Let me begin with saying that I am (criminally IMHO) blacklisted in the Springfield MO area by both the Cox and Mercy medical systems from receiving a critical hernia surgery. This did not happen by accident, and is tied directly into the literal takeover of our local medical system by dark and nefarious global forces with evil men and woman in these 2 medical systems that are unfortunately willing to go along.
In the past 2 “COVID years” the medical system takeover has been a beautiful illustration of the Milgram psychological experiment:
After WW2 Americans did not believe that their fellow Americans would murder people like the Nazi guards at Auschwitz did. Well the Milgram experiment conclusively proved that Americans will not only murder their fellow citizens on command, but that 2/3 of them will do so with no more coercion than a person in authority telling them to do so! I suspect that when coercion, such as a job comes into play that close to 100% of Americans will go along. That has been my experience with both the Cox and the Mercy staff here in Springfield MO. If you have the time here is a full documentary on Dr Milgram’s experiment at Yale. The Milgram Experiment 1962 Full Documentary
I take you on a slight detour of a few stories in the news to give you the background and perspective of what is transpiring at Cox and Mercy. Please take the time to read them if you are not aware of these goings on:
The bottom line is that our hospitals are being run run by the UN and Pfizer, using Medicare/Medicaid payments to club hospital administrators into going along with the UN/globalist agenda. (Note to self: contact the hospital administrators and possibly these doctors for comment)
Inhuman Monster: Daniel Ray Cardwell, MD – 417-875-3230 – Cox Health
On Tuesday November 9th I punctually arrived at the Ferrell-Duncan Clinic –
1001 East Primrose Street Springfield, MO. Dr. Cardwell’s staff was on the 5th floor. I approached his desk without a mask. I was asked to put on a mask. I declined, and began to inform this desk person that I had a medical reason to be exempted from wearing a mask. She turned into a psychotic lunatic and immediately called out for someone to call security.
At the time I was thinking that the proper response from sane rational people would have been to inform me that I had to comply or they could not service me. But then I observed that I was not dealing with sanity or rationality, but rather “order followers” following a Satanic Agenda run out of the United Nations.
I reluctantly put the mask on and went to sit down. I heard them send someone into the Dr Office to see “if he would still see me”.
Acting preemptively I called the Dr from the waiting area to see what was going on. They accused me of being “rude to his staff” and that under no circumferences would they see me.
This is a good example of another observation called projection, where people that are obviously doing something wrong accuse you of doing what they are doing. I am sure you have experienced this whether you knew the technical term for it or not.
Before I move on to the other doctor involved, let me explain to you the reader what I was trying to explain to the receptionist when I was so rudely threatened with violence and refusal of service :
I have a breathing disability that OSHA says you MUST accommodate.
Requiring someone to wear a mask is a medical procedure as it lowers blood oxygen. Therefore if the person ordering this is not a doctor they are practicing medicine without a license.
Also the Nuremberg Accord and the Geneva Convention state that any medical procedure must be voluntary and that it is a war crime to do otherwise.
Inhuman Monster: John Robert Hornick, MD – (417) 820-3800 – Mercy Hospital
It appears that Cox blacklisted me from their entire system for merely asking that my wishes and rights be respected and the law followed because my primary care physician made an appointment out of the Cox system.
I had an apportionment with Dr John Hornic in the Mercy Hospital system for Monday December 6th. Before that date I received a call from them canceling that appointment and that someone would reschedule. They never called so I called them and made an appointment for the following Monday.
It was on Saturday that his office called again and my discernment smelled a rat. The lady from Dr Hornic’s office seemed very concerned as to why I was seeking services outside of Cox. I told her that I had no idea and that she should go to my primary to find out why.
She had lied to me about no knowing anything and then accused me of “being concerned” about the PCR test.
Well she brought it up (and had likely gotten that info from my “private” HIPPA records with my primary care doctor , that are not really private at all are they?)
I reluctantly went ahead with my many concerns, that are widely reported, among them the fact that the PCR test is NOT a diagnostic test, it is a forensic test. I quickly ascertained that she knew much less than nothing about this test. She did not know how many cycles they were going to run it, she did not know what they were using as a “seed” for the test.
