It does not matter that you can not afford healthy food, or proper health care, or that a tank of gas has to last you 2 months or more, or that you wash your clothes in the sink because your washing machine has not worked for 2 years, the mentally ill Satanists that make up the institution of the property tax collectors office, yearly demand blood money or they will send men with guns to your home to either make you homeless, a death sentence at my age, or murder you on the spot if you refuse to give them your home!
I must support, what to me, is their lavish as hell salary, and their, I can only dream about having medical and dental care.
This is the same group of Satanists that extorted me for $500 last year in order to get a fair property tax value that they refused to provide.
What is mind numbing is that I am in the so called “bible belt” and none of the apostate churches here, have a problem with any of the planks of the Satanic Communist manifesto!
Pretty strong proof IMHO that all of our churches are run at the top by Satanists, and that the sheep are too fuking stupid and complacent with evil, to figure out what is right in front of their snouts.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
The apostate churches are just too complicit with this evil for me to think that they are not literately run by Satanists.
If you would like to learn how the Fabian Socialists overthrew this country with the help of “Modern Christianity”. There is no better book than: One World Order Socialist Dictatorship – by Dr John Coleman and it is free with the link in this sentence.
*** Enforcing a “law” should not protect criminals from prosecution.
The guards at Auschwitz claimed that they were innocent of wrong doing when they gassed Jews because “it was the Law”.
The same should be applied to those criminals that enforce the so called property tax, which is really the the 1st plank of the Satanic Communist Manifesto.
Put me on a jury and I will vote to have hanged by the neck until dead, anyone involved in this evil. Claiming that they were just following the law doesn’t cut it any more than when the Nazi’s tried that line during the Nuremberg trials.
I got a post card from the Red Cross saying that they were having a blood drive at the local Fordland Clinic. I do not donate blood any longer due to the Red Cross ignoring ADA federal law, and demanding that people like myself with breathing problems wear the useless face diapers when they give blood. They also mix my un-vaccinated blood with vaccinated blood and I do not wish to be part of that evil.
I called the Fordland Clinic today, and found out that they are still pushing the deadly mRNA COVID jab!!
Perhaps they should consider adding abortions to their child killing repertoire, because some people are intelligent enough not to fall for the COVID death Jab.
Law enforcement makes me want to puke. They put me through living hell last year because I did not have the $30 to renew my plates. But you can murder people in this county if you have medical license. Those people do not have to go though “police hell” and terrorism.
A medical license in Webster County MO is nothing short of a license to murder and maim children.
This same “law enforcement” that protects abortionist,s and vaccine murders are the same thugs that will kidnap your child for the CPS sex trafficking ring, all without due process or a jury trial,
It is “law enforcement” that if you do not pay the 1st plank of the Communist manifesto extortion, euphemistically called the property tax, they will come to your house and either make you homeless, or murder you if you resist the theft of your home , all of that also without a trial by jury as the Constitution guarantees.
Something is very wrong with this picture where our “public servants” serve mainly to enforce the laws written by and to serve the globalists that are the real rulers in this country.
The local “Fordland Clinic” is injecting children with cancer virus’s!!! — And so is your AMA medical provider.
As if the monopoly AMA “standards of care”, that do nothing but cover up the symptoms of chronic disease, were not evil enough……
the Fordland Clinic, has decided to enter a new level of evil.
For a few years now the Clinic has been pushing the globalist death jab on the unsuspecting children of Webster County MO!
Even after it became very clear that these untested, and unapproved, experimental DNA altering abominations to God, were harming people…..
the Fordland clinic charged on ahead, and even had a big billboard to try and get the unsuspecting to come in and get their children jabbed!
It’s bad enough that this globalist created monopoly, has not faced justice for the genocide that it has been calling “medicine”, for the past 109 years (since 1912) but now your tax dollars are paying for grants to make this temple of death twice it’s previous size!
Are they gearing up for the coming”forced vaccinations”?
The forced injections will come if we don’t stand up and IMHO the Fordland Clinic will enthusiastically participate in.
There is a reason why the doctors are recording your vaccine status and it is not good.
One would think that with all of the evidence of this non-vaccine causing death, and harm to children, that our law enforcement here in Webster County would be making arrests of these quacks!
