“…….What Exactly Is an EMF and Why Do They Have Such a Detrimental Effect on Health?
EMF stands for “electro-magnetic field.” EMFs themselves are neither bad nor good. They are all around us, even though we cannot see them. In fact, naturally occurring EMFs are a vital component of the earth’s connection with the cosmos. They help the planet, the weather, the oceans, and our bodies be on just the right “schedule” for life to flourish!
Humans, like all life, are electrical beings. We need to be in “resonance” with the earth for optimal health. The earth, and our bodies, resonate at a frequency that has been around 7.8 Hz for thousands of years. Man-made devices emit a frequency on the EMF scale as well. The problem with these frequencies, however, is that their place on the frequency scale, their intensity, and their shape are not in alignment with life. They are too high or sporadic (or both) to support life. Constant exposure to man-made EMFs cause us to be off-balance – and the consequences for health can be dire.
In relation to melatonin production in particular, high exposure to EMFs – and especially the “blue light” produced by cell phone and computer screens – can create a vicious cycle. As mentioned above, EMFs shut off melatonin production. In turn, this affects sleep. The result of less quality sleep is less melatonin production. Less production means less quality sleep, and so on. Before you know it, you are caught up in a stressful cycle that can only lead to disease…………..” Read More