I am certain that she did not know that Dr Fauci back in the 90’s used the fake PCR test to falsely diagnose 10,000 children with HIV, kidnap them from their parents using CPS, and then use experimental HIV drugs, up to the point of killing over 200 of them and permanently maiming many others.
This fact is covered in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s best selling book: The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)
Much of the information about the PCR is propaganda from the deep state in the form of “fact checkers” that are anything but. If you look carefully you can find truthful information. Here Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test explains why it is NOT a diagnostic test:
I also highly recommend that you take 5 minutes to watch this Greg Reeves piece on how Fauchi kidnapped from their parents and murdered 200 young black kids, by using the PCR test inappropriately:
To recap all I had done was to ask for minimal “informed consent” about the PCR test part of the surgery. We are always told that “informed consent” is sacrosanct. Right?
She as being very elusive washy and elusive when I framed a question to her, asking if I still had an appointment on Monday. She responded that no I did not because of my “concerns about the PCR test” So I told her that those questions were part of “informed consent” and she again admitted to me that they would not see me because I was asking for that information.
A quick summary is that Cox has refused to see me for a critically surgery because I asked them to follow the law. I did not demand it, I even put on their so called mask to placate them.
Mercy has refused to see me because I dared ask for informed consent.I did not demand it, I merely bought it up after THEY asked.
I could and should write an entire article on how useless the the psychopaths in government that we euphemistically refer to as Congressman or Senator.
I have been contacting US Senator Josh Hawley for over 3 years about medical malfeasance in SW Missouri without any type of thought out meaningful.
Last week I was told by his staff that these hospitals were private business’s and they they could not do a thing, This from the people that regulate how much water each toilet flush in those hospitals can use and the limits on the size of the incandescent light bulbs that they can use.
Not to mention that these hospitals take Federal Funds and thus are treated under many laws like government and not as a private business that did not take government money.
Josh Hawley’s assistant is:
(314) 354-7060
Thank you for reading this to the end.
This was a very hard piece for me to write about. This was in every respect a serial rape by the medical monopoly, and it brings up a lot of intense emotions when I relive it. I don’t think that it is a coincidence that this is how I often feel when dealing with governmental entities ,and this story is very far from being the only incident of government misconduct that is in my life. Besides the medical system I have had incredibly horrific incidents with our County property tax collector and also Social Security, all within the space of the past few months. Government seems not to be our servant, but rather a serial rapist. I really don’t know why we continue to tolerate it.
Help me out with comments, suggestions, and phone calls if you can. Your prayers are always most welcome.
Related Articles that show how our hospitals are murdering us for money and these 2 doctors mentioned above and their staff are going along with it:
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others…” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush
People often miss that when an individual stands up for the truth that they are not only standing up for your rights they also stand up for Jesus Christ as he is the ultimate truth. ~MFP
These metallic creatures are on the “COVID” test swabs. Your Federal government through medicare payments is incentivising hospitals to require the COVID test. This is a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code on coerced medical care by these hospitals.
US Senator Josh Holley’s office tells me to go hire an attorney rather then THEM looking at clear violations of International treaty that is suppose to protect us from the Nazi like medicine coming out of US hospitals!
Is Josh Holley and his staff stupid or afraid? Either way as the Declaration says they look like they need to be removed as they do not serve us or protect our rights. Perhaps Josh should be in the next war crimes tribunal for failing to act. ~MFP
People often miss that when an individual stands up for the truth that they are not only standing up for their and your rights they also stand up for Jesus Christ as he is the ultimate truth. ~MFP
*** I am finding out that people in the medical field even when presented with undeniable proof of the genocide, reject it. Very much like the citizens of Germany who were unable to accept the fact that their government was gassing Jews when presented with that fact. The 2 articles directly below explain how Mass Formation Psychosis also explains what is going on in the medical field ~MFP
I want to point out that it is not just the people taking the Jab that are under Mass Formation Psychosis, much of the Christian church has also fallen for this Satanic form of mind control. ~MFP
In the US we have no civil defense. There are no fall out shelter for we the sheep, only our leaders. Our electrical grid is not hardened against an EMP attack. In Russia they recently put 40 million citizens into fallout shelters, and have hardened both their Internet and electrical grid. Who’s government sounds like they care at all about their citizens?