That is until you realize that both health care, and law enforcement are just 2 arms of the New World Order. We slept at the switch for the past 100 years while the globalists have co-opted every single institution in our society.
That also includes: Our government, the press, our schools, our churches, and anything else that you can think of.
The bottom line is that there is an open season on murdering children by injection in Webster County MO, and the criminals are running the asylum!
God help us all!
Some facts that you will have to check out yourself:
It was not only the early polio vaccines that contained cancer virus’s…… According to Dr. Judy Mikovits almost every single vaccine that you have received, (and at the Fordland Clinic) has cancer virus’s in it. (FYI there are electron microscope scanned vaccines for politicians, and the elite, that do not have cancer virus’s in them.)
When your child receives a vaccine at the Fordland Clinic it is out of a multi-dose vial that contains mercury as a preservative! However the employees at the clinic will often vaccinate their children with single dose vials that contain no mercury!
Doctors at the clinic have deceived patients, and brought in Burrell Behavioral Health employees, to try and trick people into going on SSRI’s and other voodoo harmful medications.
Some of the dental employees, are so incompetent that they x-ray you 3 or 4 times and don’t think anything about it. Sometimes they don’t even put protective covering over your thyroid!
The Nuremberg accords make it a crime to force medical treatment without consent on people, yet that is exactly what they do at the Fordland Clinic!
If you do not consent to dental x-rays, they basically fire you as a patient.
Sounds like something that Nazi Dr Josef Mengele would do.
I could go on and on, as the medical monopoly that you have been told is there to protect you, is demonstrably doing the exact opposite.
I was aware that I was given the SV40 cancer virus by an AMA doctor in the polio vaccine I was given as a child. Today when they do cancer biopsies, the SV40 cancer virus is often present.
What I have learned since from reading the work of Dr Judy Mitkovits. is that ALL of the vaccines given to children at the Fordland Clinic contain cancer retro virus’s!
Vaccines are grown in animal cultures, and contain cancer causing retro visus’s in them! Reto virus’ are unique in that they use an enzyme called “reverse transcriptase” that allows the cancer virus to insert it’s animal cancer virus into your human DNA! You therefore will pass these onto not only your children but your great grand children.
The “health authorities” were made aware of this 40 years ago by Dr Judy Mikovits. These authorities, , including the WHO, all had meetings on what to do about it.
And what they did was NOTHING! They have continued to inject your children with cancer virus’s, that like the SV40 virus I was given, they will pass on to their great grand kids!
If you know of anything else improper going on at the Fordland Clinic, do not hesitate to contact me. Your confidence will be respected.
Most of us that attended the 12 year dumbing down camps, euphemistically known as “public schools”, were never taught anything much about the “Communist Manifesto“, much less the fact that all 10 planks have been implemented in the United states in one form or another. We are not taught either that it was Adam Weishaupt’s Satanic Illuminati that commissioned Marx to write the Manifesto. It is clearly a Satanic document written by evil men.
It certainly is not a concept from scripture, or from the founders. What it really is, is useful idiots, or demon possessed people ( I don’t know which) that are doing Lucifer’s work with the 1st of 2 of Lucifer’s taxes. (the other one is the “income tax” that is the 2nd plank of Lucifer’s manifesto)
(16th Amendment Lesson _ Dave Champion tv)
Not surprisingly, the implied threat of this extortion threat is: “If you don’t pay this extortion, then mindless order followers in blue uniforms, will show up at your door and give you 2 choices: To vacate immediately what you thought that you owned, losing most of your possessions, becoming homeless, and likely dying on the street from what accompanies that. OR if you don’t take that offer we will murder you on the spot.
This is the reality of what these property tax collectors are really about. On top of all the evils I have so far presented, I do not know of a single case of anyone getting a jury trial of his peers, as required in the US Constitution. (so much for the thugs in blue upholding the Constitution – you also get no jury trial when they kidnap your child for the sex trafficking CPS)
A little background showing the anti-Christ and demonic nature of these people:
Last year the Webster County Tax collectors office did what I characterize as a “drive by assessment”. It was exactly what it sounds like. They admitted that they drove by, and made up a price. (one that was at least 100% too high) The office refused 4 times to come out and do a real assessment, citing law after law that allowed them to do evil. I told them they sounded a lot like the guards at Auschwitz during the Nuremberg trials. And they did….
