EDITORIAL: MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic?

Originally published 2019
Related stories: (many more links at end of this article )
The Little-Known Sordid History of Psychiatry –  Joseph Mercola

The Minds of Men | Official Documentary by Aaron & Melissa Dykes


Sonia Cass – AKA “Nurse Ratchet” –  the person most responsible for destroying what little medical rights I had left after their implementing of Federal Mandates.

Direct Photo Link


NOTE:  a follow up article is in the works.  What has happened  with this “clinic” in response to my utilizing my free speech and the press will make your head explode. We truly live in a criminal “clown world”  where “health care” does anything and everything it can to both destroy your rights and your health.

There is also now a Fordland Clinic category if you scroll down the main news page you can access all of the articles that I have associated with the behavior of the Fordland Medical clinic.

I apologize for the poor writing, and jumping around so much in the article below. I made the mistake of writing about it while I was under a lot of stress resulting from the clinics actions.  Hopefully I will stay more focused and succinct with the following articles that I am planning to write.

Do you go to your doctor to get lied to? To be deceived?
Well as hard as it is to believe, that is the admitted and ongoing  policy at  the local  Fordland Clinic.
I  wanted to alert the public that at  the Fordland Clinic that  they  seem to be  pushing a Federal Mandate, where  patients going there for normal visits to their  doctor,  are  unknowingly and often against their wishes, evaluated by a mental heath worker!  

I had one of these people just show up unannounced,  unwelcome, and  uninvited in the patient treatment room that I was in.  (What’s next? Perhaps an IRS agent showing up? Or your ex’s attorney?)
She  used subterfuge and lies, when asked directly if she was with “mental health”.   She  used euphemisms  designed to obfuscate rather than tell the truth, and would in the end not admit to who she was or why she was there.
Blindsiding and lying to the patient is over  top federal intrusion into our health care! ( not to mention: What type of person  that would  go along with this stuff?) To make matters MUCH worse a  Fordland Clinic (nurse Sonia) admitted to this deception and defended it!  That is when I had to hang up on her.
If you are looking for Russian collusion this might be it. If this does not make sense, you should educate yourself about the abuse of psychiatry and mental health in the old soviet union.

I have a strong feeling that this is a Federal mandate, just like all of the “no-gun”, and the pro vaccination signs that are plastered all over the facility.   They even push vaccines on their phone system messages while you are on hold.  Funny how they want to vaccinate you, that is until you ask them if they will be personally responsible (indemnify you)  for any damages caused by a vaccination.  Then they expose the truth of their  absolute lack of confidence in the safety of vaccinations.  Efficacy is an entirely different discussion.

Related News:  BREAKING: Rockland County NY Becomes America’s First Vaccine Police State – Bans Unvaccinated Children from Public Places – Health Dept. Goes Door to Door

This is another story of where this medical tyranny is headed:
Shocking video shows Arizona police officers forcing their way into a home to remove an unvaccinated toddler ….

Did they send in the “nut job evaluator”, the “enforcer of PC behavior”, because I must be nuts because I don’t vaccinate or take big pharma poison?   Just like in the old USSR the very definition of insanity is going to be anyone that disagrees with the omnipotent state.

At the very least this blindsiding and lying to the patient is unethical. It should be illegal  as well IMHO.

If anyone has any ideas on how to pursue this insanity and total betrayal of medical confidence, and respect, I would like to hear from you.   So far I have been in contact with the psychopaths known as our legislators, but seeing as they are the ones that created this problem, I don’t have much confidence in them wanting  to solve it. ( True to form they have not returned my calls – Update:  They finally called and I don’t think I am going to call them back.  In my 60 plus years I have NEVER had a government agency address much less solve a problem, so I would most certainly be wasting my time.)  Update 3/29/19:  Amazingly I have had 6 calls from different people who on their voice mails claim to be from medicare.  Like Patrick Henry famously said “I smell a rat” and likley will not call them back.)

If you have any definitive  information on this apparent Federally mandated program please forward your information to MFP and it will be held in the utmost confidence.


Followup:  FWIW  after my rights were trampled to hades and back,  I started investigating with Medicare:

How to file a complaint (grievance) 1-800-633-4227(2nd number)

After wasting an hour  of my time, and not getting to the right people  (Incompetent government  as usual) I got this number: 855-408-8557. Will this be just another wild goose chase?  I suspect it will be,  Will keep you updated.

As predicted this “agency” could not and would not do a damn thing, not even file a “complaint”…. this is how government works folks, and I could write a heavy tome on my experience in that department, but this is not the time nor the place.