The fact that the US plans on resuming income tax collection within 30 days of a nuclear war that they will not protect us from speaks volumes about the US government: ~MFP
In 1989, the IRS updated its employee manual with information on how the agency will deal with a nuclear war. According to the manual, the IRS will resume tax collection within 30 days of a nuclear attack. Tax collection efforts will be focused on areas that produce the most taxes. The manual also states that the staff is to focus on collecting current taxes because the widespread destruction could make it nearly impossible to recover previously owed taxes.
Many churches have gone full East German Stazi under FEMA. This IMHO is just the tip of the iceberg of the apostate state of the church in these United States. ~MFP
So you think that Ukraine is the only issue? China is planning to exterminate every American prior to their colonization plans.This is a 5 part series that exposes this globalist plot to exterminate you and establish China as the world policeman.
What a thoughtful bunch of psychopaths we have lording over us. The Russians only get Fall out shelters, an EMP hardened power grid. and a government that has their best interest in mind. We in the USA get a web page and a government that wants to jab us to death.
The state of Missouri has a Satanic psychopath in charge and most, especially the churches are OK with that……
This really woke me up today. To discover that the Missouri Governor’s office is pushing the New World Order death jabs! If you are not convinced that the entire world, including the Missouri governors office lies in the evil one… I just don’t know how to fix the special kind of stupid that you are.
They are pushing these Satanic vaccines for 5 year olds!!!! It looks to me that the Missouri Governor is a real piece of Satanic Shite and he should be tried for crimes against humanity and spend the rest of his life in a jail cell I can not put into words my disgust with government in general but this POS governor we have. If we are lucky he will migrate to North Korea where he might be in like minded psychopathic company. ~MFP
This says it all! Let it sink in….Yet we have Americans so phucking stupid, and lacking in historical knowledge, that they are supporting the Ukraine…. just like Klaus Schwab and George Soros want them to. ~MFP
The same people in the US that created COVID were and still are creating bioweapons right next to Russia in the Ukraine. Do you think that the US would let Russia set up bio-weapon labs right across the border in Canada? ~MFP
Many churches have gone full East German Stazi under FEMA. This IMHO is just the tip of the iceberg of the apostate state of the church in these United States. ~MFP
This is funny as the Constitution does not even give the Supreme Court the right of Judaical Supremacy. ~MFP
“You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”
~Thomas Jefferson
WHEN this happens, remember that it will be the US government that is most likely behind the cyber attacks. After all the US government just got though completely destroying our own military.
It is clear that they are not on our side.
They have spent the past 10 years getting a war with Russia going in the Ukraine. Biden is just projecting what he plans to do to you. ~MFP
Many churches have gone full East German Stazi under FEMA. This IMHO is just the tip of the iceberg of the apostate state of the church in these United States. ~MFP
An electric blackout has struck the capital of Ukraine this hour and comes as government and banking web sites throughout the country have been subjected to Distributed Denial of Service (Ddos) attacks all day. Most Ukrainian government web sites are offline as are most of the biggest banks in the country.
A Russian National here in the New York City area has told me this morning he was contacted by the Russian Embassy. According to him, the Embassy recommended considering making plans to leave the US within the next week and to have enough physical currency on hand to cover the trip in case interruptions occur in banking.
On my radio show last night, I specifically told my audience they should start grabbing cash money out of the banks – albeit for a different reason. I now reiterate that advice given this latest development.
For the Russian Embassy to be calling its citizens within the United States, telling them they should leave within the next week AND to have cash “in case interruptions occur in banking” tells me the Russians KNOW something big enough is going to take place that Russian citizens may no longer want to stay in the USA, and they ALSO KNOW that something big enough IS GOING TO HAPPEN to cause “interruptions in banking.”………
Hell yes. “Christians” have sat idly by for decades doing nothing about tyrannical “laws” and executive orders that are as bad or worse than Canada’s “Emergency Act” ~MFP
Back in 1776 we used to have a single county sheriff and his pose that served as “law enforcement
This new institution of “police” must be disbanded if this country is ever to regain it’s past liberties and rights.