This office also told me that if I could not afford their imaginary and inflated criminally determined evaluation, that what I should do is to sell my home and find one that cost less!
They thought because it looked like I was poor, that they could make more money for their inflated salaries and benefits, by financially raping me and leaving me no real recourse. I would bet that that they have done this same thing to many others residing this county.
I was given no other choice that I could see other, than getting a $500 professional home estimate done on a credit card, that I would never be able to pay back. So on top of extorting 20 pieces of silver (at today’s spot price) from me, they also contributed to destroying my credit rating.
Their is a scripture that fits: “For in much wisdom is much grief, And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow” ~Ecclesiastes 1:18
This verse perfectly describes my thoughts on this matter. This is happening because all children are required to attend the government mind control camps, for 12 years, that BTW are the 10th plank of the Satanic Manifesto. No one coming out of these dumbing down camps knows right from wrong.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
The so called modern Christian church has plenty of culpability in the matter. Our pulpits are filled with cowardly men that are afraid to speak out because the “Johnson Amendment” threatens their tax exempt status if they speak the truth. Beside their “love of money”, these churches are apostate, and of a reprobate mind.
Our Churches will follow the dictates of government, over the dictates of the Lord God, almost every time they are given the choice.
PS—. It says a lot about them that I could not even visit the web site with my VPN on. What are they doing collecting information for our criminal Federal government, so that you can’t pay your taxes with the privacy of a VPN?
They also disarm every one that goes into the Courthouse building, which also says a lot about them. They know what they are doing to people, and don’t want anyone armed (like the 2nd amendment guarantees) near them because of the way that they treat people. They also do not want anyone with recording devices in the Court House, because of the many lies and inappropriate goings on that would be exposed if citizens were allowed to exercise their God given rights in what I see as a Demonic Temple.
In reality globalist bankers get 100% of your income tax money. (not the government as you are told) They have as their end goal to bring us socialism, communism and finally a New World Order, (this is the globalist plan or “Endgame“) with a one world religion and where Christians are put to death. This is who the useful idiots know as “Modern Christians” fund every year with a substantial portion of their income, usually amounting to 3 or more months of their labor. No wonder Satan is winning with all of this help from “Christians”. And not a one in a thousand in protest or aware of the scam…… Do any “Christians” remember where God tells us that gold is money in Genesis? Or they don’t just care?
The modern “Church” has embraced this worship of Satan and his agenda. The acceptance and support of the planks of the communist manifesto, moral relativism, the support of blasphemy. The avoidance of addressing evil….. The vast majority of “Christians” do not see the evil that they are embracing. This deception and gross lack of discernment among Christians in these end times, is alarming to say the least. Is it any wonder that many discerning people are deserting the churches? Perhaps they do not want to be part of the evil world view that passes today for the “church” and “Christianity”.
It was good to get confirmation of of my conclusions regarding the income tax in this interview series, of Jessie Czebotar. She relates how millions in “the brotherhood” (Illuminati, deep state) at age 30, buy into a trust that contains half of the worlds wealth. She also says that our income tax supplies a good part of the income stream for these world wide , Illuminati members. In Jessie’s testimony I have confirmation that is even more convincing than I had ever hoped for, that indeed citizens in countries with the Income tax are directly paying for the upkeep and plans of the Satanists that run this planet, and in the end their plan to murder the entire human race.
What will be the number one false flag in America? As this article will point out, it will have to be one in which there is the excuse to put foreign troops, acting as humanitarian peacekeepers on American soil. Millions will be needed in order to do what really must be done which is to seize the guns. It is clear that the globalist just don’t want to bring America down as a necessary component for the finalizing of their New World Order, they want to kill as many Americans as possible because the resistance would be great and seizing 400 million hand guns is a daunting task even for China. China is the new world policeman and they are demanding (see Wei Fenghe’s speech) an intact America so they can harness the resources of America in order to sustain their desires. This means foreign troops on America’s soil. Will it happen and how will it happen?
