EDITORIAL: COX Hospital disarms patient then sends in armed thug “mask police”,  they then  tried  to disarm me of my  only remaining  protection… my camera,  they call me a racist, accuse me of violating HIPPA and then violate my HIPPA rights….twice!


I felt like August Landmesser when I was at Cox Hospital in Springfield MO and refused to go along with the face mask psyop who’s end game are Bill Gates forced vaccinations

I arrived at Cox South in Springfield MO on June 17th 2020 for a scheduled surgery.  I had not slept in 24 hours due to the complete and  unrelenting  incompetence of the government mandated medical monopoly that we are forced to live under.
Although this surgery had been in the works for over 90 days, I was not made aware that an overnight stay was required for my particular procedure, literally until hours before I was to arrive at the hospital.  So in spite of the paperwork in front of me saying that this was an outpatient procedure, my 5 previous days of finding a driver for an outpatient procedure suddenly had to thrown away and rethought.   I also have 14 adolescent ducks that  would now  have to be kept in a hot coop for over 36 hours.  Needless to say I did not sleep at all the night of the 16th with    weeks of planning thrown under the bus by an always incompetent and dehumanizing  medical system.    Note I am not disparaging the people caught up  in this machine.  I met many great  and interesting people during  this experience, that however does not change the nature of the government created, monopoly medical system  that  we all found ourselves  caught up in.

On the hospital  door in is the obligatory “no weapons allowed” sign that more or less confirms that this facility (just like your library or the Fordland Clinic with similar signs) is on the Federal Payroll and is enforcing Federal Mandates and Edicts.   What most people do not realize  is that in doing so Cox is no longer a private business that can  prohibit weapons on their premises.  Cox is acting as an agent of the state and  as such they can not lawfully violate your 2nd amendment protected rights.   If our courts actually worked Cox could be prosecuted under USC 18 sections 241 & 242.    Department of Justice CONSPIRACY AGAINST RIGHTS   also  FBI:  Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 – Conspiracy Against Rights 

I ran the gauntlet of useful idiots along the way, that  did not understand the  medical term “Contraindicated” as a response to their demand to wear an N95 mask.  The young lady I first encountered  was specifically put there IMHO to intimidate your average spineless American.  She  looked to be an ex-marine body builder.   The psy-op started up in full swing and the choice of having her at the front door was not an accident.  It was meant to intimidate the disarmed “customer” into compliance.

After a few other encounters with the order-following staff I positioned myself in the furthest most unoccupied corned of the lobby that I could find. I was at least 50 feet from anyone else in the facility…..   However it did not take long for a very large, armed, and aggressive order follower  to single me out from about 100 feet away.  He quickly closed that distance and brought himself uncomfortably close to myself. Certainly closer than the arbitrary social distancing distance of 6 feet. He refused to stand any further  away.   At some point I demanded that he get his supervisor out there as he was  low IQ and certainly not able to comprehend the medical term “Contraindicated” and  that I had a medical condition that prohibits me from wearing an N95 mask.     They say that an armed society is a polite society and just the exact opposite was happening because like the Israelite’s in Egypt I had been dumb enough to let myself become disarmed.  If I were wearing a weapon I can guarantee you that he would have been a hell of a lot more respectful.

If this thug in blue had treated me this way outside of the HDZ ( “Hospital Disarmament Zone” ) he would have at the very least caught some pepper spray in the face if not a case of lead poisoning.

My only real weapon was my cell phone, and this thug was well trained,  as he would not stop repeating the lie that recording in the hospital was a HIPPA violation.  Which if it was, then all of the Cox security cameras that were trained on  me at that moment are also violations of HIPPA!   Regardless  if someone is assaulting you, after illegally and criminally disarming you,  you would be nuts not to record the incident and that is exactly what the Cox thug  was trying to prevent.

What I did not catch on film was the plethora of staff – doctors in particular that did not wear a mask in the lobby – or had the mask down with their nose exposed.  Or the fact that the large armed order follower also had his mask down and had pushed it up when he decided to come harass me.

