January 31, 2021 Breaking news and thoughts:

“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately”  ~Benjamin Franklin

Join or Die Dumb Asses
“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately”  ~Benjamin Franklin

“Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live… at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR FREEDOM!” ~ William Wallace

Please pay attention to this  “domestic terrorism”  psyop ( 1 )from the left.  Do  not believe for a moment that it can  not happen here!  Two if my neighbors happen to be of Japanese descent, and they  grew up in Concentration camps here in the USA! Guarded, you guessed it, by “the troops.”  I am of German descent and the ONLY reason that we were not also put into concentrations camps is that there were too many of us. Americans  of German descent at the time were 20% of the population….
Hence the admonition to “join or die”.  Your lives literally depend upon strength in numbers.  It’s your choice. Choose wisely Choose soon.  ~MFP

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Yuri Bezmenov:  Looking Through An Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy – Zero Hedge – TYLER DURDEN

Right after WW2, this is what Christian men with backbones  did in a Tennessee town when their election was stolen!

Of course the government schools would never teach you such dangerous American traits,  and learning  the principles that this country was founded upon:

HISTORY: The Battle of Athens, Tennessee

Joe O’Biden isn’t the only communist that you have to fear:
Watch out folks these Communist property tax collectors are coming to make you  homeless and on the street. Not only that but you don’t get a jury trial as the Constitution demands!   Why do we tolerate the 1st plank of a Satanic document?  The  demonic bastards in my county did a “drive by appraisal” and tried to double my tax!  Either pay it or men with guns  will come to either make you homeless or kill you if you resist.

With all of the talk of fake domestic terrorists,  and domestic enemies it would be productive if we recognized that the county property tax collectors in this country are  by definition real domestic  terrorists. You either pay their extortion or they send men with guns to either kill  you or make you homeless. One or the other…and you get no jury trial as the Constitution demands.

Look for a few stories soon if I can get the time.


* Below removed by YouTube  because this is too dangerous for you to see ~MFP

How Property Taxes Will Take Millions of Homes In the Next Administration on Behalf of the NWO –   Dave Hodges

A Michigan Man Underpaid His Property Taxes By $8.41. The County Seized His Property, Sold It—and Kept the Profits.

500% property tax increases result of low voter turnout says county treasurer – Louis Rossmann- YouTube

‘They’re chasing people out of the city’: New property tax report shocks Cook County treasurer, resi – WGN News

Psychopathy runs about 3% in the general public. In government  that rises 300% to 9%.  I have learned through hard experience that our local property tax office seems to be populated by criminal psychopaths. Look for  property tax stories soon to come. ~MFP

On Psychopathy And Power –   caitlinjohnstone.com


Joe Biden pledges allegiance to the New World Order in 1992 article – Natural News

Catherine Austin Fits documentary starts at  27 minutes in
It is being censored everywhere!

Censored Documentary “Planet Lockdown” Airs In Full  (150 minutes) – Infowars

Community Bands Together to Rescue Elderly Woman Medically Kidnapped – The Life of a Senior is Still Precious to Some  –  Medical Kidnap

A sheriff deputy in Vancouver, Clark County in Washington, grabs a woman by the throat and pushes her out of the hospital. She was attempting to go help her 74-year-old mother who was being detained against her will inside the hospital.

Tucker Carlson: The Government Is At War With Its Own People

STARGATE OPENING?What in the world is this? Anyone see this before? I found this today on telegram SQ;FROM A SCIENTIST FRIEND OVERSEAS HE SAYS ITS A DE-CLOAKING OF A CRAFT GOING THROUGH A STARGATE

Here it is – The Bill to Destroy Gun Ownership – theburningplatform.com

The Bill to Destroy Gun Ownership: The object of this bill will be to identify every person who has a gun. They will be able to revoke a license and confiscate the gun under rules to be created by the Attorney General. Biden swore he would end the NRA.

Coercive Mind Control Tactics

I know that to the majority of people out there MINDCONTROL sounds like something out of a movie. And, certainly GOVERNMENT PURPETRATED MINDCONTROL is nothing but the rantings of some crazed “Conspiracy Theorist”. But, before you close this post and turn away to something easier to digest… take a serious look at the following with a clear head and an open mind. See if you find anything in this article that rings a bell. lol Pavlovian, maybe??


Twitter Suspends Christian Group for Accurately Describing Biden’s Transgendered Health Official Dr. Levine’s Biological Sex – Infowars

Silver Is The Achilles Heel To The Corrupt Globalist’s Stock Market

After Over 6 Months of Widespread Violence, Black Lives Matter Nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize –  National File

The COVID-19 vaccine really isn’t a vaccine in the medical definition of a vaccine. It’s more accurately an experimental gene therapy that could prematurely kill large amounts of the population and disable exponentially more

Judy Mikovits, Ph.D:  How COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ May Destroy the Lives of Millions – Dr Mercola

The Stock Market, Fatally Wounded by the Truth, Will Stumble and Crash –  charleshughsmith.blogspot.com

FOURTH TURNING DETONATION’ We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.’ – Edward Bernays – Propaganda SQ;MSM IS-DRIVING THE SHEEP TO THE SLAUGHTER – theburningplatform.com

They Want You Dead’, If They Cannot Control You – Another Look Inside The Minds Of Liberals Using Their Very Own Words And Actions SQ;THE TITLE OF THIS ARTICLE COULDN’T BE MORE PRECISE AND THEY HAVE A PLAN TO MURDER 200 MILLION PLUS AMERICANS! – allnewspipeline.com


Deprogramming, Defunding, Deplatforming and Soon-to-be the Delousing of FEMA Camp Detainees Represents the New Normal
–  Dave Hodges

Police Take Traveling Pastors Wife into Mandatory COVID Isolation in Canada – Won’t Tell Family Where They Are Holding Her – Jim Hoft – Gateway Pundit

Biden KILLS Trump Order Expanding Access To Opioid Abuse Treatment –  Jim Hoft – Gateway Pundit

Palm Beach Conducting Legal Review of Trump’s Residency at Mar-a-Lago –  Cristina Laila – Gateway Pundit

Bill Gates Surprised Over “Crazy Conspiracy Theories” About Him and Dr. Fauci — Blames Social Media Companies and Not His Creepy Ideas –  Jim Hoft – Gateway Pundit

Fake Woke: New Song Breaks All Algos, Goes Number 1 in All Genres with Zero Label Support – Infowars.com


BOMBSHELL ALLEGATION: Man Claims To Be Robinhood Employee & Says The White House Pressured Halt of GameStop Trading – breaking911.com

Wall Street Elite’s Manipulation Is FAILING And Exposed The Corrupt Rigged System Is Collapsing –  TimCast  (30 minutes) – generaldispatch.whatfinger.com

A Domestic Terrorism Law? War on Dissent Will Proceed Full Speed Ahead
What makes the current state of war against “terrorism” so dangerous is that the national security apparatus has been politicized – Unz Review


God Save Us From The Educated Youth – Paul Craig Roberts

God Save Us From The Educated Youth Paul Craig Roberts

FBI Lawyer Who Forged Email In Carter Page FISA Process Sentenced To Probation – TYLER DURDEN – Zero  Hedge

Obama’s OFA Group Is Morphing Into the New American Gestapo Armed with Lists of American Trump Supporters – Dave Hodges article