Tyrannical criminal, actions like this should carry very long mandatory prison sentences. If this man had shot and killed all of the thugs in blue uniforms I would have voted “not guilty” on jury duty and shook his hand. ~MFP
Don’t you think that a lot of culpability ought to go to those that disarmed this woman? The psychopaths in the British Parliament and their order following British “police”. ~MFP
Employees of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) were told today as they were leaving work “Go immediately to the supermarket and make sure you have plenty of food, water, and medicine for yourself and your family.” They have **NEVER** received such a warning from work, ever before, in the whole history of FEMA.
This really hits home as I was given credit by the Tenth Amendment Center for motivating them to write this model legislation.
This tyrannical law-fair use of the courts has been going on for over 10 years. The 2nd amendment preservation act, passed in Missouri 10 years ago but it seems like the system does not give a damn about the will of the people nor the true intent of the 2nd amendment. FYI the entire act has been gutted by the psychopaths in Jeff city that apparently do the bidding of the Satanic Globalists. ~MFP
“Modern Police” should be immediately disbanded. They have become a standing army that lords over us. They are order followers that are no different than the guards at Auschwitz that gassed Jews.
We need to go back to 1776 with a single elected county sheriff and his posse of citizens, otherwise known as the Militia of the several states. ~MFP
Anyone involved in prescribing Remdesivir , should in my opinion, spend the rest of their lives safely locked away in a prison cell, That includes local doctors and the hospital administrators that are pushing this poison. ~MFP
Situation Update, Feb 14, 2022 – SOURCE: China releasing bioweapon during olympic games; natural molecules may BLOCK the deadly protein – Mike Adams (83 minutes)
Why the hell did you not DEMAND that the Country sheriff help you rescue a kidnap victim? Why? The county sheriff has a LOT of culpability in this murder. ~MFP
The unconstitutional, anti-American, and tyrannical, commie BATF needs to be abolished ASAP! Charges might be able to be brought individually against them under USC18 sections 241 and 242. ~MFP
Police forces across the United States have been transformed into extensions of the military. Our towns and cities have become battlefields, and we the American people are now the enemy combatants to be spied on, tracked, frisked, and searched. For those who resist, the consequences can be a one-way trip to jail, or even death. Battlefield America: The War on the American People is constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead’s terrifying portrait of a nation at war with itself. In exchange for safe schools and lower crime rates, we have opened the doors to militarized police, zero tolerance policies in schools, and SWAT team raids. The insidious shift was so subtle that most of us had no idea it was happening. This follow-up to Whitehead’s award-winning A Government of Wolves, is a brutal critique of an America on the verge of destroying the very freedoms that define it. Hands up!―the police state has arrived.
Why a High-Ranking FBI Attorney Is Pushing ‘Unbelievable’ Junk Science on Guns
Forensic analysts testify at trials as “experts.” But juries don’t know that their methods “seriously underestimate the false positive rate.” – thedailybeast.com
———— It has come out again again and again that the FBI is at the very least an extremely criminal organization…. Agent Ted Gunderson eposed years ago that they were Satanic and pedophilia in nature
Bottom line boys and girls is that these criminal commie bastards are coming for your guns. What is really disgusting is the sleep like trance that American gun owners are in…not to mention the tactic support of many if not most modern Christians for the so called “law”
(law of Satan if anything) ~MFP
How 5G turns your body into a molecular WEAPON of destruction and brain damage – Mike Adams (9 minutes)Situation Update, Feb 11, 2022 – Big Pharma will be ELIMINATED in the global prosecutions of the COVID CRIME SPREE – Mike Adams (81 minutes)
The Google Mail storage scam continues…. If you have a free Gmail account with 15GB of storage, they warn you that you are out of storage but then only allow you to delete at most 5 MB of old emails! ( ().03% of your emails) Is this just done to Patriots? Pretty easy for these criminals to pull off.
One additional observation is that the psychopaths in the Missouri attorney general’s office are not in the slightest interested in any of the criminal activities of Google. They plainly tell you to go out and get your own attorney!