It was also miraculous that up on the 9th floor where I spent the following 24 hours that no masks were required of patients!  Either the flu virus can’t exist at that altitude or the Cox administration is demonstrably full of shit.


Anyhow I ended up with 2 large armed security personnel and a floor nurse in my face for close to 15 minutes.   The nurse called me a racist  because I told the large low IQ security person to go back to the 3rd world country that he obviously had come from.  Her flippant comment  really pissed me off as if I were not already pissed off.   The low IQ public thinks that you can call someone a racist  for any fuking illogical reason and that will shut them up.  Well I did not work with me.  Then this nurse tried to violate my HIPPA privacy wanting to know what the medical condition was that prevented me from wearing a mask.   I also refused to give these dangerous authoritarian people my name, after which they spent about 10 minutes at the admissions desk,  trying to get my name which is again a very clear violation of my HIPPA privacy protections. I suspect that my privacy was violated by the 2 ladies at the desk, they were not very convincing liars when I confronted them about this.

Fast forward a  few hours, after the surgery.  It’s getting late and even after 24 hours of not being able to sleep I am restless, very much due to the reception from 2 terrorists in the lobby earlier.   I wait  2 hours for a “sleeping pill”.   It’s a fuking 3 mg Melatonin!  Again this surgery has been scheduled for over 3 months, I have insomnia, and when I desperately need  to sleep, I get my leg pissed  upon by the medical establishment  and told that it’s raining.

I got zero informed consent until AFTER I was discharged.  When I was checking out the staff printed me up the information that I should have had before the surgery!   One of the critical things was the antibiotic that they had already given me 2  doses of…. I find out AFTER being given the antibiotic that  possible  side effects include permanent nerve damage, death, and ruptured tendons.

Getting ready to be sedated….I really needed this after the 2 terrorists in blue costumes accosted me in the lobby

Being a bit concerned,  I left a message with the surgeons nurse that  I was  going to stop taking said medication because I thought I may have experienced  two of the more minor side effects of numbness and weakness in my arm and shoulder.  That was 2 days ago and I have not heard back yet!

I also went in person to the drug store to pick up my prescription (24 hours after my last dose) to see if I could get any intelligent advice from the Pharmacist.   Basically I wanted to know the statistical significance of the warnings that I had read.   Was permanent never damage a one on ten thing or was it a one in a billion thing?  The warnings had zero statistics associated  with them and were extremely  insulting to anyone with half a brain.    Well I guess actual facts and statistics were too complicated for this pharmacists little brain and all I could get out of her was that she would take it if she were me….

The takeaway I want you to get out of this story are several.
We are under a medical dictatorship and we have not had a free market in medicine since the 1920’s.

That the medical dictatorship is going to use this mask hysteria to bring in mandatory Bill Gates vaccines that will also be the mark of the beast.

I want to thank most of the staff at Cox, they have a difficult job to say the  lest.  They are IMHO caught up in an evil system over which they have little control and most of them no knowledge.  They were never educated that  the current medical monopoly was put into place when the Rockefeller family commissioned the Flexner Report for Congress back in the early 20th century.   I should not have to add that the Rockefeller’s are  New World Order Globalists  and as such Lucefarian with a Satanic agenda.  Those are the roots of our current medical monopoly.  Now you know why the chronic care side of the house so closely resembles thinly veiled eugenics….because  that is what it is.  From my recent experience at Cox the  acute care side of the house  that used to be the best in the world is trying to catch up with the chronic care side of the house.  We desperately need the free market to return to medicine. We were warned over 250 years ago:

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush  – 1776


FWIW there is a 12  minute long video that I have not put up, due in large part to it being over 1.5 GB in size.


UK Man Paid $12,000 by Airline Which Forced Him to Wear a Mask – Zero Hedge

In the UK the laws are enforced  but in the US in Springfield MO, Cox  Medical has routinely violated both the law and my rights and nothing is done.   ~MFP

Will Enough Americans Resist Tyranny? Formerly Law Abiding Citizens Now Criminalized as Prisons are Emptied – Medical Kidnap

Ontario Police End the Life of a 73 YO Non-Mask Wearer with Dementia – Dave Hodges

EDITORIAL: Both Seattle WA and my Missouri County are run by Warlords…..  