Greyerz – Macleod Is Right, There Is NO LIQUIDITY IN LONDON And Bullion Banks Are Short 100 Million Ounces Of Silver – kingworldnews.com

The Satanic Conspiracy – Sermon by Chuck Baldwin on Nov. 29, 2015 – LibertyFellowshipMT

Steve Quayle What’s Really Going On in Super Secret Underground Tunnels – COAST TO COAST AM OFFICIAL –  Jun 4, 2019

Steve Quayle – BEWARE – The Nephilim Giants of Genesis Are Coming – Are You Ready? –  The Official Hagmann Report – Mar 23, 2017



January 30, 2021 Breaking news and thoughts:

“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately”  ~Benjamin Franklin

Join or Die Dumb Asses
“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately”  ~Benjamin Franklin

“Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live… at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR FREEDOM!” ~ William Wallace

Please pay attention to this  “domestic terrorism”  psyop ( 1 )from the left.  Do  not believe for a moment that it can  not happen here!  Two if my neighbors happen to be of Japanese descent, and they  grew up in Concentration camps here in the USA! Guarded, you guessed it, by “the troops.”  I am of German descent and the ONLY reason that we were not also put into concentrations camps is that there were too many of us. Americans  of German descent at the time were 20% of the population….
Hence the admonition to “join or die”.  Your lives literally depend upon strength in numbers.  It’s your choice. Choose wisely Choose soon.  ~MFP

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Looking Through An Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy – Zero Hedge – TYLER DURDEN

Right after WW2, this is what Christian men with backbones  did in a Tennessee town when their election was stolen!

Of course the government schools would never teach you such dangerous American traits,  and learning  the principles that this country was founded upon:

HISTORY: The Battle of Athens, Tennessee

Joe O’Biden isn’t the only communist that you have to fear:
Watch out folks these Communist property tax collectors are coming to make you  homeless and on the street. Not only that but you don’t get a jury trial as the Constitution demands!   Why do we tolerate the 1st plank of a Satanic document?  The  demonic bastards in my county did a “drive by appraisal” and tried to double my tax!  Either pay it or men with guns  will come to either make you homeless or kill you if you resist.

With all of the talk of fake domestic terrorists,  and domestic enemies it would be productive if we recognized that the county property tax collectors in this country are  by definition real domestic  terrorists. You either pay their extortion or they send men with guns to either kill  you or make you homeless. One or the other…and you get no jury trial as the Constitution demands.

Look for a few stories soon if I can get the time.


* Below removed by YouTube  because this is too dangerous for you to see ~MFP

How Property Taxes Will Take Millions of Homes In the Next Administration on Behalf of the NWO –   Dave Hodges

A Michigan Man Underpaid His Property Taxes By $8.41. The County Seized His Property, Sold It—and Kept the Profits.

500% property tax increases result of low voter turnout says county treasurer – Louis Rossmann- YouTube

‘They’re chasing people out of the city’: New property tax report shocks Cook County treasurer, resi – WGN News

Psychopathy runs about 3% in the general public. In government  that rises 300% to 9%.  I have learned through hard experience that our local property tax office seems to be populated by criminal psychopaths. Look for  property tax stories soon to come. ~MFP

On Psychopathy And Power –   caitlinjohnstone.com


Joe Biden pledges allegiance to the New World Order in 1992 article – Natural News

DC Officials Announce Plans to Erect Permanent Security Fence Around US Capitol – In Same Week Democrats Ended Construction of Border Security Fence –  Jim Hoft – Gateway Pundit

24 Residents Dead in 3 Weeks as One Third of UK Nursing Home Residents Die After Experimental mRNA COVID InjectionsMedical Kidnap

Some incredible information on  buying into affordable well thought out community survival shelters located in SD and across the country.  ~MFP

The Hagmann Report – Steve Quayle Joins Doug Hagmann – FULL SHOW 1/28/2021 – Rumble

VIVOS Global Shelter network 

Understanding the Whole “Gamestop” Debacle on Wall Street this weekHal Turner Radio

The Internet’s War On Wall Street Did What Government Could Not—It United AmericaMedical Kidnap

Government Unhinged: No Constitutional Restraints, Just Executive Orders!   Ron Paul, MD (35 minutes)

Learn How Digital Silver Trading Is The Next GameStop

No one’s above the law? FBI lawyer who altered evidence to enable spying on Trump gets PROBATION instead of jail – RT

Linwood finally drops the whistleblower audio,Epstein to Justice Roberts .Also the death of other SCOTUS – Rumble (43 minutes)

Documentary banned on YouTube:
Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media and Hollywood manipulate and control the masses

Out Of The Shadows – Brighteon (75 minutes)

Now Reddit Investors Are Talking About Targeting Silver, And That Could Change EVERYTHING
– Michael Snyder – theeconomiccollapseblog.com

Russia Deploys Crimea Missile System As Three US Warships Enter Black Sea –  TYLER DURDEN – Zero Hedge

Would YOU Be Considered a Domestic Terrorist Under This New Bill? – The Organic Prepper

There is no HHR today, so here is a link to yesterdays:

Situation Update, Jan 29th, 2021 – Governments wage terror campaigns against their own people – Mike Adams Health Ranger Report (80 minutes)

AI: THE PLAN TO INVADE HUMANITY – The AI Organization – YouTube (55 minutes)  Linked from Steve Quayle’s site.

‘Red-list’ style roundups of vaccine refusers another draconian measure coming to America: ‘Color codes’ with ‘red flags’ for violators the latest sign we’ll all be targeted for exterminationNatural News

A diet high in trans fats linked to a significantly higher risk of dementia among the elderly – Natural News

There is an incredible amount of evidence that the vegetable fats that are ubiquitous in our foods are the single most danger to our health.  Even greater than refined sugar. This affects everyone eating the SAD, but the elderly in particular….

Here are some resources that I  have read and am familiar with:

Superfuel: Ketogenic Keys to Unlock the Secrets of Good Fats, Bad Fats, and Great Health  – by James DiNicolantonio , Joseph Mercola  

Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food   – May 29, 2018
by Catherine Shanahan M.D.
You will be blown away at what you don’t know and the plethora  of lies that you have been sold.  ~MFP

What to expect from the Biden regime when it comes to firearms – Natural News

Twitter rolls out Stasi-like “snitch” feature that mirrors what tyrannical bootlickers want for all of society: SECRET POLICE everywhere – Natural News

Sam Andrews runs a world class  long distance shooting range and does training in  the the Lebanon MO area.  He relates a recent interaction with the terroristic  and criminal  FBI at his home. He also relates his thoughts on the organized militia. ~MFP

SAM ANDREWS & AUSTIN BROER – RISE OF THE RIGHTEOUS – FULL SHOW – 1/29/2021 Hagmann Report (120 minutes)

Medical Tyranny: CDC Announces All Travelers Must Wear TWO Masks, Threatens Arrest –  Jamie White – Infowars

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.”  ~Dr. Benjamin Rush 1776


Biden Attacks Farms – Comprehensive War on Global Food Supply – Engineered Famine Ice Age Farmer (26 minutes)



OC health care worker dies after receiving 2nd COVID-19 vaccine shot; official cause of death pending – fox13news.com

Owen receives a call from an air force veteran who discusses the news about Biden allowing the Chinese military to do a simulated attack on USS Roosevelt!

