Jeff Sessions could (and should) be executed under USC title 18 section 241

MFP commentary:
I have always thought that there should be very severe penalties for people that commit treason, and violate our rights. Unbeknownst to most Americans there is. Look up USC title 18 sections 241 and 242:

From the US Department of Justice website:

“Section 241 of Title 18 is the civil rights conspiracy statute. Section 241 makes it unlawful for two or more persons to agree together to injure, threaten, or intimidate a person in any state, territory or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him/her by the Constitution or the laws of the Unites States, (or because of his/her having exercised the same). Unlike most conspiracy statutes, Section 241 does not require that one of the conspirators commit an overt act prior to the conspiracy becoming a crime.

The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any….”


I think a solid airtight case can be made for charging Jeff Sessions with a capital crime, and his execution if convicted.

His war on drugs has incontestably caused the deaths of innocent Americans, and the Federal government clearly has no Constitutional authority to legislate or act in this matter. This man is  by definition a terrorist, and he is acting outside of law. Why are there not consequences for his  actions?

Let’s face the reality that we are armed to kill tyrants like Jeff Sessions if it comes to that, let’s do this the smart way, and  try to use the “law” to address this  tyranny before it becomes so extreme that we must resort to our last resort — the cartridge box.
This paradigm needs to spread. If enough Americans take the time to educate their fellow “useful idiots” then perhaps we could see the rightful execution of people like Hillary Clinton, and Jeff Sessions. Or we can have a civil war. It’s your choice.
Check out this other MFP story on the War on drugs:

Here is another article  that questions whether we need a standing army in blue , that does little other than enforce illitimate laws.  I.e Laws that violate the Constitution or are on their face immoral and violate your rights:

It’s Time to Start Imagining a Post-Police World — Why Abolishing the Police is Not a Crazy Idea

A Dave Hodges article:
Undeniable Proof That Jeff Sessions Is a Deep State Operative

 Natural News calls for Jeff Sessions to resign after the U.S. Attorney General declares war on legalized cannabis

Natural News) With so much lawbreaking by Hillary Clinton and members of former President Obama’s inner circle that has severely harmed U.S. national security, while at the same time destroying the public’s trust in our justice system, you’d think that Attorney General Jeff Sessions would have more than enough of a caseload to keep him and his prosecutors busy for years.

You’d think that. But you’d be wrong.

Instead of going after ‘high crimes’ committed by public servants that put our republic in grave danger, Sessions is instead hyper-focused on…pot.

Now, it seems, Trump’s AG believes marijuana poses a bigger threat to public law and order than, say, mishandling reams of classified information that can be used by our enemies to blackmail our officials, undermine our diplomatic efforts, and generally put all 323 million-plus Americans in grave danger…. Read More


Is the AMA – Medical Eugenics?

MFP commentary:

 I know  a person that was clearly suffering dangerous   “side effects” from a drug that the drug manufacturer admits to, is in the medical literature, and affirmed in a recent JAMA study, so I went to talk to an “expert”, the pharmacist, that is trained in what drugs do to chemical pathways. She was adamant that the drug was safe, and that the only side effect was minor: i.e. drowsiness. She also shockingly referred me to a non-expert in this arena: A doctor that prescribed the medication! That is almost as shocking as referring someone to an MD for nutritional advice!  Not to mention that this government certified “expert” was completely unaware that the medical literature, and the JAMA study completely contradicted what she had just told me.

 It is my observation that the medical monopoly that we had hoisted upon us by the Rockefellers and their Flexner report, is engaged in a clandestine eugenics program. —here,   here and here

This  belief was  reaffirmed when I  recently underwent  a major surgery.  The medical industrial complex, admits that they have a problem with  infections in the hospital, yet right after the surgery they offered me a sugar filled drink.  Sugar it is well  know will tank  your immune system. Doctors are taught this in medical school. Yet this is what they did!   
They also did not tell me that they  used IV antibiotics during the surgery, and the anesthesiologist did not tell me that anaesthesia would immobilize my GI tract for days.  (Even though I queried him about constipation and anesthesia) FYI the gut is the seat (90%) of your immune system, yet they compromised it in 3 different ways, did not give me any “informed consent” and furthermore did not recommend or prescribe a  good probiotic and prebiotic to remedy the damage that they caused. What other conclusion can I come to other than our current medical monopoly is a thinly disguised eugenics program?