A Global Quest Ep. 1 Preview: The True History of Chemotherapy & the Pharmaceutical Monopoly 

Law enforcement pushing back against politicians

Wearing the mask is part of an initiation ritual for the New World Order

National Movement Started To Oppose Mandatory Mask Enslavement

We Can’t Breath.news

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Pastors And Physicians: From Protectors To Predators

Total Proof Wearing A Mask Is Dangerous To Your Health!

Dave Hodges: The Mark of the Mask 

“…Stop wearing ridiculous masks, stop idiotic social distancing, open up fully all your businesses, and tell the government officials to pound sand. Gather in large groups in order to defend yourself from not only criminal rioters, but also from the state thugs unwittingly helping to advance this new order….”

Trump supporter is removed from American Airlines flight after he refused to wear a mask as airlines crack down on enforcing coronavirus safety measures

Mandatory Masks Aren’t About Safety, They’re About Social Control

Nancy Pelosi Moves to Bar Lawmakers Who Fail to Wear Masks from Committee Meetings


Is There Really Strong Evidence for Wearing Masks?

Advice and  a card on how to refuse to wear a mask for medical reasons  https://www.citizensforfreespeech.org/

Dave Hodges Article on how to assert your medical right not to wear a mask:

CRITICAL MASK INFORMATION: Walmart vs Kroeger On Face Masks – Your Liberty at Risk – Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show

Link to:  I can’t Breath Type Face masks





Group reportedly considers erecting Satanic monuments in place of toppled American history statues

‘Luciferian March For One World Government’: Satanic Group Organizes Nationwide Rallies Promoting New World Order

A Satanic group is organizing an international march on behalf of The Fallen One to call for the globalists’ dream of a One World Government.

Yes, really.

The group, who call themselves The Disciples Of Lucifer, has a Facebook page showing a list of 22 cities where the “Luciferian March For A One World Government” will take place this Sunday — and on the Summer Solstice no less.

“We are the Disciples of Lucifer and we are here to fulfill the Prophecies of Revelations and build a foundation to form a One World Government,” the group’s Facebook page states….Read More

The Failure to Understand the Psychology of the Chinese Is Leading to the Destruction of the United States

Dave Hodges on Sunday, June 21, 2020

ch amer

In the past 24 months, I have immersed myself in Chinese culture, government ideology and military strategy. What I have learned is frightening. We are facing an enemy that is totally amoral. They have no conscience about widespread death and destruction. The CHICOM Party is the posterchild for the ends justifies the means. Government is the CHICOMS substitute for God. Anything, and I mean anything done in favor of advancing the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) is divinely inspired.

What most Americans, including some of our leaders do not realize is that the Chinese leadership strategy is the antithesis of America’s leadership strategy. Wall Street thinks in terms of quarterly earnings. The Chinese are willing to take several steps backward if they can see victory in their approach even if it takes 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 years in the future. Since the treasonous Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon opened up China for trade in the 1970’s, the Chinese began designing their long-term strategies for not just subjugating America, but committing genocide against all Americans, save the 12 million Chinese that reside inside the United States. I wrote a five part series 11 months ago that I feel that every American should read and take extreme warning from. I am not promoting this five part series because I was the author, but rather I was in the right place at the right time to receive this information courtesy of John Moore and Paul Martin. The Chinese goals of global domination will not be realized until all Americans are dead and replaced by 300 million Chinese colonists that will be sent to our former country to harvest the vast amount of wealth contained in our country. I wrote an article which detailed that America has an estimated $128 million of underground mineral resources that we have not touched and that could be used to pay off the debt. With this underground wealth we could overcome the 80 days of lockdown due to the overexaggerated coronavirus and restore the economy and then some. However, the wealth has been promised to the CHICOMS. As I have previously written, the wealth is controlled by one American bureaucratic agency, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The BLM is like so many other federal agencies that have followed in the path of the Federal Reserve banking system. The agency is only quasi-governmental. Most Americans still mistakenly believe that the Federal Reserve is part of the government. Although it is true that the Federal Reserve, the CDC, the NIH,  the unconstitutional Department of Education, the BLM, etc., do work for the government, they are very much profit-seeking institutions. The Uranium One fraud and treason, perpetrated by the Clinton Foundation to illegally extract highly enriched uranium, under the auspices of the BLM and then gift the product to the Clinton Foundation as they committed treason in selling it to our potential enemy, the Russians, is a classic example of how American citizens are betrayed by their federal bureaucracies….Read More

