Adult Medical Kidnapping: Euthanizing America’s Seniors – Orlando Medical Guardian Resigns After Getting Caught, but How Many More Are There?

MFP Commentary:
Don’t be so naive as to think that the state actually protects your rights with it’s spiders web of illegitimate regulations.
As it most certainly does not.    This case reminds me of the Fordlands clinic’s,  God like ability to “discharge clients” for any or no reason,   and in effect are able to insure that seniors are unable to receive dental care in this county.   The reader may be interested in  these related   stories about the Fordland Clinic: here & here

Again I wonder where the hell the “right to life” people are….



Gerald Manczak, a ward of Rebecca Fierle, said this “do not resuscitate” order was filed without his permission by the professional guardian.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that professional guardian Rebecca Fierle has resigned after an investigation revealed that she had filed unauthorized “do not resuscitate” orders on almost all of her senior patients, against the wishes of the patient and their families.

The investigation was prompted by the Orlando Sentinel’s report that one of her patients died due to her “do not resuscitate” (DNR) order, even after the patient and family requested that the DNR be rescinded.

A man died at a Tampa hospital after staff could not perform life-saving procedures because of a “do not resuscitate” order his Orlando guardian filed against his wishes, state investigators determined.

The investigation into the final days of 75-year-old Steven Stryker of Cocoa caused Circuit Judge Janet C. Thorpe to seek the removal of his court-appointed guardian, Rebecca Fierle, from 95 Orange County cases at once in a hearing sealed from the media last week…..Read More

VW Ditching More Diesels By Eric Peters Eric Peters Autos…


VW Ditching More Diesels

VW is getting rid of its other diesels, too.

Its MAN diesel engines. These are the huge diesel engines that power ships today – and once upon a time powered German U Boats prowling the Atlantic.

But diesels are almost as politically incorrect as giving the stiff-armed salute from the tribune at the crumbling ruins at the Zeppelin field in Nuremburg – even though they haven’t committed any war crimes.

They are, however, not electric.

And VW is desperately trying to divest itself of anything that isn’t  – in order to get back in the good graces of the government it “cheated” by not exactly complying with its emissions testing rigmarole…Read More

Attorney Arrested in Tennessee Refuses to be Gagged – How One Woman Dares to Take a Stand Against Child Kidnappings by CPS

MFP Commentary:
The “right to life” useful idiots seem to be MIA.  Anyone see or  hear anything from them?

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

They arrested a 67-year-old grandmother who has been practicing law for 25 years and advocating for the rights of families, fully intending to intimidate her and silence her, as she exposes the corruption in Tennessee family courts where parents are denied due process of law in the seizure of their children.

What has happened instead, is that Tennessee’s corrupt Department of Children Services (DCS) has given attorney Connie Reguli a national platform she did not previously have, to expose the abuses happening not only in Tennessee, but all across America in child welfare proceedings, which we have exposed here at Health Impact Newsover the years as a U.S. taxpayer-funded child trafficking business.

This child trafficking business uses foster care as the #1 pipeline for feeding children into sex trafficking, and also uses children in foster care for drug trials to develop and market new pediatric drugs and vaccines, as two of the more unsavory reasons why a steady supply of children are needed in the nation’s foster care and adoption system.

The system in place, the American foster care and adoption system, is legal, as it was setup by Congress. It needs to be de-funded and dismantled, which is no easy task given that the system employs hundreds of thousands of people, and brings in billions of dollars of revenue to the states. Each state has a quota of how many children must be put into foster care to receive federal funding, and keep the system alive.

The process of how children are taken out of their families and put into the system, however, is seldom, if ever, legal. And this is the part of the system Attorney Reguli is exposing in Tennessee. It is a system that kidnaps children, and trafficks them.

Time to Take a Stand for the Constitution

…..Read More

If They Would Feed Radioactive Oatmeal to Little Kids, What Wouldn’t They Do?


If They Would Feed Radioactive Oatmeal to Little Kids, What Wouldn’t They Do?

Melissa Dykes

Melissa Dykes Jan 11, 2016

It’s getting harder to focus on the “news”.

Considering that all media is filtered through just five megacorporations (compared with 50 companies in the early 80s), not to mention (but I will) the fact that domestic propaganda was officially “approved” for use against the American people a few years ago, it’s kinda hard to tell the difference between what is real and what isn’t anymore.

Besides, it’s all “hey look, shiny things”. Pay attention to the right hand so you won’t see what the left is doing.

The distractions on the “news” also serve another purpose. To fill up your short term memory up with junk food for the brain. To keep you from remembering what happened last week, let alone last year. From putting these things into perspective, especially historical perspective.

We’ve undertaken a large-scale research project. We’re six months in. I was reading “The Plutonium Files,” a book on the American government’s top secret medical experimentation against mostly unwitting, clueless American citizens during the Cold War. All of this stuff is on record, but many people still have no idea even half of this stuff ever happened….Read More

How To Make Haggis. TheScottReaProject

MFP Commentary:
FWIW the food Nazis in the US have made it close to impossible to get the ingredients. You still can not import authentic Haggis into the US. Check the ingredients and it will lack lung.

You are forced to make it if you want it authentic. Uncle Sam knows what is best for you. And even then good luck in locating lung. Welcome to the “land of the free”



Why is haggis banned in the USA?
“….No food for human consumption, whether made locally in the USA or imported from overseas, can contain sheep’s lung.