Did China Just Trick Joe Biden Into World War 4? – WarRoom

Reddit Preparing To Unleash “World’s Biggest Short Squeeze” In Silver – TYLER DURDEN – Zero Hedge

Long-Term Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer, Study Finds

Long-Term Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer, Study Finds – Sarah Westall

Furious backlash across the EU over vaccine rollout fiasco as rioting erupts in the Netherlands, an effigy of the PM is burnt in Denmark and major unrest in Poland – Daily Mail

Tucker Carlson: The Government Is At War With Its Own People


Shocking as hell discovery at a Seymour Gun Store – MFP


Adolph Hitler  a “nice” person on the cover of Time Magazine.

I am going to make this very short:
I truly am in shock…
I visited a gun store in Seymour today only to discover that  the people that run it are   dangerously dumbed down about the our God inspired Constitution, and  our  God given inalienable rights.

I tried to hand them a MFP card to get them up to date on current events, including a GUARANTEED  gun grab if O’Biden gets in.

I was informed that they were “non political”.  Then  I learned that they FULLY support the  unconstitutional as hell criminal ATF who’s level of  pure evil and criminality compares with that of the FBI!

Let me translate  what “non-political”  translates as:  It means that they don’t give a flying fuk about helping us defend our God given rights in this time  of  an immanent  gun grab if the O’bin gets into office. Truly disgusting and un-American  behavior,  I truly wanted to vomit.

“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.” ~Winston Churchill

They  sure as hell  want your money though… I don’t think that they deserve mine. You make your choice. As of today I would not do business with them if hell froze over.   You don’t do business with the enemies  of liberty and I strongly suggest that you vote with your feet and avoid these  “nice’ but aiding and supporting evil, people.

FWIW I don’t have Stockholm syndrome.  I do not aid  or like people that are literally raping me of my rights. These people seem to have a serious case of Stockholm syndrome.

In my 64 years I have never met a gun store person that said that the ATF were nice people. That is like saying that Jeffery Epstein was a “nice person”.  Well I am sure that Mr Epstein was a “nice person” as that is how psychopaths and Satan always presents themselves. Mr Adolph Hitler was renowned as a “nice person” by all of the diplomats  that met him. Time Magazine named him man of the year, 2 times as I recall.


The owners are  likely soon going to learn that you can ignore reality ,but reality will never ignore you.   Some people are  just  a special  kind of stupid.  And we all know that you can’t fix stupid.

In closing the ATF is not the legislature, the only branch that the Constitution says can write law.  The second amendment also clearly says “shall not be infringed”.  The ATF is blasphemously acting as God and determining what our God given rights are,  rather than  actually  protecting  our God given rights.


update:  11:27 AM
Is it coincidence that  the sheriff’s  department  was in front of me coming home,  and just  now  what appeared to be  an unmarked  Federal “law enforcement truck”  just drove by.  FYI  the  sheriff is the highest law enforcement in the country and  is supposed to protect us from federal agencies that break the Constitution.  Let’s hope that our county  Sheriff does  his job in the   coming days to protect us from even  more egregious  unconstitutional gun law enforcers sent by O’Biden.  Will our sheriff protect us from the coming forced “vaccines”  that are by all appearances the mark of the beast?

I don’t  think am being paranoid,  as I have observed government bully and terrorize Americans my entire life.  Our Sheriff needs to step up and address all  of this criminality coming out of Satanic Washington DC, and that often includes the ATF.  Who In my opinion are an arm of the Satanic New World Order. They most definitely do not protect our rights.

Related Stories:

As it prepares to discontinue gun sales at 500 of its stores, Walmart is reportedly turning over firearms sales records to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), Ammo Land News reports – gunpowdermagazine.com

Horowitz: Missouri county authorizes arrest of feds who violate Second Amendment – theblaze.com


The number of federal gun control measures that are authorized under the Constitution – is zero. But relying on the feds to limit their own power is a bad strategy. That’s why it’s up to the states to get the job done. On this episode, get an update from 9 states – where there are efforts to protect the 2nd Amendment from federal infringements.

Status Report: Nullify Federal Gun Control  –  blog.tenthamendmentcenter.com (35 minutes)

Missouri Gun Shop Announces They ‘Don’t Have Guns or Ammo for Biden Supporters’ – Gateway Pundit

O’Biden gun grab begins…. – MFP

Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment – MFP


Breaking: ATF Bans Legal Handgun, Turning Innocent Gun Owners Into Felons Overnight –  conservative-daily.com


January 29, 2021 Breaking news and thoughts:

“It is through government, and law that Christians either love one another, or hate one another.
Sadly it’s apparent that the latter is what Christians have chosen.”

Join or Die Dumb Asses
“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately”  ~Benjamin Franklin

“Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live… at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR FREEDOM!” ~ William Wallace

Please pay attention to this  “domestic terrorism”  psyop ( 1 )from the left.  Do  not believe for a moment that it can  not happen here!  Two if my neighbors happen to be of Japanese descent, and they  grew up in Concentration camps here in the USA! Guarded, you guessed it, by “the troops.”  I am of German descent and the ONLY reason that we were not also put into concentrations camps is that there were too many of us. Americans  of German descent at the time were 20% of the population….
Hence the admonition to “join or die”.  Your lives literally depend upon strength in numbers.  It’s your choice. Choose wisely Choose soon.  ~MFP

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Looking Through An Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy – Zero Hedge – TYLER DURDEN

Right after WW2, this is what Christian men with backbones  did in a Tennessee town when their election was stolen!

Of course the government schools would never teach you such dangerous American traits,  and learning  the principles that this country was founded upon:

HISTORY: The Battle of Athens, Tennessee

Joe O’Biden isn’t the only communist that you have to fear:
Watch out folks these Communist property tax collectors are coming to make you  homeless and on the street. Not only that but you don’t get a jury trial as the Constitution demands!   Why do we tolerate the 1st plank of a Satanic document?  The  demonic bastards in my county did a “drive by appraisal” and tried to double my tax!  Either pay it or men with guns  will come to either make you homeless or kill you if you resist.

With all of the talk of fake domestic terrorists,  and domestic enemies it would be productive if we recognized that the county property tax collectors in this country are  by definition real domestic  terrorists. You either pay their extortion or they send men with guns to either kill  you or make you homeless. One or the other…and you get no jury trial as the Constitution demands.

Look for a few stories soon if I can get the time.


* Removed by YouTube  because this is too dangerous for you to see ~MFP

How Property Taxes Will Take Millions of Homes In the Next Administration on Behalf of the NWO –   Dave Hodges

A Michigan Man Underpaid His Property Taxes By $8.41. The County Seized His Property, Sold It—and Kept the Profits.