The ONLY reason that this is a problem at all, is that the so called police have enforced illegitimate laws such as the 1968 gun control act and disarmed the population to the point where it is only criminals that are well armed. Thank a dumbed down modern “Christian’ that supports Hitlers version of Romans 13 for this state of affairs. Has there ever been a law written by their God the state,, that modern “Christians” haven’t loved and supported? ~MFP
This only happens where the population has been disarmed by police. Places like Seattle. The standing army known as the “police” have a huge culpability for the crimes caused by their criminally disarming the population. Blind Order Following is one of the greatest evils to fall upon mankind. ~MFP
Have the AMA, CDC, FDA, NIH protocols saved patients? Hell no! They have purposely murdered hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, who could have been saved. – News with Views
It has been thrown out there that the FBI was called to Canada to help the criminal government do to Canadians what the US government did to US citizens on January 6th. The real terrorists and insurrectionists are our governments and the FBI in particular. ~MFP
The sat store is now supporting Bivy sticks with unlimited texting. Unlike a sat phone these can usually receive texts while indoors at a southern window…. $50 a month gets you unlimited texting and it buys you the Bivy stick itself. ~MFP
Over 700 people have been arrested in connection with the events of Jan. 6, 2021. This website provides current information about each one, including relevant news articles, an arrest map, and list of those currently incarcerated. We also provide ways for you to contact those in prison, and to help cover their legal and living expenses. If you would like to provide corrections, updates, or requests, please please contact us.
Kidnapped by the FBI and our injustice system, then tortured in a DC gulag is a more accurate description. Don’t worry continue to sit on your ass and it will come to your front door. ~MFP
“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
~Psalm 11:3
Has anyone else been wondering where our churches and our country sheriffs have been hiding? Satan is busy murdering children and adults and both groups seem to lack both an intellect and a mouth. They both are an embarrassment. Perhaps they both need abolished in their present form…. ~MFP
You’re out of storage space and will soon be unable to send or receive emails until you free up space or purchase additional storage. Changes to your storage space may take up to 24 hours to update.
Gmail says you have 15GB of storage space with a free account. You get the above warnings when you get to the limit and they ask you to delete stuff.
When you go to delete some of that 15GB you discover that you can only delete less than 100 MB! Then they keep on pestering you to upgrade from the free 15GB to a paid account because you never can get below 14.9 GB or so!
These pukes own the world and they actively shake down people that are using their mail accounts and making them all of that money they make by selling your info to the Feds. One rape is never enough with Satan, so Gmail wants to rape you a second and third time. Just my 2 cents. ~MFP
This is far from the entire story: The law dean of Harvard law school by the name of CC Langdell who was an evolutionist introduced the evolution of law way back in the 1860’s!
This is the direct reason why state abortion laws were overturned! They also succeed in the 1950’s in illegitimately forcing the Bill of Rights onto the states with other disastrous results. They killed the 9th and 10th amendments! Funny how I don’t know a single human being that knows this history. Ignorance is bliss. ~MFP
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ~John 8:32
“…Very high doses of vitamin C (doses of 50 grams intravenously or higher) are effective at doing this, but lower multi-gram vitamin C doses, orally or intravenously, appear to require the assistance of cortisol to realize optimal intracellular levels of vitamin C….”
A takeaway you get from this film is how much “Christians” have been dumbed down on the topic of Satanic fractional reserve banking/Communism/Zionism/Talmudism ….. (the important stuff) ~MFP
If you are paying attention this is the 3 or 4th “coincidence” of fertilizer plants being destroyed in the US. They ARE planning to use food as a weapon. ~MFP
This National “Speed Camera” plan is about nothing other than control. Further invading your privacy. Stealing more money, privacy, and rights from you. This is about the total subjugation of the American people by servants of Lucifer that run our governments. ~MFP
If you don’t already know the Soviet have demonstrated their ability to do the same with their EW weapons, to our aircraft, our missile cruisers, and aircraft carriers. ~MFP
** If you are a believer you should listen and investigate this. The Noahide laws were passed in 1991 by the US Congress. These Noahide laws are what have justified the camps with guillotines.
Sharia law is not what we have to fear. Congress has not adopted Sharia law BUT they have adopted the Noahide laws. Use your discernment and take it to the Lord in prayer. ~MFP
“They are both organized crime, but unlike government, drug cartels don’t force you to take their drugs.”