Authentic haggis is a savoury pudding containing sheep’s pluck – the heart, liver and lungs – minced with onions, spices and oatmeal. This is often encased in a casing made of the animal’s stomach……”  Read More



EDITORIAL: Fordland clinic joins globalist effort to destroy free speech and fires patient that complains about being violated during doctors visit

Sonia Cass – AKA “Nurse Ratchet” –  the person most responsible for destroying what little medical rights I had left after their implementing of Federal Mandates.


This story is going to be updated on a regular basis for the next few weeks. So please hang in there with me….  ~MFP

I ask the reader to look at some of the following links.  They strongly support the opinion that  Federal government  seems intent on pushing mandatory mental health screenings on unsuspecting Americans.  I  for one am very aware of how “mental health” was abused in the former Soviet Union to neutralize anyone that was a threat to the status quo.  Unbeknownst to most people  it is alleged that the same thing is being done in the US at a Federal facility in Springfield MO. (This story will be  long enough and I won’t go into that for now.) Finally the involuntary commitment laws in many if not most states are medieval at best and is but  one of many  forms of slavery that our current society seems to have a blindspot for.


During  Bush Senior’s  administration we came within a hair’s breadth of mandatory mental health screening of every citizen, including school children, and the forced drugging of  them.  (Are we seeing the  resurgence of this idea at the Fordland Clinic?)
Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness

Documentaries and Videos about mental health

U.S. federal government on the verge of demanding mandatory mental health screening for teens (to add MORE psychiatric drugs to their plate)

Ron Paul introduces Parental Consent Act to protect families from mandatory ‘mental health screening’

Free mental health screenings designed to promote psychiatric drug use, health author says

FLASHBACK: Toddlers to be screened for mental health conditions and drugged with Big Pharma’s toxic chemicals

A warning to all psychiatric drug users

Mental Health Screening a Good Way to Decrease Liberty, Poor Way to Increase Security

Message to Parents: What You Can Do about Psychiatry and Psychotropic Drugging of your child



It seems that my previous article
MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic was prophetic.   My mistake was to underestimate the level of evil and tyranny emanating from this facility:

Let me give you a little background before I get into the details of the latest attack upon  my liberties….
When I moved to SW Missouri about 8 years ago I could not find a dentist that I could afford.  Those trying to survive on the criminal rate of return (about 2%)  of social security will understand.  By design there is more month than money and one has to compromise on essentials like housing and food.   For my first year here I lived in my van to survive.    I was elated when I discovered the Forland Clinic.  There at least I could afford basic dental care, because not having dental care is slow motion death due to malnutrition. It’s eugenics.

I hit hard times when I moved from the van to an  apartment.
For a 2 year period I had  no discretionary income and could not even afford the clinics reduced rates.  I made a few calls to the clinic explaining the situation, but they absolutely refused to offer any type of payment plan. Which by the way they do offer to their employees, but not to the patients. Go figure.

During that 2 year period tooth disease destroyed 4 or 5 essential teeth and  when I finally had the money I had them pulled and then somehow got  the money together to get partial dentures made so that I could actually chew food again.

One has to understand that  partial dentures  are very expensive, and that they wear out every few years and that in my case I have needed regular adjustments to continue using them.   Not having access to dental care for the elderly in the long term  often is  a death  sentence due to malnutrition.

Let me recap on what has transpired so far:
About  3 months back I went to the Fordland clinic for a visit to my health care provider Debbie Carl.

At the conclusion of the visit she had  what I  at that  moment thought to be an innocent request. She said something like there was someone that wanted to talk to me.  Considering that I trusted Debbie, liked her as a person, I naively said OK.   This person, Terri Griffith, entered the room.

Stay tuned: To be continued. This is to say this is very emotionally draining.  It makes me angry having to deal with these people trying to destroy my health because I dared object to a serendipitous mental health exam.  I felt violated. I felt raped.   And what they have done and gotten away with  since makes that feeling  even more so.  I’ll finish this someday.
Here is a link to part 1


Related Stories:

Pharmaceutical Industry is the Leading Cause of Death in U.S., and the Largest Criminal Group in the World – Health Impact News

The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast? –

4-Year-Old Almost Dies due to Lung Infection Caused by Prolonged Mask Wearing – Doctor Rants “How Many Children Must Die?” – Medical Kidnap

MSM deathly silent as PCR test legally ruled useless to test for Covid – Nexus News Feed

How the Vaccine Is Connected to Depopulation and Satan- Celeste Solum (Pt 1 of 10 ) – Dave Hodges TV

Jesus Christ The Authority to Heal – Medical Kidnap

Dead Wrong: How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child

MFP Commentary:
Since the Fordland Clinic seems to be so vested into forcing “psychiatry” and psychiatric drugs on it’s patients, through Federal mandates I thought that this film belonged in the Fordland Clinic Category. Check out some of the other stories about the Fordland Clinic for links to stories about what psychiatry is really all about.  You may want to start here.

From the makers of the award-winning documentaries Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging and The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane? comes this searing new documentary, exposing how devastating—and deadly—psychiatric drugs can be for children and families.

Behind the grim statistics of deaths, suicides, birth defects and serious adverse reactions is the human face of this global drugging epidemic—the personal stories of loss and courage of those who paid the real price.

Psychiatrists claim their drugs are safe for children?

Once you hear what eight brave mothers, their families, health experts, drug counselors and doctors have to say instead, you will come away convinced of one thing…

Psychiatrists are DEAD WRONG. …. Read Original Story and watch the movie

More similar videos on the same site HERE