FYI the psychopaths over at YouTube have begun censoring and taking down these songs. I hope someone has the sense to put them all on and update the story. ~MFP
“They came again this morning at about 8:00 o’clock. A large cargo-type helicopter flew low over the cabin, shaking it on its very foundations. It shook all of us inside, too. I feel frightened … I see how helpless and tormented I am becoming with disgust and disillusionment with the government which has turned this beautiful country into a police state … I feel like I am in the middle of a war zone.”—Journal entry from a California resident describing the government’s aerial searches for marijuana plants
Backyard gardeners, beware: tomato plants have become collateral damage in the government’s war on drugs, especially marijuana.
In fact, merely growing a vegetable garden on your own property, or in a greenhouse on your property, or shopping at a gardening store for gardening supplies—incredibly enough—could set you up for a drug raid sanctioned by the courts.
It’s happened before.
After shopping for hydroponic tomatoes at their local gardening store, a Kansas family found themselves subjected to a SWAT team raid as part of a multi-state, annual campaign dubbed “Operation Constant Gardener,” in which police collected the license plates of hundreds of customers at the gardening store and then investigated them for possible marijuana possession.
By “investigated,” I mean that police searched through the family’s trash. (You can thank the Supreme Court and their 1978 ruling in California v. Greenwood for allowing police to invade your trash can.) Finding “wet glob vegetation” in the garbage, the cops somehow managed to convince themselves—and a judge—that it was marijuana.
In fact, it was loose-leaf tea, but those pesky details don’t usually bother the cops when they’re conducting field tests.
There’s a long list of innocent ingredients that could be mistaken for drugs and get you subjected to a raid, because that’s all it takes—just the barest whiff of a suspicion by police that you might be engaged in criminal activity—to start the ball rolling.
From there, these so-called “investigations” follow the usual script: judge issues a warrant for a SWAT raid based on botched data, cops raid the home and terrorize the family at gunpoint, cops find no drugs, family sues over a violation of their Fourth Amendment rights, and then the courts protect the cops and their botched raid on the basis of qualified immunity.
Veteran of Iraq war, Carlos Piccata address’s tyrannical city council and tells them what we the people are going to do to them if they don’t stop their tyranny
(Natural News) Several years ago when I warned that Big Pharma and the vaccine industry staged the measles outbreak at Disneyland in order to push California’s SB 277 vaccine mandate law, very few people believed the vaccine industry was capable of such a nefarious plot. They laughed and mocked at the “conspiracy theory,” but fast forward to 2020 and no one’s laughing anymore.
That’s because the very people who downplayed the real-world conspiracy of staged plandemics now find themselves prisoners in their own homes, with their movements locked down by a tyrannical police state, complete with roadway checkpoints (New York), door-to-door contact tracing interrogations (California) and tyrannical shelter-in-place orders that have turned once-free people into prisoners (Melbourne, Australia).
I’m here today to tell you this is merely the beginning of the medical tyranny that’s about to be unleashed against humanity on a global scale.
This article describes what’s coming if the globalists and the anti-human Democrats get their way. However, President Trump is actively working to being down the anti-human demons and their child trafficking pedophile networks, money laundering operations and treasonous criminal schemes. So the events described here can be stopped if Trump remains in the White House and gains sufficient public support to take down the enemies of humanity.
And no, Trump isn’t actually using the military to push mandatory vaccines. He’s using the vaccine backdrop as a way to distribute military forces across America in preparation for the mass arrests of treasonous actors, which will take place after the election. On this topic, Q seems to be correct…..Read More
I spent the bulk of my professional teaching career, ranging from high school to community college to a University to Post-Graduate studies, teaching Psychology, Research Methods and Statistics. However, my undergraduate degrees were in sociology and history and the latter two have served me well in analyzing how change happens in a society, for better or for worse.
Both sociological principles (eg group think, cognitive dissonance) and historical precedent tell Americans clearly what is coming!
I always felt fortunate to be an American with a well-defined Constitution. With some exception, this document has served us well. For the majority of my life, I have never awakened and wondered what forces were coming for me. It was with great interest that I studied societies that succumbed to what would become a genocidal takeover. In my senior year as an undergraduate student, I was forced to compare the genocides that had taken place in recent history. In every case, the arrival to a genocidal state was gradual. Targeted populations were gradually minimized over time and progressively stripped of their rights. The path to genocide is generally analogous to the proverbial frog in the boiling pot where the temperature is slowly turned up until the frog, not recognizing the threat to its life, succumbs to the ever-increasing temperature.