500% property tax increases result of low voter turnout says county treasurer – Louis Rossmann- YouTube

‘They’re chasing people out of the city’: New property tax report shocks Cook County treasurer, resi – WGN News

Psychopathy runs about 3% in the general public. In government  that rises 300% to 9%.  I have learned through hard experience that our local property tax office seems to be populated by criminal psychopaths. Look for  property tax stories soon to come. ~MFP

On Psychopathy And Power –   caitlinjohnstone.com


Joe Biden pledges allegiance to the New World Order in 1992 article – Natural News

DC Officials Announce Plans to Erect Permanent Security Fence Around US Capitol – In Same Week Democrats Ended Construction of Border Security Fence –  Jim Hoft – Gateway Pundit

24 Residents Dead in 3 Weeks as One Third of UK Nursing Home Residents Die After Experimental mRNA COVID InjectionsMedical Kidnap

Situation Update, Jan 29th, 2021 – Governments wage terror campaigns against their own people – Mike Adams Health Ranger Report (80 minutes)

Tulsi Gabbard sounds the alarm on the Left’s push to create a KGB-style police state to monitor Americans – Natural News

COVID: If They Haven’t Isolated the Virus, How Can They Make a Vaccine?
–  Jon Rappoport

Only You Can Beat Big Tech Censorship
–  Thomas Luongo

Youtube rushes to hide the mass unpopularity of Biden Whitehouse –  joannenova.com.au

Rutherford Institute Warns: Police Are Carrying  Out Warrantless Home Invasions in Order To Seize Guns as Part of ‘Community Caretaking’ Duties – John  Whitehead – Rutherford Institute


Pfizer Admits Vaccine Does Not Prevent COVID – articles.mercola.com

Expect Democrats To Move At Breakneck Speed Following The Blueprints Of The Soviet Union, Venezuela And Other Tyrannical Regimes Of The Past To Complete Their Crackdown Upon America – allnewspipeline.com

Cali. X-ray Tech “Excited” to Get Shot Dies After Receiving 2nd Dose of Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine  –  Adan Salazar – Infowars

Rich Person Booked All 446 Rooms at Alberta Canadian Lodge For 65 Days — SHTF Retreat? BODY BAGS BEING RUSH-DELIVERED THROUGHOUT U.S.A.- Hal Turner Radio

Now Reddit Investors Are Talking About Targeting Silver, And That Could Change EVERYTHING – Michael Snyder | Economic Collapse

Silver rallies after Reddit post about executing a ‘short squeeze’ –  marketwatch.com

Reddit day traders look to silver as the next short-squeeze after being restricted from hot stocks – markets.businessinsider.com

Saint Louis MO silver dealer :  Scotsman   prices

Get ready for your COVID anal swab – sovereignman.com

Quadruple Diapering? Eric Peters Autos

Bill Gates Responds Responds to Conspiracy Theories By Demanding More Control Over Speech –  banned.video

Joe Biden pledges allegiance to the New World Order in 1992 article
–  Dave Hodges

QAnon is a Psyop – Wake Up People! – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast –  David Icke  – banned.video

QAnon is a Psyop – Wake Up People! – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast – Banned.video (75 minutes)

Big Tech Bans Rebellion Against Banking Cartel – Alex Jones Show (25 minutes)

Learn How Digital Silver Trading Is The Next GameStop – Alex Jones Show (14 minutes)

I strongly suggest  becoming a member of Steve Quayles Q-files. It runs $10 a month. This was released tonight:

Are Democrats Preparing to Remove Joe Biden and Implant Kamala Harris? –  Owen Shroyer – Infowars.com

329 Deaths + 9,516 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show – childrenshealthdefense.org


January 28, 2021 Breaking news and thoughts:

“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope for victory, because it is better to parish than to live as slaves.” ~ Winston Churchill

Join or Die Dumb Asses
“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately”  ~Benjamin Franklin

Please pay attention to this  “domestic terrorism”  psyop ( 1 )from the left.  Do  not believe for a moment that it can  not happen here!  Two if my neighbors happen to be of Japanese descent, and they  grew up in Concentration camps here in the USA! Guarded, you guessed it, by “the troops.”  I am of German descent and the ONLY reason that we were not also put into concentrations camps is that there were too many of us. Americans  of German descent at the time were 20% of the population….
Hence the admonition to “join or die”.  Your lives literally depend upon strength in numbers.  It’s your choice. Choose wisely Choose soon.  ~MFP

Looking Through An Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy – Zero Hedge – TYLER DURDEN

Right after WW2, this is what the Militia did in a Tennessee town when their election was stolen!

Of course the government schools would never teach you such dangerous American traits,  and learning  the principles that this country was founded upon:

HISTORY: The Battle of Athens, Tennessee

Joe O’Biden isn’t the only communist that you have to fear:
Watch out folks these Communist property tax collectors are coming to make you  homeless and on the street. Not only that but you don’t get a jury trial as the Constitution demands!   Why do we tolerate the 1st plank of a Satanic document?  The  demonic bastards in my county did a “drive by appraisal” and tried to double my tax!  Either pay it or men with guns  will come to either make you homeless or kill you if you resist.

With all of the talk of fake domestic terrorists,  and domestic enemies it would be productive if we recognized that the county property tax collectors in this country are  by definition real domestic  terrorists. You either pay their extortion or they send men with guns to either kill  you or make you homeless. One or the other…and you get no jury trial as the Constitution demands.

Look for a few stories soon if I can get the time.


* Removed by YouTube  because this is too dangerous for you to see ~MFP

How Property Taxes Will Take Millions of Homes In the Next Administration on Behalf of the NWO –   Dave Hodges

A Michigan Man Underpaid His Property Taxes By $8.41. The County Seized His Property, Sold It—and Kept the Profits.

500% property tax increases result of low voter turnout says county treasurer – Louis Rossmann- YouTube

‘They’re chasing people out of the city’: New property tax report shocks Cook County treasurer, resi – WGN News

Psychopathy runs about 3% in the general public. In government  that rises 300% to 9%.  I have learned through hard experience that our local property tax office seems to be populated by criminal psychopaths. Look for  property tax stories soon to come. ~MFP

On Psychopathy And Power –   caitlinjohnstone.com



Situation Update, Jan. 28th, 2021 – The Biden / globalist agenda to DELETE humanity through global extermination – Mike Adams Health Ranger Report

How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed –  Matthew J.L. Ehret –  Strategic Culture

Enemies of the Deep State: The Government’s War on Domestic Terrorism Is a Trap –  John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead – The Rutherford Institute


Mass Shortage of Guns, Ammo Nationwide as Americans Stockpile
–  Kit Daniels – Infowars.com

REDDIT SILVER SHOCKER: Reddit Traders Now Targeting Silver: GameStop Traded $82.3 Billion In 4 Days, Enough To Purchase More Than 3X Entire Annual Global Silver Mine Production – kingworldnews.com

ICE Agents Ordered to Release All Detainees, Including More than 10,000 Convicted and Suspected Criminals –  needtoknow.news


Led By AZ Governor Doug Ducey, the Republican Governors Association is Committing Treason Against the People of the United States
–  Dave Hodges

The left keeps accusing conservatives of “The Big Lie” – a term invented by Hitler as he prepared to persecute German Jews
–  Dave Hodges

CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections! SPEAK OUT!!!Medical Kidnap

Adrenochrome The Elite’s Secret Super Drug! Documentary –  YouTube (10 minutes)

Cannabis extracts may reduce the risk of dying from Covid-19 – globalwarming-arclein.blogspot.com

Rand Paul Calls For Mask Rebellion
Infowars.com (9 minutes)

Former Political Prisoner Former Political Prisoner  Pete Santilli  Warns of Federal ProvocateursWarns of Federal Provocateurs – Infowars (23 minutes)

Democrat Plan For Centuries-Long Rule Exposed
Infowars.com (5 minutes)