I almost forgot to add in, that pre surgery that the surgical nurse agree, without even a blink of the eye,  with my characterization,  that Federal  involvement in medicine amounts to a eugenics agenda.  I am finding out more and more, how  aware  people in the medical industry are to this, but are afraid to speak out because their medical license is not to protect me, it is to control them.

Speaking of the Federal government, the hospital when contracting me pre-surgery, had the unmitigated gall, to ask me if there were domestic violence in home.  This woman was completely clueless, in  that she was a “useful idiot” in the globalist agent to destroy the family! Which goes right back to the point that the surgical nurse agreed with.

There is also their illogical  directive that you not eat after midnight the day of the surgery, regardless of the time the surgery is scheduled.  I did my research after the fact,  and was not surprised that the medical industrial complex was  wrong on this also. It turns out that  eating  up to 2 hours before surgery actually results in less content in the stomach, which is plainly safer than than more stomach contents.  It makes no sense to tell people that they should not eat anywhere from 5 to even 12 hours before their surgery. Which is it?  Five hours or twelve hours?  This  antiquated directive was, justly used before they started putting a tube down your throat, (intubate) during surgery. Intubation largely negates the danger of one throwing up during surgery, and  aspirating  it’s contents, possibly resulting in death.

Last year my so called doctor stood between me and medical care that I deemed necessary to treat severe prostate issues. She said that she loved her job, and that she would not risk her license.  Translated, she said that my health and well being were secondary to her kissing Caesar’s ring. Which “Christians” do on a regular basis.  She did not disagree at all with my course of actions but would not help me, because the Feds, have her by the pubic hairs. Which is very ironic as ‘You shall have no other gods before me’ is the first, and presumably the most important of the 10 commandments.
Not to mention the not so small fact that the government’s criminal usurpation of my right to choose my own medical care is nowhere given in the Constitution.

Over 200 years ago, Dr Benjamin Rush, (as famous at the time as George Washington) warned us:

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush

I could go on for pages and pages and tell you about how medical offices will only use single does vials for themselves, but give you vaccinations from the mercury laden multidose vials, (here) or how a doctor that was trying to prescribe a statin drug to me,  admitted that he would never prescribe statins for a family member.  It is “standards of care”   that force doctors, through fear of losing their medical license that cause them to act in this immoral, and criminal  manner.

Let me close with a link to a video of someone that has come to the same conclusions:
VIDEO: Vaccine Eugenics Is Killing Women And Babies 

Peruse that site that this video is on, especially the work of Dr Sherri Tenpenny.

Dr Tenpenny offers a vaccine education course. You can sign up at:

Another incident was a family member getting their gall bladder removed. The doctors again gave them no “informed consent” the fact that colon cancers go up with people that have their gallbladders removed, nor did they inform them that there are many ways to mitigate the added risk of colon cancer.  Nor the likley cause so that they might not have developed the problem in the first place. See this article if you are interested.

I can come to no other conclusion other than the government created  medical monopoly called the AMA, that we are subject to at the end of the barrel of a gun, is at the very least a threat to our health, and much more likely part of a very widespread and occulted eugenics program (here)  started by the Globalist Rockefeller family. here  & here


Amish farmer facing 68 years in federal prison for making homemade products

It is the only job of legitimate government to protect our rights, and that includes  the sale or barter of any product, that the 2 individuals decide to come to an agreement on the terms.  

The Federal government does not seem to be at all interested in the fake claims that the big food and drug companies make.  How about the fake claim that there is no MSG in a product? That is almost always an outright deception.  How about the claim that our medicines are safe and effective?

Vioxx killed 60,000 Americans     ( here ) with this fake claim, and not a single doctor or drug company executive has been charged much less gone to jail.

