in order to push California’s SB 277 vaccine mandate law, very few people believed the vaccine industry was capable of such a nefarious plot. They laughed and mocked at the “conspiracy theory,” but fast forward to 2020 and no one’s laughing anymore.
That’s because the very people who downplayed the real-world conspiracy of staged plandemics now find themselves prisoners in their own homes, with their movements locked down by a tyrannical police state, complete with roadway checkpoints (New York), door-to-door contact tracing interrogations (California) and tyrannical shelter-in-place orders that have turned once-free people into prisoners (Melbourne, Australia).
I’m here today to tell you this is merely the beginning of the medical tyranny that’s about to be unleashed against humanity on a global scale.
This article describes what’s coming if the globalists and the anti-human Democrats get their way. However, President Trump is actively working to being down the anti-human demons and their child trafficking pedophile networks, money laundering operations and treasonous criminal schemes. So the events described here can be stopped if Trump remains in the White House and gains sufficient public support to take down the enemies of humanity.
And no, Trump isn’t actually using the military to push mandatory vaccines. He’s using the vaccine backdrop as a way to distribute military forces across America in preparation for the mass arrests of treasonous actors, which will take place after the election. On this topic, Q seems to be correct…..Read More
With the rise of panic surrounding the COVID epidemic, the last thing any parent, particularly a new mother, wants to hear is that they are going to be reported to Child Protection Services (CPS).Sometimes parents are not even aware a complaint has been made until they receive a call from a social worker with CPS. has covered countless stories of how CPS is used as a weapon against parents by ex-spouses or partners. See:
We have also covered some of the endless horror stories about families who have been falsely accused of abuse when the true cause of the child’s injury is overlooked by the growing sub-specialty known as Child Abuse Pediatricians (CAP’s).
But what happens when you aren’t accused of child abuse or neglect directly, but accused of having a substance abuse problem and using illegal or illicit drugs while pregnant, because you failed a urine drug screen?This is an issue that many people are unaware of, but happens more and more frequently due to, in part, the rise of opioid addiction and abuse.
When a family shows up to the hospital ready to give birth and meet their new bundle of joy, being placed on monitors, having blood drawn, an abundance of other testing is expected.But a drug test?Yes.
Legality and Ethics of Drug Testing Pregnant Women
Drug testing mothers about to give birth varies from state to state and facility to facility.Most facilities only drug test mothers who are considered “high risk” for drug abuse.For a mother to be considered high risk, facilities have a set of guidelines they follow to determine if the testing is necessary.Some states and facilities drug test all mothers to be.
But in order for them to do a drug test, consent is required, which is rarely, if ever, mentioned to mother.It is hidden somewhere among the fine print of the multiple papers given to you to sign, and usually included with the “authorization to treat” form.
Not only is this misleading and unethical, it could be against the law.
Children isolated and masked. Image from Facebook. Original source unknown, but assumed to be in China somewhere.
August 18, 2020
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
In a previous article, we published the research of Civil Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas on the origins of “social isolation” techniques which she found to be traced back to torture techniques used for decades by the the CIA.
Here are the highlights of what she revealed:
Here are some lesser known facts about social distancing and isolation:
• It was developed 70 years ago by the CIA to break down enemies of state.
• It is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day AND being an alcoholic.
• It doubles the risk of death, and destroys the part of the brain responsible for learning.
To read her entire investigation along with references backing this up, see :
Scroll down to the section titled: Social Isolation is a Human Rights Violation on par with Torture and Other War Crimes
Next Phase: Involuntary Quarantines in Social Isolation Prison Cells “Rooms” or “Shelters”
The next phase of social isolation in the name of COVID measures will be involuntary quarantines in places that have social isolation rooms, which are basically the same as solitary confinement punishments used for criminals in prison or military camps.
This is not currently happening as we end the first phase of the COVID Plandemic in the United States. But sources around the world make it clear that these plans for involuntary quarantines are in place for Phase 2 when it is announced later this year that the “second wave” of COVID has arrived.
Last week, New Zealand Health Director-General Dr. Ashley Bloomfield announced publicly that all new “cases” (meaning the person received a positive COVID test result) of COVID are “to be managed in a quarantine facility,” and this includes “others in the household.”
Interestingly, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern just announced that the scheduled elections for next month have now been postponed due to increased cases of COVID, which simply means they are now testing more people with the inaccurate COVID tests to come up with more positive cases to justify more government intrusions into the lives of their citizens…..Read More