Facebook openly conspiring with FBI to punish Trump supporters for wrongthink –  Ethan Huff- newstarget.com


‘Miraculous’ ivermectin approved for use in the US for the treatment of COVID-19
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has upgraded their recommendation for ivermectin, making it an option for use in treating COVID-19 –  lifesitenews.com

* I get horse Ivermectin for about $4 a tube at the local feed store. It is the same active ingredient as the human version.  Here is the Ivermectin protocol that I use:    Critical Care COVID-19 Management Protocol

The only change I make is that I use Orthomolecular doses of vitamin C

The Oregon Standoff: Understanding LaVoy Finicum’s Death & the Management of BLM Land –  Sam Jacobs

Would YOU Be Considered a Domestic Terrorist Under This New Bill? – Organic Prepper

“Put them on the no-fly list!” – papersplease.org

The Global Supply Collapse Continues to Get WORSE: Shortages of Clothing, Appliances, Food, and Other Essentials – Organic Prepper

AGENT ORANGE, NAPALM AND CHRIST David Knight – BitChute  (23 minutes)

January 28th Jeffery Prather podcast
BREAKING: Econo-Info Swarm Strike! – MP3  (60 minutes)












January 27, 2021 Breaking news and thoughts:

“All of Scripture is an admonition to fight evil, in ourselves and in the world ― and the consequences of not doing so. If the Christian, particularly, can be convinced that there is nothing he can do in his lifetime, he will do nothing or next to nothing ― and his conscience will not bother him”

~Arthur R. Thompson pg 273 To The Victor Go The Myths & Monuments: The History of the First 100 Years of the War Against God and the Constitution, 1776 – 1876, and Its Modern Impact

“Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.” ~ Captain John Parker 


Join or Die Dumb Asses

Please pay attention to this  “domestic terrorism”  psyop from the left.  Do  not believe for a moment that it can  not happen here!  Two if my neighbors happen to be of Japanese descent, and they  grew up in Concentration camps here in the USA! Guarded, you guessed it, by “the troops.”  I am of German descent and the ONLY reason that we were not also put into concentrations camps is that there were too many of us. Americans  of German descent at the time were 20% of the population….
Hence the admonition to “join or die”.  Your lives literally depend upon strength in numbers.  It’s your choice. Choose wisely Choose soon.  ~MFP

“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately”  ~Benjamin Franklin

Looking Through An Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy – Zero Hedge – TYLER DURDEN

Right after WW2, this is what the Militia did in a Tennessee town when their election was stolen!

Of course the government schools would never teach you such dangerous American traits,  and learning  the principles that this country was founded upon:

HISTORY: The Battle of Athens, Tennessee

Joe O’Biden isn’t the only communist that you have to fear:
Watch out folks these Communist property tax collectors are coming to make you  homeless and on the street. Not only that but you don’t get a jury trial as the Constitution demands!   Why do we tolerate the 1st plank of a Satanic document?  The  demonic bastards in my county did a “drive by appraisal” and tried to double my tax!  Either pay it or men with guns  will come to either make you homeless or kill you if you resist.

With all of the talk of fake domestic terrorists,  and domestic enemies it would be productive if we recognized that the county property tax collectors in this country are  by definition real domestic  terrorists. You either pay their extortion or they send men with guns to either kill  you or make you homeless. One or the other…and you get no jury trial as the Constitution demands.

Look for a few stories soon if I can get the time.


* Removed by youtube bacause this is too dangerous for you to see ~MFP

How Property Taxes Will Take Millions of Homes In the Next Administration on Behalf of the NWO –   Dave Hodges

A Michigan Man Underpaid His Property Taxes By $8.41. The County Seized His Property, Sold It—and Kept the Profits.

500% property tax increases result of low voter turnout says county treasurer – Louis Rossmann- YouTube

‘They’re chasing people out of the city’: New property tax report shocks Cook County treasurer, resi – WGN News

Psychopathy runs about 3% in the general public. In government  that rises 300% to 9%.  I have learned through hard experience that our local property tax office seems to be populated by criminal psychopaths. Look for  property tax stories soon to come. ~MFP

On Psychopathy And Power –   caitlinjohnstone.com



MIke Adams Daily Health Ranger Report

CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections! SPEAK OUT!!! –  Medical Kidnap

Would YOU Be Considered a Domestic Terrorist Under This New Bill? – The Organic Prepper

* yes you will be considered a domestic terrorist,  while  the real communist terrorist like your country property tax collector, that implements the first plank of the Communist manifesto,  will not be. ~MFP

Experts Sound Alarm: We Must Protect Our Food Supply Ice Age Farmer (12 minutes)

FYI we are exporting our  last soy to CHINA!   Do you think the “China Joe” is going to stop this?  ~MFP

Vatican permits use of Covid vaccines made using aborted fetal tissue
Vatican says ‘It is morally acceptable to receive COVID-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses’ –  independent.co.uk

VIDEO: Biden Struggles To Put Pen In Suit Pocket, Eventually Gives Up And Puts It In His Pants
“Leader of the Free World” lacks hand-eye coordination required to return writing implement to its proper place – National File

Not even pretending anymore: Democrats want more fake voters, no ID, no signatures –  joannenova.com.au

Widespread internet outages hit northeast U.S. – AP

Constitutional Attorney Robert Barnes joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the growing need to hold Big Pharma accountable for the damage their products have been proven to cause:

Breaking: Big Pharma is Liable for Vaccine Deaths – 
The Alex Jones Show  (20 minutes)

Mexico’s pandemic policy: No police. No curfews. No fines. No regrets.
Mary Beth Sheridan – The Washington Post

Seed Companies Warn of Shortages, Delays – So Find Them Locally! –  Ice Age Farmer

Steve Hilton drops BOMBSHELL: “Dr. Fauci’s institute commissioned research that produced this [COVID-19] virus” after Obama administration banned funding of the controversial research – Natural News

‘Believe what we say, or else’: Tucker Carlson blasts Democrats’ meaning of racial ‘equity’ saying that Martin Luther King would be ‘disgusted’ by new orders which treat Republicans like ‘jihadis’ – Daily Mail

Horrific Latent Deaths Predicted Among The Elderly By Genetics Professor After Immunization With RNA Vaccines (4 minutes)
–  Bill Sardi

The Domestic Terrorism Act Boils Down to State Prosecution of White People for False Sedition
–  Gary D. Barnett

Wisconsin Senate greenlights measure to kill governor’s statewide mask mandate & ALL Covid-related emergency orders –  RT

Las Vegas Schools Forced To Reopen Amid Rash Of Student Suicides

“Experts” Now Say Americans Should Wear THREE Masks
–  Paul Joseph Watson

Biden Signs Executive Order To Ban The Term ‘China Virus’
–  Steve Watson

The Warnings Continue To Go Out. The Situation Continues To Deteriorate. Get Ready America! The Elite’s Have Planned for Civil War – survivalblog.science.blog

How China Is Conquering America and the Rest of the WorldDave Hodges 


Jeffery Prather podcast  Lessons Learned  1/26/2021  – Get a subscription if you want these on a regular basis


DEM’S HR1 WILL LOCK-IN ELECTION CORRUPTION — AND MUCH WORSE – The David Knight Show (14 minutes) Bitchute

Merck Suspending Vaccine Research as Covid Hoax Collapses – Alex Jones Show (14 minutes)

Tucker Carlson: HR1 Creates Democrat Dictatorship – Alex Jones (22 minutes)


This  ties directly into the recent revaluations about the US  being a Corporation known as the US Corporation  since the 1860’s.    This is by far the best info on this topic I have run across.