What is happening here is that the Federal government gives an absolute pass on the Vioxx  because it’s sale supports big pharma, but this guy’s  product competes with big pharma, and cost them money. That is what is really going on.

The establishment fears this type of product so much that they criminally kidnapped a man in SA making a  black slave, and they put another in Federal prison for selling apricot pits.

We need to join or die, and defend this guy. If this guy is prosecuted we have zero rights to choose our own medical care in the US police state….

IMHO  ANYONE involved in prosecuting this guy is acting criminally and lethal force  can morally be used to defend against their criminal actions.  That is how I would vote if ever put on a jury.  The American people need to come to the realization that we do not have a legitimate government, what we have are criminal thugs that do little other than violate our rights for the benefit of themselves and other moneyed interests.

Here is a Weston A Price society article on Black Salve:
My Adventures with Black Salve

When most people imagine their golden years, they don’t envision spending the last decades of their life in a federal prison, but for 56-year-old Samuel Girod, that threat is very real — thanks to the FDA. Girod is facing 68 years in jail for the simple crime of creating his own all-natural homemade products. Father to 12 and grandfather to 25, Girod has been facing a 12-count indictment since 2015.

Trouble first arose for the Amish farmer back in 2013, when someone reported his homemade products to the state health department of Missouri. An injunction was put in place by a federal judge in the state, banning Girod from making some of his products until specific conditions were met. One of those conditions was an inspection of the property where Girod’s products were made — prompting the state of Kentucky to become involved. Production of these homemade, natural products reportedly took place at Girod’s family home, somewhere along Satterfield Lane in Bath County.   ….. Read More



Amish farmer facing 68 years in federal prison for making homemade products

Here is an article in a Kentucky paper about the same man being prosecuted by an out of control/criminal  government: 

Samuel Girod Indictment Explained

The US-Saudi Starvation Blockade

Our aim is to “starve the whole population – men, women, and children, old and young, wounded and sound – into submission,” said First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill.

He was speaking of Germany at the outset of the Great War of 1914-1918. Americans denounced as inhumane this starvation blockade that would eventually take the lives of a million German civilians.

Yet when we went to war in 1917, a U.S. admiral told British Prime Minister Lloyd George, “You will find that it will take us only two months to become as great criminals as you are.”

After the Armistice of Nov. 11, 1918, however, the starvation blockade was not lifted until Germany capitulated to all Allied demands in the Treaty of Versailles.

As late as March 1919, four months after the Germans laid down their arms, Churchill arose in Parliament to exult, “We are enforcing the blockade with rigor, and Germany is very near starvation.”

So grave were conditions in Germany that Gen. Sir Herbert Plumer protested to Lloyd George in Paris that morale among his troops on the Rhine was sinking from seeing “hordes of skinny and bloated children pawing over the offal from British cantonments.”


A comparable crime is being committed today against the poorest people in the Arab world – and with the complicity of the United States.

Saudi Arabia, which attacked and invaded Yemen in 2015 after Houthi rebels dumped over a pro-Saudi regime in Sanaa and overran much of the country, has imposed a land, sea and air blockade, after the Houthis fired a missile at Riyadh this month that was shot down.

The Saudis say it was an Iranian missile, fired with the aid of Hezbollah, and an “act of war” against the kingdom. The Houthis admit to firing the missile, but all three deny Iran and Hezbollah had any role.

Whatever the facts of the attack, what the Saudis, with U.S. support, are doing today with this total blockade of that impoverished country appears to be both inhumane and indefensible.

Almost 90 percent of Yemen’s food, fuel and medicine is imported, and these imports are being cut off. The largest cities under Houthi control, the port of Hodaida and Sanaa, the capital, have lost access to drinking water because the fuel needed to purify the water is not there.

Thousands have died of cholera. Hundreds of thousands are at risk. Children are in danger from a diphtheria epidemic. Critical drugs and medicines have stopped coming in, a death sentence for diabetics and cancer patients.

If airfields and ports under Houthi control are not allowed to open and the necessities of life and humanitarian aid are not allowed to flow in, the Yemenis face famine and starvation.

