By Jim Hoft
Published August 6, 2020
The latest international testing of hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus shows countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug.
This means that Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, the liberal fake news media and the tech giants have been pushing a lie that has had deadly consequences!
America has lost (reportedly) over 150,000 lives.
And that could have been lowered by nearly 80% if HCQ use would have been promoted in the US!…Read More
MFP Commentary: Is the local Fordland Clinic’s offering these tests part of a Federal mandate, that is designed to further the globalist agenda? It sure looks that way. They implement every Federal mandate given to them with enthusiasm. If you use your God given right to free speech to protest, they criminally fire you with impunity.
Are the COVID tests with 6-inch (15cm) nasal swabs a way to secretly infect or implant people with direct access to the brain?
Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
Now that the public is starting to wake up to the fact that people leading the COVID response are MASS MURDERERS responsible for millions of deaths due to censoring life-saving information from thousands of doctors who are treating COVID patients with a 100% success rate, it is time to start questioning EVERYTHING they are asking the public to comply with.
What are their true motives, since they obviously do NOT value human life?
Makia Freeman from The Freedom Articles published a very interesting article this past week, raising serious questions about the PCR tests, which we have already reported are not reliable, and why the cotton swabs have to be so long? Makia writes:
We need to ask ourselves whether these COVID tests are in fact a clever way to gain secret access to the inside of our bodies, especially our brains.
The nasal swabs being used (called nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal) are incredibly long (around 6 inches or 15 cm) which means they reach to the very back of our throats. Is there any medical reason why the swabs must be this length?
In human anatomy, the cribriform plate is a midline bone important as part both of the cranium and of the nose which transmits the olfactory nerves that carry the sense of smell. It is a very delicate and fragile part of the body.
Why on earth do the COVID tests contain a swab (a padded stick) which can poke and prod this delicate bone? Could it be because the cribriform plate allows access to the brain?
Could these COVID tests be used to surreptitiously infect people (with some disease-causing agent), deliver the vaccine (which they claim they are still developing) or even implant people (with nanotechnology such as microchips)?
I asked a retired medical doctor who is known to Health Impact News about what Makia was saying here regarding the need for long cotton swabs penetrating so far into the body, and this doctor replied:
There is no valid reason for swabbing the naso-pharynx so deeply that it causes pain and injury to the extreme back and roof of the nose. Whatever microorganisms are there are distributed throughout the entire nose and throat.
They are supposedly easily communicated by a sneeze, hence the “need” for masks.. You don’t have to go digging for them. You could even blow your nose into a tissue and that would be a sufficient sample to culture.
There is something highly suspicious about these COVID tests.
Are the COVID Tests a Way to Surreptitiously Infect or Implant People?
by Makia Freeman
The Freedom Articles
THE STORY:The COVID PCR tests are administered with a 6 inch (15cm) long cotton swab through the nose, which goes to the very back of your throat. Why?
THE IMPLICATIONS:The swab touches the sensitive cribriform plate with direct access to your brain. Is there an ulterior design to these tests?
The COVID tests being rolled out around the world, roughly in line with 1-3-30 plan of the Rockefeller Foundation, are the main focus of this current phase of Operation Coronavirus.
The more people tested, the more positive cases recorded, which fuels the official scare narrative and keeps the fear alive to justify yet more tyranny.
However, there may be something else going on too.
We need to ask ourselves whether these COVID tests are in fact a clever way to gain secret access to the inside of our bodies, especially our brains…..Read More
Faced with a virus that has killed about one-third as many people as the normal, seasonal flu virus in 2018, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has endorsed a partial shutdown of the economy resulting in millions tossed into the despair of unemployment [1/3 of America’s workforce is now unemployed due to this hyperbolized virus]. Then he arbitrarily shut down bars because massively increased testing showed more people have been exposed to the virus. And he mandated that people wear face masks. Neither shutting down bars (instead of restaurants or Walmarts) nor forcing people to wear masks will have any effect on the progression of the virus through society. But at least he looks like he’s doing “something.”
We are facing the greatest assault on our civil liberties in our lifetimes. The virus is real, but the government reaction is political and totalitarian. As it falls apart, will more Americans start fighting for their liberty?
Dr. Paul gave the best assessment of this so-called pandemic when he said, “We are facing the greatest assault against our civil liberties in our lifetimes.” That is indeed the bottom line. Every other argument about or aspect of this “crisis” pales in comparison to the reality that “we are facing the greatest assault against our civil liberties in our lifetimes.”
In addition, Dr. Paul asked the most significant question of the hour when he asked, “Will more Americans start fighting for their liberty?” Well, if they will, they need to get started—QUICKLY.
Every shutdown; every closure; every mask mandate; every limitation of crowd size; every forced temperature test; every travel restriction; every forced corona test; every person who loses their job for personal speech that contradicts the official narrative; every act of social media censorship; every church that stops assembling; every attempt to disrupt your ability to make a living, shop, bank, worship, recreate, socialize or engage in free enterprise is a blatant assault against your Liberty.
Mark it down: These are not mere inconveniences. These are deliberate, disgusting, destructive, draconian, demonic and damnable attacks against your Liberty. How long are you going to tolerate it?
This will not end until the American people themselves determine to end it. And if we don’t end it soon, it will be too late to end it.
This corona “crisis” is not about health; it is about control. It is about the abolishment of a free society and the introduction of an enslaved society. The planners of this attack counted on Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx and their accomplices in government and the media to instill sufficient fear into the hearts of the American people so as to cause them to give up essential Liberty in order to stay safe.
Benjamin Franklin saw this coming over 200 years ago when he said, “They that would give up essential liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
The so-called new normal is nothing more than the old totalitarianism.