“What’s the difference between the government and the mafia? The mafia doesn’t have a twelve year indoctrination system to convince you it’s not organized crime.” ~ Brett Veinotte, School Sucks podcast
In the “modern christian” realm much of this cowardliness stems from their current Satanic interpretation of Romans 13. ~MFP
“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars–they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
~Revelation 21:8
I would like to ask where the phuk you county sheriff is on this issue?
His job is to protect you from things like this, but the reality is that most, if not all, will do nothing to stop Federal tyranny and terrorism. Remember that it was the universal milita that protected us from rogue governmental actions if both “voting” and the “Jury” system failed to do so. ~MFP
The rifle kit deals from Palmetto keep getting better and better:
(the magpul sights included often go for $100 – so you are in effect getting this kit for $299!) FWWIW I do not like the lack of picatinny on the upper part of the handguard but that can be fixed….on the other hand the trigger is much better than the standard mil-spec trigger. ~MFP
I have asked this same question many times……Not hard at all.
Modern Christians are useful idiots for the most part that do not understand the world around them. ~MFP
WAR Coming Fast; U.S. Navy Sorties 22 Warships, 4 Nuclear Subs in ONE DAY – Hal Turner Radio
Situation Update, Jan 18th, 2022 – Corporations take out life insurance policies on EMPLOYEES then push vaccine MANDATES to kill them and cash in – Mike Adams (71 minutes)
This article is being blocked on my computer, but I have been able to get to it with my cell phone. ~MFP
As you may know the “un-patriot act” allows government to merely call you a terrorist and that is all the due process needed for them to be able to treat you exactly as they have treated accused terrorists in Guantanamo Bay. That includes torture and rape of you your spouse and your children.
Does this verse come to mind?
“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” ~Matthew 25:40
Christianity will soon reap what it has sown……
If you are receiving this from me you are already on this terrorist list I guarantee you that and ignore it at your families peril.
Lucifer’s hand maiden, and demon from hell Joe Biden, just passed a secret executive order (they are sometimes called national security directives) that reaffirms this position.
I am tempted to go off on the “modern Christian Church ” whose walk with evil has brought this down upon all of us. I have sat in so-called Christian churches for 50 years and have never once heard a rally against the evil and unconstitutional concept of “presidential executive orders”. For that matter I have never once heard any of the idiots that attend these churches (don’t get mad at me for calling the people in your church idiots, as God himself did so in Hosea 4:6 among other places) speak out about “executive orders” because none of them seem to understand the US Constitution or for that matter right from wrong.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
I just want to impress upon you how very real and imminent this is. Continuing to sit on your arse and refuse to join with others is likely not going to work out very well for you.
“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” ~Ezekiel 22:30
None of us is as prepared as we should be and in these coming evil days we will depend upon the protection of our Lord Jesus Christ for protection. That however does not absolve us from doing our part. Do not end up like the 5 unprepared Virgins in the tale of the 10 Virgins. Do your part and our Lord Jesus Christ will be there to aide you in what you can not do on your own. Please take this matter to the Lord in Prayer. The hour is much later than many of you think.~MFP
I have always been enraged by the 2nd amendment violation in our hospitals. FWIW most hospitals do not have metal detectors and weapons are not hard to bring in if you decide to do so. I have tested this and it is so in most hospitals. I tell you what if they tried this with a family member of mine things would have ended very differently. They likely would have called it a terror attack. ~MFP
What people often forget is that it was doctors, not soldiers, who committed the worst crimes in Nazi Germany. These days it is just as easy to buy a doctor or a scientist as it is to buy a politician. ~Steve Quayle
There are many more that are going through similar things.