I cannot have a conversation with a like-minded colleague in the alt media today without the subject of a false flag attack coming up. We all feel it is coming.The Democrats may have stolen the election, and the election process, thus, preventing any free and fair election process in the future. However, they still lack manpower and resources needed to seize the guns which is a necessary precondition to the takeover. Food can certainly be used as a weapon and that is in abundant evidence, by the following:
1. Biden’s new capital gains tax on farms which will prevent most from being passed through family lines.
2. Bill Gates is now the largest owner of farm land.
3. Purposeful driving up of inflation which greatly impacts food vulnerability.
Because of these reasons, many of my colleagues feel that food as a weapon will be the choice of the globalists but I feel that there must be a major, or several accompanying events in order to result in complete regime change. I sat down and constructed my own list of risk factors and arrived at a different number choice for the preferred false flag attack.
Current List of Globalist Crises Directed at America
In no particular order, here is a partial list of the monumental challenges faced by America:
War with China over South China Sea issues. Perhaps this would happen as part of a WW III scenario, but it is not likely a first-mover causation event which will hand over an intact America to China/globalists.
War with Syria and Iran, which also involves Russia. I think this is a long-term goal. Russia and the US, need to be eliminated so China can have unchecked power over the world on behalf of the globalists. However, I do not believe the preconditions are ready to jump immediately into a war of this magnitude.
An EMP attack upon the grid would destroy America but it would also destroy China’s main motivation to play world policeman if America’s resources and infrastructure were destroyed and would make America undesirable in terms of occupation by the CHICOMS.
Involvement in African civil wars. Certainly this could expand and involve Chinese troops in Africa, but this is still a minor issue.
War with China over possession of Taiwan. Taiwan represents 6% of our trading volume. However, the US would use nuclear weapons if Taiwan was invaded and China would be left short of their goal, which is to inhabit an intact US for its resources.
Allowing Chinese, which will one day serve the role UN Peacekeepers on American soil, when a false flag attack of Bibilical proportions is unleashed. I believe that this factor, combined with a real event(s) will serve as a catalyst to place CHICOMS on American soil and give them access to controlling food, medicine, and enough troops to door to door to seize guns and begin committing genocide. However, the mission would have to begin as a humanitarian mission. Therefore, this mission would have to be combined with a series of a massive false flag attacks.
The growth of Antifa as a paramilitary as supplied and supported by China and bolstered by cartel interests entering the country at an alarming rate thanks to Biden’s open border policies. Whatever false flag attack would be used, supportive paramilitary troops will be needed to be used as assassins (MS-13) and terrorists (Antifa and the cartels). However, unto themselves, this necessary component will only be ancillary to the main goal of a massive false flag(s) designed to cripple America and place CHICOM/UN troops on America soil under the banner of humanitarian reasons.
Taking over America, because it is so massive, will need the complicit support of insiders. The associations of Democratic Party leadership, now in charge, is proof enough this precondition has been met.
I believe that the major false flag that will take place will be so massive, that its effectiveness will be enhanced by a series of smaller false flag efforts each designed to weaken America, bit by bit, before the major blow. For example, we will see massive food shortages due to food inflation which is already underway. We will power blackouts and the weakening of the grid. The Covid lockdowns have sufficiently weakened the America’s ability to stand up to foreign intervention under the banner of the US as America is already under a form of martial law. The economy is in free fall and the majority of the people have submitted to a stolen election and the most devastating attack upon America in her history. And we cannot totally discount something like Ebola, but that ususally burns out
There is a potential event which could so weaken America, invite foreign intervention under the guise of humanitarian aid, that America would go from sovereign to occupied overnight. And that even is the Oroville Dam. The Oroville Dam is still in grave danger as Paul Preston covered on my show last night. The rain runoff can no longer be handled by the spillway because it is not operable. A failed dam threatens 2.5 million people, a collapse will wipe out the world’s largest vegetable crop and second largest rice crop in the world, thus, producing famine conditions. The dam break would shut off 25% of America’s retail shipments across the country and would lead to an economic collapse of the retail and food industry as we now know this “just in time” delivery of critical resources, including medicine, that we have become accustomed to. Mix in weather wars like what we just saw in Texas and one has paved the road to a weakened grid and crop devastation. Expect more weather wars upon the bread basket of America prior to the dam being taken down, it will greatly enhance the effort. This event would not only devastate America, it would cause famine across the planet in select locations.