For common law in general look at Mark Passio’s 6 hour common law talk.


A great example of the psychological term: “projection”   ~MFP


Tucker: Unprecedented censorship is taking over American media – Fox News

Starlink – the rural internet game changer for your homestead – Normstead – TouTube

I am not going to hold my breath for the ass-hats in Jeff City  to get this done.  The Deep State in Missouri has sunk this  for the past 10 years.   We need to drain the Missouri swamp,  just like Trump was supposed to do in DC .

I hope this comes to pass and that my  cynicism is unfounded for a change.


Missouri Senate Committee Passes Bill to Take on Federal Gun Control: Past, Present and Future : Mike Maharrey –  blog.tenthamendmentcenter.com

My cynicism is back and for good reason. The words:  “from law-abiding citizens.”   is the small print that will be used to murder you and your family.  The 2nd amendment say shall not be infringed as a right can not be taken away by definition.  This wording seemingly would allow your firearms to be taken say if you didn’t get the COVID shot if it were required by law!  People are stupid enough to fall for this shite.

It seem s like the deep state has already gotten to  and undermined this law.  Because this law says that self defense is really not a right and can be taken away. That is not how this country operated for most of it’s lifetime nor is it Constitutional . ~MFP


January 26, 2021 Breaking news and thoughts:


Join or Die Dumb Asses

“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately”  ~Benjamin Franklin

Looking Through An Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy – Zero Hedge – TYLER DURDEN

Joe O’Biden isn’t the only communist that you have to fear:
Watch out folks these Communist property tax collectors are coming to make you  homeless and on the street. Not only that but you don’t get a jury trial as the Constitution demands!   Why do we tolerate the 1st plank of a Satanic document?  The  demonic bastards in my county did a “drive by appraisal” and tried to double my tax!  Either pay it or men with guns  will come to either make you homeless or kill you if you resist.

With all of the talk of fake domestic terrorists,  and domestic enemies it would be productive if we recognized that the county property tax collectors in this country are  by definition real domestic  terrorists. You either pay their extortion or they send men with guns to either kill  you or make you homeless. One or the other…and you get no jury trial as the Constitution demands.

Look for a few stories soon if I can get the time.


500% property tax increases result of low voter turnout says county treasurer – Louis Rossmann- YouTube

‘They’re chasing people out of the city’: New property tax report shocks Cook County treasurer, resi – WGN News

I have watched David Knight for 10 years and learned much from this man ~MFP

The David Knight Show – BitChute ( 3 hours)

Always worth a listen IMHO  ~MFP

Mike Adams  daily Health Ranger Report for January 26 2021


33 elderly people dead after first dose of coronavirus vaccine – Natural News

Northern California Man Dies Hours After Getting Covid-19 Vaccine – Need to Know News

Prominent Democrat warns terror law targets conservatives – WND.com

Italian Doctor Accused Of Murdering Patients To Free Up Beds For COVID Ward –  Kelen McBreen – Infowars

The COVID-19 Crime & The Unwary Christian Church
–  Bill  Sardi

Government cameras hidden on private property? Welcome to open fields – Natural News

The Media Destroyed America –  Paul Craig Roberts

Dr. Anthony Fauci: The Highest Paid Employee In The Entire U.S. Federal Government – Forbes

THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE: UFO documents made available online – Natural News

Communist Subversion | A Plan For Total World-Wide Control | Part 1 SQ;ABSOLUTELY ONE OF THE BEST VIDEOS EVER MADE ON ‘THE NEW WORLD ORDER‘ AND THE NUMBER 33! LUCIFER’S NWO IS NOW UPON US! – (according to Steve Quayle) The ICONIC Podcast – YouTube

Looking Through An Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy – Zero Hedge – TYLER DURDEN

Twenty Reasons Mandatory Face Masks Are Unsafe, Ineffective, and Immoral –  John C. A. Manley- Global Research  (great page to  print and hand out)


Steve Quayle Antarctica SecretsCOAST TO COAST AM – January 21, 2021

The Two Major Reasons Why Secession and Eventual Civil War Are Inevitable –  Dave Hodges

Texas Rep. Introduces Bill For Residents To Vote on Seceding From the U.S. – Infowars.com

Biden’s Commerce Secretary Nominee Says She’s Open To Tax Hike For Poorest Americans To Fund Climate Agenda –  Jamie White – Infowars


Distract, Deceive, Destroy! WARNING, There Is No ‘Cold War’ With China…Oh No, It’s Far Worse! –  Restricted Republic – Rumble (15 minutes)

By Day 5 Biden Killed 70,000+ Jobs, ‘Erased’ Women, Endangered All Americans By Ending Wall Construction & Halting Deportation And More –  allnewspipeline

The Biden White House says “conspiracy theories” and “disinformation” will not be “tolerated” –  Tom Parker – reclaimthenet.org

Vatican permits use of Covid vaccines made using aborted fetal tissue
Vatican says ‘It is morally acceptable to receive COVID-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses’ – independent.co.uk








January 25, 2021 Breaking news and thoughts:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered” ~Thomas Jefferson

If YOU don’t understand fractional reserve banking you need to watch this. You need to watch it even if you do,  actually. There is that much information in it.  At 3.5 hours there had better be ~MFP

The Money Masters –  Brighteon.com


Join or Die Dumb Asses

“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately”  ~Benjamin Franklin

Looking Through An Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy – Zero Hedge – TYLER DURDEN

Joe O’Biden isn’t the only communist that you have to fear:
Watch out folks these Communist property tax collectors are coming to make you  homeless and on the street. Not only that but you don’t get a jury trial as the Constitution demands!   Why do we tolerate the 1st plank of a Satanic document?  The  demonic bastards in my county did a “drive by appraisal” and tried to double my tax!  Either pay it or men with guns  will come to either make you homeless or kill you if you resist.  Look for a few stories soon if I can get the time.

500% property tax increases result of low voter turnout says county treasurer – Louis Rossmann- YouTube

‘They’re chasing people out of the city’: New property tax report shocks Cook County treasurer, resi – WGN News

53 Dead in Gibraltar in 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections Started – Medical Kidnap

COVID “Vaccine” is Actually Unauthorized Human Experiment says Helsinki Committee – Hal Turner Radio

Shocking as hell discovery at a Seymour Gun Store – MFP

Missouri Gun Shop Announces They ‘Don’t Have Guns or Ammo for Biden Supporters’ – Gateway Pundit

Governor Newsom to Lift Stay-at-Home Order Less Than a Week After Biden Inauguration SQ;THE WHOLE LOCKDOWN WAS AN ATTACK UPON THE AMERICAN ECONOMY TO BLAME TRUMP FOR CV19 AND DESTROY THE MIDDLE CLASS! – Paul Joseph Watson

WHY DID GENERAL FLYNN TELL AMERICA TO STAY HOME FOR THE NEXT SEVERAL DAYS? – Dave Hodges   (this is a new alert and I am paying attention to it)

Americans Will Have To Make Some Tough Choices On How They’ll Go About Surviving When Basic Necessities Become Nearly Unaffordable – globalgovernment.politics.blog