John Whitehead: The System Is Rigged: Qualified Immunity Is How the Police State Stays in Power

“What’s been most striking to me is just how one-sided the rules are when Americans take on their own government…. It has been dismaying to learn the extent to which rules and laws shield the government from accountability for its abuses—or even lawbreaking…. It’s been a long and frightening lesson…. The rules seem rigged to protect government lawlessness, and the playing field is uneven. Too many processes favor the government. The deck is still stacked.” —  Journalist Sharyl Attkisson

The system is rigged.

The system is rigged, the government is corrupt, and “we the people” continue to waste our strength by fighting each other rather than standing against the tyrant in our midst.

Because the system is rigged, because the government is corrupt, and because “we the people” remain polarized and divided, the police state will keep winning and “we the people” will keep losing.

Because the system is rigged and the U.S. Supreme Court—the so-called “people’s court”—has exchanged its appointed role as a gatekeeper of justice for its new role as maintainer of the status quo, there will be little if no consequences for the cops who brutalize and no justice for the victims of police brutality.

Because the system is rigged, there will be no consequences for police who destroyed a private home by bombarding it with tear gas grenades during a SWAT team raid gone awry, or for the cop who mistakenly shot a 10-year-old boy after aiming for and missing the non-threatening family dog, or for the arresting officer who sicced a police dog on a suspect who had already surrendered….Read More

Do Deep State Elements Operate Within the Protest Movement?

 • JUNE 13, 2020

“Revolutions are often seen as spontaneous. It looks like people just went into the street. But it’s the result of months or years of preparation. It is very boring until you reach a certain point, where you can organize mass demonstrations or strikes. If it is carefully planned, by the time they start, everything is over in a matter of weeks.” Foreign Policy Journal

Does anyone believe the nationwide riots and looting are a spontaneous reaction to the killing of George Floyd?

It’s all too coordinated, too widespread, and too much in-sync with the media narrative that applauds the “mainly peaceful protests” while ignoring the vast destruction to cities across the country. What’s that all about? Do the instigators of these demonstrations want to see our cities reduced to urban wastelands where street gangs and Antifa thugs impose their own harsh justice? That’s where this is headed, isn’t it?

Of course there are millions of protesters who honestly believe they’re fighting racial injustice and police brutality. And more power to them. But that certainly doesn’t mean there aren’t hidden agendas driving these outbursts. Quite the contrary. It seems to me that the protest movement is actually the perfect vehicle for affecting dramatic social changes that only serve the interests of elites. For example, who benefits from defunding the police? Not African Americans, that’s for sure. Black neighborhoods need more security not less. And yet, the New York Times lead editorial on Saturday proudly announces, “Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police–Because reform won’t happen.” Check it out:

“We can’t reform the police. The only way to diminish police violence is to reduce contact between the public and the police….There is not a single era in United States history in which the police were not a force of violence against black people. Policing in the South emerged from the slave patrols in the 1700 and 1800s that caught and returned runaway slaves. In the North, the first municipal police departments in the mid-1800s helped quash labor strikes and riots against the rich. Everywhere, they have suppressed marginalized populations to protect the status quo.