My number one choice is the collapse of the Oroville Dam as a false flag event mainly because we’d have blue helmets running through our country distributing food. However, as we have all seen before, getting food will come with a price and that would be your gun. And some people who show up to the food distribution centers (ie food camps) will never leave with food, they will have arrived at their final place of fate because of who they are and the threat that they pose. You don’t think this will happen? Then may I suggest that you use the search engine on this site and look up Operation Mountain Guardian (Denver 2011). New York and Giants stadium had a similiar drill that year as well. This was rehearsed and many of us covered this!!!
What can we do? Pray, pray, pray and prep. These are beginning of the end days my brothers and sisters. Remember, history shows that if you give up your gun, you will not likely survive. At least that is what the history of the 20th century teaches us where there were 16 genocides and each one was preceeded by gun confiscation in response to a manufactured national crisis. This is exactly where America is today.
I am left wondering if I moved the cognitive dissonance meter today?
The People would be wise to read and reread this report. This report is brief, to the point and serves as a warning to all innocent bystanders in America.
People will notice that the CSS has been relatively silent on intelligence community issues over the past several weeks because the behind-the-scenes activities have consisted of gathering intelligence reports from various sources. There now is enough data to form coherent conclusions about what is about to transpire in this country.
The CSS has written extensively over the past several years in which the public was warned what was coming. How did we know? The answer is simple, the Deep State minions showed us. Here are some examples. Obama promulgated Executive Orders, administrative policies within the military and pushed through legislation that prepared America to go down the path of Stalin, Hitler and Mao. The CSS has been quite clear on this point, repetitively. The legitimization of the plot against Constitutional-loving and rule of law advocates, who are usually Christian, began with real intent and zeal during the Obama administration. Here are some examples which serve to prove the point:
Obama’s EO 13603 is a classic and stand-alone best example of tyranny, or should I say genocidal planning in action. Obama served the purpose of setting the table for Hillary. However, God gave America 3 years to get their act together which means stop embracing baby-genocide, sexual perversion on an unimaginable scale and the sexual exploitation of children often by the judges and legislators who are selected/elected to protect them. Obama’s EO gave a future president the ability to seize control of all food, set up slave labor camps, completely control all industry, nationalize all property, etc. All the elements of a Hitler/Stalin tyranny were codified in this EO. This is a series, that in part, explains the psychological warfare being perpetrated against the American people. To better understand this phenomenon, I strongly suggest that the readers go to The Common Sense Show’s website. Utilize the internal search engine and search and read the almost 20 articles written on this EO. However, I predict that even if this was required reading by entire United States population only about 30% would believe the documentation even though the EO has been codified. Our Congress has a sustained all-time low 9% approval rating, and it has been 15 years since I declared war upon the central bankers when they tried to steal my property and that of 300 of my neighbors without one dime being paid in compensation. In that time, I have witnessed how far to the left we have turned. Our country embraces every form of perversion, we tolerate the giving away of the Constitution and we lay down when we allow Pelosi, Feinstein et al work in concert to undermine our communities with Sinoloa/Chinese controlled drug trafficking, child sex trafficking, private and international theft of public water supplies, etc. And nobody is doing anything. This is called bystander apathy. The term bystander apathy (i.e. fence sitting) refers to the phenomenon in which the greater the number of people present, the less likely people are to help a person in distress. When an emergency situation occurs, observers are more likely to take action if there are few or no other witnesses. The most frequently cited example of the bystander effect in introductory psychology textbooks is the brutal murder of a young woman named Catherine “Kitty” Genovese. On Friday, March 13, 1964, the 28-year-old Genovese was returning home from work. While Genvovese approached her apartment entrance, she was attacked and repeatedly stabbed by a man later identified as Winston Moseley. Despite Genovese’s repeated calls for help, none of the dozen people in the nearby apartment building who heard her cries called the police. The attack first began at 3:20 AM, but it was not until 3:50 AM that someone first contacted police. Genovese’s death was preventable and the failure of her neighbors to report the crime in progress, brought the social-psychology term, bystander apathy, into the national discussion about people’s unwillingness to act in an emergency situation. There are two major factors that contribute to bystander apathy. First, the presence of other people creates a diffiusion of responsibility. Because there are other observers, individuals do not feel as much pressure to take action, since the responsibility to take action is thought to be shared among all of those present. Generally speaking, the greater the number of people which are present in an emergency, the less likely people are to take action. Q has taken this concept to a whole new level. Do you remember these proclamations? There will be 65,000 Deep State operative indicted next week! No, that has been delayed, but Hillary is on her way to Gitmo and they will likely be executed. What a bunch of bravo sierra! The whole purpose of Q was to appeal to the nation’s innate desire to relax and let someone else do the work of cleaning up the country. God gave us 3 more years, and America failed miserably…..Read More
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This is an excellent talk about our God given rights, especially the right to self defense.