The current state of this country reminds me of a JFK quote:

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” ~JFK

I really think that the time is getting near when ‘we the people” will have to of necessity have to deal with the mess that the  criminal psychopathic legislature has created.  What do you think?  Let  me know in the comments below.

Note:  This article  is far from  exposing the full extent of the damage done to patients, by the mindless order followers,  at Fordland clinic.   They appear to not have seen a single  Federal mandate that they will not force upon their patients.

Not ordering a therapeutic phlebotomy because of the “standards of care”.  Regardless of the patients wishes is one example.  The answer for not being able to take care of my health in this regard was “I like my job and my license”.  Which I took as an admission that my health was not their highest priority and that they are controlled. (and the control was not for my benefit or protection)

On the dental side of this facility they force patients to undergo exposure to ionizing radiation regardless of their wishes.  Even people whose parents have died of brain cancer, like myself, that would rather minimize or eliminate such exposure all together.  Much of the time they “forget” to protect your thyroid with shielding.  I had to undergo 3. Yes 3 xrays when I recently got a crown.   The employees even put their fingers in the radiation beam on a regular basis and are told that this is safe!

One also exposes themselves to 2g wifi in this facility. ( 12 , 3, 4)(FYI I have everything running over Ethernet at home for my health)  There may even be  5g coming off of their router, I will have to check this out the next time that I go there. 2g and 5g are both non-ionizing radiations, but there is just too much evidence of very serious health effects from being exposed to it, especially the 5g.  I for one do not want to take chances.
UPDATE 4/12/19:  I ran an application called WiFi Analyzer” at the clinic yesterday and discovered that there are 3 routers in the building that are broadcasting both 2G and 5G frequencies.   Both can cause cancer but 5G is a magnitude more dangerous and it like 2G is linked to brain cancer.  No one at the clinic was even aware of the 5G in their environment.

Related articles:

WHEN ΙNSΙDΕRS are forced to ΒLΟW their WHISTLΕ. What FiveG ACTUALLY does

Cancer Cluster At California Elementary School Results In Removal Of Sprint Cell Phone Tower

Perhaps in a later article I will talk about how staff that does vaccinate,  often use only single dose vials that do not contain mercury, for themselves and their families, but will inject your children out of the multi dose vials, that do contain mercury. (This was admitted to me by people that work there, when asked.)

Related article:  Growing Focus on Reused Medicine Vials

In summary your privacy and health do not even seem to be on the radar at this clinic, just like all of the other Federally controlled medical facilities across this country.

One last quote for you:
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush

UPDATE 3/24/19

This letter from Pastor Chuck Baldwin shows us where the useful idiots in monopoly medicines “mental health” branch are going to take us. This is an eye opening letter. Please take the time to read it:
My Open Letter To Senators Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Et. Al
 Here on the MFP.
As a video on YouTube:
An Open Letter To Our Legislators, Judges And Lawmen



UPDATE  3/25/19

If you think that medical tyranny is not happening in these United States look at this bill that the criminals in Jeff City seem  to be set on passing:

“……A PDMP is a system of surveillance of law-abiding citizens, but the House still voted for it!  The PDMP (Prescription Drug Monitoring Program HB 188) that passed the House (click here for the votes) is now set for hearing in the Missouri Senate.

If the Senate committee agrees to pass it on to the full Senate, it will be just two votes away from becoming law and Missouri will have all of us under medical surveillance….”


And I am certain  that if the psychopaths in the Missouri legislature pass this draconian “spy on the citizens” bill that the Fordland clinic will enthusiastically go along.  After all the state can terrorize anyone in this monopoly that does not go along with revocation of their permission slip to earn a living. i.e. their medical license.  Land of the Free? Certainly not when it comes to your being able to get the medical care that you desire.


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The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast? – Created4Health.org

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The Little-Known Sordid History of Psychiatry –  Joseph Mercola

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IMHO  it is the horrific diet of  the American people that AMA medicine ignores  in favor of big pharma’s poisons and profits., that is a major driver in this trend.  Excellent article by Dr Mercola.

Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated — Part 1

Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated — Part 2

Japan has NO vaccine mandates, yet achieves the HEALTHIEST children in the world

Japan Leads the Way: No Vaccine Mandates and No MMR Vaccine = Healthier Children

Taking No Prisoners in the Vaccine Culture War

Former Nurse at Phoenix Children’s Hospital Speaks Out Against Medical Kidnapping of Children

Vaccination: Religious Exemptions Are Under Attack in Missouri!

Severe Health Risks of 5G Have Been Covered Up

The War on Medical Freedom – Mike Adams – Natural news

Book: Murder by Injection – The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America

BOOK: ‘Healing the symptoms known as Autism”

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