DO NOT forget Pastor Martin Niemoller’s Poem boys and girls:
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
Situation Update, Jan 13th, 2022 – Cannabis blocks SPIKE PROTEIN; Unvaxxed Americans declared PRISONERS in their own homes – Mike Adams (62 minutes)
You may find smaller bottles at your local feed store, and be surprised that this can be taken orally by humans in wake of the USPS criminally confiscating shipments of Ivermectin. Both Mike Adams and a few people at Church have had good results with this form . ~MFP
These plate readers are to enslave you not protect you. Unfortunately many if not most citizens, politicians, and law enforcement are too dumbed down to see where this is headed. ~MFP
“A seasoned stock analyst colleague texted me a link today, and when I clicked it open, I could hardly believe what I was reading. What a headline. “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64”. This headline is a nuclear truth bomb masquerading as an insurance agent’s dry manila envelope full of actuarial tables…”
All I have to say is that I hope he does a much better job than the state of MO has done with it’s piss poor state militia. He has 20 years of training to do in mere months. Three quarters or more of his potential militia are in such poor shape as to be useless in combat. He also has to contend with the fact that Florida law enforcement has disarmed the militia and none of them possess the necessary tools of war. The same with the Missouri Militia that has been criminally disarmed by Missouri Law enforcement in direct violation of the second amendment.. ~MFP
Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of the nine original mRNA vaccine patents, which were originally filed in 1989 (including both the idea of mRNA vaccines and the original proof of principle experiments) and RNA transfection. Dr. Malone, has close to 100 peer-reviewed publications which have been cited over 12,000 times. Since January 2020, Dr. Malone has been leading a large team focused on clinical research design, drug development, computer modeling and mechanisms of action of repurposed drugs for the treatment of COVID-19. Dr. Malone is the Medical Director of The Unity Project, a group of 300 organizations across the US standing against mandated COVID vaccines for children. He is also the President of the Global Covid Summit, an organization of over 16,000 doctors and scientists committed to speaking truth to power about COVID pandemic research and treatment.
Important short Romans 13 question The interpretation of Romans 13 that is ubiquitous in the modern church most closely resembles:
A. The interpretation of Romans 13 that Thomas Jefferson and many of the founders in 1776 believed. B The interpretation of Romans 13 espoused by Adolph Hitler in Nazi Germany.
If you chose B you are correct. The interpretation of Romans 13 in the modern church is indistinguishable from that of Adolph Hitler.
Most are under such a level of mind control that this will go in one ear and out the other without ever realizing the evil and suffering that this false belief has caused to their fellow man. ~MFP
Do you think that this is why the founders warned us not to have standing armies? Do you think that this is what Jesus Christ meant when he warned us that “those that live by the sword will die by the sword” (mercenaries).
Understanding the 2nd amendment is the answer but Americans seem to be too stupid to listen to the men that founded this country.
The bottom line in case you miss it is that the militia along with a singular county sheriff protected this country for 2-3 hundred years, until
we allowed the militias to be criminalized (the Dick act) and disbanded and replaced by a standing army euphemistically known as the “police.”
This is what always happens when citizens allow the “police” to disarm them. There are few other major contributing factors other than a disarmed citizenry. caused by order following men blindly enforcing unconstitutional “laws” , polices and edicts. ~MFP
In a local church we recently studied the story of Daniel and how he refused to bow down to the king’s illegitimate law.
Yet a deacon in a local church was castigating the Amish at lunch on Sunday, because they did not follow all of the “laws”. (good thing that Daniel had not been advised by this modern Christian)
This coming from a group of people (evangelical Christians) that in 1964 when our King and God (the supreme court) told us that we could no longer pray in schools…….
They predictably, as it they have done for the past 100 years, bowed down and submitted. (Good thing Meshack Shadrach and Abendego had not talked to this deacon)
“Modern Christians” seem to fail to understand the lessons of scripture and they also refuse to apply them to the real world. How is modern Christianity anything other than a mental disorder? It continually follows Satan’s agenda for them. Useful idiots is the most positive adjective that I can come up with for them…. ~MFP
We got here by not following the Second Amendment, and we support what by any measure is a standing army instead. The founders told us that the Militia was “the people”. Not having a “militia of the people” as we did in 1776 is a big reason why we are where we are at. In 1776 most Christian churches had a militia. How many do today? ~MFP
At 22:43 of part 1 (so listen in earlier) Mike discusses his theory that the COVID test PCR swap is put where it is in order to introduce self assembling nano sized devices into your brain. The patents he reads might convince you that this ia a distinct possibility. ~MFP
Situation Update, Dec 22, 2021 (Part 1) – Harvard scientist Charles Lieber, nanowires, DoD, CCP, Wuhan, covid and vaccine bioweaponsSituation Update, Dec 22, 2021 (Part 2) – Harvard scientist Charles Lieber, nanowires, DoD, CCP, Wuhan, covid and vaccine bioweapons
At 22:43 of part 1 (so listen in earlier) Mike discusses his theory that the COVID test PCR swap is put where it is in order to introduce self assembling nano sized devices into your brain. The patents he reads might convince you that this ia a distinct possibility. ~MFP
This is what happens when you allow the standing army that we euphemistically call the “police” to disarm us: (FWIW Missouri and Red states have done this to a great degree also) ~MFP
Russia SHUTS-OFF Natural Gas to Europe!