What did these people do to deserve this? What did they do to us that we would assist the Saudis in doing this to them?

The Houthis are not al-Qaida or ISIS. Those are Sunni terrorist groups, and the Houthis detest them.

Is this now the American way of war? Are we Americans, this Thanksgiving and Christmas, prepared to collude in a human rights catastrophe that will engender a hatred of us among generations of Yemeni and stain the name of our country?

Saudis argue that the specter of starvation will turn the Yemeni people against the rebels and force the Houthi to submit. But what if the policy fails. What if the Houthis, who have held the northern half of the country for more than two years, do not yield? What then?

Are we willing to play passive observer as thousands and then tens of thousands of innocent civilians — the old, sick, weak, and infants and toddlers first — die from a starvation blockade supported by the mighty United States of America?

Without U.S. targeting and refueling, Saudi planes could not attack the Houthis effectively and Riyadh could not win this war. But when did Congress authorize this war on a nation that never attacked us?

President Obama first approved U.S. support for the Saudi war effort. President Trump has continued the Obama policy, and the war in Yemen has now become his war, and his human rights catastrophe.

Yemen today is arguably the worst humanitarian crisis on earth, and America’s role in it is undeniable and indispensable.

If the United States were to tell Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that we were no longer going to support his war in Yemen, the Saudis would have to accept the reality that they have lost this war.

Indeed, given Riyadh’s failure in the Syria civil war, its failure to discipline rebellious Qatar, its stalemated war and human rights disaster in Yemen, Trump might take a hard second look at the Sunni monarchy that is the pillar of U.S. policy in the Persian Gulf.


Marijuana sanity in Missouri?

I could not believe how good  the  Missouri  marijuana “bill”  was that I ran across last year.  For starters it was not a bill.  It was a Constitutional amendment.  H’mmm I thought.  Finally some people that are on the right track, as I have been very critical of so called “legalization” in other states. As far as I can see, legalization, as in everything that the psychopaths in the legislature do, was  first of all a scheme to  make the state, and the friends of the legislature, a  lot of money off of the backs of the citizens. When in fact they are supposed to be protecting those citizens rights,   not economically exploiting them.

The  elephant in the room about “legalization” is that it is anything but…..   In each case they just pass new and different laws about how they can kidnap you, and destroy your life over the use of a plant that God gave us in the book of Genesis.

Let’s hope that with some public education that when. Missouri changes it’s laws that  they will reflect a protection of rights, rather than just creating new ways to violate our rights, and euphemistically calling it “legalization”.

Here is one Facebook group that is helping to get the amendment on the ballot:

Missouri Marijuana Legalization Movement 

Here is another article that I ran across:

Here’s What You Can Do to Legalize Marijuana in Missouri

What I do not understand is how the state can claim to “legalize” something that they have no right to criminalize in the first place.  It’s all part of the continueing and never stopping psy-op coming from the state, but that is another conversation….  What I put into my body, is my choice, and one of my infinite  God given inalienable rights.  Obviously a  right does not have to be  listed in the bill of rights. The 9th and 10th amendments acknowledge that fact.  The state on the other hand is practising slavery. i.e. It is claiming to own our bodies.

This country was founded upon the simple principles that John Locke espoused in his Second Treatise on Government.   Thomas Jefferson elucidated them in the Declaration of Independance.  Those principles are:
That we are the sovereigns, and thusly  that we have all rights.  Not a single one of the “legalization” states has even come close to protecting those rights when it comes to MJ.   The fact that this has been allowed to happen is a testament to the successful brainwashing, and dumbing down of the public into not even knowing, much less demanding their rights.

The public knows nothing of the history of the Opium Wars.   That the global elite, the same ones that are behind the The UN Drug Control Conventions that we have adopted, are the ones that are behind and are benefiting from the “war on drugs”, and  the  useful idiots, the order followers in blue,  definitely do not understand the  Satanic agenda that they are helping implement.

The drug war in the  US, like the Opium Wars, has been a tool to trample our rights, to socially engineer, to corrupt both police and government officials, and to go after enemies of the state.   In that respect the war on drugs has been extremely successful, but does any of this sould like a legitimate function of government?