So when you see a police officer pressing his knee into a black man’s neck until he dies, that’s the logical result of policing in America. When a police officer brutalizes a black person, he is doing what he sees as his job…” (“Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police–Because reform won’t happen”, New York Times)

So, according to the Times, the problem isn’t single parent families, or underfunded education or limited job opportunities or fractured neighborhoods, it’s the cops who have nothing to do with any of these problems. Are we supposed to take this seriously, because the editors of the Times certainly do. They’d like us to believe that there is groundswell support for this loony idea, but there isn’t. In a recent poll, more than 60% of those surveyed, oppose the idea of defunding the police. So why would such an unpopular, wacko idea wind up as the headline op-ed in the Saturday edition? Well, because the Times is doing what it always does, advancing the political agenda of the elites who hold the purse-strings and dictate which ideas are promoted and which end up on the cutting room floor. That’s how the system works. Check out this excerpt from an article by Paul Craig Roberts:….Read More

America’s Greatest Asset Is Going to Be Handed Over to the CHICOMS Prior to the Planned Destruction of the American Empire

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Monday, June 15, 2020

America, if you want to truly know what lies ahead, I have a couple of homework assignments that you need to perform.

For those of you that have Amazon Prime on your ROKU, I would recommend watching the first few episodes of the original series, The Man In the High Castle. It is instructive for what it is like to live under a repressive regime that has conquered and is occupying America. Your next homework assignment is to go to Netflix and watch the first three episodes of original USA Network series, Colony, in which the dominant theme is high tech martial law with genocidal overtones. This series is available on Netflix.

I have it on good authority that Trump has been meeting with Obama and Clinton. Why? Is this a prearranged coup plotting event against the Republic and its Constitution? I have many reasons to believe that these meetings between the three individuals has indeed taken place. The most likely scenario involves a President who has been compromised and stripped of his power. We see that Big Pharma has been in charge of the country since March 13, 2020. We now see the military turning on Trump as he is powerless to stop the Antifa takeovers of American cities. I can draw no other conclusion than Trump has been neutered and the terms of surrender are being negotiated on behalf of the Communist Chinese. However, and as I have written about many times before, the surrender of America will not mitigate the planned genocide that is coming…..Read More

EDITORIAL: Both Seattle WA and my Missouri County are run by Warlords…..

Seattle Warlord rapper Raz Simone
Warlord…. the Missouri health department deities

MFP Commentary:

Like Seattle Washington my Missouri  county is run by a Warlord. (several actually, the property tax people and the police  are other  examples and I will be  writing an article on those topics soon)

They euphemistically call it the “health department”
What these mentally ill  Anti-American psychopaths are doing in reality is urinating all over  our rights, and also making sure that small business’s like barber shops go out of business while the globalist stores such as Walmart are guaranteed success.

It’s as if the laws of microbiology are different in Walmart than in their hair salon. One can literary be shoulder to shoulder in a Walmart and if you want to get your hair cut there they demand that you wear a dangerous mask on your face. Talk about blasphemy…. the health department is not my God. How about you?

Some of the my God given rights are enumerated in the Bill of Rights and they are above any petty bureaucratic dictate that the health department comes up with.  They are not even the MO legislature, that can make law, but even the MO legislature can not legitimately write law that usurps the bill of rights!  This is 5th grade stuff people, but  for most Americans the 12 years of government school indoctrination has not even educated them to that level.

It seems that our small business owners need to post armed people outside of their stores not to protect them from Antifa and looting and arson, but rather to protect themselves from the criminal/unconstitutional  health department  and their Blue ISIS enforcers that are in the process of destroying small business’s in Missouri.


“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” ~ Goethe

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush – 1776

UPDATE 6/22/202:
We should go down the rabbit hole that the Webster Country Health Department could be bought up under criminal Federal charges by the Justice Department for “Violation of rights under color of law”.   This is in law under USC title 18 sections 241 & 242.  Here is the dope in  2 different Federal sites:

FBI web site:  Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 – Conspiracy Against Rights 

Sadly the reality is, that Hillary Clinton  and Dr. Fouci  are both walking free… you can’t even get them to charge much less convict mass  murderers it seems!   Until the American people grow a pair, in addition to educating themselves as to what is going on in the world, we will be headed swiftly to the destruction of this country,  the enslavement of the American people, the forced mark of the beast, and the  creation of Satan’s New World Order.  It’s here folks!  Deluding yourself time is officially over!