Situation Update, Dec 21, 2021 – Trump’s vaccine-pimping rhetoric proves it’s all POLITICAL THEATER run by the pharma cartels – Mike Adams ( 93 minutes)
Nyquest is one of the few that holds the opinion that Russia never gave up Communism and that it was a ruse all along to fool the US so that they could defeat us. ~MFP
These metallic creatures are on the “COVID” test swabs. Your Federal government through medicare payments is incentivising hospitals to require the COVID test. This is a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code on coerced medical care by these hospitals.
US Senator Josh Holley’s office tells me to go hire an attorney rather then THEM looking at clear violations of International treaty that is suppose to protect us from the Nazi like medicine coming out of US hospitals!
Is Josh Holley and his staff stupid or afraid? Either way as the Declaration says they look like they need to be removed as they do not serve us or protect our rights. Perhaps Josh should be in the next war crimes tribunal for failing to act. ~MFP
Situation Update, Dec 17, 2021 – CDC weaves desperate cover story for expected 15,000+ vaccine deaths PER WEEK in America by Christmas – Mike Adams (79 minutes)
My info is that world leaders have met with Lucifer in Antarctica. Yes it sounds nuts but that is the direction that the facts point. The above article may be dis-info in order to discredit the truth.
This is the expected result of the Federal Government illegally and unconstitutionally dictating what citizens can put into their bodies. The alcohol prohibition should have taught us that, but apparently we did not learn anything.
We are also ignoring that these criminal actions by the Federal government have allowed this form of 5th generationwarfare that is being waged by China via their being the suppliers of Fentanyl . In summary if the Feds were not criminals that are helping China murder Americans in this manner, drugs would be much safer, much like all of the other drugs that are sold in “drug stores”. ~MFP
For a limited time the 12/16/21 Hal Turner Radio show and the discussion of the Ukraine and the US pushing war there. You won’t get this info anywhere else. ~MFP
“It is a very strange and very sad day when leaders from a false religious system have more understanding regarding the God-given Natural liberties of man than do leaders from within Christian orthodoxy….” – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
May God Bless the “drug dealers’ for helping break up the California government price monopoly, and bring free market prices to the American people. ~MFP
It turns out that hospitals are paid by the Feds to give you the fake PCR test – hence their policies that require it.
They also get paid more when they create a false positive. Hence the reason why COX hospital in Springfield MO (1) runs the test at an incredible 40 freaking cycles! ~MFP
The real problem here is that the standing army known as the “police”, has disarmed the people of LA (the Militia). When you criminally (in violation of the 2nd amendment) disarm people this is what the flock happens you dumb SOB. . ~MFP
YOU really should listen to this and pass it on. ~MFP
Friday December 3rd: All Banks of America seem to be closed today in Springfield MO with no warning or explanation. You do know they are going to fail soon don’t you? Perhaps this was a dry run. ~MFP
Who is directing both Cox and Mercy hospitals in Springfield MO to so psychotically follow this UN directed agenda?
I have been denied critical surgery by both of these Satanically aligned organization in Springfield MO that seem hell bent in helping the Elites fully destroy this country so that the Communist take over can proceed. There will be a story on this soon. ~MFP
This is not the first time. In what is known as the “Finders Case” the CIA was found to be involved in pedophilia and making snuff films. No one as prosecuted back then either. ~MFP
We need courts to tell us what elementary school children used to know? The American people are incredibly dumbed down and cowardly is my take on this, The “modern churches” have convinced most Chrisitains that the government is akin to God. ~MFP