Anyone who doesn’t realize that total surveillance, control and enslavement are where this is heading isn’t paying attention…Read More
This study tests different messages about vaccinating against COVID-19 once the vaccine becomes available. Participants are randomized to 1 of 12 arms, with one control arm and one baseline arm. We will compare the reported willingness to get a COVID-19 vaccine at 3 and 6 months of it becoming available between the 10 intervention arms to the 2 control arms.
Study participants are recruited online by Lucid, which matches census based sampling in online recruitment.
The government website even describes how to guilt someone into taking the vaccine.
1/15 of the sample will be assigned to this message. The message is about the danger that COVID-19 presents to the health of one’s family and community. The best way to protect them is by getting vaccinated and society must work together to get enough people vaccinated. Then it asks the participant to imagine the guilt they will feel if they don’t get vaccinated and spread the disease….Read More
I love my mask. It’s a simple and effective way to display my righteousness. Am I concerned that two children in China died because they were forced to wear a mask in gym class? NOPE! I concerned that I’m contributing to an impending socialist technocracy that will enslave the global population? NO! Am I concerned that my mask is symbolic of my compliance to the social conditioning that will eventually lead to the forced vaccination of every man, woman, and child on planet earth? Not a chance! Why am I not concerned you ask? Because I decided a long time ago that shallow insignificant gestures are a much easier way to showcase my morality than actually being moral. Because in order to be a really good person, I need to stand up to a really bad person, and I don’t like standing up to or for anything. It’s much easier to trick my mind into thinking compliance is a virtue instead of what it really is, cowardice.
Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News
As we watch life in the U.S. change completely to something nobody in this country has ever seen before, I can’t help but wonder how many people among the general public, most of whom believe they are watching “real” news with “real” information from the corporate networks, even have a basic understanding of the Constitution of the United States, or what life is like in a tyrannical Police State?
This rule of law that has guided the United States throughout its 200+ year history, is currently being ripped to pieces and ignored, all in the name of “COVID,” which we now know is a Plandemic being used by the Globalists to establish their New World Order.
Consider the following commands that have been inflicted on American citizens, which are NOT laws because laws require a legislative body to draft the bill, and then pass it in both houses, and then the executive branch (governors in states, the President nationally) has to sign it into law.
All of these commands inflicted on the American public are UNCONSTITUTIONAL and illegal because none of them are based on any current laws:
Requiring everyone to wear a face mask
Social distancing
Quarantining HEALTHY people
Being forced to have your temperature taken
Tracking people’s movements and personal dealings
Shutting down businesses and putting people out of work
Refusing the public to obtain FDA approved medicines and requiring them to use fast-tracked new ones instead
Preventing children from going to school
Forbidding churches and other religious institutions from worshiping and singing
The only reason these commands have been obeyed, is because people chose to obey them, even though they have ZERO legal basis…..Read More
(Natural News) Now we come to the real mission in the “plandemic,” the censorship, the banning of hydroxychloroquine and the silencing of America’s Frontline Doctors: It’s all about global depopulation via a new vaccine that’s designed to mass murder billions of human beings and sharply reduce the population of the human race on planet Earth.
Once people start dying, no one can sue the vaccine makers. That’s why they needed the legal immunity agreements in place before they launched the vaccine push.
The global depopulation agenda isn’t even a secret, by the way. Bill Gates openly talks about using vaccines to reduce the human population, and globalists openly admit they believe that if human populations aren’t sharply reduced, the planet’s biosphere will collapse due to carbon dioxide emissions, pollution and the frenzied consumption of natural resources.
Whether or not you believe that, they (the globalists) believe it. And they believe they must kill 90% of the human population in order to save the other 10%. Thus, globalists who pursue global depopulation see themselves as heroes of humanity, not mass murderers……Read More
Berlin, Germany, used to be the most famous city in the world representing tyrannical rule, as for decades after World War II the city was divided between “west” and “east” with a wall and guards preventing people from going from one side of the city to the other.
During this “Cold War” period between Russia and the U.S., Americans were taught that the “west” side of Berlin stood for “freedom,” while the “east” side represented tyrannical communist rule.
This past weekend, (first weekend of August 2020), citizens of what was once Nazi Germany led the world by turning out in the tens of thousands to protest against the tyranny of the COVID response by government, and the citizens united to proclaim they wanted “freedom,” and that they did not believe the Government’s version of COVID that has led to these massive loss of freedoms around the world.
And they were not alone. Demonstrations happened all over Europe, with some estimates that the total number this past weekend was around 1 million in number.
In Berlin alone, estimates ranged from 15,000 to 20,000 who turned out to demand their freedoms back. Some commentators in the Alternative Media are claiming that the Frontline Doctors press conferences from the week before, which were censored by the corporate media and Big Tech, but spread like wildfire anyway in spite of the attempts at censorship, were largely responsible for these turnouts.
Comments recorded in the media in Europe from some of the protesters seem to confirm this, as the comments echoed the same message that was communicated during the Frontline Doctors Summit in Washington D.C. last week, that there were thousands of doctors who disagreed with the Government “health authorities” and that their voices are being suppressed for evil purposes.
Knowing that there has been a 100% successful cure available for COVID since the beginning of the Plandemic is apparently waking up some people, at least in Europe, as a common chant in Germany was “Masks make us slaves.”
Here is a report with subtitles from Guardian News:
Independent Journalist Ben Swann also covered this today while the corporate media largely ignored it, or ridiculed it:
America, land of “Liberty”?
Meanwhile, the fact that hundreds of thousands of Americans have died needlessly from COVID when there are available cures according to thousands of medical doctors, doesn’t seem to motivate anyone in the U.S. to do anything about it.
Has history reversed itself? People escaping tyranny is the main reason European settlers came to America, and now maybe Americans need to go back to Europe to escape tyranny.
Such are the times we are living through……..Read More