How Governments Have Used the War on Drugs to Oppress Their Enemies


Kansas City, MO Votes 74% To Decriminalize Marijuana

I hope that you give what I have had to say some thought.
Thanks for sticking around to the end. 🙂



The VA Can’t Provide Cannabis to Veterans With PTSD, so This Group Gives It Out for Free

Once a month, staff members at the Santa Cruz Veterans Alliance (SCVA) fill more than 100 brown paper bags with high-quality medical cannabis and pass them out for free at a local community center. For the military veterans who receive it—many of whom struggle with PTSD—the medical cannabis acts as a lifeline to health.

The SCVA, which operates out of an old office in a Santa Cruz neighborhood, has been serving local men and women since 2011, when the organization was founded by military veterans Aaron Newsom and Jason Sweatt…… Read More

Members of the SCVA tuning in to announcements before cannabis is given out.


Veterans gather for the monthly SCVA meeting, where medical cannabis is distributed.
Buds of Kosher Kush.


WAKE UP, people! Alt-Left and Alt-Right are run by the same forces… the goal is “divide and conquer”

We’re all being played. The so-called “Alt-Left” and “Alt-Right” are all rooted in elaborate, deadly street theater being played out on the national stage with real consequences (such as killing innocents on camera).

If you have been swept up into the engineered hatred of all this, you’ve been suckered by the globalists who are running this entire show. In truth, most people in America aren’t filled with hatred for others of different skin color, races, religions or genders. Most people just want to get along. But the goal of the Alt-Left and Alt-Right movements is to divide and conquer America through hatred and media lies that push false narratives for political gain….. Read More

Airing soon: 9 part documentary on GMO’s


The Truth About The Food You Eat

What You Need To Know To Protect Your Family Finally, closely-guarded secrets of the world’s biggest environmental disaster are revealed….

…genetically modified plants created by combining DNA to improve crop protection and insect resistance.

What They’re Not Telling Us

GMOs ARE POISON. People and animals that eat genetically modified food crops are consuming high levels of the toxic glyphosate herbicide….. Read More


The Illusion of School Choice

In private schools, as in private enterprise in general, poor performance drives funding away by driving paying customers away. Yet in public schools, poor performance is used as an excuse for increased funding. With incentives like these, is it any wonder that public schools are failing our children so badly? Isn’t it time to inject some competition into the system?

Education for all is a worthy wish. So is food for all. But we don’t force poor people to eat state-produced food. Even food stamp recipients get to choose where to shop. Why shouldn’t beneficiaries of public education spending get to choose where to send their kids?

Two economically inquiring minds want to know… Read More


FBI murders woman with a baby in her arms…… Ruby Ridge: The Age of State Terrorism Begins

Just in case you have never  heard this story.  The murderer, one  FBI agent Lon Horiuchi,  has never charged.  in fact he resurfaced a few months later in Waco TX to help the Feds murder more women and children.  ~MFP

Sara Weaver has forgiven the people responsible for murdering her mother Vicki and younger brother Samuel twenty years ago. Lon Horiuchi, the FBI sniper who shot Vicki in the head while she was holding a ten-month-old infant, is still being sheltered by the Regime that employed him. If he were any part of a man, Horiuchi would make a pilgrimage to Sara’s home in Montana to express remorse for the crimes he committed against her family…….

Ruby Ridge: The Age of State Terrorism Begins


Here is Jim Bovard’s take on the murder:

Today is the 20th anniversary of the killing of Vicki Weaver. Following is an article I wrote on this back in 1995, followed by the response from FBI director Louis Freeh, which claimed that I “grossly mischaracterized” the details of Vicki Weaver’s killing.

I wonder how much controversy such a killing would excite nowadays. It is amazing how much further government prerogatives have stretched in the past two decades. And it is perhaps even more amazing how much more docile many Americans have become towards unmitigated government BS…….

20 Years Ago at Ruby Ridge: FBI Sniper Slays Mother Holding her Baby