I am not always a big fan of “Sermons” even those of Chuck Baldwin, but I had to listen to this one 2 times in a row. The information is very valuable to today’s world. ~MFP
For thousands of years “Christians” have known of the scripture that tells us that those that live by the sword will die by the sword. I interpret this to refer to those that literally live by the wages paid to them for wielding a sword.
More recently our founding fathers warned us repeatedly about standing armies which in reality is the same concept as those that live by the sword because standing armies are those that are paid professionals that do nothing else.
Then why, in Gods name one may one must ask why do we have 2 standing armies in this “Christian” Nation? The short answer is that many if not most Christians are incredibly dumbed down, useful idiots that have been closely following the “Satanic Agenda” for well over 100 years.
What is the “Satanic Agenda” you many ask? I define the Satanic Agenda as the Lord Lucifer’s operation to brainwash the human race into thinking and doing as he wishes. This is accomplish in large part by the organization created in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt called the Brotherhood or what some refer to as the Illuminati.
Examples of the Satanic Agenda are the almost universal support of a Satanic document called the Communist Manifesto by “Modern Christians”. Things like the property tax – the 1st plank , free government schools – the 10th plank , a graduated income tax the 2nd plank…. You get the idea.
Then there is the income tax: On April 15th “Modern Christians” take 2 or 3 months of their earnings and send that money to the earthly representatives of Satan on this earth. Read the Grace Commission Report or listen to Jessie Czebotar who as as an ex member of the Brotherhood tells you flat out that is is our “tax money” that is used to fund the Luceferian trust for millions of Brotherhood families.
If you have any discernment there should be no doubt in your mind that the “Modern Christian Church” and it’s useful idiot members are doing and believing exactly what Lord Lucifer and his earthly minions want them to think and do.
Getting back to the troops. Both the Blue Troops (Blue ISIS i.e. the police) and the Green Troops (“the troops””) take an oath to uphold the Constitution and to fight enemies foreign and domestic. . To begin neither group even remotely understands the Constitution, because they have accepted what the Satanically controlled courts say it means ( “case law”) and they ignore the actual document itself which tells a very different story!
Claiming to fight our “foreign enemies” is a real joke. The troops fight made up enemies in order to make the Satanists that rule this world tons of money and to kill millions of civilians. Then you and your grandchildren pay for those wars…..That is reality. They trample the Constitution in the process, because Congress has not declared war. They also commit what are war crimes by treaty: Wars of aggression and also the use of weapons like “depleted uranium”.
The next elephant in the room is the fact that these Standing Armies are both paid by our “domestic enemies”. As we have observed hell will freeze over long before either standing army will defend you and I against our domestic enemies so long as that is who issues their pay checks.
The answer is in our God inspired Federal Constitution but no one, not even our prominent Patriot-Tard mouth pieces seem to have the discernment to see through the “Satanic Agenda”. They instead are supporting much of this Luceferian agenda being hoisting upon us.
The answer is in the Constitution: the Militia. In the founding generation where Christians were not so dumbed down they believed that the Militia would among other things prevent the formation of Standing Armies.
Well we have a big standing Satanic army referred to as “the troops” and almost 100% of Modern Christians have no problem loudly proclaiming that THEY “support the troops”.