A Mass Distancing From Government Is Necessary in Order to Escape the Tyranny We Face! –  Gary D. Barnett – Lew Rockwell

Joe Biden Pledges Allegiance to the New World Order In 1992 Article – Jamie White  – InfoWars

Find the Sunday Alex Jones Saturday 1/24/2021   show,  archived on Banned.video  I am listening to it right now live ~MFP


George Carlin – You have no rights -YouTube (4 minutes

If you are dumb enough to believe in “civil rights” this is doubly correct ~MFP

Pentagon Intelligence Purchased Troves Of Warrantless Phone Location Data On Americans – TYLER DURDEN – Zero Hedge

Americans Are Fleeing Lockdowns, When They Can Afford It –  TYLER DURDEN – ZeroHedge

Trial by Facebook: Zuckerberg hands over user data to help FBI arrest Capitol rioters – dailymail

RED ALERT! OATH KEEPERS WARNING ORDER PART I As always, Oath Keepers stands in defense of the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. What is now being installed is not a constitutional government – oathkeepers.org

Tulsi Gabbard: Domestic-Terrorism Bill Is “A Targeting Of Almost Half Of The Country” –  TYLER DURDEN – Zero Hedge

JOB LOSS RECORD FOR 1ST WEEK – Dave Hodges (4 minutes)

Positive news ~MFP

Situation Update, Jan 25, 2021 – The trigger for the military to move against Biden – Mike Adams

Lights Out! Inexcusable Executive Order! Biden Just Gave Our Biggest Enemy Access To Our Power Grid!   Restricted Republic  – Rumble (11 minutes)


January 24, 2021 Breaking news and thoughts:

Looking Through An Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy – Zero Hedge – TYLER DURDEN

Joe O’Biden isn’t the only communist that you have to fear:
Watch out folks these Communist property tax collectors are coming to make you  homeless and on the street. Not only that but you don’t get a jury trial as the Constitution demands!   Why do we tolerate the 1st plank of a Satanic document?  The  demonic bastards in my county did a “drive by appraisal” and tried to double my tax!  Either pay it or men with guns  will come to either make you homeless or kill you if you resist.  Look for a few stories soon if I can get the time.

500% property tax increases result of low voter turnout says county treasurer – Louis Rossmann- YouTube

‘They’re chasing people out of the city’: New property tax report shocks Cook County treasurer, resi – WGN News

181 Dead in the U.S. During 2 Week Period From Experimental COVID Injections – How Long Will We Continue to Allow Mass Murder by Lethal Injection?  – Medical Kidnap


Jessie Czebotar

Inauguration, High Strangeness, Codes, and Satanic Rituals w/ Jessie Czebotar (2 parts)

Jessie Czebotar rejoins the program to discuss the strangest inauguration the country has ever experienced. She explains what it should have been like and how it was considerably different. She also explains a few other points that those who are not knowledgeable about the rituals will not notice…

See Part 1… 

Part 1 on Rumble

See Part 2…

Part 2 on Rumble


Here is a propaganda, fake news,  hit piece  on Sarah Westall from the Globalist mouthpiece Rolling Stone Magazine. It’s scary as hell that there are people dumb enough to buy into this article’s premises:

Patreon Claimed They Kicked Conspiracy Theorists Off. QAnon Still Flourishes

Previously I have posted 10 interviews of Jessie  Czebotar.
This is not for the feint of heart:

Deep Inside the Satanic Cabal, World Agenda, Leadership Structure, Rituals w/ Jessie Czebotar 1 of 3 – Sarah Westhall

This is another  good Jessie Czebotar interview:

Ruling Elite’s Satanic Goals, Massive Family Trust & Dismantling the Great Reset: Good vs Evil (2/P)  

The above interview blew my mind  when it confirms where your “income tax” money goes.  It goes to fund the Illuminati trust. Basically you are paying  tribute to Satan on April 15th!    ~MFP

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, January 23, 2021

Niacin and Cancer
How vitamin B-3 protects and even helps repair your DNA
by W. Todd Penberthy, PhD, Andrew W. Saul, and Robert G. Smith, PhD

Orthomolecular medicine is one of the most important medical  discoveries I have made in a long time.   If you want to learn what you need to learn I HIGHLY recommend that you take this course.   ~MFP


Establishment War Against “We the People” – Paul Craig Roberts –  usawatchdog.com


The Agony Of Deceit;Over time, many Americans have caught on to the fact that the news is essentially the same no matter which channel you are watching.SQ;THE BIG LIES REPEATED OVER AND OVER TO CONTROL THE MINDS OF ‘THE WALKING DEAD!  – endoftheamericandream.com

Cult: Government Is Now The New Religion? –  TYLER DURDEN – Zero Hedge


Carlsbad, CA Declares No More Lockdowns! –  Dave Hodges

Twenty Reasons Mandatory Face Masks are Unsafe, Ineffective and Immoral – globalresearch.ca


Poland Plans To Make Censoring Of Social Media Accounts Illegal – Sarah Westall

California Refuses To Disclose COVID-19 Data Used To Drive Lockdowns –  TYLER DURDEN – Zero Hedge

Joe Biden is president now and everything has happened just as we were warned – Washington Post

Pelosi Wanted Machine Guns– gellerreport.com

Maryam Henein on the CORPORATION of the United States – Health Ranger Report

51st State: 46 out of 58 California Counties Want “New California” – Sarah Westall

Mozilla, Firefox planning to censor Conservatives at the Browser Level; Deplatforming isn’t enough – Sarah Westall

HOT MIC: Biden Says ‘I Don’t Know What I’m Signing,’ Signs Executive Order Anyway
In the video, an unidentified person told Biden to “sign it anyway,” so he did – National File

BBC sex education programme tells 9-year-olds there are ‘over 100 genders’ and shows kids talking to adults about ‘bi-gender’, ‘genderqueer’ and ‘pansexual’ identities  –  Daily Mail

Benefits of Vitamin D – COAST TO COAST AM – January 05, 2021  (Interviews pharmacist, nutritionist  Ben Fuchs – 30 minutes)

FYI  learned much of what I know about nutrition from listening to Ben Fuchs daily radio show for about 4 years.  Here is a link to an archive of those shows:

Brightside Radio Archive

Biden’s First 100 Days: Biden’s Climate Change Initiatives Will Usher In Eco-Feudalism In Which Citizens Will Own No Property
–  Dave Hodges

That  2 US presidents have met and made treaties with  ET races is not quite mainstream yet  but  this is all going to be revealed very soon IMHO ~MFP

President Eisenhower’s Meeting with ET’s at Edwards AFB – Coat to Coast AM official (70 minutes)

Angry at Big Tech? Wait! The Other Shoe has not Dropped! (worse things coming) –  Rob Braxman Tech – YouTube

His site on  Odysee

Biden Scraps Trump’s Executive Order Lowering Prices of Insulin, EpiPen For Impoverished Americans – NationalFile

Democrat NGO’s To Direct Military / CIA & FBI In Purge of Conservatives

GOP Rep Supports $1400 Stimulus Checks — But ONLY If You Get COVID Vaccine –  Jamie White – InfoWars

10 Very Strange Activities Worldwide that Point to a Global Upset & Mass Psyops Sarah Westall

Joe Biden Pledges Allegiance to the New World Order In 1992 Article – Jamie White  – InfoWars

Find the Sunday Alex Jones Saturday 1/24/2021   show,  archived on Banned.video  I am listening to it right now live ~MFP

This is a subscription video, and I recommend that you check it out anyhow ~MFP

Who controls the nukes in Mexico pointed at the US- Sam Honnold – Dave Hodges – watch.thecommonsenseshow.tv  (40 minutes)

Sam Honnold’s web site:   GospelGunslingers.com

Leftist Environmental Plan For Total Planetary Serfdom Revealed
Infowars.com (9 minutes)




January 23, 2021 Breaking news and thoughts: WELCOME TO THE BANANA REPUBLIC OF THE USSA!

“Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live… at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR FREEDOM!” ~ William Wallace

We are all going to die. Would you rather die fighting to remain free, or on your knees in a dystopian Communistic  Satanic System?  It’s your choice and you had better make it very soon  ~MFP

“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope for victory, because it is better to parish than to live as slaves.” ~ Winston Churchill

Looking Through An Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy – Zero Hedge – TYLER DURDEN

Joe O’Biden isn’t the only communist that you have to fear:
Watch out folks these Communist property tax collectors are coming to make you  homeless and on the street. Not only that but you don’t get a jury trial as the Constitution demands!   Why do we tolerate the 1st plank of a Satanic document?  The  demonic bastards in my county did a “drive by appraisal” and tried to double my tax!  Either pay it or men with guns  will come to either make you homeless or kill you if you resist.  Look for a few stories soon if I can get the time.

500% property tax increases result of low voter turnout says county treasurer – Louis Rossmann- YouTube

‘They’re chasing people out of the city’: New property tax report shocks Cook County treasurer, resi – WGN News

I hate to break it to you libtards but your “Communist in Chief ” is Bat shit crazy!  An exorcism would probably help also ~MFP

Who Is Joe Biden Talking To In This Video?– War Room –  banned.video

It only took 24 Hours: US Sends MAJOR Convoys Into Syria; Russians Moving Convoys to Intercept! – Hal Turner Radio Show

A Large US Military Convoy Rolled Into Syria On 1st Day Of Biden Presidency –  TYLER DURDEN – Zero Hedge

“White House” Now “Nursing Home” for “Joe Xi Den” – Governors recalling National Guard from DC – Hal Turner Radio Show

Owen and Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit discuss the demoralization of the US military by the Biden Administration.

Biden Takes A Shit On Military On Inauguration Day –  War Room (10  minutes)


MLB Legend Hank Aaron Dies Weeks After Receiving COVID Vaccine
–  Kelen McBreen (article)

Hank Aaron Dies After Taking Covid-19 Vaccine Adding To Massive Inoculation Death Toll – Alex Jones (22 minutes)

The truth hurts  and  at this point it looks like the American people are on their  own. Don’t look to the standing army,  your church, the government or anyone else. We are a nation of dumb asses that didn’t form militias and follow the Constitution nor pay attention to the Word Of God in the scriptures for that matter….
Joel has a very good take on where we should  go from here.  Give this a listen if you  have the time.

Joel Skousen: Flee The Cities When “This” Happens – Dews News – banned.video (59 minutes)

Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Biden – Hal Turner Radio
* The story neglected to say whether it was his own party that was doing this. ~MFP

Steve Quayle  discloses the depth of    Trump betrayal  by those close to him, and  likely the  reason that  Trump did not declare the insurrection act. ~MFP


Part 2

Guillotines can now be used for executions?
I have heard several reports that  Demon O’Biden has “legalized” the use of guillotines for execution in the US.   For months now the search engines have been skewed by the Evil Ones.   When the search engines turn up 100% of shite results I am certain that they are hiding something.  Even though I can not get a story on this I am pretty confident that this is the case.


Baseball Legend Hank Aaron Dead After Receiving the Experimental Moderna mRNA COVID Injection – Medical Kidnap

The Coming New Order –  TYLER DURDEN – Zero Hedge

LA Schools Chief: Kids Must Get Coronavirus Vaccine to Return – usnews.com

I want to thank the apostate  as hell churches of Amerika for allowing this to happen.  ~MFP

White House Announces It Will Codify Federal Abortion Law

The White House announced Friday that the Biden Administration will codify Roe v. Wade, which would allow for legal abortions even in the event that the Supreme Court overturns the 1973 ruling.SQ;FINAL NAIL IN AMERICA’S COFFIN- BLOOD DRENCHED NATION! – theepochtimes.com

Alex Jones delivers a rare and epic black pilled rant laying out how the United States has fallen: “It’s all over, man!” – enjoy! – Infowars (3 minutes)

Full-Blown Paranoia: Biden Is Afraid Of His Own Troops – Survival Dan 101

This may be the last one I share.  I can’t afford to resubscribe. I am beyond broke.  Donations gladly accepted. ~MFP

HalTurner Radio show

Hal Turners broadcast for January 22, 2021 – shared from google drive

Florida Bank Closes Donald Trump’s Accounts Without Explanation, More Banks Promise To Follow –  nationalfile.com

VIDEO: Biden Press Sec Says Federal Cops Will Work With Leftist NGOs To Perform ‘Threat Assessments’ On ‘Domestic Extremists’ –  nationalfile.com

Big Brother meets Big Tech: Memo reveals military spies can just BUY personal data with tax money – no need for warrant – RT

VIDEO: Biden’s Earpiece Says ‘Salute The Marines,’ So He Says ‘Salute The Marines’ Out Loud, Doesn’t Salute Them – nationalfile.com

Schumer Promises Post-Term Impeachment Of Trump: ‘Make No Mistake, A Trial Will Be Held’– nationalfile.com

THE WAR ON GAS POWERED CARS! Biden Administration Is Forcing Electric Cars Down America’s Throat –  Dave Hodges (6 minutes)

Antifa is so happy about Biden they bust up DNC building in Portland and fight with cops – Dave Hodges (article)


G Edward Griffin – Need to know News

Anatomy of the Deep State – It’s Deeper Than you Thought  (19 minutes)

Is Q-Anon a Deep-State Psyop to Neutralize Potential Resistance? (24 minutes)


72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents- You can now be considered a “potential terrorist” just because of your religious or political beliefs – activeprp.law.blog

YOUTUBE CAUGHT RED-HANDED Removing Dislikes From Biden White House Page — Disables Comments After Avalanche Of Anti-Biden Responses
– The Washington Standard

It’s really easy to treat, prevent coronavirus naturally
–  ETHAN HUFF ( good article but lacks a protocol using Ivermectin)


STEVE QUAYLE & DOUG HAGMANN – THE DRAGON IS HERE – FULL SHOW – 12/10/2020  ( I have posted this before and it is worth a listen)

John Lear, Richard C Hoagland Moon Structures & Retro Engineering of Ancient Technology  –   COAST TO COAST AM OFFICIAL – YouTube

Revelation 17:4

Anyone know what the golden cup is? Does she wear red underwear?  A golden IPhone with some pedo videos? It would fit….
What is in her left hand? ~MFP


The best news I heard today was from Steve Quayles  QFiles.tv
(Subscrition site that is very much worth the $10 a month)


Alex Jones Black Pill Episode  (3 minutes)

Above suggested by Steve and linked to  from his site ~MFP