In this article, I am coining a phrase, Progressive Subjugation. I have chosen the term because is it precisely what is happening in the United States as well as the rest of the G-20 nations. As was pointed out in yesterday’s article on the ever-increasing level of tyranny in New Zealand, the Prime Minister is following the progressive them of turning up the heat with her people.
History is replete with examples of encroaching tyranny. Please consider Martin Niemoller’s poem about the increasing level of tyranny in Nazi Germany.
First They Came
First, they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me.
Martin Niemöller
Niemoller captured the progressive nature of tyranny. He also captured the fact that societies that succumb to genocide had many chances to turn back but the people chose not to take a stand and this is precisely what is happening in America.
The Average American Is Clueless to the Ultimate Threat That Is Coming Our Way
In America, we are not grasping the true threat to our longevity. What is happening in American, right now, is much more about eventual population reduction than systemic control of people. Systemic control is simply a mechanism to obtain the final goal. Walk with me through the progressive tyranny that has been unleashed on our country. As I have previously pointed out, what’s coming next for America is being rehearsed in other western democracies (ie G-20 nations such as New Zealand, Australia).
Please allow me to be crystal clear. The Coronavirus is deadly, but overwhelmingly only to people with health issues that are already killing them. I doubt whether Coronavirus could honestly be listed as a single cause of death without other life-threatening factors (eg several asthma, diabetes, chemotherapy, etc). However, the deadly outcome of CV-19 is being generalized to the public as everyone is at risk. The threat is measured in terms of unvalidated tests designed to produce overwhelming false positives. People dying from motorcycle accidents and gun shot wounds, are officially dying from CV-19. CV-19 is the default cause of death largely because fraud has been incentivized as the federal government pays money to local officials for each diagnosis and death attributed to CV-19. This is a springboard to tyranny. To what end, you may ask. The answer to that question is the underlying goal of this article.
Here are the stages of Progressive Subjugation as it has manifested in America:….Read More
(Natural News) We are now living in an era characterized by the total collapse of the rule of law. The deep state is run by lawless, treasonous criminals who will do anything to silence critics and whistleblowers, and when Millie Weaver (“Millennial Millie”) began releasing a new documentary film today called “Shadow Gate,” the deep state went into action.
According to deep background sources, Millie Weaver was abducted by deep state operators today and is being held under the false authority of deep state operatives. She was not arrested by any lawful process, and there was no legitimate “grand jury” indictment.
Understand that this is a fast-moving story, and new information may help clarify this story as details unfold. But to the best of what we know so far, Millie Weaver is now a political prisoner being held by the deep state.
If these sources are correct, Millie Weaver and her husband are victims of a “snatch-and-grab” operation, and a counterfeit indictment document may have been produced by the deep state, but it would have been created completely outside any legitimate process of law, much like Obama’s fake birth certificate.
Millie Weaver is now a political prisoner of the deep state. This is what they do to enemies who expose them.
But as the “Google whistleblower” Zach Vorhies explains, “sorry deepstate. You can’t stop what’s coming.” The files have already been released!….Read More
Related Stories: This is the film that the government kidnapped Millie Weaver over:
Check out this explosive full-length documentary report about the Shadow Government fighting for total control of America – Infowars SHADOWGATE — FULL FILM
MFP Commentary: Do not lose sight that this kidnapping was made possible by useful idiot / order followers dressed in blue costumes. This standing army of criminals in blue costumes is going to play a huge part of the coming genocide of Ameircan citizens. Blue ISIS is a good description for this group. The simple solution to this dilemma is to go back to Constitutional Sheriffs and his pose (you and I otherwise known as the Militia.) I also highly recommend Richard Proctor’s new book: Saving the Constitution
This look into the future by Max Egan will disturb you to the core. It shows how gruesome life may become in the near future because of a pandemic that does not exist. Everything of value in our lives will be negatively impacted – especially the end of personal freedom and the arrival of a new money system designed to integrate with a social-score system, such as now used in Communist China. Unfortunately, Max does not show us a way out but he makes us realize that, if the masses continue to fall for the pandemic ploy, the rest of us will be swept along with them. The great value of this video, therefore, is to sharpen our vision for a winning strategy. If the masses will drag us into slavery with them, our plan becomes clear. We must apply all of our present efforts and financial resources to those projects and activities that offer the best chance of reaching the masses with the truth. If we fail to do that, nothing else matters. Thank you, Max, for making that point clear. 2020 Aug 3….. Original Post
By Jim Hoft
Published August 6, 2020
The latest international testing of hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus shows countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug.
This means that Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, the liberal fake news media and the tech giants have been pushing a lie that has had deadly consequences!
America has lost (reportedly) over 150,000 lives.
And that could have been lowered by nearly 80% if HCQ use would have been promoted in the US!…Read More