The troops that in fact will not address “domestic enemies” both because they don’t have a foggy clue as to what the Constitution really says, and they depend on their paycheck from this enemy.
SO we now have a Communist Agent in the White house, we have a Congress that 2/3 of them have been proven to be on the Communist Chinese payroll, along with a slew of Democratic State governors.
Many of them are also proven to be compromised by being pedophiles
Any what does this standing army do? NOTHING.
Well worse than nothing because you are likely going to eventually see them in involved in forced vaccinations and many other evils, and their is no Militia to protect us because we live in a Nation of Mentally Crippled dumb people. Remember that the founders told us that we would need a moral and educated electorate to retain this Republic, and today’s public is neither.
As far as I am concerned “the troops” are clearly guilty of treason and should be afforded the treatment the the Constitution reserves for that crime.
Please take some time to rethink what you have been programmed to believe. There are many great resources on the Constitution. I am going to leave you with this one that I recommend that you start with:
“The whistleblower describes how German soldiers accompanied nurses to administer the vaccines, and that there was no informed consent, and some who resisted were vaccinated anyway….”
“One of the most disturbing things about what these whistleblower videos reveal, according to Attorney Fuellmich, is that now they are getting more and more calls from other whistleblowers in nursing homes, in Germany and around the world, where they are reporting the same things…..”
“I think it proper to tell you that I am the type of person who would be inclined to hunt down, ambush, and kill any people who did such a thing to me or to any member of my family. I can envision myself being so irate, I might just say Fuck the law. Fuck the courts. Fuck the public health.
The tyranny of the majority is going too far. Individual freedom is paramount to what the masses (who are asses) want.
It doesn’t matter one wit to me if the persons involved are Doctors, Nurses, Cops, Judges, or soldiers. If you come at me with a syringe containing something I don’t want, and you forcibly administer it – court order or not – You’d better get right with God because I am exactly the wrong type of person to do such a thing to. I would be inclined to retaliate by force…” ~Hal Turner
TEXAGEDDON: A False Flag Geoterrorist Operation With Multiple Nefarious NWO Goals — IMPT UPDATES
Occam’s Razor
“Occam’s razor, Ockham’s razor, Ocham’s razor, or law of parsimony is the problem-solving principle that “entities should not be multiplied without necessity”, or more simply, the simplest explanation is usually the right one.”
In other words TEXAGEDDON can be easily understood by assessing the many obvious effects and then correctly linking them to the true causes. Considering “Cui bono?” from such a devastating cataclysm is of utmost necessity in properly teasing out the malevolent intentions and the real perpetrators.
Let’s be clear: the deliberate deep freeze of Texas is unparalleled by any standard. There is simply no historical precedent for both the record-breaking cold temperatures, heavy snowfalls and pervasive ice storms throughout all of Texas.
With this irrefutable knowledge, Occam’s razor tells us that such a catastrophic weather event was fastidiously geoengineered by all the usual suspects.
How could such an historic weather calamity not be the product of very stealthy weather manufacturing after highly sophisticated atmospheric manipulation?
Take a close look at the weather map below. What it strongly suggests is that the largest ice storm in U.S. history was meticulously geoengineered to blanket the country’s second largest state by area.
Again, the application of Occam’s razor by any geoterrorism sleuth points directly to highly advance weather warfare being waged by the criminal geoengineeers on behalf of their globalist masters.
But why would the New World Order globalist cabal order such a devastating cataclysm?
Because Texas is a very RED state and ready to rumble with the Biden administration—that’s why!
In point of fact, the Abbott administration is prepared to roll out a series of measures and mandates that all serve to reclaim their various long-neglected constitutional state’s rights. The Biden-Harris crime duo know this and are determined to make any pre-emptive strike necessary to thwart those FED-busting Texas government initiatives…..Read More
It looks like the Feds engineered this cold weather and then ordered TX not to increase power production. I predict an accelerated path to succession for TX. ~MFP
I’ve written thousands of columns and commentaries. This is the most important I’ve ever written.
This is my chance to play the modern-day Paul Revere. “The commies are coming. The commies are coming.” Yes, I am reporting a communist takeover. But the leader of this attack is not who it appears to be…..